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Hi Katy-

I have a 4 year old, Quinn, 18 month old twins, Sara and Maggie and one more baby due sometime in November. Maggie has Down syndrome. We didn't know she had Ds until she was 6 weeks old. She is healthy and doing great! I look forward to hearing more about your family.

I am excited for this video ladies!

Hi everyone, my name is Katy Touve I gave birth to boy/girl twins on 11/11/99. was born weighting

6lbs 14ozs and Tyler was born weighting 6lbs 12ozs. I was told that as they were wheeling Tyler to the NICU that

he showed signs of having Down Syndrome. I did not have and test run even with being 37 so I did not except

to be having a child with Downs. I new in the back of my mind that there was a possibility but I did not think it

would happen to me. Even with sonograms every 4 weeks the doctors did not suspect anything was wrong with

Tyler. I carried the twins to 36 weeks 5 days and had them by C-section due to PIH and toxemia. Tyler spent a week in the NICU for wetlung and jaundice, the heart murmur and holes the doctors later for on an echo cardiogram were gone by 30 days. Tyler is in excellence health, he has had 1 cold, on the other hand my daughter has had an ear infection that took over a month to get rid of. I also have a 3 year old, both the 3 year old and Tyler's twin sister have been sick quite a bit. I just happen to find this sight by searching the internet. I am interested in talking with other parents who have multiples were one or more has DS. I live in Sterling, VA and

have been told that there are other families in the area.



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  • 2 weeks later...
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Welcome, Sheri! (and everyone else I haven't welcomed


This is a great group of people here...you couldn't have found a

more supportive group!

Sounds like you've got a great home gym...just get an exercise

mat for your situps, and you're set!

Go get 'em!


-- In bodyforlifeegroups, " Sheri Billing " <billing@r...>


> Hello everyone,


> I have just recently joined this list and wanted to introduce

myself. My

> name is Sheri Billing and I live in Northern NJ. I've been

married for

> almost 15 years and have 3 children. I have just finished

reading Body for

> Life and watching the Body of Work video and the 2 Sucess

stories videos.

> I'm really motivated to try this program. I've got a good 35 lbs



> and need to tone up very badly.


> I was wondering if you all could give me some advice for

starting out. I do

> have a few questions. Has anybody on the list entered the

contest. I'm

> waiting for the Rules and Regulations form but I would like to

go ahead and

> get started. Can I do that? Are there any rules about taking the


> picture? I see alot of people holding newspapers in their

pictures, do I

> have to do that?


> Anybody have any advice about setting up a home gym. I have

some old stuff

> in my basement. A bench, some free weights and an old

treadmill that I

> think will work. Should I get anything else? I want to make

sure I give

> myself the best chance of doing well and losing weight.


> Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated! I'm so

glad I found

> this list!


> Sheri Billing

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I haven't read ahead in the posts yet, but I'm sure someone's answered the

before pics questions...OH and welcome to the group!!!

For a home gym, I started out buying sets of weights at Walmart... the metal

lead ones. The price is slightly less than the weight you are buying for a

pair. For example, a set of 10's is less than $10. I know Power Blocks are

a good buy and don't take up much space. A stationary bike or treadmill for

cardio. I guess it depends on your budget. But you can do anything with free

weights...and as you get stronger you can buy a new pair that weighs more.


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  • 1 month later...
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Hi ,

Thank you for sharing your story and welcome to our group. I look forward to

hearing more about your two children. You really brought home how different

each child with Down Syndrome is--in light of the fact that you have done the

same with each of your children. I have twins Sara (DS) and who are

five. They have a big brother Lucas who is 9. The twins will be going into

Kindergarten in September, so we just spent time in transition meetings in

the last couple of weeks. Lots of decisions to make: whether to keep twins

in same class or not; we have full-day or half-day options--how much speech,

how much aid time, how much special education time, etc. It will all work

fine, I know, but it is kind of a big step from preschool classes to the

" big " school.

Again Welcome!


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welcome to the group, your kids sound great... my son taylor has upper

resp. problems also. can't wait to hear more about your family.

Kelli....Mom to: , age 22, Greg, age 18, Twins: Set one- April &

Ash age 15, Set two- (ds) & Tyler, age 4.

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Welcome!!! My name is (signed 1 in emails). My husband

Dennis, & kids Rudy (ds) & (13), & TJ 16 all live in Amarillo TX.

My Rudy is one of the older kids in the group so have at it!! lol Rudy does

not read or write and has poor speech however he makes up for it in

personality!!! lol Being that my kids are also Hispanic, I have found alot

of what Rudy can say is in Spanish because it is easier to pronounce such as

foot, bread, water etc. He says all of that in Spanish and much more. The

words seem to flow better for him. His main language is English but this

duelship (my new word for the week!! lol) has proven to be very helpful.

Glad you found us and I know you will enjoy all the wonderful people we

have in our group.


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Welcome, and !

It's great to have you on the list! and Issiah

sound great! I can't wait to learn more about them!

Where do you live??? Maybe someone on the list is your

neighbor! :o)

I'm Sara, the list owner (for lack of better title).

I'm in Buffalo NY. I don't have children yet, I'm

currently a premedical student at UB. I know what you

mean about feeling lost when you don't understand the

language! I've helped a few families as my first

language is Hebrew. There are a lot more Spanish

speakers than Hebrew around here though! :o)

Great to have you!


--- Avena <l.avena@...> wrote:

> HI, my name is and my husband's name is

> . We are the proud parentsof 2 wonderful kids

> who just happen to have DS. Our daughter's name is

> , she is 6 years old. Our son is Isaiah and

> he'll be 4 on Sept 5. Both our kids have Trisomy

> 21.

> With we knew she would have DS, before

> she was born (AFP andAmnio). We had time to

> prepare, and since she had no medical problems

> everything seemed pretty " normal " . That is until

> she was six months old and all the problems with

> URI's began. She spent 10 days in ICU because of

> pneumonia and a very bad reaction to penicillin.

> Two months later we were driving cross country and

> had to stop at a different hospital each day for

> four days, another bout with pneumonia. As she's

> grown she's gotten better except for the ocassional

> trip to the ER for a sudden asthma attack.

> With Isaiah it was pretty much a surprise, (AFP

> was within normal range). Still the whole time I was

> pregnant, I had the feeling he would have DS. As

> soon as I saw him I knew. In the 2 months before

> the results of the genetics tests, my husband really

> didn't want to believe he had DS. Once it was

> confirmed, he was sad, but once again we were

> blessed with a very healthy baby.

> Both of our kids are doing great. is in

> a regular first grade class with an assistant.

> Isaiah is in a special needs preschool this year and

> will be in a reverse mainstream preschool next year.

> I feel I've done the same things for Isaiah as I

> did for Jess, still they are very different.

> 's speech is terrific, Isaiah's is slowly

> coming along. loves books, I'm still

> waiting for the day Isaiah will sit through just one

> story. Isaiah loves swimming, Jess thinks she's

> going to drown when I'm washing her hair. The one

> thing they both have in common is that they both

> like to help, be it at home or at school. They also

> don't like to see anyone hurting. If a cousin or

> friend is crying, they'll go up and give them a hug

> and say " O Right " .

> My husband and I have learned so much from our

> cyber friends. We've also been able to help other

> families, especially Spanish speaking families who

> feel so lost. It's hard enough fighting for our

> kids when we speak the language, imagine how much

> harder it is when you don't. We now know why we were

> given the two special kids. We hope to learn and

> share what we can with this group.

> Sincerely,

> and



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Welcome to the list , , and Isaiah.

You and your family show familiar from the club.

My name is and my husband is . Our boy/girl twins (DS) &

Sloan are 2 years old. We also knew before they were born that Vinnie had DS

through AFP and Amnio. 's only health problem was duodenal asteria

(narrowing of the small intestines) and that was corrected when he was less

than 24 hours old.

is also a sympathy crier. Ever since Vinnie and Sloan were back

together at 3 weeks old. Vinnie would cry or give the boo boo lip whenever

Sloan cried. He still does it now,but not as much. They do give each other

love and kisses whenever the other is hurt.

I look forward to hearing more about you and your family.

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Hi and , and welcome to the list.

My name is Debbie and my husbands name is Chris. We have five children. is 7years old on the 28th, 5 1/2, 4 and twins & (DS) who will be 1 on the 6th of July. is very healthy except for reflux and allergy type symptoms. We have been very fortunate in that regard. My older children have done the asthma and pneumonia thing, so I can relate. I've noticed that there are a few folks on this list who have more than one biological child with DS aside from identical twins. I wonder what the incidence of that is statiscally. Those kinds of things always intrigue me. My son also has straight Trisomy 21. I found this list to be a great source of information and support. I hope you will enoy it too.

Again, welcome to the list and I look forward to hearing more about your family.

Debbie-mom to , , , & (DS) 11 1/2 months

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Hi and ,

Welcome to the list. My name is Pam and I live in

Tennessee. I have four children, Josh 19, Dusty 13 and

Identical twins with DS Hannah and 5. Hannah

was born with a heart defect and has been repaired.

They both keep a runny nose most all the time. They

both are getting over having strep throat and Hannah

even had to spend the night in the hospital. They do

seem to catch viruses easier than my other two

children. I'm hoping in July to have their adnoids

taken out to help with alot of their ear infections

and runny noses.

I can't wait to hear more about your family. I hope

you will enjoy this list and your new friends as much

as I do.


Pam mom to Hannah and ID twins DS age 5,Josh age 19 and Dusty age 13


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  • 1 year later...
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Welcome to the family! And CONGRATS on the birth of your twins! I can't

wait to get to know them better!

I am the list owner... 21y/o pre-med student at the University at

Buffalo... no kids yet... just me and my fiance, Aref. I've been " into " DS

since I was 14, but didn't start this list until about 3 years ago. If you

have any tech related questions about the list... feel free to email me

privately at any time!

Again, welcome aboard!



--On Thursday, June 21, 2001, 9:54 PM -0400 Cyndi Lilkendey

<angeleyes42401@...> wrote:


> Hi my name is Cyndi and I just had my twins, na and Connor April

> 24th of this year. na was diagnosed with Down Sydrome 3 days after

> birth when the chromosone test results came in. I also have an 11 year

> old, , and a 2 1/2 year old name Drennen. I look forward to

> getting to know everyone.


> Cyndi




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Welcome to the group. We also have 4 children in our family. Amy is 13 and just starting high school. Kelsey is 11. The boys, Davey (DS) and Will just turned 16 months. I have really enjoyed being part of this group. We live near Reno, NV. We learned during our pregnancy that Davey was going to have DS, when our routine scan showed fluid in his chest cavity. After having the fluid removed several times, he was born happy and healthy. Hope everyone is healthy with your crew. Looking forward to hearing more from you and your family. mom to the kids and 8 newborn Smooth Fox Terrier puppies! Introduction Hi my name is Cyndi and I just had my twins, na and Connor April 24th of this year. na was diagnosed with Down Sydrome 3 days after birth when the chromosone test results came in. I also have an 11 year old, , and a 2 1/2 year old name Drennen. I look forward to getting to know everyone. Cyndihttp://DSyndrome.com/Multiples

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Welcome Cyndi,

Congratulations on the birth of your twins and welcome to our group! I

didn't discover this group until my twins were four and knew of no other

instances like ours--I sure could have used the support. I'm Marcia and have

twins Sara and , who are six years old. Sara has Down Syndrome,

does not. We live in Sisters, Oregon. Next year, Sara will go to

all-day Kindergarten and will go to first grade. It will be the first

time they will not be together in school since they began Early Intervention

at two months old. always got to go with Sara to her schooling since

they were twins.

Again, Welcome! I look forward to hearing more about you and your family.


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Hello Cyndi and family,

Congratulations on the birth of your twins and welcome to this wonderful

list. My name is Mabel mom to a 27 months old set of triplets, Carolina,

Cristian and a-ds. You will love been here. I look forward to hear

more about you and your family.


>From: " Cyndi Lilkendey " <angeleyes42401@...>


><Multiples-DS >

>Subject: Introduction

>Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 21:54:21 -0400


>Hi my name is Cyndi and I just had my twins, na and Connor April 24th

>of this year. na was diagnosed with Down Sydrome 3 days after birth

>when the chromosone test results came in. I also have an 11 year old,

>, and a

>2 1/2 year old name Drennen. I look forward to getting to know everyone.


>CyndiGet more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download :



Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

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Hi Cyndi, glad you found this group. I am , mom to Annemieke (On-a-meek-a)(ds) and Arielle (Are-ee-el-a) 22 month old twins. We did not know anything until after the girls were born. Both girls are very healthy though. Annemieke had all the standard tests and has done very well so far. I included a pic because they are just so darn cute!!

-----Original Message-----From: Cyndi Lilkendey [mailto:angeleyes42401@...]Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2001 9:54 PMMultiples-DS Subject: Introduction

Hi my name is Cyndi and I just had my twins, na and Connor April 24th of this year. na was diagnosed with Down Sydrome 3 days after birth when the chromosone test results came in. I also have an 11 year old, , and a

2 1/2 year old name Drennen. I look forward to getting to know everyone.


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Hi Cyndi - welcome to the list! I'm Judi, mom to Sam

& , 4 1/2 year old identical twins. There's a

lot of great people here and we're glad to have you

join us. I look forward to hearing more about your




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, What adorable pictures of the girls!!! Cutie pies for sure. Judy wife to Bob mom to 21yrs. ds,cp,seizures, hypothyroidism, fundo surg. for reflux, g-tube, ear tubes, hearing aides, repaired pda, 2 knee surg. & 28

RE: Introduction

Hi Cyndi, glad you found this group. I am , mom to Annemieke (On-a-meek-a)(ds) and Arielle (Are-ee-el-a) 22 month old twins. We did not know anything until after the girls were born. Both girls are very healthy though. Annemieke had all the standard tests and has done very well so far. I included a pic because they are just so darn cute!!

-----Original Message-----From: Cyndi Lilkendey [mailto:angeleyes42401@...]Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2001 9:54 PMMultiples-DS Subject: Introduction

Hi my name is Cyndi and I just had my twins, na and Connor April 24th of this year. na was diagnosed with Down Sydrome 3 days after birth when the chromosone test results came in. I also have an 11 year old, , and a

2 1/2 year old name Drennen. I look forward to getting to know everyone.


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Marcia, could you say how you feel about Sara attending all day K, with

going off to 1st grade? Are they in the same school/building?

I suspect that same senario will happen to and Tara, not sure how

I'll feel.......but whatever is best for Tara is where she'll be.......

What does say about any of this? I often think how this will

effect later on when he realizes the differences about his twin


Gail......Bobby 7, Jillian 4 3/4, and Tara{Ds} 27 months

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Hi Cyndi, and welcome!

I'm Gail from New Jersey and also have 4 children, Bobby is 7, Jillian

will be 5 in July, and twins and Tara are 27 months! Tara was born

with Ds. We didn't know during my pregnancy, it was quite a shock! BUT

Tara is doing great and she is adorable! I've been on this list for

about 2 yrs now, and don't know where I'd be without this!

Welcome again........


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Hi Cyndi,

Somehow I missed you message and had to come to the group site

to " meet " you! My name is Casey, and I have 19 mo. old boy/girl

twins, and . Like you, my daughter is the one with

DS. Welcome to the group, and I'm sure you'll get lots of ideas and

support, whether you are a vocal member or a lurker. Welcome. (What

part of the country do you live in?)

> Hi my name is Cyndi and I just had my twins, na and Connor

April 24th of this year. na was diagnosed with Down Sydrome 3

days after birth when the chromosone test results came in. I also

have an 11 year old, , and a

> 2 1/2 year old name Drennen. I look forward to getting to know



> CyndiGet more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download :


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Welcome Cyndi

I am , mom to 7.9 yrs. and Dayton who

just turned 3 yrs old. They both have DS.

Yes.....biological ours. We live in Georgia.

This is a wonderful group of people. I am usally a

lurker but from time to time I write. Again welcome.

,mom to and Dayton


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Hi Gail,

At Sara's last conference in early May, we knew we would have to make a

decision about next year's schooling. The meeting was helpful; however, my

husband and I still did not feel like we were able to make a decision that

day about whether Sara would go on to first grade or whether she would stay

in Kindergarten, going from half-day to all day, so we were gladly given more

time to think about it. In that time, I asked both Sara and

questions. I asked how he feels about Sara being in a different

class next year....he said, " she always wants to give me hugs and kisses and

sometimes I don't want her to at school, so it will be o.k. if she is in a

different class. " Sara, at first said she wanted to go to first grade, but

we are being encouraging about how she will really enjoy Kindergarten and

will solidify so much of what she was already learning this year. It

definitely feels like the right decision, but it was one of the more

difficult decisions we've had to make related to academics. It was hard,

too, that Gabe did get to go through the little graduation ceremony, but Sara

did not, which I thought was kind of silly, since she had been with all the

kids and everything, but she was really o.k. with that...watching Gabe and I

told her Gabe would watch her next year. Gabe has already asked lots of

questions about Sara and seems to have an understanding that she can learn

anything, but it might be a little bit after he learns it--I've talked very

openly to both of our boys and at least attempted to answer any questions

they have as they ask them.

Hope this has helped, Gail. If you have any more specific questions, please

let me know.


Mom to Sara (DS) and 6 and Lucas 10

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Thanks for sharing Marcia...........it helps! Recently my oldest, Bobby,

7 1/2, was in his 1st grade play, very exciting night for us as a

family, anyway, that night tucking him into bed, he was excited thinking

that he'll get to come back to see Jillian, in the play, then Tara and

. It was then that I tried very gently to explain that Tara " might "

not be in that 1st grade class{with or without }that would

probably be in a different class, that Tara would learn the same things,

but will take her a little longer ........Bobby started to cry a litle

and so did I.........I think Bobby is really starting to understand Tara

and the differences, kinda hurts to see him hurting, but explained to

him we really don't know yet what " for sure " will happen, but we will

all learn together, and asked him to talk to me{or Daddy} whenever he

had any question............I'm guessing this is one of many talks down

the road for us.............so again thanks for sharing Marcia!!!! It


Gail..........Bobby 7 1/2, Jillian 4 3/4, and Tara{Ds} 27months

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I think you did a great job explaining to Bobby a bit about how things might be. It sounds like you did it gently and on his level. Good for you! I'm sure it was hard and will continue to be so at times, but is sounds like he is a sensitive and loving brother and that will help immensely. Good job.

Casey, mom to (DS) and , 19mo.

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