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What makes MMS work?

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Yes. In simple terms the chlorine dioxide (which is what sodium chlorite becomes when mixed with an acid) attaches to anything with a low (acidic) ph, and destroys it. That's why Jim says it doesn't bother 'good' (meaning normal ph) bacteria in the gut--though many people feel as if it does actually kill some good gut bacteria. Which is why they advocate taking some probiotics while on MMS.

Our body's organs and areas have different ph levels--like our stomach is highly acidic, while the blood is around 7. At what ph exactly the MMS attaches to, I'm not sure, but the more acidic a person is, the sicker they are. So killing pathogens that are acid is a good thing, which is why we get well on MMS.

Jim talks about how it works in his book, and I saved this

Good info on it and why it works:


And here's a little blurb I picked up from an article:

The MMS inventor, Jim Humble stated in his books that "MMS is an oxidizer. That's all it is." True. Just as pathogens flee in the presence of oxygen so also MMS seeks non-breathing germs and viruses to destroy them. Chemically it sucks four or five electrons from the walls of viruses to satisify the hungry molecule. Less powerful than oxygen, it goes deeper and gets to places that oxygen therapies can't get to due to the too-aggressive action of oxygen. You don't want living cells to be harmed - which is the reason that antioxident vitamins are used in an effort to prevent living body cells to remain unharmed by oxygen. MMS is a "low amperage" oxident that perfectly ignores living cells - seeking anything that is non-breathing and therefore foreign to the body.

The factor that justifies all those improvising experimenters who take MMS internally is that MMS is a much safer "oxidizer" than oxygen. Many times over in fact. The bloodstream picks it up just as readily as oxygen. In circulation the MMS molecules float past living cells because they have no excess electrons to give up. When MMS eventually encounters a pathogen, the instant clap of an electron exchange devastates the pathogen. MMS rips four or five electrons from pathogen cell walls with a high-voltage lightening stroke.

T's' important to understand what MMS does not do. MMS takes bad things out, but doesn't put anything back in. It takes out foreign unwanted germs and heavy metals that found a cozy home in muscles, brains, intestines, livers, and nerves. It does no harm to normal body cells - they are of no interest to the gas. But when it comes near any non-breathing anaerobic cells, or pathogens with an off-balance ph level, electrons are suddenly exchanged in a thunder clap. Bang and the pathogens are electrocuted, exploded, and oxidized to pieces. The MMS gas molecule sacrifices itself in the killing, leaving behind a tiny trace of water and table salt. Unhappy virus cell walls curl up and are carried as debris by the blood stream to the liver, marked for delivery to the dump.


-------Original Message-------

I don’t think I’ve ever read anywhere exactly what the process is that makes MMS heal things in the body. Can you answer to that one? Exactly what takes place to transform disease the way is does. Does Jim ever explain?

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On 9/17/2008, lylebrown@... (lylebrown@...) wrote:

> I dont think Ive ever read anywhere exactly what the process is

> that makes MMS heal things in the body. Can you answer to that one?

> Exactly what takes place to transform disease the way is does. Does

> Jim ever explain?

Then you didn't read the books.

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On 9/18/2008, Gaiacita (gaiacita@...) wrote:

> Yes. In simple terms the chlorine dioxide (which is what sodium

> chlorite becomes when mixed with an acid)

This is wrong. When you activate the sodium chlorite, it becomes

chlorous acid. The chlorous acid then slowly releases chlorine dioxide

over the approximately 12 hours that it remains active, as long as you

don't stop the process by taking therapeutic doses of Vit C or some

other powerful antioxidant.

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The idiot's(me) version - MMS doesnt heal anything.It kills pathogens

(bacteria viruses fungus maybe even prions ).It is not a food

supplement.It doesnt feed your body anything that is " good " for it .

It kills bad things in your body Basicly by oxidizing them.. Your

body must then remove the dead waste products and heal itself.

I do not have one of the serious diseases that MMS is known to have

helped.I have used it for 4 months to kill any bugs that had

inhabited my body.I gained energy and feel healthier.I also

discovered that it cured my stinky gas that I had aquired since some

intestinal surgery.I guess it killed the bad bacteria or yeast


Now I take it if I feel a cold coming on,I will probably treat myself

with MMS once or twice a year for several weeks to maintain the

health benefits.I will not use it constantly .People can use it for a

long time if they are fighting a serious disease,but It would

brobably be wise to supplement with vitamins and minerals.

I do know people who have been given a chance to live again and hope

that they wont spend the rest of their lives to sick to enjoy it

because of MMS.Ive seen people who thought they would soon die feel

better realize they would be OK.

It isnt rocket science ,but any alternative treatment needs to be

researched thouroughly before you can make a rational decision about

whether this is a good treatment for you.

Now, go download and read the free book,

then break down and buy part 2.

I personally have a hard time reading on a computer so I bought the

whole hard copy real book,Very worth it to me.

I hope this is the answer to your problems.


--- In , <lylebrown@...>



> ,




> I don't think I've ever read anywhere exactly what the process is

that makes

> MMS heal things in the body. Can you answer to that one? Exactly

what takes

> place to transform disease the way is does. Does Jim ever explain?




> Lyle.





> If you want it to work you should take another correctly made





> Samala,
















> _._,___


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Thank you ,

For taking the time to explain all that. I

have read the first book and will look for the second online. (didn’t

know about that one) I am currently injesting copious amounts of the stuff and

really needed a few more people to go on about it as you did. I am also

starting to feel some results after 15 drops 2-3 times per day, but not without

the getting sick in various ways upon numerous occasions ….telling me to

back off once again. It took about 5 weeks to get to that stage, but now I’m

seeing that it is effective in wiping out these pathogens. Hopefully I will

have a success story to report soon.


From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of Loftin Wilkins

Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2008

9:50 AM

Subject: [ ]

Re: What makes MMS work?


The idiot's(me) version - MMS doesnt heal anything.It kills pathogens

(bacteria viruses fungus maybe even prions ).It is not a food

supplement.It doesnt feed your body anything that is " good " for it .

It kills bad things in your body Basicly by oxidizing them.. Your

body must then remove the dead waste products and heal itself.

I do not have one of the serious diseases that MMS is known to have

helped.I have used it for 4 months to kill any bugs that had

inhabited my body.I gained energy and feel healthier.I also

discovered that it cured my stinky gas that I had aquired since some

intestinal surgery.I guess it killed the bad bacteria or yeast


Now I take it if I feel a cold coming on,I will probably treat myself

with MMS once or twice a year for several weeks to maintain the

health benefits.I will not use it constantly .People can use it for a

long time if they are fighting a serious disease,but It would

brobably be wise to supplement with vitamins and minerals.

I do know people who have been given a chance to live again and hope

that they wont spend the rest of their lives to sick to enjoy it

because of MMS.Ive seen people who thought they would soon die feel

better realize they would be OK.

It isnt rocket science ,but any alternative treatment needs to be

researched thouroughly before you can make a rational decision about

whether this is a good treatment for you.

Now, go download and read the free book,

then break down and buy part 2.

I personally have a hard time reading on a computer so I bought the

whole hard copy real book,Very worth it to me.

I hope this is the answer to your problems.


--- In ,




> ,




> I don't think I've ever read anywhere exactly what the process is

that makes

> MMS heal things in the body. Can you answer to that one? Exactly

what takes

> place to transform disease the way is does. Does Jim ever explain?




> Lyle.





> If you want it to work you should take another correctly made





> Samala,
















> _._,___


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> >

> > ,

> >

> >

> >

> > I don't think I've ever read anywhere exactly what the process is

> that makes

> > MMS heal things in the body. Can you answer to that one? Exactly

> what takes

> > place to transform disease the way is does. Does Jim ever explain?

> >

> >

> >

> > Lyle.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > If you want it to work you should take another correctly made

> dose.

> >

> >

> >

> > Samala,

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > _._,___

> >


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