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same sex marriage

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For those of you who need more infomation on the same/sex marriage topic, I would refer you to the links below. I think that it is not an "accident" that our President's stance on same sex marriage "evolved" so quickly on the heels of the HHS/Contraceptive Mandate. Indeed, one can see the parallels between the failure of our heterosexual society to embrace Our Church's teaching on chastity and to disregard the sacrament of marriage (and the sanctity and

indissoluiblity thereof). We can observe the failure of chastity both before and during marriage, the large numbers of Catholics (and non-Catholics alike) who use contraception and sterilization (instead of NFP),

skrocketing single parenting rates, increased divorce rates, etc These are all sins against chastity and obedience. How can we know the Truth on this topic? Through Divine Revelation (Sacred Scripture, Magisterium) and the social science data (reason). Regarding Divine Revelation, we can reference the Catechism regarding our Church's position on homosexuality that this is a "disordered" condition, but that we must treat each person with dignity and compassion. We can reference Old Testament Scripture Creation accounts which state the truth about how men and women were created..."male and female they were created". We can note the complementarity of the bodies and male and female "cleave to each other". We have the Sodom and Gomorrah account, which I know has had differing interpretations. We have Corinthians 6:10 reference to "sodomy" (a known sin at the time) and one of many

that St. cites. I know that as a physician, I have had many patients tell me that the sin of homosexuality is never mentioned per se in the bible, and this is simply untrue. Maybe Fr or Fr Tom or could expound on this further to help us. Also, do you know which encyclicals, teachings or statements from the Congegration of the Faith (besides TOB) specifically deal with homosexuality per se? We also observe the tendency of this Administration and their philosophy to disregard absolute truth and to rely instead on "polls" to determine truth. If most people approve of same sex marriage, well then it should be approved. If most Catholics are using contraception, well, then it should be provided free of charge to them, irrespective of their faith's rules on this topic. And, as

many of you may know, indeed this is how the definition of Homosexuality as a "disordered, pathological disorder" was removed from the DSM (which is considered the "bible"of the psychiatric societies like the APA). The psychiatrists, for the first time ever, VOTED whether their members thought that homosexuality was a disease/disorder or whether they thought it was part of the normal spectrum of human behaviour. For the first time ever, a group

of physicians (psychiatrists) voted on a matter instead of relying on scientific data to prove their case. Indeed, even one of the head Psychiatrists involved in this effort, Dr. Spitzer, who initially considered homosexuality "normal" has since recanted his position, after exhaustively reviewing the scientific and case study literature on homosexuality. Narth is a nonprofit organization of psychologists, psychiatrists, and social scientists, formed in the 1990s and they commit themselves to doing research which confirms that homosexuality IS a psychological disorder and as such can respond to treatment. They have several position papers based on their social science research on homosexuality and common myths (www.narth.com) Dr. Janet has a wonderful C.D. on the Catholic Church and same sex attaction as part of

her series on "Sexual Common Sense" (http://www.janetesmith.com/sexual-common-sense-12-talk-series/). The Family Research Council has excellent resources on this topic. "Getting it Straight" is a wonderful question/answer book available on that website. It also gets the current numbers of homosexuals and lesbian right, and unlike the 10% homosexual statistic currently being brandished about, the real numbers of lesbians and homosexuals is more in the 1-2% range. Kohen was himself an active homosexual who felt uncomfortable with his condition, and was able to get treatment for this, and is now a happily married man and became a psychoanalyst and helps others (thousands already helped) emerge from the homosexual/same sex attraction. He attributes same sex attraction to a

disordered/defensive mechanism which occurs after a childhood trauma or event. It must be acknowledged, although there are many theories for different possible triggers which may help activate a same sex attraction, no gay gene has ever been defined, and no definitive social trigger has been defined either, although there are a set of conditions which can create the same sex attraction (parental conflicts, early sexual exposure, lack of masculinity/feminity, athletics ability, etc). The homosexual "marriage" is largely a myth. There are now many studies (Kinsey Institute and others) which show that for almost half of all gay men, the average number oflifetime sexual partners climbs into the mid-hundreds of partners, and in a quarter of homosexuals, the number is in the THOUSANDS. One study followed gay men over 5 years, and almost all partners had at least one other sexual encounter by the 5th year of the

so-called monogamous relationship. Even though 2 people may be "emotionally" committed to each other, they still have extra relationships. The numbers of substance abuse, domestic violence and mental illness are all greater in homosexuals as compared with their heterosexual counterparts. Moreover, one study noted that almost half of all gay men presenting to a STD clinic recounted a story of being forced to have sex with an older, more powerful homosexual man by the age they were 12. The safety of children and young teens placed in adoptive homes with homosexual couples should definitely be raised. The amounts of STDs in gay men versus "straight men" are much higher. Almost 50% of gay men followed for 10 years acquired HIV in one study. Another study noted that the incidence of anal cancer was up to 4,000% higher in gay men than in "straight"

males. I would value anyone's further input or if I have misstated something, please feel free to correct the information. Blessings, Dr. Peck, MD, CCD, ABFM, Marquette NFP InstructorPecks Family Practice, PLC1688 W Granada Blvd, Ste 2AOrmond Beach, FL 32174(386) 677-2018 fax: (386) 676-0737 cell: (386)


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