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Re: Health Canada Stomps on MMS - letter from HC

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On 9/27/2008 1:27 PM, Marilyn Gang wrote:

> The Sept 23, 2008 letter from:

> Razan El-Ramahi - Senior Compliance Officer,

> Health Canada - Health Products & Food Branch Inspectorate,

> 400 - 4595 Canada Way, Burnaby, BC V5G 1J9,

> Phone: 604-555-5778,

> Fax: 604-666-3149,


> ordering Subtle Energies to cease and desist selling MMS


> because Health Canada considers Sodium Chlorite (which is used commercially

> to preserve food, purify water, etc.), by their definition, to be a DRUG

As long as people meekly roll over and play dead instead of fighting

this kind of gestapo bullshit, they will continue to get away with it.

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Dear Simon,

you are a thousand per cent correct of course, which is one of, if not

the biggest reason why the sheep pens we are in are getting larger and more


so --- if you fly, in the US, that is --- do you --- would you --- take

your shoes off --- or not --- when required --- at the inspection point?

Because as you know, it is purely for harassment, control and intimidation

without any useful purpose at all. Even many of the security folks know this.

That is one small example. I could give a hundred more. And it is the

small examples that create the situation we are currently in.

1991 the Canadian govt instituted the GST. Bam. In one fell swoop an

extra 7% tax on -- almost everything (not groceries though). Even books and

postage stamps! This is in addition to the 6%-8% provincial taxes. So in

Ontario, one would pay 15% tax on everything. Plus, if you order an

alcoholic beverage in a restaurant --- most people don't realize another 10%

is tacked on, so its 25% tax on a glass of wine, etc. They just lowered

the tax (GST) to 5%. Big * deal.

Canadians have, historically, enjoyed a more benevolent big brother

than the US. About 15 years ago the gloves started to come off. Canadians

are starting to learn, but, sigh, not fast enough.

What do you do, where you live, when the govt decides something is no

longer legal, let say, something can no longer be sold in a store?

Yes, this is frustrating.

You may have heard about the attempted shove through of draconian health

legislation in Canada --- Bill C-51 --- it was a health version of the

alleged Patriot act, only worse. The feds tried hard to push it thru.

The MPs said they received more communications opposing this stuff (see

http://www.cnhc.ca )than any other issue in their history and it is now on

the back burner.

Sept 10 a huge ground swell of people across the entire country

supported the introduction of the Charter of Health Freedom which include

the right to make one's own decisions.

What the feds have done with their assinine mms action only fuels the

fires to get that charter passed. It ain't over yet.

In addition, what Jim Humble did, in making its instructions freely

available to all, is brilliant.

The way I, and many others in the west found out about Falun Dafa was

reading articles that the Chinese govt was really persecuting its

practitioners. I knew it must be really good for them to be so afraid!

And yes, we do need to be more assertive.

Thank you, Simon --- all suggestions on dealing with this are

gratefully accepted.

- Marilyn -

iArriba y Adelante, Baby!

Support the Zapatistas!

Zapata vive, la lucha sigue. iYa basta!

Zapata lives, the struggle continues. Enough already!

At 09:46 AM 9/28/2008 -0400, Simon wrote:

>On 9/27/2008 1:27 PM, Marilyn Gang wrote:

>> The Sept 23, 2008 letter from:

>> Razan El-Ramahi - Senior Compliance Officer,

>> Health Canada - Health Products & Food Branch Inspectorate,

>> 400 - 4595 Canada Way, Burnaby, BC V5G 1J9,

>> Phone: 604-555-5778,

>> Fax: 604-666-3149,


>> ordering Subtle Energies to cease and desist selling MMS


>> because Health Canada considers Sodium Chlorite (which is used commercially

>> to preserve food, purify water, etc.), by their definition, to be a DRUG


>As long as people meekly roll over and play dead instead of fighting

>this kind of gestapo bullshit, they will continue to get away with it.




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On 9/28/2008, Marilyn Gang (mgang@...) wrote:

> so --- if you fly, in the US, that is --- do you --- would you --- take

> your shoes off --- or not --- when required --- at the inspection point?

> Because as you know, it is purely for harassment, control and intimidation

> without any useful purpose at all. Even many of the security folks know


> That is one small example. I could give a hundred more. And it is the

> small examples that create the situation we are currently in.

We must each pick our battels. I tend to weigh the cost/benefit, and I'm

sorry to say the cost/benefit of batting the TSA considering the sheeple

mentality of everyone who has been brainwashed into believing that

'terrorists' may be hiding inside shoe soles and toothpaste tubes is not

one that I would wish to engage.

Does that make me a coward? Or just realistic/practical?

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SimonDid you read what was said? People in Canada sent so many emails, letters and made phonecalls that the government did not pursue theBill. It was not passed. This is because we did not 'rollover and play dead'. People should be doing that in the USA thefinancial nightmare caused by the greedycorporations. People should be demandingthat these people who caused this not getaway with it. Everything they own shouldbe going towards trying to right this debacle.When I sent emails to the government in Canada,I also sent these emails to everyone in my list. Not only that, I provided everyone with EVERYemail address of every federal politician in Canada and suggested that

they send to all ofthem as well. I also showed them how to getphone numbers easily.Instead of being a big mouth, why don't you get a plan and then do it to get people to inundate the senators and congress with emails,phone calls, etc. In order to get people to dosomething you have to make it as easy as possible. Provide all the phone numbers andemail addresses or at the very least, give themeasy-to-follow step-by-step instructions whichwebsite to go to, to find this information. Ask themto forward this information to everyone they canthink of and then to make at least a minimum of10 phone calls to various senators even if theyare not in their district. When I did this I evensent my emails to Americans and I asked themto phone 10 of our federal politicians and someactually did this for us.

Helen Re: [ ] Health Canada Stomps on MMS - letter from HC

On 9/27/2008 1:27 PM, Marilyn Gang wrote:

> The Sept 23, 2008 letter from:

> Razan El-Ramahi - Senior Compliance Officer,

> Health Canada - Health Products & Food Branch Inspectorate,

> 400 - 4595 Canada Way, Burnaby, BC V5G 1J9,

> Phone: 604-555-5778,

> Fax: 604-666-3149,


> ordering Subtle Energies to cease and desist selling MMS


> because Health Canada considers Sodium Chlorite (which is used commercially

> to preserve food, purify water, etc.), by their definition, to be a DRUG

As long as people meekly roll over and play dead instead of fighting

this kind of gestapo bullshit, they will continue to get away with it.

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On 9/28/2008 5:21 PM, helen/zhebee wrote:

> Did you read what was said?

Yep... did you?

The letter said that they were no longer selling it due to being ordered

to cease and desist by the gestapo.

What makes you think I was talking about the bill?

> People in Canada sent so many emails, letters and made phone calls

> that the government did not pursue the Bill. It was not passed. This

> is because we did not 'rollover and play dead'.

Who was talking about the bill? The post clearly stated that the bill

didn't pass... but also clearly stated that they were 'rolling over and

playing dead' by allowing Health Canada to get away with classifying MMS

as a drug (which it clearly is not) and complying with the order to stop

selling MMS.

It's great that you stopped the bill - but that isn't what I was

commenting on.

> People should be doing that in the USA the financial nightmare caused

> by the greedy corporations.

The financial problems we are experiencing today were not created by the

'greedy corporations'. They are a direct result of the nature of our

financial system as it has evolved sine 1913 when the American people

allowed foreign/international banking interests to take control of our

monetary system. The 'great depression' (created scientifically by those

very same foreign/international banking interests) which allowed FDR

(one of their henchmen) to steal our gold, then our silver in 1965, with

the final blow in 1971 when Nixon took us off the international gold


The 'greedy corporations' can only get away with what they get away with

because the system ALLOWS it.

> People should be demanding that these people who caused this not get

> away with it. Everything they own should be going towards trying to

> right this debacle.

This 'debacle' was foreseen long ago by men such as Lindberg

(senior), MacFadden and other influential Congressman who tried to

warn us when these things were done, and more recently by one of the

only men of integrity in Congress today (Ron ).

> Instead of being a big mouth, why don't you get a plan and then do it

> to get people to inundate the senators and congress with emails,

If you think that doing any of that will make any REAL difference, then

you are naive. Note I didn't say it doesn't do any good, I said it won't

make any real difference. The Masters are more than willing to allow the

slaves to send their mass emails, as long as you don't do anything

substantial to actually challenge their authority, like file lawsuits or

engage in physical civil disobedience.

That said - Helen, you don't know anything about me or what I do or

don't do to fight the system. Speaking from ignorance is usually not an

act of wisdom (there I go again).

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