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More on baking soda for cancer,etc.

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Hello VickiUsing baking soda is relatively new and no onethat I personally know has used it for anything.I use it and sometimes I see a bit more energybut that's all. My problem is that I am not consistent enough. I do know that it alkalizesmy body because my urine tests alkaline aftera couple of hours of taking the baking soda. Mytests show acid when I havent' taken the sodaAnother name for baking soda is sodium bicarbonate.I wish I could be of more help. You mightwonder how you can trust it if noone has seenresults yet. You are not as likely to hear ofresults because nobody is making any moneyon baking soda. If companies were selling itthey would share testimonials but now they arenot

likely to share them because they want tosell their products to you instead. Even if theyhad testimonials, they would not share them inmost cases, I would think. I would share themif I had them to share but so far I have only oneor two stories to tell you.The way I see it, your aunt doesn't have much choice unless she has a lot of money. Alsoif it were me and I had to choose, I would use baking soda before I used MMS for cancer. I suppose she could use both butI do know from what has been said on thisforum that baking soda will stop the MMSaction if taken at the same time.I have never heard of the word, "cure" and baking soda used in the same sentence. I hesitate to use the word "cure". A "cure"implies you can do one thing and the prestothe disease is gone. Even when I am sellingmy products, I would not use that word,

evenif I was allowed to use it, because people oftendon't eat properly, eating and drinking a lot of junk. When they do this, nothing will curethem. They might see a bit of an improvementbut it won't last. It is important to follow a good diet something like I outlined in a previousemail. What the baking soda does is create an alkalineenvironment in your body. When that is present,acids and pathogens of all kinds including bacteriaviruses, parasites and so on will leave the body. Itmay take some time but these things don't like thealkalinity. It is not easy to get and keep the bodyalkaline with the way foods are processed today.Even raw fruits and vegetables, as good as they are, are contaminated with chemicals of every imaginable kind. So you need to be persistent.I think we should wash and even soak for a fewminutes our vegs and

fruits in a solution of baking soda and water hopefully neutralizing some of these chemicals or at least washing them away.Another thing... cancer cells do not like oxygen andthey die when oxygen hits them. Alkalizing your body increases the oxygen in your body.Now for a story... An elderly lady I once knew hadcancer and she went to a clinic in Mexico where shewas treated and she became cancer-free. One thingher doctor told her to do was to take baking soda every day to keep the cancer from returning. One day she told me that the cancer was back and she said it was because she had not been taking her baking soda. I lost touch with her after that so Idon't know if she is still around or not.Your aunt has a powerful incentive to be persistentso she may do better than someone else might.To address your question about baking soda

'curing'cancer. If you watch some of the videos on thewebsite called knowthecause.com you will see where a doctor in Italy is 'curing' people of cancerconstantly by injecting baking soda to the tumors.Some cancers might require these injections of baking soda but it is my opinion that many tumorswill disappear just by drinking baking soda in wateron a daily basis and making a few changes in diet.I suppose your aunt could see if her doctor wouldgive her injections of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) directly to the tumor. She could give her doctor the website where he will find the videosof the doctor in Italy and what he says about this.I doubt one could find a doctor in North Americawho would give sodium bicarbonate injections butmaybe things are different in Bulgaria.If I was your aunt, I would not be concerned about the high blood pressure.

She needs to get rid of the cancer. I would not be surprised if she sawresults with the baking soda in a few weeks.Another thing you aunt should do that will cost hernothing is to sun bathe every day. It has been shown in studies that Vitamin D prevents cancerand may even 'cure' it. She should NOT take a shower or a bath for at least an hour after being inthe sun because the Vitamin D from the UV rays ofthe sun keeps working for a while after you come inout of the sun. They say it only requires about 20minutes a day in the sun to get enough Vitamin D.An interesting thing about sodium bicarbonate is that the body actually manufactures it in or from thepancreas. I read this somewhere recently. So thissodium bicarbonate is a natural product.Absolutely, Vicki, you should try it, too. It doesn't seem to hurt anything and it may help

you. I wouldbe very interested to hear if you got results but sofar I have not heard of results but that doesn't meanthey aren't out there. It doesn't matter whether youhave auto immune rheumatic illness or cancer or diabetes or fibromyalgia and others, your body is helped by alkalizing. I have heard more than oncethat disease cannot exist in a well alkalized body.I am not an expert of MMS. I have not read thebooks. It apparently has performed miracles especially with diseases that are virus - based, if you will, such as lyme, AIDS, malaria and so on. How do you know ...maybeyour disease is caused by a virus and then in thatcase MMS would certainly help. Maybe you couldgo on MMS for 8 weeks or so and then stop and go on the baking soda ...or vice versa. I wonderif it is a good idea to use them at the same time.You will have to

decide how to do that because youcannot take baking soda at the same time as youtake MMS. Baking soda will stop the action of theMMS. Perhaps what I would do is take thebaking soda in the morning on an empty stomachand then when I ate an hour later, I would take theMMS and so on. Just be sure to listen to your body.If you have reactions, your body is telling you something. At the same time, some of these reactionscould mean your body is detoxing and that is what you want. The detoxing usually only lasts a few days and when it is over, you feel better than ever.I don't know how true this is for MMS.Your aunt may have a detoxing reaction so you shouldwarn her that if in a few days the baking soda makesher sicker, it is just the detox reaction and she shouldcontinue if at all possible. It will soon pass. If she wishes, she could stop the soda

for a few days and then start again using a little less to start and gentlyincreasing the amount until she is back up to 4 or 5teaspoons per day.I have given you a lot of my time and I am happy to do it. I only ask that you let me know the results if you or your aunt do this. You are not obligated to use any of this but if you do, please let me know what the results were ...good or bad, ok? Thanks!If you would like me to call you, please send me yourphone number to my private email address which iszhebee@y ahoo.com I have very cheap long distanceso I don't mind paying for the call.Helen604-420-1544 From: Vicki <genuinelysweet2002@...> Sent: Thursday, November 6, 2008 8:34:30 PMSubject: Re: [ ] Re: Real sick need some help: Tra. Overnight cancer cure

Okay so you answered the Q I asked already about BP. I am going to try to read your responses before I ask additional Q's. I read these one by one.

Do you know if this baking soda treatment ever cured someone with illnesses in my category? Auto immune rheumatic illness? Its good to know its cured people of Cancer and will have my aunt try it but wondering if I should try it too? If MMS makes my body more acidic and thats bad, do you feel it will therefore keep me ill? I sometimes dont know if I need to make my body more alkaline, or focus on killing bugs, or focus on modulating or even stimulating the immune system etc...and I am still confused on this DMSO and that other thing I cant remember the name from the article, not MMS but the 3rd thing mentioned in that article, escapes me now. Do we both or one of us need to be using it too?

From: helen/zhebee <zhebee (DOT) com>Subject: Re: [miracle_mineral_ supplement] Re: Real sick need some help: Tra. Overnight cancer curemiracle_mineral_ supplementDate: Thursday, November 6, 2008, 5:44 PM

Hi bizActually when your body becomes alkalizedyou should see a decrease in blood pressuresooner or later if your pressure is high. Ifblood pressure is normal, it will stay normaleven as one alkalizes. Most people whobecome alkalized using other means see adecrease in hbp.I have slightly higher blood pressure than Ishould have ...it goes up and down a bit lately.I need to smarten up and give up some of thenot-so-good foods I eat. I take a 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda 3 timesper day. I would take more if I had cancer orsomething like that. The dosage I take keepsmy pH right where it is supposed to be. I'veonly been doing this for a short time. I have not noticed much difference in my bp. Thedosage might need to be different for

othersto get the alkaline result. If I were concerned that it would adversely affect my blood pressure, I would start withsmaller 'dosages' while keeping an eye on myblood pressure. If I saw no difference, I'dslowly increase it. I would expect to see myblood pressure to decrease.I sell various products and because of that Iam often required to tell people that I do notdiagnose, prescribe or treat disease. I alsohave to tell them to work with their doctor and I have no objection to that except I knowtheir doctor probably knows nothing aboutnatural products and in order to save himselffrom a possible lawsuit or something, he willerr on the side of being too cautious and keeppeople from using the natural products theyneed. Then he will tell his patient not to take the natural product or even that it might interfere with the

medication. He doesn't tellthem that because he knows the natural oneto be bad. He says it because he knows nothing about the natural products containedtherein. What a shame! That is why you have to make decisions yourself.Just remember you are in charge of your bodyand what you will put into it ...not your doctoreven though he/she may act like they are theones in charge and that you have to do what they say. They have been trained to act like that. My doctor got so he would explain myoptions according to what he knew and thenhe would ask me what I wanted to do. BeforeI 'trained' him, he would just get out the prescription pad.For example, often medicines add to the acidic state of one's body. If you alkalizethe body, you might be neutralizing the medication, too. But which is better foryou? Something that

brings your bodyto an alkaline state or a drug of dubioususefulness? I know this might make some people a bit nervous. I used to belike that myself. What would I do if I gotcancer, I thought. Would I go the naturalroute or the medical route? I have long since decided it would be the natural waybut it took me a while to get there.If you want to take the baking soda but are worried that it might have an effect with your medication, then I suggest youdo not put the baking soda on top of themedication. In other words, don't take them at the same time. Allow an hourbetween them.Let me know how it works out.Helen

From: biztekmom <biztekmom (DOT) com>miracle_mineral_ supplementSent: Thursday, November 6, 2008 4:45:37 PMSubject: [miracle_mineral_ supplement] Re: Real sick need some help: Tra. Overnight cancer cure

> >Hi Bonnie.> > >> > >You can read about transdermal use of MMS and DMSO. Just GoogleOvernight> >Cancer Cure and you'll find it. Basically it's just making up MMS,rubbing> >it on the skin and putting DMSO on over it to carry it further into the> >blood system. It can cause redness an itching of the skin so you follow> >that, in about a half hour, with MSM mixed into water. Immediatelystops> >the itching.> > >> > >Samala,> > >> > >> > >-------Original Message----- --> > > >

> >I have been reading posts daily just not chiming in because Istopped using> MMS because it bothered my stomach terribly the second day of use. Ikept> using it but then stopped because of this.> >> >>

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