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Re: New healing group

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i am very excited about this and looking forward to learning as much

as i can about magnetic therapy!



> We just started a new group on healing with magnets.

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Thanks, .

And thanks very much for the good advice you gave me in regard to my sick niece.

I wrote to Jim Humble, and he has kindly replied. In case it may help someone else,

his answer to my question is copied and pasted below :-

Dear Gaele, properly operating immune system does not normally attack transplants that are functioning, in most cases and I am refereeing to hundreds of cases, using mms to strengthen the immune system and kill all those bugs will not hinder the operation of the transplant, so the immune system only attacks transplants when the immune system is operating poorly , so the way to handle that is to start with a quarter of drop of MMS and the way to do that is mix a full drop of mms and 5 drops of citric acid wait 3 minutes and add half glass of water and then poor 3 quarters of that before you drink it, do this day and night until you can tell whether you are having a positive or negative reactions normally it will get better in which case you can go to 1/2 drop and then to 1 drop and increasing until you handle the problem.

Here's wishing you as always good fortune.

Jim Humble.

I've arranged for my niece to be supplied with MMS and instructions,

and have promised to get her a CS generator for when she takes a break from MMS.

In Friendship, Gaele.

[ ] New healing group

We just started a new group on healing with magnets. If you have any experience with magnets we'd love to have you join. If you are interested in learning more about magnetic healing, we'd love to have you join. If you sell magnets and have personal experiences with them, we'd love to have you join. This is not going to be a sales group--no selling will be done in the group, though you can list yourself and your business in the file section--but we would like any and all PERSONAL experience stories. We feel that magnets are a safe, easy and viable healing modality and want to spread the word. So come and join us--and tell your friends! Samala, and Magnetictherapytoday/

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Thanks so much for posting this Gaele. I appreciate it.


-------Original Message-------

And thanks very much for the good advice you gave me in regard to my sick niece.

I wrote to Jim Humble, and he has kindly replied. In case it may help someone else,

his answer to my question is copied and pasted below :-

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It was my pleasure, . He's a dear, kind man...


Re: [ ] New healing group

Thanks so much for posting this Gaele. I appreciate it.


-------Original Message-------

And thanks very much for the good advice you gave me in regard to my sick niece.

I wrote to Jim Humble, and he has kindly replied. In case it may help someone else,

his answer to my question is copied and pasted below :-

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Yes. I had seen his reply to Mark Sircus that Bonnie posted, before. He could have been really nasty about the way Mark posts about MMS, but he wasn't. He never is. And he always answers questions when he has the time. When we first found out about MMS and the other (first) group was very active we had LOTS of questions. I was designated the official question asker, because rather than everyone sending individual questions to him I saved all the questions up and sent them in one email--thinking to save him a bit of time. He would answer every one of them. Always very polite, always very helpful.

I hope you find some relief for your whole family.


-------Original Message-------

It was my pleasure, . He's a dear, kind man...

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Yes, I've read his books and been impressed by the way he takes pains to avoid

putting people down, even when they richly deserve it. He is a true gentleman...

Thanks for your kind wishes. We have Medullic Cystitis in the family, and three

of us have had kidney transplants so far. Before that, we lost some much-loved

rellies when they suffered renal failure. I hope to extend our life expectancy by

studying alternative medicines and coaxing the weakest of us to try some of the

well-documented remedies. The Internet is giving us new hope for the future...

In Friendship, Gaele.

Re: [ ] New healing group

Yes. I had seen his reply to Mark Sircus that Bonnie posted, before. He could have been really nasty about the way Mark posts about MMS, but he wasn't. He never is. And he always answers questions when he has the time. When we first found out about MMS and the other (first) group was very active we had LOTS of questions. I was designated the official question asker, because rather than everyone sending individual questions to him I saved all the questions up and sent them in one email--thinking to save him a bit of time. He would answer every one of them. Always very polite, always very helpful.

I hope you find some relief for your whole family.


-------Original Message-------

It was my pleasure, . He's a dear, kind man...

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Well, between MMS and oleander soup I bet you will lick all problems. I'd do the oleander during the day and MMS at night. Unless of course a person already has the transplant, then you wouldn't want to stimulate the immune too fast or too strongly. But for those of you not in that situation, then I'd certainly do both of these along with whatever supplements and diet changes you are looking at. I do believe that these methods would head off any future problems.


-------Original Message-------

We have Medullic Cystitis in the family, and three

of us have had kidney transplants so far. Before that, we lost some much-loved

rellies when they suffered renal failure.

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II haven't researched the oleander yet. But I bought a CS generator from Utopia Silver Supplements

and I'm waiting to learn what it can do for me. I'll get one for my niece if she decides to try it. I don't

remember if anyone has posted a link to the oleander soup? Maybe you can tell me where to start?

Thanks, Gaele.

Re: [ ] New healing group

Well, between MMS and oleander soup I bet you will lick all problems. I'd do the oleander during the day and MMS at night. Unless of course a person already has the transplant, then you wouldn't want to stimulate the immune too fast or too strongly. But for those of you not in that situation, then I'd certainly do both of these along with whatever supplements and diet changes you are looking at. I do believe that these methods would head off any future problems.


-------Original Message-------

We have Medullic Cystitis in the family, and three

of us have had kidney transplants so far. Before that, we lost some much-loved

rellies when they suffered renal failure.

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Do you live in the south where you have access to the oleander plant? I can post the soup recipe. Simple to make, and free if you have a plant you can take cuttings from. If not, you can buy a plant and keep it in a pot and take it indoors in the winter (for up north) or you can buy the oleander pills that are $60 for a months supply. Let me know if you want the recipe.


-------Original Message-------

II haven't researched the oleander yet.

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I live in Queensland, Australia. We used to have oleanders growing everywhere,

but people have been getting rid of them because they're poisonous. I don't know

if you have different varieties in the US? I'd like the recipe, but if your shrubs aren't

the same as Aussie oleanders, it'd be safer for me to buy the pills ... Thanks, .


Re: [ ] New healing group

Do you live in the south where you have access to the oleander plant? I can post the soup recipe. Simple to make, and free if you have a plant you can take cuttings from. If not, you can buy a plant and keep it in a pot and take it indoors in the winter (for up north) or you can buy the oleander pills that are $60 for a months supply. Let me know if you want the recipe.


-------Original Message-------

II haven't researched the oleander yet.

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No, they are the same there as here. The only one you have to be careful about is the yellow flowered variety. There is a "cousin" that many people call oleander, but it is not--therefore it is not the medicinal one. So if you have a yellow one near-by you need to make sure it is really the correct oleander. Otherwise, the reds, pinks, yellows, salmons and whites are all the correct ones.

I'll send a post on the soup by itself as it is a bit long, but it has all the info you need to make the soup. It is perfectly safe to take (I made and take mine) because once it is cooked it removes the poisons. Too bad that people are removing the plants--they are the number one cancer killer.


-------Original Message-------

I live in Queensland, Australia. We used to have oleanders growing everywhere,

but people have been getting rid of them because they're poisonous. I don't know

if you have different varieties in the US? I'd like the recipe, but if your shrubs aren't

the same as Aussie oleanders, it'd be safer for me to buy the pills ... Thanks, .

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Thanks, . I'll phone around the plant nurseries and see if I can get a potted oleander.

I've always loved them - especially the double pink ones with the heavenly scent. Now I

have an excellent excuse for growing one, as some of my dearest friends have cancer...

Gratefully, Gaele.

Re: [ ] New healing group

No, they are the same there as here. The only one you have to be careful about is the yellow flowered variety. There is a "cousin" that many people call oleander, but it is not--therefore it is not the medicinal one. So if you have a yellow one near-by you need to make sure it is really the correct oleander. Otherwise, the reds, pinks, yellows, salmons and whites are all the correct ones.

I'll send a post on the soup by itself as it is a bit long, but it has all the info you need to make the soup. It is perfectly safe to take (I made and take mine) because once it is cooked it removes the poisons. Too bad that people are removing the plants--they are the number one cancer killer.


-------Original Message-------

I live in Queensland, Australia. We used to have oleanders growing everywhere,

but people have been getting rid of them because they're poisonous. I don't know

if you have different varieties in the US? I'd like the recipe, but if your shrubs aren't

the same as Aussie oleanders, it'd be safer for me to buy the pills ... Thanks, .

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