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Re: Meredith and Lyme sufferers

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Have you ever been to see a practitioner who does

Lyme therapy via computerized electrodermal screening?

We work to measure where the Lyme is (organs) and then

how deep into the tissue (via bio-homeopathic potencies)

and then work with only what the body shows us. We can

also continue to measure (keep an eye on) the remainder of

the body to attempt to keep it in balance. For someone as

ill as you, I would recommend appts every 2 weeks, because

the body changes balance so quickly.

I wonder if you have a practitioner in your area?? I'm in Ontario

Canada, so I doubt I'm anywhere near you, but you might

want to look into this...

-- Re: [ ] Does MMS cure Lyme sufferers?

My results hav ebeen fantastic in short order - am I cured ? No....I still hav esom elingering symptoms that are diminishing.....I do not know if MMS will cure but I belive i will live symptom free. I have had Lyme for 10-15 years but became deathly ill 4 years ago and have been unabl eto work.....I am able to ride horses again....and am regianing my strength.

I did IV abx for 1.5 years, HBOT, Oral and herbal abx, h202, VIt C drips, Salt C protocol, Marshall Protocol

All helped but i always relapsed and some only caused me to herx never to feel any different

MMS has scrubbed me clean and lowered my bacterial load considerable. I envision taking maintenace doses in longer and longe rintervals...

I pulse it and dont take as much as I used to b/c teh herxing was so severe I was back in bed again...Its he best thinsg I have ever done and is a miracle for me anyway....

But investigate it fo ryourself....Im no Dr. not giving medical advice just my experience.

On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 11:03 PM, kateshemeth <kateshemeth > wrote:

I have a question to everyone out there with chronic Lyme that has been taking MMS for a period of time. Has anyone seen improvement...or even possibly...the disease cured? Does the MMS help you? Could you extend to me any suggestions for moving forward in ridding my body of Lyme? I have had Lyme for 5 years...and now 2 of my children have the dreaded disease. I use a Doug's coil machine...have been using MMS, and am back on antibiotics after being off for a year. I'm really curious about the results of MMS with Lyme sufferers.Thank you so much for getting back to me,

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thnak - no I havent tested that way - i just go on my symptoms and I assume its there....... thanks for the idea sounds interesting !!!!

On Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 8:48 AM, Esther <eeinc@...> wrote:

Have you ever been to see a practitioner who does

Lyme therapy via computerized electrodermal screening?

We work to measure where the Lyme is (organs) and then

how deep into the tissue (via bio-homeopathic potencies)

and then work with only what the body shows us. We can

also continue to measure (keep an eye on) the remainder of

the body to attempt to keep it in balance. For someone as

ill as you, I would recommend appts every 2 weeks, because

the body changes balance so quickly.

I wonder if you have a practitioner in your area?? I'm in Ontario

Canada, so I doubt I'm anywhere near you, but you might

want to look into this...

-- Re: [ ] Does MMS cure Lyme sufferers?

My results hav ebeen fantastic in short order - am I cured ? No....I still hav esom elingering symptoms that are diminishing.....I do not know if MMS will cure but I belive i will live symptom free. I have had Lyme for 10-15 years but became deathly ill 4 years ago and have been unabl eto work.....I am able to ride horses again....and am regianing my strength.

I did IV abx for 1.5 years, HBOT, Oral and herbal abx, h202, VIt C drips, Salt C protocol, Marshall Protocol

All helped but i always relapsed and some only caused me to herx never to feel any different

MMS has scrubbed me clean and lowered my bacterial load considerable. I envision taking maintenace doses in longer and longe rintervals...

I pulse it and dont take as much as I used to b/c teh herxing was so severe I was back in bed again...Its he best thinsg I have ever done and is a miracle for me anyway....

But investigate it fo ryourself....Im no Dr. not giving medical advice just my experience.

On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 11:03 PM, kateshemeth <kateshemeth@...> wrote:

I have a question to everyone out there with chronic Lyme that has been taking MMS for a period of time. Has anyone seen improvement...or even possibly...the disease cured? Does the MMS help you? Could you extend

to me any suggestions for moving forward in ridding my body of Lyme? I have had Lyme for 5 years...and now 2 of my children have the dreaded disease. I use a Doug's coil machine...have been using MMS, and am

back on antibiotics after being off for a year. I'm really curious about the results of MMS with Lyme sufferers.Thank you so much for getting back to me,

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Working via symptoms is practicing natural health

allopathically....doctors only go by symptoms or measureable

chemical imbalances. This could be a case of referred symptoms.

This is why it takes so long to get rid of it. The sufferer is only chasing

the issue around and not able to get ahead of it.

Often the symptom area is only the messenger of the body, not the real

issue, as in referred pain issues. This is very common. A knee hurts

and it is really a hip issue, etc. If you keep 'treating' the knee, you will

never get to the root of the problem.

No criticism intended, just introducing a new thought...



-- Re: [ ] Does MMS cure Lyme sufferers?

My results hav ebeen fantastic in short order - am I cured ? No....I still hav esom elingering symptoms that are diminishing.....I do not know if MMS will cure but I belive i will live symptom free. I have had Lyme for 10-15 years but became deathly ill 4 years ago and have been unabl eto work.....I am able to ride horses again....and am regianing my strength.

I did IV abx for 1.5 years, HBOT, Oral and herbal abx, h202, VIt C drips, Salt C protocol, Marshall Protocol

All helped but i always relapsed and some only caused me to herx never to feel any different

MMS has scrubbed me clean and lowered my bacterial load considerable. I envision taking maintenace doses in longer and longe rintervals...

I pulse it and dont take as much as I used to b/c teh herxing was so severe I was back in bed again...Its he best thinsg I have ever done and is a miracle for me anyway....

But investigate it fo ryourself....Im no Dr. not giving medical advice just my experience.

On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 11:03 PM, kateshemeth <kateshemeth > wrote:

I have a question to everyone out there with chronic Lyme that has been taking MMS for a period of time. Has anyone seen improvement...or even possibly...the disease cured? Does the MMS help you? Could you extend to me any suggestions for moving forward in ridding my body of Lyme? I have had Lyme for 5 years...and now 2 of my children have the dreaded disease. I use a Doug's coil machine...have been using MMS, and am back on antibiotics after being off for a year. I'm really curious about the results of MMS with Lyme sufferers.Thank you so much for getting back to me,

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