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Re: Liver Flushing

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I am not yet taking MMS but two years ago I had a really bad reaction to an antibiotic. It affected my whole digestive system and I had cramps and diarrhoea for 8 months. It was so bad I was scared to go out! All this time I was taking high strength probiotics but they didn't help at all. Then someone suggested homemade kefir. Within two weeks I was back to normal. It was an absolute miracle. I still take it every day and have had no problems since.

Obviously my situation was different from yours but I think it's worth a try especially as once you have the grains all it costs is the price of the milk. A bit different to the probiotics.

I might add that prior to this I ate no dairy because I felt it didn't agree with me. I still don't eat other dairy but wouldn't stop taking the kefir now as i feel it does me so much good

Re: [ ] Liver Flushing


I am not the only one reporting an ulcer issue with MMS. Someone else had posted this about themselves about the same time it began with me. Pretty synchronistic.

That is what made me think of it. After I stopped taking the MMS orally it took several weeks to completely heal my gut. Also, others have reported MMS affective their good bacteria besides me.

I take powerful probiotics all day long just so I can keep taking the MMS. Taking days off sometimes and loading up on the probiotics help a lot to repopulate the gut. Just a suggestion.

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That sounds like it is worth trying. Could you forward me directions for making this?On Dec 17, 2008, at 6:26 AM, phoenix47 wrote:Hi I am not yet taking MMS but two years ago I had a really bad reaction to an antibiotic. It affected my whole digestive system and I had cramps and diarrhoea for 8 months. It was so bad I was scared to go out! All this time I was taking high strength probiotics but they didn't help at all. Then someone suggested homemade kefir. Within two weeks I was back to normal. It was an absolute miracle. I still take it every day and have had no problems since.Obviously my situation was different from yours but I think it's worth a try especially as once you have the grains all it costs is the price of the milk. A bit different to the probiotics.I might add that prior to this I ate no dairy because I felt it didn't agree with me. I still don't eat other dairy but wouldn't stop taking the kefir now as i feel it does me so much good Re: [ ] Liver FlushingVicki,I am not the only one reporting an ulcer issue with MMS. Someone else had posted this about themselves about the same time it began with me. Pretty synchronistic. That is what made me think of it. After I stopped taking the MMS orally it took several weeks to completely heal my gut. Also, others have reported MMS affective their good bacteria besides me.I take powerful probiotics all day long just so I can keep taking the MMS. Taking days off sometimes and loading up on the probiotics help a lot to repopulate the gut. Just a suggestion.

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> A lot of people eat total junk all the time, and yet are not ill. I

have always eaten healthy, and look at me now, functioning at 5%.


> I took Chinese herbs before, not the cleanses, some herbs they told

me to take at the accupuncture clinic (which I don't go to anymore as

accupuncture didn't help either) and they raised my liver enzymes

through the roof. Had I taken just a little longer, I would have

needed liver transplant my primary told me.



Hi Vicki,

May I ask what you have? Sorry if you've mentioned it before. I

often don't read all the posts.

Well, you needing a liver transplant if you had continued with the

Chinese herbs is so revealing. So often we will try and try to stay

on some protocol because somebody said it worked. Hear a lot of the

term " die-off " , but I don't think anything anybody ever says can take

the place of what our own body is telling us. If the MMS is not

agreeing with you, hey, there are some people that it just doesn't

agree with. I remember one woman (when we all first started with the

drops) came to the conclusion she just couldn't take it. I myself,

get a rash so extreme that I don't take it anymore.

Take care,


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It is really easy to make. Obviously you have to buy the grains to start with. I am in the UK but people on other lists who are in the US recommend http://www.kefirlady.com/. though of course I have no personal experience of this site

Making kefirYou need a glass jar - I use a two pound jam jar. Place the grains in the jar and add milk - amount is not crucial. Cover with lid but do not screw it down as kefir produces carbon dioxide. Leave it outside the fridge until thickened. You need to keep an eye on it until you get used to it. Times can vary. it is much quicker in the summer - can thicken within a few hours This time of year it takes about 2 days. When ready strain into a basin using a plastic or bamboo strainer and put the grains in a new jar, top up withmilk and start all over again. Store the strained kefir in the fridge TipsDon't use a metal spoon - always plastic If you leave it too long it will go to curds and whey. Strain as usual and the stir . This is perfectly all right - but it will taste a lot more acid. The kefir will keep at least a couple of weeks in the fridge If you get too much kefir and want to slow down production you can store the grain in a little milk to cover in the fridge changing the milk every week or so.As you keep making kefir the grain will grow and can the be broken in two gently using your fingers.

You can flavour the kefir with fruit or honey or anything that takes your fancy. I eat mine plain now to save time and I've got used to the taste now and enjoy it. Hope this helps

Re: [ ] Liver Flushing

That sounds like it is worth trying. Could you forward me directions for making this?

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Excellant Excellant Post

Can you please share some of your web sites that you have used for

research and purchase of good products?

thank you


> Hello All,


> I noticed that after about 3 months on MMS my immune system began


> get gradually worse. I believe this is because of the excessive

> amount of toxins the MMS was releasing from my system. In Chinese

> medicine the Liver and Kidneys are the core to a healthy immune


> since the Liver removes toxins and the Kidneys keep the acid/base

> balance and the electrolyte balance. I have spent 5 years focusing


> my health and my healing and I am coming down to what Chinese


> has known all along - you must have a clean liver and clean kidneys


> you are going to be healthy.


> On the Candidasis group there are 4 letters from people who have

> been healed and they all did liver cleansing/flushing. A couple say

> that Candida is just a buy product and the unhealthy liver was the

> main cause of their illness.


> The liver is responsible for removing toxins. It does this on a

> microscopic scale, but occasionally a woolly mammoth comes along and

> gets trapped in the tar pits - probably much more so when on MMS.


> then continues to grow and grow until the liver can flush it.

> However, the liver only contracts when there are large amounts of

> fat/oil in the stomach which the modern diet does not have - unless

> you are accustomed to eating chunks of lard. Thus, they get stuck


> impede the liver from doing it's job properly.


> On top of that, you must get the intestines healthy and for that I

> would look to colonics and enemas with and without coffee to ensure

> the full elimination of any liver/gall stones. There are plenty of

> sites for that information.


> I just did my 5th liver flush, 4 two years ago and then this one.

> This one yielded very good results - more than I would have expected

> and probably due to the MMS usage. I even had something large get

> stuck on it's way out and I will be doing another this weekend and

> perhaps even more after that.


> PLEASE NOTE: Liver flushing is hard on the system and it is not


> everyone - it can even lead to emergency gallbladder removal so


> do some research and reading on the topic. I would personally look

> for a product called Chanca Piedra (Phyllanthus Niruri - Raintree

> Nutrition) which is supposed to help break down stones inside of the

> liver and keep them from forming. This stuff can reduce blood

> pressure, female antifertility, and a hypoglycemic effect so just be

> careful. That and the acid found in apples is supposed to help

too -

> an apple a day does indeed keep the doctor away.

> Hulda recommends a parasite cleanse prior to liver flushing.

> I would also drink apple juice every day for a while prior to doing


> flush.


> Here is some info on liver flushing:


> These could be in your liver right now impeding it's ability to


> http://www.curezone.com/ig/i.asp?i=35041


> http://www.sensiblehealth.com/Journey-01.xhtml


> http://curezone.org/forums/fm.asp?i=182920


> These are the good recipes, I use the Hulda method and it


> quite well:


> http://www.curezone.com/gallstones/


> Anyhow, there are lots and lots of personal accounts on that site

> about the benefits, pitfalls, and dangers

> (http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=61987) of liver flushing.


> Good health,

> Brad


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  • 1 year later...
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We used to do Hulda 's gallbladder flush - have done it many times; my last two flushes were unsuccessful, but my husband's have always been very successful. She recommends to do the kidney cleanse first and parasite cleanse as I recall. I didn't do that the last few times. I didn't get stones or chaff out; I had a gallbladder full of stones. It was told to me by several alternative doctors when the gallbladder is full a flush can force them into one of the ducts of the liver, so not to do it. I did it anyway with no stones. Finally had to have my gallbladder removed a month ago... Liver Flushing

I have wanted to flush my Liver for a while now and just have not done the traditional epsom salt method I read of in Hulda s book. So when I read about this method, I decided maybe this is the way I can do it...So I picked up some Triphala powder yesterday and gave it a go last night. I heated the water (1\4 cup hot) and mixed in the powder and consumed it. Then over the next 15 minutes drank an additional 8 - 10 oz of H2O (room temp). Over the next hour or 2, I noticed some sensations in the right area, below my Liver. A few times I'd swear there was a stone passing down the chute, but no confirmation this morning. I'll keep looking and keep having the powder each night. The directions mentioned 1\4 to 1\2 tsp so there's another thing I can adjust.Anyone else use this or done a regular liver flush and have some more info? These are the threads I read from.http://www.earthclinic.com/Remedies/alkalizing_formulas.htmlhttp://www.earthclinic.com/Remedies/ayurvedic-herbs.htmlhttp://www.rain-tree.com/chanca.htmThis is what I'm using: Triphala Powder by Avena Botanicals at avenabotanicals.com. 4 oz for $11. I got it at Whole Foods.There were at least 3 options with the name Triphala on it and I did not even look for the wanprash.:)Green

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Hi Green,

This is the liver flush that I do:

Liver Flush

Do this at bedtime for 3 nights in a row if you can. If you cannot, then do it

one night.

The liver flush cleanses and strengthens the functioning of the liver and

gallbladder. If you have gallstones, this may flush them out of your system and

you will see the gallstones in your stool. If you already know that you have

some large gallstones, then don't do this because it might cause the stone(s) to

dislodge and get stuck in a duct. The liver flush has been used in the

Mediterranean region for a long time. It is a good way to maintain the health

of the liver and gallbladder and to prevent gallstones. It ideally should be

done once or twice yearly.

Blend well:

(note: ¼ cup = 2 ounces)

¼ cup olive oil (good quality virgin or extra virgin olive oil with a greenish

tinge; olive oil from the Mediterranean region is best)

¼ cup orange juice

¼ cup lemon or lime juice

¼ teaspoon cayenne powder

2 medium cloves fresh garlic, crushed (optional)

Drink this and then lie down on your right side with your legs pulled up toward

your chest in a fetal-like position and stay like that for about 40 minutes.

Then go to sleep. If it makes you feel queasy, sip on some peppermint tea.

Do this three nights in a row if you can. It will clean your blood and you

should feel very good by the third day. If you have never done this before and

your liver has a lot of toxins in it, you may get very nauseated. If that is

the case, stop after the first night and try again in a month.



> I have wanted to flush my Liver for a while now and just have not done the

traditional epsom salt method I read of in Hulda s book. So when I read

about this method, I decided maybe this is the way I can do it...


> So I picked up some Triphala powder yesterday and gave it a go last night. I

heated the water (1\4 cup hot) and mixed in the powder and consumed it. Then

over the next 15 minutes drank an additional 8 - 10 oz of H2O (room temp).

Over the next hour or 2, I noticed some sensations in the right area, below my

Liver. A few times I'd swear there was a stone passing down the chute, but no

confirmation this morning. I'll keep looking and keep having the powder each

night. The directions mentioned 1\4 to 1\2 tsp so there's another thing I can



> Anyone else use this or done a regular liver flush and have some more info?


> These are the threads I read from.


> http://www.earthclinic.com/Remedies/alkalizing_formulas.html


> http://www.earthclinic.com/Remedies/ayurvedic-herbs.html


> http://www.rain-tree.com/chanca.htm


> This is what I'm using: Triphala Powder by Avena Botanicals at

avenabotanicals.com. 4 oz for $11. I got it at Whole Foods.


> There were at least 3 options with the name Triphala on it and I did not even

look for the wanprash.


> :)


> Green


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What do one of the stones look like in your poop?

On Fri Jul 16th, 2010 1:04 AM EDT Myrtle wrote:

>Hi Green,


>This is the liver flush that I do:


>Liver Flush


>Do this at bedtime for 3 nights in a row if you can. If you cannot, then do it

one night.


>The liver flush cleanses and strengthens the functioning of the liver and

gallbladder. If you have gallstones, this may flush them out of your system and

you will see the gallstones in your stool. If you already know that you have

some large gallstones, then don't do this because it might cause the stone(s) to

dislodge and get stuck in a duct. The liver flush has been used in the

Mediterranean region for a long time. It is a good way to maintain the health

of the liver and gallbladder and to prevent gallstones. It ideally should be

done once or twice yearly.


>Blend well:

>(note: ¼ cup = 2 ounces)


>¼ cup olive oil (good quality virgin or extra virgin olive oil with a greenish

tinge; olive oil from the Mediterranean region is best)


>¼ cup orange juice

>¼ cup lemon or lime juice

>¼ teaspoon cayenne powder

>2 medium cloves fresh garlic, crushed (optional)


>Drink this and then lie down on your right side with your legs pulled up toward

your chest in a fetal-like position and stay like that for about 40 minutes.

Then go to sleep. If it makes you feel queasy, sip on some peppermint tea.


>Do this three nights in a row if you can. It will clean your blood and you

should feel very good by the third day. If you have never done this before and

your liver has a lot of toxins in it, you may get very nauseated. If that is

the case, stop after the first night and try again in a month.






>> I have wanted to flush my Liver for a while now and just have not done the

traditional epsom salt method I read of in Hulda s book. So when I read

about this method, I decided maybe this is the way I can do it...


>> So I picked up some Triphala powder yesterday and gave it a go last night. I

heated the water (1\4 cup hot) and mixed in the powder and consumed it. Then

over the next 15 minutes drank an additional 8 - 10 oz of H2O (room temp).

Over the next hour or 2, I noticed some sensations in the right area, below my

Liver. A few times I'd swear there was a stone passing down the chute, but no

confirmation this morning. I'll keep looking and keep having the powder each

night. The directions mentioned 1\4 to 1\2 tsp so there's another thing I can



>> Anyone else use this or done a regular liver flush and have some more info?


>> These are the threads I read from.


>> http://www.earthclinic.com/Remedies/alkalizing_formulas.html


>> http://www.earthclinic.com/Remedies/ayurvedic-herbs.html


>> http://www.rain-tree.com/chanca.htm


>> This is what I'm using: Triphala Powder by Avena Botanicals at

avenabotanicals.com. 4 oz for $11. I got it at Whole Foods.


>> There were at least 3 options with the name Triphala on it and I did not even

look for the wanprash.


>> :)


>> Green




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They can vary from tan to bright green. They float and have a distinctive shape. You cannot confuse them with feces... as they look nothing like feces. Most feces sink in the toilet, chaff and gallstones float. Alot of people who do flushes count them to see how many they are getting out. At least we always did. Getting stones out helps with cholesterol lowering and weight loss. Re: Re: Liver Flushing

What do one of the stones look like in your poop?On Fri Jul 16th, 2010 1:04 AM EDT Myrtle wrote:>Hi Green,>>This is the liver flush that I do:>>Liver Flush>>Do this at bedtime for 3 nights in a row if you can. If you cannot, then do it one night.>>The liver flush cleanses and strengthens the functioning of the liver and gallbladder. If you have gallstones, this may flush them out of your system and you will see the gallstones in your stool. If you already know that you have some large gallstones, then don't do this because it might cause the stone(s) to dislodge and get stuck in a duct. The liver flush has been used in the Mediterranean region for a long time. It is a good way to maintain the health of the liver and gallbladder and to prevent gallstones. It ideally should be done once or twice yearly.>>Blend well:>(note: ¼ cup = 2 ounces)>>¼ cup olive oil (good quality virgin or extra virgin olive oil with a greenish tinge; olive oil from the Mediterranean region is best)>>¼ cup orange juice>¼ cup lemon or lime juice>¼ teaspoon cayenne powder>2 medium cloves fresh garlic, crushed (optional)>>Drink this and then lie down on your right side with your legs pulled up toward your chest in a fetal-like position and stay like that for about 40 minutes. Then go to sleep. If it makes you feel queasy, sip on some peppermint tea.>>Do this three nights in a row if you can. It will clean your blood and you should feel very good by the third day. If you have never done this before and your liver has a lot of toxins in it, you may get very nauseated. If that is the case, stop after the first night and try again in a month.>>myrtle>>>>>> I have wanted to flush my Liver for a while now and just have not done the traditional epsom salt method I read of in Hulda s book. So when I read about this method, I decided maybe this is the way I can do it...>> >> So I picked up some Triphala powder yesterday and gave it a go last night. I heated the water (1\4 cup hot) and mixed in the powder and consumed it. Then over the next 15 minutes drank an additional 8 - 10 oz of H2O (room temp). Over the next hour or 2, I noticed some sensations in the right area, below my Liver. A few times I'd swear there was a stone passing down the chute, but no confirmation this morning. I'll keep looking and keep having the powder each night. The directions mentioned 1\4 to 1\2 tsp so there's another thing I can adjust.>> >> Anyone else use this or done a regular liver flush and have some more info? >> >> These are the threads I read from.>> >> http://www.earthclinic.com/Remedies/alkalizing_formulas.html>> >> http://www.earthclinic.com/Remedies/ayurvedic-herbs.html>> >> http://www.rain-tree.com/chanca.htm>> >> This is what I'm using: Triphala Powder by Avena Botanicals at avenabotanicals.com. 4 oz for $11. I got it at Whole Foods.>> >> There were at least 3 options with the name Triphala on it and I did not even look for the wanprash.>> >> :)>> >> Green>>>>

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Like frozen peas, but don't eat them, they're toxic.


> >Hi Green,

> >

> >This is the liver flush that I do:

> >

> >Liver Flush

> >

> >Do this at bedtime for 3 nights in a row if you can. If you cannot, then do

it one night.

> >

> >The liver flush cleanses and strengthens the functioning of the liver and

gallbladder. If you have gallstones, this may flush them out of your system and

you will see the gallstones in your stool. If you already know that you have

some large gallstones, then don't do this because it might cause the stone(s) to

dislodge and get stuck in a duct. The liver flush has been used in the

Mediterranean region for a long time. It is a good way to maintain the health

of the liver and gallbladder and to prevent gallstones. It ideally should be

done once or twice yearly.

> >

> >Blend well:

> >(note: ¼ cup = 2 ounces)

> >

> >¼ cup olive oil (good quality virgin or extra virgin olive oil with a

greenish tinge; olive oil from the Mediterranean region is best)

> >

> >¼ cup orange juice

> >¼ cup lemon or lime juice

> >¼ teaspoon cayenne powder

> >2 medium cloves fresh garlic, crushed (optional)

> >

> >Drink this and then lie down on your right side with your legs pulled up

toward your chest in a fetal-like position and stay like that for about 40

minutes. Then go to sleep. If it makes you feel queasy, sip on some peppermint


> >

> >Do this three nights in a row if you can. It will clean your blood and you

should feel very good by the third day. If you have never done this before and

your liver has a lot of toxins in it, you may get very nauseated. If that is

the case, stop after the first night and try again in a month.

> >

> >myrtle

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I hope i see some. I just started tonight. It didn't bother me though.

On Fri Jul 16th, 2010 1:55 AM EDT Myrtle wrote:

>Like frozen peas, but don't eat them, they're toxic.




>> >Hi Green,

>> >

>> >This is the liver flush that I do:

>> >

>> >Liver Flush

>> >

>> >Do this at bedtime for 3 nights in a row if you can. If you cannot, then do

it one night.

>> >

>> >The liver flush cleanses and strengthens the functioning of the liver and

gallbladder. If you have gallstones, this may flush them out of your system and

you will see the gallstones in your stool. If you already know that you have

some large gallstones, then don't do this because it might cause the stone(s) to

dislodge and get stuck in a duct. The liver flush has been used in the

Mediterranean region for a long time. It is a good way to maintain the health

of the liver and gallbladder and to prevent gallstones. It ideally should be

done once or twice yearly.

>> >

>> >Blend well:

>> >(note: ¼ cup = 2 ounces)

>> >

>> >¼ cup olive oil (good quality virgin or extra virgin olive oil with a

greenish tinge; olive oil from the Mediterranean region is best)

>> >

>> >¼ cup orange juice

>> >¼ cup lemon or lime juice

>> >¼ teaspoon cayenne powder

>> >2 medium cloves fresh garlic, crushed (optional)

>> >

>> >Drink this and then lie down on your right side with your legs pulled up

toward your chest in a fetal-like position and stay like that for about 40

minutes. Then go to sleep. If it makes you feel queasy, sip on some peppermint


>> >

>> >Do this three nights in a row if you can. It will clean your blood and you

should feel very good by the third day. If you have never done this before and

your liver has a lot of toxins in it, you may get very nauseated. If that is

the case, stop after the first night and try again in a month.

>> >

>> >myrtle


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Does anyone have any other cleanses? I want to keep it cheap and i don't want

to be buying expensive products. I'm done spending ridiculous amounts of money

on this for the time being. I figure i should start cleansing again. It has

been about nine months since my last one. I thinking digestive track, not skin


On Fri Jul 16th, 2010 1:55 AM EDT Myrtle wrote:

>Like frozen peas, but don't eat them, they're toxic.




>> >Hi Green,

>> >

>> >This is the liver flush that I do:

>> >

>> >Liver Flush

>> >

>> >Do this at bedtime for 3 nights in a row if you can. If you cannot, then do

it one night.

>> >

>> >The liver flush cleanses and strengthens the functioning of the liver and

gallbladder. If you have gallstones, this may flush them out of your system and

you will see the gallstones in your stool. If you already know that you have

some large gallstones, then don't do this because it might cause the stone(s) to

dislodge and get stuck in a duct. The liver flush has been used in the

Mediterranean region for a long time. It is a good way to maintain the health

of the liver and gallbladder and to prevent gallstones. It ideally should be

done once or twice yearly.

>> >

>> >Blend well:

>> >(note: ¼ cup = 2 ounces)

>> >

>> >¼ cup olive oil (good quality virgin or extra virgin olive oil with a

greenish tinge; olive oil from the Mediterranean region is best)

>> >

>> >¼ cup orange juice

>> >¼ cup lemon or lime juice

>> >¼ teaspoon cayenne powder

>> >2 medium cloves fresh garlic, crushed (optional)

>> >

>> >Drink this and then lie down on your right side with your legs pulled up

toward your chest in a fetal-like position and stay like that for about 40

minutes. Then go to sleep. If it makes you feel queasy, sip on some peppermint


>> >

>> >Do this three nights in a row if you can. It will clean your blood and you

should feel very good by the third day. If you have never done this before and

your liver has a lot of toxins in it, you may get very nauseated. If that is

the case, stop after the first night and try again in a month.

>> >

>> >myrtle


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Two things i need help with. I recently gained thirty five pounds after i got

better. My cholesterol is also bad. I think it was 210 last time i got it

checked. The good thing is i'm down ten pounds and have only eighteen more to

go. Not exactly my old weight but in the range.

On Fri Jul 16th, 2010 1:49 AM EDT Goldstein@... wrote:

>They can vary from tan to bright green. They float and have a distinctive

shape. You cannot confuse them with feces... as they look nothing like feces.

Most feces sink in the toilet, chaff and gallstones float. Alot of people who

do flushes count them to see how many they are getting out. At least we always

did. Getting stones out helps with cholesterol lowering and weight loss.




> Re: Re: Liver Flushing














>What do one of the stones look like in your poop?




>On Fri Jul 16th, 2010 1:04 AM EDT Myrtle wrote:




>>Hi Green,






>>This is the liver flush that I do:






>>Liver Flush






>>Do this at bedtime for 3 nights in a row if you can. If you cannot, then do

it one night.






>>The liver flush cleanses and strengthens the functioning of the liver and

gallbladder. If you have gallstones, this may flush them out of your system and

you will see the gallstones in your stool. If you already know that you have

some large gallstones, then don't do this because it might cause the stone(s) to

dislodge and get stuck in a duct. The liver flush has been used in the

Mediterranean region for a long time. It is a good way to maintain the health

of the liver and gallbladder and to prevent gallstones. It ideally should be

done once or twice yearly.






>>Blend well:



>>(note: ¼ cup = 2 ounces)






>>¼ cup olive oil (good quality virgin or extra virgin olive oil with a greenish

tinge; olive oil from the Mediterranean region is best)






>>¼ cup orange juice



>>¼ cup lemon or lime juice



>>¼ teaspoon cayenne powder



>>2 medium cloves fresh garlic, crushed (optional)






>>Drink this and then lie down on your right side with your legs pulled up

toward your chest in a fetal-like position and stay like that for about 40

minutes. Then go to sleep. If it makes you feel queasy, sip on some peppermint







>>Do this three nights in a row if you can. It will clean your blood and you

should feel very good by the third day. If you have never done this before and

your liver has a lot of toxins in it, you may get very nauseated. If that is

the case, stop after the first night and try again in a month.


















>>> I have wanted to flush my Liver for a while now and just have not done the

traditional epsom salt method I read of in Hulda s book. So when I read

about this method, I decided maybe this is the way I can do it...






>>> So I picked up some Triphala powder yesterday and gave it a go last night.

I heated the water (1\4 cup hot) and mixed in the powder and consumed it. Then

over the next 15 minutes drank an additional 8 - 10 oz of H2O (room temp).

Over the next hour or 2, I noticed some sensations in the right area, below my

Liver. A few times I'd swear there was a stone passing down the chute, but no

confirmation this morning. I'll keep looking and keep having the powder each

night. The directions mentioned 1\4 to 1\2 tsp so there's another thing I can







>>> Anyone else use this or done a regular liver flush and have some more info?






>>> These are the threads I read from.






>>> http://www.earthclinic.com/Remedies/alkalizing_formulas.html






>>> http://www.earthclinic.com/Remedies/ayurvedic-herbs.html






>>> http://www.rain-tree.com/chanca.htm






>>> This is what I'm using: Triphala Powder by Avena Botanicals at

avenabotanicals.com. 4 oz for $11. I got it at Whole Foods.






>>> There were at least 3 options with the name Triphala on it and I did not

even look for the wanprash.






>>> :)






>>> Green
















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, I hope this helps. I ordered "purify" in drop form from Tree of Life in liquid drops. I started in February. I took it as prescribed along with 4 drops of iodine daily. With it, I took a table spoon of Loclo from Nature's Sunshine and two capsules of Cascara Sagrada for Walmart. Since, I have passed 14 feet of the rubber toxic lining from my small intestines. Weight has fallen off of me as the process continues. I've run out of purify and nothing is passing. Just ordered more today.Sally From: <danielwalker94949@...>bird mites Sent: Fri, July 16, 2010 6:17:31 AMSubject: Re: Re: Liver Flushing

Two things i need help with. I recently gained thirty five pounds after i got better. My cholesterol is also bad. I think it was 210 last time i got it checked. The good thing is i'm down ten pounds and have only eighteen more to go. Not exactly my old weight but in the range.

On Fri Jul 16th, 2010 1:49 AM EDT Goldstein@... wrote:

>They can vary from tan to bright green. They float and have a distinctive shape. You cannot confuse them with feces... as they look nothing like feces. Most feces sink in the toilet, chaff and gallstones float. Alot of people who do flushes count them to see how many they are getting out. At least we always did. Getting stones out helps with cholesterol lowering and weight loss.




> Re: Re: Liver Flushing














>What do one of the stones look like in your poop?




>On Fri Jul 16th, 2010 1:04 AM EDT Myrtle wrote:




>>Hi Green,






>>This is the liver flush that I do:






>>Liver Flush






>>Do this at bedtime for 3 nights in a row if you can. If you cannot, then do it one night.






>>The liver flush cleanses and strengthens the functioning of the liver and gallbladder. If you have gallstones, this may flush them out of your system and you will see the gallstones in your stool. If you already know that you have some large gallstones, then don't do this because it might cause the stone(s) to dislodge and get stuck in a duct. The liver flush has been used in the Mediterranean region for a long time. It is a good way to maintain the health of the liver and gallbladder and to prevent gallstones. It ideally should be done once or twice yearly.






>>Blend well:



>>(note: ¼ cup = 2 ounces)






>>¼ cup olive oil (good quality virgin or extra virgin olive oil with a greenish tinge; olive oil from the Mediterranean region is best)






>>¼ cup orange juice



>>¼ cup lemon or lime juice



>>¼ teaspoon cayenne powder



>>2 medium cloves fresh garlic, crushed (optional)






>>Drink this and then lie down on your right side with your legs pulled up toward your chest in a fetal-like position and stay like that for about 40 minutes. Then go to sleep. If it makes you feel queasy, sip on some peppermint tea.






>>Do this three nights in a row if you can. It will clean your blood and you should feel very good by the third day. If you have never done this before and your liver has a lot of toxins in it, you may get very nauseated. If that is the case, stop after the first night and try again in a month.


















>>> I have wanted to flush my Liver for a while now and just have not done the traditional epsom salt method I read of in Hulda s book. So when I read about this method, I decided maybe this is the way I can do it...






>>> So I picked up some Triphala powder yesterday and gave it a go last night. I heated the water (1\4 cup hot) and mixed in the powder and consumed it. Then over the next 15 minutes drank an additional 8 - 10 oz of H2O (room temp). Over the next hour or 2, I noticed some sensations in the right area, below my Liver. A few times I'd swear there was a stone passing down the chute, but no confirmation this morning. I'll keep looking and keep having the powder each night. The directions mentioned 1\4 to 1\2 tsp so there's another thing I can adjust.






>>> Anyone else use this or done a regular liver flush and have some more info?






>>> These are the threads I read from.






>>> http://www.earthclinic.com/Remedies/alkalizing_formulas.html






>>> http://www.earthclinic.com/Remedies/ayurvedic-herbs.html






>>> http://www.rain-tree.com/chanca.htm






>>> This is what I'm using: Triphala Powder by Avena Botanicals at avenabotanicals.com. 4 oz for $11. I got it at Whole Foods.






>>> There were at least 3 options with the name Triphala on it and I did not even look for the wanprash.






>>> :)






>>> Green
















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The Tree of Life link is : http://www.thelifetree.com/STRCLNSE.HTMYou will find "Purify" there.I bought pure iodine a PublicsI get the Loclo from Nature's Sunshine onlineThe Cascara Sagrada from Walmart works best.From: Lynn <torpedolynn@...>To:

bird mites Sent: Fri, July 16, 2010 12:01:50 PMSubject: Re: Liver Flushing

Did you say you bought it at Walmart or could you leave a link to web site you buy the Purify from?? Thank you.

In Light Lynn


> ,


> I hope this helps. I ordered "purify" in drop form from Tree of Life in

> liquid drops. I started in February. I took it as prescribed along with 4

> drops of iodine daily. With it, I took a table spoon of Loclo from Nature's

> Sunshine and two capsules of Cascara Sagrada for Walmart. Since, I have passed

> 14 feet of the rubber toxic lining from my small intestines. Weight has fallen

> off of me as the process continues. I've run out of purify and nothing is

> passing. Just ordered more today.


> Sally



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You won't see anything unless you have gallstones. The only time I ever saw

anything, which was the frozen pea looking things, was a few months into my

birdmite infestation, after I had been spraying various poisons and setting off

flea bombs in my home for several weeks. I was even spraying poison on my bed

every night in desperation to keep the bugs off me and the cats. I did the

liver flush thinking I had overworked my liver, and I guess I was right.

There is another liver flush I've done in the past which was devised by a

Hawaiian la'au lapa'au practitioner. It was similar to the one below, except

you drink 4 times more olive oil, 3 mornings in a row. You have to split it into

two batches, taken 45 minutes apart. I was never able to get thru day 3. My

stool would turn white as snow. The protocol also called for drinking a quart

of salt water every evening. It was too extreme for me, although I did feel

pretty energetic afterwards.


> >>

> >> >Hi Green,

> >> >

> >> >This is the liver flush that I do:

> >> >

> >> >Liver Flush

> >> >

> >> >Do this at bedtime for 3 nights in a row if you can. If you cannot, then

do it one night.

> >> >

> >> >The liver flush cleanses and strengthens the functioning of the liver and

gallbladder. If you have gallstones, this may flush them out of your system and

you will see the gallstones in your stool. If you already know that you have

some large gallstones, then don't do this because it might cause the stone(s) to

dislodge and get stuck in a duct. The liver flush has been used in the

Mediterranean region for a long time. It is a good way to maintain the health

of the liver and gallbladder and to prevent gallstones. It ideally should be

done once or twice yearly.

> >> >

> >> >Blend well:

> >> >(note: ¼ cup = 2 ounces)

> >> >

> >> >¼ cup olive oil (good quality virgin or extra virgin olive oil with a

greenish tinge; olive oil from the Mediterranean region is best)

> >> >

> >> >¼ cup orange juice

> >> >¼ cup lemon or lime juice

> >> >¼ teaspoon cayenne powder

> >> >2 medium cloves fresh garlic, crushed (optional)

> >> >

> >> >Drink this and then lie down on your right side with your legs pulled up

toward your chest in a fetal-like position and stay like that for about 40

minutes. Then go to sleep. If it makes you feel queasy, sip on some peppermint


> >> >

> >> >Do this three nights in a row if you can. It will clean your blood and

you should feel very good by the third day. If you have never done this before

and your liver has a lot of toxins in it, you may get very nauseated. If that

is the case, stop after the first night and try again in a month.

> >> >

> >> >myrtle

> >


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Thanks Lynn. The olive oil cleanse is inexpensive, so I'll just stick with that

rather than buy pricey stuff. If the olive oil is good enough for the Italians,

it's good enough for me.


> Hi Myrtle and others


> Dr. Nutra has a gentle and very effective cleanse system. He has tons and tons

of testimonials and a good hand full of nurses who have done the other cleanse.

Like Hilda es. They love Dr. Nutras cleanse better. But a bit pricy. :(


> Myrtle back when I had thought it was fleas and I poisoned the heck out of my

house. I would be chills and small fevers for two or three days in a row. The

first night I would struggle to not feel like I was dying.


> In Light Lynn

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, I know your not looking for any more supplements but I dropped my

cholesterol level 15% at my last physical after being on Dr Mercolas organic

tumeric formula for four months. Can't say 100% it was what did it but I was

taking it for that and it did drop. About .35 a day when you buy the three pack.

Took one morning and night. My Dr was pleased for he said in my previous

physical if I didn't get it down, statins was the next step. B



> Two things i need help with. I recently gained thirty five pounds after i got

better. My cholesterol is also bad. I think it was 210 last time i got it

checked. The good thing is i'm down ten pounds and have only eighteen more to

go. Not exactly my old weight but in the range.


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The apple pectin fiber is a natural substitute for cholesteramine, a bile salt binder and cholesterol binder.


From: bobbyboyd99 <bobbyboyd99@...>bird mites Sent: Sat, July 17, 2010 7:16:42 AMSubject: Re: Liver Flushing

, I know your not looking for any more supplements but I dropped my cholesterol level 15% at my last physical after being on Dr Mercolas organic tumeric formula for four months. Can't say 100% it was what did it but I was taking it for that and it did drop. About .35 a day when you buy the three pack. Took one morning and night. My Dr was pleased for he said in my previous physical if I didn't get it down, statins was the next step. Bhttp://organicindia.mercola.com/herbal-supplements/turmeric.aspx>> Two things i need help with. I recently gained thirty five pounds after i got better. My cholesterol is also bad. I think it was 210 last time i got it checked. The good thing is i'm down ten pounds and have only

eighteen more to go. Not exactly my old weight but in the range.>

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Hey all,

Thanks Myrtle and Sally for the great info.

After one night of the Triphala I stopped, I think the P & B shake I am doing is

enough to ask of my body at the moment. I'll get back to the Liver Cleansing.


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