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Re: Overwhelmed

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> As I read all that's involved, I am getting this tightness in my chest.

You might as well relax. You are the only one that is going to do it and the

major risk factor your child faces is that you freak out and don't do things.

People make bad decisions when they are scared and overwhelmed. Don't let

it bother you. Take it one step at a time and it will be fine.

Most of the complexity is due to incompetence in the medical profession,

where " witch doctors " get confused and spend inordinate effort on supportive

therapies (in essence very fancy ways to give your kid an aspirin) and then

don't have any time left for the relatively simple task of detoxing him,

which is what gets him well. You don't have to do everything, or even most

things. If you detox him then he will get better. You can do however much

or little of the supporting stuff you have time for along the way. Detox is

what is important, and that isn't very complicated. A chore, but not all

that complicated.

>To do it all is way too hard,

Not really. That is just because the " witch doctors " create really arcane

and complicated rituals surrounding what is really fairly simple stuff.

>but to find someone to DO it with you that is trustworthy.. seems


It isn't impossible. You just might have to look hard. It isn't any worse

than high school dating with all these guys (now MD's) trying to act sweet

and nice and then when you get alone with them some being jerks, some

wanting to do stuff you don't want, some being nice, etc.

>I dont know if a regular ped can take this on...

>is this a waste of time for me to pursue using him?

It depends. If he WANTS to help, and WANTS to find something to do, he is

fine. If he wants to find a reason not to do anything this visit (e. g. ask

for another paper) you need someone else.

>Where to start?

First, decide you can deal with it (there is no other choice - either you

deal with it or your kid doesn't get better). Commit yourself to learning

what you need to know and sticking with it even though it will be pretty hard

at times.

>It seems testing would be a beginning,

This is correct.

>but I gather that the results are

>useless and that even if it's low resulting, it can still be a problem..

This is only true if you do the wrong test. Blood, urine and hair mercury

levels are the wrong tests for mercury poisoning. Checking them is like

x-raying someone's arm who has a broken leg.

>so I shuld be telling my doctor to treat my son without accurate

>knowledge/evidence of his problem??

Actually yes. In medicine this has the fancy name of " therapeutic trial, "

which is fancy doctor speak for " I have no idea what is wrong, but I'll make

a wild guess, try it, and see what happens. "

But you don't have to do that. FIRST you should do the tests that ARE

diagnostically helpful.

Doctor's Data hair elements interpreted according to the mineral transport

counting rules previously mentioned and also look at the OTHER toxic elements;

Fractionated Urine Porphyrins, interpreted per the previous post on

porphyrin levels in children (do this as a spot sample and measure

creatinine, not as a 24 hour collection).

Urine organic acids - elevated pyruvate is an indicator of heavy metal

intoxication and there is usually a lot of good information on things to do

to help your kid feel better right away. The metametrix test seems best but

check if your insurance covers it - apparently Great Plains is on a lot more

insurance panels.

There are lots of other tests if you want to know about them, but the above

are a good start - and they don't require sticking a needle in your kid. If

the doc really wants to draw blood, ask for what tests are useful there.

>Please help. I need to help my son, but I need to know what I'm fighting


A doctor who is willing to do something rather than nothing.

A doctor who is willing to order tests because you ask for them (under a

reasonable diagnosis code like " metabolic disorder, unspecified, " or " heavy

metal intoxication, unspecified " so insurance doesn't refuse to pay for them).

A doctor who is willing to actually try things and see if they help rather

than do nothing.

>I believe he was poisoned by these shots.

Could be. Or could be other things too, or instead.

>Do I get treatment without finding any evidence?

If necessary, yes. After all, the response to treatment is the ultimate

diagnostic test.

>Will reliable doctors DO this?

They do it all the time. Just not so often for politically incorrect stuff.

>Is treatment involving pills?

Yes. And make sure it is a proper, safe protocol - there are a lot of

dangerous ones out there that doctors swear on a stack of bibles are

perfectly safe.


No. Never. No matter what the doctor says.

>How long are we talking? >>

6 months to 2 years depending on your child's response. You should see

substantial progress within the first 3 months.

Andy Cutler

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I know a handful of doctors in the U.S. and Canada that are willing to work

with and assist M.D.'s wishing to become more aware of treatment options for

heavy metal toxicity and other environmental issues requiring a more

integrated and open approach to treatment.. In fact I am working with some

that are in the process of establishing a complete learning/sharing network

Let me know where you are located and I will see if I can help. Feel free to

contact me directly by-e-mail off the list or by telephone at 1 800 540-0192


Best regards



Wayne Obie

Media & Public Relations

CFMR ( Citizens for Mercury Relief )

Talk International.com




MERCURY NEWS - a free weekly newsletter providing valuable information from

the professionals that provide treatment, as well as up to date information

on Canada's Class Action Lawsuit, CFMR's North American Petition Program

" BITE Initiative " , and other developments from around the world relative to

heavy metals and the mercury amalgam issue.




[ ] Overwhelmed

> Hi

> I have been following the gfcf diet with my son since 3/1/00. I have


> and then pursued the hep-b /mercury shot my son recd at 2 weeks old as the

> reason for his pdd label AND his reflux/stomach problems.


> I have been trying to convince my ped to help me with this mercury

> testing/chelation, yeast & bacteria/nystasin stuff. I have been pouring

> literature to him... and he is willing to try treatments, but doesn't know

> where to begin and is cautious.

> As I read all that's involved, I am getting this tightness in my chest.


> do it all is way too hard, but to find someone to DO it with you that is

> trustworthy.. seems impossible. I dont know if a regular ped can take


> on... is this a waste of time for me to pursue using him?

> Where to start?

> It seems testing would be a beginning, but I gather that the results are

> useless and that even if it's low resulting, it can still be a problem..

so I

> shuld be telling my doctor to treat my son without accurate

> knowledge/evidence of his problem??


> Please help. I need to help my son, but I need to know what I'm fighting


> I believe he was poisoned by these shots. Do I get treatment without


> any evidence? Will reliable doctors DO this?

> Is treatment involving pills? intravenous??

> How long are we talking?


> Please help

> linda


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If I had the chance to redo the past four years, and I knew all that I know

now. Not only the information, testing, or different programs. I would

have found the best DAN doctor and traveled. It would be worth the initial

visit and the phone calls. We have over the past four years traveled to

three states already. My local doctor is supportive and helps with blood

draw and minor stuff. Your local doctor can work on a consultation basis

with the DAN doctor for scripts and stuff. But no he can not handle the

" DAN " approach. Giving him information has simply kept me busy. I have too

much to do to have " busy work " The testing/labs will only get more

involved, although I do have a wonderful stack of books.!!! Today our

questions are to in depth- we are planning on finding the nearest DAN doctor

by the end of the year and let them help!! We are going to take some " brain

time off. " Joan

[ ] Overwhelmed


>I have been following the gfcf diet with my son since 3/1/00. I have


>and then pursued the hep-b /mercury shot my son recd at 2 weeks old as the

>reason for his pdd label AND his reflux/stomach problems.


>I have been trying to convince my ped to help me with this mercury

>testing/chelation, yeast & bacteria/nystasin stuff. I have been pouring

>literature to him... and he is willing to try treatments, but doesn't know

>where to begin and is cautious.

>As I read all that's involved, I am getting this tightness in my chest. To

>do it all is way too hard, but to find someone to DO it with you that is

>trustworthy.. seems impossible. I dont know if a regular ped can take this

>on... is this a waste of time for me to pursue using him?

>Where to start?

>It seems testing would be a beginning, but I gather that the results are

>useless and that even if it's low resulting, it can still be a problem.. so


>shuld be telling my doctor to treat my son without accurate

>knowledge/evidence of his problem??


>Please help. I need to help my son, but I need to know what I'm fighting


>I believe he was poisoned by these shots. Do I get treatment without


>any evidence? Will reliable doctors DO this?

>Is treatment involving pills? intravenous??

>How long are we talking?


>Please help




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  • 2 years later...


I have never heard of this device, but as someone who is being pumped full

of drugs and massive painkillers, please share with us the information on

this machine if you find out about it somewhere other than the list. I am

interested in anything that would get me off all these medications that make

me feel only minimally better, have my hair falling out and keep me so doped

up I can hardly drive or do my job. I hate all the medication, but it's

that or chose not to be able to function at all or even get out of a chair

without help.

I am desperate for an alternative.

I am going to see if I can research this Quantum Therapy, as well. If I

find anything out, I'll let you now.



----- Original Message -----

From: " mori57 " <mori57@...>

<Rheumatoid Arthritis >

Sent: Friday, November 15, 2002 9:21 AM

Subject: Overwhelmed

> Almost two weeks ago, my wife and I returned from a weekend getaway.

> The day after we returned, one of her feet started swelling and

> aching. Since then, the swelling has started in both feet, her

> wrists, knees, and other joints.


> We found out from her mom, Monday, that she has a family history of

> rheumatoid arthritis... her mom suffered from it for six years before

> she was diagnosed.


> Now, my wife is in a bed at home, upstairs. We've tried Aleve, and

> that has shown some ability to reduce the swelling, and to some

> extent, the pain, and we've used cold packs and warm packs. I've

> rubbed Joint-Ritis into her ankles and feet, and she's been taking a

> Glucosamine/Condritis(sp?) supplement as well, on the recommendation

> of a friend whose mother also suffers from this.


> We've been looking for natural ways to remedy this situation...

> outside of the Aleve, we haven't been using any drugs of any kind,

> and we've taken her to our chiropractor, which seems to help for a

> little bit. However, we don't have a regular doctor, as we haven't

> been able to find anyone here, so far, that doesn't want to just pump

> her full of drugs or will bother to actually listen to her.


> One doctor that has been consistently recommended to us isn't taking

> any new patients, but suggested that we talk to someone who has a

> Quantum Therapy device of some sort. I've never heard of

> this " therapy " , and I was wondering a couple of things:


> 1) What are some proven techniques for the relieving the pain that my

> wife is going through, right now?

> 2) Has anyone heard of/used this " Quantum Therapy " device, and is it

> for real, or is it " snake oil " ?


> Sorry to go on so long... as you might see, I'm overwhelmed... our

> three kids try to be helpful, but I have to work, and the only one to

> take care of them and my wife is my mother-in-law... I'm just tired

> of seeing my wife in pain, and would appreciate any help or direction

> that anyone here can offer.


> M. Batchelor








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The first thing your wife needs to do is get to a doctor (even if

it's a general practitioner) to be tested for the Rheumatoid Factor

to be acurately diagnosed, especially since RA runs in her family.

It's a blood test.

From the way you mentioned the pain & swelling, it sounds like she

has RA. If the Rheumatoid Factor returns positive, she needs to see

a Rheumtologist. This is extremely important, as there are many

wonderful drugs available that help slow down the progression of

joint damage.

I was diagnosed with RA a year & a half ago. I'm feeling 90% better

than I was a year ago (I'm on 5 medications: Plaquenil, Ansaid,

Darvocet, Medrol & Methotrexate). I was using a cane to get around,

couldn't bend my knees...I was in excruciating pain every minute of

the day. I could sleep in only 2 hr. intervals. I would wake up

sweating profusely (my underarm deodorant would be sweat away). The

weight of the bed sheet was excruciating on my knees. My husband

would have to help go to the toilet & take a shower.

Once she's under the care of a Rheumatologist, it may take a while

for the medication to work. Like all medications, what works for one

person may or may not work for another. Unfortunately with RA, she

may be on medication for a couple of months & it may not work. This

is the only true way the doctor can determine if the medication is

working. For me, my medication wasn't working well until my doctor

added Methotrexate, which gave me my life back.

I've never heard of Quantum Therapy. That's a new one to me.

Please let us know how your wife is doing. If she's able to get to

the computer, let her know that there are a lot of online support

groups & it would be very helpful to communicate with others who are

dealing with the same situation.

Best wishes to you & your wife,

Barbara (ash_belle@...)

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  • 2 weeks later...

--- ,

I was recently diagnosed in Sept. with RA, never realizing my

paternal grandmother had had RA since she was 42! I completely agree

with Barbara, your wife must have the blood work done to determine if

she has RA, then if she does, treatment with drugs given through the

direction of a rheumatologist is the only way to go. If she continues

to have these *flares*, periods of severe pain, swelling, redness,

low grade fever etc., she is at risk of the disease progressing and

damaging more joints...the progression has to be slowed down or

stopped if possible as quickly as possible to stop the damage. My

rheumatologist told me there is no miracle cure or natural cure or

treatment that can do what the drugs can do as far as treating the

progression....which is what you want, to stop the damage! It is true

most of the drugs do have side effects, but with a good

rheumatologist he will work out with you what is the best treatment

option....and if it were between a upset stomach and walking or

painting or just living my life as noramlly as possible....I would

take the upset stomach anyday! You have to weigh one against the

other if she does have RA and it isn't being treated she could end up

with joint damage.



In Rheumatoid Arthritis@y..., " Barbara " <ash_belle@y...> wrote:

> ,


> The first thing your wife needs to do is get to a doctor (even if

> it's a general practitioner) to be tested for the Rheumatoid Factor

> to be acurately diagnosed, especially since RA runs in her family.

> It's a blood test.


> From the way you mentioned the pain & swelling, it sounds like she

> has RA. If the Rheumatoid Factor returns positive, she needs to


> a Rheumtologist. This is extremely important, as there are many

> wonderful drugs available that help slow down the progression of

> joint damage.


> I was diagnosed with RA a year & a half ago. I'm feeling 90%


> than I was a year ago (I'm on 5 medications: Plaquenil, Ansaid,

> Darvocet, Medrol & Methotrexate). I was using a cane to get


> couldn't bend my knees...I was in excruciating pain every minute of

> the day. I could sleep in only 2 hr. intervals. I would wake up

> sweating profusely (my underarm deodorant would be sweat away).


> weight of the bed sheet was excruciating on my knees. My husband

> would have to help go to the toilet & take a shower.


> Once she's under the care of a Rheumatologist, it may take a while

> for the medication to work. Like all medications, what works for


> person may or may not work for another. Unfortunately with RA, she

> may be on medication for a couple of months & it may not work.


> is the only true way the doctor can determine if the medication is

> working. For me, my medication wasn't working well until my doctor

> added Methotrexate, which gave me my life back.


> I've never heard of Quantum Therapy. That's a new one to me.


> Please let us know how your wife is doing. If she's able to get to

> the computer, let her know that there are a lot of online support

> groups & it would be very helpful to communicate with others who


> dealing with the same situation.


> Best wishes to you & your wife,


> Barbara (ash_belle@y...)

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Actually, she probably shoud see a rhumatologist either way. I

haven't heard much about this, but upward of about 30% of " us " are

Sero Negative in our Rheumatoid Factor. I am one of them. I have

horrible RA, I'm on: I'm on Plaquenil, Vicodin, Prednisone &

Methotrexate. Also other meds not wholey related to my RA.

I'm 34 years old

> ,


> The first thing your wife needs to do is get to a doctor (even if

> it's a general practitioner) to be tested for the Rheumatoid Factor

> to be acurately diagnosed, especially since RA runs in her family.

> It's a blood test.


> From the way you mentioned the pain & swelling, it sounds like she

> has RA. If the Rheumatoid Factor returns positive, she needs to


> a Rheumtologist. This is extremely important, as there are many

> wonderful drugs available that help slow down the progression of

> joint damage.


> I was diagnosed with RA a year & a half ago. I'm feeling 90%


> than I was a year ago (I'm on 5 medications: Plaquenil, Ansaid,

> Darvocet, Medrol & Methotrexate). I was using a cane to get


> couldn't bend my knees...I was in excruciating pain every minute of

> the day. I could sleep in only 2 hr. intervals. I would wake up

> sweating profusely (my underarm deodorant would be sweat away).


> weight of the bed sheet was excruciating on my knees. My husband

> would have to help go to the toilet & take a shower.


> Once she's under the care of a Rheumatologist, it may take a while

> for the medication to work. Like all medications, what works for


> person may or may not work for another. Unfortunately with RA, she

> may be on medication for a couple of months & it may not work.


> is the only true way the doctor can determine if the medication is

> working. For me, my medication wasn't working well until my doctor

> added Methotrexate, which gave me my life back.


> I've never heard of Quantum Therapy. That's a new one to me.


> Please let us know how your wife is doing. If she's able to get to

> the computer, let her know that there are a lot of online support

> groups & it would be very helpful to communicate with others who


> dealing with the same situation.


> Best wishes to you & your wife,


> Barbara (ash_belle@y...)

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  • 3 years later...


I am not certain that I have much advice, but I must say that I

heard so much of myself in your words. I am struggling to figure

out disability while teaching 20 students and parenting a 2 year old

and working on an online masters (so that I can move to university

teaching instead of children (and I'm behind on my homework!)) and

(possibly) moving because our area is too expensive. I've also had

symptoms progress rapidly this past year. I was in tears in the

doctor's office again today because the copay on the antidepressants

will still be $30 and my husband says I need the formulary option

but I haven't got any fight left in me. I am so tired, yet I can't

sleep because the moment I lie down I worry worry worry. And I know

that doesn't help, but, still . . .

I'll take some Tylenol with coedine tonight :). I know it isn't a

solution, but I'm in some pretty dark times here, too. Money is a

terrible curse when you don't have it. Where's my trust fund or

lucrative job for my husband so I wouldn't have to work?

Do you have any disability insurance or a way to get disability? I

didn't think that I did, but then found my retirement program

qualified me for disability. I am trying to get it going now, but

it takes awhile and in the meantime I am struggling. You should

start investigating just in case.

Unfortunately, the ones who will ultimately pay the price for our

immense efforts are ourselves. We have to advocate for our own

needs, or we risk driving ourselves into the ground. Try to take

care of yourself and get little moments to escape- books or movies

or chocolate :) that can help lift your spirits a little. Look hard

at your job for modifications. Ask for help from trusted

coworkers. My teacher friends have given me tons of ideas and

really jumped in to make things better for me. Having these

challenges allows others to be generous, and that's a good thing.

I hope that you get a little space to breathe. I also find that

there are waves of good and bad days. Appreciate the good ones and

try to rest through the bad ones :)

Take care,


PS Try not to overextend yourself on the good days- that's my

biggest problem. Oh, I'm better! Yeah, right . . . :)

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Hi Lenka,

Thanks for your words, support and understanding. And I too know exactly how

you are feeling. I take Tylenol PM's in order to have a full nights sleep

without the worries of money, school, overtime, etc. I have been tossing the

idea of disability back and forth strongly for a few weeks which is one reason

why I wanted a copy of my medical records. When I saw what a mess they were I

figured I don't stand a chance. My next step right now is to see my general

practioner to see what he knows...lol. I think if I can get an extension from

my school that would ease my mind and release some stress. I'm going to look

into that this week. Thanks again and I promise to hang in there as long as you



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