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Re: RE: MMS and Lyme disease relief

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There are many people with lyme on this list using MMS. Personally, my whole family is on it, including our dogs.

We all have lyme. IMO, you need more than one protocol to effectively treat lyme. In our family we use a combination of MMS, silver salt/c, and homeopathy with lots of detox support.

This combination has been very helpful. I feel the MMS has helped us make the biggest improvements, though. We started the MMS last September. But with lyme you need to go very slow as it goes in and out of cyst form in rather long cycles. Also, if your have any fungal issues it can aggravate it. I find that if I stay at the lower doses (6 drops 1 or 2x/day) it actually will help break up the fungus. (make sure you take lots of probiotics and eat a very low sugar diet) But if I go much higher it will kill all the good bacteria also and the fungus gets out of control. This is just for me, though. If I did not have these fungal issues I would be able to go much higher on the MMS.

As for the taste of it, we use Honest Ade Pomegranate Blue juice (no vit. C). It covers the taste well. There are many other juices that do not have vit. C in it that work just as well.

Just check labels carefully.

If you go to the LymeStrategies list you will find many of us using it and many have made remarkable strides on it.

Good Luck and Good Health!

-- [ ] RE: MMS and Lyme disease relief

Dear Meredith,

Thank you for taking the time to write me. I'm afraid to feel any hope

with anything. I as well have been through many different

treatments...with no success...and continual relapse. How long have

you taken MMS? When you started...how long was it before you noticed

improvement? What do you think about taking antibiotics with MMS?

What do you drink with it? I'm going to try to get my kids to try it

but I know it's going to be a struggle. (I'm really struggling with the

taste and I know that you cannot combine anything with vitamin C) What

do you consider to be a maintenance dose? Do you know of any other

information about Lyme sufferers getting helped by MMS?

Thank you for taking the time to help us.



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Hello KateThere are many on this group who seem to be having excellent results with MMS and I don'twant to take anything away from that ..but thereis another product that works very well for Lymeas well and for some may be easier to take. Itmight work better for your children. It is a bit more expensive to buy but it costs nothing totake a look to see if it is of interest to you.To find out more about this product which is called Alligin, listen to this Audio > > >http://user232156.websitewizard.com/files/unprotected/-Josling-on-Alligin.mp3In the last half of the Audio, talks about Lymeand using Alligin. Some of the things he talks about are MRSA, Lyme, Scarcodosis (spelling?), Shingles, cancer, fungus, candida, fibromyalgia, CFS, lupus and etc.They did a small study on Lyme in Texas where they gave9 people with chronic Lyme, 18 alligin per day and theirtests, which were IGG+ lyme, went to IGG - lyme. He saidpeople made remarks like, "I can't believe this. Now I canget on

with my life."After you have listened to the Audio, you can go to the website > > www.lhninternational.com/lhnproducts to check things out further and to order if you wish.Notice that once you have order $100 worth of productyou can get any amount over $100 for a quite a lot less.I spoke to

a fellow who at one time sold this product. Iasked him if he thought the Alligin would get rid of Lymedisease. He said, "I know it will." (emphasis his)You can contact me privately on this if you wish. If youinclude your phone number, I will call you. I have verycheap long distance...25¢ per call no matter how long we might talk.Helen 604-420-1544 From: kateshemeth <kateshemeth@...>Subject: [ ] RE: MMS and Lyme disease relief Date: Friday, July 11, 2008, 8:03 AM

Dear Meredith,

Thank you for taking the time to write me. I'm afraid to feel any hope

with anything. I as well have been through many different

treatments.. .with no success...and continual relapse. How long have

you taken MMS? When you started...how long was it before you noticed

improvement? What do you think about taking antibiotics with MMS?

What do you drink with it? I'm going to try to get my kids to try it

but I know it's going to be a struggle. (I'm really struggling with the

taste and I know that you cannot combine anything with vitamin C) What

do you consider to be a maintenance dose? Do you know of any other

information about Lyme sufferers getting helped by MMS?

Thank you for taking the time to help us.


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Hi Kate,MMS saved my life.  I've had LD for over 20 years but have always been asymptomatic.   Lyme symptoms hit me really hard after some big stresses in my life and I basically couldn't get out of bed from inflammation in my head and spine and joints with extreme fatigue.  I looked like a cancer patient and not like myself at all.   The mirror was my enemy.   Salt/C and rife (my main ammunition at the time) didn't touch the state I was in.  This was  6 months ago.   Then I heard about MMS.   I took one drop and was so nauseous and tired I thought it was poisonous - but it's really not, it's just the lyme dying at a fast rate producing horrible neurotoxins.    It took me a few months to get up to 10 drops and every time I took it I would get nauseous, extremely tired and lots of diarrhea - but my head and spine were becoming less inflamed with time.   I started to feel and look somewhat normal again.   After about 4 months of this I felt like I couldn't go on so I took a big rest from it.   During my rest from MMS I felt really good but after a few weeks the inflammation in my head started to creep back slowly.   I went back on MMS and realized that now I could take it and it cured the inflammation but I wasn't feeling so ill anymore, fatigue stopped being a problem and diarrhea is gone.   I think it cleared a ton of junk from my body in a very short period of time.   I still take MMS because the war is going to be a long one as I have had the lyme in my body for so damn long.    Here's the important part of this story.   I NOW FEEL BETTER AND LOOK YOUNGER THAN I HAVE IN 20 YEARS.   I'M 45 YEARS OLD AND I'M TRAINING FOR A TRIATHLON FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE.    LYME IS STILL IN MY BODY MAKING ME STIFF AND CRACK A BIT, BUT I AM SO HAPPY THAT I STUCK IT OUT BECAUSE I FEEL LIKE A NEW PERSON.HERE'S ANOTHER IMPORTANT THING THAT I TOOK.  I ORDERED BORRELLIA BORGDORFI 200C HOMEOPATHIC FROM HELIOS IN THE UK.  I PUT A FEW (3) PELLETS IN A BOTTLE OF PURIFIED WATER (NVER TOUCH THE PELLETS WITH YOUR HANDS) AND HIT THE BOTTLE 10 TIMES BEFORE TAKING A TEASPOON DAILY.   (I KEEP THE BOTTLE IN THE FRIDGE MARKED SO THAT NO ONE THINKS IT'S REGULAR WATER).  THIS HOMEOPATHIC HELPED ME TREMENDOUSLY ALONG WITH THE MMS).I drink MMS in organic concord grape juice from Trader Joes or in organic prune juice (neither have vit c in them).   I squeeze a lemon or a lime and dropper in the amount I need to activate the MMS.   My maintenance dose is 12 drops of MMS before bed (brush my teeth immediately after).I do not and hopefully never will take antibiotics.  I use homeopathy for all of my medical needs.God bless you and I wish you success in your quest for recovery.LydiaOn Jul 11, 2008, at 11:03 AM, kateshemeth wrote:Dear Meredith,Thank you for taking the time to write me. I'm afraid to feel any hope with anything. I as well have been through many different treatments...with no success...and continual relapse. How long have you taken MMS? When you started...how long was it before you noticed improvement? What do you think about taking antibiotics with MMS? What do you drink with it? I'm going to try to get my kids to try it but I know it's going to be a struggle. (I'm really struggling with the taste and I know that you cannot combine anything with vitamin C) What do you consider to be a maintenance dose? Do you know of any other information about Lyme sufferers getting helped by MMS?Thank you for taking the time to help us.Kate

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