Guest guest Posted October 25, 2003 Report Share Posted October 25, 2003 I dealt with it by cutting back to as little as 10 seconds on left ear one day, then 10 seconds on right ear the next day. Slowly, as I could stand it, I increased by about 10% until I reached 5 minutes every second day. I did this so I could use coconut oil in the ear insufflated to relieve the itching and sleep on the other ear and get some sleep - my sympathy here. I then reduced to 3 minutes daily on both ears and slowly increased by 10% to 5 minutes per ear. I have now reached 15 minutes 3 times per day with virtually no oozing and very minimal itching after about 18 months. Go slowly and eventually it will be OK. Best wishes and much love, Ken Ken Gullan Institute for Research Integration (IRI) San Diego, CA 92106-2424 IRI is a 501C(3) non-profit corporation established to help children with developmental difficulties. To contact me off-list use kengullan@... or call 619-222-1104 Advice needed - dealing w/ ear insufflations Newbie question... How does anyone (everyone?) deal with the oozing, itching & crusting from ear insufflations? I'm only doing 3-4 minutes a day, but this is driving me *crazy* (translation: little sleep, much pulling and scratching of the ears, eventual bleeding). Don't want to stop but will be forced to if I can't find a way to cope. Any advice appreciated. GB Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 25, 2003 Report Share Posted October 25, 2003 > Newbie question... How does anyone (everyone?) deal with the oozing, itching & > crusting from ear insufflations? I'm only doing 3-4 minutes a day, but this is driving > me *crazy* (translation: little sleep, much pulling and scratching of the ears, eventual > bleeding). Don't want to stop but will be forced to if I can't find a way to cope. > > Any advice appreciated. GB I am so " with you " on this. My questions are even broader (how to use ozone in ANY form and deal with the results). As for the ear issues--- I was pretty okay for the first couple of weeks @ 5 min a day each ear. The reactions started slowly and snowballed--- everything you just said--- not sleeping through the night (I did get SOME sleep, but woke up every night)-- this leads to on-going sleep deprivation, along with that it is no fun at all. I also agree totally with the itching and scratching and bleeding. I tend to feel this is " my fault " and that I SHOULD be able to " not pick " but this is not reality. I could write a huge huge amount about all the MANY things I did to deal with all this. Oh, one more thing that you don't state in your list: one of my ears " closed up " -- for several weeks I didn't hear properly! ACK! I was also pretty worried this would lead to huge infection. Anyway, my list of remedies and methods and measures taken to try to ease these issues is a long long list. In the end, I don't have a lot to recommend out of it. Well, actually alternating hot and cold water is fabulous. Great for reducing itching and just " easing " discomfort in general. It seems to be one of my personal " cure alls " . At first I cut back drastically on ozone (in retrospect not soon enough). (reduced to 1 minute, then 30 seconds, then 10, then 5). Then I stopped ozone in the ear that was closed. At that time even 10 seconds in that ear felt sort of like " turning on a faucet " . Then I stopped both ears. It is now several weeks later and I am still dealing with sores and crusty ears, and am still doing things daily to ease the discomfort and so on. When I use ozone in ears again (which I think I will), I am considering doing JUST ONE EAR. This would mean (maybe, I hope) that I could sleep more comfortably (only one side is draining), and I will use an EXTREMELY reduced time--- not sure how much. I'm not sure if this will be " enough " ozone to ever " get through " to a non-oozy non-reactive state. But, I think it is likely what I'll do, and, even then, it will be with some real care and wariness. Of course, your mileage may vary. good wishes, Moria p.s. now shall we discuss other detox reactions? hahahhahah The skin rash is just about past being really distracting today! pps Someone who I know of (3rd hand) who uses ear insufflation uses Debrox (OTH remedy for ear wax, available at drugstore), and is able to manage the itching by using this a couple of times a day. This was not " enough " for me (it is one of several things I have used/tried.) I do find it somewhat comforting that some are able to navigate/manage the situation. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 26, 2003 Report Share Posted October 26, 2003 Moria I have been going to ask you what sort of reaction you got from vaginal insufflation? I am interested in trying it but am a bit worried about possible reactions. One of the questions I have is 'Does doing rectal or vaginal insufflation lead to an internal rash similar to a skin rash (or ear rash)? Would it in the case of rectal insufflation lead to an irritation that could result in mild diarrhoea? Anyone have any ideas? Sue > >> Newbie question... How does anyone (everyone?) deal with the oozing, >itching & >> crusting from ear insufflations? I'm only doing 3-4 minutes a day, >but this is driving >> me *crazy* (translation: little sleep, much pulling and scratching >of the ears, eventual >> bleeding). Don't want to stop but will be forced to if I can't find >a way to cope. >> >> Any advice appreciated. GB > >I am so " with you " on this. My questions are even broader >(how to use ozone in ANY form and deal with the results). >As for the ear issues--- I was pretty okay for the first >couple of weeks @ 5 min a day each ear. The reactions >started slowly and snowballed--- everything you just >said--- not sleeping through the night (I did get SOME >sleep, but woke up every night)-- this leads to on-going >sleep deprivation, along with that it is no fun at all. >I also agree totally with the itching and scratching >and bleeding. I tend to feel this is " my fault " and that >I SHOULD be able to " not pick " but this is not reality. > >I could write a huge huge amount about all the MANY >things I did to deal with all this. Oh, one more thing >that you don't state in your list: one of my ears " closed >up " -- for several weeks I didn't hear properly! ACK! >I was also pretty worried this would lead to huge >infection. Anyway, my list of remedies and methods >and measures taken to try to ease these issues is a long >long list. In the end, I don't have a lot to recommend >out of it. Well, actually alternating hot and cold >water is fabulous. Great for reducing itching and >just " easing " discomfort in general. It seems to be >one of my personal " cure alls " . > >At first I cut back drastically on ozone (in retrospect >not soon enough). (reduced to 1 minute, then 30 seconds, >then 10, then 5). Then I stopped ozone in the ear that >was closed. At that time even 10 seconds in that ear >felt sort of like " turning on a faucet " . >Then I stopped both ears. > >It is now several weeks later and I am still dealing >with sores and crusty ears, and am still doing things >daily to ease the discomfort and so on. > >When I use ozone in ears again (which I think I >will), I am considering doing JUST ONE EAR. This >would mean (maybe, I hope) that I could sleep more >comfortably (only one side is draining), and I will >use an EXTREMELY reduced time--- not sure how much. > >I'm not sure if this will be " enough " ozone to ever > " get through " to a non-oozy non-reactive state. But, >I think it is likely what I'll do, and, even then, >it will be with some real care and wariness. > >Of course, your mileage may vary. > >good wishes, >Moria > >p.s. now shall we discuss other detox reactions? >hahahhahah The skin rash is just about past >being really distracting today! > >pps Someone who I know of (3rd hand) who uses >ear insufflation uses Debrox (OTH remedy for >ear wax, available at drugstore), and is able >to manage the itching by using this a couple >of times a day. This was not " enough " for me >(it is one of several things I have used/tried.) >I do find it somewhat comforting that some are >able to navigate/manage the situation. > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 26, 2003 Report Share Posted October 26, 2003 > Moria > > I have been going to ask you what sort of reaction you got from > vaginal insufflation? Imagine a really sudden really intense vaginal yeast infection. I have excellent yeast remedy that works great on " real " yeast infections but only just slowed down the " ozone " yeast infection. > > I am interested in trying it but am a bit worried about possible reactions. > > One of the questions I have is 'Does doing rectal or vaginal > insufflation lead to an internal rash similar to a skin rash (or ear > rash)? Would it in the case of rectal insufflation lead to an > irritation that could result in mild diarrhoea? Anyone have any ideas? I haven't done rectal as yet, so I can't say. I also SPECULATE that there are some conditions involved in when I get less/more reactivity that I don't yet understand. For a while I did 30 minutes or more of vaginal insufflation at a time with no noted reaction. Later just 5 minutes would get me the " yeast " reaction. Likewise, I did " cupping " a few times over my liver for 20 minutes, no problem. Then I did cupping JUST ONCE over my thymus and got a skin rash in exactly that location. (I could see the outline of where the funnel was.) I'm not sure if this indicates " more toxic " in the thymus case, or if it is perhaps " how much " ozone is currently in my body overall. (There is definately a " build up " issue " -- but maybe it is generalized -- build up through any application method? And then the GENERAL buildup is why the thymus cupping had an immediate rash after ONE time.....) The skin rash is still fading, it is about 2 weeks later now. I used several things to try to help it (I've had zillions of skin rashes, unfortunately, so I have my " favorite " rememdies.....) Chinese herbs (formula by my acupuncturist), alternating hot and cold water, and, in this case, I took a couple of long saunas..... I've just ordered enzymes from Sherri-Lee (on the ozonetherapy list) as I recall someone(s) saying that protease will stop the RASH reaction. (Don't know if it helps with the other reactions but will give it a try for skin rashes.) Sue, have you used ozone in any application before this? And, if so, did you have any rashes or other reactions? If so how did you treat these? Did you continue ozone, and, if so, what amount of time did you " cut back " to? I think these are very important issues and considerations. Partly for ourselves, and ALSO in terms of explaining ozone to others or telling them what to expect. best, Moria Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 26, 2003 Report Share Posted October 26, 2003 Moria, 3 questions: 1) I also want to know the yeast remedy 2) I am curious what you are treating yourself for? I know you did chelation for at least a year, per Andy Cutler. Did it improve your health? WHy are you doing ozone? 3) You got a rash from cupping? Most people seem to get them from the sauna. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 26, 2003 Report Share Posted October 26, 2003 > Moria, 3 questions: > 1) I also want to know the yeast remedy already posted, just now. > 2) I am curious what you are treating yourself for? A number of things (as would be true for most people, I think, given ozone's " very general " nature.) Including some brain glitches and learning/memory difficulty (thus ear insufflation). I have the usual complaints about I'd like to have more energy, and " feel better " . I think to a large degree what I am " treating " (or hoping to treat LOL) with ozone is " being 40+ years old " . To quote friend of a friend who uses ozone who says he " feels 20 years younger " . I said I would repeat this quote often. Age does have many advantages, but wear and tear on the body does seem to accumulate. I also need more exercise and a few less pounds. > I know you did > chelation for at least a year, per Andy Cutler. Did it improve your > health? Only somewhat, I'm not a dramatic recovery case. You can read some of my details in this file: autism/files/LOVE_LETTERS I think the last post in the " moria " section has some info on what did get better. The only dramatic change I can think of was to vision and it was really dramatic and happened in the first month or two. I think the change in minerals (described there I think) is also quite interesting, but less " big " subjectively. > WHy are you doing ozone? you might also consider that I was planning to buy an ozone machine just prior to getting concerned about mercury. I did not think I could really handle doing BOTH mercury detox AND ozone at the same time, and chose to delay my purchase. I also use NUMEROUS other " therapies " , including cranial osteopathy (for about a year) and accupunture (years and years of it) and occassional cleanses (not enough lately!)-- saunas, alternating hot and cold water, etc. Probalby 10 other things I'm not thinking of. (It is sometimes hard to separate " therapies " from " lifestyle " -- which is as it should be, IMO.) > 3) You got a rash from cupping? Yep. Big time. Red, bumpy, itching. It is just starting to not itch (or itch only mildly). In a circle just where I was cupping. CLEARLY from cupping. But not in all experiences of cupping. Just once so far. Moria Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 26, 2003 Report Share Posted October 26, 2003 Thanx, Moria. I guess if cupping produced a rash right there it would either be a skin reaction to ozonides or...what else could it be, really? Sorry you're having trouble with it. I'm getting a sauna early December (waiting for Saul to outgas it). Have you ever tried home colonics (colemas)? There's a guy on another board who claims he uses them with h202. Then others chimed in to say thats dangerous. I just did a home enema with 48 ounce bucket, and I feel gassy and irritated later. Who knows why. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 26, 2003 Report Share Posted October 26, 2003 > Thanx, Moria. > I guess if cupping produced a rash right there it would either be a > skin reaction to ozonides or...what else could it be, really? I think it is " the same thing " that everyone mostly gets with ozone saunas. Both are transdermal ozone. So whatever the mechanism is that is involved, I think it is the same thing. LOL. > Sorry > you're having trouble with it. I'm getting a sauna early December > (waiting for Saul to outgas it). You might want to buy some protease to prepare for rashes. Some have commented that taking protease (a lot of it) stops the rash. Sherr-Lee (on ozonetherapy) sells protease that she says is good. I've just ordered some. > Have you ever tried home colonics (colemas)? No, but have had 2 professional colonics, and have had many home enemas of several kinds (h202, coffee, wheatgrass, what else?) I have also done enemas of the sort that the Optimum Health Institute recommends -- This is with several inches of tubing guided (carefully) into the colon. > There's a guy on another > board who claims he uses them with h202. yeah, I think SMALL amounts of h202 in enema water is sorta a standard application, no? Or ozonated water. > Then others chimed in to > say thats dangerous. dangerous IF you use too much h202. This is true of any application of h202! Too concentrated = dangerous. That is the only danger I'm aware of. Which doesn't mean that there are not others I'm unaware of regards, Moria Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 26, 2003 Report Share Posted October 26, 2003 I had read that about protease. I will wait and see if I get a rash. I'm trying to accomodate myself to the idea of enemas and colemas (UGHHHHHHH) and learn about liver flushes next month, so I know how to detox myself while I do ozone saunas. The enema I did today left me gassy a few hours later which I think is weird and I suppose I should go to curezone and ask why. Did you get gassy from enemas? I looked at the colema board today, took it out, and put it back. I just didn't have the " guts " to try it yet. What do you think has helped you the most? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 26, 2003 Report Share Posted October 26, 2003 > I had read that about protease. I will wait and see if I get a > rash. I'm trying to accomodate myself to the idea of enemas and > colemas (UGHHHHHHH) oh. Yeah. Right. I do know when I write about enemas that many find it an uncomfortable topic. But it is hard for me to really appreciate the difficulty of it. I think it is mostly like everything else, a matter of that I've gotten used to both the idea and the actuality. It is not a big deal one way or another. But I know this is very hard for some so I just would encourage you to take it at your own pace and keep at it (which I believe you'll do in any case!) If the idea seems difficult, stay with the idea. Read books about enemas and cleansing. (You can get gobs of free tapes and books from Dr. Schulze, for example.) > and learn about liver flushes next month, so I > know how to detox myself while I do ozone saunas. The enema I did > today left me gassy a few hours later which I think is weird and I > suppose I should go to curezone and ask why. Did you get gassy from > enemas? I don't know. I don't think so. If so, it is not a big enough or consistent enough reaction that I have noted it. > > I looked at the colema board today, took it out, and put it back. I > just didn't have the " guts " to try it yet. that sounds perfect. Tomorrow you can hook it up to the bucket and run the water into the toilet. I'm for baby steps, myself. > > What do you think has helped you the most? In terms of types of enemas or in terms of overall health? I doubt I know the answer to either of those LOL! I guess I like to think that lots of things I do are good for me but in terms of knowing what really has what effect, I largely do not know. But I do think I could use more exercise, to lose a few pounds, and probably to do a couple of liver cleanses. And I think ozone will make up for a multitude of other factors! And, someday I still hope I'll get a mild HBOT chamber ! Moria Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 26, 2003 Report Share Posted October 26, 2003 I forgot to mention, the most helpful thing I did was wash my ears out many times per day with warm water and then use coconut butter. I believe it is the ooze (acid or alkaline) that actually " burns " the ear canal and make it soooo sensitive. Keeping that fluid from " burning " the canal really makes a difference. Best wishes and much love, Ken Ken Gullan Institute for Research Integration (IRI) San Diego, CA 92106-2424 IRI is a 501C(3) non-profit corporation established to help children with developmental difficulties. To contact me off-list use kengullan@... or call 619-222-1104 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 26, 2003 Report Share Posted October 26, 2003 My ears were beginning to get a little itchy, a little waxy, and the right one a little stuffy feeling. This didn't mean much to me because it's happened many times before from allergies and the like. Only now, after doing about six 2-minute ear insufflations so far and reading you-all's recent posts about the subject, I made the connection. What I did about it this morning really helped. I dipped a Q-tip in hydrogen peroxide so it was saturated and .....*very* *gently* inserted it a *little bit* into my ear. When I took the Q-tip out I could hear the Hyd. perox. snuffling up the wax. My ears feel really good and clean now, many hours later. Deanna Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 26, 2003 Report Share Posted October 26, 2003 > From: " moriamerri " <moriam@...> > >> I guess if cupping produced a rash right there it would either be a >> skin reaction to ozonides or...what else could it be, really? > > I think it is " the same thing " that everyone mostly gets with > ozone saunas. Both are transdermal ozone. I've never put the ozone near the skin on my face, yet some of the rash and pimple-like things are appearing there. I've done ozone in ear and sauna. Deanna Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 27, 2003 Report Share Posted October 27, 2003 Deanna, You can also use a dropper to administer the H2O2 into the ear canal. Dennis bluesky wrote: >My ears were beginning to get a little itchy, a little waxy, and the right >one a little stuffy feeling. This didn't mean much to me because it's >happened many times before from allergies and the like. > >Only now, after doing about six 2-minute ear insufflations so far and >reading you-all's recent posts about the subject, I made the connection. > >What I did about it this morning really helped. > >I dipped a Q-tip in hydrogen peroxide so it was saturated and .....*very* >*gently* inserted it a *little bit* into my ear. When I took the Q-tip out I >could hear the Hyd. perox. snuffling up the wax. My ears feel really good >and clean now, many hours later. > >Deanna > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 27, 2003 Report Share Posted October 27, 2003 Moria, I started using ozone as an adjunct to the Gerson Therapy (I have breast cancer with metastases to liver, lymph and bone). I began about 18 months ago. As I have discussed on the ozonetherapy site for the first 10 months I did rectal insufflation only at an extremely low dose. And got a very large rash. I was also taking quite large doses of pancreatin on the Gerson Therapy. After two months (on advice of my doctor, thinking I had some sort of allergy) I used a steroid cream (didn't think it was effective) and took some antihistimine tablets and the rash subsided. It wasn't until early this year I discovered that the rash was a reaction to ozone therapy. In March this year increased the dose to about 15 minutes twice daily. Got a flare-up of rash which settled OK without much intervention except trying desperately hard not to scratch. I find that scratching even lightly really sets up an itch cycle. Also started cupping. About May got a tent sauna. The sauna was OK for about a week and then I got a rash which progressively worsened. I stopped the sauna altogether. Even after the rash subsided just 1 sauna really set it going again. I don't want to have to take antihistimines again. Right now I am not doing saunas - I am thinking that lack of sleep, the severe itch and the diversion of my immune system to healing the rash takes my body away from the task of healing the cancer. I'm open to other points of view. At the moment I am doing rectal insufflation (twice daily, 15mins) and cupping - I have a bit of rash around the cupping sites. I seem to handle the rectal insufflation best - but sometimes have difficulty administering it despite doing an enema before it. I do have a slight concern about what irritation it may cause internally. Sue > >> Moria >> >> I have been going to ask you what sort of reaction you got from >> vaginal insufflation? > >Imagine a really sudden really intense vaginal yeast infection. >I have excellent yeast remedy that works great on " real " yeast >infections but only just slowed down the " ozone " >yeast infection. > >> >> I am interested in trying it but am a bit worried about possible >reactions. >> >> One of the questions I have is 'Does doing rectal or vaginal >> insufflation lead to an internal rash similar to a skin rash (or ear >> rash)? Would it in the case of rectal insufflation lead to an >> irritation that could result in mild diarrhoea? Anyone have any ideas? > >I haven't done rectal as yet, so I can't say. > >I also SPECULATE that there are some conditions involved >in when I get less/more reactivity that I don't yet understand. >For a while I did 30 minutes or more of vaginal insufflation >at a time with no noted reaction. Later just 5 minutes would >get me the " yeast " reaction. Likewise, I did " cupping " a >few times over my liver for 20 minutes, no problem. Then >I did cupping JUST ONCE over my thymus and got a skin rash in >exactly that location. (I could see the outline of where the >funnel was.) I'm not sure if this indicates " more toxic " >in the thymus case, or if it is perhaps " how much " ozone >is currently in my body overall. (There is definately >a " build up " issue " -- but maybe it is generalized -- build >up through any application method? And then the GENERAL >buildup is why the thymus cupping had an immediate rash >after ONE time.....) > >The skin rash is still fading, it is about 2 weeks later >now. I used several things to try to help it (I've had >zillions of skin rashes, unfortunately, so I have my > " favorite " rememdies.....) Chinese herbs (formula by >my acupuncturist), alternating hot and cold water, >and, in this case, I took a couple of long saunas..... >I've just ordered enzymes from Sherri-Lee (on the >ozonetherapy list) as I recall someone(s) saying that >protease will stop the RASH reaction. (Don't know if >it helps with the other reactions but will give it >a try for skin rashes.) > >Sue, have you used ozone in any application before this? >And, if so, did you have any rashes or other reactions? >If so how did you treat these? >Did you continue ozone, and, if so, what amount of time >did you " cut back " to? > >I think these are very important issues and considerations. >Partly for ourselves, and ALSO in terms of explaining >ozone to others or telling them what to expect. > >best, >Moria > > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 27, 2003 Report Share Posted October 27, 2003 Gosh... had I known I'd trigger so many emails from my one simple question, I wouldn't have gone away this weekend. Good to know, however, that this list responds so well to a newbie! Ken, I appreciate the response. I guess what confused me was that I was under the impression that it was imperative to do the ozone daily in *both* ears -- if even for a short time -- rather than your alternating method. Ok, I'll try your method and see if that helps. And I do already use coconut oil on both ears, which helps somewhat, mostly by keeping the area moist and helping the crusts to shed. Thanks, GB > I dealt with it by cutting back to as little as 10 seconds on left ear one day, then 10 seconds on right ear the next day. Slowly, as I could stand it, I increased by about 10% until I reached 5 minutes every second day. > I did this so I could use coconut oil in the ear insufflated to relieve the itching and sleep on the other ear and get some sleep - my sympathy here. > I then reduced to 3 minutes daily on both ears and slowly increased by 10% to 5 minutes per ear. I have now reached 15 minutes 3 times per day with virtually no oozing and very minimal itching after about 18 months. Go slowly and eventually it will be OK. > Best wishes and much love, Ken > > Ken Gullan Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 27, 2003 Report Share Posted October 27, 2003 Hey Moira, I don't even know where to begin to reply to you since our problems sound so alike... I too am struggling to find any ozone modality that I can do and still have any quality of life left! I tried bagging an arm **just once** as an experiment, then spent the next 2 weeks with an unmost unbearable rash that eventually spread to my back, then over my shoulders (how? and, oh my god, why?)... For now, I have decided to pass on bagging. I also tried vaginal insufflation, and initially thought I would be able to handle that. Then the unbearable itching began about day 3... and since I was already doing ear insufflation -- which is probably what I need the most right now (meningitis) -- I decided to put that aside too since there was no way I could tolerate, much less appear in public, pulling at my crotch AND fussing with my ears. (Sorry if that's too graphic...) And, like you, there's no way to mind-over-matter the itching. In fact, once I can find a way to knock myself out for the night, I literally come straight awake with both hands tearing at my ears to the point of bleeding. Sometimes I even cry, it's so bad. As to one of your ears closing off, the same thing has nearly happened to me, though not as bad as you, thank god... so I don't know how you stand it, my dear!! I also get all these lumps that spread across my cheeks and down my neck. Does that ring a bell with you? Thank god they don't itch (at least majorly) or I don't know where I'd be. If only I could find a modality that I could do! I'd have given up by now except that it scares me to think just how unhealthy my body must be that it reacts to severely to a bit of ozone. If I don't fix this now, I'd hate to think just how much worse my health will get. GB > > Newbie question... How does anyone (everyone?) deal with the oozing, > itching & > > crusting from ear insufflations? I'm only doing 3-4 minutes a day, > but this is driving > > me *crazy* (translation: little sleep, much pulling and scratching > of the ears, eventual > > bleeding). Don't want to stop but will be forced to if I can't find > a way to cope. > > > > Any advice appreciated. GB > > I am so " with you " on this. My questions are even broader > (how to use ozone in ANY form and deal with the results). > As for the ear issues--- I was pretty okay for the first > couple of weeks @ 5 min a day each ear. The reactions > started slowly and snowballed--- everything you just > said--- not sleeping through the night (I did get SOME > sleep, but woke up every night)-- this leads to on-going > sleep deprivation, along with that it is no fun at all. > I also agree totally with the itching and scratching > and bleeding. I tend to feel this is " my fault " and that > I SHOULD be able to " not pick " but this is not reality. > > I could write a huge huge amount about all the MANY > things I did to deal with all this. Oh, one more thing > that you don't state in your list: one of my ears " closed > up " -- for several weeks I didn't hear properly! ACK! > I was also pretty worried this would lead to huge > infection. Anyway, my list of remedies and methods > and measures taken to try to ease these issues is a long > long list. In the end, I don't have a lot to recommend > out of it. Well, actually alternating hot and cold > water is fabulous. Great for reducing itching and > just " easing " discomfort in general. It seems to be > one of my personal " cure alls " . > > At first I cut back drastically on ozone (in retrospect > not soon enough). (reduced to 1 minute, then 30 seconds, > then 10, then 5). Then I stopped ozone in the ear that > was closed. At that time even 10 seconds in that ear > felt sort of like " turning on a faucet " . > Then I stopped both ears. > > It is now several weeks later and I am still dealing > with sores and crusty ears, and am still doing things > daily to ease the discomfort and so on. > > When I use ozone in ears again (which I think I > will), I am considering doing JUST ONE EAR. This > would mean (maybe, I hope) that I could sleep more > comfortably (only one side is draining), and I will > use an EXTREMELY reduced time--- not sure how much. > > I'm not sure if this will be " enough " ozone to ever > " get through " to a non-oozy non-reactive state. But, > I think it is likely what I'll do, and, even then, > it will be with some real care and wariness. > > Of course, your mileage may vary. > > good wishes, > Moria > > p.s. now shall we discuss other detox reactions? > hahahhahah The skin rash is just about past > being really distracting today! > > pps Someone who I know of (3rd hand) who uses > ear insufflation uses Debrox (OTH remedy for > ear wax, available at drugstore), and is able > to manage the itching by using this a couple > of times a day. This was not " enough " for me > (it is one of several things I have used/tried.) > I do find it somewhat comforting that some are > able to navigate/manage the situation. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 27, 2003 Report Share Posted October 27, 2003 Geez sounds awful. Did you try taking protease or doing colon and liver cleanses after a brief ozone session? > Hey Moira, I don't even know where to begin to reply to you since our problems > sound so alike... I too am struggling to find any ozone modality that I can do and still > have any quality of life left! > > I tried bagging an arm **just once** as an experiment, then spent the next 2 weeks > with an unmost unbearable rash that eventually spread to my back, then over my > shoulders (how? and, oh my god, why?)... For now, I have decided to pass on > bagging. > > I also tried vaginal insufflation, and initially thought I would be able to handle that. > Then the unbearable itching began about day 3... and since I was already doing ear > insufflation -- which is probably what I need the most right now (meningitis) -- I > decided to put that aside too since there was no way I could tolerate, much less > appear in public, pulling at my crotch AND fussing with my ears. (Sorry if that's too > graphic...) > > And, like you, there's no way to mind-over-matter the itching. In fact, once I can find > a way to knock myself out for the night, I literally come straight awake with both > hands tearing at my ears to the point of bleeding. Sometimes I even cry, it's so bad. > > As to one of your ears closing off, the same thing has nearly happened to me, though > not as bad as you, thank god... so I don't know how you stand it, my dear!! I also get > all these lumps that spread across my cheeks and down my neck. Does that ring a > bell with you? Thank god they don't itch (at least majorly) or I don't know where I'd > be. > > If only I could find a modality that I could do! I'd have given up by now except that it > scares me to think just how unhealthy my body must be that it reacts to severely to a > bit of ozone. If I don't fix this now, I'd hate to think just how much worse my health > will get. > > GB > > > > Newbie question... How does anyone (everyone?) deal with the oozing, > > itching & > > > crusting from ear insufflations? I'm only doing 3-4 minutes a day, > > but this is driving > > > me *crazy* (translation: little sleep, much pulling and scratching > > of the ears, eventual > > > bleeding). Don't want to stop but will be forced to if I can't find > > a way to cope. > > > > > > Any advice appreciated. GB > > > > I am so " with you " on this. My questions are even broader > > (how to use ozone in ANY form and deal with the results). > > As for the ear issues--- I was pretty okay for the first > > couple of weeks @ 5 min a day each ear. The reactions > > started slowly and snowballed--- everything you just > > said--- not sleeping through the night (I did get SOME > > sleep, but woke up every night)-- this leads to on-going > > sleep deprivation, along with that it is no fun at all. > > I also agree totally with the itching and scratching > > and bleeding. I tend to feel this is " my fault " and that > > I SHOULD be able to " not pick " but this is not reality. > > > > I could write a huge huge amount about all the MANY > > things I did to deal with all this. Oh, one more thing > > that you don't state in your list: one of my ears " closed > > up " -- for several weeks I didn't hear properly! ACK! > > I was also pretty worried this would lead to huge > > infection. Anyway, my list of remedies and methods > > and measures taken to try to ease these issues is a long > > long list. In the end, I don't have a lot to recommend > > out of it. Well, actually alternating hot and cold > > water is fabulous. Great for reducing itching and > > just " easing " discomfort in general. It seems to be > > one of my personal " cure alls " . > > > > At first I cut back drastically on ozone (in retrospect > > not soon enough). (reduced to 1 minute, then 30 seconds, > > then 10, then 5). Then I stopped ozone in the ear that > > was closed. At that time even 10 seconds in that ear > > felt sort of like " turning on a faucet " . > > Then I stopped both ears. > > > > It is now several weeks later and I am still dealing > > with sores and crusty ears, and am still doing things > > daily to ease the discomfort and so on. > > > > When I use ozone in ears again (which I think I > > will), I am considering doing JUST ONE EAR. This > > would mean (maybe, I hope) that I could sleep more > > comfortably (only one side is draining), and I will > > use an EXTREMELY reduced time--- not sure how much. > > > > I'm not sure if this will be " enough " ozone to ever > > " get through " to a non-oozy non-reactive state. But, > > I think it is likely what I'll do, and, even then, > > it will be with some real care and wariness. > > > > Of course, your mileage may vary. > > > > good wishes, > > Moria > > > > p.s. now shall we discuss other detox reactions? > > hahahhahah The skin rash is just about past > > being really distracting today! > > > > pps Someone who I know of (3rd hand) who uses > > ear insufflation uses Debrox (OTH remedy for > > ear wax, available at drugstore), and is able > > to manage the itching by using this a couple > > of times a day. This was not " enough " for me > > (it is one of several things I have used/tried.) > > I do find it somewhat comforting that some are > > able to navigate/manage the situation. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 27, 2003 Report Share Posted October 27, 2003 > Hey Moira, I don't even know where to begin to reply to you since our problems > sound so alike... I too am struggling to find any ozone modality that I can do and still > have any quality of life left! yes, this sounds a lot like my thought pattern. I need something that is TOLERABLE, but then I'm worried that whatever THAT is, will be only a miniscule amount of ozone...... So, the question is, can one HAVE " any quality of life " and also " get through " to where the baddie reaction go away. (Everyone says they go away eventually.....but at a miniscule rate that may take years?) > > I tried bagging an arm **just once** as an experiment, then spent the next 2 weeks > with an unmost unbearable rash that eventually spread to my back, then over my > shoulders (how? and, oh my god, why?)... For now, I have decided to pass on > bagging. right. This sounds like my " just once " rash from funneling on my thymus. Up till then funneling was " safe " hahahahah. > > I also tried vaginal insufflation, and initially thought I would be able to handle that. > Then the unbearable itching began about day 3... I think it was longer for me before itching, but it doesn't matter, it comes to the same point.... > and since I was already doing ear > insufflation -- which is probably what I need the most right now (meningitis) -- I > decided to put that aside too since there was no way I could tolerate, much less > appear in public, pulling at my crotch AND fussing with my ears. (Sorry if that's too > graphic...) oh, this is SOOOOOO humorous---- yep! this is exactly what I've been going through. Plus feeling really ill! You can just imagine what great company I've been lately! Also, I have been doing endless things to feel less miserable physically, so I have no time to socialize (I'm busy taking H/C showers!) > > And, like you, there's no way to mind-over-matter the itching. The boric acid does help SOMEWHAT--- but honestly this yeast this yeast thing is so intense. Usually boric acid is my miracle cure--- but not for " ozone yeast " ! Ozone yeast is strong stuff! > In fact, once I can find > a way to knock myself out for the night, I literally come straight awake with both > hands tearing at my ears to the point of bleeding. Sometimes I even cry, it's so bad. Yes, my ear problems have been really awful, I understand. > > As to one of your ears closing off, the same thing has nearly happened to me, though > not as bad as you, thank god... so I don't know how you stand it, my dear!! I think the Chinese herbs and acupuncture helped a lot. But the not hearing right was both uncomfortable and a bit scary. I'm glad that is over now! (My ears may just be normal in another couple of weeks if I can stop picking at them!) > I also get > all these lumps that spread across my cheeks and down my neck. Does that ring a > bell with you? what kind of lumps? I don't think so. Just the skin bumps that itch. > Thank god they don't itch (at least majorly) or I don't know where I'd > be. > > If only I could find a modality that I could do! I'd have given up by now except that it > scares me to think just how unhealthy my body must be that it reacts to severely to a > bit of ozone. If I don't fix this now, I'd hate to think just how much worse my health > will get. My " plan " is to try the protease to see if it will " interfere " with the vaginal yeast and/or skin rash. Like you, ear insufflation is the " most important " treatment I want to do, and I'm now I'm scared of it! It has been weeks and weeks to try to get my ears even halfway normal again. But I will try ear again -- like I said, probably 1 ear, maybe 10 or 20 seconds a day or something like that. The trick is to try to see if there is some way to cope with the ooze. (Yes, I did Ken's ear washing and coconut oil, I also pour H202 IN my ears to clean them, I've tried every trick in the book, I think!) For my NOT ITCHING the ears, I think, is the big trick--- if I could somehow handle it (between H/C water, H202, washing them out, etc) and NOT scratch at them, I might be okay. And I think having just ONE ear that is oozing would make sleeping more comfortable--- I hope. Anyway, maybe the protease will " work " and I can do cupping and/or vaginal insufflation. If I could do even just ONE of them without a lot of kickback, I'd be willing to do it A LOT, and hopefully that might clean out my whole body enough to then tolerate other methods? Does this make sense or just wishful thinking??? HAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAH best, Moria Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 27, 2003 Report Share Posted October 27, 2003 has anyone tried urine on the ozone rashes urine has worked well for me with poison ivy and mosquito bites Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 27, 2003 Report Share Posted October 27, 2003 Yes, I did and only had mild relief. I put it down to the fact that the ozone activates the reaction and cleansing process so the cell stay " active " for a period of time while the urine dissipates quickly. not sure but this is my theory. Coconut oil and anything that stayed on the skin while longer seemed to help longer. Best wishes and much love, Ken Ken Gullan Institute for Research Integration (IRI) San Diego, CA 92106-2424 IRI is a 501C(3) non-profit corporation established to help children with developmental difficulties. To contact me off-list use kengullan@... or call 619-222-1104 Re: Re: Advice needed - dealing w/ ear insufflations has anyone tried urine on the ozone rashes urine has worked well for me with poison ivy and mosquito bites Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 27, 2003 Report Share Posted October 27, 2003 Moria, are you using " vaginal yeast " as a metaphor, or are you saying the ozone is causing a vaginal yeast infection? If its the latter, I'd think that somehow it is putting yeast in a fight or flight type situation, so that spores are " blooming " or it is growing in defense or else your body is trying to push it out from deeper tissues. In either case, I just realized what will helpyou. Buy Geroge's aloe very and then get aloe vera from Allied...I'll opst the source later, but I think you need to mix both. And sit in a big bowl of the solution. And then get some kind of syringe from the drugstore (for babies, maybe?) and put it up yourself at night and keep it up there. Remember, good quality aloe works for sunburns and inflammation. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 27, 2003 Report Share Posted October 27, 2003 Here it is, Allied Pharmacy 800-428-6331 I would combine the two. Allied has the best quailty aloe gel i " ve found, call him and talk to him about it. But 's healed a burn on my hand in about 20 minutes once, and has cured someone else's horrible hemorrhoids w/ just a few times of sitting in a bowl of it. Gross but true. > Moria, are you using " vaginal yeast " as a metaphor, or are you saying > the ozone is causing a vaginal yeast infection? > > If its the latter, I'd think that somehow it is putting yeast in a > fight or flight type situation, so that spores are " blooming " or it > is growing in defense or else your body is trying to push it out from > deeper tissues. > > In either case, I just realized what will helpyou. Buy Geroge's aloe > very and then get aloe vera from Allied...I'll opst the source later, > but I think you need to mix both. And sit in a big bowl of the > solution. And then get some kind of syringe from the drugstore (for > babies, maybe?) and put it up yourself at night and keep it up there. > > Remember, good quality aloe works for sunburns and inflammation. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 27, 2003 Report Share Posted October 27, 2003 > Moria, are you using " vaginal yeast " as a metaphor, or are you saying > the ozone is causing a vaginal yeast infection? well, Sherri-Lee on the ozonetherapy list says it is not really yeast. I think she means it is toxins getting cleared. But, while I'm sure that is true, as far as I'm concerned, it IS a yeast infection. A big bad yeast infection. > If its the latter, I'd think that somehow it is putting yeast in a > fight or flight type situation, so that spores are " blooming " or it > is growing in defense or else your body is trying to push it out from > deeper tissues. I have no doubt it is a detox effect, and someday will stop happening. I think the issue is " negotiating " with the yeast -- how much ozone to use. Unless protease will interfere and actually STOP the reaction. (It is said to do this with the skin rash. I've just ordered some.) I think doing vaginal insufflation means being prepared for on-going yeast, just like transdermal means being prepared for on-going skin rash. Just like ear insufflation means on-going ear ooze. You can reduce it, you can adjust the amount of ozone time, but you are still negotiating with the yeast--- it has not gone away or stopped happening. Yeast remedies are ways of trying to stop what the ozone is contiually fueling. So you are balancing them against each other. > In either case, I just realized what will helpyou. Buy Geroge's aloe > very and then get aloe vera from Allied...I'll opst the source later, > but I think you need to mix both. And sit in a big bowl of the > solution. And then get some kind of syringe from the drugstore (for > babies, maybe?) and put it up yourself at night and keep it up there. I think it is just another negotiating tool. That is, I think you are offering me something to reduce yeast. Very good. I have a number of things that usually do that VERY well. Boric acid is #1. Boric acid is a FABULOUS yeast remedy -- I recommend it. I have not had a " full blown " yeast infection in MANY years, (until now!), because I use boric acid. But, thanks anyway, for your good thoughts on this. Do you think this particular aloe is especially good for yeast? I have a bottle of aloe in my fridge, as well as many plants growing. Moria Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 28, 2003 Report Share Posted October 28, 2003 Moria, it is very important to distinguish whether this is a metaphor or a genuine yeast infection. I don't think they're the same. If it was causing a yeast flareup--it could be a kind of healing crisis, one of those " you reverse back thru symptoms " , a sort of, going from chronic latent to overt and then clearing totally--or in some way, the yeast is thriving on ozone--in which case I would LOVE for Saul to weigh in on this because it makes no sense to me. And Ken's athlete foot has cleared up, etc, and Saul's wife's chronic yeast infections cleared up, etc (through 03). Itch can be caused by many things as you know. I suppose aloe is somewhat antifungal but I " m proposing it for the inflammatory response in your vaginal mucosa, not to kill yeast. It is the salicylates in aloe that are so powerful, I have healed bowel inflammation with them too. Try it, you'll get relief. I do think you need to combinbe those 2 aloes, i say it from much experience. Of course if you can fillet your own aloe without the bitter element, thats best, but I tried that and was nervous about the results. > > Moria, are you using " vaginal yeast " as a metaphor, or are you saying > > the ozone is causing a vaginal yeast infection? > > well, Sherri-Lee on the ozonetherapy list says it is not > really yeast. I think she means it is toxins getting cleared. > But, while I'm sure that is true, as far as I'm concerned, > it IS a yeast infection. A big bad yeast infection. > > > If its the latter, I'd think that somehow it is putting yeast in a > > fight or flight type situation, so that spores are " blooming " or it > > is growing in defense or else your body is trying to push it out from > > deeper tissues. > > I have no doubt it is a detox effect, and someday will stop > happening. > > I think the issue is " negotiating " with the yeast -- how much > ozone to use. Unless protease will interfere > and actually STOP the reaction. (It is said to do this > with the skin rash. I've just ordered some.) > > I think doing vaginal > insufflation means being prepared for on-going yeast, just > like transdermal means being prepared for on-going skin rash. > Just like ear insufflation means on-going ear ooze. > You can reduce it, you can adjust the amount of ozone time, > but you are still negotiating with the yeast--- it has not > gone away or stopped happening. Yeast remedies are ways > of trying to stop what the ozone is contiually fueling. > So you are balancing them against each other. > > > In either case, I just realized what will helpyou. Buy Geroge's aloe > > very and then get aloe vera from Allied...I'll opst the source later, > > but I think you need to mix both. And sit in a big bowl of the > > solution. And then get some kind of syringe from the drugstore (for > > babies, maybe?) and put it up yourself at night and keep it up there. > > I think it is just another negotiating tool. That is, I think you > are offering me something to reduce yeast. Very good. > I have a number of things that usually do that VERY well. Boric > acid is #1. Boric acid is a FABULOUS yeast remedy -- I recommend it. > I have not had a " full blown " yeast infection in MANY years, > (until now!), because I use boric acid. > > But, thanks anyway, for your good thoughts on this. > Do you think this particular aloe is especially good for yeast? > I have a bottle of aloe in my fridge, as well as many plants > growing. > > Moria Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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