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Re: Can MMS make hyperactive immune systems worse?

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Is it true that if one has an auto immune illness in which the immune system attacks itself, like RA, Sjogrens, Lupus etc... that MMS can make it worse by stimulating the immune system? I only thought of MMS as something that removes bugs, didn't think of it as a stimulant but apparently it is. Because if it works for AIDS, how can it work for these illnesses when they are the exact opposite right? AIDS patients have an immune system that doesn't work right? Whereas an overactive immune system works overtime thus killing even good healthy tissue we need. Aren't these the exact opposite immune problems?

Any help on this appreciated. Thanks.

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Hello VickiNo matter what they say, the immunesystem does not attack itself. Most of these auto-immune diseases and disordersare caused by eating and drinking too muchoverly acid-forming foods. Get rid of the acidand watch what happens.I promised a while back to provide more information about this and I have not got around to it. I will do that soon. In themeantime, Google for acid, alkaline foods.You want to eat more alkaline-forming foods. These are mainly RAW fruits and vegetables. You want to eliminate sodaand energy drinks of any kind. They areextremely acid and acid-forming. Do noteat pork or very little. I love pork mixedwith beef but it is a no-no :((

Do not usemargarine, mayonnaise and artificial creamers. Use butter, organic mayo andreal cream instead but with these less isbetter. No shell fish of any kind. Eat lessmeat of any kind. Be sure to consumeABSOLUTELY NOTHING WITH ASPARTAMEand SUCRALOSE (trade name is Splenda) init. It is better to use sugar than these butthere are natural things you can use to sweeten your food/drinks such as Stevia.Many people would get rid of their maladiesif they just stopped drinking soda pop andavoided anything with Aspartame and Sucralose/Splenda. Sodas and energy drinks and the like are disease in a can.Probably more important than anythingdo not think you can do it all in one day.If you are not eating a lot of vegetables,for example, then add a few more eachday or each week until you are ready toadd more vegs and less meat and so

on.You may already be doing these things. Ifyou are great but you may need somethingmore. Keep searching. You will find it. Itis uncanny, almost, the way God shows us the very thing we need when we step out andbegin searching. It is almost as if there wasno use showing us anything before because until we began the search, we probably didn't believe much.God bless you muchly!Helen From: Vicki

<genuinelysweet2002@...> Sent: Tuesday, November 4, 2008 1:17:30 PMSubject: Re: [ ] Can MMS make hyperactive immune systems worse?

Is it true that if one has an auto immune illness in which the immune system attacks itself, like RA, Sjogrens, Lupus etc... that MMS can make it worse by stimulating the immune system? I only thought of MMS as something that removes bugs, didn't think of it as a stimulant but apparently it is. Because if it works for AIDS, how can it work for these illnesses when they are the exact opposite right? AIDS patients have an immune system that doesn't work right? Whereas an overactive immune system works overtime thus killing even good healthy tissue we need. Aren't these the exact opposite immune problems?

Any help on this appreciated. Thanks.

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MMS, similar to CS, isn't necessarily an immune stimulant (i don't think?). they can act that way indirectly by their bug-killing taking the workload off the immune system, and both do seem to interact with it in ways, not always stimulating though. i keep falling back to thinking of MMS as just a bug killer, but then i start remembering some of the more amazing and interesting results people have had... so i believe there's more to it than that. if the problem with the immune system is in fact caused by some microbe(s) then killing them off is a first needed step to getting things back in order, isn't it? so it could be a rough road for awhile, and best to not go too fast lest the fix be worse than the problem.

the immune system is a very complex thing, and under DNA control. i don't know how MMS works with it (it's shown some good signs), but CS seems to usually (except in rare cases) do it nothing but good. CS has a history of successes with various autoimmune disorders... not perfect or even most of the time, but also not unusual for it to work well when there's no other hope available.

but then i'm a paperhanger with hep-c, not a trained biomedical researcher of any credible expertise....

-----Original Message-----From: [mailto: ]On Behalf Of VickiSent: Tuesday, November 04, 2008 4:18 PM Subject: Re: [ ] Can MMS make hyperactive immune systems worse?

Is it true that if one has an auto immune illness in which the immune system attacks itself, like RA, Sjogrens, Lupus etc... that MMS can make it worse by stimulating the immune system? I only thought of MMS as something that removes bugs, didn't think of it as a stimulant but apparently it is. Because if it works for AIDS, how can it work for these illnesses when they are the exact opposite right? AIDS patients have an immune system that doesn't work right? Whereas an overactive immune system works overtime thus killing even good healthy tissue we need. Aren't these the exact opposite immune problems?

Any help on this appreciated. Thanks.

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Bob, your experiences with MMS and CS as a sick person mean a whole lot more than what some biomedical researcher claims. No PHD's have ever helped me so it doens't much matter what they think.

From: bob Larson <bobList@...>Subject: RE: [ ] Can MMS make hyperactive immune systems worse? Date: Tuesday, November 4, 2008, 7:54 PM

MMS, similar to CS, isn't necessarily an immune stimulant (i don't think?). they can act that way indirectly by their bug-killing taking the workload off the immune system, and both do seem to interact with it in ways, not always stimulating though. i keep falling back to thinking of MMS as just a bug killer, but then i start remembering some of the more amazing and interesting results people have had... so i believe there's more to it than that. if the problem with the immune system is in fact caused by some microbe(s) then killing them off is a first needed step to getting things back in order, isn't it? so it could be a rough road for awhile, and best to not go too fast lest the fix be worse than the problem.

the immune system is a very complex thing, and under DNA control. i don't know how MMS works with it (it's shown some good signs), but CS seems to usually (except in rare cases) do it nothing but good. CS has a history of successes with various autoimmune disorders... not perfect or even most of the time, but also not unusual for it to work well when there's no other hope available.

but then i'm a paperhanger with hep-c, not a trained biomedical researcher of any credible expertise... .

Re: [miracle_mineral_ supplement] Can MMS make hyperactive immune systems worse?

Is it true that if one has an auto immune illness in which the immune system attacks itself, like RA, Sjogrens, Lupus etc... that MMS can make it worse by stimulating the immune system? I only thought of MMS as something that removes bugs, didn't think of it as a stimulant but apparently it is. Because if it works for AIDS, how can it work for these illnesses when they are the exact opposite right? AIDS patients have an immune system that doesn't work right? Whereas an overactive immune system works overtime thus killing even good healthy tissue we need. Aren't these the exact opposite immune problems?

Any help on this appreciated. Thanks.

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thanks for your response, i have been doing a lot of this already. But I dont want to keep looking for answers like you mentioned, even if MMS doens't work. I searched for hours daily for 2.5 years and tried so many things. MMS is my last option. Hearing I should keep looking gives me doubts about MMS and I am losing hope, yet I dont have endless energy and lifetimes to keep searching for other things ;(

From: helen/zhebee <zhebee@...>Subject: Re: [ ] Can MMS make hyperactive immune systems worse? Date: Tuesday, November 4, 2008, 2:42 PM

Hello VickiNo matter what they say, the immunesystem does not attack itself. Most of these auto-immune diseases and disordersare caused by eating and drinking too muchoverly acid-forming foods. Get rid of the acidand watch what happens.I promised a while back to provide more information about this and I have not got around to it. I will do that soon. In themeantime, Google for acid, alkaline foods.You want to eat more alkaline-forming foods. These are mainly RAW fruits and vegetables. You want to eliminate sodaand energy drinks of any kind. They areextremely acid and acid-forming. Do noteat pork or very little. I love pork mixedwith beef but it is a no-no :(( Do not usemargarine, mayonnaise and artificial creamers. Use

butter, organic mayo andreal cream instead but with these less isbetter. No shell fish of any kind. Eat lessmeat of any kind. Be sure to consumeABSOLUTELY NOTHING WITH ASPARTAMEand SUCRALOSE (trade name is Splenda) init. It is better to use sugar than these butthere are natural things you can use to sweeten your food/drinks such as Stevia.Many people would get rid of their maladiesif they just stopped drinking soda pop andavoided anything with Aspartame and Sucralose/Splenda. Sodas and energy drinks and the like are disease in a can.Probably more important than anythingdo not think you can do it all in one day.If you are not eating a lot of vegetables,for example, then add a few more eachday or each week until you are ready toadd more vegs and less meat and so on.You may already be doing these things. Ifyou are great but you may

need somethingmore. Keep searching. You will find it. Itis uncanny, almost, the way God shows us the very thing we need when we step out andbegin searching. It is almost as if there wasno use showing us anything before because until we began the search, we probably didn't believe much.God bless you muchly!Helen

From: Vicki <genuinelysweet2002>miracle_mineral_ supplementSent: Tuesday, November 4, 2008 1:17:30 PMSubject: Re: [miracle_mineral_ supplement] Can MMS make hyperactive immune systems worse?

Is it true that if one has an auto immune illness in which the immune system attacks itself, like RA, Sjogrens, Lupus etc... that MMS can make it worse by stimulating the immune system? I only thought of MMS as something that removes bugs, didn't think of it as a stimulant but apparently it is. Because if it works for AIDS, how can it work for these illnesses when they are the exact opposite right? AIDS patients have an immune system that doesn't work right? Whereas an overactive immune system works overtime thus killing even good healthy tissue we need. Aren't these the exact opposite immune problems?

Any help on this appreciated. Thanks.

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