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Codex Alimentarius

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What can we expect under Codex? To give you an idea, here are some

important points:

* Dietary supplements could not be sold for preventive

(prophylactic) or therapeutic use.

* Potencies would be limited to extremely low dosages. Only the

drug companies and the big phytopharmaceutical companies would have the

right to produce and sell the higher potency products (at inflated


* Prescriptions would be required for anything above the extremely

low doses allowed (such as 35 mg. on niacin).

* Common foods such as garlic and peppermint would be classified as

drugs or a third category (neither food nor drugs) that only big

pharmaceutical companies could regulate and sell. Any food with any

therapeutic effect can be considered a drug, even benign everyday

substances like water.

* Codex regulations for dietary supplements would become binding

(escape clauses would be eliminated).

* All new dietary supplements would be banned unless they go

through Codex testing and approval.

* Genetically altered food would be sold worldwide without labeling.

According to Hammell, a legislative advocate and the founder of

International Advocates for Health Freedom (IAHF), here is what we have

to look forward to:

"If Codex Alimentarius has its way, then herbs, vitamins, minerals,

homeopathic remedies, amino acids and other natural remedies you have

taken for granted most of your life will be gone. The name of the game

for Codex Alimentarius is to shift all remedies into the prescription

category so they can be controlled exclusively by the medical monopoly

and its bosses, the major pharmaceutical firms. Predictably, this

scenario has been denied by both the Canadian Health Food Association

and the Health Protection Branch of Canada (HPB).

The Codex Alimentarius proposals already exist as law in Norway and

Germany where the entire health food industry has literally been taken

over by the drug companies. In these countries, vitamin C above 200 mg

is illegal as is vitamin E above 45 IU, vitamin B1 over 2.4 mg and so

on. Shering-Plough, the Norway pharmaceutical giant, now controls an

Echinacea tincture, which is being sold there as an over the counter

drug at grossly inflated prices. The same is true of ginkgo and many

other herbs, and only one government controlled pharmacy has the right

to import supplements as medicines which they can sell to health food

stores, convenience stores or pharmacies."

It is now a criminal offence in parts of Europe to sell herbs as foods.

An agreement called EEC6565 equates selling herbs as foods to selling

other illegal drugs. Action is being taken to accelerate other European

countries into 'harmonization' as well.

Hellyer in his book, "The Evil Empire," states: "Codex

Alimentarius is supported by international banks and multinational

corporations including some in Canada, and is in reality a bill of

rights for these banks and the corporations they control. It will hand

over our sovereign rights concerning who may or may not invest in our

countries to an unelected world organization run by big business. The

treaty would make it impossible for Canadian legislators either federal

or provincial to alter or improve environmental standards for fear of

being sued by multinational corporations whether operating in Canada or


This will create a world without borders ruled by a virtual

dictatorship of the world's most powerful central banks and

multinational companies. This world is an absolute certainty if we all

sit on our hands and do nothing......"




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