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Hi Kathy, this is , 's mom. We are moving to Bucks County actually

Levittown on May 30th. is 11 years old. Where do you live?

( ) Re: Peanut Butter

> Hello all, this is , mom to age 11 and she also has AS.

This is our first time writing to the group. We are from



> is exactly the same about food. She will only eat certain

cheeses or pizza from a certain place. It is really difficult to

feed her at restaurants and even with family, though they understand

and don't mind fixing her something she likes.


> Hope to hear more about everyone soon.

Hi ,

Welcome to the group. I'm from PA too. What part of PA are you from,

if you don't mind saying? I'm in the Philly suburbs.


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> Hi Kathy, this is , 's mom. We are moving to Bucks

County actually Levittown on May 30th. is 11 years old.

Where do you live?

> ( ) Re: Peanut Butter

I live in Bucks County also!! I live in Warminster, a township

south of Doylestown. It's probabaly about a half hour from

Levitttown. I've never been to Levittown, but I have met people who

are from there on occasion. Small world, huh?

Kathy :)

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That is so funny. We looked at houses there besides Levittown. will be

going to school at Neshaminy Maple Point middle school in the fall. I am hoping

for the best. I have spoken to the sp ed director already and he sounds great.

Unfortunately they will not test until the fall, I had hoped to get something

done over the summer in order to be prepared for 6th grade.

Tell me more about your school.

( ) Re: Peanut Butter

I live in Bucks County also!! I live in Warminster, a township

south of Doylestown. It's probabaly about a half hour from

Levitttown. I've never been to Levittown, but I have met people who

are from there on occasion. Small world, huh?

Kathy :)

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  • 4 weeks later...
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We've been using enzymes for several months now and no plateau yet. I think the

more healing that goes on with their immune and intestinal system, the better

the central nervous system gets and the more improvement the child has. I'd say

the sky is the limit. Yeast, bacteria, etc. may set you back occasionally, but

compared to where we were two years ago, this is cake.

New to the group

Hi all! My name is and I have 5 year old little boy " Chance " who is

diagnosed with autism. We have recently started using enzymes and are seeing

some pretty incredible results, across many areas of development. His speech is

clear, eye contact has improved greatly, communication skills seem to be

improving daily, eating habits are within the normal range etc. I'm overwhelmed

by the changes occurring. We have also seen some negative effects as well,

night wetting, hyperactivity, roller coaster emotions however these symptoms

have nearly disappeared. I was wondering how long these wonderful gains

continue before leveling off? Hopefully not any time soon.

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What great news on Chance! congratulations on all the immense


As far as when improvements level off...that may depend on the kid

and what his 'issues' are. For my older son who had all these

behavioral 'problems', he showed rapid improvement for the first

month, then he continued to improve for the second and third month

but it wasn't as dramatic - more slow and steady. After that he was

more 'age appropriate' and we just noticed that he was not behind

his peers, was keeping up in school, was doing chores on time, was

participating in groups more, etc. So it was more the absence of

problems rather than more intense improvment.

My doctor used to say that change is stressful and even positive

changes were still change, and it was still stressful...even if it

was all good. She said it is very common for someone to get a

migraine attach AFTER a vacation, or a wedding, or some fun-filled

event just because of the 'positive stress'. I supposed it is like

you feel exhausted after a fun trip even though you enjoyed it. It

took myself a good month to adjust to feeling better with Peptizyde.

Although good, it was still different. And feeling different takes

some getting used to.


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It does my heart good to hear these kinds of results!

New to the group

Hi all! My name is and I have 5 year old little boy " Chance " who is

diagnosed with autism. We have recently started using enzymes and are seeing

some pretty incredible results, across many areas of development. His speech is

clear, eye contact has improved greatly, communication skills seem to be

improving daily, eating habits are within the normal range etc. I'm overwhelmed

by the changes occurring. We have also seen some negative effects as well,

night wetting, hyperactivity, roller coaster emotions however these symptoms

have nearly disappeared. I was wondering how long these wonderful gains

continue before leveling off? Hopefully not any time soon.

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> It does my heart good to hear these kinds of results!


OK - I'll tell you another happy little story then! My daughter has

been on enzymes for 4 WHOLE DAYS. She seemed calmer and " clearer "

somehow to me, but I was afraid I was just looking too hard for

results. Last night I was in the TV room watching West Wing w/my

husband and Betsy came in to say that she'd finished what she could

do of her homework, but there was a problem with some of it and she

couldn't finish it. Expecting the regular homework struggle, my

husband went to investigate and came back a few minutes later. He

said, " Did she have her suppertime meds? " which put a cold pit in my

stomach, because usually that's what he asks if she's being

particularly difficult, i.e. he's thinking that she's acting up and

therefore missed her meds. And she HAD had them, as well as the

enzymes, which I told him. " Oh. Cause she just seems really calm

and reasonable to me. I set her up with what she needed to finish

and she didn't argue or complain. What's up with that? " " That'll

be the enzymes! " I replied, grinning from ear to ear.

FOUR DAYS!! WOW!!! *does a happy Snoopy-type dance*

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Wow! Thanks for sharing! I would love to hear more! How old is your daughter?

Any parent that would share their experience with their children and their

results with these enzymes, please email me privately at louisianapaints@...

I would love to hear more. Thanks!

Re: New to the group

> It does my heart good to hear these kinds of results!


OK - I'll tell you another happy little story then! My daughter has

been on enzymes for 4 WHOLE DAYS. She seemed calmer and " clearer "

somehow to me, but I was afraid I was just looking too hard for

results. Last night I was in the TV room watching West Wing w/my

husband and Betsy came in to say that she'd finished what she could

do of her homework, but there was a problem with some of it and she

couldn't finish it. Expecting the regular homework struggle, my

husband went to investigate and came back a few minutes later. He

said, " Did she have her suppertime meds? " which put a cold pit in my

stomach, because usually that's what he asks if she's being

particularly difficult, i.e. he's thinking that she's acting up and

therefore missed her meds. And she HAD had them, as well as the

enzymes, which I told him. " Oh. Cause she just seems really calm

and reasonable to me. I set her up with what she needed to finish

and she didn't argue or complain. What's up with that? " " That'll

be the enzymes! " I replied, grinning from ear to ear.

FOUR DAYS!! WOW!!! *does a happy Snoopy-type dance*

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Hi Sunnie we are so glad you have found us and I think you will find a wealth of support and information here. It is so nice to meet other moms going through the same things. 7 months is still an awesome time to seek treatment so that is great. Many moms wish they could have started younger so I think you are doing a great job. You sound like a great Mom. I had many sleepless nights as we journeyed down the plagio road but it gets better-it really does. I have a son who is a DOC grad who turned 2 in DEC and a daughter who turned 1 in march who is a repo success. There are 2 most popular bands you will read about on the board are star made by orthomerica Orthomerica and DOC made by cranial tech. DOC I inserted both of their web sites for you to take a look at. Both products and many other are wonderful in the right hands. The key is to have a well trained and experienced ortho who is adjusting the helmet for you. commonplagioquestions this is a great link for a lot of those questions you are wondering about and this is another good link to take with you to the drs Questions for the Doctor be sure to poke around the whole web site there is a lot of great info there to look at. There are many other products out there this link will let you see and compare them all and is a helpful link as well. COMPAREHELMET We would love to see a picture of your little one are you familiar with what type of head shape she has??? head shapes In our files section you can find lots of parent testimonies but you will get a lot of responses from your post as well files . Repositioning is very hard so don't be upset about that not being a success-in today's back to sleep campaign no one ever warned us about flattening our precious babies heads just trust that you are doing the right thing and everything you can for your little girl and follow your mommy instincts and all will be well I am certain of it. Neither ofmy children had CT scans-do they not want to put her to sleep for it? I am not sure how you will keep a 7 month old still unless you catch her in a nap- I am sure other moms will share their CT experiences with you. Once again I am glad you are here. I hope I have not overwhelmed you with links but I remember first starting and being frustrated that I could not find info quick enough. Hang in there and take one day at a time and ask any question you want -- really.


Mom to and

Memphis, TN

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  • 2 weeks later...
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In a message dated 5/20/03 8:59:20 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

lahoover@... writes:

> He is in a general ed class and we've been informed from his teacher

> that he will need a full time aide or special day class to survive

> second grade..so off to another IEP for the fight! I have read so

> many books and articles and web sites but find I learn more from

> other parents that are open about their child with AS...Thanks!


> Lynn

> Mother of Max 7 yrs AS


Hi Lynn! Welcome to our group! I have a son, Reece, who is 6 yo and is in

1st grade also. He will be going to grade 2 next fall. He has autism and


Roxanna ô¿ô

Autism Happens...

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Hello and welcome to the group.

My son, Noel (pronounced Nole), will be 5 in July and has recently been

diagnosed with mild Asperger Disorder with features of Semantic Pragmatic

Disorder......I think the exact words on his eval were " significant pragmatic

language disorder consistent with relatively mild Asperger's disorder " or

something to that effect.

He's in pre-school now and doing well for the most part although his displays

some distractibility, being in his own world sometimes, and attempting to reach

out to others socially but doing so in inappropriate ways......over-hugging them

that turns into a tackle, some face contortions as he's going up to them (sort

of representing his level of stress), etc..

Yeah....I agree with you.....everything I read is helpful but nothing like

sharing these experiences with other parents.........

Again, welcome!


lahoover <lahoover@...> wrote:


I've just joined the group and thought I should introduce

myself..I'll keep it short! My name is Lynn and my son Max was dx

with AS in November 02. Max also has dyslexia and several other

learning disorders that we're dealing with through the public school

(first grade) as well as working at home..so he's basically getting

homeschooled as well! Max is pretty social at least wants to be

social but for the most part has no " friends " his own age and

doesn't seem interested..he does love hanging out with the older

boys (brothers friends)because they tolerate him..thats our guess.

He is in a general ed class and we've been informed from his teacher

that he will need a full time aide or special day class to survive

second grade..so off to another IEP for the fight! I have read so

many books and articles and web sites but find I learn more from

other parents that are open about their child with AS...Thanks!


Mother of Max 7 yrs AS

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Hi Roxanna,

If you don't mind me asking how is he doing in first grade and do you feel he's

ready for 2nd? Max didn't get any survices till March so we're sooo far behind.

He only gets 45 min of RSP and APE (which he really likes)..his current teacher

is very concerned about next year as are we. He absolutely HATES school and

that makes me very sad..this is all so new to us..we have a 4th grader who is

completely the opposite, A-B student, lots of friends and has a fit if he misses

a day, and is having a very hard time with his brothers AS..


kneeleee@... wrote:

In a message dated 5/20/03 8:59:20 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

lahoover@... writes:

> He is in a general ed class and we've been informed from his teacher

> that he will need a full time aide or special day class to survive

> second grade..so off to another IEP for the fight! I have read so

> many books and articles and web sites but find I learn more from

> other parents that are open about their child with AS...Thanks!


> Lynn

> Mother of Max 7 yrs AS


Hi Lynn! Welcome to our group! I have a son, Reece, who is 6 yo and is in

1st grade also. He will be going to grade 2 next fall. He has autism and


Roxanna ô¿ô

Autism Happens...

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Thanks! Max gets into the hugging also. The girls love it but not the boys!

Being in first grade their just much too cool! I have explained to him that he

shouldn't do this at school, blah, blah, blah, and it seems to have stopped..We

call it the " zone " when he enters that little " world " or in his case his

" imagination " as he calls it..it's starting to happen more at school probably

due to stress.


Dennise OGrady <noelty5@...> wrote:

Hello and welcome to the group.

My son, Noel (pronounced Nole), will be 5 in July and has recently been

diagnosed with mild Asperger Disorder with features of Semantic Pragmatic

Disorder......I think the exact words on his eval were " significant pragmatic

language disorder consistent with relatively mild Asperger's disorder " or

something to that effect.

He's in pre-school now and doing well for the most part although his displays

some distractibility, being in his own world sometimes, and attempting to reach

out to others socially but doing so in inappropriate ways......over-hugging them

that turns into a tackle, some face contortions as he's going up to them (sort

of representing his level of stress), etc..

Yeah....I agree with you.....everything I read is helpful but nothing like

sharing these experiences with other parents.........

Again, welcome!


lahoover <lahoover@...> wrote:


I've just joined the group and thought I should introduce

myself..I'll keep it short! My name is Lynn and my son Max was dx

with AS in November 02. Max also has dyslexia and several other

learning disorders that we're dealing with through the public school

(first grade) as well as working at home..so he's basically getting

homeschooled as well! Max is pretty social at least wants to be

social but for the most part has no " friends " his own age and

doesn't seem interested..he does love hanging out with the older

boys (brothers friends)because they tolerate him..thats our guess.

He is in a general ed class and we've been informed from his teacher

that he will need a full time aide or special day class to survive

second grade..so off to another IEP for the fight! I have read so

many books and articles and web sites but find I learn more from

other parents that are open about their child with AS...Thanks!


Mother of Max 7 yrs AS

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Hi Lynn,

Welcome! This is a great group you've found if I do say so myself!!!


In a message dated 5/20/2003 5:59:37 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

lahoover@... writes:

> Hi,


> I've just joined the group and thought I should introduce

> myself..I'll keep it short! My name is Lynn and my son Max was dx

> with AS in November 02. Max also has dyslexia and several other

> learning disorders that we're dealing with through the public school

> (first grade) as well as working at home..so he's basically getting

> homeschooled as well! Max is pretty social at least wants to be

> social but for the most part has no " friends " his own age and

> doesn't seem interested..he does love hanging out with the older

> boys (brothers friends)because they tolerate him..thats our guess.

> He is in a general ed class and we've been informed from his teacher

> that he will need a full time aide or special day class to survive

> second grade..so off to another IEP for the fight! I have read so

> many books and articles and web sites but find I learn more from

> other parents that are open about their child with AS...Thanks!


> Lynn


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In a message dated 5/22/03 2:24:01 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

lahoover@... writes:

> If you don't mind me asking how is he doing in first grade and do you feel

> he's ready for 2nd? Max didn't get any survices till March so we're sooo far

> behind. He only gets 45 min of RSP and APE (which he really likes)..his

> current teacher is very concerned about next year as are we. He absolutely

> HATES school and that makes me very sad..this is all so new to us..we have a


> grader who is completely the opposite, A-B student, lots of friends and has

> a fit if he misses a day, and is having a very hard time with his brothers

> AS..


What is RSP? Why does he hate school so much?

Reece's biggest issue this year is that he is not already in second grade.

He feels he should already be there. I don't know why exactly.

I think he's mostly ready for grade two. But it's hard to explain. For

example, his teacher gave an assignment to the kids to pick an animal and then

they must research the animal and build a habitat in a shoe box. Then they will

get in front of the class and basically give a short " speech " about that

animal. She wrote a note home the other day saying she fears that Reece

" forgot "

about this assignment. ugh. I have no clue how to explain the assignment to

him!! He didn't forget at all. He just has no clue how to even start such an

assignment. So in that regard, he isn't ever going to be ready without being

specifically taught each part of the skill needed. I will do a lot of the

project and maybe next time, I'll end up doing less.

The open ended stuff, he doesn't get. The fill in the blanks stuff, he gets.

I hope that made sense. Let me know what parts of second grade will be so

hard for your son? Also, my son has an aide to help him stay on task. It

isn't all day long but most of the day when he's in reg. ed. and on all field


Roxanna ôô

What doesn't kill us

Makes us really mean.

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Hi Lynn...I have a 6 year old with PDD/Anxiety Disorder. He spends 1/2 day

in a regular K classroom and 1/2 day in an " Austism Spectrum " classroom. He

has a full time aide. He is doing very well this year. Pam :)

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In a message dated 5/22/2003 2:36:50 PM Eastern Standard Time,

kneeleee@... writes:

> Reece's biggest issue this year is that he is not already in second grade.


> He feels he should already be there. I don't know why exactly

's twin again, LOL! Pam :)

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In a message dated 5/22/03 6:26:37 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

lahoover@... writes:

> My husband and I were always trying to get him tested and were constantly

> told that they didn't test in K and we needed to wait till first grade..


they lied to you. He could have been tested in pre-k and Kindergarten.

there are specific tests for all ages and stages of development. that is so


that they let him go like that and did not find help sooner for him. I hope

he gets a good teacher next year so he can have some positive experiences with


My 6 yo really has had fun at school for the most part. We knew he was

autistic when he was 3 (officially) and before that (unofficially). It did take


a while to get the right program put together for him. This he finally got

in Kindergarten last year and now this year also. You are not that far behind

in getting him help! A lot of kids have gone for many years without a dx or

help. You are getting him help early and hopefully soon, his negative

experiences will fade a bit so he can enjoy learning again. You probably will

do this

already but I wanted to say that you should remember to stress this at your

transition meeting - that he has had a number of negative experiences and that

you want this to turn around so he can enjoy learning. It might help the next

teacher be more sympathetic to him and patient and understanding!

Roxanna ôô

What doesn't kill us

Makes us really mean.

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Hi Roxanne,

RSP is Resource Specialist Program (I think the P is for program). A Resource

specialist or Aide comes in for 45 - 60 minutes and works one on one with him

and does some OT. I think Max hates school because of his unpleasant experience

with his past two teachers. Pre school was terrible and K was horrible for him.

The teachers didn't have much patience and refused to believe there was anything

wrong except that he was very immature. My husband and I were always trying to

get him tested and were constantly told that they didn't test in K and we needed

to wait till first grade..We never thought of going outside for testing we just

thought he had some sort of learning disorder because we didn't have these

problems at home, crying, tantrums, etc..I knew the teacher he has this year and

requested her for him and the first week of school she pulled papers to have him

tested..well, here we are making up 2 1/2 years..He has gotten much better now

that he knows and trusts his teacher but we still have our days of refusal..it's

very sad..Now I just found out that we have a transition meeting on June 5th for

next year so hopefuly we can get everything in place. I'm happy to hear that

your son seems to enjoy school. When my 4th grader started projects we would

work on them together to show him the steps..we sorta made them family events

and they ended up being fun..now he's pretty much on his own. Well, sorry this

is so winded...too much to say!


kneeleee@... wrote:

In a message dated 5/22/03 2:24:01 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

lahoover@... writes:

> If you don't mind me asking how is he doing in first grade and do you feel

> he's ready for 2nd? Max didn't get any survices till March so we're sooo far

> behind. He only gets 45 min of RSP and APE (which he really likes)..his

> current teacher is very concerned about next year as are we. He absolutely

> HATES school and that makes me very sad..this is all so new to us..we have a


> grader who is completely the opposite, A-B student, lots of friends and has

> a fit if he misses a day, and is having a very hard time with his brothers

> AS..


What is RSP? Why does he hate school so much?

Reece's biggest issue this year is that he is not already in second grade.

He feels he should already be there. I don't know why exactly.

I think he's mostly ready for grade two. But it's hard to explain. For

example, his teacher gave an assignment to the kids to pick an animal and then

they must research the animal and build a habitat in a shoe box. Then they will

get in front of the class and basically give a short " speech " about that

animal. She wrote a note home the other day saying she fears that Reece

" forgot "

about this assignment. ugh. I have no clue how to explain the assignment to

him!! He didn't forget at all. He just has no clue how to even start such an

assignment. So in that regard, he isn't ever going to be ready without being

specifically taught each part of the skill needed. I will do a lot of the

project and maybe next time, I'll end up doing less.

The open ended stuff, he doesn't get. The fill in the blanks stuff, he gets.

I hope that made sense. Let me know what parts of second grade will be so

hard for your son? Also, my son has an aide to help him stay on task. It

isn't all day long but most of the day when he's in reg. ed. and on all field


Roxanna ôô

What doesn't kill us

Makes us really mean.

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Thanks! Lynn

sjparvin@... wrote:Hi Lynn,

Welcome! This is a great group you've found if I do say so myself!!!


In a message dated 5/20/2003 5:59:37 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

lahoover@... writes:

> Hi,


> I've just joined the group and thought I should introduce

> myself..I'll keep it short! My name is Lynn and my son Max was dx

> with AS in November 02. Max also has dyslexia and several other

> learning disorders that we're dealing with through the public school

> (first grade) as well as working at home..so he's basically getting

> homeschooled as well! Max is pretty social at least wants to be

> social but for the most part has no " friends " his own age and

> doesn't seem interested..he does love hanging out with the older

> boys (brothers friends)because they tolerate him..thats our guess.

> He is in a general ed class and we've been informed from his teacher

> that he will need a full time aide or special day class to survive

> second grade..so off to another IEP for the fight! I have read so

> many books and articles and web sites but find I learn more from

> other parents that are open about their child with AS...Thanks!


> Lynn


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Our school insisted they don't test until THIRD grade, so we had it done

privately ...

/ 4makelas@...

Way, Way Up in Northern Ontario

----- Original Message ----- lahoover@... writes:

> My husband and I were always trying to get him tested and were constantly

> told that they didn't test in K and we needed to wait till first grade..

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It just amazes me!! Our Psyc was surprised to see Max this early he said most

schools don't catch AS till third grade..Lynn

the 4 makelas <4makelas@...> wrote:Our school insisted they don't test

until THIRD grade, so we had it done

privately ...

/ 4makelas@...

Way, Way Up in Northern Ontario

----- Original Message ----- lahoover@... writes:

> My husband and I were always trying to get him tested and were constantly

> told that they didn't test in K and we needed to wait till first grade..

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Thanks, The Vice Principal called today to discuss our upcoming meeting. We're

meeting tomorrow to sit in on some 2nd grade classess and the special day class

and then discuss the curriculum for Max. He used to be a special ed teacher .The

VP and I didn't have a good start and have been able to work it out and he seems

to actually care..and he knows that I won't give in or get walked on. As far as

the lies..I know now and have complained up and down during our first meeting

with the VP..word must have gotten back to this K teacher because I saw her last

night (PTA thing) and she didn't know what to say to me..she's not one of my

favorite people...I'm soo happy to hear that your son has fun at school. Kids

should have fun at school..I know my oldest son does..Hopefully we'll get this

all taken care of, get the services he needs and have a positive experience in

2nd grade..until then I'm just looking forward to summer!!!!


kneeleee@... wrote:

In a message dated 5/22/03 6:26:37 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

lahoover@... writes:

> My husband and I were always trying to get him tested and were constantly

> told that they didn't test in K and we needed to wait till first grade..


they lied to you. He could have been tested in pre-k and Kindergarten.

there are specific tests for all ages and stages of development. that is so


that they let him go like that and did not find help sooner for him. I hope

he gets a good teacher next year so he can have some positive experiences with


My 6 yo really has had fun at school for the most part. We knew he was

autistic when he was 3 (officially) and before that (unofficially). It did take


a while to get the right program put together for him. This he finally got

in Kindergarten last year and now this year also. You are not that far behind

in getting him help! A lot of kids have gone for many years without a dx or

help. You are getting him help early and hopefully soon, his negative

experiences will fade a bit so he can enjoy learning again. You probably will

do this

already but I wanted to say that you should remember to stress this at your

transition meeting - that he has had a number of negative experiences and that

you want this to turn around so he can enjoy learning. It might help the next

teacher be more sympathetic to him and patient and understanding!

Roxanna ôô

What doesn't kill us

Makes us really mean.

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Hi Pam,

I'm happy to hear that he's doing well this year. One of our options for next

year is part special day class for phonics and math and part general class.. He

went to the special day class once because of a melt down and jumped on the

trampolin (spelling??) and loved it..at least he could get caught up who



l.com wrote:

Hi Lynn...I have a 6 year old with PDD/Anxiety Disorder. He spends 1/2 day

in a regular K classroom and 1/2 day in an " Austism Spectrum " classroom. He

has a full time aide. He is doing very well this year. Pam :)

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> matter, I ordered Minocin from the Wyeth in Bangkok, Thailand...my

> order arrived today in a Wyeth sealed box...however the capsules


> orange/blue...anybody out there familiar with the orange/blue

> capsules...thanks, Micky

I get mine from Canada and they are orange/blue. Blue/Green in USA.

Same thing.


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