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A friend of a friend's MMS testimonial

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"I have been using MMS now for about a week or ten days, and am up to 12 drops 2x/day now. I have figured out over the past ten years or so that I have had a lifelong yeast and fungal overload since childhood, which has contributed to many problems. I have "detoxed" using various methods before MMS and the most effective methods have been using green drinks with Dr. Schultze's Superfood, combined with lots of water and exercise. However I am finding the MMS works faster than the green drinks. You still have to follow good nutrition else you can reinfect with yeast, in my case. Anyway it is tremendously reducing the inflammatory condition that is causing swelling in joints, allergic reaction, sinusitis, and reducing problems with my back going out of joint and "falling asleep" symptoms of carpal tunnel, etc. I also had problems of waking up several times at night,

sleeping poorly, having to get up to drink H2O and go to bathroom, etc. Since using MMS, I have nearly no pain in my knees and ankles right now. Before using this, my ankles and knees would be so stiff in the AM that I'd have to hold on to the railing coming downstairs for fear of losing control over my joints and falling. The yeast and sleeping problems have also gradually gone away; skin is clearing, inflammatory problem going away, sinuses clearing, mental processes clearing, etc. Definately it is working, although those first few detox days are pretty brutal - best to slowly build up on dosage as Jim Humble recommends. I have noticed the diet is especially important in conjunction. Must time eating and taking supplements to the middle of between MMS treatments. I was also finding in the first few days, as the bulk of the yeast load was leaving me, that I was experiencing at night a growing

jittery feeling, followed by muscle cramping if not treated. When that would wake me up, taking extra calcium/magnesium/zinc and H2O would calm me down and stop cramping within 1/2 hour and let me sleep again. I just recently learned about the importance of Vitamin D as we get older, are exposed less to sunlight, and especially at these elevations, and how that negatively impacts calcium absorption. Taking Vit. D is definately allowing me to take less calcium absorption, and seems to help with inflammatory problems.I also have a couple of German Shepherds, one of whom has developed a very bad yeast infection the past month or so in both ears and all over his face, starting to spread elsewhere. Brad started to pick it up on his arms too. We have had two rounds of medicine with the vet for the first two weeks, and of course, it was general spectrum antibiotic - pills, ointment, and wash. Of course

also the yeast got better slightly then got much worse. When the MMS worked on me, about 4-5 days ago I started using MMS and slathering on old fashioned, greasy Resinol salve, which contains zinc oxide, calamine, and resourcinol. My mom used to use this salve all the time on us kids growing up, on everything from minor abrasions to diaper rash. The dog is healing now very quickly, and is ok with us treating him. It is almost gone in his ears and we are getting the better of it on his face. We have to treat him 3 times a day, as soon as it appears he is starting to itch again, but it is working and he is healing."

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