Guest guest Posted April 14, 2009 Report Share Posted April 14, 2009 Date: Tuesday, April 14, 2009, 1:22 PM ~Medical Schizophrenia~ When a doctor says something people are supposed to listen but sometimes what they say is absurd. For instance, it is the opinion of mainstream medicine that detoxification and chelation programs are ludicrous and tantamount to fraud. Medical boards insist that there is no scientific basis for the assertion that the regimens popularly defined as ‘detox’ will augment the body’s own capacity for identifying and eliminating metabolic wastes or environmental toxins. These types of communication come from madmen who have not the slightest idea of the dangers of low levels of toxicity. Modern medicine suffers from a case of schizophrenia dividing itself as it does into so many separate specialties each with their own personality. The medical profession today is over-populated with specialties creating an un-unified approach to medical practice. That is why many patients are advised to obtain a second or even a third opinion prior to a medically invasive procedure because none of the doctors has a full or accurate picture of what the problem really is or how it should be approached. When patients continue to get worse and when doctors have exhausted their knowledge they may inform their patient and family that they can do no more and it is time to get their personal affairs in order. At some point in an illness finding out the root cause of the problem is vital but doctors are not trained to do this because it invalidates the entire principle of pharmaceutical medicine. One basic assumption made by allopaths is that allopathic medicine is designed to intervene when all natural measures to improve health have failed. This is one of the main reasons modern medicine is in decline because most degenerative illness stem from long term nutritional deficiencies compounded by chemical and heavy metal exposure. A tragic problem comes when pharmaceuticals are used to treat symptoms because it's an attempt at a quick fix for pain, symptom relief and abrupt disease cessation, but it's not a cure because it does not address causal etiologies, it just adds one - iatrogenic in nature. Compounding the illness of orthodox medicine is its hostility to natural medicine. This is a serious disorder. Doctors routinely perceive natural medicine and unconventional healing techniques as knocking at their citadel gates. The institution of medicine cannot come clean and acknowledge that some of its best medicines are in fact natural and this is a shame. Regush puts it this way: “Medicine, as we know it, is dying. It is entering a terminal phase. The disease is caused by conflict of interest, tainted research, and greed for big bucks, pretentious doctors and scientists, lying, cheating, invasion by the morally bankrupt marketing automatons of the drug industry, derelict politicians and federal and state regulators - all seasoned with huge doses of self-importance and foul odor. As a journalist, it has become very plain to see how little anything the medical Establishment does these days can be trusted or taken at face value. Press conferences, journal articles, symposia - all are geared to spike and obfuscate the truth, to hide red flags from the public and to bulk up the shares of investors in the companies that are promoting the science and the researchers. Like a disease that festers to the point of no return, medicine has reached that line and stepped over it.†It does seem as though the larger part of the medical establishment has become little more than a sales agency for the pharmaceutical companies. The members of the medical elite are fervent in their defense of vaccines in particular and go to great lengths to demean anyone, parent and professional alike, who even hint at a possible problem with them. Kids who received 100 micrograms of thimerosal were over ten times more likely to have autism thanthe kids who received no mercury containing vaccines. Dr. Mark Geier When the law protects organizations, people and corporations that inject, mercury containing vaccines into newborn infants and children in the first years of life, a substance that burns their brain1, sometimes kills2, or more frequently causes autism and many other neurological disorders3, we have a huge catastrophic problem that casts a serious doubt on the sanity of those involved. When we contrast this horror with another one that puts people in jail for using a drug fantastically safer,4 we have a psychological wind shear that highlights, in no uncertain terms, a hidden insanity5 in medicine, one that is devastating the population. When medical science abandons safe medical practicesfor highly dangerous ones we have a serioussituation that we need to look at under a microscope. The problem is the very system itself, the business of medicine. Doctors only get paid for the diagnosis that they make and treat. Your physical and psychological conditions must be converted into a medical, psychological or psychiatric diagnosis. Insurance companies will not pay doctors if they do not give your "symptoms" a diagnostic label and treat it according to official protocols. A doctor cannot expect to earn respect or money by diagnosing a lack of sun exposure (Vitamin D levels) and by recommending treatments at the beach even though such vitamin levels are a proven crucial factor in cancer. Medical doctors are not big risk takers when it comes to alternative therapies. Doctors have ongoing legitimate concerns about being rejected or reprimanded by their peers and the established medical community if they attempt to operate out side of the perimeters of their academic training and the scope of their medical practice. They have been educated to follow a defined medical model, which they had to accept to get through medical school. The inspector general of the FDA found that fewer than 1 percent of the doctors who helped oversee clinical trials reported any financial conflicts — such as consulting payments,honoraria, grants, patents or stock options — that might influence their studies. That number seems unbelievably low given credible estimates that one-fifth to one-third of all doctors have such conflicts. New York Times Financial conflicts of interests definitely disturb the practice of medicine. They shred the medical mind for one cannot follow the best interests of ones patients and a conflict of interest at the same time. For thousands of years humanity has had the knowledge that one cannot serve two masters especially when one of those masters is founded in greed for profit and power. Medical minds that succumb fall rapidly from the grace of medical truth into the abyss. Such medical minds cling to the belief that it is perfectly reasonable to poison children, for instance, and expect good health outcomes. Medical schizophrenia, like all mental diseases, is able to rationalize its positions making a mockery out of science. Such is the power of the medical mind when it is ill that it can publicly state that mercury can actually be good for our children! This last week we have madman running around shooting innocent people in the US and in Germany on psychiatric medications that drastically imbalance brain chemistry, causing teens (and adults) to feel distanced from reality, as if they are walking through a video game. Iatrogenic is moving into new areas with the prescription of these drugs. Pediatricians were not happy attacking infants now they express their medically twisted minds by attacking young girls with the controversial cervical cancer jab even though over 1,300 schoolgirls have experienced adverse reactions. Doctors have reported that girls aged just 12 and 13 have suffered paralysis, convulsions and sight problems after being given the vaccine. In the world of medical madness this is just normal so they will continue wit the horrid practice.6 Allopathic professionals think they have their illness assessment skills down pat and psychologists feel the same but they are not able to diagnosis the heart of evil that exists openly in modern civilization or the chemical and nutritional pressure that threatens body, mind and soul. Magnesium deficiency as a major cause of disease and mental disturbance is not only ignored but the tests they use to measure it are totally unsuitable measuring blood serum levels. Cellular deficiencies just don’t show up on their maps and this is absurd. The lords and masters of the allopathic medical universe have rigged the game against both doctors and patients alike forcing everyone to overlook the obvious. When the blood levels show low for magnesium we can safely assume that cellular levels are a disaster. So when we look at the fact that medical scientists at MIT count 67 percent of the population as magnesium deficient using standard serum level tests an enormous problem is uncovered. The American population is hugely magnesium deficient but the correct treatment for it is never even put on the table. Doctors feel safe when following the accepted treatments and protocols within their traditional medical model. Doctors also have a lot to lose if they attempt to operate outside of that traditional medical paradigm and that’s basically how they are kept in line. Doctors are extremely aware that they can be sued, so they are extremely reluctant to take risks. There is no risk for them to do the right thing if they use work horse medicines like magnesium chloride, sodium bicarbonate and iodine because these are all found in their own allopathic pharmacies. So the sickness is really all in the mind and if found in the manipulation of medicical minds. Medical Violence It remains the official position of the FDA that there is no such thing as an herb, vitamin, mineral or food that has any ability to prevent, treat or cure any disease or health condition whatsoever. Thus the FDA attacks anyone who accurately describes the health benefits of nutritional products they sell. This attitude and practice compromises allopathic medicine tuning it into something dark, ugly, into something beyond ordinary insanity. We are listening more frequently to the fact that water supplies are contaminated with pharmaceuticals; certainly we know that certain rivers like the Rhine and certain rivers in India are choked by effluents discharged from the antibiotic plants. It is sad that the greatest victim of medicine is nature herself. The word 'physician' is derived from the Greek physike, which means the science of nature but there is nothing natural about modern medical science as it is understood or practiced by orthodox allopaths. The deeply disturbing illness of modern medicine routinely bankrupts patients, cities, states and countries without stopping for a moment to consider that it is being violent and uncaring to the race of beings it is charged to care for. And we hear all the time about ‘invasive procedures’ and doctors pride themselves in aggressive intrusions into the bodies of their patients. The fact that millions of people around the world die of iatrogenic causes do nothing to stop the allopathic juggernaut as it unleashes unlimited suffering and death upon human populations. The way the psychiatric and the nursing staff view (and treat) themselves is startlingly different from the way they handle the patients. It would be interesting to find out how many psychiatrists have undergone electro-convulsive therapy and prescribe for themselves the drugs that cause diabetes, heart attacks and strokes in their patients. Most oncologists are said to avoid chemotherapy and radiation treatments since they know from first hand experience the terrors of these cancer treatments. Perhaps in this we see the deepest schizophrenia of modern medical practitioners. Do onto others as one would have done onto oneself is an instruction of sanity and compassion that is simply not present in modern medicine. In the vaccine area we here stories of pediatricians giving their young patients shots but not their own children. Voltaire said, “Doctors are men who prescribe medicine of which they know little, to cure disease of which they know less, in human beings of which they know nothing.' Just ask a doctor in Brazil, for instance, if there is mercury in the vaccines that are being injected into newborn and he will scratch his head and think you are crazy. Who in their right mind would inject mercury when it is 100 times more toxic then lead? And the answer to that million dollar question is doctors and nurses would. That is tragic that these men and women are not in their right minds and it is catastrophic that we still see them through our rose colored images of pure intention. The popular image of a doctor as angel in a white coat is as far from reality as you can get. Yes there are exceptional doctors but few people are able or willing to perceive the reality behind the image and the violence which today is inseparable from modern medical practice. This violence is not limited to human beings; it extends to the environment, to animals, to the fiscal fortunes of a person and society. Mark Sircus Ac., OMDDirector International Medical Veritas Association Professor Sircus (honorary doctor of Oriental medicine) is the Director of Natural Allopathic and Oriental Medical studies at the DaVinci College of Holistic Medicine, which is accredited by the Complementary Medicine Association in the United Kingdom and a member of the International Association for Distance Learning. Click on the books for information. _________________________________________ 1Haley, Boyd. Thimerosal exposure results in toxic biochemical effects that fit very well with the biochemical observations seen in autistics. These are (1) truncated neurons (ethylmercury inhibition of tubulin polymerization) in brain tissue and (2) inability to make methyl-B12 (Dr. Deth's work on thimerosal inhibition of the enzyme methionine synthetase) and (3) the subsequent decrease in methylation of cellular constitutents that require methylation to operate properly. 2 Reported to VAERS from 1999-2002 Adverse Reactions Reported Age 0-6 Hospitalizations reported age 0-6 Deaths reported age 0-6 DPT 16,544 1,631 394 Flu 419 41 11 Hep 13,363 1,840 642 Hib 22463 3,224 843 MMR 18,680 1,736 110 OPV 22,915 2,868 866 Total 94,384 9,604 2,866 As of the end of 2002, the VAERS system contained 244,424 total reports of possible reactions to vaccines, including 99,145 emergency room visits, 5,149 life-threatening reactions, 27,925 hospitalizations, 5,775 disabilities, and 5,309 deaths , according to data compiled by Dr. Mark Geier, a vaccine researcher in Silver Spring, Md. The data represents roughly 1 billion doses of vaccines, according to Geier. Dr. J. , former Chief Vaccine Control Officer at the US Federal Drug Administration agrees that such evidence has great bearing on the entire vaccination question saying, “There is a great deal of evidence to prove that immunization of children does more harm than good†3 Children's brain development is being impaired by some of the more than 70,000 human-made chemicals on the market, says a new report from the World Wildlife Fund. The report, which surveyed current research in the field, charges chemicals with such neurological effects as poor memory, reduced visual recognition and motor skills, and lower IQ, and cites U.S. research that ties 10 percent of all neurobehavioral disorders to chemical exposure. While it singles out some chemicals by name -- particularly brominated flame-retardants, PCBs, and dioxins -- the report laments that there is little to no safety information available on most chemicals floating about in the environment and in households. "In effect, we are all living in a global chemical experiment of which we don't know the outcome," said WWF's Helen McDade. According to the National Academy of Sciences, many American children are born every year with brains damaged by prenatal exposure to methyl mercury compounds from fossil-fuel and industrial air pollution. Yet vaccines are of special concern for their toxic chemicals are injected directly into the body and some of its components pass directly through the blood brain barrier to affect the nervous system especially the brains own immune system cells, the microglia. Dr. Blaylock, a prominent neurosurgeon, tells us that, “several things can activate microglia, including pesticides, MSG, viruses, mycroplasma, bacteria, stress, aluminum, mercury, and immune adjuvants.†4 CBC News Up in smoke? Canada's marijuana law and the debate over decriminalization. August 20, 2004 The Canadian Medical Association called the health effects of moderate use of marijuana "minimal." 5 The United States government and most medical organizations will defend to the bitter end the safety of injecting mercury into little children while spending vast resources to arrest and imprison up to 700,000 people a year in the United States alone for the use of one of the safest drug in existence in their war on drugs. According to House of Lords (UK) Report on Cannabis for Medical Purposes, "no-one has ever died as a direct and immediate consequence of recreational or medical use." That makes marijuana the safest drug in the world, safer than Bayer Aspirin when you look at the fact that somewhere between five hundred to one thousand people die each year in the United States from aspirin, (and thousands more from other similar nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). In the United States, more than 100,000 people with osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis are hospitalized every year for gastrointestinal problems caused by NSAIDs--and at least 16,500 of them die from internal bleeding. 6 Legal Notice:The Author specifically invokes the First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and of the press without prejudice. The information written is published for informational purposes only under the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution for the United States of America, and should not in any way be used as a substitute for the advice of a physician or other licensed health care practitioner. The statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the FDA. The products discussed herein are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent or treat any disease. Images, text and logic are copyright protected. ALL rights are explicitly reserved without prejudice, and no part of this essay may be reproduced except by written consent. ©2008 by Mark Sircus Our mailing address is: IMVA Arina Alvez de Melo 177João Pessoa, Paraiba 58046310Our telephone: 558332522195Add us to your address book Copyright © IMVA International Medical Verciaitas Assotion 2008 all rights reserved Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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