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Hi Luann,

My son went to visit his father yesterday so I had many plans for today. A

large to-do list and everything. Things that have been put off because of

what I call RA days. (days when the RA gets the best of me). Guess what I

did all day. Sleep. I just couldn't seem to muster any energy. Finally, I

gave in. I used to feel guilty on days like these, but now I realize that my

body is trying to tell me what it needs and I should listen to it now and

then. Today I listened. Tomorrow, I may not. I would suggest a

rheumatologist. This is a doctor who specializes in inflammatory diseases

and autoimmune diseases also. There are some really good ones out there just

as there are some really bad ones. The trick is to scout around and ask a

lot of questions. Talk to the girls in the office and listen to what they

have to say. Also look at the girls in the office. Do they seem pleasant

and happy to be working there or do they just look like they are just putting

in their time for the pay? I used to work in a dr's office and learned this

trick the hard way. If the girls look happy, then I find that the dr. is

more caring and you get better treatment. I also ask the girls what they

think of the dr. Sometimes you can read between the lines in what they say

and get a good idea of the office atmosphere. Just a couple of hints. Hope

you find a good one soon.

Love and Hugs.

Stacey in PA

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You are absolutely correct. The other thing to look at is the tenure of the

nurses in the office. My general surgeon has nurses that have gone with him

from the one practice to when he went out on his own and they just love him.

There is a lot more to a doctor's make up than just where he goes to school

and how many society honors he may or may not have.

Hope that you are hanging in there as best as possible.

Gentle, tender, angel hugs,

Debs in FL

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<<Also look at the girls in the office. Do they seem pleasant

and happy to be working there or do they just look like they are just


in their time for the pay? I used to work in a dr's office and learned this

trick the hard way. If the girls look happy, then I find that the dr. is

more caring and you get better treatment. I also ask the girls what they

think of the dr. Sometimes you can read between the lines in what they say

and get a good idea of the office atmosphere.>>

What an excellent suggestion, ! I would never have thought of that.



Re: [ ] Hello Everyone

Hi Luann,

My son went to visit his father yesterday so I had many plans for today. A

large to-do list and everything. Things that have been put off because of

what I call RA days. (days when the RA gets the best of me). Guess what I

did all day. Sleep. I just couldn't seem to muster any energy. Finally, I

gave in. I used to feel guilty on days like these, but now I realize that


body is trying to tell me what it needs and I should listen to it now and

then. Today I listened. Tomorrow, I may not. I would suggest a

rheumatologist. This is a doctor who specializes in inflammatory diseases

and autoimmune diseases also. There are some really good ones out there


as there are some really bad ones. The trick is to scout around and ask a

lot of questions. Talk to the girls in the office and listen to what they

have to say. Also look at the girls in the office. Do they seem pleasant

and happy to be working there or do they just look like they are just


in their time for the pay? I used to work in a dr's office and learned this

trick the hard way. If the girls look happy, then I find that the dr. is

more caring and you get better treatment. I also ask the girls what they

think of the dr. Sometimes you can read between the lines in what they say

and get a good idea of the office atmosphere. Just a couple of hints. Hope

you find a good one soon.

Love and Hugs.

Stacey in PA

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Dear Luann,

I hear and understand you. It is very hard to come to

grips with being diagnosed with FM. During the good

days, you tell yourself maybe I don't have it and then

Bam! I have been to many DRS for my FM over the

years. The Rheumatologist I saw didn't believe in

pain meds; he didn't even tell me he had diagnosed FM

along with Osteo; I read it in my chart. I stopped

seeing him. I then found a wonderful DR. He was a

pain management specialist. I had therapy, epidurals,

trigger point shots, and the thing that helps the most

is pain meds. I can't travel, sleep, work, etc.

without them. I wish this wasn't so. There are so

many drs that do not believe in treating your pain.

They are not worth your time because if you are in

pain it becomes a viscous circle that you can't see

out of.

At least there are a lot of articles now about how

pain meds do not create addicts and DRs are beginning

to make it a little easier for you to get them.

I hope you find the right DR for you. When you are

calling around make sure that they are believers of FM

or they won't help. Good luck along your journey.

Information helps. Iris

--- laca40 <laca40@...> wrote:

> I join the other day. I have fibromyalgia. Today I

> am experiencing

> a really bad flare up. I try not to complain and my

> husband is very

> supportive, but I am feeling so depressed. I work

> nights all week

> and Sunday is usually the day I try to get the house

> cleaned and

> things like that. I had big plans today. But ended

> up sleeping all

> day. My body is very stiff and pain is everywhere.

> It is 8:00pm

> right now and this is the first I could manage to

> sit up for any

> length of time. What I wanted to ask about are

> doctors. December

> 2001 is when I was told that I was suffering from

> fibromyalgia. Two

> weeks later we moved. So far I went to one doctor

> who refilled my

> meds. Our Tricare only lets us go to certain

> doctors as primary. I

> have signed up with a new one that is a DO. But I

> am told he is only

> in the office 2 afternoons a week. Mainly you see a

> PA when you go

> in. I was wondering if anyone out there can

> recommend a type of

> doctor that is best to go to. I am going to make an

> appointment

> tomorrow with this doctor, because I need to get on

> pain meds. I

> figure I only need to talk them when the pain gets

> this bad that I

> can't funtion. Usually I can just force myself to

> go to work and get

> things done. Since December I have been treated

> with trazondone

> which is suppose to help me sleep and fluoxetine

> which is suppose to

> help with depression. Right now the problem is I

> work night shift

> and my sleeping is really off. But in about a week

> hopefully I will

> be going to day shift. I started to train someone

> for my night shift

> position. The company I work for really is trying

> to help me out. I

> mainly told them that I will have to quit if I

> didn't get day shift

> and for the last two months they have been trying to

> find someone to

> take my place. Pray that this girl works out.

> Well, thanks for

> listen to me ramble on. It is nice to be able to

> put the way I am

> feeling in to words.


> Luann from Texas





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  • 5 years later...
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Hi its been a long time since I posted, but I wanted to say is

doing so well and starts scholl in Sept..(time fly's)....she only now

has to have her permanant ptosis life in a year or two and

that 'should' be her finished with op's for a long while....I shall add

some pictures to our file so you can see how she is looking now.

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