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Re: Real sick need some help: Tra. Overnight cancer cure

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you sent an email in September about the Overnight Cancer Cure.

Thank you for that, its a fabulous link.

So in going to it, I see that it has been updated last week.



The Overnight Cure For Cancer (OCC) - Version 2

by R. Webster Kehr

Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc.

Note For Those Using a Prior Version of the OCC

A new version of the Overnight Cure For Cancer was released on the evening

of October 25, 2008. If you have already started a prior version of the OCC,

and need information about the prior version, click this link (NOTE: Use the

" Cancer Diet " from this page as the " Cancer Diet " for the prior version of

the OCC!!):

(and if this was reported earlier, please excuse my repeating it. There

have been so many emails to this list in the last week, its become overwhelming)

, again, thank you thank you thank you.

- Marilyn -

At 10:32 AM 9/27/2008 -0500, Gaiacita wrote:

>Hi Bonnie.


>You can read about transdermal use of MMS and DMSO. Just Google Overnight

>Cancer Cure and you'll find it. Basically it's just making up MMS, rubbing

>it on the skin and putting DMSO on over it to carry it further into the

>blood system. It can cause redness an itching of the skin so you follow

>that, in about a half hour, with MSM mixed into water. Immediately stops

>the itching.





>-------Original Message-------


>I have been reading posts daily just not chiming in because I stopped using

MMS because it bothered my stomach terribly the second day of use. I kept

using it but then stopped because of this.



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On 11/6/2008 11:23 AM, Marilyn Gang wrote:

> A new version of the Overnight Cure For Cancer was released on the evening

> of October 25, 2008. If you have already started a prior version of the OCC,

> and need information about the prior version, click this link (NOTE: Use the

> " Cancer Diet " from this page as the " Cancer Diet " for the prior version of

> the OCC!!):

So... is there a page somewhere that discloses the changes? I'd be

curious to know how the new version differs...

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I sent my aunt with Cancer MMS. Now I feel like I haven't done enough. I need to send DMSO and MSM to? I just don't know what to do. It's overwhelming. I can't cure myself and now the MMS isn't enough apparently. It's crazy, becuase via UPS it costs HUNDREDS to send a few ounces to Eastern Europe. But via usps it gets stolen....

I still dont get how diseases that have underactive immune systems like Cancer and Aids are grouped together with diseases that cause hyperactive immune system like Sjogrens and RA. If these theories are true, then MMS would be bad for Sjogren's making it worse. But if there is no truth to MMS stimulating the immune system and no truth to a "hyperactive immune system destroying healthy tissue" then I need not worry. I just constantly hear such things and I get really confused.>Hi Bonnie.>>You can read about transdermal use of MMS and DMSO. Just Google Overnight>Cancer Cure and you'll find it. Basically it's just making up MMS, rubbing>it on the skin and putting DMSO on over it to carry it further into the>blood system. It can cause redness an itching of the skin so you follow>that, in about a half hour, with MSM mixed into water. Immediately stops>the itching.>>Samala,>>>-------Original Message----- --> >I have been reading posts daily just not chiming in because I stopped usingMMS because it bothered my stomach terribly the second day of use. I keptusing it but then stopped because of


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Hello VickiWhat is destroying the system in all of these cases that you mention is an overly acid body.Do let being confused a little bother you. Justkeep studying and it will all fall into place. Remember that this way of healing oneself iscompletely different than modern medicine'sway. Modern medicine tries to heal with a pill or two ..or 27 pills. They only know to cut, poison or burn. With natural healing you are trying to feed your whole body so that it will heal itself and we know our body needs more than one nutrient to make that happen. The body does this very efficiently if given the righttools.Here's the best advice I can give for your aunt.Tell your aunt to go to the grocery

store andbuy baking soda. Tell her to make sure it does not contain aluminum. Then tell her totake 4 teaspoons of baking soda mixed inwater each day spreading it out over the day in order to keep her body saturated with the baking soda all day.If she can get some pH strips, she should test her urine now (as often as she wants but in the morning before eating, drinking or exercisingis best). Tell her to pee in a cup and then testit with a pH strip. Do not pee on the strip; itwill not give a proper reading. She should test her urine again about 3 hours after taking the first batch of baking soda. She will see her urine going from acid to alkaline with the first teaspoon of baking soda she takes. You could send her pH strips in an envelopeif she cannot get them. If you buy the rollyou could tear off pieces and put them in

anenvelope with the chart. It might be easierfor you to mail them that way than to mail theroll.She will find it easier to drink the baking soda in water using a straw. It helps, immediately after drinking it, to wash her mouth out with water to get rid of the taste if she wishes.Once the cancer is gone, she should continue totake the baking soda but she'll need only 1/2 teaspoon two or three times a day.Baking soda needs to be taken on an emptystomach. Do not take it with food. Try it andyou will see how it affects digestion, if youwish. I take baking soda first thing in the morning and then I do not eat or drink anythingfor an hour. In the day, I take it about 2 1/2 hours to 3 hours after eating.If you have not heard how baking soda helps withcancer, go to this website >> knowthecause.com It is extremely

important that she eat only the bestdiet which consists mostly of raw fruits and vegetables.Tell her to stay away from meat, especially red meatsand especially pork. If she does take chicken or fish, she should only have a small portion. No shellfish. She must not under any circumstances take in any drinks like soda pop and energy drinks or anything manufactured even if it she thinks it is good for her. No coffee. If she does drink a lot of coffee, tell her to go off of it slowly. The withdrawal from coffee is so awful that it has known to kill people ...rarely but it has happened. Do not eat any artificialfoods like margarine, regular mayonnaise and powdercoffee creamer. Instead use butter, Virgin CoconutOil (VCO), organic mayonnaise (small amount is permissable) and real cream if you must. Except for the VCO, these should be kept to a

minimum.It would be great if the water she drinks has a pHof 7.3 or higher. She can test the water with a pHstrip.Dave Kaufmann on knowthecause.com says not to

eat oranges or orange juice. I don't know why. When you go to his website, go to his FAQ section to find the diet he recommends.If she is living in a mildew, moldy environment, sheneeds to get away from it. It is causing her problems.Tell her to be extremely careful not to let mold growanywhere. When mold grows, the spores are releasedinto the air. You cannot see them but you will be breathing them into your lungs and body. Mold is afungus and fungus is thought to cause cancer sooneror later.Do you send your aunt messages by email? If so,please send her this email. If she does these things, she should not need you to send her anything. Where does she live?I don't see how MMS would be good to take for cancer as it probably is very acid-forming in the body. On the other hand, I think it kills fungusand if it does, that

might be helpful since fungusseems to cause cancer. I, too, am confused withMMS. If I had cancer, I don't think I would takeMMS because keeping the body alkaline will killcancer cells and fungus and other pathogens andone can do that with baking soda and a proper diet. I do think MMS is very helpful for thingslike lyme, malaria, AIDS, etc.I am sure to have forgotten to tell you something.If so, I will write again.I will be praying for you and your aunt and yourfamily. Prayer is the most important. Simply askGod to direct you to the right answers. It is amazing how often He does that. Sometimes Iwonder if it would not be helpful to read powerfuland positive affirmations daily in order to wash out negative thoughts. It is known that mental or physical trauma can immediately lower one's pHto a very acid state so staying upbeat and

positiveis important.God bless you and yours.Helen From: Vicki <genuinelysweet2002@...> Sent: Thursday, November 6, 2008 1:59:46 PMSubject: Re: [ ] Re: Real sick need some help: Tra. Overnight cancer cure

I sent my aunt with Cancer MMS. Now I feel like I haven't done enough. I need to send DMSO and MSM to? I just don't know what to do. It's overwhelming. I can't cure myself and now the MMS isn't enough apparently. It's crazy, becuase via UPS it costs HUNDREDS to send a few ounces to Eastern Europe. But via usps it gets stolen....

I still dont get how diseases that have underactive immune systems like Cancer and Aids are grouped together with diseases that cause hyperactive immune system like Sjogrens and RA. If these theories are true, then MMS would be bad for Sjogren's making it worse. But if there is no truth to MMS stimulating the immune system and no truth to a "hyperactive immune system destroying healthy tissue" then I need not worry. I just constantly hear such things and I get really confused.>Hi Bonnie.>>You can read about transdermal use of MMS and DMSO. Just Google Overnight>Cancer Cure and you'll find it. Basically it's just making up MMS, rubbing>it on the skin and putting DMSO on over it to carry it further into the>blood system. It can cause redness an itching of the skin so you follow>that, in about a half hour, with MSM mixed into water. Immediately stops>the itching.>>Samala,>>>-------Original Message----- --> >I have been reading posts daily just not chiming in because I stopped usingMMS because it bothered my stomach terribly the second day of use. I keptusing it but then stopped because of


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> >Hi Bonnie.


> >


> >You can read about transdermal use of MMS and DMSO. Just Google


> >Cancer Cure and you'll find it. Basically it's just making up MMS,


> >it on the skin and putting DMSO on over it to carry it further into the

> >blood system. It can cause redness an itching of the skin so you follow

> >that, in about a half hour, with MSM mixed into water. Immediately


> >the itching.


> >


> >Samala,


> >


> >


> >-------Original Message----- --


> >


> >I have been reading posts daily just not chiming in because I

stopped using

> MMS because it bothered my stomach terribly the second day of use. I


> using it but then stopped because of this.

> >

> >


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Hi bizActually when your body becomes alkalizedyou should see a decrease in blood pressuresooner or later if your pressure is high. Ifblood pressure is normal, it will stay normaleven as one alkalizes. Most people whobecome alkalized using other means see adecrease in hbp.I have slightly higher blood pressure than Ishould have ...it goes up and down a bit lately.I need to smarten up and give up some of thenot-so-good foods I eat. I take a 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda 3 timesper day. I would take more if I had cancer orsomething like that. The dosage I take keepsmy pH right where it is supposed to be. I'veonly been doing this for a short time. I have not noticed

much difference in my bp. Thedosage might need to be different for othersto get the alkaline result. If I were concerned that it would adversely affect my blood pressure, I would start withsmaller 'dosages' while keeping an eye on myblood pressure. If I saw no difference, I'dslowly increase it. I would expect to see myblood pressure to decrease.I sell various products and because of that Iam often required to tell people that I do notdiagnose, prescribe or treat disease. I alsohave to tell them to work with their doctor and I have no objection to that except I knowtheir doctor probably knows nothing aboutnatural products and in order to save himselffrom a possible lawsuit or something, he willerr on the side of being too cautious and keeppeople from using the natural products theyneed. Then he will tell his patient not to take the

natural product or even that it might interfere with the medication. He doesn't tellthem that because he knows the natural oneto be bad. He says it because he knows nothing about the natural products containedtherein. What a shame! That is why you have to make decisions yourself.Just remember you are in charge of your bodyand what you will put into it ...not your doctoreven though he/she may act like they are theones in charge and that you have to do what they say. They have been trained to act like that. My doctor got so he would explain myoptions according to what he knew and thenhe would ask me what I wanted to do. BeforeI 'trained' him, he would just get out the prescription pad.For example, often medicines add to the acidic state of one's body. If you alkalizethe body, you might be neutralizing the medication,

too. But which is better foryou? Something that brings your bodyto an alkaline state or a drug of dubioususefulness? I know this might make some people a bit nervous. I used to belike that myself. What would I do if I gotcancer, I thought. Would I go the naturalroute or the medical route? I have long since decided it would be the natural waybut it took me a while to get there.If you want to take the baking soda but are worried that it might have an effect with your medication, then I suggest youdo not put the baking soda on top of themedication. In other words, don't take them at the same time. Allow an hourbetween them.Let me know how it works out.Helen From: biztekmom <biztekmom@...> Sent: Thursday, November 6, 2008 4:45:37 PMSubject: [ ] Re: Real sick need some help: Tra. Overnight cancer cure

> >Hi Bonnie.


> >


> >You can read about transdermal use of MMS and DMSO. Just Google


> >Cancer Cure and you'll find it. Basically it's just making up MMS,


> >it on the skin and putting DMSO on over it to carry it further into the

> >blood system. It can cause redness an itching of the skin so you follow

> >that, in about a half hour, with MSM mixed into water. Immediately


> >the itching.


> >


> >Samala,


> >


> >


> >-------Original Message----- --


> >


> >I have been reading posts daily just not chiming in because I

stopped using

> MMS because it bothered my stomach terribly the second day of use. I


> using it but then stopped because of this.

> >

> >


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How much water do you recommend mixing with the 4 tablespoons of baking soda?

Thanks in advance, KM (Kathy)

Re: [ ] Re: Real sick need some help: Tra. Overnight cancer cure

I sent my aunt with Cancer MMS. Now I feel like I haven't done enough. I need to send DMSO and MSM to? I just don't know what to do. It's overwhelming. I can't cure myself and now the MMS isn't enough apparently. It's crazy, becuase via UPS it costs HUNDREDS to send a few ounces to Eastern Europe. But via usps it gets stolen....

I still dont get how diseases that have underactive immune systems like Cancer and Aids are grouped together with diseases that cause hyperactive immune system like Sjogrens and RA. If these theories are true, then MMS would be bad for Sjogren's making it worse. But if there is no truth to MMS stimulating the immune system and no truth to a "hyperactive immune system destroying healthy tissue" then I need not worry. I just constantly hear such things and I get really confused.>Hi Bonnie.>>You can read about transdermal use of MMS and DMSO. Just Google Overnight>Cancer Cure and you'll find it. Basically it's just making up MMS, rubbing>it on the skin and putting DMSO on over it to carry it further into the>blood system. It can cause redness an itching of the skin so you follow>that, in about a half hour, with MSM mixed into water. Immediately stops>the itching.>>Samala,>>>-------Original Message----- --> >I have been reading posts daily just not chiming in because I stopped usingMMS because it bothered my stomach terribly the second day of use. I keptusing it but then stopped because of


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thanks Helen for taking the time to explain all this. I will translate this to my aunt. Her cancer has spread and she needs help and fast. If our healthcare system sucks here, it sucks much more there unfortunately and I dont think MD's over there are doing enough for her.

Should I be doing this baking soda and PH strip thing too or just her?

>Hi Bonnie.>>You can read about transdermal use of MMS and DMSO. Just Google Overnight>Cancer Cure and you'll find it. Basically it's just making up MMS, rubbing>it on the skin and putting DMSO on over it to carry it further into the>blood system. It can cause redness an itching of the skin so you follow>that, in about a half hour, with MSM mixed into water. Immediately stops>the itching.>>Samala,>>>-------Original Message----- --> >I have been reading posts daily just not chiming in because I stopped usingMMS because it bothered my stomach terribly the second day of use. I keptusing it but then stopped because of


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Hi VickiYou're welcome. Where is there? Where does your aunt live?Helen From: Vicki <genuinelysweet2002@...> Sent:

Thursday, November 6, 2008 8:24:24 PMSubject: Re: [ ] Re: Real sick need some help: Tra. Overnight cancer cure

thanks Helen for taking the time to explain all this. I will translate this to my aunt. Her cancer has spread and she needs help and fast. If our healthcare system sucks here, it sucks much more there unfortunately and I dont think MD's over there are doing enough for her.

Should I be doing this baking soda and PH strip thing too or just her?

>Hi Bonnie.>>You can read about transdermal use of MMS and DMSO. Just Google Overnight>Cancer Cure and you'll find it. Basically it's just making up MMS, rubbing>it on the skin and putting DMSO on over it to carry it further into the>blood system. It can cause redness an itching of the skin so you follow>that, in about a half hour, with MSM mixed into water. Immediately stops>the itching.>>Samala,>>>-------Original Message----- --> >I have been reading posts daily just not chiming in because I stopped usingMMS because it bothered my stomach terribly the second day of use. I keptusing it but then stopped because of


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Oh no my aunt also has high BP. Should she be doing this treatment?

From: biztekmom <biztekmom@...>Subject: [ ] Re: Real sick need some help: Tra. Overnight cancer cure Date: Thursday, November 6, 2008, 4:45 PM

> >Hi Bonnie.> > >> > >You can read about transdermal use of MMS and DMSO. Just GoogleOvernight> >Cancer Cure and you'll find it. Basically it's just making up MMS,rubbing> >it on the skin and putting DMSO on over it to carry it further into the> >blood system. It can cause redness an itching of the skin so you follow> >that, in about a half hour, with MSM mixed into water. Immediatelystops> >the itching.> > >> > >Samala,> > >> > >> > >-------Original Message----- --> > > > > >I have been reading posts daily just not chiming in

because Istopped using> MMS because it bothered my stomach terribly the second day of use. Ikept> using it but then stopped because of this.> >> >>

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Okay so you answered the Q I asked already about BP. I am going to try to read your responses before I ask additional Q's. I read these one by one.

Do you know if this baking soda treatment ever cured someone with illnesses in my category? Auto immune rheumatic illness? Its good to know its cured people of Cancer and will have my aunt try it but wondering if I should try it too? If MMS makes my body more acidic and thats bad, do you feel it will therefore keep me ill? I sometimes dont know if I need to make my body more alkaline, or focus on killing bugs, or focus on modulating or even stimulating the immune system etc...and I am still confused on this DMSO and that other thing I cant remember the name from the article, not MMS but the 3rd thing mentioned in that article, escapes me now. Do we both or one of us need to be using it too?

From: helen/zhebee <zhebee@...>Subject: Re: [ ] Re: Real sick need some help: Tra. Overnight cancer cure Date: Thursday, November 6, 2008, 5:44 PM

Hi bizActually when your body becomes alkalizedyou should see a decrease in blood pressuresooner or later if your pressure is high. Ifblood pressure is normal, it will stay normaleven as one alkalizes. Most people whobecome alkalized using other means see adecrease in hbp.I have slightly higher blood pressure than Ishould have ...it goes up and down a bit lately.I need to smarten up and give up some of thenot-so-good foods I eat. I take a 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda 3 timesper day. I would take more if I had cancer orsomething like that. The dosage I take keepsmy pH right where it is supposed to be. I'veonly been doing this for a short time. I have not noticed much difference in my bp. Thedosage might need to be different for

othersto get the alkaline result. If I were concerned that it would adversely affect my blood pressure, I would start withsmaller 'dosages' while keeping an eye on myblood pressure. If I saw no difference, I'dslowly increase it. I would expect to see myblood pressure to decrease.I sell various products and because of that Iam often required to tell people that I do notdiagnose, prescribe or treat disease. I alsohave to tell them to work with their doctor and I have no objection to that except I knowtheir doctor probably knows nothing aboutnatural products and in order to save himselffrom a possible lawsuit or something, he willerr on the side of being too cautious and keeppeople from using the natural products theyneed. Then he will tell his patient not to take the natural product or even that it might interfere with the

medication. He doesn't tellthem that because he knows the natural oneto be bad. He says it because he knows nothing about the natural products containedtherein. What a shame! That is why you have to make decisions yourself.Just remember you are in charge of your bodyand what you will put into it ...not your doctoreven though he/she may act like they are theones in charge and that you have to do what they say. They have been trained to act like that. My doctor got so he would explain myoptions according to what he knew and thenhe would ask me what I wanted to do. BeforeI 'trained' him, he would just get out the prescription pad.For example, often medicines add to the acidic state of one's body. If you alkalizethe body, you might be neutralizing the medication, too. But which is better foryou? Something that

brings your bodyto an alkaline state or a drug of dubioususefulness? I know this might make some people a bit nervous. I used to belike that myself. What would I do if I gotcancer, I thought. Would I go the naturalroute or the medical route? I have long since decided it would be the natural waybut it took me a while to get there.If you want to take the baking soda but are worried that it might have an effect with your medication, then I suggest youdo not put the baking soda on top of themedication. In other words, don't take them at the same time. Allow an hourbetween them.Let me know how it works out.Helen

From: biztekmom <biztekmom (DOT) com>miracle_mineral_ supplementSent: Thursday, November 6, 2008 4:45:37 PMSubject: [miracle_mineral_ supplement] Re: Real sick need some help: Tra. Overnight cancer cure

> >Hi Bonnie.> > >> > >You can read about transdermal use of MMS and DMSO. Just GoogleOvernight> >Cancer Cure and you'll find it. Basically it's just making up MMS,rubbing> >it on the skin and putting DMSO on over it to carry it further into the> >blood system. It can cause redness an itching of the skin so you follow> >that, in about a half hour, with MSM mixed into water. Immediatelystops> >the itching.> > >> > >Samala,> > >> > >> > >-------Original Message----- --> > > >

> >I have been reading posts daily just not chiming in because Istopped using> MMS because it bothered my stomach terribly the second day of use. Ikept> using it but then stopped because of this.> >> >>

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Okay so you answered the Q I asked already about BP. I am going to try to read your responses before I ask additional Q's. I read these one by one.

Do you know if this baking soda treatment ever cured someone with illnesses in my category? Auto immune rheumatic illness? Its good to know its cured people of Cancer and will have my aunt try it but wondering if I should try it too? If MMS makes my body more acidic and thats bad, do you feel it will therefore keep me ill? I sometimes dont know if I need to make my body more alkaline, or focus on killing bugs, or focus on modulating or even stimulating the immune system etc...and I am still confused on this DMSO and that other thing I cant remember the name from the article, not MMS but the 3rd thing mentioned in that article, escapes me now. Do we both or one of us need to be using it too?

From: helen/zhebee <zhebee@...>Subject: Re: [ ] Re: Real sick need some help: Tra. Overnight cancer cure Date: Thursday, November 6, 2008, 5:44 PM

Hi bizActually when your body becomes alkalizedyou should see a decrease in blood pressuresooner or later if your pressure is high. Ifblood pressure is normal, it will stay normaleven as one alkalizes. Most people whobecome alkalized using other means see adecrease in hbp.I have slightly higher blood pressure than Ishould have ...it goes up and down a bit lately.I need to smarten up and give up some of thenot-so-good foods I eat. I take a 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda 3 timesper day. I would take more if I had cancer orsomething like that. The dosage I take keepsmy pH right where it is supposed to be. I'veonly been doing this for a short time. I have not noticed much difference in my bp. Thedosage might need to be different for

othersto get the alkaline result. If I were concerned that it would adversely affect my blood pressure, I would start withsmaller 'dosages' while keeping an eye on myblood pressure. If I saw no difference, I'dslowly increase it. I would expect to see myblood pressure to decrease.I sell various products and because of that Iam often required to tell people that I do notdiagnose, prescribe or treat disease. I alsohave to tell them to work with their doctor and I have no objection to that except I knowtheir doctor probably knows nothing aboutnatural products and in order to save himselffrom a possible lawsuit or something, he willerr on the side of being too cautious and keeppeople from using the natural products theyneed. Then he will tell his patient not to take the natural product or even that it might interfere with the

medication. He doesn't tellthem that because he knows the natural oneto be bad. He says it because he knows nothing about the natural products containedtherein. What a shame! That is why you have to make decisions yourself.Just remember you are in charge of your bodyand what you will put into it ...not your doctoreven though he/she may act like they are theones in charge and that you have to do what they say. They have been trained to act like that. My doctor got so he would explain myoptions according to what he knew and thenhe would ask me what I wanted to do. BeforeI 'trained' him, he would just get out the prescription pad.For example, often medicines add to the acidic state of one's body. If you alkalizethe body, you might be neutralizing the medication, too. But which is better foryou? Something that

brings your bodyto an alkaline state or a drug of dubioususefulness? I know this might make some people a bit nervous. I used to belike that myself. What would I do if I gotcancer, I thought. Would I go the naturalroute or the medical route? I have long since decided it would be the natural waybut it took me a while to get there.If you want to take the baking soda but are worried that it might have an effect with your medication, then I suggest youdo not put the baking soda on top of themedication. In other words, don't take them at the same time. Allow an hourbetween them.Let me know how it works out.Helen

From: biztekmom <biztekmom (DOT) com>miracle_mineral_ supplementSent: Thursday, November 6, 2008 4:45:37 PMSubject: [miracle_mineral_ supplement] Re: Real sick need some help: Tra. Overnight cancer cure

> >Hi Bonnie.> > >> > >You can read about transdermal use of MMS and DMSO. Just GoogleOvernight> >Cancer Cure and you'll find it. Basically it's just making up MMS,rubbing> >it on the skin and putting DMSO on over it to carry it further into the> >blood system. It can cause redness an itching of the skin so you follow> >that, in about a half hour, with MSM mixed into water. Immediatelystops> >the itching.> > >> > >Samala,> > >> > >> > >-------Original Message----- --> > > >

> >I have been reading posts daily just not chiming in because Istopped using> MMS because it bothered my stomach terribly the second day of use. Ikept> using it but then stopped because of this.> >> >>

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On 11/6/2008, Vicki (genuinelysweet2002@...) wrote:

> thanks Helen for taking the time to explain all this. I will

> translate this to my aunt. Her cancer has spread and she needs help

> and fast. If our healthcare system sucks here, it sucks much more

> there unfortunately and I dont think MD's over there are doing enough

> for her.

? What, exactly, do you expect them to do for her?

The only thing allopathic doctors can do for cancer is cut (surgery),

poison (chemotherapy) and burn (radiation). None of this has ever cured

cancer, and no amount of money thrown at it (whether stolen from other

people or not) will ever be able to cure her. The only chance she has is

to STOP listening to allopathic doctors, and take responsibility for her

own life and health - which usually means making some drastic CHANGES to

her current lifestyle. If she is not willing to do that, then I am sorry

- I have lost loved ones in recent years because they refused to take

ownership of their life and instead chose to delegate that authority to

witches (the true meaning of 'witch' as properly translated from the

original words in the Bible fits the modern allopathic

physician/pharmacist to a 't').

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On 11/6/2008, Vicki (genuinelysweet2002@...) wrote:

> Do you know if this baking soda treatment ever cured someone with

> illnesses in my category? Auto immune rheumatic illness? Its good to

> know its cured people of Cancer and will have my aunt try it but

> wondering if I should try it too? If MMS makes my body more acidic

> and thats bad, do you feel it will therefore keep me ill? I sometimes

> dont know if I need to make my body more alkaline, or focus on

> killing bugs, or focus on modulating or even stimulating the immune

> system etc

There is no one magic bullet that will cure you... your problems are

obviously systemic. You need to go back to the drawing board, and start

with your DIET. Next would be lifestyle choices OTHER than diet - but

one other possible source would be environmental... for example (just

one), living in a house filled with mold can kill you.

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SimonI think you need to lay off of Vicki.Her aunt is already looking at different waysto handle her cancer and doesn't need youto be sarcastic and make things worse. It'soften not so much what you say but the way you say it that gets people upset withyou. A little diplomacy wouldn't hurt.Your style will not make people do what yousay. They will only resent it.These people are sick that you are picking on.Isn't that what a bully does ..picking on themost vulnerable?Helen From: Simon <tanstaafl@...> Sent: Friday, November 7, 2008 3:48:39 AMSubject: Re: [ ] Re: Real sick need some help: Tra. Overnight cancer cure

On 11/6/2008, Vicki (genuinelysweet2002) wrote:

> thanks Helen for taking the time to explain all this. I will

> translate this to my aunt. Her cancer has spread and she needs help

> and fast. If our healthcare system sucks here, it sucks much more

> there unfortunately and I dont think MD's over there are doing enough

> for her.

? What, exactly, do you expect them to do for her?

The only thing allopathic doctors can do for cancer is cut (surgery),

poison (chemotherapy) and burn (radiation). None of this has ever cured

cancer, and no amount of money thrown at it (whether stolen from other

people or not) will ever be able to cure her. The only chance she has is

to STOP listening to allopathic doctors, and take responsibility for her

own life and health - which usually means making some drastic CHANGES to

her current lifestyle. If she is not willing to do that, then I am sorry

- I have lost loved ones in recent years because they refused to take

ownership of their life and instead chose to delegate that authority to

witches (the true meaning of 'witch' as properly translated from the

original words in the Bible fits the modern allopathic

physician/pharmacis t to a 't').

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the update. I didn't know about it. Have been very busy the past 2 weeks so haven't been on line, and now trying to catch up on all the emails that piled up then. I'm down to about 200. :-)

samala,On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 10:23 AM, Marilyn Gang <mgang@...> wrote:


you sent an email in September about the Overnight Cancer Cure.

Thank you for that, its a fabulous link.

So in going to it, I see that it has been updated last week.

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