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Hi Jessi,

Welcome. This is a good group to be in. Cassy

> Hello. My name is and I am 24 yrs old. I was diagnosed with

> Rheumatoid Arthritis about 10 months ago, finally. Dealt with the

> pain, off and on, for over a year. When one morning I woke up and


> like I had fell from a plane, couldnt ignore the pain anymore. I am


> very active person, so this hit me pretty hard. So glad I found this

> support group. Nice to know there are other people out there to talk

> to who understand exactly what you are going through.


> Jessi

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Welcome to the group , you are so very young to

have this disease. I'm glad you have a doctor who was

willing to test you even though you are young. Getting

a correct diagnoses sometimes can take years, and an

early diagnoses is very important. Looking forward to

posts and messages from you also, take care, better

days ahead, in MO


Start your day with - make it your home page


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Welcome to the group , you are so very young to

have this disease. I'm glad you have a doctor who was

willing to test you even though you are young. Getting

a correct diagnoses sometimes can take years, and an

early diagnoses is very important. Looking forward to

posts and messages from you also, take care, better

days ahead, in MO


Start your day with - make it your home page


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  • 1 month later...


Sometimes the peds don't know enough about plagiocephaly( even

excellent peds), so I would like to share a bit of info. with you.

With your daughter being 13 months old, the time to band if necessary

is now. Repositioning is usually for younger babies. Time is of the

essence and you don't have the time to wait three months and then

wait the month or more to get into a nuero. You can go directly to a

band provider with a script from the ped alone. If the ped has any

question about sutures being closed she can send you for an x-ray

first. I recommend you go on the Cranial Tech website and use the

assessment charts to see what severity you think she may have.

Cranial Technologies also provides free consultations. The website

is: www.cranialtech.com You can help educate your pediatrician as

you learn. We have been through the banding process with Cranial

Technologies and I would love to share our story with you. This is my

son's website www.mybandedbaby.com Feel free to email me with any

questions or concerns,


> Hi everyone. My daughter Kylie will be 13 months old tomorrow.


> right side of her head is flat. I have noticed progress (I should

> since I study her head every day!), but at our 12 month check up,


> pediatrician was not happy with it. She would like to take another

> look at Kylie's 15 month check up and assess it then and if she is

> not happy with what she sees, she will refer us to the neurosurgeon.


> I know a lot can change in 3 months, but I am starting to think why

> not see the neurosurgeon now...let's get the ball rolling, or just

> get some peace of mind. My pediatrician recommended repositioning,

> but how do you reposition a 13 month old who is all over the

> place? :) When I check on her at night, if I see her on her right

> side, I move her. Sometimes she stays, sometimes she doesn't...but

> she usually ends up on her stomach and sleeps that way through the

> night. She is such an active little girl during the day that I


> more progress could be made in 3 months and that she may not need


> helmet - but I would like to hear that from a professional.


> So that is our story...I look forward to talking more with everyone

> as we move forward with this process.


> Thanks!

> Jen


> Kylie 13 months old

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Sometimes the peds don't know enough about plagiocephaly( even

excellent peds), so I would like to share a bit of info. with you.

With your daughter being 13 months old, the time to band if necessary

is now. Repositioning is usually for younger babies. Time is of the

essence and you don't have the time to wait three months and then

wait the month or more to get into a nuero. You can go directly to a

band provider with a script from the ped alone. If the ped has any

question about sutures being closed she can send you for an x-ray

first. I recommend you go on the Cranial Tech website and use the

assessment charts to see what severity you think she may have.

Cranial Technologies also provides free consultations. The website

is: www.cranialtech.com You can help educate your pediatrician as

you learn. We have been through the banding process with Cranial

Technologies and I would love to share our story with you. This is my

son's website www.mybandedbaby.com Feel free to email me with any

questions or concerns,


> Hi everyone. My daughter Kylie will be 13 months old tomorrow.


> right side of her head is flat. I have noticed progress (I should

> since I study her head every day!), but at our 12 month check up,


> pediatrician was not happy with it. She would like to take another

> look at Kylie's 15 month check up and assess it then and if she is

> not happy with what she sees, she will refer us to the neurosurgeon.


> I know a lot can change in 3 months, but I am starting to think why

> not see the neurosurgeon now...let's get the ball rolling, or just

> get some peace of mind. My pediatrician recommended repositioning,

> but how do you reposition a 13 month old who is all over the

> place? :) When I check on her at night, if I see her on her right

> side, I move her. Sometimes she stays, sometimes she doesn't...but

> she usually ends up on her stomach and sleeps that way through the

> night. She is such an active little girl during the day that I


> more progress could be made in 3 months and that she may not need


> helmet - but I would like to hear that from a professional.


> So that is our story...I look forward to talking more with everyone

> as we move forward with this process.


> Thanks!

> Jen


> Kylie 13 months old

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Hi Jen, and welcome to the group. I wanted to tell you that I absolutely

agree with you that you should consider seeing the neuro now. It is a

really good idea to get the ball rolling now. I am not trying to scare you,

but at Kylie's age, time is of the essence. As said, it can sometimes

take quite a while to get in to see a neuro. So think of it this way, you

wait until Kylie's 15 mo appt, the pede says yep go to a neuro, you go home

that very day and call for an appt, it might take a MONTH to get in. She is

16 months old by now. Then IF the neuro is band friendly it could take

another week or two to get casted for a band at a band/helmet provider

depending on who they refer you to. Then to make the band and get it fitted

properly, now Kylie is 17 months old. And that is if you have absolutely no

troubles getting approved by your insurance co. Please force the issue with

your pede and get the referral to see the neuro now.

As far as the repositioning issue, repo is recommended ideally for children

up to the age of 6 months. I don't know how much progress can be made with

a child who is already active and spending most of her day up and off her

flat spot. I mean, what 13 month old do any of us know ho spends any time

during the day (besides naps) resting on the flat spot of their head? :) In

regards to napping, you are doing well with turning her off the flat spot

when she is sleeping, and you said most of the time she rolls onto her tummy

anyway. You could try hanging musical toys or busy-boxes on the front side

of her crib and laying her in such a way that she has to look towards her

rounded side if she wants to see them or the things in the room.

I hope this helps, but really my recommendation is to go ahead and see if

you can get into the neuro before her 15 month appt.

Please let me know if you have any other questions. Hope this has helped



, repo grad

Pittsburgh, PA

> Hi everyone. My daughter Kylie will be 13 months old tomorrow.


> right side of her head is flat. I have noticed progress (I should

> since I study her head every day!), but at our 12 month check up,


> pediatrician was not happy with it. She would like to take another

> look at Kylie's 15 month check up and assess it then and if she is

> not happy with what she sees, she will refer us to the neurosurgeon.


> I know a lot can change in 3 months, but I am starting to think why

> not see the neurosurgeon now...let's get the ball rolling, or just

> get some peace of mind. My pediatrician recommended repositioning,

> but how do you reposition a 13 month old who is all over the

> place? :) When I check on her at night, if I see her on her right

> side, I move her. Sometimes she stays, sometimes she doesn't...but

> she usually ends up on her stomach and sleeps that way through the

> night. She is such an active little girl during the day that I


> more progress could be made in 3 months and that she may not need


> helmet - but I would like to hear that from a professional.


> So that is our story...I look forward to talking more with everyone

> as we move forward with this process.


> Thanks!

> Jen


> Kylie 13 months old

For more plagio info

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Hi Jen, and welcome to the group. I wanted to tell you that I absolutely

agree with you that you should consider seeing the neuro now. It is a

really good idea to get the ball rolling now. I am not trying to scare you,

but at Kylie's age, time is of the essence. As said, it can sometimes

take quite a while to get in to see a neuro. So think of it this way, you

wait until Kylie's 15 mo appt, the pede says yep go to a neuro, you go home

that very day and call for an appt, it might take a MONTH to get in. She is

16 months old by now. Then IF the neuro is band friendly it could take

another week or two to get casted for a band at a band/helmet provider

depending on who they refer you to. Then to make the band and get it fitted

properly, now Kylie is 17 months old. And that is if you have absolutely no

troubles getting approved by your insurance co. Please force the issue with

your pede and get the referral to see the neuro now.

As far as the repositioning issue, repo is recommended ideally for children

up to the age of 6 months. I don't know how much progress can be made with

a child who is already active and spending most of her day up and off her

flat spot. I mean, what 13 month old do any of us know ho spends any time

during the day (besides naps) resting on the flat spot of their head? :) In

regards to napping, you are doing well with turning her off the flat spot

when she is sleeping, and you said most of the time she rolls onto her tummy

anyway. You could try hanging musical toys or busy-boxes on the front side

of her crib and laying her in such a way that she has to look towards her

rounded side if she wants to see them or the things in the room.

I hope this helps, but really my recommendation is to go ahead and see if

you can get into the neuro before her 15 month appt.

Please let me know if you have any other questions. Hope this has helped



, repo grad

Pittsburgh, PA

> Hi everyone. My daughter Kylie will be 13 months old tomorrow.


> right side of her head is flat. I have noticed progress (I should

> since I study her head every day!), but at our 12 month check up,


> pediatrician was not happy with it. She would like to take another

> look at Kylie's 15 month check up and assess it then and if she is

> not happy with what she sees, she will refer us to the neurosurgeon.


> I know a lot can change in 3 months, but I am starting to think why

> not see the neurosurgeon now...let's get the ball rolling, or just

> get some peace of mind. My pediatrician recommended repositioning,

> but how do you reposition a 13 month old who is all over the

> place? :) When I check on her at night, if I see her on her right

> side, I move her. Sometimes she stays, sometimes she doesn't...but

> she usually ends up on her stomach and sleeps that way through the

> night. She is such an active little girl during the day that I


> more progress could be made in 3 months and that she may not need


> helmet - but I would like to hear that from a professional.


> So that is our story...I look forward to talking more with everyone

> as we move forward with this process.


> Thanks!

> Jen


> Kylie 13 months old

For more plagio info

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi and welcome to the group! We are so glad you found us!

What CTI will you be taking to? Casting can be pretty

stressful but it doesn't hurt them and it is quick. Wear old clothes

or ones you won't mind getting dirty. Take him a bottle(if he takes

one), a pacifer (if he takes one of those), a favorite toy that makes

noise and a lollipop. Anything to help keep his mind off what is

going on will help him and you. An extra pair of hands is always nice

and a camera for his scrapbook.

If they haven't already, they will take measurements and their own

photos of your little cutie.

Good luck and keep us posted on how things go.

Dustie, mom to , DOCGrad'03

--- In Plagiocephaly , " samanthajw77 " <samantha1@c...>



> Hi I am new to the group. We just scheduled our casting appointment

> with CT for Nov. 2nd for our son . I am a little nervous

> and wondering what I can expect at the appointment. I know they said

> the casting takes about 10 to 15 mins., so what else will we be


> Any help is greatly appreciated.


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I see that Dustie already answered your question. I just wanted to

say welcome to the group!


Mommy to Aidan DOCgrad


--- In Plagiocephaly , " samanthajw77 " <samantha1@c...>



> Hi I am new to the group. We just scheduled our casting appointment

> with CT for Nov. 2nd for our son . I am a little nervous

> and wondering what I can expect at the appointment. I know they said

> the casting takes about 10 to 15 mins., so what else will we be


> Any help is greatly appreciated.


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Hello, and welcome! At the casting appt, they will do the cast, which

does take about 10-15 mins, then you'll give your little one a bath to

wash all the plaster off (they have baby wash and towels for the bath

there). Then they will take a set of photos of . I think

that's about all they do at that visit. Good luck with the casting

and I look forward to hearing about his fitting appt!


Waydon 11 1/2 months

DOCband grad in 3 days!

--- In Plagiocephaly , " samanthajw77 " <samantha1@c...>



> Hi I am new to the group. We just scheduled our casting appointment

> with CT for Nov. 2nd for our son . I am a little nervous

> and wondering what I can expect at the appointment. I know they said

> the casting takes about 10 to 15 mins., so what else will we be doing.

> Any help is greatly appreciated.


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Welcome to the group! I see your questions have already been answered.

I just wanted to say hi and welcome. Let us kwow how you make out at

the casting.

-- In Plagiocephaly , " samanthajw77 " <samantha1@c...>



> Hi I am new to the group. We just scheduled our casting appointment

> with CT for Nov. 2nd for our son . I am a little nervous

> and wondering what I can expect at the appointment. I know they said

> the casting takes about 10 to 15 mins., so what else will we be doing.

> Any help is greatly appreciated.


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Welcome to the group! I see your questions have already been answered.

I just wanted to say hi and welcome. Let us kwow how you make out at

the casting.

-- In Plagiocephaly , " samanthajw77 " <samantha1@c...>



> Hi I am new to the group. We just scheduled our casting appointment

> with CT for Nov. 2nd for our son . I am a little nervous

> and wondering what I can expect at the appointment. I know they said

> the casting takes about 10 to 15 mins., so what else will we be doing.

> Any help is greatly appreciated.


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Thank you all for the information. It helps to know what to expect.

We are going to the CTI in Charlotte. I will let everyone know how it

goes. I am very relieved to find a group like this. It takes some of

the stress off.

Mom of


> Hi,

> Welcome to the group! I see your questions have already been answered.

> I just wanted to say hi and welcome. Let us kwow how you make out at

> the casting.


> -- In Plagiocephaly , " samanthajw77 " <samantha1@c...>

> wrote:

> >

> > Hi I am new to the group. We just scheduled our casting appointment

> > with CT for Nov. 2nd for our son . I am a little nervous

> > and wondering what I can expect at the appointment. I know they said

> > the casting takes about 10 to 15 mins., so what else will we be doing.

> > Any help is greatly appreciated.

> >


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Thank you all for the information. It helps to know what to expect.

We are going to the CTI in Charlotte. I will let everyone know how it

goes. I am very relieved to find a group like this. It takes some of

the stress off.

Mom of


> Hi,

> Welcome to the group! I see your questions have already been answered.

> I just wanted to say hi and welcome. Let us kwow how you make out at

> the casting.


> -- In Plagiocephaly , " samanthajw77 " <samantha1@c...>

> wrote:

> >

> > Hi I am new to the group. We just scheduled our casting appointment

> > with CT for Nov. 2nd for our son . I am a little nervous

> > and wondering what I can expect at the appointment. I know they said

> > the casting takes about 10 to 15 mins., so what else will we be doing.

> > Any help is greatly appreciated.

> >


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You're very welcome. I'll be looking for your update post. :-)

> > >

> > > Hi I am new to the group. We just scheduled our casting appointment

> > > with CT for Nov. 2nd for our son . I am a little nervous

> > > and wondering what I can expect at the appointment. I know they said

> > > the casting takes about 10 to 15 mins., so what else will we be


> > > Any help is greatly appreciated.

> > >

> >


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You're very welcome. I'll be looking for your update post. :-)

> > >

> > > Hi I am new to the group. We just scheduled our casting appointment

> > > with CT for Nov. 2nd for our son . I am a little nervous

> > > and wondering what I can expect at the appointment. I know they said

> > > the casting takes about 10 to 15 mins., so what else will we be


> > > Any help is greatly appreciated.

> > >

> >


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The casting is not that bad and yes does last only about 15 minutes.

Bring a few washable toys, a bottle,pacifier,or lollipop to soothe him.

Bring along any special bath products need(ie soap due to allergy) and

don't forget the camera. You can go tomy son Dominick's website and see

his casting pictures and read about the casting process if you would

like. www.mybandedbaby.typepad.com


--- In Plagiocephaly , " samanthajw77 " <samantha1@c...>



> Hi I am new to the group. We just scheduled our casting appointment

> with CT for Nov. 2nd for our son . I am a little nervous

> and wondering what I can expect at the appointment. I know they said

> the casting takes about 10 to 15 mins., so what else will we be doing.

> Any help is greatly appreciated.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Welcome !

We've all had those emotions. Your dd is really at an amazing age

to see some progress without banding. Check out the repositioning

headquarters in the files section. Take lots of pictures to track

your progress.

I would also recommend joining the tort group.

Your PT might not work with bands. So you might not get banding

info at therapy.

My son was diagnosed at 6 weeks. Repositioned him for a while and

he got banded just after he turned 5 months. He got amazing

correction and now doesn't have any obvious traces of plagio even

with super short hair. I do wish I had gotten him measured and a

photo study of him as we were repositioning. I think it would have

been helpful to track our progress that way. If you are interested

in doing this check out cranialtech.com and call your nearest


Good luck at PT. You are very lucky to have caught it so early!

Mom to Dane 4yo (DOC Grad) and Cece 10 mo (DOC 9/05)

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Welcome !

We've all had those emotions. Your dd is really at an amazing age

to see some progress without banding. Check out the repositioning

headquarters in the files section. Take lots of pictures to track

your progress.

I would also recommend joining the tort group.

Your PT might not work with bands. So you might not get banding

info at therapy.

My son was diagnosed at 6 weeks. Repositioned him for a while and

he got banded just after he turned 5 months. He got amazing

correction and now doesn't have any obvious traces of plagio even

with super short hair. I do wish I had gotten him measured and a

photo study of him as we were repositioning. I think it would have

been helpful to track our progress that way. If you are interested

in doing this check out cranialtech.com and call your nearest


Good luck at PT. You are very lucky to have caught it so early!

Mom to Dane 4yo (DOC Grad) and Cece 10 mo (DOC 9/05)

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Hi . Welcome to the group. You are so lucky that your

pediatrican caught this early. Don't feel guilty at all, how would

you know about this. Did he/she say how severe it is? There is a

ton of information in the file section regarding tort, how to do

stretches and repositioning to keep your baby off of the flat area.

Did your pediatrician give you any stretches or talk to you about

repositioning? You want to keep your baby off of the flattened area

as much as possible. You also want to do stretches of the neck

muscles and try to get your baby to look the opposite side that she

looks. You can put toys to that side. Also do lots of tummy time to

help strenghten the neck muscles. Where is your babies flat spot in

the back or on the side? The people on this board are great and full

of information. You caught this early, so you may have success with

repostioning alone. We repositioned our baby from 4 mos and she is

now just about 10mos and looks great. We did Physical therapy,

cranial sacral therapy and we were able to keep her out of the band.

you can check her out under Brielle B. Is there a cranial tech close

to you? Check out there website at www.cranialtech.com. They do

free evaluations and will give you good information. Good luck. Be

sure to check out the file section. Debbie and Brielle (91/2 mos

repostioned) NJ


> Hello,


> My name is and I have a 2 month old daughter, Amelia, who was

> just diagnosed with torticollis and plagiocephaly by her


> I am going through all sorts of emotions right now--fear, sadness,

> guilt... and I found this group. We are on a waiting list for a PT

> evaluation so that only leads to my frustration because I want help

> for her now. Is there anything that I should be doing while we


> for our eval? Will they tell me at the eval. if we should pursue a

> helmet/band? I am just starting to learn about plagiocephaly. Any

> information that anyone can share about this whole process would be

> great.


> Thanks so much,


> Minnesota


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Hi . Welcome to the group. You are so lucky that your

pediatrican caught this early. Don't feel guilty at all, how would

you know about this. Did he/she say how severe it is? There is a

ton of information in the file section regarding tort, how to do

stretches and repositioning to keep your baby off of the flat area.

Did your pediatrician give you any stretches or talk to you about

repositioning? You want to keep your baby off of the flattened area

as much as possible. You also want to do stretches of the neck

muscles and try to get your baby to look the opposite side that she

looks. You can put toys to that side. Also do lots of tummy time to

help strenghten the neck muscles. Where is your babies flat spot in

the back or on the side? The people on this board are great and full

of information. You caught this early, so you may have success with

repostioning alone. We repositioned our baby from 4 mos and she is

now just about 10mos and looks great. We did Physical therapy,

cranial sacral therapy and we were able to keep her out of the band.

you can check her out under Brielle B. Is there a cranial tech close

to you? Check out there website at www.cranialtech.com. They do

free evaluations and will give you good information. Good luck. Be

sure to check out the file section. Debbie and Brielle (91/2 mos

repostioned) NJ


> Hello,


> My name is and I have a 2 month old daughter, Amelia, who was

> just diagnosed with torticollis and plagiocephaly by her


> I am going through all sorts of emotions right now--fear, sadness,

> guilt... and I found this group. We are on a waiting list for a PT

> evaluation so that only leads to my frustration because I want help

> for her now. Is there anything that I should be doing while we


> for our eval? Will they tell me at the eval. if we should pursue a

> helmet/band? I am just starting to learn about plagiocephaly. Any

> information that anyone can share about this whole process would be

> great.


> Thanks so much,


> Minnesota


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Hi again . In the file section check under repostioning

headquaters and torticollis information.


> Hello,


> My name is and I have a 2 month old daughter, Amelia, who was

> just diagnosed with torticollis and plagiocephaly by her


> I am going through all sorts of emotions right now--fear, sadness,

> guilt... and I found this group. We are on a waiting list for a PT

> evaluation so that only leads to my frustration because I want help

> for her now. Is there anything that I should be doing while we


> for our eval? Will they tell me at the eval. if we should pursue a

> helmet/band? I am just starting to learn about plagiocephaly. Any

> information that anyone can share about this whole process would be

> great.


> Thanks so much,


> Minnesota


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Hi again . In the file section check under repostioning

headquaters and torticollis information.


> Hello,


> My name is and I have a 2 month old daughter, Amelia, who was

> just diagnosed with torticollis and plagiocephaly by her


> I am going through all sorts of emotions right now--fear, sadness,

> guilt... and I found this group. We are on a waiting list for a PT

> evaluation so that only leads to my frustration because I want help

> for her now. Is there anything that I should be doing while we


> for our eval? Will they tell me at the eval. if we should pursue a

> helmet/band? I am just starting to learn about plagiocephaly. Any

> information that anyone can share about this whole process would be

> great.


> Thanks so much,


> Minnesota


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Hi ,

Wow you sound like me 1 month ago! My daughter is now 3 months old

and we just brought her to a crianal facial expert today. This group

is amazing, and all of the information in the posts, database, files

and links are great.

Here's what we do with our Sophie ...

She has a ton of tummy time every day. At the beginning we placed

her over a small boppy for tummy time. We also let her rest on the

boppy pillow (on her back) so that her soft spot fell into the

middle of the boppy.

I changed her car seat to a Britax Round About because the incline

is better for her. This means no more infant carrier. I use a baby

bjorn or Ergo brand carrier everywhere. I also do everything

possible to avoid the car.

I do not use a bouncy seat, swing or any other sitting object that

puts pressure on her head. I do put her in a bumbo seat, which she

loves! www.bumboseat.com . it took about a week for her to adjust to

the seat.

She sleeps on her side. I put her with the flat side up for a while,

but then noticed she was getting pointy in the back. We now

alternate right and left side down (which is what the cranial facial

expert told us to do).

I feed her so that I don't put pressure on the flat side.

I change her diaper and bathe her so that I'm on the side she does

not prefer to look at to force her to look at me.

I change her position in the crib every day.

I stretch her as much as possible.

And of course, I give her lots of hugs and kisses because to me she

is the happiest, most beautiful baby in the world.

Please email me anytime. I'll email you my phone number, too, if you

want to talk. You and your baby will be fine. Really.


Mom of Sophie, tort and plagio, 3 months old

big sister Ali and big brother Zachary


> Hello,


> My name is and I have a 2 month old daughter, Amelia, who was

> just diagnosed with torticollis and plagiocephaly by her


> I am going through all sorts of emotions right now--fear, sadness,

> guilt... and I found this group. We are on a waiting list for a PT

> evaluation so that only leads to my frustration because I want help

> for her now. Is there anything that I should be doing while we


> for our eval? Will they tell me at the eval. if we should pursue a

> helmet/band? I am just starting to learn about plagiocephaly. Any

> information that anyone can share about this whole process would be

> great.


> Thanks so much,


> Minnesota


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Hi ,

Wow you sound like me 1 month ago! My daughter is now 3 months old

and we just brought her to a crianal facial expert today. This group

is amazing, and all of the information in the posts, database, files

and links are great.

Here's what we do with our Sophie ...

She has a ton of tummy time every day. At the beginning we placed

her over a small boppy for tummy time. We also let her rest on the

boppy pillow (on her back) so that her soft spot fell into the

middle of the boppy.

I changed her car seat to a Britax Round About because the incline

is better for her. This means no more infant carrier. I use a baby

bjorn or Ergo brand carrier everywhere. I also do everything

possible to avoid the car.

I do not use a bouncy seat, swing or any other sitting object that

puts pressure on her head. I do put her in a bumbo seat, which she

loves! www.bumboseat.com . it took about a week for her to adjust to

the seat.

She sleeps on her side. I put her with the flat side up for a while,

but then noticed she was getting pointy in the back. We now

alternate right and left side down (which is what the cranial facial

expert told us to do).

I feed her so that I don't put pressure on the flat side.

I change her diaper and bathe her so that I'm on the side she does

not prefer to look at to force her to look at me.

I change her position in the crib every day.

I stretch her as much as possible.

And of course, I give her lots of hugs and kisses because to me she

is the happiest, most beautiful baby in the world.

Please email me anytime. I'll email you my phone number, too, if you

want to talk. You and your baby will be fine. Really.


Mom of Sophie, tort and plagio, 3 months old

big sister Ali and big brother Zachary


> Hello,


> My name is and I have a 2 month old daughter, Amelia, who was

> just diagnosed with torticollis and plagiocephaly by her


> I am going through all sorts of emotions right now--fear, sadness,

> guilt... and I found this group. We are on a waiting list for a PT

> evaluation so that only leads to my frustration because I want help

> for her now. Is there anything that I should be doing while we


> for our eval? Will they tell me at the eval. if we should pursue a

> helmet/band? I am just starting to learn about plagiocephaly. Any

> information that anyone can share about this whole process would be

> great.


> Thanks so much,


> Minnesota


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