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Lemon juice

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Thanks JR, but if that is the case, why doesn't the body do the same thing

with, say, orange juice, which simply assists to make the body even more



Re: [ ] lemon juice

>becuz the body counteracts the acid intake of lemon juice with





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" thanks JR " for what? I said nothing on this

subject that I can recall. JR

Thanks JR, but if that is the case, why doesn't the body do the same thing

with, say, orange juice, which simply assists to make the body even more



Re: [ ] lemon juice

>becuz the body counteracts the acid intake of lemon juice with





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  • 1 year later...
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Lemons are okay, and are in fact recommended. They are one of the

non-sweet fruits that we can tolerate. Others would be lime,

grapefruit, and kiwi (not too ripe). Not only will the lemon juice

help detox, but I heard it does help your body have an acidic

environment that Candida does not like. So, yes, lemon juice with

water away (as long as squeezed from a fresh lemon). You can also

try finding a cranberry concentrate, no sugar, and add that to

water. With ice it is very refreshing!

Shoshana ;)

> HI all,

> I'm new on here but have been on a candida diet for about 2


> I " m takning my supplements etc and oil or oregano as an anti


> One question I forgot to ask my naturopath. I'm not eating any


> at this time, just protein, vegetables and plain yogurt. Do you

> think it is OK to have a little diluted lemon juice in the morning


> help with the detox since I'm not eating fruit right now........

> thanks for your help......


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<<cranberry concentrate>>

Shoshana, Does that mean fresh or frozen cranberries would be okay? I'm not

a big cranberry fan, but with enough lemon or lime, it might be a nice

change to water.



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I use a cranberry juice concentrate. Not sure about fresh or frozen

cranberries. I do know that cranberries normally do not have a great

deal of sugar in them, and they are a tart fruit. Anyone else know

if fresh or frozen cranberries are okay?

Shoshana :)

> <<cranberry concentrate>>


> Shoshana, Does that mean fresh or frozen cranberries would be


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  • 4 years later...


> Bee and all,


> I read some of the files again this weekend and found that lemons

do have fructose in them. I got to thinking that maybe that could be

a reason that I am having such a struggle taking down my candida. I

eat at least 4 lemons a day; lemon calcium, lemon salt drink, lemon

garlic tea and lemon on my food. Your thoughts please.

==>You do need to be cautious about how you react to lemons and only

have minimal amounts per day, or none. Some people do not tolerate

them at all until they have progressed further along in the program.

Cut them in half and if you are still not doing well cut them out and

add them later on.


> I also read in a file that selenium supports the thyroid. I bought

some yesterday and took it. I took it this morning too. Yesterday

and today are the first days that my hands and body have been warm

since I can remember. My hands are usually so cold that I have to

sit on them or have a space heater blasting on them. There has got

to be a relationship.

==>Maybe there is a relationship. Do be cautious and do not take too

much because it can overstimulate the thyroid as well if taken too

long. Remember that I lost my thyroid because it was tampered with

too much when I was curing my candida, and before that by taking

Lugol's iodine and soy. The thyroid isn't the only organ involved in

temperature, the adrenals are also involved and others. See Dr.

Rind's site for comparison charts.

==>Selenium is only required by the body in trace amounts; see this

reference: http://www.acu-cell.com/ses.html. Even though selenium

and sulfur share right and left hand receptors in the cells, sulfur

is one of 7 macrominerals required by the body and it is found in

such foods as garlic, eggs, lemon, etc.

==>If you keep track of your foods on www.fitday.com and you are

eating foods recommended on my diet you may find you are getting

enough selenium along with what is in good ocean sea salt. I

totalled mine last week and found I was getting plenty of selenium

without even trying - mostly from certified organic free-range eggs.

Luv, Bee

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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest


> I found anon concentrate double vertified organic lemon juice in a

> glass bottle? Is this ok bee

==>Even if bottled lemon juice does not contain preservatives it

accumulates molds very easily like all bottled fruit juices, and I'm

not sure they have to claim all preservatives on the label.

This is from my Candida Article (see the note below about packaged

fruit juice):

3. Eliminate yeast, mold and fungi

Elimination of yeast, mold and fungi in foods, drinks, and the

environment is important for most Candida sufferers in the initial

stages of the program, and it may be longer for sensitive

individuals. Candida overgrowth can greatly increase the chances of

an immune reaction to all types and forms of fungi.

This results in an allergic response to yeast, mold and fungi,

including mycotoxins. Many of our foods contain mycotoxins that are

chemicals made by fungi.

Mycotoxins are found in grains and other processed foods that have

been contaminated with fungi and mold, including processed meats. The

most commonly contaminated crops are peanuts, corn, and wheat. Often,

other foods such as barley, apples, sorghum and rye can also be

contaminated. Antibiotics and alcohol are also mycotoxins, and they

must not be consumed.

Yeasty, moldy, and other fungi-type foods and drinks that must be

eliminated (foods that not allowed on the candida diet which are also

in this category are not listed):

-Canned or boxed foods of any kind.

-Most leftover foods that easily collect mold.

-Vinegar and vinegar containing foods like mayonnaise, pickles,

mustard and relish — see Note* Malt products or foods containing malt.

-Edible fungi, including all types of mushrooms and truffles.

-Processed and smoked meats: sausages, hot dogs, corned beef,

pastrami, smoked fish, ham, and bacon.


-Fruit juices (no fruits are allowed on the candida diet, except

lemons and limes): all packaged fruits and fruit juices may

potentially contain molds, including Real Lemon and other

concentrated lemon or lime juices.


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  • 6 months later...

Hello ,

Actually, it sounds like Bee's Electrolyte Drink recipe would be

perfect for you right now for your digestive purposes. Have you made it


Bee says to drink it 6 times a day (drink 3 of those glasses with meals

to aid digestion).

Here's the recipe.

Electrolyte Drink

6 ounces pure water

the juice of 1/2 lemon (freshly squeezed)

1/4 teaspoon sea salt

Stevia sweetener to taste (optional)

Mix all ingredients together in a 6-ounce glass.

Hope this helps. :-)

Debra NW

" " <jayppers2672@...> wrote:


I've been having a hard time getting my HCl supplements lately, so

I've decided to start using the juice of one lemon with each meal to

help aid digestion (including helping to stimulate my gall bladder).

Is the sugar that is included in the lemon OK?

Am I right in thinking there is about 5 grams of sugar in the juice of

one lemon?

I would be taking the juice of one small lemon with every meal, which

is 3 per day. I'll be feeding candida with this, right? My lemons are

very small, about the size of a lime really. It nets about a

tablespoon of juice.

Would I just be better off without this?

I think vinegar is my only other option, but I know that this is not

an acceptable substitution since there is the potential for aflatoxin

(since the cider is initially fermented with yeast before is undergoes

bacterial fermentation to make the vinegar). I guess I've been

wondering which is the lesser of two evils -- sugar from the lemons or


I know that the acid in the lemons is great for detoxification, from

what I've read. So if someone can assist me determine if the benefits

outweigh the negatives, I'd really appreciate it, because I'd rather

not thrash this around in my brain for much longer.

Thanks everyone!

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My wife and I take Bee's electrolyte drink with every meal, and we love

it! I've noticed that it is hard to get carb levels near to the

recommended ratios on the low-carb veggies alone. If you do the lemons

as suggested (Bee suggests 3 lemons per day in the drinks... or do less

drinks if you cook fish with lemon, etc...), then it is very easy to

reach your carb quotas, and you will not be feeding the yeast in the

process. You can then eat a low carb serving of veggies with each meal

(I usually stir-fry cabbage, onions, celery and herbs in the left-over

fat with most meals).

If I were you, I would do half of one lemon with each meal in the

drink, so you don't put too much sugar in your system at one time.



> Hello.


> I've been having a hard time getting my HCl supplements lately, so

> I've decided to start using the juice of one lemon with each meal to

> help aid digestion (including helping to stimulate my gall bladder).

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> Hello.


> I've been having a hard time getting my HCl supplements lately, so

> I've decided to start using the juice of one lemon with each meal to

> help aid digestion (including helping to stimulate my gall bladder).

> I would be taking the juice of one small lemon with every meal,

which is 3 per day. I'll be feeding candida with this, right? My

lemons are very small, about the size of a lime really. It nets about

a tablespoon of juice. Would I just be better off without this?

==>Yes it is okay, but some people do not do well with lemons until

later on, and I believe you are one of them. Please try to get some

Betaine HCl supplements, OR puree a good unpasteurized sauerkraut (or

make your own), since you have trouble digesting it, and eat at least

2 tbls with every meal along with some of its juice.

> I think vinegar is my only other option, but I know that this is not

> an acceptable substitution since there is the potential for

aflatoxin (since the cider is initially fermented with yeast before

is undergoes bacterial fermentation to make the vinegar). I guess

I've been wondering which is the lesser of two evils -- sugar from

the lemons or aflatoxin/vinegar?

==>Bragg's or Eden's apple cider vinegar are perfectly fine; they are

unpasteurized, undistilled and unfiltered. But I don't think you

should try it. Again some people don't do well on it. Get Betaine

HCl instead. This is one of the most important things you can do for

your health.


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> ...


> My wife and I take Bee's electrolyte drink with every meal, and we


> it!

I love Bee's electrolyte drink as well! I think it has helped me with

my leg cramps.


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  • 8 months later...

Once you squeeze out the juice,how long can you keep it before you have to use it,and still consider the lemon juice fresh? Thanks in advance,Tom

From: Simon

Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2008 9:48 AM

Subject: Re: [ ] Re: Real sick need some help: Trans/

On 9/28/2008, evian793aol (evian793aol) wrote:

> Now maybe if I decide to do this, I can use the citric acid with the MMS now :)

I'm curious why you would WANT to use citric acid. Fresh lemon juice is

a miracle food in and of itself, and imnsho, is the much preferred

activator - and its not like its not easy to buy lemons...

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  • 1 year later...

Interesting, it's supposed to help the liver too isn't it?

Which book did you read this in?


> Interestinly and this is how I worked it out - I read in a book that people

who love lemons and suck them neat have low adrenal reserve and are trying to

kick start them subconsciously. So there may be a case for low adrenal people to

have the juice of a fresh lemon - it must be diluted by the way - but take it

slowly in case it over stimulates an adrenal gland that is too weak to support

the stimulation the lemon will offer.


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I thought the following might be useful to some of you http://www.naturalchoicesforfibromyalgia.com/site/678806/page/936943

How Do

You Respond to Stress?

If you are like many people, your response to stress robs

your body of minerals on a daily basis. You see, your adrenal glands are in

charge of your " fight or flight " response when stressful events

happen. And your adrenals need a good quantity of minerals to function on a

daily basis. As you know, your fibromyalgia symptoms get worse with acute or

chronic stress in your life, often due to a lack of enough minerals, especially


Testing Your Own Stress Level

You can test yourself to find out how you respond to stress.

You can use pH paper (from a health food store) and measure your baseline

saliva reading (it should be between 6.4 and 7.0 depending on the time of day).

You baseline saliva reading shows you how your liver is metabolizing foods. If

your reading is below 6.4 you're not picking up nutrients well from foods, and

food may be passing through you too quickly. If your saliva pH is over 7.0 your

metabolism has slowed down, and this can create more toxins and a higher

tendency toward joint and muscle stress. So just knowing your daily baseline pH

reading is helpful since it can tell you if your diet and lifestyle are

creating your pain.

Once you have your baseline pH reading you can drink 1 tsp

of lemon juice in 1 tsp of water. If it is too sour, just swish it around

in your mouth and spit it our. Then take your saliva pH reading again

immediately. It should be yellow or 5.0 on the pH scale. This indicates that

your mouth has responded to the acid in the lemon juice.

But if you have enough minerals in your diet, and your

metabolism is working well your saliva pH readings will go up gradually over

time. So wait one minute after drinking the lemon juice and take another saliva

pH reading. What is it now? Here are some options of what can happen and what

it means:

1. High Stress Reading: The pH reading 1 minute after

drinking the lemon juice is dark blue (or between 7.6 and 8.0 on the scale):

This means that your respond to stress very quickly. Your adrenals react to the

acid in the lemon juice and create an alkaline reaction within one minute. Your

body is using minerals quickly in response to even small stresses.

2. Medium Stress Reading: The pH reading 1 minute

after drinking the lemon juice is blue (7.0 to 7.4), and is higher than your

baseline pH reading: This means that you respond to stress quickly, but not too

quickly. This is a pretty normal reaction for most women, especially mothers.

3. Low Stress Reading: The pH reading 1 minute after

drinking the lemon juice is green (between 6.4 and 6.8), and this is where your

baseline reading is also. This indicates an average response to stress, and if

you test again in another minute it should continue to rise over time to about

7.2. If the reading does not continue to rise, you are rebounding back to your

initial pH reading, so you are compensating for stress easily.

4. Low Digestive Energy Reading: The last option is if

the pH reading does not respond by rising after drinking the lemon juice. If it

stays below 6.0 even for minutes after drinking the lemon juice, I would

recommend taking your pH reading every minute to see how long it takes to rise

back to your baseline level. This reaction means that there are serious

digestive problems, and you are having acidosis reactions, and need digestive

support. This is where I would not recommend lemon juice in water until the

digestive system is working again.

By doing this test you can find out if you have enough

minerals (calcium, magnesium, potassium, and zinc) for the stress you have in

your life. If you need to know more about this test and the other factors that

are involved in making this test useful, you can read all about it with graphs

and score sheets at Patterns

of Stress Testing Kit.

Hi Mandy,

I also have noticed that I feel better after drinking lemon juice, especially

from lemons grown on my own tree as they are organic. In fact, any product that

contains " citric acid " seems to give me a boost. As I understand it

this is because citrus fruit makes your body less acidic, which is a positive

and boosts your energy level as a result. Hope this helps.


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Hi there

Not sure about the liver but I have many nutritional books and read it somewhere

(don't ask me where) that people who suck lemons are trying to boost their

adrenals - I then worked it out myself that if I took lemon it must help my own

adrenals. You must dilute it because it is corrosive to the stomach and the




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