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Re: The baking soda protocol they say doesn't work

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....is this protocol for cancer only or is it a more general "cure" as the MMS is? Is there a particular website you would recommend for more information about this? I am having a terrible time with bowel tolerance with MMS and I know I am not yet rid of the critters....as Bob stated...the MMS seemed to work synergistically with the BS/MS...just wondering if it might be an answer for me. Thanks, judi

From: Gaiacita <gaiacita@...> Sent: Monday, December 8, 2008 1:08:39 PMSubject: [ ] The baking soda protocol they say doesn't work

I've read many times now how the baking soda/maple syrup protocol is bogus and doesn't work. How sugar feeds cancer. How the doctor that supports baking soda makes it out to be more than what it is, etc.

And as I always point out--nothing works for everyone, and anything works for some people.

But, I thought I'd pass this on because who knows who else it would help? I would not hesitate to try it, after learning this.

Another list I'm on, the list owner has talked about her neighbor, Bob. Bob had stage 4 cancer. They told him there wasn't any help for him, and to go home to die. He spent a year on the couch, in so much pain he almost never got up. The list owner had recently moved next door to Bob, and as she believes in alternative health care, she put together a list of different protocols that perhaps could help him.

Here is what she's posted to her list (permission to cross post)

Evening everyone,

Well, bob had his third 3 month check up at the oncologist today. No cancer and everything is healed or healing rapidly. The doc is simply dumbfounded, even expressing such, and says don't tell me what you are doing...but. ..but...the secretary said 'tell me' so bob did.

The only set back bob had was he has friends who run the down home cooking 'oh so quaint place' at the top of the mountain. Homemade pies to die for, all from scratch. They started sending left over pies to bob who became a pie fiend. It was to the point we thought of having an intervention. He sent one home with us and one was all it took to remind us why we go easy easy easy on sugar. The sugar hangover is really something isn't it lol.

Anyway, wanted to say something to bob...the cancer/sugar connection, but held off for a few. it's not always easy to rain on someone's parade. Finally took the plunge and bob has this ah ha moment...he just doesn't get sick since he got well, but he was out working in the cold and wet one sat and by sun he was holed up on the sofa with chills and felt just totally horrible.

So bob quit the pies. He hasn't been sick since.

I told bob we'll call his cancer cure 'the pie cure'...not! !!!!!!!!!

So baking soda/maple syrup, pain he had for well over a year left within a week and he felt the cancer leaving his body, started feeling alive again. Added mms month or so later, made bob a new man, turbo charged the BS/ms as he describes it and first 3 MO visit (when the doc expected him to come in near dead) no cancer and just the little red dot...a dunno red dot. Surgery area healing at rapid rate.

Second visit three MO later no cancer, red dot 1/2 size previously, removed and lab analyzed...not cancer, not really anything but mystery red dot.

Third visit, now bob is also on angstrom mag (magnesium), trace min and msm (all from rosco) and his healing is phenomenal, no cancer and no mystery red dots.

For anyone that will listen to bob he starts them on BS/ms and they notice a difference in days. Then he moves them up to mms and they notice even more changes. One fello gave it to his crippled, like badly crippled, dog and he is acting like a pup.

So, does BS/ms bind...do I really need to study to unravel if the intermolecular binding is possible according to the nature/charge of the ions, or like rosco says, even if you know the chemistry particulars we really do not understand yet how this changes in the body environment, and who cares because empirical is empirical... if it works, it works.

And I should point out bob is a meat and potatoes kinda guy, not organic meat either. His dietary combo's make me cringe...he cooks in pots I would not cook in and eats dressings etc that I would consider a joy ride on the junk train...and he is still cancer free. he's healed so many prior conditions, teeth, hemorrhoids, back injury to name a few...that it goes to show a little loving attention goes a long way. He takes his BS/ms in the morning and right there after the mms. that's supposed to be a no no too but I didn't tell him cause if it is working for him then who cares?

(I asked after reading this-- Oh, do you know what dose of MMS Bob has been taking? And he only takes it once a day, and right after the BS/ms mix?)

Last I cked with bob he takes 6 drops of mms each drinking...I' ll get an update. Takes both protocols morning and night.

And you're right, theory. This is a fello that when we started could hardly pee...after the BS/ms he was able to pee and able to get of the sofa he had occupied for bout year and half. The last year he kept going to the doc saying his side hurt so bad. Bob's' not a cry baby...it had to really really hurt. His mom died at 42 from cancer so even family history of cancer. He felt so good on the BS/ms that he felt no need to look further. I brought him the mms and said take this too. If I recall correctly he was on the BS/ms for at least a month solo, maybe a week or two longer, and the first two weeks of that used arm and hammer BS which is reported (?) to have aluminum. This was a man who was doc certified in final stages of bladder cancer. They wanted to inject his bladder with chemo...without it you will die, with it you will die. He was just that far gone.

Oh yes, and he had skin cancer all up his arm and his forehead that he was successfully but slowly treating with fungal foot spray.

Btw, he drinks coffee and I think but not sure, the peculator pot may be aluminum. If not it is stainless. I'll ck. He also until recently smoked Marlboro's. I bought him two pipes off ebay (they are such a steal there) and now he smokes a pipe. Got his sig other to switch also...she now has a churchwarden.

Bob really is the perfect test subject. He does all the things we think are paramount to not doing and here he is alive and well...and kicking.

(a side note--she had reported that Bob told her that when he added the MMS to the BS/ms protocol, the MMS seemed to kick it into high gear. Just something he felt. He seemed to get better even faster, felt stronger. Also, she had given him a big list of many cancer protocols, expecting him to choose one of the big ones--she was surprised when he got better so fast. Asking him what he did he said he chose the BS/MS one because it was simple and he didn't have to change any of his other eating habits! lol)

For those who don't know the BS/MS protocol, here it is:

Mix one part baking soda with three parts (pure, 100%) maple syrup in a small saucepan. Stir Briskly. Heat the mixture for 5 minutes.

Take 1 teaspoon twice daily. Do NOT refrigerate this mixture. Keep it at room temperature, in a dark area, and use it until it starts to separate in two or three days, then make another batch.

Very Important Note: Do not use baking soda which has had aluminum added to it, such as Arm and Hammer. Buy a product, which specifically states it does not include aluminum or other chemicals. This will probably have to be purchased at a health food store or online (e.g. Bob's Red Mill, Aluminimum-Free, Baking Soda).


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Uummm, it was basically a protocol for cancer, but others have found it to be useful in many different non-cancerous conditions. So I guess it would be smart to try it and see what happens. Apparently Bob (the guy who cured his cancer with this protocol) gets all his friends to try it, and they have reported many health benefits. So unless a person had candida, perhaps, I would give this a shot. Just listen to your body and see what happens. You'll know if it's bad for you, or if it's helping you, by how you feel and how your body reacts to it.

Unfortunately I don't know of any one web site. I'm sure if you Google baking soda and maple syrup together, perhaps adding the word protocol to it, you will come up with some information.

But I would think that this is safe for anyone to try. There's nothing harmful in the 2 products, unless a person is already too alkaline (these people are few and far between) or have candida--because I know that many candida people say they can't take any sugars at all. But I do recall at least 2 people on the candida list mention that they are able to take this protocol because boiling the 2 products together turns it into something different than just taking "raw" maple syrup by itself.


-------Original Message-------

....is this protocol for cancer only or is it a more general "cure" as the MMS is? Is there a particular website you would recommend for more information about this? I am having a terrible time with bowel tolerance with MMS and I know I am not yet rid of the critters....as Bob stated...the MMS seemed to work synergistically with the BS/MS...just wondering if it might be an answer for me. Thanks, judi

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It seems a lot of people have Candida on this site. I understood the premise behidn baking soda (though no benefits from it nor MMS yet) but dont quite understand the maple syrup part when sugar is such an inflammatory. Also, its really hard when so many stories are hearsay. It's always someone saying that someone else told them about yet another person who yada yada. Not saying it's not true...just saying i believe it more coming from the horses mouth because i am just so tried of trying so much without any benefit. Gives me hope when the person who was sick is now better and telling people how it happened in order to help them. I know people say that those who are better are out living life and not on these boards. But I also think there are people with huge hearts that want nothing more than to help others. I know if this MMS worked for me, I would be

yelling it through the rooftops and I'd tell as many sick people as I possibly could for the rest of my life. Right now, however, I'm pretty much worthless.

From: Gaiacita <gaiacita@...>Subject: Re: [ ] The baking soda protocol they say doesn't work Date: Monday, December 8, 2008, 3:31 PM

Uummm, it was basically a protocol for cancer, but others have found it to be useful in many different non-cancerous conditions. So I guess it would be smart to try it and see what happens. Apparently Bob (the guy who cured his cancer with this protocol) gets all his friends to try it, and they have reported many health benefits. So unless a person had candida, perhaps, I would give this a shot. Just listen to your body and see what happens. You'll know if it's bad for you, or if it's helping you, by how you feel and how your body reacts to it.

Unfortunately I don't know of any one web site. I'm sure if you Google baking soda and maple syrup together, perhaps adding the word protocol to it, you will come up with some information.

But I would think that this is safe for anyone to try. There's nothing harmful in the 2 products, unless a person is already too alkaline (these people are few and far between) or have candida--because I know that many candida people say they can't take any sugars at all. But I do recall at least 2 people on the candida list mention that they are able to take this protocol because boiling the 2 products together turns it into something different than just taking "raw" maple syrup by itself.


-------Original Message----- --

....is this protocol for cancer only or is it a more general "cure" as the MMS is? Is there a particular website you would recommend for more information about this? I am having a terrible time with bowel tolerance with MMS and I know I am not yet rid of the critters.... as Bob stated...the MMS seemed to work synergistically with the BS/MS...just wondering if it might be an answer for me. Thanks, judi

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Well, that's why I posted the original information. For all the other posts that I'd read about the BS/MS protocol, it was third and fourth hand stuff--things people had just read about.

My post (though I guess you could call it third hand :-) was actually from someone I "know". The list owner, a person I trust completely, was just reporting on what happened to HER neighbor. Bob, her neighbor that she gave the protocol to, isn't on the web--doesn't own a computer even. So he cannot come here to the group and report it himself. She reports for him. And because I trust her, and believe her, and think it is important that real information like this gets out to people who may be helped by it--I decided to report it here, among a few other lists I posted this on.

He had stage 4 bladder cancer and was dying, and in great pain for over a year. She had moved there and met him and because she knows much about alternative treatments, made a list of things for him to try. She actually wanted him to do some of the more radical methods, like Budwig, or Geerson, or juice fasts with cleanses, exotic rainforest herbs, because he was so bad she thought they would be the only thing that MAY help.

She included the BS/MS just because she was offering him all that she knew to do. She also offered the MMS (she actually took a bottle over to him and convinced him to add it to the protocol). But she left it all up to him to decide, as no one can force another to do anything. And she didn't know him well enough to push any one protocol.

He chose the BS/MS simply because, to him, it seemed the easiest to do. He did not want to change his diet, give up smoking, eat veggies or fruits, etc, did not want to spend money on "strange" products he knew nothing about. He just thought it would be simple to mix and take the BS/MS. He "knew" what baking soda and maple syrup was--it was something he could understand. And--it worked for him. Within just a month he was SO much better.

When she found out that was the only thing he had done, she was pretty much appalled and convinced him to at least add MMS. He said when he did that, there was a sudden charge of energy and his health improved by leaps and bounds.

She said he feels so wonderful, and grateful now, that he tells everyone he knows about this. He's "yelling it through the rooftops" :-) And when you see a friend with stage 4 cancer out working in the yard again, riding his big equipment again (he was a farmer, if I'm not mistaken) then you'd be willing to try such a simple protocol, too, for your problems. And many of his friends started seeing great improvement in their health, even though they didn't have cancer. He's just so tickled about what this has done for him that he not only didn't mind sharing his "secret" with his friends, he told his neighbor, the list owner, that it was ok for me to pass his story on. I asked before I passed it on.

So--all I can tell you is this--yep, MY report is third hand. I got it from someone who got it from the person it happened to. You can brush it off, as you see fit. Or--you can understand that I'm reporting because Bob can't do it himself, and the neighbor who told us on her list about it is "involved" personally with the whole story and reported it to her alternative health list because Bob can't.

This isn't something I read in a magazine, or saw posted on one of the zillion forums in cyberspace. I would not say I believe the story to be completely true if I did not believe it. If I did not feel the list owner personally knows Bob, I would say so.

And, as I also stated in the original post, and in most of my posts when talking about any health protocol--nothing works for everyone. Yet anything will work for some people. Will the BS/MS work for you? Only you can know this, and only if you try it. Does MMS work for every single person? Nope. There are a few who not only are not helped by it, but hurt by MMS. You could be one of those people. So maybe the BS/MS part would work, but not the added MMS. On the other hand, many people say the BS/MS can't possibly work--that the baking soda only gets to the stomach and that's it. The list owner has a friend who is a chemist. He said scientifically, there's no reason the BS/MS SHOULD work. But--he's of the opinion that, truly, who cares what science has to say about something working or not, when you have these kinds of experiences with the protocol. He says--if it works, it works--no other explanation is necessary. And I feel the same way.

Perhaps the BS/MS only worked for Bob because he BELIEVED it would. From that list she gave him, these were the only objects that he had grown up with, had used for other purposes. But belief is SO important. Perhaps it was even placebo effect that changed his health. Does that matter? Nope, not in my opinion. If it works, for whatever reason, it works. Belief is important. If a person starts out with a product or protocol, with the thought/belief that "this can't work for me" then it is much more likely not to work, no matter if it's scientifically proven to work, or has worked for thousands of others.

Remember--he started getting better on just the BS/MS first, before adding MMS.

And some candida people will not be able to tolerate the maple syrup no matter if it is boiled and chemically changed, or not. No one can give you something and say--for a fact--this will work for YOU. All anyone can do is report what they know worked for THEM or someone they know. The rest is up to you.

I know you have probably tried many, many things, and apparently just have not found the one thing that will work for you. I'm sorry for that. But do not give up hope. Just keep trying. It could be something as simple as BS/MS, or a mineral like magnesium, or a vitamin like D, or just getting real sunshine on your skin, or a juice fast, or---that will turn the tide for you. It's hard to keep trying when you've already done so much, I know. But I also know that giving up is not an answer, if you want to be well again.


-- Re: [ ] The baking soda protocol they say doesn't work Date: Monday, December 8, 2008, 3:31 PM

Uummm, it was basically a protocol for cancer, but others have found it to be useful in many different non-cancerous conditions. So I guess it would be smart to try it and see what happens. Apparently Bob (the guy who cured his cancer with this protocol) gets all his friends to try it, and they have reported many health benefits. So unless a person had candida, perhaps, I would give this a shot. Just listen to your body and see what happens. You'll know if it's bad for you, or if it's helping you, by how you feel and how your body reacts to it.

Unfortunately I don't know of any one web site. I'm sure if you Google baking soda and maple syrup together, perhaps adding the word protocol to it, you will come up with some information.

But I would think that this is safe for anyone to try. There's nothing harmful in the 2 products, unless a person is already too alkaline (these people are few and far between) or have candida--because I know that many candida people say they can't take any sugars at all. But I do recall at least 2 people on the candida list mention that they are able to take this protocol because boiling the 2 products together turns it into something different than just taking "raw" maple syrup by itself.


-------Original Message----- --

....is this protocol for cancer only or is it a more general "cure" as the MMS is? Is there a particular website you would recommend for more information about this? I am having a terrible time with bowel tolerance with MMS and I know I am not yet rid of the critters.... as Bob stated...the MMS seemed to work synergistically with the BS/MS...just wondering if it might be an answer for me. Thanks, judi

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I researched the baking soda/maple syrup protocol last night. Basically, you heat the two together so that the baking soda binds to the maple syrup.

The maple syrup is essentially a "Trojan horse" to deliver the baking soda (which has been proven effective at eliminating cancer) to the cancer cells.

Cancer cells utilize 80% more glucose than other cells. So when it comes to gobble up the syrup, the baking soda zaps it.

Apparently this is supposed to work for cancer work in most areas of the body.

Here is a good link to check out: http://www.beating-cancer-gently.com/nl118.html

You can subscribe to their newsletter that covers all sorts of alternative cancer treatments.

-- Re: [ ] The baking soda protocol they say doesn't work

It seems a lot of people have Candida on this site. I understood the premise behidn baking soda (though no benefits from it nor MMS yet) but dont quite understand the maple syrup part when sugar is such an inflammatory. Also, its really hard when so many stories are hearsay. It's always someone saying that someone else told them about yet another person who yada yada. Not saying it's not true...just saying i believe it more coming from the horses mouth because i am just so tried of trying so much without any benefit. Gives me hope when the person who was sick is now better and telling people how it happened in order to help them. I know people say that those who are better are out living life and not on these boards. But I also think there are people with huge hearts that want nothing more than to help others. I know if this MMS worked for me, I would be yelling it through the rooftops and I'd tell as many sick people as I possibly could for the rest of my life. Right now, however, I'm pretty much worthless.

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I tried using a liquid honey instead of MS. Honey has about 19% of water in it, so if you put BS in it some is dissolved by that water content.

I use 1 part BS to 2 parts (by volume) of liquid honey and stir it in cold - you get a mix (when it "settles") that has a considerable amount that seems to have air entrained in it. This part is nice to consume, and it seems to work well against molds. The remainder seems to have a similar activity. There seems to be plenty of BS ready to do it's job. At times I have followed the BS/honey with colloidal silver for helping to rid a mold that I felt was giving me a persistent cough. After some 60 years of coughing I have it under some effective control at last - mold re-infection, by garden composting etc? doesn't help matters.


Re: [ ] The baking soda protocol they say doesn't work

It seems a lot of people have Candida on this site. I understood the premise behidn baking soda (though no benefits from it nor MMS yet) but dont quite understand the maple syrup part when sugar is such an inflammatory. Also, its really hard when so many stories are hearsay. It's always someone saying that someone else told them about yet another person who yada yada. Not saying it's not true...just saying i believe it more coming from the horses mouth because i am just so tried of trying so much without any benefit. Gives me hope when the person who was sick is now better and telling people how it happened in order to help them. I know people say that those who are better are out living life and not on these boards. But I also think there are people with huge hearts that want nothing more than to help others. I know if this MMS worked for me, I would be yelling it through the rooftops and I'd tell as many sick people as I possibly could for the rest of my life. Right now, however, I'm pretty much worthless.

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