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Re: vicki-- Simon Stupidity

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Whatever Simon. What you are saying is that someone can be a productive member of society and if they get ill and cant work too bad so sad. NO,, its everyones responsibility to help those who cant help themselves. You obviosuly do not know how expensive it is to see a doctor nor how expensive insurance is, especially with pre-existing conditions. With pre-existing condtions you may get denied too. You imply if someone doens;t have the money to pay for a $300 doctor visit, a surgery costing thousands, or an X-ray costing $1300 like my last MRI, that they are irresponsible. I dont think so! You say people should have "thought ahead." Yeah, MY bad for not knowing in advance I would develop 2 auto immune illnesses, 1 vestibular illness and one arthritic condition! MY BAD! I'd hate to see what would happen if you became ill with a disease

conventional medicine can handle and you were told to die because you didn't have the funds. Truly sick people dont think like you. I feel like you're here to push your very right wing agenda.

Okay I wont comment on this anymore because it doenst relate to the topic of this board but I couldnt help myself as its ignorance at its worst.

>> Free healthcare is worth what-you-pay.> I disagree my insurance costs $600 a month.Thats not 'free', so makes no sense...And I cannot even fathom *imagining* paying so much for something thatis essentially worthless to someone who practices natural hygiene.The only kind of health insurance I have ever considered buying is'catastrophic' , that would pay for costs were I ever to be crippled insome kind of accident.> It doenst matter if it was free or expensive, doctors are worthless> for chronic illnesses.Yep... so why are you paying $600/mo for insurance?> Furthermore, this is the richest country in the world and for anyone> to die of illness becasue they lack insurance that could have helped> them, is

criminal.No it isn't, it is natural law in action.Insurance is not a 'right', any more than access to a doctor is a 'right'.No one has the right to anyone else's life (ones property, includingmoney, is just an extension of their life, since they had to exchange aportion of their life to get it) - not even a little tiny bit of it.What that means is, you have ZERO right to force me - or anyone else -to pay for your insurance, your food, your clothes, or to provideservices - healthcare or other - to you for free.Anyone who lives their life in such a manner that they cannot afford'insurance' or to pay-as-they- go for their choice of health careservices has only themselves to blame - and that includes tha aged (theyshould have thought ahead).Cold hearted? Maybe - but so is the law of gravity when you jump off acliff.

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Just curious....what has this discussion to do with the benefits of MMS??

From: Vicki <genuinelysweet2002@...> Sent: Thursday, November 6, 2008 5:10:32 PMSubject: Re: vicki--[ ] Simon Stupidity

Whatever Simon. What you are saying is that someone can be a productive member of society and if they get ill and cant work too bad so sad. NO,, its everyones responsibility to help those who cant help themselves. You obviosuly do not know how expensive it is to see a doctor nor how expensive insurance is, especially with pre-existing conditions. With pre-existing condtions you may get denied too. You imply if someone doens;t have the money to pay for a $300 doctor visit, a surgery costing thousands, or an X-ray costing $1300 like my last MRI, that they are irresponsible. I dont think so! You say people should have "thought ahead." Yeah, MY bad for not knowing in advance I would develop 2 auto immune illnesses, 1 vestibular illness and one arthritic condition! MY BAD! I'd hate to see what would happen if you became ill with a disease conventional medicine can handle and you were told to die because you didn't have the funds. Truly

sick people dont think like you. I feel like you're here to push your very right wing agenda.

Okay I wont comment on this anymore because it doenst relate to the topic of this board but I couldnt help myself as its ignorance at its worst.

>> Free healthcare is worth what-you-pay.> I disagree my insurance costs $600 a month.Thats not 'free', so makes no sense...And I cannot even fathom *imagining* paying so much for something thatis essentially worthless to someone who practices natural hygiene.The only kind of health insurance I have ever considered buying is'catastrophic' , that would pay for costs were I ever to be crippled insome kind of accident.> It doenst matter if it was free or expensive, doctors are worthless> for chronic illnesses.Yep... so why are you paying $600/mo for insurance?> Furthermore, this is the richest country in the world and for anyone> to die of illness becasue they lack

insurance that could have helped> them, is criminal.No it isn't, it is natural law in action.Insurance is not a 'right', any more than access to a doctor is a 'right'.No one has the right to anyone else's life (ones property, includingmoney, is just an extension of their life, since they had to exchange aportion of their life to get it) - not even a little tiny bit of it.What that means is, you have ZERO right to force me - or anyone else -to pay for your insurance, your food, your clothes, or to provideservices - healthcare or other - to you for free.Anyone who lives their life in such a manner that they cannot afford'insurance' or to pay-as-they- go for their choice of health careservices has only themselves to blame - and that includes tha aged (theyshould have thought ahead).Cold hearted? Maybe - but so is the law of gravity when you jump off


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Don't worry about it, Judi. This willhappen occasionally and the less saidthe sooner it will subside.Helen From: Judi Wallace <blueyes5724@...> Sent: Thursday, November 6, 2008 2:25:16 PMSubject: Re: vicki--[ ] Simon Stupidity

Just curious....what has this discussion to do with the benefits of MMS??

From: Vicki <genuinelysweet2002>miracle_mineral_ supplementSent: Thursday, November 6, 2008 5:10:32 PMSubject: Re: vicki--[miracle_ mineral_suppleme nt] Simon Stupidity

Whatever Simon. What you are saying is that someone can be a productive member of society and if they get ill and cant work too bad so sad. NO,, its everyones responsibility to help those who cant help themselves. You obviosuly do not know how expensive it is to see a doctor nor how expensive insurance is, especially with pre-existing conditions. With pre-existing condtions you may get denied too. You imply if someone doens;t have the money to pay for a $300 doctor visit, a surgery costing thousands, or an X-ray costing $1300 like my last MRI, that they are irresponsible. I dont think so! You say people should have "thought ahead." Yeah, MY bad for not knowing in advance I would develop 2 auto immune illnesses, 1 vestibular illness and one arthritic condition! MY BAD! I'd hate to see what would happen if you became ill with a disease conventional medicine can handle and you were told to die because you didn't have the funds. Truly

sick people dont think like you. I feel like you're here to push your very right wing agenda.

Okay I wont comment on this anymore because it doenst relate to the topic of this board but I couldnt help myself as its ignorance at its worst.

>> Free healthcare is worth what-you-pay.> I disagree my insurance costs $600 a month.Thats not 'free', so makes no sense...And I cannot even fathom *imagining* paying so much for something thatis essentially worthless to someone who practices natural hygiene.The only kind of health insurance I have ever considered buying is'catastrophic' , that would pay for costs were I ever to be crippled insome kind of accident.> It doenst matter if it was free or expensive, doctors are worthless> for chronic illnesses.Yep... so why are you paying $600/mo for insurance?> Furthermore, this is the richest country in the world and for anyone> to die of illness becasue they lack

insurance that could have helped> them, is criminal.No it isn't, it is natural law in action.Insurance is not a 'right', any more than access to a doctor is a 'right'.No one has the right to anyone else's life (ones property, includingmoney, is just an extension of their life, since they had to exchange aportion of their life to get it) - not even a little tiny bit of it.What that means is, you have ZERO right to force me - or anyone else -to pay for your insurance, your food, your clothes, or to provideservices - healthcare or other - to you for free.Anyone who lives their life in such a manner that they cannot afford'insurance' or to pay-as-they- go for their choice of health careservices has only themselves to blame - and that includes tha aged (theyshould have thought ahead).Cold hearted? Maybe - but so is the law of gravity when you jump off


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On 11/6/2008 5:10 PM, Vicki wrote:

> Whatever Simon. What you are saying is that someone can be a

> productive member of society and if they get ill and cant work too

> bad so sad. NO,, its everyones responsibility to help those who cant

> help themselves.

What I'm saying is that no matter how much 'need' someone has, that

doesn't give them the 'right' to steal money from someone else at gunpoint.

You can sugar-coat it all you want, but it really is that simple, and no

amount of twisted logic can hide it.

I would agree that charity is a good thing... and the fact is that

Americans are some of the most charitable people in the world (when they

are allowed to keep the fruits of their labor), as has been proven time

and time again (charitable donations increased dramatically when Reagan

cut the top tax bracket from 70% down to 28%).

It is also a fact that when government gets involved, the cost of

delivery increases exponentially... meaning, out of $100 stolen from

some hard working soul in the guise of taxation, $99 goes into dozens of

politicians and/or government 'employees' pockets, and only $1 actually

gets to those in whose name the original $100 was stolen.

Stealing from one to give to another is NOT charity, and if the American

people don't go back to their roots (insofar as respect for private

property rightss is concerned), the only alternative is total

destruction and anarchy resulting in absolute despotism.

> You obviosuly do not know how expensive it is to see a doctor nor how

> expensive insurance is, especially with pre-existing conditions.

The high cost of medical care in America today is a direct result of the

fascist government we've had for the last 80 years allowing private

corporations to patent things that should not be patentable (living

things), and develop an iron-fisted monopolistic control over our

medical schools and medical care delivery system, disallowing any

treatment method or modality that isn't based on one of their patented

drugs and/or high-tech, super expensive radiation or surgical treatments.

> With pre-existing condtions you may get denied too.

The vast majority of pre-existing conditions are the direct result of

poor lifestyle choices. Why should I (or anyone else) be forced to pay

for someone else's poor lifestyle choices?

But this is irrelevant...

The bottom line is, AGAIN, you do NOT have the right to FORCE someone

else AT GUNPOINT to pay for YOUR INSURANCE, or anything else.

> You imply if someone doens;t have the money to pay for a $300 doctor

> visit, a surgery costing thousands, or an X-ray costing $1300 like my

> last MRI, that they are irresponsible. I dont think so! You say

> people should have " thought ahead. " Yeah, MY bad for not knowing in

> advance I would develop 2 auto immune illnesses, 1 vestibular illness

> and one arthritic condition!

All caused by poor lifestyle choices, either of the parent(s), or the

individual in question, or most likely both...

> I'd hate to see what would happen if you became ill with a disease

> conventional medicine can handle and you were told to die because you

> didn't have the funds.

Conventional medicine cannot cure ANY of these kinds of diseases,

although it can mask the symptoms for a period of time in many cases.

I am not worried about that kind of thing, as I said before, because I

know how to make correct lifestyle choices, and to treat naturally

conditions that may arise from poor ones.

> Truly sick people dont think like you.

Many do... but sadly, yes, there are a lot of twisted immoral deviates

that think they have some kind of god-given right to force other people

to pay for anything they feel they 'need'.

> I feel like you're here to push your very right wing agenda.

? What does recognition of natural laws, like gravity, and private

property rights, have to do with a 'right-wing' agenda?

I'm a Jeffersonian Liberal by the way.

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Im with Simon on this one. I am quite concerned about my fellow man and I would be a lot more charitable if I didnt have to pay so much tax. I would love to have a say as to what good cause my money were used for.personally I beleive private charities are more efficient at disbursing funds when needed than government .

My father is a birdwatcher who travels to many third world countries in search of birds to add to his lifelist. He told me that on one of his trips to a small South American country one of the ladies on the trip developed appendicitis. She was opperated on in a small, fairly primitive, yet sterile, hospital in that country and had an uneventful recovery. The bill was less than 200 dollars.We are indeed spending too much on health care. Something is very wrong and I think it has to do with government regulation and the healthcare industry trying to cover their butts to prevent lawsuits among other factors...

in NC> Whatever Simon. What you are saying is that someone can be a> productive member of society and if they get ill and cant work too> bad so sad. NO,, its everyones responsibility to help those who cant> help themselves.What I'm saying is that no matter how much 'need' someone has, thatdoesn't give them the 'right' to steal money from someone else at gunpoint.You can sugar-coat it all you want, but it really is that simple, and noamount of twisted logic can hide it.I would agree that charity is a good thing... and the fact is thatAmericans are some of the most charitable people in the world (when theyare allowed to keep the fruits of their labor), as has been proven timeand time again (charitable donations increased dramatically when Reagancut the top tax bracket from 70% down to 28%).It is also a fact that when government gets

involved, the cost ofdelivery increases exponentially. .. meaning, out of $100 stolen fromsome hard working soul in the guise of taxation, $99 goes into dozens ofpoliticians and/or government 'employees' pockets, and only $1 actuallygets to those in whose name the original $100 was stolen.Stealing from one to give to another is NOT charity, and if the Americanpeople don't go back to their roots (insofar as respect for privateproperty rightss is concerned), the only alternative is totaldestruction and anarchy resulting in absolute despotism.> You obviosuly do not know how expensive it is to see a doctor nor how> expensive insurance is, especially with pre-existing conditions. The high cost of medical care in America today is a direct result of thefascist government we've had for the last 80 years allowing privatecorporations to patent things that should not be patentable

(livingthings), and develop an iron-fisted monopolistic control over ourmedical schools and medical care delivery system, disallowing anytreatment method or modality that isn't based on one of their patenteddrugs and/or high-tech, super expensive radiation or surgical treatments.> With pre-existing condtions you may get denied too.The vast majority of pre-existing conditions are the direct result ofpoor lifestyle choices. Why should I (or anyone else) be forced to payfor someone else's poor lifestyle choices?But this is irrelevant.. .The bottom line is, AGAIN, you do NOT have the right to FORCE someoneelse AT GUNPOINT to pay for YOUR INSURANCE, or anything else.> You imply if someone doens;t have the money to pay for a $300 doctor> visit, a surgery costing thousands, or an X-ray costing $1300 like my> last MRI, that they are irresponsible. I dont think so! You

say> people should have "thought ahead." Yeah, MY bad for not knowing in> advance I would develop 2 auto immune illnesses, 1 vestibular illness> and one arthritic condition!All caused by poor lifestyle choices, either of the parent(s), or theindividual in question, or most likely both...> I'd hate to see what would happen if you became ill with a disease> conventional medicine can handle and you were told to die because you> didn't have the funds.Conventional medicine cannot cure ANY of these kinds of diseases,although it can mask the symptoms for a period of time in many cases.I am not worried about that kind of thing, as I said before, because Iknow how to make correct lifestyle choices, and to treat naturallyconditions that may arise from poor ones.> Truly sick people dont think like you.Many do... but sadly, yes, there are a lot of twisted

immoral deviatesthat think they have some kind of god-given right to force other peopleto pay for anything they feel they 'need'.> I feel like you're here to push your very right wing agenda.? What does recognition of natural laws, like gravity, and privateproperty rights, have to do with a 'right-wing' agenda?I'm a Jeffersonian Liberal by the way.

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Nothing Judi, I apologize. Its hard when you suffer so much and some healthy imbacil not belonging on this board tells you that your lifestyle choices made you sick, when genes are the culprit in my case.

There has not been not as much talk of MMS as I hoped for. There is more talk of Collodial Silver on this board and my focus has been MMS.>> Free healthcare is worth what-you-pay.> I disagree my insurance costs $600 a month.Thats not 'free', so makes no sense...And I cannot even fathom *imagining* paying so much for something thatis essentially worthless to someone who practices natural hygiene.The only kind of health insurance I have ever considered buying is'catastrophic' , that would pay for costs were I ever to be crippled insome kind of accident.> It doenst matter if it was free or expensive, doctors are worthless> for chronic illnesses.Yep... so why are you paying $600/mo for insurance?> Furthermore, this is the richest country in the world and for anyone> to die of illness becasue they lack insurance that could have helped> them, is

criminal.No it isn't, it is natural law in action.Insurance is not a 'right', any more than access to a doctor is a 'right'.No one has the right to anyone else's life (ones property, includingmoney, is just an extension of their life, since they had to exchange aportion of their life to get it) - not even a little tiny bit of it.What that means is, you have ZERO right to force me - or anyone else -to pay for your insurance, your food, your clothes, or to provideservices - healthcare or other - to you for free.Anyone who lives their life in such a manner that they cannot afford'insurance' or to pay-as-they- go for their choice of health careservices has only themselves to blame - and that includes tha aged (theyshould have thought ahead).Cold hearted? Maybe - but so is the law of gravity when you jump off


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On 11/6/2008, Vicki (genuinelysweet2002@...) wrote:

> Nothing Judi, I apologize. Its hard when you suffer so much

I am truly sorry that you are suffering, Vicki... and were there

something that I could do to ease your pain, I would be most happy to,

EVEN NOW. But what you don't seem to understand is, your suffering

doesn't give you a claim to my or anyone else's life, or any part of it


> and some healthy imbacil

What makes you think I'm 'healthy'? I have certain problems of my own

that you know nothing about, so you might consider not speaking about

that which you do not know.

Now, I may be an imbecile, but at least I can spell...

Seriously, Vicki... I have not once called you a name or denigrated you

personally in any way - in general, one only does that when they have no

answer to an argument.

> not belonging on this board

Oh, I'm quite sure that I'm not long for this board now. Whenever

something like this comes up, and I have the audacity to shatter

someone's illusions and/or expose their faulty thought processes (of

which they are blissfully unaware), it usually never fails that *I* end

up being the one kicked out, to avoid any more horrible reality


> tells you that your lifestyle choices made you sick, when genes are

> the culprit in my case.

With rare exceptions, 'bad genes' is a result of poor lifestyle choices

over generations (parents, grandparents, etc), but even then they are in

general only *predispositions*... meaning, with proper lifestyle and

diet, and maybe with a little extra care, good or even radiant health

can still be achieved.

Besides... the point is, even for those who truly are completely

innocent with respect to their life condition, they *still* do not have

a RIGHT to force anyone else at gunpoint(through government taxation) to provide

goods or services to

them free of charge - and the fact is, in a world where private property

rights are respected, there will always be WAY MORE true charity and help

available to help people who really need it (and a lot who DON'T).

Vicki, what set me off was your remark suggesting that certain people

(those 'less fortunate') should be able to force at gunpoint someone

else to pay for services they think they need. That mentality is what

has ruined this country and will be responsible for the entire world

devolving into the next 'dark ages' - if it (that mentality) isn't wiped

off the face of the earth.

> There has not been not as much talk of MMS as I hoped for.

As has been pointed out to you more than once, there is MORE than enough

in the archives to keep you busy for a while...

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please refrain from Name calling . You have a perfect right to

disagree with Simon and argue to your hearts content but please

refrain from personal attacks.Words like imbicile and stupididity are

inflamitory and only lead to more unpleasantness. Please ignore those

messsges from folks who you feel irritated by. They stop sooner if

you can do it.


The moderator

> >> Free healthcare is worth what-you-pay.


> > I disagree my insurance costs $600 a month.


> Thats not 'free', so makes no sense...


> And I cannot even fathom *imagining* paying so much for something


> is essentially worthless to someone who practices natural hygiene.


> The only kind of health insurance I have ever considered buying is

> 'catastrophic' , that would pay for costs were I ever to be

crippled in

> some kind of accident.


> > It doenst matter if it was free or expensive, doctors are


> > for chronic illnesses.


> Yep... so why are you paying $600/mo for insurance?


> > Furthermore, this is the richest country in the world and for


> > to die of illness becasue they lack insurance that could have


> > them, is criminal.


> No it isn't, it is natural law in action.


> Insurance is not a 'right', any more than access to a doctor is

a 'right'.


> No one has the right to anyone else's life (ones property, including

> money, is just an extension of their life, since they had to

exchange a

> portion of their life to get it) - not even a little tiny bit of it.


> What that means is, you have ZERO right to force me - or anyone

else -

> to pay for your insurance, your food, your clothes, or to provide

> services - healthcare or other - to you for free.


> Anyone who lives their life in such a manner that they cannot afford

> 'insurance' or to pay-as-they- go for their choice of health care

> services has only themselves to blame - and that includes tha aged


> should have thought ahead).


> Cold hearted? Maybe - but so is the law of gravity when you jump

off a

> cliff.


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I think Simon is more out of line than Vickihere. For one thing, it was he who started this. He comes across pretty strong and inan offensive manner. It isn't that I don't agree with much that he says; it's just theway that he says it. Although Vicki shouldrefrain from name-calling, it is easy to understand why it is happening. These will be my last words on the subject.Helen From: Loftin Wilkins <montemomma2002@...> Sent: Friday, November 7, 2008 5:02:04 AMSubject: Re: vicki--[ ] Simon Stupidity


please refrain from Name calling . You have a perfect right to

disagree with Simon and argue to your hearts content but please

refrain from personal attacks.Words like imbicile and stupididity are

inflamitory and only lead to more unpleasantness. Please ignore those

messsges from folks who you feel irritated by. They stop sooner if

you can do it.


The moderator

> >> Free healthcare is worth what-you-pay.


> > I disagree my insurance costs $600 a month.


> Thats not 'free', so makes no sense...


> And I cannot even fathom *imagining* paying so much for something


> is essentially worthless to someone who practices natural hygiene.


> The only kind of health insurance I have ever considered buying is

> 'catastrophic' , that would pay for costs were I ever to be

crippled in

> some kind of accident.


> > It doenst matter if it was free or expensive, doctors are


> > for chronic illnesses.


> Yep... so why are you paying $600/mo for insurance?


> > Furthermore, this is the richest country in the world and for


> > to die of illness becasue they lack insurance that could have


> > them, is criminal.


> No it isn't, it is natural law in action.


> Insurance is not a 'right', any more than access to a doctor is

a 'right'.


> No one has the right to anyone else's life (ones property, including

> money, is just an extension of their life, since they had to

exchange a

> portion of their life to get it) - not even a little tiny bit of it.


> What that means is, you have ZERO right to force me - or anyone

else -

> to pay for your insurance, your food, your clothes, or to provide

> services - healthcare or other - to you for free.


> Anyone who lives their life in such a manner that they cannot afford

> 'insurance' or to pay-as-they- go for their choice of health care

> services has only themselves to blame - and that includes tha aged


> should have thought ahead).


> Cold hearted? Maybe - but so is the law of gravity when you jump

off a

> cliff.


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Hi Helen,

Simon definitely has an abrasive style and yes it occasionally gets him in trouble at different groups.He has strong opinions that go against alot of the current thought processes of todays world. However he has not made a personal attack . he only stated these seemingly harsh viewpoints.

Once again my best advice is if you dont agree with someone after stating your opinion , ignore further messages on the subject. The subject will die.


From: helen/zhebee <zhebee@...>Subject: Re: vicki--[ ] Simon Stupidity Date: Friday, November 7, 2008, 8:35 AM

I think Simon is more out of line than Vickihere. For one thing, it was he who started this. He comes across pretty strong and inan offensive manner. It isn't that I don't agree with much that he says; it's just theway that he says it. Although Vicki shouldrefrain from name-calling, it is easy to understand why it is happening. These will be my last words on the subject.Helen

From: Loftin Wilkins <montemomma2002>miracle_mineral_ supplementSent: Friday, November 7, 2008 5:02:04 AMSubject: Re: vicki--[miracle_ mineral_suppleme nt] Simon Stupidity

Vicki, please refrain from Name calling . You have a perfect right to disagree with Simon and argue to your hearts content but please refrain from personal attacks.Words like imbicile and stupididity are inflamitory and only lead to more unpleasantness. Please ignore those messsges from folks who you feel irritated by. They stop sooner if you can do it. IN NC The moderator> > From: Simon <tanstaafl@libertyt r ek.org>> Subject: Re: vicki--[miracle_ mineral_suppleme nt] Colloidal Silver> miracle_mineral_ supplement> Date: Thursday, November 6, 2008, 3:36 AM> > > > > On 11/5/2008, Vicki (genuinelysweet2002 )

wrote:> >> Free healthcare is worth what-you-pay.> > > I disagree my insurance costs $600 a month.> > Thats not 'free', so makes no sense...> > And I cannot even fathom *imagining* paying so much for something that> is essentially worthless to someone who practices natural hygiene.> > The only kind of health insurance I have ever considered buying is> 'catastrophic' , that would pay for costs were I ever to be crippled in> some kind of accident.> > > It doenst matter if it was free or expensive, doctors are worthless> > for chronic illnesses.> > Yep... so why are you paying $600/mo for insurance?> > > Furthermore, this is the richest country in the world and for anyone> > to die of illness becasue they lack insurance that could have helped> > them, is

criminal.> > No it isn't, it is natural law in action.> > Insurance is not a 'right', any more than access to a doctor is a 'right'.> > No one has the right to anyone else's life (ones property, including> money, is just an extension of their life, since they had to exchange a> portion of their life to get it) - not even a little tiny bit of it.> > What that means is, you have ZERO right to force me - or anyone else -> to pay for your insurance, your food, your clothes, or to provide> services - healthcare or other - to you for free.> > Anyone who lives their life in such a manner that they cannot afford> 'insurance' or to pay-as-they- go for their choice of health care> services has only themselves to blame - and that includes tha aged (they> should have thought ahead).> > Cold hearted? Maybe - but so is

the law of gravity when you jump off a> cliff.>

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I didn't intend to pursue this but I thoughtI should put this thought out there.Simon, what gives you the right to judge whethera person's is having illusions. What gives you theright to judge whose thought processes are faulty or not. What gives you the right to blast anyonewho doesn't agree with you? You need us who object to your style. By objecting we are helpingyou to improve yourself ...but it has to be yourdecision. We can just remind you.As far as the government giving away your moneyunfortunately, in too many cases, if the governmentdidn't help the poor, no one would. Most people donot help anyone but themselves. I know, because Iwas a single mom. My brothers and

everyone aroundme always made far more money than I did even though I was well educated and working. I surecould have use a little help in those days. I don't remember ever getting a dime from my brother, forexample, who between his wife and himself earned 8 times more in a month than I did. Don't go tellingme how it was my fault. The only time they gave a bitof money was to my daughter and altogether over herentire childhood, they only gave her about $100 in total. I am further from being a liberal than most butI think it is only fair that those who have more goodfortune should share with those who don't ..not a lotbut just a little. They should do it on their own but they won't so the gov't has to. The blame for it lies squarely with those who don't want to give a dime for anything to anyone. If the truth were known I bet those who are

of the poorer segment of our respectivecountries are probably the most generous when it comes to giving. Shame on the rest. HelenPS>>If anyone doesn't want to be the next person

to be blasted by this person, you can block his email address so you don't get his emails. Go to Options (see upper right corner on your Inbox page at ), then click on Spam. In the second section, enter his

email address, click Add and you won't get his emails. If you are using a different email than , you're on your own because I don't know how you would block it there but there usually is a way to do it. From: Simon <tanstaafl@...> Sent: Friday, November 7, 2008 3:46:57 AMSubject: Re: vicki--[ ] Simon Stupidity

On 11/6/2008, Vicki (genuinelysweet2002) wrote:

> Nothing Judi, I apologize. Its hard when you suffer so much

I am truly sorry that you are suffering, Vicki... and were there

something that I could do to ease your pain, I would be most happy to,

EVEN NOW. But what you don't seem to understand is, your suffering

doesn't give you a claim to my or anyone else's life, or any part of it


> and some healthy imbacil

What makes you think I'm 'healthy'? I have certain problems of my own

that you know nothing about, so you might consider not speaking about

that which you do not know.

Now, I may be an imbecile, but at least I can spell...

Seriously, Vicki... I have not once called you a name or denigrated you

personally in any way - in general, one only does that when they have no

answer to an argument.

> not belonging on this board

Oh, I'm quite sure that I'm not long for this board now. Whenever

something like this comes up, and I have the audacity to shatter

someone's illusions and/or expose their faulty thought processes (of

which they are blissfully unaware), it usually never fails that *I* end

up being the one kicked out, to avoid any more horrible reality


> tells you that your lifestyle choices made you sick, when genes are

> the culprit in my case.

With rare exceptions, 'bad genes' is a result of poor lifestyle choices

over generations (parents, grandparents, etc), but even then they are in

general only *predispositions* ... meaning, with proper lifestyle and

diet, and maybe with a little extra care, good or even radiant health

can still be achieved.

Besides... the point is, even for those who truly are completely

innocent with respect to their life condition, they *still* do not have

a RIGHT to force anyone else at gunpoint(through government taxation) to provide goods or services to

them free of charge - and the fact is, in a world where private property

rights are respected, there will always be WAY MORE true charity and help

available to help people who really need it (and a lot who DON'T).

Vicki, what set me off was your remark suggesting that certain people

(those 'less fortunate') should be able to force at gunpoint someone

else to pay for services they think they need. That mentality is what

has ruined this country and will be responsible for the entire world

devolving into the next 'dark ages' - if it (that mentality) isn't wiped

off the face of the earth.

> There has not been not as much talk of MMS as I hoped for.

As has been pointed out to you more than once, there is MORE than enough

in the archives to keep you busy for a while...

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Hi Simon, I understand exactly

what you are saying...just because someone is having a legitimately hard time doesn’t

mean we have to pay their bills...

Esther N. MBE,


Holistic Allergist, Pain Specialist





[mailto: ] On Behalf Of Simon

Sent: November 7, 2008 6:47 AM

Subject: Re: vicki--[ ] Simon Stupidity

On 11/6/2008, Vicki (genuinelysweet2002@...) wrote:

> Nothing Judi, I apologize. Its hard when you suffer so much

I am truly sorry that you are suffering, Vicki... and were there

something that I could do to ease your pain, I would be most happy to,

EVEN NOW. But what you don't seem to understand is, your suffering

doesn't give you a claim to my or anyone else's life, or any part of it


> and some healthy imbacil

What makes you think I'm 'healthy'? I have certain problems of my own

that you know nothing about, so you might consider not speaking about

that which you do not know.

Now, I may be an imbecile, but at least I can spell...

Seriously, Vicki... I have not once called you a name or denigrated you

personally in any way - in general, one only does that when they have no

answer to an argument.

> not belonging on this board

Oh, I'm quite sure that I'm not long for this board now. Whenever

something like this comes up, and I have the audacity to shatter

someone's illusions and/or expose their faulty thought processes (of

which they are blissfully unaware), it usually never fails that *I* end

up being the one kicked out, to avoid any more horrible reality


> tells you that your lifestyle choices made you sick, when genes are

> the culprit in my case.

With rare exceptions, 'bad genes' is a result of poor lifestyle choices

over generations (parents, grandparents, etc), but even then they are in

general only *predispositions*... meaning, with proper lifestyle and

diet, and maybe with a little extra care, good or even radiant health

can still be achieved.

Besides... the point is, even for those who truly are completely

innocent with respect to their life condition, they *still* do not have

a RIGHT to force anyone else at gunpoint(through government taxation) to provide

goods or services to

them free of charge - and the fact is, in a world where private property

rights are respected, there will always be WAY MORE true charity and help

available to help people who really need it (and a lot who DON'T).

Vicki, what set me off was your remark suggesting that certain people

(those 'less fortunate') should be able to force at gunpoint someone

else to pay for services they think they need. That mentality is what

has ruined this country and will be responsible for the entire world

devolving into the next 'dark ages' - if it (that mentality) isn't wiped

off the face of the earth.

> There has not been not as much talk of MMS as I hoped for.

As has been pointed out to you more than once, there is MORE than enough

in the archives to keep you busy for a while...


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