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Welcome. This is MMS Newsletter Number 007.

This private newsletter provides updates regarding new or better

ways to use MMS. Copyright limitation prohibits re-publication.

If you're new to the germ-destroying power of MMS, it is a recent discovery. It

produces a unique gas - Chlorine Dioxide - a potent germ killer -a broad

spectrum penny-per-dose germicidal agent that people mix in their kitchens. (IT

IS NOT CAUSTIC CHLORINE!.) It purifies water (cities use it) but some people

drink a few drops with ClO2 in the water because it is attracted to viruses and

pathogens in our bodies. On contact it rips electrons from pathogen walls and

destroys them without harming the body in any way. Accumulated toxins and most

heavy metals are eliminated. It is used to remove stubborn infections like

Staph-MRSA. No germs are exempt or immune from a ClO2 storm. To learn more about

MMS - [Click Here] .

ARCHIVES: If you joined recently, you may not have received prior NEWS ISSUES 1,

2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. Here they are:

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N E W S L E T T E R 0 0 7 T O P I C S

Click these topics to jump to any section.

Topic 1. Jim Humble in Africa has written a lot of new materials related to Flu,

HIV, and peroxide.

Topic 2. What ingredients comprise the three or four H1N1 flu shots? How do they


Topic 3. Squalene: What is It and Why is it included in the H1N1 shots?

Topic 4. International agendas that drive this life-threatening pandemic.

Topic 5. The FDA has begun to punish those who promote and sell alternative Flu


Topic 6. Some MMS options you might not know about. (A couple surprises)

Topic 7. Link to MMS User Mia Hamel who maintains a Flu and Vaccine Web Site.

Topic 8. This Just In - Nov 2, 20009. Last Minute News.

TOPIC ONE: Jim's latest writings:

During the months of August and September Jim Humble produced a number of

articles including the MMS2 discovery. They are all posted on his web site at

JimHumble.biz, but for your convenience direct links are in this table.

These Links Are Active: Descriptions:

http://JimHumble.biz/biz-mms2intro-eng.htm MMS2 Announcement and Intro -


http://JimHumble.biz/biz-mms2intro-french.htm MMS2 Announcement and Intro -


http://JimHumble.biz/biz-capsules.htm Take MMS1 in Capsule Form

http://JimHumble.biz/humbleswine2-eng.htm Second Flu Article - English

http://JimHumble.biz/humbleswine2-french.htm Second Flu Article - French

http://JimHumble.biz/swineflu5.htm Jim's Personal Flu Experience in Mexico.

http://JimHumble.biz/biz-newflu.htm Protocol 9 for all types of Flu

http://JimHumble.biz/biz-handlingviruses.htm Protocol 21 fighting viruses

of all types

http://JimHumble.biz/biz-ozonecontrast.htm MMS1 and MMS2 Versus Hydrogen

Peroxide - English

http://JimHumble.biz/biz-ozone-mms-fr.htm MMS1 and MMS2 Versus Hydrogen

Peroxide - French

http://JimHumbleFoundation.org/ Jim's vision for a disease-free world -

donation options.

http://MiracleMineral.org/book.php/ Buy Jim's hardback book (both vols)

Here is a sample from Sept. 5, 2009 regarding the Swine Flu.

Jim Humble Writing from Africa about MMS and the Flu Pandemic

Please, let me tell you about one of the most important chemicals that exists

related to the health of mankind. It could save your life tomorrow, or anytime

in the future.

As you probably know by now the swine flu is a disease said to have been created

in government laboratories and released in Mexico about May 1, 2009. The patent

application for H1N1 and its vaccine antidote was submitted in August 2007 long

before any such flu variant existed in nature.

Instead of the " less than 100 " deaths reported in Mexico, it has been

unofficially established by many radio stations that several thousand deaths

actually happened. I established that number of deaths while I was living in

Mexico by calling people I knew who live there who were employed at the


This chemical I want to tell you about is actually a miracle when you find how

it works. A drop or two of it can go into your body and kill all of the

disease-causing pathogens without killing any of the beneficial bacteria or

doing any kind of damage to your normal body cells.

It has been used for over 70 years to purify and remove disease germs from water

without killing beneficial bacteria in the water. So without beating about the

bush let me tell you about the two chemicals that are involved. Chlorine dioxide

does all of the beneficial work, and a mineral called sodium chlorite is used to

generate the beneficial chlorine dioxide - to be explained.

Sodium chlorite (precursor to the miracle chlorine dioxide chemical) is found

naturally in many places on Earth but is most often manufactured for use in city

water purifying systems and other situations where fungus or germs need to be

terminated. The way it works is that a little lemon juice or vinegar is added to

the sodium chlorite and within minutes, it generates the miracle mineral -

chlorine dioxide.

That's what they used (the ClO2) to clear government offices of anthrax. It is

used to clear cruise ships of those nasty stomach viruses you read about. It was

used to clear New Orleans restaurants of deadly fungus growths after the Katrina

devastation. A video of that process was in one of the MMS newsletters. Chlorine

dioxide is actually a gas, OR if water is added, the ClO2 becomes ionic

molecules in the water - it spreads through the water as ions of ClO2.

Chlorine dioxide as generated by sodium chlorite has already saved more than a

hundred thousand lives. It is called MMS - short for Miracle Mineral Solution.

Let me tell you how it works and why. You can check my information for accuracy.

It is all simply chemistry. Just find any good chemist and ask him or her about

what I say, or go to the local university and talk to a chemistry professor.

Chemistry is chemistry and you simply can't deny that chemical reactions follow

the rules of chemistry. This is one of those things you can check with science.

- - - -To Read More - [ Click Here ]. Back to Topics at the Top - Click



These generic ingredients are from this public source: [ Here ] .

* aluminum hydroxide* aluminum phosphate* ammonium sulfate* amphotericin B

* animal tissues: pig blood, horse blood, rabbit brain, dog kidney, monkey


* chick embryo, chicken egg, duck egg* calf (bovine) serum* betapropiolactone

* fetal bovine serum* formaldehyde* formalin* gelatin* glycerol

* human diploid cells (originating from human aborted fetal tissue)

* hydrolized gelatin* mercury thimerosol (thimerosal, Merthiolate®)

* monosodium glutamate (MSG)* neomycin* neomycin sulfate* phenol red indicator

* phenoxyethanol (antifreeze)* potassium diphosphate* potassium monophosphate

* polymyxin B* polysorbate 20* polysorbate 80

* porcine (pig) pancreatic hydrolysate of casein* residual MRC5 proteins*


* tri(n)butylphosphate,

* VERO cells, a continuous line of monkey kidney cells, and

* washed sheep red blood

Some strong opinions were expressed at this FreedomFighter site. Based on these

toxic ingredients, they conclude that elite politicians in 221 nations of the

world, operating under orders from the World Health Organization, are the same

leaders who ripped off their populations in the past, destroyed banks through

corruption, diminished wealth, lied to citizens repeatedly, and lowered the

world-wide standard of living. Now they demand we receive deadly vaccines in the

name of health preservation.


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Mix your own MMS 28% solution.

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1 pound Chlorite plus

1 Lb Citric Acid: -$98 US

One pound makes 57 oz

of 28% MMS solution.

Shipped as SALT from Canada [ Web Site -Click Here ] or call

Christa at 403-652-1655.

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These same people and corporations will make hundreds of billions of dollars

from these vaccines as the shots are mandated, so ask yourself who will benefit

from the illnesses and disabilities that any vaccine with Squalene added will

cause? This news source asserts each person is ultimately responsible to do

research as to what effect these toxic untested and unproven vaccines might have

on your body. Investigate this before " your pregnant wives and your children

line up like mindless sheep to be injected with toxic metals and viral

particles. " After all, even if you do take it, there is no guarantee you will

not contract the disease itself. Ask yourself, has the virus itself been

engineered by . . . elitists to further their agendas of control and power? "

There are more opinions of this type at the site - [ Here ] .

REGARDING INGREDIENTS if you are forced to take the H1N1 shots - or if you

accept them voluntarily, you will never know exactly what was in your shot(s).

You won't know if the syringe, contained live viruses or dead viruses. You won't

know what strength of Squalene was assigned to your name.

Further, the ingredients vary from country to country depending on what your

government decided to order for it's various classes of citizens and the

outcomes they hoped to achieve. Most government leaders ordering these shots are

obedient to the World Health Organization (WHO) whose clear agenda is to REDUCE

WORLD POPULATION by any and all means possible. There are 221 countries " signed

off " on agreements to fulfill the WHO agenda.

These governments contracted with at least five or more large vaccine production

companies for various vaccine strengths (children, adults, pets) and various

packaging and mixing options at vaccination time. The orders your government

submitted to the labs dictates the ingredients to be used in your country. They

don't share this with you, other than the general ingredient list above, for

example. Some nations want a one-shot vaccine but at vaccination time, two

vaccine vials will be combined into one vial which then provides single shots

for ten people. Others want a series of 3 or 4 shots.

A Canadian public vaccine web site is [ Here ] where you can see their pictures

and guides for nurses.

The " SIDE EFFECTS " for H1N1 are in groups. First Group - 1 in 10 people can

expect headache, shivering, joint pain, fever, swollen lymph nodes, nausea. Then

more side effects for 1 in 100 persons: dizziness, weakness, can't sleep,

numbness, short breath, spasms, chest pain. Then for 1 in 1,000 persons:

allergic reactions - falling blood pressure, shock, fits, severe stabbing pains,

low blood platelet count. Then for 1 in 10,000 persons: Vasculitis (inflamed

blood vessels and kidney problems), neurological disorders including

encephalomyelitis, neuritis, paralysis-Guillain-Barre Syndrome.

Strangely, the Canadian government source doesn't list DEATH as one of the side

effects, although vaccinations are the cause of many deaths (occurring weeks or

months later). Canada tested their vaccines first on their native American

reservations. They knew there would be numerous deaths so they shipped body bags

concurrently with the vaccines to all the native reservations, claiming the bags

were just normal inventory replacements. About 300 deaths were reported - as

though the flu caused the deaths.


One in 85 children ( if reporting can be trusted) will acquire autism after

their battery of shots in the first two years (US).

One in ?? adults will acquire disabling illness after H1N1 vaccinations.

One in ?? adults will die within 15 days of receiving the H1N1 vaccine.

One on ?? adults will die within 90 days of receiving the H1N1 vaccine.

The numbers in the ?? slots can not be known given current reporting methods. A

miscarriage or still birth a day after a vaccination is now officially a mere

coincidence. A death a few days after vaccination is registered as death from

the H1N1 virus.

News reports never state " and of the 300 who died last month, 285 had received

vaccinations less than a week ago. " Like playing Roulette but the numbers on the

spinning wheel are blurred and the casino won't reveal your odds - by design.

Canada is now stating openly that you are more likely to get the H1N1 flu if you

are vaccinated. Australia never received H1N1 vaccines. They had a mere 186

fatalities nationwide related to Flu of all types.

This writer got a call while composing this column. A friend of a friend in

Louisiana works in a large office area. A healthy 39 year old man working there

got his H1N1 shots on Thursday Oct 29. Was absent on Friday. Into the hospital

on Sunday Nov 1, and died Nov 3.

Death by Vaccination Roulette.

See [ Natural News Web Site ] .

It is never admitted that vaccines cause deaths. When death or disablement

occurs, families are told: 'think how much worse the flu might have been without

the shot that disabled your spouse. The finest that medical science has to offer

was provided to you by your government at no cost.' This is not sarcasm, it is

the prevailing family consolation upon death caused by a Squalene-laced

vaccinations given a few days or weeks ago in too many cases.

When the evening news states how many have died recently from the flu, they

never state " And 87% of those who died had already received the vaccine and may

have died because they got the H1N1 flu from the shots. " Some studies (Canada)

conclude that you are far more likely to be disabled or die if you are

vaccinated than if you are not. (Documentation further down in this newsletter.)

But " death by vaccination " is hard to prove because there are no legal standards

about reporting causes of death. If you got the flu or polio or phenomena or

polio from the vaccine, and then you die a week later, the cause of death may be

written up as death from congestion, or coincidental bronchitis, or kidney

failure, or choking, or coughing, or infected toe, or H1N1 Flu itself (but never

the vaccine). The family and the dying person will never know the actual vaccine

ingredients that caused the death. [ This just in on Nov. 1 - Any miscarriages

that follow anytime after a vaccination will now be registered as

" coincidental. " ]

Today I read that seven small children were given double the prescribed amount

of H1N1 vaccine doses in their shots - by mistake, for which the hospital

apologizes. No news has followed. If the children are impaired or die, the law

does not allow the families to hold anyone responsible. No financial recovery is

possible as laws are now written. If sanity reigned, it would be a criminal

violation of your personal sovereignty to be forced to receive any injection

while at the same time not allowed to ask about the contents and guaranteed

safety of the shot.

So regarding ingredients, you may wish you could read the scientific studies and

history of testing the shot you may get, but there aren't any such studies. See

the research scientist Dr. Null testifying to the New York State Assembly

further down below.

Back to Topics at the Top - Click Here

TOPIC THREE. Squalene - Why is " Squalene " an added component in the 3rd H1N1


Squalene facts are published every day, found by searching for " SQUALENE H1N1. "

In layman's terms, Squalene is an oil normally found in cartilages, spinal

disks, joints, and all other places where the human frame is flexible and

cushioned. Key factor - it is NEVER EVER found in the blood stream.

During the Gulf war, virologists found that by injecting a small amount of

Squalene into the blood, then the immune system is turned on with a vengeance.

Soldiers (male and female) were given anthrax vaccine injections containing a

very small amount of Squalene. Quoting Jane Bergermeister - " This caused tens of

thousands of Desert Storm soldiers to suffer permanent neurological damage

called " Gulf War Illness. " Her article was titled: 'Adjuvants to be added to

H1N1 Vaccine by Baxter and World Health Organization (WHO), programme the body

for 'endless loop of self-destruction, 2009.'

At your injection time, depending on the code beside your name, the general

masses of people being forced to receive vaccinations will (in the US) receive a

sequence of 3 or 4 shots. The aluminum and the mercury alone are far far above

the stated maximum allowed by normal standards. People have their old teeth

fillings removed to get rid of the amalgam that leaks mercury into the body for

many years. But the mercury and aluminum in current vaccines is vastly greater

given to you all at once directly into the blood.

But with Squalene added, the ability to survive the shots without damage or

death is almost impossible - it is known and proven to harm people and animals

that are injected with it. Some will die after a week, others not until after

years of illness. The general sequence of shots is summarized here but may vary

depending on your assigned code, and the country you live in.

Shot #1 will power down your immune system and turn it off. You will be open to

viruses, bacteria, cancers, or whatever might come along during the next few


Shot #2 will inject the desired cocktail of four flu viruses (maybe some live,

some dead) depending on the code beside your name perhaps, including, Bird Flu,

Swine Flu, Monkey Flu, and the 1918 flu virus now dug up and resurrected even

though it was dead and buried long ago. For statistical studies, the

corporations can and do test randomly the effect of including one or another of

their invented viruses, or Ebola, or polio, or other viral materials that might

affect one race more than another.

Serial numbers help them to learn from any reactions you might have. It was

recently admitted by WHO in cooperation with the pharmaceutical companies that

" of course we have to randomly test vaccine variations - how else would we learn

about dangerous reactions, or learn what is effective in a vaccine. "

In your case however, the serial number on your vial may indicate that your shot

is different in some way from the normal list. Scientists need to track whether

people of certain races, or genders, or ages respond positively (predictably) to

dead viruses from Ebola, polio, or other concocted viral diseases. Therefore no

individual can be sure of what is in shot number 2 - not doctor or nurse. Your

shot may include a little Ebola, polio, or other viral experiments - but maybe

only 1 in 200, or 500, or 1,000 vials are varied like this to assist science.

With this Shot #2, and now lacking immune protection based on shot number 1,

your body will welcome the viral materials, heavy metals, formaldehyde, MSG, and

viral materials without resistance. In some cases shots 1 and 2 may be pushed

through a tube placed in the nose. This enables the virus to spread more readily

to other people because they will be dropping it and out-breathing it for the

next two days. This way more people can get the flu who might not have otherwise

been exposed to it. You can only get any flu virus by breathing it in - or by


Shot #3 will inject more of the aluminum and mercury, plus up to 1,000 times

more Squalene than the military Anthrax vaccines contained. By design this turns

your immune system back on with a roaring vengeance. You will probably react

visibly to previous allergies you thought were gone, but Squalene will

permanently reprogram your immune system to remove all valid Squalene from your

body wherever it is - knee caps, joints, disks, and all points of flexibility.

This will never stop. It will eventually kill you as you gradually stiffen -

into a corpse. No method is currently known and tested to reverse this disabling

process. The powerful WHO is in full control. They want your health to worsen

whether rapidly or gradually until you die or else they wouldn't encourage your

government to perpetuate the Gulf War illnesses - for which there is no remedy.

If MMS is circulating in your blood before you get shot 3 or 4, it will target

the incoming viral materials (definitely) and also probably destroy the Squalene

oil in the blood - but maybe too late. Once the immune system senses Squalene in

the blood, it forever more thinks it must be removed from the body altogether.

Knowing that chlorine dioxide (produced by MMS) seeks anything that has

electrons to give up, it is likely that the Squalene oil in the blood will be

targeted and gradually removed. BRACE YOURSELF: Given the volume of the shot, if

MMS proceeds to rapidly kill the injected viral pathogens, prepare to be very

nauseous with a headache because your dirty blood with viral debris probably

can't be cleared as fast as MMS will be killing pathogens. Knowledgeable MMS

users will know what to do. In preparation, read everything at

http://jimhumble.biz and at http://MMS-education.com, and the NAUSEA article at


Unless you have MMS in your refrigerator and know the variety of protocols that

Jim has laid out, there is no other known way to reverse the Squalene effects.

Getting it our of your blood quickly is probably the best procedure. Otherwise,

after the Squalene shot, you will gradually be attacked by your own immune

system. That's why Squalene is an additive - To make it sound acceptable, they

use the slogan that " it makes the vaccine work better. "

Doctors will certainly pity you, and may recommend costly pills, or additional

shots that claim to slow the stiffening process for other people somewhere.

Maybe you have wealth or insurance to cover those costs, but you will have been

PERMANENTLY DAMAGED on your way to death by medicine, a statistic of the new

world order. They've got you now. Gulf War Veterans furnish proof, slowly

stiffening, seeking remedy where there is none, descending into a nightmare of

disabilities and helplessness.

Here are random quotes from various authorities on this topic - in no particular

order: (These sentences can be searched and found if you want to read from the


& #9830; " Female soldiers that received the Anthrax vaccine with Squalene were

advised to not become pregnant for 18 months due to . . . birth defects (or

miscarriages). "

& #9830; " [squalene] . . can disable the immune system to the degree that it

loses its ability to distinguish what is " self " from what is foreign. "


Without Vaccine Australia

Shrugs Off Swine Flu.

By M. Burd

With no vaccine available for H1N1 flu, Australia ended its 2009 " Flu Season "

(their Winter in our Summer), with [mere] 186 flu-associated fatalities of

36,991 Aussies confirmed having H1N1.

The Australia 2009 stats for regular 'seasonal flu' are not final yet, but their

Health Dept literature cites annual flu-associated mortality historically have

been between 2,500 and 3,000 in spite of universal vaccination programs for

regular flu ... A logical review of these results strongly suggests next year

Australia should initiate a " flu vaccination holiday, " [no more shots and

instead] promote vitamin D supplements, long known to be effective for

preventing Wintertime flu disease,...

.. . . In light of Australia clearly showing the pussycat nature of H1N1, can

somebody explain why America's media willfully ignores the news from Australia?

.. . . U.S. Health Generals would certainly be up on Flu news from Down Under,

and certainly from Canada right next door.

Canadian front page news on flu vaccinations has transfixed Canada health

authorities, prompting official suspension of regular flu vaccination programs

until further notice. This comes from a sweeping study of Canada by research

Doctors Danuta Skowronski . . . and Gaston De Serres . . . concluding:

Canadians receiving flu vaccinations have twice the risk of coming down with the


compared to those who do not take the shot. . . . U.S. doctors offered the

opinion that the Canadian doctors' flu vaccination study was certainly wrong and

must have used flawed study parameters, though the U.S. doctors admittedly could

not identify anything specific.

To paraphrase the U.S. attitude: 'Damn the vaccination studies, flu speed

ahead!' ...Read the full article [ Here ]

& #9830; " Animals injected with Squalene ALWAYS develop painful, incurable

autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, or systemic

lupus " (NBC News)

& #9830; " Dangers of Squalene have been known since 1956 when Dr. Jules Freund,

creator of this oil-based adjuvant, warned that animals injected with this

formulation developed terrible, incurable conditions: [including] stoppage of

sperm production, and ... inflammation of the nerves that can lead to paralysis

.... " (Hint - population can be reduced by stoppage of sperm production.)

& #9830; Just in on Nov 2: " When Professor Dr. Null went before the New York

House of Representatives to advocate against the use of 2-3 micrograms of

Squalene, . . .I bet he had NO IDEA the Powers That Be would increase the amount

of Squalene by ONE MILLION times the dosage in order to give it to the general

public! (www.AboveTopSecret.com) (EDITOR: Maybe they meant one thousand times -

not sure.)

& #9830; " Doctor on French TV: Vaccine Could Cause 60,000 Deaths in France " [

Here ] .

& #9830; " Adjuvants (Squalene): Evidence that swine flu vaccine is planned to

cause harm. Jane Bergermeister.

& #9830; Secret meeting of Bill Gates, Rockefeller Jr, Warren Buffet, G

Soros, Bloomberg, Ted , and Oprah Winfrey reported on May 24,

2009. Consensus that world population must be capped, reductions may be achieved

through health and birth controls. [ Here ] .

& #9830; " *** VACCINATION HORRORS BOOK. (free download) Regarding the 1919

global plague: " I will prove from death certificates and vital records now . .

withheld from the public, that there have been more deaths from vaccination than

from smallpox in every year for the past fifteen years in the City and state of

New York ... " (Downloadable free book published in 1919 with plea to the US

President to prohibit all vaccinations. [ Horrors of Vaccination Exposed - Free

E-book ]

& #9830; Revelation 18:4: " I heard a voice say: Come out of [babylon], my

people, . . .so that ye receive not of her plagues. "

& #9830; Medical doctor and author of " How to Live Without Disease " states in

video " If you want to avoid the Swine Flu, don't get the Swine Flu Shot. " [

Here ] .

& #9830; To read the opposite view - that vaccinations are good, safe, and free,

this government web site paints a pretty picture in which Squalene " makes

vaccinations work better. " Check it out [ Here ] . (Fair and balanced)

& #9830; The Council on Foreign Relations has recordings from one of their

meetings. They laugh at the CRAZIES who don't want their shots. What do they

have to do to get us to " take the damn shot. " Advocates suggest lying - tell the

people that vaccines are suddenly scarce - it will help fill the waiting rooms.

Advocates need to come up with powerful slogans such as " There's more mercury in

a tuna sandwich than in a flu shot. Video [ Here ] .

Back to Topics at the Top - Click Here

TOPIC FOUR. Topic 4. International Agendas That Drive This Life-Threatening


The concept of eliminating whole races, preventing births, and making people ill

with diseases is not a paranoid conspiracy conceived by this newsletter writer.

All 221 nations bowing to the World Health Organization have a depopulation

plan. China allows only one child per family. If more children are born to a

family, the family secretly drowns or kills the baby - or faces fines and

punishments (it is claimed).

If you think that no government or corporation would ever do purposeful damage

to its population, you weren't told that death by vaccine was accomplished by

design during the global vaccinations in 1919. Vaccinations were distributed

world-wide and the plague spread around the world wherever the vaccines were

injected. (VACCINATION HORRORS E-BOOK above.) Authorities knew that vaccinated

people were dying reliably, but that fact was and is easily hidden. Research was

required to discover this cover-up. The author used vaccination records for New

York City and New York State. The book is a free download and just reading a few

chapters will confirm in your mind that You are far more likely to get sick or

be disabled or die if toxins and viral materials are shot straight into your


Again in 1975 President Ford had to stop forced vaccinations because law suits

from deaths and polio-like disabilities had mounted into the billions of

dollars. (See " 60 Minutes video " - prior newsletter.) This round (2009), US law

suits and claims for disablement are not allowed.

CONSIDERATION ONE: Hundreds of books and articles state the goal of most

government leaders to cull world population by 1/2 to 2/3 as soon as possible

and by all means possible. If in doubt about this, consider searching for

" Depopulation History. " Culling the population has been the primary topic at

political leadership conferences for many years. You weren't invited because you

aren't a wealthy political leader. But most of the US State governors are

invited, and bankers, and Presidents of the 221 countries.

Death and disablement caused by vaccination is easily hidden because death

usually happens weeks or months after the shots (and illnesses are coincidental

they say). Autism and arthritis gradually becomes visible, ruining lives while

achieving the actual vaccination goals. Dr. Null declares that no actual

scientific studies show any benefits from flu vaccinations - except for those

studies prepared by the same corporations that create the shots. In 1919 some

died because they took the newly-discovered aspirin and kept going to work, thus

spreading the deadly virus. Otherwise, the people who died had been vaccinated

in most cases (Documented in the HORRORS e-book above.)

If you still doubt that world depopulation is a current national agenda in most

countries, please read this article titled " Kissenger, Eugenics, and

Depopulation " - [ Here ] . World leaders have no embarrassment about presenting

their thoughts about " undesirable races " and their ambition to control

population reduction, in the conference notes at their New World Order Meetings.

Political leaders THRILL to the thought that they can gain ever more personal

wealth and power by " looking good " among their elite peers. They only need to

say the right things, agree with evil plans, and go back home to take

incremental steps that bring their unwitting subjects to the brink we currently


They realize that millions of the poor and middle classes think everything is a

laughable conspiracy theory so the elite just go ahead and announce their

bizarre plans - knowing the gullible believes the evening TV news implicitly.

The public thinks " no one would do those sorts of evil things. " Worse, these

leaders are " elite " exactly because they have tasted wealth and power which

enables them to take pleasure in executing plans for killing us - in the name of

good - wars to protect us, bailouts to improve enrich bankers, calling it

" saving the economy, " vaccinations to save you from the flu, while injecting

Squalene to harm you. Add abortions to save mothers, and designer bio-weapons

that " may be needed " to kill people in other countries (but not yours). Hence

Morgellons, and AIDS, and other viral diseases yet to be announced from the

laboratories of various countries. The word " diabolical " comes to mind.

CONSIDERATION TWO: Countries are ordering their vaccines to be administered as a

sequence of one, two, three, or four shots, some to be taken a few days apart,

others all at once. When ordering these various vaccine styles and packages

literally hundreds of different options and strengths are on the order sheet.

The reason you can be sure that H1N1 was designed to harm world population is

because they include Squalene in the vaccine. The vaccine IS DESIGNED TO DO HARM

or Squalene would not be included. It has not been tested or approved by the

FDA. It is an organic polymer that mimics normal Squalene which is a normal body

oil that must remain in its proper places (nerve coatings, cartleges, spinal

disks, and much more. It is meant to stay in the body. In fact, since the

vaccines are being produced in a hurry and will be used within a few months of

production, THE MERCURY AND ALUMINUM COULD BE OMITTED because they are mere

preservatives, preventing mold from growing in the vials. So with the heavy

metals and the Squalene and the viral components, you will have a real witch's

brew shot straight into your blood which will have long term effects.

Some countries order the Squalene additive in a separate vial so that it can be

mixed (as desired) with other vials, or it can be reserved for your final shot,

or omitted if you are a governor, or congressman. Squalene turns your immune

system into a raging fury - reliably - capable of destroying you - sometimes

within days, other times within a few years. Squalene is claimed to be the cause

of the Gulf War Syndrome affecting over 300,000 US veterans, many of whom died

from it. However, the Squalene now dictated for H1N1 vaccines is up to 1000

times greater by volume for the general public (for some reason). Use search

engines to search for " H1N1 Squalene. "

CONSIDERATION THREE (Not discussed on public media): Will you get the same shots

that elite people get? What about nurses, policemen, or firemen? Nurses in New

York State and in the UK have banded together to refuse the shots (if they can).

Will doctors give themselves shots of standard H1N1 vaccine, or possibly just a

little ascorbic-acid-in-water? When the President's children got their shots,

which coded vials were used in their cases?

If you are forced to get your series of shots, the doctor or nurse will have to

look at a list in the next room to find a code beside your name and it will

dictate which vials and adjuvants will comprise your injections(s). Exemption

forms are likely to be of no use when highway road blocks begin to check for

your vaccination papers or your wrist-bracelet that will contain your scanable

personal ID information and vaccination history.


YOU ARE PROHIBITED from suing anyone if damaged by any vaccine.

Whether you are forced to receive a shot, or if you voluntarily want a free

government shot, you will agree that no one is liable. Congress and the States

had to created laws in this regard.

in 1975 over 1.5 billion $$ in law suits piled up before the universal

inoculation program was stopped. Too many cases of paralysis, paraplegics,

autistic symptoms, brain damage, and deaths resulted from the shots. Even if

live viruses give you polio, neither the drug company nor the health provider

can be held liable.

CONSIDERATION FOUR: You will soon be added to a vaccination list. How did you

get there? Some powerful federal employee or a regional committee will have

analyzed your personal history and assigned a code beside your name. A computer

report will probably give them a preliminary code to assign to your name based

on its examination of your history. (Theory at this point because it's not

discussed on TV, radio, nor on the Internet.)

Government computers have access to your medical records, your employment

records, your Social Security records, your IRS contribution records, your

credit reports, your loans and mortgages, your license numbers recorded at tea

parties or protests you attended, your favorite web sites, your credit-card

buying habits, your police traffic records, and your religious affiliations.

Census workers have just completed recording the GPS location of your front

door. " They know exactly where you live. "

For the past 20 years your bank has been paid to report your movement of funds

from place to place. SARS reports were sent from your bank to federal offices

every time $3,000 or more was wired or withdrawn. SARS (Suspicious Activity

Reports) were at first required for deposits or withdrawals above $10,000, but

banks want to be safe so they send in the forms whenever you move more than

$3,000 in most cases.

CONSIDERATION FIVE: To determine the amount of Squalene to be added to your

shots, and the strength of the other components of your vaccine cocktail, the

committee may need more details about you - to separate you from congressmen,

governors, and important entertainers. They can request a collection of everyone

you called on the phone or who called you for the past seven years. All your

emails have been recorded, awaiting the day that someone needs to check your

attitudes and opinions. When needed, federal computers can provide actual copies

of long-forgotten emails, rants, voice recordings, and private things you said.

There has to be some basis for selecting the type of shots you will get as

opposed to your political leaders. A few people may deserve freedom from harmful

shots - maybe they will get a shot of vitamins B and C. But, a powerful person

somewhere will surely assign a code to your name - unless a computer has been

programmed to review your life and assign a code pending committee approval.

To read further, you have to accept that nearly all government leaders embraced

the global need for reducing population long ago. That's how they were approved

by the wealthy elite that fund governments and bless the candidates we get to

vote on. Rumsfeld (among others) planned for many new bio-warfare labs to

be set up many places in the US - the " Level Four " bio-research labs where any

virus that might escape could wipe out a vast population. (Now constructed and

operating. The Long Island lab has been moved to Kansas where even more deadly

viruses can be invented for use in future or current bio-wars).

If you refuse to believe or learn about the published depopulation thrust

(hundreds of books and articles), or imagine that these agendas are typical

conspiracy theories, or that " No government would do that to anyone, " or that

you voted for " Christian Presidents " who would never let these things happen, or

devout Catholics in Congress would expose it on the evening news, then you will

probably welcome your free shots. If CNN said they were OK, and your doctor

agreed, and they are free, then as your health deteriorates you will assume that

" old age is creeping up sooner than expected. " At least you didn't fall for

conspiracy theories during your shortened life.

Governments don't order millions of coffins, stackable four deep in trenches,

each coffin capable of holding 3 or 4 corpses just in case something might

happen someday. Yet (in the US) FEMA has 500,000 large plastic coffins (four

corpses each) stacked openly in fields outside Atlanta GA. Some have recently

been shipped to other storage areas throughout the US. On your next vacation you

can drive up and down the coffin rows until you finally realize the purpose -

that FEMA is planning and working ahead to take care of you if a pandemic should

be declared. Endless videos of coffins at various storage areas will come up if

you search for " FEMA coffins. "

The grim fact is that two goals of elite global leaders can be achieved through

vaccines. They can reduce population almost anytime at will, and second, wealth

comes to the pharmaceutical corporations in tranches of billions of dollars,

paid by 221 countries, while you become sicker and disabled from chemical

assaults in your food and in the air, and in the arm injections of untested

viruses and heavy metals planted irreversibly into your blood stream, topped off

(unless you have a special exemption code) with killer Squalene. With billions

in corporate coffers, there is no problem with providing gifts, and other

appropriate aids to the elite who will keep the carousel going, convincing the

public that we need our shots, and that terrible plagues are coming, and that

government alone can play a parental role in protecting you against the plagues

yet to come.


On the positive side, what personal action can you take? On the nutritional

side, it's clear that overdosing with Vitamin D - especially D3, and Vitamin C

can help to prevent flu viruses from making a home in your lungs. On the other

side, MMS can be your primary protector and life saver. It can gradually remove

most of the heavy metals and other toxins if you are a thoughtful user. If live

viruses are adrift in your blood, MMS will destroy them if you keep the ClO2

circulating. We have reason to expect that MMS will be able to reestablish your

immune system so that it stops removing Squalene oils from joints, cartilages,

nerves, and spine. It's too early to confirm this but knowing how it works and

is attracted specifically to pathogens, there is a basis for using MMS as the

resident agent for detoxifying polluted blood.)

MMS1 and MMS2 are the most likely agents for doing this because after 12 years

of trying to reverse the Gulf War Syndrome, no antidotes or cures for those

soldiers and vets have been found (or revealed). IT YOU TAKE THE SHOTS YOU WILL

BE INJECTED WITH THE GULF WAR DISEASE - on steroids - big time, on purpose, and

virtually guaranteed. The Squalene in the H1N1 shot will be at least 1,000 times

greater than was given to soldiers 12 years ago, many now dead and a few who

never made it to the battlefield. See documentation above in Item Three.

If you are forced to receive H1N1 shots, you should load up your MMS intake for

several days ahead, even up to 3 drops per hour - backing off at your nausea

barrier. You need ClO2 circulating in your blood with few gaps so that pathogens

are confronted with ClO2 quickly and destroyed. Each MMS dose only lasts about

1.5 hours. Take many small doses with lots of water and no juice on the day you

get your shots - if you must get shots.

WARNING: MMS will proceed instantly with destruction of the injected toxins.

This will definitely give you " dirty blood " and headache, and nausea. You may

throw up within a few minutes, proving that MMS was awake and aware of the newly

injected pathogens. You will feel sick until your blood is gradually cleared and

this differs from person to person depending on the efficiency of each

elimination system. Provided you let your body clear out the debris, you will

realize that MMS was doing it's job. Read the article HOW TO AVOID NAUSEA

COMPLETELY at http://MMS-articles.com . Scroll down there to find it. Keep some

apples in the refrigerator (read about it).

CONSIDERATION SEVEN: Governments and pharmaceutical companies work in concert.

The corporations make political contributions cheerfully because governments

order billions of dollars of vaccines from a menu of debilitating designer

viruses. For you personally, what strength and style of vaccine will you be

given if forced to take it? You will not be told. We can only guess at the New

World Order criteria list of " who lives, who dies quickly, and who dies slowly. "

(It's a forbidden topic even on the Internet).

If you have a job or continuing income, your vaccine strength and content might

be coded " medium. " Your calculated " years to coffin " might be coded as " gradual "

because drug corporations can still gain lots of money from you. Your insurance

policies and employer will pay for your increasing need for medication over the

next 3 to 5 years. You will probably have reason to make more doctor

appointments. Your deterioration will be called " aging. " Costlier medications

can be prescribed to help your ever-worsening disabilities - in most cases

caused by your H1N1 shots and Squalene in concert with all the shots you got in

years past. There may even be " shots to counter the shots " that may contain even

more toxins and preservatives. (If this seems callous, you are one of the good

people remaining on the earth.)

Maybe you should donate more often to whichever political party is in power,

because it might improve the code beside your name, or add years to your life.

For YOU they might skip the Squalene shot entirely. It is rumored that local

police will probably be coded to receive the fullest Squalene fury. They are

always too loyal to the communities and friends they serve. Foreign mercenaries

are being imported regularly. They are more easily trained to be brutish -

willing to club and taser twice - for any reason.

Population control is the goal of governments. Obedient hungry people are what

governments desire in most countries today. We have become too hard to control.

People accustomed to freedoms want things. They cause trouble for those who

would set limits upon them. Freedom-loving people expect honesty and

transparency. They dislike corruption and secrecy. They make too many demands on

leaders who need more time to play golf and make deals. They don't like it that

freedom-loving people imagine that leaders work for us whining poor people. The

middle class has accumulated too much wealth in their estimation. Big

populations with money are unnecessarily hard to control. Leaders want their

subjects brought down to groveling poverty and hunger because then we can be

steered and controlled with ease. Search for Zimbabwe news on the Internet.

To the extent that immigrants and persons on welfare say " Take care of me

please, " governments will do it willingly. The middle working class is

transitioning obediently from freedom to poverty and on toward true enslavement

- unless thoughtful people find a way to reverse the current trend - not

currently visible. The book on top of the Times list is " Common Sense. " Read it.

This global trend toward ultimate control is not confined to any one country.

If you get all your news from radio and TV you will wonder why these topics

aren't on the public media? The reason is that governments control most public

media - openly and with little embarrassment. Search with " Google " or other

search engines for " Operation MockingBird " to see hundreds of articles and

videos on how media control works. Here is one: [ Here ] or another is [

Here ]

Unless you read widely on Internet news sites like Bloomberg, WorldNetDaily,

worldreports.org, NaturalNews.net, DrMercola.com, truthtellers.org,

NewsWithViews, LewRockwell, GlobalResearch.ca, Devvy.com, and 40 others, then

you will be shocked or in disbelief about the vaccine facts below that are never

stated on the evening TV news:

1. NOT ON TV - there are a few brave medical doctors who leave their practices

to write and lecture about the devastation that vaccines cause. They do this to

assist public awareness. They publish on the Internet but are not welcome on TV

or Newspapers because the medical corporations would drop their ads.

2. NOT ON TV - A brain and bio-research scientist left his pharmaceutical job at

a vaccine lab. He boldly testifies that " Every vaccination you got that

contained mercury and or aluminum caused micro-strokes at the ends of your

tiniest blood vessels throughout the body - and especially the brain - causing

autism in children and gradual descent into Alzheimer's for adults. (GOOD ONE

HERE:) [ Dr. Moulden on Autism . Examination by specialists reveals the


3. NOT ON TV - Amish children take no shots and they have no autism, Whereas, 1

in 83 public school children are diagnosed with autism, many then placed on

Ridlin for years to come. Babies born in the US receive batteries of 12 or more

shots before age one, each attended with micro-strokes that aren't immediately

diagnosed. A nurse gives the shots and the baby probably isn't seen again by the

doctor. Each shot subtracts cumulatively from normal health.

[ Click Here ] 4. NOT ON TV - The Senior Vaccine Scientist at MERCK (Dr.

Maurice Hilleman) retired twelve years ago. He was interviewed on a long video

that is suppressed because he revealed that AIDS and CANCER came from vaccines

they and others were creating. However, nine minutes of the interview is

preserved here. [Click the image]. IF YOU WATCH ANY OF THE VIDEOS IN THIS


creative scientist as you will see. If this link is taken away, search for Dr.

Hilleman by name because there are several sources of this 9 minute video.

Hilleman (now deceased) probably saved millions of lives through his discoveries

of immunizations such as for rubella and mumps. But in this video he blames

vaccinations as the source of AIDS and Cancer - vaccines that Merck was

unknowingly producing for other companies. In a longer interview (now

suppressed) he stated that there is no proof that vaccines have any preventative

or curative effect on any disease, or that antibodies do what we are told they

do. He claimed that the basis for including mercury in vaccines lets them claim

the vaccine prevents or reduces flu symptoms - because mercury clings to nerves

for a while and seems to delay the onset of flu symptoms for a few days - but

with no influence on viral reduction or length of illness.

5. RECENTLY ON TV ROUND TABLES - Dr. Null has researched vaccines and

autism for seven years and addressed state legislators on this topic. He states

that when the government and the corporations say there are thousands of studies

demonstrating the effectiveness and safety of vaccines, IT IS A LIE. Totally

untrue, THERE ARE NO STUDIES that follow normal scientific research using double

blind studies with neutral placebos. In fact the studies they put forward are

created by the labs and companies that patented the vaccines. Arousing

presentations. [Dr. Null Speaks Out ] Three subsequent videos record his

impassioned lecture to the New York State Assembly.

6. NOT ON TV - The patent for H1N1 was submitted in 2007 and approved in 2008.

How did scientists know in 2007 that this designer's brew of four viruses would

be the cause of a 2009 pandemic? Should be a primary question for discussion.

7. NOT ON TV - The World Health Organization published and circulated internal

documents describing how vaccines can be used as bio-weapons Additives can be

used to turn the immune system off and back on in ways that damage the receiving

persons or populations. These internal papers were unknown until recently and

they are now an exposed SMOKING GUN because current vaccines use Squalene for

exactly this purpose. Current sequences of shots are executing this, described

internally by WHO back in 1972. One of the major papers has been discovered on a

government web site - a scanned pdf file downloadable here for reading. [ Click

Here ] Back to Topics at the Top - Click Here

TOPIC 5. The FDA has threatened Dr. Weil who promoted nutritional items as flu


Dr. Weil is a famous medical doctor who writes about and promotes various

nutritional products. He is being threatened by the Federal Drug Administration

and the Center for Disease Control.

The letter they sent to him is posted on the FDA web site. Unless he stops

promoting products that the FDA has not approved, he will have to refund all

persons who paid for products in the past. He will face fines and penalties

also. You can read the letter [ Here ] .

Expert nutritionists at " NaturalNews " responded to the threats here:

(interesting reading) [ Here ] .

For this reason the few people assisting Jim Humble will temporarily cease

responding to most email inquiries. One business contact will remain at

MMS1@... for business purposes only. Everything known about MMS1 and

MMS2 is in writing at JimHumble.biz and at http://MMS-education.com. Therefore

during this pandemic era, please seek answers to questions at these web sites.

MMS is unable to harm normal living body cells so you can always proceed with

caution and experiment personally to observe health improvements. MMS1

instructions have been updated to the latest suggested methods at

http://MMS-Instructions.com . For MMS2 there is an instruction page at [ Here ]


Back to Topics at the Top - Click Here

TOPIC 6. MMS Is a Flu Preventative and Recovery Agent.


This newsletter writer expects to never get a cold, sore throat, runny nose,

flu, pneumonia, TB, ear aches, or any other viral attack in my sinus or lung

apparatus. Sorry, but there is a basis for my playful arrogance. The strategy

has been working for me for two years now and has proven to be reliable.

The diseases listed above can only do harm if you breath them in through the

nose or mouth where warmth and moisture invite pathogens to hang around. They

want to cling to cell walls in lungs, bronchioles, larynx, vocal cords, nose,

sinus cavities, and Eustachian tubes.

These body parts are dark places where you cannot directly douse them with MMS

liquids. Jim's spray bottle method for skin care is a definite miracle against

melanoma, shingles, herpes, pimples, skin moles, cuts, and burns. (Read his

protocol 18.) So yes, you can spray or snort activated MMS up the nose if

desperate, but an easier more direct option is available. This method is going

to push chlorine dioxide gas directly to the places where germs lodge in lungs,

sinuses, bronchioles, and throat. So here is my daily method for sterilizing the

dark passageways of my breathing tunnels.

Before breakfast a 2-drop MMS mix is swirled in a small cup for brushing my

teeth - 2 drops MMS and 10 drops apple cider vinegar or citric acid. I do the 3

minute swirl and wait. (No water added yet). Almost immediately the smell of

beneficial ClO2 gas arises. Now I hold the cup under my nose and breath the ClO2

slowly up into my nose and sinuses, holding it there for a while. Repeat four

times. Then I wait a bit and hold the cup under my mouth to draw ClO2 gas down

into my lungs four times slowly. Note that this is a low 2 drop dose - by


Germs in any of the places named above cannot survive the storm. Avoid more than

a 2 drop mix. More than that will cause the gas to be repulsive for breathing,

but also dangerous. There are clear cautions in Jim's Protocol 17 but once you

understand them, the occasional breathing of ClO2 is actually the KEY TO

REMAINING FREE OF viruses and germs that want to make whoopee in our lungs.

From calls and emails I used to get, many people seemed to be unclear about the

scope of ClO2 as a germicide. The question often was " yes, it probably killed

someone else's germs ok, but do you know anyone with the type of germs I have

who got help from MMS - because my case might be different - so who do you know

with my type of germs or disease that you can refer me to because I want to call

them and decide if MMS will work in my case because I always want second

opinions before risking some new option. "

A shout from an archangel with a trumpet is needed, saying " NO KNOWN GERMS OF


ClO2 doesn't remove your toxins and pathogens, it's only because we don't know

how to get the ClO2 into close proximity where the pathogens are clinging.

If the virus or bacteria is in your lungs, and you only take MMS through the

stomach, it's a long way to get to the lungs. The ClO2 is picked up through

stomach walls by a few red blood cells that aren't already loaded with oxygen.

Then those few ClO2 molecules circulate out through a hundred miles of arms,

legs and all over your body. Finally a few red blood cells that still have some

ClO2 that wasn't used up along your miles of circulatory tubes get back to the

area of the lungs. HOW WILL THE ClO2 EVER GO from the blood side of your lungs

to the air side of your lungs where the germs are?

Only carbon dioxide can flow from the blood side to the air side of your lungs.

Definitely not oxygen nor ClO2 that behaves like oxygen. A small amount of ClO2

might back get over to the germ side if your blood fluids are generating

histamine liquids out into the air side of the lungs (making mucus), but no red

blood cells with ClO2 are going to bleed through into the air side of the lungs.

Fortunately there is a way to get ClO2 directly to the places on the air side

where flu viruses enjoy their privacy.

THEREFORE, with the goal of brushing my teeth, I don't want to waste three good

minutes just swirling a cup. Everything is there that I need for a morning sinus

and lung cleansing. With this low 2 drop mix, the odor is quite weak and

pleasant. Knowing that this is exactly the best possible source of ClO2 (a gas)

and that it is going to go to the exact places where flu germs might be hiding,

I take 4 slow inhalings up the nose and hold it for a while in the sinuses. Then

I wait a bit, and then take four deep breaths through the mouth - slowly to fill

the lungs to the bottom and hold it for a while.

DO NOT TRY THIS WITH any mix greater than 2 drops. Also, you may think that

nothing is happening. No diarrhea. No nausea. generally no sensations at all.

But also, no colds, flu, nor viral pneumonia because NO PATHOGEN CAN SURVIVE

THIS TORNADO. Flu Viruses hate chemtrails of ClO2 drifting down from above. THEY


To clear Anthrax out of government offices they didn't hire a scrubbing crew.

They brought in trucks from Sabre Tech Services to generate ClO2 and pushed it

into the air ducts of the office buildings. Imagine a company signing a contract



This writer spent time with the man who signed that contract. Said he did it

with total confidence. The ClO2 killed mites and cockroaches also. He gave me

this picture above of the ClO2 truck that mixes sodium chlorite with

hydrochloric acid to produce a constant controlled stream of ClO2 gas for days

at a time.

This demonstrates the power of your MMS body-cleansing weapon. Keep some on a

dark shelf (four year life at least) or in the refrigerator. It is uniquely in

your favor to have MMS on hand and to know how to use it when pandemics arise

however real or unreal they may be. Trounce your flu and cold germs before they

get comfortable down there in the warm dark moisture of your bronchioles or

lungs where gentile continuous breezes fan them day and night.

Oh, yes, I was going to brush my teeth. Three minutes is up. Look in the cup -

the BPYL (Beautiful Pale Yellow Liquid !). You need to understand that the two

ingredients are slow to find each other, but now they have united chemically.

There is no MMS sodium chlorite in the cup now. And there is no vinegar or

citric acid in the cup now. They combined creating ClO2 ions distributed in the

BPYL fluids that were left from the vinegar and the MMS. You have generated ClO2

in liquid ionic form. Rare and beautiful - with a half-life less than 1.5 hours.

For brushing, it's time to add two tablespoons of water to the mix. I dip the

toothbrush into the cup which sterilizes the brush. I use the brush to lift ClO2

liquid from the cup into my mouth 2 or 3 times and begin to brush. There are six

benefits for brushing your teeth with MMS. You should be able to think of them.

Definitely brush the back of the tongue to stop bad breath for the day. Unlike

hydrogen peroxide, MMS will not harm normal body cells in the mouth. Stops tooth

aches too for a couple of days.

The point is that there's almost no way for ClO2 in the stomach to ever get

circulated back and over to the air side of lungs where mucus is being generated

and flu viruses are multiplying and histamine is weeping fluids into your lungs

as its complaint against the germs in your lungs. You need to kill the pathogens

that are in your lungs on the air side. But, unless you can get significant ClO2

ions or gas near to the location of the germs, they will happily keep

reproducing in your tropical wonderland of warm moist lung cells.

During 1.5 years of listening to MMS people who sometimes called with questions,

and within our own family experiences also, I must admit that I don't know any

MMS user who got over a cold or flu by only taking MMS in the stomach. But when

I prompted people to continue normal MMS use, and to add limited breathing of

ClO2, everything instantly changed for the better. Point ClO2 toward the viruses

and they will wave white flags as ClO2 rains down on them - without exception

they will die.

One call came in on a Saturday morning from a stranger. She had read protocol 17

the week before and said that for 20 years her post nasal drip never stopped.

She bought costly prescriptions as doctors tried to help her, but nothing

worked. She called to say that after exactly two breathing experiences, the

nasal drip ceased completely. She waited a week before calling and stated that

this was indeed a miracle that she couldn't stop talking about.

If you are threatened with sore throat or ear aches or vertigo, repeat this

low-level breathing procedure once every hour or two until the pathogens are

gone. Then back off to once a day. You MUST READ THE CAUTIONS in Protocol 17 at

[ http://JimHumble.biz .

OK, I've brushed now, and swished, and am gargling now. While gargling I should

mention that I am forbidden from answering phone calls during this pandemic era.

And Emails to Jim and staff are mostly going unanswered in an effort to obey

government policies related to the pandemic. Jim has put everything we know

about MMS into his BIZ sites above and also the MMS-education.com site that

leads you to his other writings and answers. Those sites don't sell MMS at all.

They were built carefully for your use. You alone are responsible to research

and find the best ways to apply MMS to your health and well-being.

OK, now I'm going to spit.



Read the article about reducing and controlling coughing at

http://MMS-articles.com/stopcoughing.htm .

Expanded information about coughing is included.


If you took a mere two-drop activated dose every hour and a half, 8 or 10 hours

per day for a few days (and nights if you want to), always backing off if nausea

sensations appear, then over time your toxic load will be cleared out without

climbing the prior ladder to 15 drop doses. With two drop doses, add plenty of

water so that you can't taste the MMS. Skip all juices and Vitamin " C " for a

while because you can't taste the MMS with these low-drop doses. Water does not

thin or reduce the ClO2 benefit. If you can't drink a full glass, drink the

second half 15 minutes later. Read the " Fundamentals " page at JimHumble.biz.

Back to Topics at the Top - Click Here


Mia Hamel is a long-time MMS user, She has researched US Flu and vaccine

developments at length including the hidden agendas that drive governments to

inoculate their citizens. Her web site is [ Here ] . Photos are posted there

showing some of the visible symptoms after children get their batteries of

shots. Few realize that every vaccination containing heavy metals produces

miniature strokes that cumulatively diminish intelligence. As a result, 1 in 83

children now descend into autism, soon then prescribed with drugs and Ridlin.

Check out Mia's valuable Web Site [ Here ] .

Back to Topics at the Top - Click Here


The US CDC, Center for Disease Control decided to no longer provide public

vaccine info.

CBS news In August 2009, made a simple request of the CDC for public documents,

e-mails, and reports about selected individual Flu cases. This is how newspapers

and TV normally get official information to report. The flow of information

simply stopped. The CDC stated it was their decision to stop testing individual

cases of Novel H1N1, or " swine flu. "

What caused them to stop testing and reporting? No one knows - maybe the numbers

of the dying exposed too clearly that if you get the shots you are more likely

to get the flu. (Conjecture). After two months, no CDC information is

forthcoming. A formal Freedom of Information (FOI) request was submitted by the

press because they are entitled to speedy release of public health information.

The CDC stated that they have no interest in testing to learn whether flu cases

are mere seasonal flu or H1N1 that caused the reported case.

Watch the reporter ask the question twice. The CDC leader has to be quick with

perfect double-talk. - [ Here ] .

Ukraine: Overnight flu stats went up from 37,000 to 80,000 people with flu.If

accurate, this may be a mystery flu variant. Some cases appear to be flu with

Ebola symptoms - sudden bleeding from all body orifices - nose, ears, rectum...

A reference is [ Here ] . Other news sites will be following this because it

may be the start of a " real " pandemic, or it may have resulted from dispensing

live virus from airplanes. The Ukraine as a whole had rejected vaccinations.

Analysts are wondering if this is " payback time " or if live virus was somehow

released over selected regions. The H1N1 vaccines can't be blamed if hardly

anyone was being vaccinated. This is a serious and sad mystery in the Ukraine.

It may bring declaration of martial law. It may cause the government to force

everyone to take the H1N1 shots even if the shots won't help weaken the mystery

virus that is killing hundreds every day. Their own doctors are dying, it is

reported. Like a raging fire, the virus may jump country borders without regard

- into Russia, or Germany, or others.

T H E U L T I M A T E P U T D O W N: Vaccine Labs knew all along HOW TO


Just in: The H1N1 patent submitted in 2007 and its associated patents state that


heat. " The snip from the patent paper is [ Here ] .

Scroll down to middle of the page to a 6 line snip. The exact sentence is " A

swine influenza virus can be inactivated by methods well known to those of skill

in the art. Common methods use formalin and heat . . . " This snip references

other earlier patents that also mention their secret patented way to stop and

reverse VIRAL FLU of any type. THIS MEANS THAT pharmaceutical companies (and

conspiring governments) are willing to shoot up citizens with viruses, heavy

metals, MSG, formaldehyde and Squalene KNOWINGLY AND WITH HARMFUL INTENT,

proclaiming their vaccines are for your free health protection, pretending that

they and your government care about you and want you to be healthy, WHILE THEY

HIDE A REAL INACTIVATION METHOD behind lab walls and in their patents. Perhaps

the elite get the real cure for free as a favor. Maybe you had wondered how

important politicians and world leaders always seem immune from our common colds

and diseases.

Yes, THE ULTIMATE PUT DOWN. Hopefully somebody loves you, but it's not your

vaccine creators, nor any government that by law and force demands that you take

untested shots or you will be whisked from your home and quarantined for your

own protection in a camp somewhere. While gone you will be temporarily classed

as a military prisoner under federal laws. To protect your bank accounts they

will be frozen until whenever you are rehabilitated, vaccinated, and released.

Your car will be towed to the city pound.

And, for not taking your shots, don't expect to be treated kindly at the

military quarantine camp or shielded by government agents from getting flu or

other diseases because flu germs and diseases are likely to run rampant through

the tents there. And remember, you've rejected your shots - you didn't want them

- too bad. Coffins have been thoughtfully prepared if case you get sick at the

tent camp in Iowa in the winter because of your quaint and obstinate views about

vaccines. You are classed under military code as a terrorist, endangering other

law abiding citizens around you who got their protective shots when scheduled.

They have steel bracelets with their vaccination history, enabling them to

freely do shopping and travel, but you rejected yours. (Fiction? view the

reference below.)

One of many supporting references is [ Here ] .

The ad on the right side is real and widely distributed. Police from other

countries are replying to this US ad.

Back to Topics at the Top - Click Here

The disclaimer for this Newsletter is [ Here ]. These writings are educational

materials that encourage health seekers to consult trusted medical professionals

at medical and health clinics where valid client-patient relationships can be

legally sustained. Statements herein about the MMS product have not been

evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. No products are sold here and no

money is collected. MMS is a well known mineral supplement and a water purifier

not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If you have any

medical or health condition, you must take personal responsibility for any

private experimentation, or consult a medical professional before using

minerals, salts, vitamins, foods, odors, hair colorings, skin enhancers, diet

drinks, iodine, snake bite kits, tooth paste, lotions, aspartame, alcohol,

cigarettes, MSG laden soups, products mentioned in this newsletter, or products

referenced at the web sites below. MMS is a water purifying mineral salt in

solution. Competing products are known as " Stabilized Water, " " Vitamin O, " and

other trade names packaged in various strengths. Outdoor stores sell the same

MMS mineral salt (Sodium Chlorite) in the form of water purification tablets for

use by campers and hunters. Use of MMS requires the addition of 5 drops vinegar

to every one drop of MMS, as is explained at the web sites below. The newsletter

is not responsible for people who over eat, over drink, overdose on medications,

or who may prepare MMS in mistaken ways without following instructions.

The " Terms of Use Statement " is [ Here ] . The " Privacy Statement " is

[ Here ] .

During this Pandemic era, MMS helpers are forbidden from responding to questions

about MMS. See Topic Five. Do not write asking if MMS will help one or another

type of illness. Since the ClO2 produced by MMS cannot harm normal living body

cells, experimenters can voluntarily proceed with caution and observe their own

outcomes. The protocols at JimHumble.biz are updated periodically. In case of

early nausea or unexplained results, stop using MMS. or try again later using a

different acid for the activator. See http://MMSinstructions.com.

& #9830; The ANSWERS site is at MMSanswers.com .

& #9830; Simple instructions for MMS use are http://MMSinstructions.com [ Here ]


& #9830; The Business contact is at screen bottom.

& #9830; Foundation donations are at JimHumbleFoundation.org .

FURTHER MMS INFO LINKS from the Institute for Advanced MMS Studies:

Click These Links

[Here] www.MMS-education.com/ An index of basic MMS information &


[Here] www.JimHumble.biz/ Recent writings and protocols of Jim Humble

[Here] www.MMS-Central.com/ Free download Jim's MMS1 book - Volume One

[Here] www.MMSnews.org/ Free MMS newsletter signup

[Here] www.JimHumbleFoundation.org/ Read about Jim's vision for the


[Here] www.MiracleMineral.org/book.php/ Buy Jim's hardback book (both


[Here] www.MMSanswers.com/ Database of diseases with Jim's comments

[Here] www.MiracleMineralStories.com/ Testimonials regarding MMS1 results.

MMS Newsletter 007 is under Institute for Advanced MMS Studies,

LLC. .

THIS NEWSLETTER IS ALREADY ONLINE at http://MMSnews.org/NEWS007.htm . A spare

copy is at http://MMS-central.com/NEWS007.htm IT MAY NOT BE POSTED ELSEWHERE. IT


No portion of this newsletter - graphics or text - may be re-published on other

web sites including blogs and social network pages.

Persons who use MMS successfully themselves can tell friends to bring up their

own sample copy using this permanent address: http://MMSnews.org/NEWS007.htm .

DO NOT reference this newsletter in public documents. This is a private

newsletter only for MMS users who requested it.

Opinions and topics above are believed to be founded on reliable writings and

lectures given by scientists, soldiers, police, and medical personnel.

Statistics and figures will become obsolete but were believed to be accurate at

publication time. Persons who can't face the possibilities described in this

newsletter may be unable to escape the belief that " conspiracy theories abound

and are always generated by crazy people. " Be kind to them anyway.

& #9830; Truth will win eventually. Things done in secret will be revealed from

housetops - eventually.

& #9830; Truth tomorrow may include arrests and imprisonment of all persons

promoting or enforcing eugenics.

& #9830; Truth is that this world could support three times it's current

population except for failed governments, corrupt self-serving leaders, and evil


& #9830; Truth tomorrow may reveal that free energy can be extracted from the

void at no cost.

& #9830; Truth tomorrow may expose how fearful leaders have been suppressing

" forbidden technologies " that would provide free energy to home and industry.

& #9830; Truth tomorrow may reveal that the Departments of Health and Human

Services are relenting and are calling off forced vaccinations - as has happened

in Canada and Australia.

& #9830; Good will overcome evil eventually - provided good people assist in

small or large ways to demand honesty and transparency in all governments.

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