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Medical Researchers Attack YouTube Videos That Warn About Dangers of Vaccinations

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Just some information to read...The Facts..

Why Don't the Amish Have Autistic Children?

Autism is a difficult disorder to miss, as it is characterized by noticeably

abnormal or impaired development in social interaction and communication and a

markedly restricted array of activities and interests. And while scientific

consensus claims autism has been around for millennia at generally the same

prevalence, that prevalence is now considered to be one in every 166 children

born in the United States.

Therefore, with this devastating statistic in mind, one reporter set out to

analyze the autism rates among Amish communities. Why? Because perhaps searching

for autistic Amish children would reveal clues to the cause of autism ... and it


The Clues Come Together

Since they have been cut off for hundreds of years from American culture and

scientific progress, the Amish may have had less exposure to some new factor

triggering autism in the rest of population. The likely culprit: vaccines.

Traveling to the heart of Pennsylvania Dutch country in search of autistic Amish

children, the reporter, based on national statistics, should have found as many

as 200 children with autism in the community -- instead, he found only three,

the oldest age 9 or 10:

The first autistic Amish child was a girl who had been brought over from China,

adopted by one family only to be given up after becoming overwhelmed by her

autism, and then re-adopted by an Amish Mennonite family. (China, India and

Indonesia are among countries moving fast to mass-vaccination programs.)

The second autistic Amish child definitely had received a vaccination and

developed autism shortly thereafter.

The reporter was unable to determine the vaccination status of the third child.

Dangerous Effects of Thimerosal

In some vaccines, they use a mercury-based preservative called thimerosal that

keeps multiple-dose vials from becoming contaminated by repeated needle sticks.

After health officials became concerned about the amount of mercury infants and

children were receiving through thimerosal-tainted vaccines, the toxin was

phased out of U.S. vaccines starting in 1999.

However, due to mislabeling and other problems, its presence is still being

felt, and more and more children are suffering because of it.

Washington Times April 18, 2005

Washington Times April 19, 2005

© Copyright 2008 Dr. ph Mercola


>From: Viviane Lerner <vivlerner@...>

>Date: 2008/07/26 Sat PM 07:16:22 EDT

>NO FORCED VACCINATION <no-forced-vaccination >,

AHRP <veracare@...>

>Cc: RADTIMES <resist@...>, NLPWESSEX <nlpwessex@...>,


ALTERNET <joshua.holland@...>, OPED NEWS <rob@...>

>Subject: Medical Researchers Attack YouTube Videos That

Warn About Dangers of Vaccinations




>Medical Researchers Attack YouTube Videos That Warn About Dangers of

Vaccinationsby Gutierrez 

>(NaturalNews) In a study published in the Journal of the American Medical

Association, medical researchers warn that anti-vaccination activists are using

YouTube to get their message across and say that pro-vaccination forces need to

respond in kind with an ensuing media campaign. 

>Researchers Kumanan and Keelan of the University of Toronto did

a search on YouTube for the terms " vaccination " or " immunization " in February

2007 and analyzed the videos based on how they presented vaccinations. In all,

73 portrayed immunization positively, 49 negatively and 31 were classified as

" ambiguous. " Forty-five percent contained messages contradicting Canadian or

U.S. vaccination recommendations.

>The study and subsequent press release concluded that medical professionals

need to respond to this use of YouTube.

> " Health care professionals need to be aware that individuals critical of

immunization are using YouTube to communicate their viewpoints and that patients

may be obtaining information from these videos, " said. " The findings also

indicate that public health officials should consider how to effectively

communicate their viewpoints through Internet video portals. "

>Also troubling to the researchers was the finding that videos critical of

vaccinations were viewed more often and ranked higher by YouTube users than

pro-vaccination videos.

> " Other people ... just from the view counts and the ratings, are coming on and

wanting to find out more about these viewpoints, " said.

>Among the videos posted were recordings of parents saying their children's <a

href= " http://www.naturalnews.com/autism.html " ><font color= " #001ff0 "

style= " color: #001ff0; " >autism</font></a> had been caused by specific <a

href= " http://www.naturalnews.com/vaccines.html " ><font color= " #001ff0 "

style= " color: #001ff0; " >vaccines</font></a> or by the vaccine ingredient

thimerosal, which contains mercury.</font></div><div><br></div><div><font

face= " Verdana " size= " 4 " style= " font: 13.0px Verdana; " > " [YouTube is] the perfect

venue for an anecdote, both positive or negative, " Keelan said. said that

vaccine advocates can no longer ignore or marginalize anti-vaccine

advocates. </font></div><div><br></div><div><font face= " Verdana " size= " 4 "

style= " font: 13.0px Verdana; " > " In the past that could work, but it's not going

to work anymore. Now there are ways for people with these viewpoints to

communicate with each other, " he said. " These sites are now providing people

with a mechanism by which they can bypass the conventional filters and get their

messages out. It can be dangerous. " </font></div><div><br></div><div><font

face= " Verdana " size= " 4 " style= " font: 13.0px Verdana; " > " In other words, " said

consumer health advocate Mike , " the conventional medical industry views

free speech communication as a dangerous thing. They don't want people to

exercise their free speech rights about vaccines: They want all words,

information and even thoughts to be approved by a central controlling authority

that denies any link between vaccines and autism. " </font></div><div> <span

class= " Apple-style-span " style= " border-collapse: separate;color: rgb(0, 0,

0);font-family: 'Times New Roman';font-size: 14px;font-style:

normal;font-variant: normal;font-weight: normal;letter-spacing:

normal;text-align: auto;text-indent: 0px; " ><span class= " Apple-style-span "

style= " border-collapse: separate;color: rgb(0, 0, 0);font-family: 'Times New

Roman';font-size: 14px;font-style: normal;font-variant: normal;font-weight:

normal;letter-spacing: normal;text-indent: 0px;text-transform: none; " ><span

class= " Apple-style-span " style= " border-collapse: separate;color: rgb(0, 0,

0);font-family: 'Times New Roman';font-size: 14px;font-style:

normal;font-variant: normal;font-weight: normal;letter-spacing:

normal;text-indent: 0px;text-transform: none; " ><span class= " Apple-style-span "

style= " border-collapse: separate;color: rgb(0, 0, 0);font-family: 'Times New

Roman';font-size: 14px;font-style: normal;font-variant: normal;font-weight:

normal;letter-spacing: normal;text-indent: 0px;text-transform: none; " ><span

class= " Apple-style-span " style= " border-collapse: separate;color: rgb(0, 0,

0);font-family: 'Times New Roman';font-size: 14px;font-style:

normal;font-variant: normal;font-weight: normal;letter-spacing:

normal;text-indent: 0px;text-transform: none; " ><div><p align= " center "

style= " text-align: left; " >=====</p><p align= " center " style= " text-align:

left; " >In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is

distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in

receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.


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http://www.NaturalN ews.com/z023704. html

Medical Researchers Attack YouTube Videos That Warn About Dangers of Vaccinations

by Gutierrez

(NaturalNews) In a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, medical researchers warn that anti-vaccination activists are using YouTube to get their message across and say that pro-vaccination forces need to respond in kind with an ensuing media campaign.

Researchers Kumanan and Keelan of the University of Toronto did a search on YouTube for the terms "vaccination" or "immunization" in February 2007 and analyzed the videos based on how they presented vaccinations. In all, 73 portrayed immunization positively, 49 negatively and 31 were classified as "ambiguous." Forty-five percent contained messages contradicting Canadian or U.S. vaccination recommendations.

The study and subsequent press release concluded that medical professionals need to respond to this use of YouTube.

"Health care professionals need to be aware that individuals critical of immunization are using YouTube to communicate their viewpoints and that patients may be obtaining information from these videos," said. "The findings also indicate that public health officials should consider how to effectively communicate their viewpoints through Internet video portals."

Also troubling to the researchers was the finding that videos critical of vaccinations were viewed more often and ranked higher by YouTube users than pro-vaccination videos.

"Other people ... just from the view counts and the ratings, are coming on and wanting to find out more about these viewpoints," said.

Among the videos posted were recordings of parents saying their children's autism had been caused by specific vaccines or by the vaccine ingredient thimerosal, which contains mercury.

"[YouTube is] the perfect venue for an anecdote, both positive or negative," Keelan said. said that vaccine advocates can no longer ignore or marginalize anti-vaccine advocates.

"In the past that could work, but it's not going to work anymore. Now there are ways for people with these viewpoints to communicate with each other," he said. "These sites are now providing people with a mechanism by which they can bypass the conventional filters and get their messages out. It can be dangerous."

"In other words," said consumer health advocate Mike , "the conventional medical industry views free speech communication as a dangerous thing. They don't want people to exercise their free speech rights about vaccines: They want all words, information and even thoughts to be approved by a central controlling authority that denies any link between vaccines and autism."


In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.

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