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RE: another group? Never mind Bob

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I forgot to search this info out that I asked you below. Its so hard my eyes are so dry blurry killing me so I just seek out quick answers. I see that you said you took MMS and helped you some, but apparently not enough.... I assume that's why you also take CS. I wish there were more success stories of serious illnesses being cured or at least in remission.

better get to bed, so late and work comes early in the morning.

From: bob Larson <bobListcablespeed (DOT) com>Subject: RE: [miracle_mineral_ supplement] another group?miracle_mineral_ supplementDate: Monday, November 3, 2008, 12:25 PM

....CMV & being a virus, given the exc success people have with CS againstall forms of herpes virus and others, i of course would use CS. it's widespectrum enough, helpful in so many ways against so many things, that iwould and do always go for it. blah blah blah CS for the infestedmasses..... just what is there worth trusting in universal health care if itwere available? well, trauma and critical care for sure... but then what todo about the drug resistant bugs picked up in the hospital? CS!if there was a universal CS symbol i'd have it on my car bumper for sure. [miracle_mineral_ supplement] another group?>>> Hi...have been active in this group for a little while. Am wondering> if there is another group that perhaps focuses more on MMS....seems the> current discussions center around many topics other than MMS. I am> relatively new to this protocol and had hoped to learn more about> it...had posted a question with little response...so, if there's a> better forum for we "newbies" would love to learn of it. thanks>>> ------------ --------- --------- ------>>

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....wish i had something better to offer you.

there are quite a few success stories around from MMS for various things.

most often it's helpful but not a complete " cure " though. many stories

where it gave unexpected benefits for things not the original reason it was


i don't recall any number of cases of MMS causing hair loss.

wish i had some paying work to get up for. things are getting really scary.

RE: [ ] another group? Never mind Bob

I forgot to search this info out that I asked you below. Its so hard my eyes

are so dry blurry killing me so I just seek out quick answers. I see that

you said you took MMS and helped you some, but apparently not enough.... I

assume that's why you also take CS. I wish there were more success stories

of serious illnesses being cured or at least in remission.

better get to bed, so late and work comes early in the morning.

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I have had the dry or gunky eyes in the morning with some blurred vision and what has helped me recently is zinc, calcium and magnesium combo. My symptoms have lessened. Just FYI. Kind regards, KM (Kathy)

[miracle_mineral_ supplement] another group?>>> Hi...have been active in this group for a little while. Am wondering> if there is another group that perhaps focuses more on MMS....seems the> current discussions center around many topics other than MMS. I am> relatively new to this protocol and had hoped to learn more about> it...had posted a question with little response...so, if there's a> better

forum for we "newbies" would love to learn of it. thanks>>> ------------ --------- --------- ------>>

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thanks kathy i already take calcium and magnesium. how much do you take of each? and how has MMS worked for you?

From: bob Larson <bobListcablespeed (DOT) com>Subject: RE: [miracle_mineral_ supplement] another group?miracle_mineral_ supplementDate: Monday, November 3, 2008, 12:25 PM

....CMV & being a virus, given the exc success people have with CS againstall forms of herpes virus and others, i of course would use CS. it's widespectrum enough, helpful in so many ways against so many things, that iwould and do always go for it. blah blah blah CS for the infestedmasses..... just what is there worth trusting in universal health care if itwere available? well, trauma and critical care for sure... but then what todo about the drug resistant bugs picked up in the hospital? CS!if there was a universal CS symbol i'd have it on my car bumper for sure. [miracle_mineral_ supplement] another group?>>> Hi...have been active in this group for a little while. Am wondering> if there is another group that perhaps focuses more on MMS....seems the> current discussions center around many topics other than MMS. I am> relatively new to this protocol and had hoped to learn more about> it...had posted a question with little response...so, if there's a> better forum for we "newbies" would love to learn of it. thanks>>> ------------ --------- --------- ------>>

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On 11/5/2008, Vicki (genuinelysweet2002@...) wrote:

> thanks kathy i already take calcium and magnesium. how much do you take of


Since there are many different forms of isolated supplements, many of

them worthless, or even worse - meaning, yes, they can actually be very

bad for you), making a statement like this is meaningless.

What FORM of these supplements do you take?

Also, personally, I do not take ANY isolated supplements any more with a

very few exceptions (MSM and l-ascorbic acid being the only two right

now). You should always get your vitamins and minerals from whole food


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SimonI have been taking multiple vitamin-mineral tabletswhich are mostly synthetic since 1970's and that is why I am still here. I agree that nutrients from whole food is best but supplements like that areexpensive and most of us cannot afford them. Synthetic is better than none. I do have admitthat I do take things like kelp etc as well. And nowthat I found URI International, I take their wholefood products as well. I live alone and don't like tocook for just one person so I take URI vegs, etc.which are the best in the world to my knowledge.URI foods are the ideal bachelor food since you just mix them in a bit of water and drink them.It takes just 3 minutes to

prepare and consume them and including rinsing out the container youused.It was not my original intention to talk about URIbut since I did, someone might like to take a lookat URI's website > > > www.uriinternational.com/raworganicfoods Helen From: Simon

<tanstaafl@...> Sent: Thursday, November 6, 2008 3:26:15 AMSubject: Re: [ ] another group? Never mind Bob

On 11/5/2008, Vicki (genuinelysweet2002) wrote:

> thanks kathy i already take calcium and magnesium. how much do you take of each?

Since there are many different forms of isolated supplements, many of

them worthless, or even worse - meaning, yes, they can actually be very

bad for you), making a statement like this is meaningless.

What FORM of these supplements do you take?

Also, personally, I do not take ANY isolated supplements any more with a

very few exceptions (MSM and l-ascorbic acid being the only two right

now). You should always get your vitamins and minerals from whole food


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On 11/6/2008 8:35 AM, helen/zhebee wrote:

> I have been taking multiple vitamin-mineral tablets which are mostly

> synthetic since 1970's and that is why I am still here.

Sorry to bust your bubble, but that is a physiological impossibility.

All those do is stress the lover/gall bladder/kidneys and everything

else... very little nutritional value, and definitely not enough to

counter-act their negative effects.

You are still here because you continued to eat food of a decent enough

quality to sustain your life.

> I agree that nutrients from whole food is best but supplements like

> that are expensive and most of us cannot afford them.

I disagree... if you are discerning, you can find very good quality

whole/raw/organic foods - including the 'superfood' type powdered kind -

for not much more than you pay for junk food from the grocery store...

Just don't think of them as 'supplements', think of them as 'food'.

> Synthetic is better than none.

Maybe in some cases - vitamin c, aka l-ascorbic acid being one of those

exceptions - but in most cases this is certainly NOT true.

> I do have admit that I do take things like kelp etc as well. And now

> that I found URI International, I take their whole food products as

> well.

If you can afford URI products, you can afford non-MLM products.

> I live alone and don't like to cook for just one person so I take URI

> vegs, etc. which are the best in the world to my knowledge.


> URI foods are the ideal bachelor food since you just mix them in a

> bit of water and drink them.

Sorry, I don't do MLM's... in every case they are way over-priced, and

in most cases, they are poor quality. A quick perusal of their site and

URI does *appear* to be decent quality, but regardless, they are

definitely MLM, so that disqualifies them automatically for me - I'd

only consider an MLM product if there was no alternative and it was

something I wanted to take...

There are plenty of non-MLM dry/powdered whole foods - like the most

excellent 'Sun is Shining' (formerly 'Natures First Food') from the

sunfood (formerly rawfood) guys:


They used to offer a decent (40%) discount if you bought by the case,

hope they didn't stop that...

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I was looking at their website and they have so many to choose from. Which one's do you use? How do they taster?

-- Re: [ ] another group? Never mind Bob

On 11/5/2008, Vicki (genuinelysweet2002) wrote:> thanks kathy i already take calcium and magnesium. how much do you take of each?Since there are many different forms of isolated supplements, many ofthem worthless, or even worse - meaning, yes, they can actually be verybad for you), making a statement like this is meaningless.What FORM of these supplements do you take?Also, personally, I do not take ANY isolated supplements any more with avery few exceptions (MSM and l-ascorbic acid being the only two rightnow). You should always get your vitamins and minerals from whole foodsources.

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I didn't stay on the MMS for more than a few weeks cause it was hard for me to swallow on a daily basis, the smell and aftertaste got to me, and I even used a straw and held my nose while downing it.

I do want to go back on it cause I believe it to be effective. It cleared up a clogged ear/sinus situation in no time. It was pretty easy for me to handle as I was up to 12-15 drops two times a day without any problems/nausea, etc. although I think it reacted poorly with my gut flora so if I do go back on it, I am going to try to work on getting more probiotics in me. As far as the calcium and mag, I switch back and forth between liquid form and the tablets depending how I feel my absorbtion is going to be that day.

But the dosage is 1000 mg of calcium and 400 of mag. I want to go back on MMS and see if it helps with my skin/Morgellons disease and also my blood count (both white + red) is very low w/anemia problems, so would like to see if I can work on those issues with the MMS.

[miracle_mineral_ supplement] another group?>>> Hi...have been active in this group for a little while. Am wondering> if there is another group that perhaps focuses more on MMS....seems the> current discussions center around many topics other than MMS. I am> relatively new to this protocol and had hoped to learn more about> it...had posted a question with little response...so, if there's a> better

forum for we "newbies" would love to learn of it. thanks>>> ------------ --------- --------- ------>>

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SimonI went to the site you recommended "Sunfood" andchecked out the Sun Is Shining product and comparedit to the URI product called Complete Food. It costs$59.95 for 283 gms (That's $6 an ounce.) URI's product,Complete Food costs $54.95 for 450 grams (That's $3.48per ounce). That's a big difference. Even so Uri is ableto offer a case lot price which is even cheaper.Didn't you say, "Sorry, I don't do MLM's... in every case they are way over-priced, and in most cases, they are poor quality." ? (Emphasis mine) You are wrong on both counts. URI's product is cheaperthan Sunfood's and if you investigate URI's farming methods, you will agree that their products of the best quality you can find. As a matter of fact, because of the competition in MLM, you will often find some of the best quality products available in MLM companies. Yes, many products are higher priced than similar products not sold by MLM but I can also show you time after time where that is not the case, as well.You don't do MLM's so how would you know anything about them? Furthermore, Sunfoods is gouging you and shortchangingtheir affiliates. Yes, Sunfoods has an affiliate program. Theypay them 8 to 13 % commissions. URI pays out 50% andstill are able to sell their product of equal quality for cheaper.For your information,

my products cost me nothing. When I tell others about them, URI sends me a cheque and it paysfor my products.MLM is one of the few industries where you can become a millionaire without investing a cent or evenbuying products, if you have a mind to do that. When buying products is required you can get into business with a purchase as little as $30.00 per month and anyone who works at it even a little will soon have thatcost paid for from commissions. More people have become wealthy doing MLM than inreal estate. Where can you do that with a $30 investment?You may not want to do that and that is fine but don't bash it for others.Regarding Multi Vitamins and Minerals, there is mis-information being published in newspapers and on TV trying to discredit supplements. They say'studies show' (famous last words) that these supplements do not

provide benefit and may evenbe harmful. Who is spreading this mis-info?Yes, the drug companies. If these supplementswere no good, why would the drug companies care if you took them. As a matter of fact, thedrug companies have shown us that they would be delighted if people were being harmed by them because then they could discover another drug to 'help' us and gouge us some more. Another reason the drug companies are spreadingmis-information is because they are getting ready to bring us CODEX. When that happens they don't want us to be concerned if we can no longer get supplements with adequate amounts of nutrients in them because, after all, didn't they tell us that these supplements may be harmful? They don't want an uproar to start.If these supplements didn't help us, then why would they want to reduce the amount of nutrientsto such

a small amount as to not to provide health?Do they want us to die? NO! They just want us tobe sick as long as possible.Now I happen to agree that the best way to getyour nutrients is from whole food grown on wellmanaged organic soil. That's why I use URIsfoods. And it's true that you can take $1,000into any grocery store and buy any foods thereand you would not get the nutrition that you would get from one can of URI's Complete Foodor The Feast.But if people cannot afford the expense, it would be helpful for them to take a supplement. It is better than nothing.The only reason I can afford URI foods is becauseI sell them and I make commissions. Not everyonewants to do that or even can do it if they wanted to.And yes, the supplements are cheaper than URIsor Sunfood's food products. I bought a bottle ofMultiple Vitamins and

Minerals today for $16.49.That's a lot cheaper than $55. Even though I getmy products free, I don't make enough money tobuy all the URI foods I need for full nutrition so Isupplement with extra vitamins.I didn't not always eat well and I smoked 2 to 3packs of cigarettes a day for over 35 years. I should be dead but I did a lot of supplementing in my life and that is why I am still here. I remember years ago, I was in a terrible state ofdepression. My physical health was deteriorating.I decided there had to be a better way than thisso I began reading every health book I could get my hands on and taking supplements. Mydepression left me. The psoriasis on my arms left. My dandruff cleared up. I stopped havingso many colds and flus, etc., etc., etc. After all these years of supplementing, I have noproblem with my liver or my kidneys. I

take nomedications and there is not a whole lot wrong with me.Simon, you think you know it all but you don't.HelenFrom: Simon <tanstaafl@...> Sent: Thursday, November 6, 2008 6:11:56 AMSubject: Re: [ ] another group? Never mind Bob

On 11/6/2008 8:35 AM, helen/zhebee wrote:

> I have been taking multiple vitamin-mineral tablets which are mostly

> synthetic since 1970's and that is why I am still here.

Sorry to bust your bubble, but that is a physiological impossibility.

All those do is stress the lover/gall bladder/kidneys and everything

else... very little nutritional value, and definitely not enough to

counter-act their negative effects.

You are still here because you continued to eat food of a decent enough

quality to sustain your life.

> I agree that nutrients from whole food is best but supplements like

> that are expensive and most of us cannot afford them.

I disagree... if you are discerning, you can find very good quality

whole/raw/organic foods - including the 'superfood' type powdered kind -

for not much more than you pay for junk food from the grocery store...

Just don't think of them as 'supplements' , think of them as 'food'.

> Synthetic is better than none.

Maybe in some cases - vitamin c, aka l-ascorbic acid being one of those

exceptions - but in most cases this is certainly NOT true.

> I do have admit that I do take things like kelp etc as well. And now

> that I found URI International, I take their whole food products as

> well.

If you can afford URI products, you can afford non-MLM products.

> I live alone and don't like to cook for just one person so I take URI

> vegs, etc. which are the best in the world to my knowledge.


> URI foods are the ideal bachelor food since you just mix them in a

> bit of water and drink them.

Sorry, I don't do MLM's... in every case they are way over-priced, and

in most cases, they are poor quality.A quick perusal of their site and

URI does *appear* to be decent quality, but regardless, they are

definitely MLM, so that disqualifies them automatically for me - I'd

only consider an MLM product if there was no alternative and it was

something I wanted to take...

There are plenty of non-MLM dry/powdered whole foods - like the most

excellent 'Sun is Shining' (formerly 'Natures First Food') from the

sunfood (formerly rawfood) guys:

http://tiny. pl/snfr

They used to offer a decent (40%) discount if you bought by the case,

hope they didn't stop that...

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On 11/8/2008 8:08 AM, helen/zhebee wrote:

> I went to the site you recommended " Sunfood " and checked out the Sun

> Is Shining product and compared it to the URI product called Complete

> Food. It costs $59.95 for 283 gms (That's $6 an ounce.)

Assuming that they still offer the 40% off deal for a case, that would

bring the price down to $3.60/oz...

> URI's product, Complete Food costs $54.95 for 450 grams (That's $3.48

> per ounce). That's a big difference.

Yep, it is... I would have compared prices too, but because URI is MLM,

they don't publish their prices (at least I couldn't find any anywhere

on their site).

One thing I did notice... the recommended dose for Complete Food is 15

grams, for Sun is Shining it is 8-9... so a little more than half. that

right there demolishes the cost benefit.

> Even so Uri is able to offer a case lot price which is even cheaper.

Since you are a member, would you be so kind as to post a price list -

including case discounts? Or do I have to join/pay money to see their

price lists?

> Didn't you say, " Sorry, I don't do MLM's... in every case they are

> way over-priced, and in most cases, they are poor quality. " ?

Yep, and I stand by it. Just because the sunfood is more expensive

doesn't mean the URI is a better deal - nor does it mean that all

non-MLM products are more expensive. I *know* I can find similar

products to 'The Sun is Shining' cheaper - in some cases a lot cheaper,

but the fact is, it is much higher quality than any other product I've

ever used. I'm one of those wackos that prefers quality, even if it is

more expensive.

But, I'm perfectly willing to admit that URI products could be as good

or better quality at lower prices... but I require evidence, not mere


I did go and read a little on their site, and what I read looked good -

except for the fact that they are MLM and so don't post their prices -

which is one reason I hate MLM's (you generally have to 'join' to get

anywhere near a decent price, then you have to buy a certain quantity

each month in order to maintain your membership, blah, blah)...

> You are wrong on both counts.

Maybe, maybe not... currently it is all just your opinion against mine.

> URI's product is cheaper than Sunfood's

Possibly, but URI doesn't publish their price list, so I have only your

word on the cost - and you haven't said anything about the 'other' costs

- fee to join, annual dues if any, monthly quotas, etc... so, until you

are 100% forthcoming about the real costs, we simply won't know for certain.

> and if you investigate URI's farming methods, you will agree that

> their products of the best quality you can find.

Thank you for telling me what I will think, Helen. That relieves me of

the burden of doing my own thinking.

> As a matter of fact, because of the competition in MLM, you will

> often find some of the best quality products available in MLM

> companies.

'Often' I would argue, but 'sometimes', yes, I would agree with that.

> Yes, many products are higher priced than similar products not sold

> by MLM but I can also show you time after time where that is not the

> case, as well.


> You don't do MLM's so how would you know anything about them?

Because I 'did' them at least 5 times in the past - the last one being

about 8 or 9 years ago.

> Furthermore, Sunfoods is gouging you and shortchanging their

> affiliates.

Helen, please refrain from making accusations like that without evidence

to support your claims.

> Yes, Sunfoods has an affiliate program. They pay them 8 to 13 %

> commissions.

I know... I haven't chosen to participate, because I'm not into selling

right now. I only buy a few things from them, the 'Sun is Shining'

product being the main one.

> URI pays out 50% and still are able to sell their product of equal

> quality for cheaper.

Again, just opinion at this point - but I do appreciate the pointer to

them... I'll definitely consider trying their product...

> For your information, my products cost me nothing. When I tell others

> about them, URI sends me a cheque and it pays for my products.

Yep, typical MLM selling hype... shall I tell you how many times I heard

this from someone, only to end up with boxes full of junk no one wanted,

and hundreds of dollars poorer for my efforts?


> More people have become wealthy doing MLM than in real estate. Where

> can you do that with a $30 investment?

More MLM selling HYPE... you should be aware that I started out being

very interested in trying the URI products, but the more hype I hear

from you like the above, the less appealing it is...

> Regarding Multi Vitamins and Minerals, there is mis-information being

> published in newspapers and on TV trying to discredit supplements.

> They say 'studies show' (famous last words) that these supplements do

> not provide benefit and may even be harmful.

Isolated, synthetic vitamins in general are of zero benefit, and in many

cases most certainly can be harmful. Thats the problem... rather than

studying natural whole-superfood type 'supplements' (like 'The Sun is

Shining' or URI's 'Complete Food'), they study synthetic Vitamin A.

> After all these years of supplementing, I have no problem with my

> liver or my kidneys. I take no medications and there is not a whole

> lot wrong with me.

I would wager that it was the quitting smoking, and cleaning up your

diet that helped the most... but of course, unless I knew precisely what

specific 'vitamins' you were taking, I couldn't comment, because there

can be a world of difference between one brand and another (hint: they

are not ALL synthetic)... so yes, it is possible you were taking decent

quality, though isolated, vitamins, and were deriving some benefit from

them and not damaging your liver.

> Simon, you think you know it all but you don't.

Truer words have never been spoken... :)

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