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Re: MMS overdose neutralization... stopping the trotting and puking

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Bob -

I appreciate your "cure-from-the-cure" info on how-to deal-with barfing, cramps, diarrhea, etc...

But the "Question Of The Month" is WHY??

Why take such a massive amount of MMS that it makes you sick??

What's wrong-with taking amounts large-enough that you can "feel-it", and no-more until you get past whatever roadblock (toxins) that are currently-present?

I take an an increasing amount every day-or-two, but I know I'll have a "sticking-point" at-which-time I'll stay-with the current dose until I get-by-it....

Look-at Allopathic dosing regimens...

What -would your response be to a Doc who-advised "take-this medication until you puke, cramp, and poop non-stop"???

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....of course that's what you're supposed to do, but it's real easy to go over the line. esp when desperate to get better from something.

a one drop increase on say a day when it's a quarter or full moon with mars/saturn/pluto/neptune afflictions that adversely aspects within a one degree orb your ascendant or it's ruler might be enough. not kidding.... some days are much different than others. people have had the nasty reactions just continuing on a dosage that was working fine right along for awhile... unusual, but it has happened. then it's time to back down for awhile and slowly ramp up.

rxn to the doc: i dunno. it would depend on my options, and just how much i trusted the doc and that medicine to work... and how miserable i was from whatever i was trying to get better from.

-----Original Message-----From: [mailto: ]On Behalf Of LofgrenSent: Tuesday, November 04, 2008 11:21 AM Subject: Re: [ ] MMS overdose neutralization... stopping the trotting and puking

Bob -

I appreciate your "cure-from-the-cure" info on how-to deal-with barfing, cramps, diarrhea, etc...

But the "Question Of The Month" is WHY??

Why take such a massive amount of MMS that it makes you sick??

What's wrong-with taking amounts large-enough that you can "feel-it", and no-more until you get past whatever roadblock (toxins) that are currently-present?

I take an an increasing amount every day-or-two, but I know I'll have a "sticking-point" at-which-time I'll stay-with the current dose until I get-by-it....

Look-at Allopathic dosing regimens...

What -would your response be to a Doc who-advised "take-this medication until you puke, cramp, and poop non-stop"???

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fall of 2006 when i first started making CS i had many more weird variations than i have now. part of it was technique and inconsistent purity of store-bought distilled water, but part of it, i'm sure, had to do with some unusual solar flare activity... do they call it a storm?...going on at the time. i had an HMdigital TDS meter, a cheap model, and it went wacky, then stopped altogether, while CS making was being it's most unpredictable. i sent the meter to HM under warranty where it sat forgotten about for 6 months until i started nagging them about it. they said there was absolutely nothing wrong with it and sent it back. it still works (but i upgraded to a HM com-100 since...really nice). i also upgraded my RO water filter system a lot with carefully chosen cartridges, added stages, and de-ionizer stage... never reads above 0.4uS where the best DW from the stores is always over 1, sometimes over 2.

-----Original Message-----From: [mailto: ]On Behalf Of LofgrenSent: Tuesday, November 04, 2008 12:46 PM Subject: Re: [ ] MMS overdose neutralization... stopping the trotting and puking

Yeah -agreed....

I wondered-why I got large variations with finished CS, and if-you-can-believe, it's sunspot activity!

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You're way-ahead-of-me concerning water/CS testing/quality...

I have an ancient RO system (Sam's Club 1990), and neglected-it for too-long, filters being over 9-mos old.

I had added 2 carbon stages (coconut-hull carbon).

Found the post-filter plugged with an invisible substance, tore the whole unit down, and found a huge-amount-of what was probably clear biofilm in the Memebrane cannister, of-all-places!.

Put my fingers in-it, and-it was just-like motor oil! (And I wonder how I got Lyme/Morgellon's!)

Recently I read that a biologist did analysis on a water sample from a water-heater unused for 2-years, and-found all the nasties associated with Lyme/Morgellons, replete with protective biofilm.

The study made me angry at-first glance, but certainly explains one reason why some get sick and others don't...

Strange-thing, my cats got-VERY sick, one died. and I got sick, but my bride seems-to-have natural immunity!


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are you using well water or something that comes in without chlorine? if the incoming water is chlorinated and the system is assembled sterile (bleach run through it right off) and there's no backflow from the waste drain i don't know where the microbes would come from.

replacing the first stage sediment filter every few months is good. i'm using 1 micron sediment filters now, so they clog quick slowing the system but extending the life of the other cartridges.

mine came with instructions saying to run some bleach through it when replacing the other cartridges. once the chlorine is removed at the first carbon stage there's nothing to kill microbes, so the whole thing has to start off sanitary. mine clogged up long ago and sat for about 8 years unusable while i got my water from upstairs RO (she'd used mine for 5 years before buying her own that i had to install & maintain, so... ). when i finally got around to dealing with it last january i found the sediment cartridge clogged and slimy brown, but no slime or sign of anything bad in the rest. i replaced the sediment cart and tried it out and it ran like new, so i used it while waiting for all the new parts to come in the mail, but only where heat would sterilize it and not for CS.

i installed an ultraviolet sterilizer that all output to the dispenser goes through, but haven't wired 120vac under the sink yet... what you wrote will greatly hasten my "round to it" scheduling!. if i were using not-so-sterile water supply i'd probably have a UV sterilizer first thing at the inlet also. jeez, these things can get expensive!!!

a good meter is the best way to test whatever water is used for CS making. it'll also tell you when your RO system needs attention... aside from the pressure drop of the sediment cart.

-----Original Message-----From: [mailto: ]On Behalf Of LofgrenSent: Tuesday, November 04, 2008 1:59 PM Subject: Re: [ ] MMS overdose neutralization... stopping the trotting and puking

You're way-ahead-of-me concerning water/CS testing/quality...

I have an ancient RO system (Sam's Club 1990), and neglected-it for too-long, filters being over 9-mos old.

I had added 2 carbon stages (coconut-hull carbon).

Found the post-filter plugged with an invisible substance, tore the whole unit down, and found a huge-amount-of what was probably clear biofilm in the Memebrane cannister, of-all-places!.

Put my fingers in-it, and-it was just-like motor oil! (And I wonder how I got Lyme/Morgellon's!)

Recently I read that a biologist did analysis on a water sample from a water-heater unused for 2-years, and-found all the nasties associated with Lyme/Morgellons, replete with protective biofilm.

The study made me angry at-first glance, but certainly explains one reason why some get sick and others don't...

Strange-thing, my cats got-VERY sick, one died. and I got sick, but my bride seems-to-have natural immunity!


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