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Re: MMS and Alzheimer's

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i firmly belive that Alz is caused by bacteria so I woudl think it would but with alot of bacterial infections - symptoms can worsen while treating before improving so Id go slow if you all try that...

On Sat, Jul 26, 2008 at 10:32 PM, Sharon <shha2002@...> wrote:

Does anyone know if MMS would work on Alzheimer's? My mother-in-law

was just diagnosed. Also does anyone have a clue what causes it. I

truth people on here more than the CDC, NIH or the FDA. I know it's

not medical advice I'm just brain storming right now. Thanks.

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I would like to know why you firmly believe that bacteria causes

Alzheimers. I am concerned for my Mother. Can you tell me how you came

by this please?


> i firmly belive that Alz is caused by bacteria so I woudl think it

would but

> with alot of bacterial infections - symptoms can worsen while treating

> before improving so Id go slow if you all try that...

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Good question! I am not sure if Alzheimer's is reversible or not!


Bonnie & CodyGet fantasy football with free live scoring. Sign up for FanHouse Fantasy Football today.

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I don't think anyone knows for sure what causes it--like cancer it has many causes. Heavy metal poisoning, clogged bowels, lack of oxygen, etc.

I do have a paper around here that lists supplements that have been known to help halt Alzheimer's. I'll find it later today and post them. The main stream medical groups know these supplements help, but they don't tell people because it would loose them too much money. Just like any other catastrophic illness.


-------Original Message-------

Does anyone know if MMS would work on Alzheimer's? My mother-in-law

was just diagnosed. Also does anyone have a clue what causes it. I

truth people on here more than the CDC, NIH or the FDA. I know it's

not medical advice I'm just brain storming right now. Thanks.

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MMS kills bacteria, viruses and fungi. Google Judith Miklossy and Alan Macdonald...maybe in conjunction with Alzheimer's. In their research they are finding a definite connection to Lyme disease. MMS is being used for Lyme disease but it is so new that there are not too many people yet to share experiences. The lyme spirochete is a bacteria


From: Sharon <shha2002@...>Subject: [ ] MMS and Alzheimer's Date: Saturday, July 26, 2008, 10:32 PM

Does anyone know if MMS would work on Alzheimer's? My mother-in-law was just diagnosed. Also does anyone have a clue what causes it. I truth people on here more than the CDC, NIH or the FDA. I know it's not medical advice I'm just brain storming right now. Thanks.

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Seems like Alzheimer's patients should be given a trial of antibiotics. My father-in-law was diagnosed with Alzheimer's and then NPH(Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus) Turned out he had an extreme case of lyme disease. He was treated with a month of IV antibiotics, began getting his mind back, stopped shuffling but then medicare only paid for 1 month. After they tokk him off, the improvement left, he went rapidly down hill and died. Lyme disease can cause dementia all on it's own. In fact I had severe neurocognitive problems for 8 years. I was told I had Chronic Fatigue syndrome for thos 8 years and therefore was left untreated. I couldn't rmember the fist part of a paragraph, a TV show or even a conversation. It was very scary. But now, on consistent antibiotic treatment, I am leading an almost normal life. Lyme Disease is the Great Imitator and is a close

cousin to syphilis , which also causes dementia.

Lyme disease is a very political illness and that is why the testing is inaccurate, doctor's licenses are being taken away for treating CHRONIC lyme. We are told there is no such thing as chronic Lyme. The Drug companies don't want to cure us.....as you guys may know. They want to just give us disease labels that supposedly have no known causes or cures...only symptomatic treatments. The drug and testing companies make a fortune on these "disease labels". Lyme can present with over 50 symptoms. If you would like to learn more you can google "Marjorie Tietjen" and lyme.

So....I have been looking into alternative meds because I know that antibiotics are not the best thing for you but they are much better than disability and death from a chronic neurodegenerative disease. I am also worried that soon they will not be available at all. One of the excuses for NOT treating patients with chronic lyme is that we will create antibiotic resistance by taking too many antibiotics. Actually, however, they are creating antibiotic resistance by leaving many unkilled bugs behind which become resistant. The lyme disease spirochete has a very different reproductive cycle, can change forms and hide out from the immune system, from antibiotics and from current lyme testing.

From: evian793@... <evian793@...>Subject: Re: [ ] MMS and Alzheimer's Date: Sunday, July 27, 2008, 8:27 AM


Good question! I am not sure if Alzheimer's is reversible or not!


Bonnie & Cody

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Well first of all I am not a Dr. so if you are looking for me to quote studies that wont be happening. I cant prove anything as much as I would love to but it is my conclusion based on my experience, that of others and research on the subject.

So if you look into the work of Dr. Lida MAttaman she has found the presence of cell wall deficient bacteria in the brains of ALZ patients and furthermore in ALS, MS, Parkinsons etc....

We are exposed to these tiny bacteria throughout our lifetime.....some handed down form parents some via vaccines or exposure to vector born diseases like Lyme....

They all seem to manifest differently.....for me I had MS, Fibromyalgia and CFS symptoms and got dx with all....I had an infection....Anyway here is one article to start you off but I would look into her work more so you can draw your own conclusions....she has an impressive background and is no flake....

I also believe that with these disease people develop other issues.....orthey may have been present before and have allowed them to succumb to the bacteria like metals using processed foods with dangerous additives,vaccines, our water etc..... the plaques that are seen on The brain are similar to a lymies brain as well who also has plaques ( .....Drs. have shown curcumin really helps the get rid of the plaques which are a sign of inflammation....for some it may take a lifetime to totally manifest a " disease " .....but its liekly a soup of issues but I would say that bacteria may take the lead role and you have to start somewhere when your are dealing with a toxic souup.....

So if MMS will help infections and you believe an infection is to blame or partially so, then I would think MMS could help......whether everything is revrsible I dont know - I have not been cured yet by MMS for Lyme but greatlt greatly helped...more than anything else.....so...?

********************************************************************From: Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients | Date: 7/1/2004 | Author: Howenstine,

Print Digg del.icio.us Lyme Disease was initially regarded as an uncommon illness caused by the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb). The disease transmission was thought to be solely by the bite from a tick infected with this spirochete. The Bb spirochete is able to burrow into tendons, muscle cells, ligaments, and directly into organs. A classic bulls-eye rash is often visible in the early stage of the illness. Later in the illness the disease can afflict the heart, nervous system, joints and other organs. It is now realized that the disease can mimic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, Bell's Palsy, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, neuritis, psychiatric illnesses such as schizophrenia, chronic fatigue, heart failure, angina, irregular heart rhythms, fibromyalgia, dermatitis, autoimmune diseases such as scleroderma and lupus, eye inflammatory reactions, sudden deafness, SIDS, ADD and hyperactivity, chronic pain and many other conditions.

Biology professor, Lida Mattman, author of Cell Wall Deficient Forms: Stealth Pathogens, has been able to recover live spirochetes of Bb from mosquitos, fleas, mites, semen, urine, blood, and spinal fluid. A factor contributing to making Bb so dangerous is that it can survive and spread without having a cell wall (cell wall-deficient CWD). Many valuable antibiotics kill bacteria by breaking down the cell wall. These antibiotics often prove ineffective against Bb.

Lyme Disease is now thought to be the fastest growing infectious disease in the world. There are believed to be at least 200,000 new cases each year in the US and some experts think that as many as one in every 15 Americans is currently infected (20 million persons). Dr. Rowen knows a family where the mother's infection spread to 5 of her 6 children (1) all of whom recovered with appropriate therapy. It is difficult to believe that these children were all bitten by ticks and seems more plausible that person to person spread within the family caused this problem. Dr. Mattman states " I'm convinced Lyme disease is transmissible from person to person. " In 1995 Dr. Mattman obtained positive cultures for Bb from 43 of 47 persons with chronic illness. Only 1 of 23 control patients had a positive Bb culture. Dr. Mattman has subsequently recovered Bb spirochetes from 8 out of 8 cases of Parkinson's Disease, 41 cases of multiple sclerosis, 21 cases of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and all tested cases of Alzheimer's Disease. The complete recovery of several patients with terminal amyotrophic lateral sclerosis after appropriate therapy shows the great importance of establishing the diagnosis of Lyme Disease.

Some very important information has recently become available about the spread and magnitude of the problem with Lyme Disease. The severity of the Lyme illness is related to the spirochete load in the patient. Few spirochetes produce mild or asymptomatic infection. A study from Switzerland in 1998 pointed out that only 12.5% of patients testing positive for Bb had developed symptoms. A German boy developed Lyme arthritis 5 years after his tick bite. Often mycoplasmal infections remain without symptoms until the victim suffers a traumatic event (stress, injury, accident etc.) These stressing events enable the mycoplasma to begin consumption of cholesterol and symptoms may begin to present. The mechanism of this deterioration is thought to be suppression of the immune system secondary to stress.

Many patients with LD have concomitant infections with other parasites (Ehrlichia in white blood cells and Babesia in red blood cells) Some patients have all 3 parasites. Each requires a different therapy with Babesia being particularly difficult to eradicate. Recently, Artemisinin appears effective in Babesia infections. All coinfections must be eliminated to obtain a successful result.

Dr. Joanne Whitaker relates that nearly every patient with Parkinson's Disease (PD) has tested positive for Bb. Dr. Louis Romero reports that 3 patients with PD are 99% better after TAO-free cat's claw (Uncaria tomentosa) therapy. When Dr. Mattman cultured 25 patients with fibromyalgia all subjects had positive cultures for the CWD Bb. which causes LD. She relates that Bb can be found in tears and could thus easily appear on the hands where touching could spread LD. Several families are now documented where nearly every family member is infected. How sick the individual patient becomes probably relates to their initial spirochete dose, immune system, detoxification capability and stress levels.

Transmission of the disease has been clearly documented after bites by fleas, mites, mosquitos and ticks. There is compelling evidence that Lyme disease (LD) can be spread by sexual and congenital transfer. One physician has cared for 5000 children with LD: 240 of these children were born with the disease. Dr. Ray , the leading pediatric specialist on Lyme Disease, has found 12 breastfed children who have developed LD. Miscarriage, premature births, stillbirths, birth defects, and transplacental infection of the fetus have all been reported. Studies at the University of Vienna have found Bb in urine and breast milk of LD mothers.

Researchers at the University of Wisconsin have reported that dairy cattle can be infected with Bb, hence milk could be contaminated. Bb can also be transmitted to lab animals by oral intake such as food. The Sacramento, California blood bank thinks that LD can be spread by blood transfusions. The CDC (Center for Disease Control) in Atlanta, Georgia states that their data indicates that Bb can survive the blood processing techniques used for transfusions in the US.

Lyme Disease is the fastest growing epidemic in the world. LD is grossly under-reported so there may be far more than the 200,000 cases reported annually in the US. Drs. Harvey and Salvato estimate that 1 billion persons in the world may be infected with LD. LD is thought to be a contributing factor in 50% of patients who have chronic illness.

Dr. Joanne Whitaker, a Lyme disease victim from childhood, has developed a reliable test for the presence of Lyme disease. This test looks for the Bb organism, not antibodies, and is able to identify the cell wall deficient (CWD) form of the spirochete as well as the actual Bb organism. The test is called Q-RIBb which stands for quantitative rapid identification of Bb. Dr. Lida Mattman has confirmed that Dr. Whitaker's test is sensitive because there has been a 100 % correlation between a positive culture of Bb by Dr. Mattman's lab and a positive Q-RIBb test from Dr. Whitaker's Laboratory.

Case Reports Illustrating the Critical Importance of Establishing the Diagnosis of Lyme Disease On Sun, Jul 27, 2008 at 2:49 AM, Lyle <lylebrown@...> wrote:

I would like to know why you firmly believe that bacteria causes

Alzheimers. I am concerned for my Mother. Can you tell me how you came

by this please?


> i firmly belive that Alz is caused by bacteria so I woudl think it

would but

> with alot of bacterial infections - symptoms can worsen while treating

> before improving so Id go slow if you all try that...

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I believe that Alz has many possible causes.

There is a book called " Beating Alzheimers " which I bought about 11

years ago. It was written by a man who did just that. His case was

caused by mercury, and after he got all the mercury out of his mouth

and went through chelation and a lot of work on his diet, he got better

and was almost back to normal. He was working again when he wrote the

book, as a bank executive.

He was pretty sick before starting the protocol--his brain had shrunk

and it showed on brain scans. He was unable to work, had physical and

mental disabilities, and his wife was doing a lot for him.

I also believe Alz can be caused by other toxins and by Lyme disease,

and possibly other pathogens that affect the brain.


> > Does anyone know if MMS would work on Alzheimer's? My mother-in-


> > was just diagnosed. Also does anyone have a clue what causes it. I

> > truth people on here more than the CDC, NIH or the FDA. I know it's

> > not medical advice I'm just brain storming right now. Thanks.

> >

> >

> >


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In the documentary "Under our Skin" on lyme disease, they showed a researcher that has been researching lyme disease for 20 years. He procured the DNA from Harvard medical school of 10 alzheimers patients. He found that 7 out 10 of them had Borrelia DNA attached to their own DNA. It makes me wonder if the other 3 specimens might have lyme coinfinctions or other bacteria involved. Anyway, his research is very promising for all neurologically based diseases like MS, ALS, Parkinson's, ext.

Based on his research your mother-in-law has a 70% chance of having lyme or some other bacterium. MMS could really help her. Also a trip to an LLMD might be a good idea as they are ahead of the game and are aware of the links between these diseases.

If you haven't already, I highly recommend going to www.underourskin.com and ordering a copy of this fantastic documentary.

-- [ ] MMS and Alzheimer's

Does anyone know if MMS would work on Alzheimer's? My mother-in-law

was just diagnosed. Also does anyone have a clue what causes it. I

truth people on here more than the CDC, NIH or the FDA. I know it's

not medical advice I'm just brain storming right now. Thanks.


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Probably toxins and chemicals can lower our immune system so that these bugs can take over. Anyone here ever read Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Weston Price? If not I would highly recommend it. The Price Pottenger Foundation has archived his work. Even Humble says that we have to nourish our bodies and that just taking MMS will not toally cure someone of many chronic illnesses. www.ppnf.org


From: Judith <howdeeeyall@...>Subject: [ ] Re: MMS and Alzheimer's Date: Sunday, July 27, 2008, 3:05 PM

I believe that Alz has many possible causes. There is a book called "Beating Alzheimers" which I bought about 11 years ago. It was written by a man who did just that. His case was caused by mercury, and after he got all the mercury out of his mouth and went through chelation and a lot of work on his diet, he got better and was almost back to normal. He was working again when he wrote the book, as a bank executive. He was pretty sick before starting the protocol--his brain had shrunk and it showed on brain scans. He was unable to work, had physical and mental disabilities, and his wife was doing a lot for him. I also believe Alz can be caused by other toxins and by Lyme disease, and possibly other pathogens that affect the brain. Judith> > Does anyone know if MMS would work on Alzheimer's? My mother-in-law> > was just diagnosed. Also does anyone have a clue what

causes it. I> > truth people on here more than the CDC, NIH or the FDA. I know it's> > not medical advice I'm just brain storming right now. Thanks.> >> > > >>

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That is great that the MMS has helped you greatly with lyme!! Did you have bad herxes?


I would like to know why you firmly believe that bacteria causes Alzheimers. I am concerned for my Mother. Can you tell me how you came by this please?Lyle...

> i firmly belive that Alz is caused by bacteria so I woudl think it would but> with alot of bacterial infections - symptoms can worsen while treating> before improving so Id go slow if you all try that...

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I was just diagnosed with Chlamydia pneumoniae so this is an area of

concern for me as well and look what I came across. This is a

reputable source and the date is May 25, 2008, you can't get more

current than that.


The Emerging Role Of Infection In Alzheimer's Disease

ScienceDaily (May 25, 2008) — A number of chronic diseases are in

fact caused by one or more infectious agents. For example, stomach

ulcers are caused by Helicobacter pylori, chronic lung disease in

newborns and chronic asthma in adults are both caused by Mycoplasmas

and Chlamydia pneumonia, while some other pathogens have been

associated with atherosclerosis. The realization that pathogens can

produce slowly progressive chronic diseases has opened new lines of

research into Alzheimer's disease.

In a special issue of the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease published

May 2008, guest editors Judith Miklossy, from The University of

British Columbia, and Ralph N. s, from Edith Cowan University

and Hollywood Private Hospital, Perth, Western Australia, and a group

of experts explore this exciting topic.

Alzheimer's disease (AD), the most frequent cause of dementia, is a

form of amyloidosis. It has been known for a century that dementia,

brain atrophy and amyloidosis can be caused by chronic bacterial

infections, namely by Treponema pallidum in the atrophic form of

general paresis in syphilis. Bacteria and viruses are powerful

stimulators of inflammation. It was suggested by Alois Alzheimer and

his colleagues a century ago that microorganisms may be contributors

in the generation of senile plaques in AD.

The fact that pathogens may suppress, subvert or evade host defenses

and establish chronic or latent infection has received little

attention in the past. During infection, active oxygen and nitrogen

species generated by inflammatory cells may cause DNA damage, induce

apoptosis, and modulate enzyme activities and gene expression.

Depending upon the biology of the pathogen and the host defense

mechanisms the organism can persist in the infected tissues and cause

chronic inflammation and amyloid deposition. The outcome of infection

is as much determined by the genetic predisposition of the patient as

by the virulence and biology of the infecting agent. Environmental

factors and nutrition are critical determinants of disease expression

as well.

In this special issue a series of reviews draws attention to both

historic and recent observations related to this emerging field of AD

research. The first review shows the importance of chronic

inflammation in AD, followed by three articles presenting evidence on

the involvement of spirochetes, Chlamydia pneumoniae and Herpes

simplex virus type 1 in AD. These are followed by a review of amyloid

proteins, which occur in many cellular forms in Eukaryotes and


The link between several viral and bacterial infections and the most

significant genetic factor for AD, APOE å4, is discussed in the next

review. The link between excessive or misplaced iron and a variety of

neurodegenerative diseases and infection is reviewed in the final


According to Miklossy and s, " The historic and new observations

reviewed in this special issue clearly show that high priority should

be given for further research in this field as it may have major

implications for public health, treatment, and prevention as adequate

anti-bacterial and anti-viral drugs are available. Treatment of a

bacterial infection and associated viral infection may result in

regression and, if started early, prevention of disease. The impact

on reducing healthcare costs would be substantial. "



> I would like to know why you firmly believe that bacteria causes

> Alzheimers. I am concerned for my Mother. Can you tell me how you


> by this please?


> Lyle...



> > i firmly belive that Alz is caused by bacteria so I woudl think


> would but

> > with alot of bacterial infections - symptoms can worsen while


> > before improving so Id go slow if you all try that...


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Very good post Marjorie and I agree with everything you are saying.

Mold exposure is also a political disease and it's hard to get

treatment. I just found out I have Chlamydia pneumoniae which is

like one of the Lyme infections. I believe I got this in a Sick

Building. It may take 3-5 years of antibiotics to clear this

infection. See my post regarding the latest research.

It is necessary for all of us to get involved politically and I tell

my friends the time to fight is not after you have been stricken.



> From: evian793@... <evian793@...>

> Subject: Re: [ ] MMS and Alzheimer's


> Date: Sunday, July 27, 2008, 8:27 AM








> Hello,


> Good question!  I am not sure if Alzheimer's is reversible or not!


> Hugs,


> Bonnie & Cody






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That what I belive....if you have enough assaults on yoru immune system you are susceptible to many of these chronic degenrative diseases caused by pathogens...I was a DIET coke addict pre- illness....

On Sun, Jul 27, 2008 at 3:38 PM, Marjorie Tietjen <daystar1952@...> wrote:

Probably toxins and chemicals can lower our immune system so that these bugs can take over. Anyone here ever read Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Weston Price? If not I would highly recommend it. The Price Pottenger Foundation has archived his work. Even Humble says that we have to nourish our bodies and that just taking MMS will not toally cure someone of many chronic illnesses. www.ppnf.org


From: Judith <howdeeeyall@...>Subject: [ ] Re: MMS and Alzheimer's

Date: Sunday, July 27, 2008, 3:05 PM

I believe that Alz has many possible causes. There is a book called " Beating Alzheimers " which I bought about 11 years ago. It was written by a man who did just that. His case was caused by mercury, and after he got all the mercury out of his mouth

and went through chelation and a lot of work on his diet, he got better and was almost back to normal. He was working again when he wrote the book, as a bank executive. He was pretty sick before starting the protocol--his brain had shrunk

and it showed on brain scans. He was unable to work, had physical and mental disabilities, and his wife was doing a lot for him. I also believe Alz can be caused by other toxins and by Lyme disease, and possibly other pathogens that affect the brain.

Judith> > Does anyone know if MMS would work on Alzheimer's? My mother-in-law> > was just diagnosed. Also does anyone have a clue what

causes it. I> > truth people on here more than the CDC, NIH or the FDA. I know it's> > not medical advice I'm just brain storming right now. Thanks.> >> > > >


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I highly recommend transfer factor plus daily from 4life.com. It has helped my immune system tremendously. I haven't gotten a cold/pneumonia/bronchitus which I always get yearly since I started taking this one daily.

Just a thought for some.


Bonnie & CodyGet fantasy football with free live scoring. Sign up for FanHouse Fantasy Football today.

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Sharon...that is interesting about those with mold sensitivities having the same trouble getting treatment. I have to admit that it took me getting sick to open my eyes and realize what was going on. I'm glad you agreed with me or at least didn't think I was nuts. Sometimes I'm afraid I might be a bit too forceful and scare people half to death It's just that I feel it's all so important for us to question authority.


From: Sharon <shha2002@...>Subject: [ ] Re: MMS and Alzheimer's Date: Sunday, July 27, 2008, 7:07 PM

Very good post Marjorie and I agree with everything you are saying. Mold exposure is also a political disease and it's hard to get treatment. I just found out I have Chlamydia pneumoniae which is like one of the Lyme infections. I believe I got this in a Sick Building. It may take 3-5 years of antibiotics to clear this infection. See my post regarding the latest research. It is necessary for all of us to get involved politically and I tell my friends the time to fight is not after you have been stricken.Sharon > > From: evian793@... <evian793@.. .>> Subject: Re: [miracle_mineral_ supplement] MMS and Alzheimer's> miracle_mineral_ supplement> Date: Sunday, July 27, 2008, 8:27 AM> > > > > > > > Hello,> > Good question! I am not sure if Alzheimer's is reversible or not!> > Hugs,> > Bonnie & Cody> >

> > > > Get fantasy football with free live scoring. Sign up for FanHouse Fantasy Football today.>

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Hello MargieYou are not "nuts" and you are right to be forceful. And forget trying to be politically correct ...this farce is "nuts" and thereare those who think being politically correct is going to our downfall, even the downfall of our respective countries eventually.Keep telling it like it is ...to as many people as you can. Somewill listen, some won't. Those who don't, well it is their lossbecause sooner or later they will run into the same problemswith the same or some other ailment.Having said that, I have to also say this ...I cannot help but

think that by denying us the drugs they are doing us a favor.By "us", I mean all people, not just you and I. When wecannot get the drugs, we have to check out the alternativesand that means we discover new information about which wewould have never known anything had we been able to get the drugs. And boy, is that ever an eyeopener as you probably have already discovered!Helen

From: Sharon <shha2002 (DOT) com>Subject: [miracle_mineral_ supplement] Re: MMS and Alzheimer'smiracle_mineral_ supplementDate: Sunday, July 27, 2008, 7:07 PM

Very good post Marjorie and I agree with everything you are saying. Mold exposure is also a political disease and it's hard to get treatment. I just found out I have Chlamydia pneumoniae which is like one of the Lyme infections. I believe I got this in a Sick Building. It may take 3-5 years of antibiotics to clear this infection. See my post regarding the latest research. It is necessary for all of us to get involved politically and I tell my friends the time to fight is not after you have been stricken.Sharon > > From: evian793@... <evian793@.. .>> Subject: Re: [miracle_mineral_ supplement] MMS and Alzheimer's> miracle_mineral_ supplement> Date: Sunday, July 27, 2008, 8:27 AM> > > > > > > > Hello,> > Good question! I am not sure if Alzheimer's is reversible or not!> > Hugs,> > Bonnie & Cody> >

> > > > Get fantasy football with free live scoring. Sign up for FanHouse Fantasy Football today.>

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I wonder if doing ozone via the ears would help. They say it does. Check "the story of ozone" by Dr Saul Pressman and then join his group and ask him. I know that it helps me mentally. Often these conditions are also caused by fungus in your brain as well as other pathogens and ozone kills most of these without drugs or lots of supplements. But I do know that Lithium Oratate helps quite a bit. look up www.tahoma-clinic and check the article written by Dr who was my doctor for 5 years. He is the main researcher in the past 30 years on it. Good articles. cathy

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All these chronic diseases, diseases that didn't even exist until about 30 yrs ago, are all political diseases because they are caused by having to live in a toxic soup created by people who are enamored with science, technology, money, power, and who are titillated by destruction and death and contemptuous life and of the intricate balance and beauty of nature. Until enough people face up to that fact and turn it around, the best we can do is our individual defensive maneuvering.


Re: [miracle_mineral_ supplement] MMS and Alzheimer's> miracle_mineral_ supplement> Date: Sunday, July 27, 2008, 8:27 AM> > > > > > > > Hello,> > Good question! I am not sure if Alzheimer's is reversible or not!> > Hugs,> > Bonnie & Cody> > > > > > Get fantasy football with free live scoring. Sign up for FanHouse Fantasy Football today.>

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Thanks Helen for the encouragement! I haven't tried the MMS yet but I am hoping to accumulate some natural remmedies that will help even if they don't cure. I just have this feeling that antibiotics may be taken away from us at some point. I don't think that the antibiotics I am taking are as harmful as they say but I also know there are much healthier alternatives...even prayer. I've often thought that all the junk that is going on in the world may be pushing us more in the direction of Spirit. I planted an herb garden this year and am experimenting with making my own tinctures and other fun stuff. I was reading somewhere that Canada is trying to make it illegal to grow your own herbs? At least I think that's what it said

So...yes Helen...I agree with you too about all this nutty stuff. Not only is it making us learn about healthy alternatives...it is teaching us to work together and help each other


From: Sharon <shha2002 (DOT) com>Subject: [miracle_mineral_ supplement] Re: MMS and Alzheimer'smiracle_mineral_ supplementDate: Sunday, July 27, 2008, 7:07 PM

Very good post Marjorie and I agree with everything you are saying. Mold exposure is also a political disease and it's hard to get treatment. I just found out I have Chlamydia pneumoniae which is like one of the Lyme infections. I believe I got this in a Sick Building. It may take 3-5 years of antibiotics to clear this infection. See my post regarding the latest research. It is necessary for all of us to get involved politically and I tell my friends the time to fight is not after you have been stricken.Sharon > > From: evian793@... <evian793@.. .>> Subject: Re: [miracle_mineral_ supplement] MMS and Alzheimer's> miracle_mineral_ supplement> Date: Sunday, July 27, 2008, 8:27 AM> > > > > > > > Hello,> > Good question! I am not sure if Alzheimer's is reversible or not!> > Hugs,> > Bonnie & Cody> >

> > > > Get fantasy football with free live scoring. Sign up for FanHouse Fantasy Football today.>

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Wow Naomi...sounds like many of us here have a similar mindset or view of reality!


From: Sharon <shha2002 (DOT) com>Subject: [miracle_mineral_ supplement] Re: MMS and Alzheimer'smiracle_mineral_ supplementDate: Sunday, July 27, 2008, 7:07 PM

Very good post Marjorie and I agree with everything you are saying. Mold exposure is also a political disease and it's hard to get treatment. I just found out I have Chlamydia pneumoniae which is like one of the Lyme infections. I believe I got this in a Sick Building. It may take 3-5 years of antibiotics to clear this infection. See my post regarding the latest research. It is necessary for all of us to get involved politically and I tell my friends the time to fight is not after you have been stricken.Sharon > > From: evian793@... <evian793@.. .>> Subject: Re: [miracle_mineral_ supplement] MMS and Alzheimer's> miracle_mineral_ supplement> Date: Sunday, July 27, 2008, 8:27 AM> > > > > > > > Hello,> > Good question! I am not sure if Alzheimer's is reversible or not!> > Hugs,> > Bonnie & Cody> >

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On 7/28/2008, Naomi (naomilh@...) wrote:

> All these chronic diseases, diseases that didn't even exist until

> about 30 yrs ago, are all political diseases because they are caused

> by having to live in a toxic soup created by people who are enamored

> with science, technology, money, power, and who are titillated by

> destruction and death and contemptuous life and of the intricate

> balance and beauty of nature. Until enough people face up to that fact

> and turn it around, the best we can do is our individual defensive

> maneuvering.

True enough, but, science and technology are not evil... they are merely

tools - things. They can be put to good or evil use, yes, but in and of

themselves, they are neither.

In fact, I'd argue that the sane, rational use of technology and

accurate information could be used to remedy pretty much all of the

worlds ills right now - and it could do so within a very short period of

time (a few years) - *if* a small group of evil people weren't intent on

'something else'.

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Yes, but only if used in the service of life and in homage to nature..... likewise money and power. Also, I would argue that the group is not small, but huge. And that all are complicit.


Re: [ ] Re: MMS and Alzheimer's

On 7/28/2008, Naomi (naomilhcharter (DOT) net) wrote:> All these chronic diseases, diseases that didn't even exist until> about 30 yrs ago, are all political diseases because they are caused> by having to live in a toxic soup created by people who are enamored> with science, technology, money, power, and who are titillated by> destruction and death and contemptuous life and of the intricate> balance and beauty of nature. Until enough people face up to that fact> and turn it around, the best we can do is our individual defensive> maneuvering.True enough, but, science and technology are not evil... they are merely tools - things. They can be put to good or evil use, yes, but in and of themselves, they are neither.In fact, I'd argue that the sane, rational use of technology and accurate information could be used to remedy pretty much all of the worlds ills right now - and it could do so within a very short period of time (a few years) - *if* a small group of evil people weren't intent on 'something else'.

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Yes, as organized as they have become we

are now facing years of public complacency to the point of no return

economically. We will have to devise an entirely new money system soon.The

maniacs that have been in charge need to be taken out and immediately before

they are allowed any further destruction. Voting will not do it! We’re

past that now. ”The Power Elite” must be eradicated from the source

as the traitors and murderers and war mongers that they are. The Rockefeller Foundation

would be a good start concerning Medical interests as well as Banking.

When they unleash the latest high potency

bird flu virus and Marshall Law to contain it, then maybe people will pull their

proverbial heads out of the sand.



[mailto: ]

On Behalf Of Naomi

Sent: Monday, July 28, 2008 2:07



Subject: Re:

[ ] Re: MMS and Alzheimer's

Yes, but only if used in the service of life and in homage

to nature..... likewise money and power. Also, I would argue that

the group is not small, but huge. And that all are complicit.



[ ] Re: MMS and Alzheimer's


7/28/2008, Naomi (naomilhcharter (DOT) net)


> All these chronic diseases, diseases that didn't even exist until

> about 30 yrs ago, are all political diseases because they are caused

> by having to live in a toxic soup created by people who are enamored

> with science, technology, money, power, and who are titillated by

> destruction and death and contemptuous life and of the intricate

> balance and beauty of nature. Until enough people face up to that fact

> and turn it around, the best we can do is our individual defensive

> maneuvering.

True enough, but, science and technology are not evil... they are merely

tools - things. They can be put to good or evil use, yes, but in and of

themselves, they are neither.

In fact, I'd argue that the sane, rational use of technology and

accurate information could be used to remedy pretty much all of the

worlds ills right now - and it could do so within a very short period of

time (a few years) - *if* a small group of evil people weren't intent on

'something else'.

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Thanks for this article Sharon !!On Sun, Jul 27, 2008 at 6:54 PM, Sharon <shha2002@...> wrote:


I was just diagnosed with Chlamydia pneumoniae so this is an area of

concern for me as well and look what I came across. This is a

reputable source and the date is May 25, 2008, you can't get more

current than that.


The Emerging Role Of Infection In Alzheimer's Disease

ScienceDaily (May 25, 2008) — A number of chronic diseases are in

fact caused by one or more infectious agents. For example, stomach

ulcers are caused by Helicobacter pylori, chronic lung disease in

newborns and chronic asthma in adults are both caused by Mycoplasmas

and Chlamydia pneumonia, while some other pathogens have been

associated with atherosclerosis. The realization that pathogens can

produce slowly progressive chronic diseases has opened new lines of

research into Alzheimer's disease.

In a special issue of the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease published

May 2008, guest editors Judith Miklossy, from The University of

British Columbia, and Ralph N. s, from Edith Cowan University

and Hollywood Private Hospital, Perth, Western Australia, and a group

of experts explore this exciting topic.

Alzheimer's disease (AD), the most frequent cause of dementia, is a

form of amyloidosis. It has been known for a century that dementia,

brain atrophy and amyloidosis can be caused by chronic bacterial

infections, namely by Treponema pallidum in the atrophic form of

general paresis in syphilis. Bacteria and viruses are powerful

stimulators of inflammation. It was suggested by Alois Alzheimer and

his colleagues a century ago that microorganisms may be contributors

in the generation of senile plaques in AD.

The fact that pathogens may suppress, subvert or evade host defenses

and establish chronic or latent infection has received little

attention in the past. During infection, active oxygen and nitrogen

species generated by inflammatory cells may cause DNA damage, induce

apoptosis, and modulate enzyme activities and gene expression.

Depending upon the biology of the pathogen and the host defense

mechanisms the organism can persist in the infected tissues and cause

chronic inflammation and amyloid deposition. The outcome of infection

is as much determined by the genetic predisposition of the patient as

by the virulence and biology of the infecting agent. Environmental

factors and nutrition are critical determinants of disease expression

as well.

In this special issue a series of reviews draws attention to both

historic and recent observations related to this emerging field of AD

research. The first review shows the importance of chronic

inflammation in AD, followed by three articles presenting evidence on

the involvement of spirochetes, Chlamydia pneumoniae and Herpes

simplex virus type 1 in AD. These are followed by a review of amyloid

proteins, which occur in many cellular forms in Eukaryotes and


The link between several viral and bacterial infections and the most

significant genetic factor for AD, APOE å4, is discussed in the next

review. The link between excessive or misplaced iron and a variety of

neurodegenerative diseases and infection is reviewed in the final


According to Miklossy and s, " The historic and new observations

reviewed in this special issue clearly show that high priority should

be given for further research in this field as it may have major

implications for public health, treatment, and prevention as adequate

anti-bacterial and anti-viral drugs are available. Treatment of a

bacterial infection and associated viral infection may result in

regression and, if started early, prevention of disease. The impact

on reducing healthcare costs would be substantial. "



> I would like to know why you firmly believe that bacteria causes

> Alzheimers. I am concerned for my Mother. Can you tell me how you


> by this please?


> Lyle...



> > i firmly belive that Alz is caused by bacteria so I woudl think


> would but

> > with alot of bacterial infections - symptoms can worsen while


> > before improving so Id go slow if you all try that...


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