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A very insightful book about the cause of our illness

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I want to share with everyone that I'm reading a book called " Biogenealogy:

Decoding the

Psychic Roots of Illness " Freedom from the Ancestral Origins of Disease by


It is really helping me to understand the origin of my illness which is the KEY

to " curing "

any disease in the body.

The reviews on Amazon don't really do it justice. It was recommended to me by a


who raved about it. I almost didn't buy it because of the Amazon reviews and

that would

have been a mistake. It has been very insightful. As a person with a background


transpersonal psychotherapy, I really think this book has great healing value.

It is really

helping me process what led to the development of ulcerative colitis which

followed a

traumatic emotional event in my life - I had PTSD.

Check it out!



> Any major life event like surgery, childbirth, or even times of great stress

> can trigger things in your body to become active. My lyme symptoms became

> active after the birth of my first child and a surgery 9 months later. I

> developed severe insomnia, neck pain, adrenal problems, anxiety and

> depression. I did not connect the dots until I looked back on it years

> later.


> On the sauna thing, you may become weak from the sauna because it depletes

> electrolytes. You need to replace those after you sauna. You may be low in

> electrolytes anyway and the sauna is exacerbating this causing additional

> weakness. Just a suggestion.




> -- Re: [ ] Re: Mega-C for kitty arthritis,

> etc. ^ . . ^


> Thank you so much for that post, . The docs and allergists I have been

> to all are very lyme literate and I've been very, very ill for over 30 years

> but the MCS didn't get started until about 4 years ago when I was heavily

> exposed to mold and spores in FL for a few months, then came home and had a

> remodel done on a bathroom that was done incorrectly and released TONS of

> spores into my home. I've had airflow tests done and the amount is

> staggering. That's actually when things started. Up to that point I'd

> never had an allergy in my life. Started slowly, then just started speeding

> up down the slippery slope.


> I don't know what the center can do, but I'm out of options except to move

> and hope to improve. Since I'm so reactive to everything now I can't take

> any of the suggestions helpful rememdies, even homeopathic throws my immune

> system into a tizzy. I'm not sure is I mentioned this or not, but I'm null

> on a couple of genes that are the ones that send out the detox messages so

> when I thought I was killing lyme and cos, which I was, I was also

> accumulating micotoxins, neurotoxins and all the toxins I guess. I tried

> cholestyramine, but couldn't tolerate it. I know I have to move, but I've

> been in this house and place for decades and am on SSI so don't have much

> money to work with. My poor mother is going through her retirement money to

> try and get me better.


> I, too, wear a mask everytime I go out and feel I should wear it in the

> house as well, but even the silk that it's made out of irritates my skin. I

> breath oxygen from an oxygen concetrator a couple hours a day, lie on a chi

> machine as per Cowden's suggestion, use a photon genie and used a home

> hyperbaric chamber for almost a year daily. I think that also exacerbated

> these problems as I was killing lyme and yeast without detoxing the toxins.

> Oh and I have a sauna and use it as much as I can, which isn't more that a

> couple of times a week. It makes me very weak.


> I was wondering. I used to have a life now and again before I had some

> surgery and food poisoning about 8 years ago. I don't know why this would

> happen, but it crashed me so badly that I've been almost bedbound since.

> Tho I did have years at a time that fatigue did that. But.....I never had

> these allergies for all those years. Or the severe stomach problems. Has

> this happened to any of you following surgery or a food poisoning incident?


> Sorry this is so long and thanks, Edy


> cahydesmond <cahydesmond@...> wrote:

> ---I too have MCS badly but recently I have been starting to have

> some relief. NAET or Bioset helped me with food. But environmentally

> it has been a disaster. I was wearing masks but the allergies were

> causing asthma and then when I put on the masks I feel that I am

> suffocating. It has been so hard. Even in my own house I have not

> been able to handle it hardly even with air purifiers, etc. From what

> I have learned from studying and talking to health practitioners MCS

> is very much an adrenal problem and a liver problem. So I have

> increased my adrenal supplements. I continue to do the liver

> cleansing herbs ( milk thistle is the next one I am going to try) But

> what has given me the most relief and some healing is ozone therapy.

> I have been doing ozone insuflations which is putting ozone in your

> ears. That kills the pathogens in your sinus, head, etc area where

> the respiratory symptoms are for me. The ozone eventually travels to

> the rest of your body and does the same thing. I know that mold

> allergies are mostly due to fungus/molds which I have a real problem

> with as well. Just doing oxygen also helped. As soon as I get an

> oxygen concentrater I hope to increase my ozone therapy to the liver

> as well and that also helps the MCS. For me the cause of all my

> allergies and health problems is Lyme. I have been sick for close to

> 4 decades with tons of allergies but did not know that I had Lyme

> till 2 years ago. It is quite common for people to have some type of

> pathogen infection that causes them to be run down and to be very

> susceptible to allergies. People with Lyme often have MCS.Have you

> checked yourself for any type of infections? There is also a group

> on the internet MCS group that you could check as well. They might be

> able to give you some ideas as well. Years ago my children and I went

> to one of these centers but we did not get a lot of answers.

> Hopefully, by now they know more and you will be able to get help.

> You need relief from the allergies but you need to find out what is

> causing them.

> I am so sorry that you are going through this.I totally understand.

> Let me know if there is any other way I can help.

> We are a generation that is quite deficient in magnesium and if we

> have any type of infection like Lyme they will use it up in your

> body. So the magnesium idea sounds good to

> me.

> I wear an air purifier around my neck- the kind people sometimes wear

> in air planes and that helps some too.

> A good accupunturist might be able to tell you if your thymus is

> working well or not that also could affect your allergies.

> I never got much help from traditional doctors. I have to go out fo

> the box. There are some allergist that are really good and go beyond

> treating the allergies- they treat your immune system. Perhaps that

> is what you will get in Texas.

> Do not be overwhelmed. You will find answers. There are a lot of them

> out there- and just the right ones for you. Have you checked MCS on

> the internet?

> Let us know how you did.

> Take care

> cathy

> In , " Phil and Carol

> Conway " <philcar@> wrote:

> >

> > Hi Edy

> >

> > This may be a " long shot " but here goes: Is it possible that as

> your problem persisted your cellular magnesium levels have been low

> and so promoting some calcification of your cells? When I began

> putting magnesium chloride on my skin my energies picked up a lot,

> and it seemed that my cells may have then got into a detoxing mode. A

> period of a few weeks with magnesium chloride applied regularly might

> help you. It is very likely that this magnesium chloride only

> benefits people who have low magnesium levels - but this suggests

> that most might benefit. Try a search using " Magnesium Oil "

> and/or " magnesium chloride " .

> > Phil

> >

> > Re: [ ] Re: Mega-C for kitty

> arthritis, etc. ^ . . ^

> >

> >

> > I have MCS very badly and don't venture out of my house much. I

> actually live in Davenport and between the coal burning cement plant

> and the amount of mold spores here I'm reduced to allergies that are

> unbelievable. I'm down to about 3 foods now and am going to the

> Environmental Center in Dallas in 2 weeks to see if they can help

> me. I've been to dozens of docs.

> >


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