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Re: My controversy with Ozone

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Tell me something better than ozone. I don't recall anyone saying that but I

would think it is a wonderful start, better than any drug. therefore, I cannot

see why we shouldn't start with something like ozone. Irresponsibility comes

from HIDING ozone therapy from people. please be specific as to what is wrong

with cleansing your system out as a start!

Best wishes and much love, Ken

Ken Gullan

Institute for Research Integration (IRI)

San Diego, CA 92106-2424

IRI is a 501C(3) non-profit corporation established to help children with

developmental difficulties.

To contact me off-list use kengullan@... or call 619-222-1104

Re: Re: My controversy with Ozone

Date: Sun, 9 Nov 2003 17:38:40 -0500 (EST)

I think it's irresponsible to tell people that IV o3 is THE answer to

their problems. Ozone is a tool that needs to be used with caution.

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Tell me something better than ozone. I don't recall anyone saying that but I

would think it is a wonderful start, better than any drug. therefore, I cannot

see why we shouldn't start with something like ozone. Irresponsibility comes

from HIDING ozone therapy from people. please be specific as to what is wrong

with cleansing your system out as a start!

Best wishes and much love, Ken

Ken Gullan

Institute for Research Integration (IRI)

San Diego, CA 92106-2424

IRI is a 501C(3) non-profit corporation established to help children with

developmental difficulties.

To contact me off-list use kengullan@... or call 619-222-1104

Re: Re: My controversy with Ozone

Date: Sun, 9 Nov 2003 17:38:40 -0500 (EST)

I think it's irresponsible to tell people that IV o3 is THE answer to

their problems. Ozone is a tool that needs to be used with caution.

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I think you are mistaking me for someone else. Azure standard is the

cheapest; there was another online place that even with proper hazard

shipping was cheaper than yours, which I noted online. I never said

I would get it locally so I'm not sure what you mean by " lying

doesn't cut it in my book. "

If we are here on these lists to help each other in our healing

process, hopefully we are not here to get cheap sources of h202 and

then mark them up to make a profit to our fellow listmembers.

> > Whenever your body detoxifies sometimes you will feel terrible


> your skin can show the wear and tear before it all starts to look

> better. If you are breaking up things in the body, it is ALWAYS


> TO HAVE A GREAT DETOX program going. You sure wouldn't want all


> bad attaching itself elsewhere. And inflammation can be a


> crisis you are going through. Maybe your body is working on your

> liver, did you think of that? Maybe it is time to detoxify your

> liver and rejuvenate it and that is exactly what the body is


> >


> hydrogen peroxide page on the website below my name. It will


> you in to what you might expect your body to do when


> It's a wonderful read.

> >

> > Hope this helps,

> >

> > GAle ^i^

> > http://www.AwakeningsEnergy.com

> > " Strange times are these in which we live, when old and young


> taught in falsehoods school.

> > And the one man that dares to tell the truth is called at once,


> lunatic and fool. " Plato

> >

> > We are the fuses in the " global consciousness circuit board "

> between water and light

> > Re: Re: My controversy with Ozone

> >

> >

> > I was doing IV o3, not liver flushes. The amount of times

that I

> did and

> > was going to do the IVs was well known on this list.

> > There were no cautions beforehand. I take responsibility for


> own

> > actions. I just want to caution anyone else who might be

> interested.

> > I believe that mega doses of antioxidants are required to


> the

> > IV ozone. IV Vitamin C if at all possible.

> > This is my experience.

> > I think it's irresponsible to tell people that IV o3 is THE

> answer to

> > their problems. Ozone is a tool that needs to be used with

> caution.

> >

> >

> >

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I don't know Ken. All I know is we discussed it openly on this list

and Gale was very upset and suggested that AzureStandard could bring

down the whole industry with one accident; shortly thereafter, UPS no

longer will ship their h202. A trucking company will but that is

exorbitant. Somebody tattled on Azure, I'm not saying Gale, but

somebody did.

> Gale, I sure hope you did not report Azure! This Dept. of Homeland

Security rules and regs is just another ruse to take away our

freedoms! Did anyone have reason to think this was reported by Gale

or anyone else?-

> Best wishes and much love, Ken


> Ken Gullan

> Institute for Research Integration (IRI)

> San Diego, CA 92106-2424

> IRI is a 501C(3) non-profit corporation established to help

children with developmental difficulties.

> To contact me off-list use kengullan@c... or call 619-222-1104

> Re: My controversy with Ozone



> Gale speaking of h202, azurestandard can no longer ship out of


> I am hoping and praying you did not notify any authorities of


> situation, as I recall you being very upset that they shipped as


> did, but their prices made the h202 affordable for many of us,


> now it is not. I was quite chagrined to learn this when I tried


> place an order last week.



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> I should add that the cost of 1000 mg of glutathione is probably

> about $10 or something like that...I'd have to check.

I can add that IV glutathione is useful in the blood serum, but

it does not get into the cells where 90% is needed. For that

reason I recommend to my clients that they use cold-processed

whey and selenium.

Glutathione shots are very old-school.

Duncan Crow

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She probably is.

But I believe if the IV Vitamin C helped you that much you can find

it more cheaply. THat is one of the highest price IV drips I've

heard of.

I do not want to do ozone IV anyway. I know some people do it.

> Well Jen, thanks for sharing.......your " wonderful " doctor must be a

> saint.


> I'm skeptical of people who are skeptical of my statement when they

> haven't had the same experience. Do 200+ IV o3, and then tell


> your experience.

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Gale, you might read my posts more carefully.

I do not have an ozone sauna. I will be getting one.

I like my h202 baths. They feel good. I can't say they've made a

big difference in my health but I now like to take my baths with h202

and I preferred the cheaper price.

> I or anyone else doesn't have to report this to anyone. Things do

happen and I am sure UPS is checking up on site that say they are

shipping via UPS as they too don't want their people being injured by

this stuff in any way shape or form.


> But Ken, you are not considering that next person either. I just

don't understand how you or Jill could be that inconsiderate.


> H202 has to be handled with care, EXTREME CARE and the boxes should

be marked that 1 bottle or 12 bottles are in the box and it's a

hazardous material, don't you think?


> And Jill, you are doing ozone, why are you worrying about H202 as

ozone is 03 and H202 is 02. That doesn't compute with me but then

again, I don't really know what you are doing either. I do know you

have a sauna and as most think on here, it's better than H202 so why

want H202?


> No matter what Ken, letting the next person know they are dealing

with hazardous material is very important in my book, might not be

yours but it is mine.


> Being legal meant I had to attend classes to know how to properly

handle this material, what is recommended to keep it safe and to let

the next person know what is in the box.


> My prices are my prices and a $20.00 extra charge has to be charged

and paid to UPS. Soon I am considering selling a different

percentage so that people who only want one bottle can get it without

the additional shipping.


> Gale ^i^

> http://www.AwakeningsEnergy.com

> " Strange times are these in which we live, when old and young are

taught in falsehoods school.

> And the one man that dares to tell the truth is called at once, a

lunatic and fool. " Plato


> We are the fuses in the " global consciousness circuit board "

between water and light

> Re: My controversy with Ozone



> Gale speaking of h202, azurestandard can no longer ship out of


> I am hoping and praying you did not notify any authorities of


> situation, as I recall you being very upset that they shipped

as they

> did, but their prices made the h202 affordable for many of us,


> now it is not. I was quite chagrined to learn this when I

tried to

> place an order last week.



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Please read Kane's work.

And cite me studies. As I have seen studies that it is even taken up

into the lens of the eye (animal studies). I have seen studies that

IV glutathione alone has dramatically reduced hep c counts.


> >

> > I should add that the cost of 1000 mg of glutathione is probably

> > about $10 or something like that...I'd have to check.


> I can add that IV glutathione is useful in the blood serum, but

> it does not get into the cells where 90% is needed. For that

> reason I recommend to my clients that they use cold-processed

> whey and selenium.


> Glutathione shots are very old-school.


> Duncan Crow

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> And Jill, you are doing ozone, why are you worrying about H202 as

ozone is 03 and H202 is 02.

It hasn't hit them yet, but using oxygen in the United States

without a prescription in order to treat themselves with ozone or

any other way is illegal also. That goes for oxygen concentrators

too. Now, how many lawbreakers do we have here? Speak up! :)


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So Jill,

You don't think Saul marks up his Ozone units or anyone else does that's on this

list with their products? How do you think they stay in business?

No we are not making much and with all the hassles of trying to stay legal and

putting out upfront money for the hazmat course, bottles, labeling of the

bottles, artwork, pressurized lids, labels that are required by hazmat top go on

the box, the program that UPS makes you pay for to ship legally through them it

all costs money. Yes I think the prices we are charging is within reason. Sure

it would have been easier to take my chances and ship illegally but as I said I

was concerned for the next person.

I do think of others and yes you were the one who told Shirley you were getting

it locally.

I don't think Ten dollars and 25 cents for 12 quart bottles is asking too much

or Twelve dollars and 25 cents for 6 bottles is either but there will always be

a $20.00 hazmat fee that has to be paid to UPS, plus shipping costs.

These people who throw it into a plastic bottle, slap a label on it can also

contaminate the h202 but hey you get what you pay for. Some are good and do it

right but some do not. I know someone in Phoenix that bought some from a health

food store. She tried to contact the company, they were listed on the website

with a P.O. Box address only and no phone number, she today wonders really if

it's truely 35% as no one inspects the bottles after they leave the chemical

outlet. It doesn't bubble or anything, could be water with a little h202 in it.

Someone who pays out the expense to be legal is more concerned about their

product, I believe. That is only my opinion and you can take it or leave it but

I am concerned for the next person who handles it and the person who receives

it. Just my way I guess.

Gale ^i^


" Strange times are these in which we live, when old and young are taught in

falsehoods school.

And the one man that dares to tell the truth is called at once, a lunatic and

fool. " Plato

We are the fuses in the " global consciousness circuit board " between water and


Re: Re: My controversy with Ozone

> >

> >

> > I was doing IV o3, not liver flushes. The amount of times

that I

> did and

> > was going to do the IVs was well known on this list.

> > There were no cautions beforehand. I take responsibility for


> own

> > actions. I just want to caution anyone else who might be

> interested.

> > I believe that mega doses of antioxidants are required to


> the

> > IV ozone. IV Vitamin C if at all possible.

> > This is my experience.

> > I think it's irresponsible to tell people that IV o3 is THE

> answer to

> > their problems. Ozone is a tool that needs to be used with

> caution.

> >

> >

> >

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Gale, your price is 3 dollars less than I paid per quart, 4 years ago,

and then the supplier went out of business, complaining that shipping

would soon be too high to make any money.

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I have no local source, Gale, and I don't recall who Shirley is.

Please look back through my posts and find my local source for me, as

it would be MUCH easier.

I will get it as cheaply as possible. That's capitalism--from your

side, and from my side.

I can't get Saul's knowledge and quality anywhere else. If Saul

clones himself and the clone offers the same knowledge and quality

for cheaper, I will buy it. I considered the tent sauna--a much

cheaper way--but I live in an apartment and Ken very kindly noted

that the tent leaks onto the floor. It didn't seem feasible.

> > > Whenever your body detoxifies sometimes you will feel


> and

> > your skin can show the wear and tear before it all starts to


> > better. If you are breaking up things in the body, it is



> > TO HAVE A GREAT DETOX program going. You sure wouldn't want


> this

> > bad attaching itself elsewhere. And inflammation can be a

> healing

> > crisis you are going through. Maybe your body is working on


> > liver, did you think of that? Maybe it is time to detoxify


> > liver and rejuvenate it and that is exactly what the body is

> doing.

> > >



> > hydrogen peroxide page on the website below my name. It will

> clue

> > you in to what you might expect your body to do when

> detoxifying.

> > It's a wonderful read.

> > >

> > > Hope this helps,

> > >

> > > GAle ^i^

> > > http://www.AwakeningsEnergy.com

> > > " Strange times are these in which we live, when old and


> are

> > taught in falsehoods school.

> > > And the one man that dares to tell the truth is called at


> a

> > lunatic and fool. " Plato

> > >

> > > We are the fuses in the " global consciousness circuit

board "

> > between water and light

> > > Re: Re: My controversy with Ozone

> > >

> > >

> > > I was doing IV o3, not liver flushes. The amount of times

> that I

> > did and

> > > was going to do the IVs was well known on this list.

> > > There were no cautions beforehand. I take responsibility


> my

> > own

> > > actions. I just want to caution anyone else who might be

> > interested.

> > > I believe that mega doses of antioxidants are required to

> counter

> > the

> > > IV ozone. IV Vitamin C if at all possible.

> > > This is my experience.

> > > I think it's irresponsible to tell people that IV o3 is


> > answer to

> > > their problems. Ozone is a tool that needs to be used


> > caution.

> > >

> > >

> > >

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I considered the tent sauna--a much

> cheaper way--but I live in an apartment and Ken very kindly noted

> that the tent leaks onto the floor. It didn't seem feasible.


Why don't you consider a 15 dollar floor pan then? To expensive?


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By the way, I'm plugging away tonight at an article on hyperbaric

oxygen, ozone, sauna etc, and went back to find the research on

neutrophils and ozone from Scripps:


Its super cool.

Why don't I get a pan? A few reasons. I was also concerned about

the material of the tent outgassing and perhaps being degraded by

ozone and being unhealthy for me, even though this is speculation.

Two, and this may sound ridiculous to you, but I am aesthetically

inclined and I have a hard enough time with a chamber sitting in the

middle of my livingroom, and now an ozone sauna in my bedroom. In

order to fit it in there I will have to remove a closet door and find

a very pretty tapestry and have it sewn to make some kind of

beautiful curtain, and I may drape extra material from the tapestry

over the sauna. My environment is important to me and my home is like

a sanctuary with pretty colors and lovely things. I cannot figure

out a way to make the chamber look better or different and its 8 feet

long, so I just kind of view it as an anomaly. But a tent in my

bedroom, I just wouldn't like.

I know you will probably be laughing at this. But each to his own.

> I considered the tent sauna--a much

> > cheaper way--but I live in an apartment and Ken very kindly noted

> > that the tent leaks onto the floor. It didn't seem feasible.

> >

> Why don't you consider a 15 dollar floor pan then? To expensive?


> Dick

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I just used Den's sauna for the first time (no ozone) last night. Put a

towel on the floor of the sauna = no leakage on outside hardwood floor.

" Junk " steam pot produced adequate steam to maintain a steady 116 degree

F temp measured up at the level of one of the arm zippers. Plenty of

moisture dripping off my body either from sweat or condensation, don't

think it matters which as long as you are moist and warm ozone will

penetrate. All in all, I think the sauna is a viable alternative to

Saul's sauna (Saul's looks like the best out there) for those looking to

save money. One can always spring for Saul's sauna a few years down the

road at which time Den's sauna will have more than " paid " for itself.

I have looked but could not find a floor pan to fit the sauna.


bjs17792001 wrote:

> I considered the tent sauna--a much



>>cheaper way--but I live in an apartment and Ken very kindly noted

>>that the tent leaks onto the floor. It didn't seem feasible.




>Why don't you consider a 15 dollar floor pan then? To expensive?






>OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and other

alternative self-help subjects.




>This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find here are for

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believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you do so at your own risk.

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Where can I purchase one of those 15 dollar floor pans?


bjs17792001 wrote:

> I considered the tent sauna--a much



>>cheaper way--but I live in an apartment and Ken very kindly noted

>>that the tent leaks onto the floor. It didn't seem feasible.




>Why don't you consider a 15 dollar floor pan then? To expensive?






>OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and other

alternative self-help subjects.




>This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find here are for

information and research purposes only. We are people sharing information we

believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you do so at your own risk.

Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability to take

responsibility for your own actions. By joining the list you agree to hold

yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do not use any ideas found here

without consulting a medical professional, unless you are a researcher or health

care provider.


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> oxyplus-unsubscribeegroups


> oxyplus-normalonelist - switch your subscription to normal mode.



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Why would liver flushing age you? I am about to try liver flushing but don't

want to look 1000yrs old :-)

Re: Re: My controversy with Ozone/Saul

Date: Sun, 9 Nov 2003 05:09:39 -0500 (EST)

Mike, I think you have a correct take on the situation.

Ozone is useful in correct amounts.( I have had success using it as an


However, there can be too much of a good thing.

I was injecting 50 cc per day for 200+ days, and had harmful results.

Recently, I have had my drivers license renewed, and the difference in

my face is obvious. I looked like I've aged 10-15 years. My diet and

other habits have not changed. IV Ozone is the only major difference.

My feeling is that you must flood the body with anti-oxidants, and use

the ozone as a stimulant, not a cure.

This not to say that IV ozone should not be done; I would not count on

it to fix your problem; but a small amount will stimulate your own


OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and other

alternative self-help subjects.


This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find here are

for information and research purposes only. We are people sharing

information we believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you do so at your

own risk. Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability to

take responsibility for your own actions. By joining the list you agree to

hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do not use any ideas found

here without consulting a medical professional, unless you are a researcher

or health care provider.

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oxyplus-normalonelist - switch your subscription to normal mode.

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Sorry this question has already been answered. The post came in after I wrote

the question

Re: Re: My controversy with Ozone/Saul

Date: Sun, 9 Nov 2003 05:09:39 -0500 (EST)

Mike, I think you have a correct take on the situation.

Ozone is useful in correct amounts.( I have had success using it as an


However, there can be too much of a good thing.

I was injecting 50 cc per day for 200+ days, and had harmful results.

Recently, I have had my drivers license renewed, and the difference in

my face is obvious. I looked like I've aged 10-15 years. My diet and

other habits have not changed. IV Ozone is the only major difference.

My feeling is that you must flood the body with anti-oxidants, and use

the ozone as a stimulant, not a cure.

This not to say that IV ozone should not be done; I would not count on

it to fix your problem; but a small amount will stimulate your own


OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and other

alternative self-help subjects.


This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find here are

for information and research purposes only. We are people sharing

information we believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you do so at your

own risk. Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability to

take responsibility for your own actions. By joining the list you agree to

hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do not use any ideas found

here without consulting a medical professional, unless you are a researcher

or health care provider.

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oxyplus-normalonelist - switch your subscription to normal mode.

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BTW I was reading that the lead singer of the Red Hot Chilli peppers does lots

of IV ozone - have you seen how good he looks. About 10yrs younger than he is.

I guess he is not ill and that's the difference

Re: Re: My controversy with Ozone

Thanks Arthur, yes, I did all the good fats, and so on. I don't plan to

do the o3 as such again. I'm just going to try and stay well, and forget

about the " cure " .

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It wouldn't age you.....however you can overdo anything.......the best way to

approach liver flushing is to eat very light or even fast the day of your

flush........keeping in mind that a liver flush takes your liver off line

temporarily.....then lets it begin functioning again with renewed

vigor.......doing 200 or 300 is insanity.......eating heavily before a flush

isn't very wise either........liver flushes are good!! just make sure you follor

directions and don't try to get too much out all at once.......give it time to

flush and then let it get back to work......Robb

Re: Re: My controversy with Ozone/Saul

Date: Sun, 9 Nov 2003 05:09:39 -0500 (EST)

Mike, I think you have a correct take on the situation.

Ozone is useful in correct amounts.( I have had success using it as an


However, there can be too much of a good thing.

I was injecting 50 cc per day for 200+ days, and had harmful results.

Recently, I have had my drivers license renewed, and the difference in

my face is obvious. I looked like I've aged 10-15 years. My diet and

other habits have not changed. IV Ozone is the only major difference.

My feeling is that you must flood the body with anti-oxidants, and use

the ozone as a stimulant, not a cure.

This not to say that IV ozone should not be done; I would not count on

it to fix your problem; but a small amount will stimulate your own


OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and other

alternative self-help subjects.


This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find here are

for information and research purposes only. We are people sharing

information we believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you do so at your

own risk. Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability to

take responsibility for your own actions. By joining the list you agree to

hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do not use any ideas found

here without consulting a medical professional, unless you are a researcher

or health care provider.

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oxyplus-normalonelist - switch your subscription to normal mode.

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I believe you are incorrect about that...........last I checked it is NOT

illegal to treat yourself.....and o2 is available without a


Re: My controversy with Ozone

> And Jill, you are doing ozone, why are you worrying about H202 as

ozone is 03 and H202 is 02.

It hasn't hit them yet, but using oxygen in the United States

without a prescription in order to treat themselves with ozone or

any other way is illegal also. That goes for oxygen concentrators

too. Now, how many lawbreakers do we have here? Speak up! :)


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Dear ,

Normal liver flushing will not age you. On the contrary it will

help your skin look youthful and clear.

However, 200 - 300 liver flushes are not in the normal range.

Four or five or six is more like it.

Best of health!

Dr. Saul Pressman



----Original Message Follows----

From: " " <johnml@...>


<oxyplus >

Subject: Re: Re: My controversy with Ozone

Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2003 03:01:14 -0000


Why would liver flushing age you? I am about to try liver flushing

but don't want to look 1000yrs old :-)


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> Dick,


> Where can I purchase one of those 15 dollar floor pans?


> Dennis

What size would it take? I can buy 36 x 36 pans from Bramec

corporation for 13 dollars and 13 cents each since I am a wholesaler.

Don't ask me to supply them because I don't want to mess with it. Den

is the one who should make them avaiable. Here is the part # 17695.

Have him call 605 232 4311.


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36x36 will do it just fine.

They retail for $60.00 on their web site....... big markup!....unless

it's $60.00 for 5 pans.

Thanks for the tip. I suppose any local HVAC supply house should stock

similar items.


bjs17792001 wrote:






>>Where can I purchase one of those 15 dollar floor pans?






>What size would it take? I can buy 36 x 36 pans from Bramec

>corporation for 13 dollars and 13 cents each since I am a wholesaler.

>Don't ask me to supply them because I don't want to mess with it. Den

>is the one who should make them avaiable. Here is the part # 17695.

>Have him call 605 232 4311.






>OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and other

alternative self-help subjects.




>This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find here are for

information and research purposes only. We are people sharing information we

believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you do so at your own risk.

Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability to take

responsibility for your own actions. By joining the list you agree to hold

yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do not use any ideas found here

without consulting a medical professional, unless you are a researcher or health

care provider.


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