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Dear ,

Hello! Is your daughter at Geisinger Ctr. in Danville, PA? If so, try

Dr. Oleginski. He is the wonderful rheumatologist that 1st diagnosed

me (when I saw him he was at a different hospital). I can give you his

phone number if you like.

Take care,

>From: " " <shellye@...>

>Reply-Rheumatoid Arthritis

><Rheumatoid Arthritis >

>Subject: new member

>Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 17:03:05 -0500


>Hello,my name is shelly evans.i was wondering if this group also deals with

>juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.my 12 year old daughter alisha hasnt been

>diagnosed yet,but was referred to a rheumatologist at geisinger medical

>center in pa.she has been having pain in a few of her joints and her


>was 43 with normal being 0-20.i dont know anything about this disease and

>would love to know what to expect for more testing and what to expect for

>her future if she does have the disease.can someone please help?thanks in


>Harry and (adult hypo) parents to-



>-9/17/93-3/11/94-infantile hypophosphatasia


>Sierra-5/25/00-infantile hypophosphatasia,multisuture

>craniosynostosis,hydrocephalus,shunt placement,august 7,01,failure to


>revision,g-tube-nissen-dec.11,01,developmental delays




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  • 3 months later...
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I, too, experience pins and needles in my left back/shoulder. I always

thought this was a result of one of the many medicines I've been taking. It's

not painful, but I do notice it now and again. I'd be interested if anyone

else, like me and Kate, have this symptom. I just find it more irritating

than anything else.


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Hi Kate..

I am sorry to hear of your pains….

at the bottom of your email you mentioned

the pins and needles…is compression neuropathy or peripheral neuropathy

in my opinion….it is caused from the inflammation process pressing on

your nerves…it is sometimes very hard to bear the feeling….

Dairy is good to take out…also they

say red meats can increase inflammation in the body….take omega 3


My husband and I have sero negative

rheumatoid arthritis….the blood work is normal but you still have the

body under attack….

There is an antibiotic approach to RA also

if you are interested…http://roadback.org/

It is a lengthy read in there but might be

an approach your doctor wants to consider also..

Good Luck and I amsure you will find lots

of support in here.



-----Original Message-----

From: Kate Buechner


Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2002 8:12



Rheumatoid Arthritis


New member

Hi. my name is Kate, I am a 31 SAHM & have just


diagnosed with RA. I first started having symptoms

about 9 mths ago, 4 mths after the birth of my 2nd

child. It started with intense pain in my

knees. Then

it spread throughout my body, my fingers, toes


shoulders, back, hips, basically everywhere. I


it really difficult to manage on a day to day


My GP started my on Naproxen, which did nothing


ordered some blood tests which came back neg for


However, after about 2 mths of continuous problems


decided to refer me to a rheumatalogist.

She started me on Vioxx. Fort the first 3 mths I

thought it had all gone away. In February it all


crazy. I was in pain everyday. I had to get my


home form work so many times as I just physically

couldn't look after my kids.

Finally,I now have a diagnosis, although my blood


are still coming back neg. the only indication is


my sediment levels are sky high. I am continuing


Vioxx & now also taking Sulfasaline but


noticed any major difference with this. the


thing I have discovered to decrease the pain is to

take dairy products out of my diet. Has anyone


had any benefit with this?

I also wanted to ask does anyone else experience


& needles. I have them in my left hand all the

time. I

wake up at night with my fingers totally numb


incredibly painful. Is this another symptom of the


or is something else going on?



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  • 2 weeks later...
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Do you ever have prob with your hands itching and burning? The

things I have learned to do and not to do are if you are cleaning

where gloves, sometimes you will find that things like comet will

cause you probs, you may notice that you get prune hands for no

reason,this is normal with RA, I can't remeber what it's called but

it is just one of those things.


Im so glad you wrote this! For years I have had a problem where

my hands will suddenly get red and hot to the touch and itch like

crazy (an internal itch if that makes sense) and then usually swell

up so badly that the skin actually feels hard....this has stumped my

docs for years and was just put off as an allergic reaction to

something. I notice that it does happen sometimes when I wore latex

gloves at my last job so I figured it was a latex allergy...thank you

for making me feel a little more normal!

btw, I was told about 8 years ago that I had CTS because of some

weird swelling and pain along with pins & needles in my hands, it

isnt CTS, after xrays showed the area to be normal. Now I know it

was RA.


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Hi there…


just trying to help here…

are you sure the burning is not

inflammation??? could it be peripheral neuropathy from the inflammation pushing

against the nerves???

please note further down the in the

article it mentions RA

What is Peripheral Neuropathy?

Peripheral neuropathy is a common neurological disorder resulting from damage

to the peripheral nerves. It may be caused by diseases of the nerves or as the

result of systemic illnesses. Many neuropathies have well-defined causes such

as diabetes, uremia, AIDs, or nutritional deficiencies. In fact, diabetes is

one of the most common causes of peripheral neuropathy. Other causes include

mechanical pressure such as compression or entrapment, direct trauma,

penetrating injuries, contusions, fracture or dislocated bones; pressure

involving the superficial nerves (ulnar, radial, or peroneal) which can result

from prolonged use of crutches or staying in one position for too long, or from

a tumor; intraneural hemorrhage; exposure to cold or radiation or, rarely,

certain medicines or toxic substances; and vascular or collagen disorders such

as atherosclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, sarcoidosis,

rheumatoid arthritis, and polyarteritis nodosa.


common example of entrapment neuropathy is carpal tunnel syndrome, which has

become more common because of the increasing use of computers. Although the

causes of peripheral neuropathy are diverse, they produce common symptoms

including weakness, numbness, paresthesia (abnormal sensations such as burning,

tickling, pricking or tingling) and pain in the arms, hands, legs and/or feet.

A large number of cases are of unknown cause

Maybe this is all wrong information for

you both….but I am trying to help


-----Original Message-----

From: nodramapls2001


Sent: Tuesday, May

28, 2002 3:16 PM


Rheumatoid Arthritis


Re: New member

Do you ever have prob with your hands itching and

burning? The

things I have learned to do and not to do are if

you are cleaning

where gloves, sometimes you will find that things

like comet will

cause you probs, you may notice that you get prune

hands for no

reason,this is normal with RA, I can't remeber

what it's called but

it is just one of those things.


Im so glad you wrote

this! For years I have had a problem where

my hands will suddenly get red and hot to the

touch and itch like

crazy (an internal itch if that makes sense) and

then usually swell

up so badly that the skin actually feels

hard....this has stumped my

docs for years and was just put off as an allergic

reaction to

something. I notice that it does happen

sometimes when I wore latex

gloves at my last job so I figured it was a latex

allergy...thank you

for making me feel a little more normal!

btw, I was told about 8 years ago that I had CTS

because of some

weird swelling and pain along with pins &

needles in my hands, it

isnt CTS, after xrays showed the area to be

normal. Now I know it

was RA.


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Thanks for your response. I have thought of using soy

products, but unfortunately I have a strong allergy to

peanuts ( the only allergy I have) & I have read that

you can have allergies to soy as well with this, so

I'm a bit nervous to try it. I have looked at rice

milk as an option, but unfortunately where I live it

is hard to get. So at the moment, I am only having a

small amount of milk in coffee each day & no other

dairy products. I am trying to cut out the milk in

coffee as I think that's the easiest option. I have

drunk decaf coffee since being pregnant with my kids,

& I don't drink soda too often, but I will take notice

of that in the future as well. Thanks.


-----Original Message-----

From: DeNicola


Sent: 21 May 2002 20:09

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Subject: Re: New member

Hi Kate,

I also test negative for the rheumatoid factor.

My symptoms started in 9/99. I saw 12 different doctor

in 8 weeks. The only reason they believed something

was wrong was my elevated sed rate as well (normal is

15-20 and mine went close to 200 so they knew

something was very wrong).

I also noticed that symptoms went lowered after I

had a diagnosis and started Prednisone but that didn't

last long. I take Azulfidine EN (the enteric coated

ones, they're easier going down.). I was on it for 3

months before I noticed an improvement.

On the advice of a doctor, I switched from from

regular dairy products to organic milk and soymilk.

It's not as bad as I thought. :) I noticed a huge

difference by cutting all caffiene and carbonated

beverages (even ginger ale). I did it slowly. Now I

notice a difference when I have soda or coffee. I

switched to herbal tea w/o caffiene.

Hope that helps.

, age 24, Reactive Arthritis

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No, I haven't been tested for carpal tunnel syndrome,

but when I mentioned the pins & needles to my

rheumatalogist, she added it to the list of symptoms

of my arthritis, so I am pretty sure it is related. I

also get inflammation of my left collar bone from time

to time, but never my right, so I think there may be a


thanks for you feedback


-----Original Message-----

From: darensother [mailto:darensother@...]

Sent: 16 May 2002 19:48

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Subject: Re: New member

> I also wanted to ask does anyone else experience


> & needles. I have them in my left hand all the time.


> wake up at night with my fingers totally numb &

> incredibly painful. Is this another symptom of the


> or is something else going on?


> Kate








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Please tell me more about your symptoms, because

everything you have said matches what I told my Dr and

he sent me to be tested for CTS.


--- Kate Buechner <katebuechner@...> wrote:

> Daren,


> No, I haven't been tested for carpal tunnel

> syndrome,

> but when I mentioned the pins & needles to my

> rheumatalogist, she added it to the list of symptoms

> of my arthritis, so I am pretty sure it is related.

> I

> also get inflammation of my left collar bone from

> time

> to time, but never my right, so I think there may be

> a

> link.


> thanks for you feedback


> Kate

> -----Original Message-----

> From: darensother [mailto:darensother@...]

> Sent: 16 May 2002 19:48

> Rheumatoid Arthritis

> Subject: Re: New member



> > I also wanted to ask does anyone else experience

> pins

> > & needles. I have them in my left hand all the

> time.

> I

> > wake up at night with my fingers totally numb &

> > incredibly painful. Is this another symptom of the

> RA

> > or is something else going on?

> >

> > Kate

> >



> SO












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When I first down the arthritis road, I would get

intense pain in my knee which would last for a couple

of days & then go. It would be in my shoulders, where

I couldn't live my arms, in my fingers so any kind of

movement hurt. Over time the pain has changed.

I know have swollen joints in my finger & toes all the

time. But when I am having a flare I will get intense

pain in a particular joint area for 2 days & then it

goes away. This can be anywhere, hip, ankle, knee,

shoulder, wrist, collar bone, lower back.

With the pins & needles I mainly get this at night,

but I can get it at anytime of the day just not as

badly as at night. I normally wake up with intense

numbness in my fingers, but I can still feel the

sensation of the pins & needles. I have to move it

around to lessen the pain but this doesn't always

work. I just recently got a referral from my dr

because of the pins & needles to go to a rehab centre,

& on the referral she has called it carpal tunnel

syndrome, but says that it is related to the


hope this helps


-----Original Message-----


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  • 9 months later...
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Hi Jeff:

Like , I am also on Methotrexate and Enbrel. I've been on the Enbrel for about 10 weeks now and am definitely seeing improvement. I am also on 5 mg prednisone and hoping to taper off it completely in the next couple of months. Giving yourself shots isn't too bad - I just pretend I'm on ER or something. I have suffered no side effects at all. I am lucky that way, but I definitely feel that an increased quality of life is worth the risk of side effects. If they become too awful, then you have to make that decision. Good luck to you.


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Hi Jeff

My name is Jan and I was diagnosed in 1995. I refused to use harsh medication at first but was forced to. I am on relafen, azulfadene , plaquenil and methotrexate. The methotresate was like a new lease on life for me. I could do things I hadn't done in years. It did take time for the doctor to determine how much and it did take a few months to kick in but when it did it was well worth it for me. I know that all of us are different and I wish you luck.

-------Original Message-------

From: Rheumatoid Arthritis

Date: Monday, March 10, 2003 1:03:41 PM

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Subject: New member

Hi all I am just starting my life with RA. I just went ot my rumatoligest ( by the way I can't spell very well) for the first time today and she confirmed to me that I have RA. I was in just a bit of denile. I am 32 and have a new baby. I only found out because I wanted to get my knee fixed so i could play with my daughter when she got older. I was on prednisone 10mg for 15 days and it did nothing for me. I accutally had more swelling than normal. I started on celebrex and ultracet tonight. I was wondering how long it took for the celebrex to start working? My doctor wants to start me on Methotrexate or Enbrel when i go back in six weeks. She wants me to help her to determine which one. I have the pamplets but wonder if anyone has personal experance to help me. Thanks Jeff

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In a message dated 3/10/2003 10:05:03 AM Pacific Standard Time, jeffgrocka@... writes:

Hi all I am just starting my life with RA. I just went ot my

rumatoligest ( by the way I can't spell very well) for the first time

today and she confirmed to me that I have RA. I was in just a bit of

denile. I am 32 and have a new baby. I only found out because I

wanted to get my knee fixed so i could play with my daughter when she

got older. I was on prednisone 10mg for 15 days and it did nothing

for me. I accutally had more swelling than normal. I started on

celebrex and ultracet tonight. I was wondering how long it took for

the celebrex to start working? My doctor wants to start me on

Methotrexate or Enbrel when i go back in six weeks. She wants me to

help her to determine which one. I have the pamplets but wonder if

anyone has personal experance to help me. Thanks Jeff

Boy, the pharmaceutical companies must be having a field day with RA. And diabetes and heart disease....

I take Advil. It works fine. What are all those other meds supposed to do?? And can anyone tell me that they really work?


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please keep me in prayer

i had few things happen.

i was with a friend she pulled my little figer and pulled my ear and


she thinks its funny and dont think i have bad arthristis which i am in

pain alot.

she just pull my figer so hard...

she say she wont belive i have arthristuis and wants to see xrays...this

lady made me mad and just thought she was right and thinks i am lazy now

my figer hurts and i dont like the way she is my christian lady friend

told me that i did not need that when i am not well.

she told me i most do what my doctor tells me and not others. please


i know God dont want me abuse.

my doctor told me to rest more and take my cemo pills and prisozn and

iron and other meds to keep me from being sick from the cemo. he also

put me on never pills to help me get some sleep.

he took me off my pain meds dew to they did not work and my card never

pays my RA Doctor wants to start me on new treatment after my mom get

home from frirda there is sideafest to the treatment and want to talk to

mom and me and my family frist...being disabled with this is so hard

sometimes i just cry why me.

others say oh your just lazy i just think God for my mother and family

and church family and you all here that understands.

please email me back i do need support at this time oh i also take

arthristis taylon 2 every 6 to 8 hours to help my pain some.


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Well, I can tell you that Placquenil has really worked for me. I don't have any observable joint damange, other than some slight enlargement of finger joints, and it's been ten years since I was diagnosed, and much longer since I began having symptoms. I have smaller flares, my joints swell, are extremely painful, and hot, but once the swelling goes down, they return almost to normal. People who have started the stronger disease-modifying medications earlier in their disease have the best results and less damage from the disease itself(research backs that up).

----- Original Message ----- From: mowthpeece@...

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Sent: Monday, March 10, 2003 11:50 PM

Subject: Re: New member

In a message dated 3/10/2003 10:05:03 AM Pacific Standard Time, jeffgrocka@... writes:

Hi all I am just starting my life with RA. I just went ot my rumatoligest ( by the way I can't spell very well) for the first time today and she confirmed to me that I have RA. I was in just a bit of denile. I am 32 and have a new baby. I only found out because I wanted to get my knee fixed so i could play with my daughter when she got older. I was on prednisone 10mg for 15 days and it did nothing for me. I accutally had more swelling than normal. I started on celebrex and ultracet tonight. I was wondering how long it took for the celebrex to start working? My doctor wants to start me on Methotrexate or Enbrel when i go back in six weeks. She wants me to help her to determine which one. I have the pamplets but wonder if anyone has personal experance to help me. Thanks JeffBoy, the pharmaceutical companies must be having a field day with RA. And diabetes and heart disease....I take Advil. It works fine. What are all those other meds supposed to do?? And can anyone tell me that they really work?anna

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I have been on Methotrexate for a few years now & have no side effects form it.

I was having tablet form at first but because I have Crohn's Disease as well it was not working.

After a few months I was put on injections & I have been good.

I do not say that this is the one for you but I would make it the last resort in medications.

It can have some very bad side effects in the liver area. It can cause Focal Nodule Hypoplasia.

"I think that is how you spell it". Basically it is tumours & enlargement of the liver.

I know this from a friend I met at the specialist's room's who has it from the Methotrexate.

She is only 27

I am also on Prednisone & Placquenil but have been having to see an eye specialist every

6 months as Placquenil can cause Glaucoma. My right eye has the start of Glaucoma & that

only started 3 years after starting the tablets.

Stay well all.


----- Original Message -----

From: Hasenstab

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2003 9:32 PM

Subject: Re: New member

Well, I can tell you that Placquenil has really worked for me. I don't have any observable joint damange, other than some slight enlargement of finger joints, and it's been ten years since I was diagnosed, and much longer since I began having symptoms. I have smaller flares, my joints swell, are extremely painful, and hot, but once the swelling goes down, they return almost to normal. People who have started the stronger disease-modifying medications earlier in their disease have the best results and less damage from the disease itself(research backs that up).

----- Original Message ----- From: mowthpeece@...

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Sent: Monday, March 10, 2003 11:50 PM

Subject: Re: New member

In a message dated 3/10/2003 10:05:03 AM Pacific Standard Time, jeffgrocka@... writes:

Hi all I am just starting my life with RA. I just went ot my rumatoligest ( by the way I can't spell very well) for the first time today and she confirmed to me that I have RA. I was in just a bit of denile. I am 32 and have a new baby. I only found out because I wanted to get my knee fixed so i could play with my daughter when she got older. I was on prednisone 10mg for 15 days and it did nothing for me. I accutally had more swelling than normal. I started on celebrex and ultracet tonight. I was wondering how long it took for the celebrex to start working? My doctor wants to start me on Methotrexate or Enbrel when i go back in six weeks. She wants me to help her to determine which one. I have the pamplets but wonder if anyone has personal experance to help me. Thanks JeffBoy, the pharmaceutical companies must be having a field day with RA. And diabetes and heart disease....I take Advil. It works fine. What are all those other meds supposed to do?? And can anyone tell me that they really work?anna

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In a message dated 3/11/2003 3:38:59 AM Pacific Standard Time, saludo@... writes:

.. People who have started the stronger disease-modifying medications earlier in their disease have the best results and less damage from the disease itself(research backs that up).

Who's done the research?



In seeking wisdom the first step is silence, the second: listening, the third: remembering, the fourth: practicing, the fifth: teaching others.

- Ibn Gabirol

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When I was first diagnosed, I spent days and days in the medical school library here, looking up all the research that I could find. That was about 9 or 10 years ago, and I can't cite the authors, but if you wanted to find it, I'm sure it's even more readily available now. That's why I opted to begin taking plaquenil even though I had only very mild symptoms at the time.

----- Original Message ----- From: mowthpeece@...

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 6:53 PM

Subject: Re: New member

In a message dated 3/11/2003 3:38:59 AM Pacific Standard Time, saludo@... writes:

.. People who have started the stronger disease-modifying medications earlier in their disease have the best results and less damage from the disease itself(research backs that up). Who's done the research?peace,annaIn seeking wisdom the first step is silence, the second: listening, the third: remembering, the fourth: practicing, the fifth: teaching others.- Ibn Gabirol

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I searched by typing early treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in the address line of Internet Explorer and came up with a bunch of hits many of which are pushing a particular idea that is not generally accepted. I like one that has guidelines and has keys to show how credible various statements are and how firm the recommendations are (A is well documented, B is fairly well documented, and C is some documentation - but they use other terms to describe these ratings). http://www.sign.ac.uk/guidelines/fulltext/48/


----- Original Message -----

From: Hasenstab

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 4:33 PM

Subject: Re: New member

When I was first diagnosed, I spent days and days in the medical school library here, looking up all the research that I could find. That was about 9 or 10 years ago, and I can't cite the authors, but if you wanted to find it, I'm sure it's even more readily available now. That's why I opted to begin taking plaquenil even though I had only very mild symptoms at the time.

----- Original Message ----- From: mowthpeece@...

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 6:53 PM

Subject: Re: New member

In a message dated 3/11/2003 3:38:59 AM Pacific Standard Time, saludo@... writes:

.. People who have started the stronger disease-modifying medications earlier in their disease have the best results and less damage from the disease itself(research backs that up). Who's done the research?peace,annaIn seeking wisdom the first step is silence, the second: listening, the third: remembering, the fourth: practicing, the fifth: teaching others.- Ibn Gabirol

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I'm a 75 year old man diagnosed with RA in December 2001. I'm now

on 15 mg Methotrexate weekly, Remicade 6 mg/kg, 0.1 mg Synthroid,

and decreasing Prednisone (currently 1.5 mg daily), along with a

bunch of vitamins and some other medications to counter the effects

of the meds listed above. I function reasonably well but have

trouble getting up from sitting on the floor and walking down

stairs. I have some finger stiffness and joint pain but I'd rather

tolerate that than risk side effects of more medications. I also

post fairly regularly as Grandpavan on the Arthritis Insight message

board for RA.

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Hi , Methotrexate is one of the disease modifying drugs. Enbrel is a TNF inhibitor (TNF produces inflammation). The meds are supposed to slow down the progress of your arthritis in addition to easing the symptoms. Meds like Advil and Ibuprofen help with pain but don't stop the progression (of course the newer meds don't work for everyone, you can still develop a tolerance). You're lucky Advil works for you. I'd have to take half a bottle to be able to move if I didn't take anything else.

Take care,

in VA~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

>Boy, the pharmaceutical companies must be having a field day with RA. And >diabetes and heart disease.... > >I take Advil. It works fine. What are all those other meds supposed to do?? > And can anyone tell me that they really work? > >anna MSN 8 helps ELIMINATE E-MAIL VIRUSES. Get 2 months FREE*.

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