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> Message: 1

> Date: Thu, 7 Mar 2002 11:51:28 +1100 (AUS Eastern

> Daylight Time)

> From: " D " <dcampbell@...>

> Subject: Re: Info and Feedback

>Hello Anne,

MRSA is not new and as a nurse, I have cared for

patients with it. So please do not feel like you are

a leper who should be closed up in your house. Being

that Remicade lowers the immune system, you could

pretty much catch anything while on it. I am not

condeming those who take it though because I

understand how desperate one can be to just get some

relief from RA. Please keep an open mind with my

suggestion-Have you ever tried antibiotic therapy?

Strengthening your immune system is what you should be

doing. Antibiotic therapy follows the idea that an

infectious agent is causing a majority of these

autoimmune diseases. You can get more information by

doing a search for the Road Back Foundation, a site

based on this therapy. Rheumatic.org is also another.

The testimonials are amazing and there are also

several books available, the best being The New

Arthritis Breakthrough available at & Noble

..com This therapy, a simple antibiotic, has saved my

life. Agressive RA hit me right after having my son.

Caring for him was a nightmare and I had no idea what

was wrong. A year later, severely anemic, and very

weak, I found out I had agressive RA and a few other

things. Having my new baby kept me from considering

suicide as more than just a fleeting thought. I can't

believe how I am now. Running with him and playing

with him like other normal moms. I am almost in

remissioon and I know I will get there some day. My

RA factor has plumeted and joint pain is seldom,

compared to having been my everyday torture. A kind

woman told me about antibiotic therapy and her

remission story of 6 years with NO sign of disease. I

knew I had to give it a try so I did. I'm so glad I

did! Please check out thse sites I listed. It has

changed my life and it may indeed be your answer too.

There are scientific studies that support this method

as well as actually finding several infectious germs

in the joint fluid of those affected. Remember that

Lyme disease acts very much the same way and is caused

by a spirochete germ. You should get a western blot

Lyme test to rule it out since it very much mimics RA.

Studies show that 86% of 240 RA patients studied had

exhausted immune sytems most likely caused by

infections. Feel free to email me personally. I hope

you will give antibiotics a try. Sounds like it could

be just what you need with so many infections present.




> -------Original Message-------


> From: Rheumatoid Arthritis

> Date: Thursday, 07 March 2002 02:56:50 AM

> Rheumatoid Arthritis

> Subject: Info and Feedback


> The subject line says it best..I've been for the

> most part a silent member

> to this list, but since returning from my primary

> today I decided perhaps my

> misery might be of help to someone here..I learned 2

> years ago I was honored

> to be listed in the ranks of having RA.That was the

> best news I have had

> since that day. For the past 2 years I had pain,

> sores, opened wounds on my

> legs, below the knee.the pain is beyond description,

> I call it my living

> hell.I have been diagnosed with Pyroderma

> Gangrenosum and have already gone

> through 3 surgical debrisements and skin grafts

> without any positive outcome

> My wound care doctor and rheumatic doctor decided

> " remicade " is for me.It

> used for moderate to severe R.A. and has recently

> been discovered it works

> marvels on pyroderma and severe wounds and lesions

> that will not heal.

> During my first infusion of remicade I ended up flat

> on my back on the floor

> in the doctors office.it seems remicade is a bear on

> a patient who has

> asthma. They had to inject me with a steroid and

> benerdryl to get my

> breathing back to normal with oxygen,then continued

> with the infusion. My RA

> still has me in horrid pain, but after the 3rd

> infusion of remicade the

> pyroderma on both legs are reducing in size as well

> as amount of pain. Last

> week I woke screaming from the pain, the infectious

> disease doctor did a

> biopsy on the legs and the results came back that i

> now have tested positive

> for M.R.S.A which is the newly dreaded illness

> nurses and care givers are

> concerned. it can be contagious, it is painful and

> they now are deciding

> what to do with me, either put me in the hospital

> with anti biotic iv's or

> allow me to lock myself in my house and have a line

> put into my arms for the

> iv anti-biotic drips to be given at home with a

> visiting nurse. whats my

> point in boring ya'll is, do NOT allow remicade to

> be given if you have

> opened wounds and skin infections. The doctors are

> *positive* the remicade

> was the factor and more harm than good was done to

> me. I am a 47 year old

> white female, and I will confess I am so tired of

> hurting, I forgot what it

> is to have a 24 hour period of no pain. Several

> times I have seriously

> thought of taking my life..It would stop my pain, it

> would make life easier

> on my daughter who at the age of 19 has become my

> rock.

> If anyone has experienced what I have please write

> me, I need advice, I need

> advice from someone who is living the hell I am.I am

> seriously getting to my

> limit with these doctors. There is an expression,

> " they don't know their as$

> from the elbow " .

> I hope someone here can suggest what I might look

> for in a new doctor

> perhaps. I live in south FL. Any advice would be

> appreciated and I hope I

> might have helped or at least made someone here

> aware of what our illness

> does...


> Anne


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