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MMS overdose neutralization... stopping the trotting and puking

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sorry, no tips. i haven't had to try it. it will neutralize the acidity of the MMS immediately, so might not gurge right back up. if it does, just do it again. i'd just dump a spoonful in a glass of water if in a desperate situation.

i just did a search in my "keepers" and found this from Kathy Wenger. she's a pretty smart lady, was using MMS for quite awhile and managing her problem but not clearing it. don't know if she's still around the MMS lists.

About an hour after taking AMMS, if you begin to experience pain at the bottom of your stomach - top of your gut, you might want to take the antidote. The antidote, to avoid more cramping and diarrhea, is to mix a teaspoon of baking soda (or an alka seltzer) into a glass of water and sip it down. If you chug it, you might throw up. If your dose is large you might want to throw up, so do so. Then take more baking soda and water and sip it slowly over the space of 30-60 minutes. Your symptoms should disappear mostly by then. The other possibilbity is to take 1000 mg of vitamin C. Your choice. But not both. The baking soda worked fine for me last night and was quite pleasant to take. My friend took the C and barfed, then the soda. She did 15 drops on an empty stomach on her second dose. I find I handle AMMS best about an hour after my evening meal.


A lot of people are overdosing and getting nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. While these may not be so bad in and of themselves, they can do some damage to the body short term.

Some of the problems associated with diarrhea are


Loss of electrolytes (minerals)

Muscle Cramps


Yeast Infection

If you experience diarrhea, you might want to do the following daily for a few days.

Take a serving of kelp, dulse or other seaweed to replace minerals lost through diarrhea.

Take 99 mg. potassium to replace potassium loss.

Take some probiotics to replace colon flora.

Take calcium 1500 mg and magnesium 1000 mg, and D3 400 IU.

Take a good multi vitamin with extra B, C w bioflavanoids, E and zinc.

Drink some recovery drinks, such as gatorade or cytomax.

EmergenC is also good.

Avoid caffiene.

Drink lots of purified water.

Drink fresh carrot and other vegetable juices.

Simple foods for recovery include cooked potatoes, rice banana, applesauce and toast.

Avoid dairy, it can aggravate the colon. Diarrhea causes a temporary loss of the enzyme needed to digest milk sugar, aka, Lactose.

If you choose to eat dairy products take some lactase (the enzyme) along with them.

If you are brave, you can do a probiotic retention enema, which will get the probiotics where they are needed fast.

Buy a Fleet enema, they work really well for this purpose.

Pour out the liquid inside the squeeze bottle and replace it with 8 capsules of probiotics and pure filtered water, slighty warmed to body temperature. Probiotics cannot take more heat than that, so be careful. Put half the water into the bottle. Empty the capsules into the bottle and dispose of the empty capsules. Shake the solution well, there may be some clumps. Add the rest of the water and shake again. Insert the end of the tube and squeeze the liquid into your colon. The best position to assume when receiving the enema is head down and rear up for males, on on your back or side for females. Immediately go and lie down on your back for a minute, then turn to your left side for a minute. Roll back to your back for about 30 seconds and then to your right side, helping the fluid get to the right side of your body with gentle sweeping massage. This helps to distribute the probiotic solution throughout your colon. Try to hold for at least 15 minutes, then walk around as usual until you feel the urge to expel the liquid. Don't be surprised if your body absorbs it all.

Do not do this on a daily basis. Once should be enough.

Comfort your rectum with some vitamin E oil, it is very healing to the overworked tissues.

Before you do the retention enema you can also do a Proflora whey enema, if you're really brave. This one is held for 3-4 minutes and is sometimes best preceded by a plain water enema to get rid of any stool in the colon. Mix 2 quarts of lukewarm purified or distilled water and 5 tablespoons of ProFlora whey. Put into an enema bag. Use vitamin E to lubricate the tip, no petroleum jelly. Again, assume the head down rear up position if you are male. If you are a female, it's best to lay on your back or side to avoid contaminating the vaginal area and possible infection. After inserting the tip, masage the liquid around your colon gently, to help loosen any fecal matter. Watch your body, if you start to feel any pain or discomfort, slow or stop the flow of the bag, take deep breaths and let the fluid move to where it no longer feels painful. If you must expel, go ahead, and then start again. Try to hold the solution in your body for three or four minutes before expelling. Practice makes it easier. If pain persists, discontinue the enema.

The ProFlora whey enema helps the body fight yeast infections and improves digestion and the assimilation of nutrients.

Enema bags are available at most pharmacies. I got mine at Shopko's pharmacy.

This information mostly taken from the book, Prescription for Nutritional Healing, by Balch. Fourth Edition. You can buy this online at half.com, amazon, eBay or at book and health food stores for $25, $31 in Canada.


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