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My experience with MMS

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So, I decided I have adrenal fatigue, possible cavitations in two

places in my mouth, poor liver function and an ultrasound showed

gallstones - and I have stubborn body fat. I got the MMS to take care

of the cavitations, so I could clear up any infection/fungus/buggies

in my body, so I could do a gallbladder/liver flush - the crazy Hulda

one where you chug epsom salt then olive oil. Woof. Anyway,

the MMS probably sat on my counter for two weeks before I got the guts

to try it. Lurking in this list helped alot. I am doing many other

things, which I know have helped the way I feel, but I wanted this

post to be specifically about MMS.

In two weeks I have worked my way up to 11 drops twice per day. One

in the morning, then the upped dosage (additional drop) right before

bed. Initially, the one drop made me so sleepy, so I started to just

take it at night and not twice per day as recommended. When I got to

five drops it kept me up. I started doing it in the day instead.

When I reached six drops, it made me unbearably sleepy and I thought -

this stuff is REALLY SCREWY. So I tried something different and

started doing the upped (one drop) dosage at night, with the same

dosage in the morning. I make sure my tummy has something in it and I

mix it with beet kvass after activated. In the mornings, I also drink

1/2c. of pretty strong, organic, shade grown coffee with raw cream

(no sugar or sweetener). In the afternoons, I alkalize with BS and

lime, then take approx. 5 grams of C (for adrenals) an hour after

that. I spritz myself throughout the day with mag oil and lavender.

How do I feel? Well, I don't know yet. I don't feel badly. I seem

to have more stamina, but that could be because of the other things I

do, like not eating any sugar or processed food. It could be because

of the minerals and alkalizing. Mmmknow. I haven't had an upset

stomach or diarrhea or anything like that, although I may be expelling

candida or some fungus because sometimes I get itchy. I don't sleep

very well and I'm pretty sure that's because my cortisol, melatonin

and DHEA levels are wonky. Taking melatonin sometimes helps, but not

always. I've been a weird sleeper my entire life. There is still

tenderness in my jaw. I'm not brave enough to swish MMS in my mouth -

it tastes wretched - and I'm not convinced that makes it work better

anyway. Some nights before bed, I'll dowse a cotton swab with DMSO,

CS and cinnamon oil and set it on those two spots for 20 minutes.

That's pretty foul too, but the cinnamon cuts it. I know for sure I

need better CS.


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Hi :

I have CFS as well, so I wanted to ask you a few questions as I am trying to

fine tune my protocols and regimens.

~Did you do the Live flush? If so, what did you think?

~I'm trying to get more fermented foods in my diet. What are your thoughts

on the beet Kvass? Any benefits that you can see. I'm just starting on

Kombucha and fermented salsa

~I recently tried rubbing alcohol and clove oil all over my body as a way to

fight the fatigue. It kind of helped. Can you tell me about your I

spritzing throughout the day with mag oil and lavender and the dowsing a

cotton swab with DMSO, CS and cinnamon oil



[ ] My experience with MMS

So, I decided I have adrenal fatigue, possible cavitations in two

places in my mouth, poor liver function and an ultrasound showed

gallstones - and I have stubborn body fat. I got the MMS to take care

of the cavitations, so I could clear up any infection/fungus/buggies

in my body, so I could do a gallbladder/liver flush - the crazy Hulda

one where you chug epsom salt then olive oil. Woof. Anyway,

the MMS probably sat on my counter for two weeks before I got the guts

to try it. Lurking in this list helped alot. I am doing many other

things, which I know have helped the way I feel, but I wanted this

post to be specifically about MMS.

In two weeks I have worked my way up to 11 drops twice per day. One

in the morning, then the upped dosage (additional drop) right before

bed. Initially, the one drop made me so sleepy, so I started to just

take it at night and not twice per day as recommended. When I got to

five drops it kept me up. I started doing it in the day instead.

When I reached six drops, it made me unbearably sleepy and I thought -

this stuff is REALLY SCREWY. So I tried something different and

started doing the upped (one drop) dosage at night, with the same

dosage in the morning. I make sure my tummy has something in it and I

mix it with beet kvass after activated. In the mornings, I also drink

1/2c. of pretty strong, organic, shade grown coffee with raw cream

(no sugar or sweetener). In the afternoons, I alkalize with BS and

lime, then take approx. 5 grams of C (for adrenals) an hour after

that. I spritz myself throughout the day with mag oil and lavender.

How do I feel? Well, I don't know yet. I don't feel badly. I seem

to have more stamina, but that could be because of the other things I

do, like not eating any sugar or processed food. It could be because

of the minerals and alkalizing. Mmmknow. I haven't had an upset

stomach or diarrhea or anything like that, although I may be expelling

candida or some fungus because sometimes I get itchy. I don't sleep

very well and I'm pretty sure that's because my cortisol, melatonin

and DHEA levels are wonky. Taking melatonin sometimes helps, but not

always. I've been a weird sleeper my entire life. There is still

tenderness in my jaw. I'm not brave enough to swish MMS in my mouth -

it tastes wretched - and I'm not convinced that makes it work better

anyway. Some nights before bed, I'll dowse a cotton swab with DMSO,

CS and cinnamon oil and set it on those two spots for 20 minutes.

That's pretty foul too, but the cinnamon cuts it. I know for sure I

need better CS.



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> Hi :

> ~Did you do the Live flush? If so, what did you think?

Haven't tried a flush yet. I'm working up to it. But I do take a

'version' of Holy Tea and I'm pretty certain that it helps keep my

colon/liver clear - if that's possible. I know that if I drink just a

bit after every meal I'm sure to feel good.

MMS intensifies the Holy Tea concoction - so be warned. It isn't

pretty sometimes.

> ~I'm trying to get more fermented foods in my diet. What are your

> thoughts on the beet Kvass? Any benefits that you can see.

" Beet kvass is an excellent blood tonic. It promotes regularity, aides

in digestion, alkalizes the blood, cleanses the liver, and has many

other health benefits. " -Sally Fallon

She's right about ALL those things. I definitely feel better when I

incorporate beet kvass. It's super easy to make, fairly cheap and

washes the MMS down good.

> I'm just starting on Kombucha and fermented salsa

We just did a fermentation demo at our last Weston Price potluck. We

made kimchee, ginger carrots, chutneys and kvass and people went NUTS.

Fermented veg is the best - so healthy and tasty. We brew kombucha,

four gallons at a time in our house - my hubby drinks it instead of

coffee in the afternoons.

> ~I recently tried rubbing alcohol and clove oil all over my body as

> a way to fight the fatigue. It kind of helped.

Doesn't that dry your skin out? I would try the magnesium oil with

lavender - much more gentler. This morning I started off my day with

a mag oil foot bath for 20 minutes. I had energy all day - even after

eating a heavy lunch. You can purchase Nigari through internet stores

for roughly $5/lb. and make your own magnesium oil. I bought five

pounds and mix as many crystals as I can get to saturate into a pint

jar of filtered water. So, if you fill a pint jar with water, you'd

add probably 1/2c. of nigari crystals or until none will dissolve

anymore. I took some of that mixture, added it to a 4oz. spray bottle

with 3-4 drops of essential lavender oil and spritz away.

> DMSO, CS and cinnamon oil

This is for the infection in my jaw - I still can't tell if it's

working, but last night it did calm puffiness in the gum.


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  • 1 month later...
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> I kept this informationn for when I would be ready to try this. I

have been using Eniva magnesium.I got it to take it internally and it

was too hard for my damaged stomach to handle. Then, since it is not

cheap and very good quality, I decided to use it as a spray and it

has worked wonders. But  I would like to try something cheaper.  What

is the difference between the magnesium oil and the Nigari? How is

the Nigari made? Just add warm water? Does the magnesium oil burn the

skin for those who have sensitive skin? Thanks all of you for sharing

all this stuff. What would we do without this support group?  I have

one doctor tell us at a seminar that Lymies are incredible

researchers and that they find things no  other do. She belonged to

quite a few research organizations and said we topped them all. I

guess when your life in on the line it makes a difference?


> Thanks again

> cathy

Here is a good explanation for Nigari from Wikipedia:


Also I've used Essence of Life Magnesium Oil for several years and

have never had any skin irritation problems. But I am not a Lymie,

don't know if that makes a difference I Googled it and came up with

Global Light Network selling it for $120./gal and then I believe

there is shipping. Then Dr. Marc Sircus' website has anothe brand

for $98./gal.

Hope this helps.



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I am a Lymie and I have been using transdermal magnesium for months.

My feet are just now starting not to peel and crack so severely (I

spray it on my feet). I called the company I bought mine from because

I was concerned and was told this is a sign of heavy detoxing. So I

persevere and apply a lot of coconut oil afterward, which helps.


> Also I've used Essence of Life Magnesium Oil for several years and

> have never had any skin irritation problems. But I am not a Lymie,

> don't know if that makes a difference I Googled it and came up with

> Global Light Network selling it for $120./gal and then I believe

> there is shipping. Then Dr. Marc Sircus' website has anothe brand

> for $98./gal.


> Hope this helps.


> Jean

> >


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