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Hi Sherry, Amazingly, saline implants were indeed available in the early 70's! Many women don't realize this, but saline implants were actually first used in 1965. http://implants.clic.net/tony/Smoke/11.html They were invented by Dr. Henry , who wrote the book Siliconegate. Very interesting read, if anyone should be inclined to delving into a little history of breast implants. I am not sure how available his book is. It was self-published because of how controversial the whole issue became. An internet search will provide additional information. These early versions of saline implants had a much thicker shell than they do now, and actually have lasted much longer without rupturing than they do today. Every once in awhile we hear from a woman who has really old saline

implants. I think they are pretty rare, of course, because silicone gel took over quickly and the rest is (sad) history as women remained deluded about the safety of any implant. Dr. sure tried his hardest to fix the problem, but his solution unfortunately, wasn't any better. Today he realizes that all implants are dangerous. Just a little interesting tidbit for those who might want to know! Patty _00_ <5678@...> wrote: Thank you very much. Please accept my apology. Of course, there were no saline implants in

1973. Nonetheless, I surely misspoke. Sherry

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I have Dow Corning silicone implants. It was just a typo.....


Re: Re: New to Group>>Sherry,>If you scroll down through to the last message >in the thread on the post, you'll see:> > > >> > > My implants are saline and have been in place since 1973 or 1974.>>>Talk is cheap. Use Messenger to make >PC-to-Phone calls. Great rates starting at 1¢/min.>>Opinions expressed are NOT meant to take the >place of advice given by licensed health care >professionals. Consult your physician or >licensed health care professional before commencing any medical treatment.>>"Do not let either the medical authorities or >the politicians mislead you. Find out what the >facts are, and make your own decisions about how >to live a happy life and how to work for a >better world." - Linus ing, two-time Nobel >Prize Winner (1954, Chemistry; 1963, Peace)>>See our photos website! Enter "implants" for access at this link:><http://.shutterfly.com/action/>http://.shutterfly.com/action/>>

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Welcome to the group! There are many very supportive

and caring people here, and great information. I also

am taking Mtx and Enbrel, and that combo has really

helped my RA. I hope that the Enbrel helps you too!

Kathe in CA

--- shawnta44 <shawnta44@...> wrote:

> hello, I am new to group--I have been taking mtx

> for 2 years and my

> doctor just put me on enbrel--so tired of being

> tired!!!! It will just

> be nice to talk to people who can relate!!!










" To ride a horse is to borrow freedom. "


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  • 2 weeks later...
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---hi janet

wishing you well and much support

looking forward to sharing

a bit of significant info for you to peruse


Every thing which your body does, every activity produces waste and

we get rid of that waste through the skin, the lungs, the kidneys

and the intestines. Major problems start to occur when any of these

important channels are stopped from doing their job, we start to

accumulate waste, bacteria start growing at alarming rates which

leads to all sorts of problems as we become toxic.

Imagine not cleaning up the kitchen very often –leaving waste –what

would happen ,your kitchen would become literally alive with all

sorts of creepy bacteria etc the same with our bodies .

The fact that poor elimination's are the most cited cause of disease

within the Edgar cayce research papers totaling over 14000 gives

you some idea just how important this aspect really is. It gives you

an idea of the importance of getting rid of toxins, rid of waste

from our bodies.

Some of the diseases which elimination problems either cause or play

a big and major part include.









Balding-poor circulation

Bladder stricture


Some cases of blindness


Brain tumors –poor circulation



Cancers and tumors

Skin cancer

Canker sores and herpes simplex




Colic-poor assimilation


Colon impaction

Complexion problems



Some cases of deafness





Feet swelling

Gall bladder –gall stones

Haliosis-bad breath

Headaches general




Herpes zoster

Unwanted hair




Kidney problems








Menopause problems


Some cases of myopia






Pneumonia problems

Poison ivy






Rheumatic fever




Scolliosis –eliminations were a cause and an effect


Skin ulcers

Female/ male sterile

Streptococcus infection

Tic douloureux





Varicose veins

Vertigo-some cases


So if you are suffering from any of these complaints it is highly

likely that you could be helped by increasing your bodies ability to

rid itself of toxins and wastes. It is as simple as that.

Phenomenal results have been obtained from increasing your

elimination's. Peoples lives have literally been turned around,

OK so what can you do to boost those all important elimination's.

just like we wash each day to keep clean , occasionally we need to

have an internal bath too. These are called enemas and colonics,

cayce even said one should have a colonic every few months to stay

in tip top shape. I think it was john Wayne who when he died was

carrying over 40lbs of dead matter inside his insides.


A Boosted immune system, Improved functioning of the digestive

system Increased hydration means improved concentration, Increased

energy levels, Improved sense of well being, Restful sleep

The benefits of detoxifying your body are both short and long term.

Immediately after detoxifying you might notice increased mental

awareness, more energy, more comfortable digestion of foods, and

better absorption of nutrients, as well as an overall feeling of

better health. Long-term benefits can be a reduction of chronic


A gentle cleansing can benefit the body in many ways including

improved health, mental clarity, restful sleep and recharged

vitality. The emergence of your true inner beauty will become as

clear as your skin, eyes and shining hair.

It is not possible to use an enema as such, in people who have a

colostomy or ileostomy

one of the most vital elements in our bodies.

Most people are shocked to learn that the average person holds

between 5 and 10 pounds of putrefied faecal matter and other foul

material in the body.

The bowel walls become encrusted with un-eliminated faecal matter,

creating a " catch 22 " situation. Not only does this toxic material

hamper the absorption of vital nutrients through the intestinal wall

and provide a breeding ground for unhealthy bacteria, but it also

causes the blood capillaries lining the intestinal wall to begin

absorbing these toxins into the bloodstream, consequently polluting

all of our organs

The UK is said to have the highest incidence of bowel cancer in the

world with about 20,000 new cases per year. One in three people

consulting their doctors have bowel problems, such as

diverticulitis, Colitis, Crohn's Disease, and Candida infections.

A major part of these problems will be due to neglected inner


Infants are a perfect example. Ask any mother for proof—a baby will

eat and immediately eliminate. Their new digestive systems have not

had time to develop the mal-absorption problems caused by improper

diet, environmental toxins and stress.

Faulty digestion and elimination develop in an individual through

the years of improper lifestyle and dietary habits.

According to Dr Bernard Jensen, the famous American naturopath,

after working with more than 350,000 patients over a 50-year span,

not one of them was free from some form of bowel disorder. He

concluded that all sick people have bowel problems and all sick

people are tired and toxin laden. Dr Jensens Guide to Better Bowel


Medical autopsies have revealed that impacted waste and blockages to

parts of the bowel that usually have a diameter of up to 20cm, have

only a 1cm passage for the waste to pass through. It is not

surprising that the incidence of bowel disease and bowel cancer is

on the increase.

Gearin-Tosh is a fellow of St 's College in the

University of Oxford. He has famously achieved long-term survival

with myeloma, an aggressive cancer with an average survival of one


Living Proof is his remarkable story, diagnosed with cancer when he

was fifty-four, refused the immediate treatment consultants

urged him to undergo and embarked on his own quest to overcome the

illness. His quest led him to embarking in Gerson Therapy, of which

coffee enemas are a daily and integral part of his treatment. Many

years on he maintains a daily regime incorporating them, and has

remained in remission against overwhelming odds.

Gearin-Tosh, the author of Living Proof (ISBN 0-7432-0680-0)

As I prescribe in my book Living Proof, coffee enemas have played a

crucial part in my survival. I recommend them strongly and, contrary

to what you may think, they are not disagreeable. They are soothing

and invigorating. "


In , " jan " <smokey61080@...> wrote:



> Hello


> My name is Janet I have RA and Firbo. I hope to learn from this


> about how other people live with it as I am not doing to good.

Also it

> will be nice to talk to other people that will understand what I am

> going through and that It is not in my head.lol


> any way glad to met all of you'


> Janet





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Hi Heidi,

Welcome to the list. Have you done a DDI (Doctor's Data, Inc) hair analysis and

applied counting rules? That's a good first step to see what toxic metals your

children have. If you don't have a doctor who will order the Hair Elements test

from DDI (many want to use some other lab which is much less useful since the

counting rules apply only to a couple labs) you can order them yourself through

DLS (Direct Lab Services). If you mention this list DLS will give you a


Do any of your children have mercury amalgam dental fillings? Did you have

Rhogam with any of them? Did your son appear to develop typically and then

regress? Did he have a reaction to any of his vaccines?



My name is Heidi.<BR>

My son is 4years old and is dx with SID and PDD-NOS. My three girls <BR>

also have issues, but not to this extent.<BR>

I am looking for information on this problem. <BR>


Thanks  <BR>


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I didn't even know anything about it. has only had testing

with a child psych for his SID and with WEAP(Wisconsin Early Autism


He has never been 'right'. All of his developments were slow. He now

goes to a special school to recieve OT and ST. But at his last IEP,

they dropped his OT, they feel that he is 'normal' except for his


We have not noticed a difference when he got his shots.

He had major dental surgery within the last year-he won't brush his

teeth and his teeth are fragile. All of the kids have 'silver'





> Hello,<BR>

> My name is Heidi.<BR>

> My son is 4years old and is dx with SID and PDD-NOS. My three

girls <BR>

> also have issues, but not to this extent.<BR>

> I am looking for information on this problem. <BR>

> <BR>

> Thanks  <BR>

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Hi Heidi,

" Silver " fillings contain about 50% mercury a known neurotoxin. Start looking

for a mercury-free dentist so that the kids don't get any more mercury amalgam

fillings. Educate yourself about vaccines. " Evidence of Harm " by Kirby

and " Shot in the Dark " by Barbara Loe Fisher, and " What Your Doctor May NOT Tell

You about Childhood Vaccines " by Cave, MD are a good place to start.

You have a right to advocate for what you think your son needs in his IEP. You

can also brign other relevant people to his IEP meetings.

Did you happen to have Rhogam?


I didn't even know anything about it. has only had testing <BR>

with a child psych for his SID and with WEAP(Wisconsin Early Autism <BR>

Program). <BR>

He has never been 'right'. All of his developments were slow. He now <BR>

goes to a special school to recieve OT and ST. But at his last IEP, <BR>

they dropped his OT, they feel that he is 'normal' except for his <BR>


We have not noticed a difference when he got his shots.<BR>

He had major dental surgery within the last year-he won't brush his <BR>

teeth and his teeth are fragile. All of the kids have 'silver' <BR>

fillings. <BR>




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Hi ,

I don't even know what Rhogam is.

Until about a year ago everyone (but us) thought Matt was 'normal'. When he

was an infant, he could kick hard enough to leave bruises. Now, he's alot bigger

and he does that and more. He has always been really big for his age.



Shepard Salzer <_Shepard@...> wrote:

Hi Heidi,

" Silver " fillings contain about 50% mercury a known neurotoxin. Start looking

for a mercury-free dentist so that the kids don't get any more mercury amalgam

fillings. Educate yourself about vaccines. " Evidence of Harm " by Kirby

and " Shot in the Dark " by Barbara Loe Fisher, and " What Your Doctor May NOT Tell

You about Childhood Vaccines " by Cave, MD are a good place to start.

You have a right to advocate for what you think your son needs in his IEP. You

can also brign other relevant people to his IEP meetings.

Did you happen to have Rhogam?



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I looked up Rhogam-- no, I didn't.



Shepard Salzer <_Shepard@...> wrote:

Hi Heidi,

" Silver " fillings contain about 50% mercury a known neurotoxin. Start looking

for a mercury-free dentist so that the kids don't get any more mercury amalgam

fillings. Educate yourself about vaccines. " Evidence of Harm " by Kirby

and " Shot in the Dark " by Barbara Loe Fisher, and " What Your Doctor May NOT Tell

You about Childhood Vaccines " by Cave, MD are a good place to start.

You have a right to advocate for what you think your son needs in his IEP. You

can also brign other relevant people to his IEP meetings.

Did you happen to have Rhogam?



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She may want to look into these two books...

The Explosive Child by Ross Greene


Asperger's Syndrome and Difficult Moments by Myles

Pam :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
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That's very interesting.

We first started with Berry Keen - since it was all the same to me at the

time, and very confusing. My then 24 month old also developed some

concerning OCD stuff - that defininely WASN'T there prior. Also he developed

increased sensory issues with regard to light touch seeming painful (had had

low input/high pain threshhold sensory issues prior to this). All of this

got too much to deal with which is why we stopped it - but then we saw our

first regression. My son did have improved coordination and increased

babbling, less drooling, started to pucker on the berry keen (although at

the time I didn't think any of this was related to the fish oil - and that

he was a late bloomer). So within a few days off Berry Keen, the OCD and

painful reaction to light touch went away, but so did the babbling and

coordination. All was quickly regained, and then surpassed on EFA. As we

increased the EFA dose, some of the sensory/tactile defensiveness did come

back, but in exchange we were getting words & running without falls, and

dealt with the SID through brushing techniques (which really worked well)

and worked with the OT. Now the SID is much better, but he still does not

register pain...which gets him into trouble. But we've taught him " bleeding

is bad " - so now he approaches me with a smile to tell me his fingers are

bleeding after he's ripped off his fingernails.

Probably best to go for Pro-EFA (or omega 3/6/9 - same thing). It seems that

some of the apraxic kids need more EPA. But that seems from this group to

have the best chance of working. Good luck! -claudia

[ ] New to group

Hi everyone. I am a new member to the group although I have viewed

many postings on bulletin board on the cherab.org. First I would

like to thank all the authors of " The Late Talker " for verifying our

concerns late last year regarding developmental delays in my son,

Trevor (now 3.1 years old). He had been in EI in Illinois since he

was 18 months old, getting speech therapy, once per week with very

little improvement. It was not until reading the book and talking

to a friend who's daughter has apraxia that we could broach the

subject with our SLP. The SLP thought he had selective mutism.

Needless-to-say she did not last long after that opinion.

We placed him on Efalex at one-quarter recommended dosage about 7

months ago but have not seen the dranatic improvement that others in

this group have witnessed. We recently increased the dosage but

have encountered OCD-like issues and increased perseverations. We

are starting Berry Keen today to get him more EFA intake. He is

highly orally defensive and we find only liquids can be


Am I on the right track? Has anyone seen improvement with this type

of dosing protocol? Should I switch off the Efalex and Berry Keen

to ProEFA or something else? I would appreciate any helpful tips

that you can offer.

Mike Z

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My kids cannot tolerate cod liver oil at all - the develop a rash on

even a small dose. We've tried the berry keen. Could your child have a

reaction to the flavoring? I'd try a different brand before assuming

it's the cod liver oil.

OCD behaviors in my son are always related to strep, either throat

infection or gut infection. You might consider a throat swab and/or a

stool analysis to check for strep. In my area, strep is fairly

prevalent right now. A lot of kids don't feel throat pain, and may

complain instead of stomachache (or they might not complain at all).

Fever is a common symptom of strep infection, but my kids don't

develop fever with strep. Just a thought.


> That's very interesting.


> We first started with Berry Keen - since it was all the same to me

at the

> time, and very confusing. My then 24 month old also developed some

> concerning OCD stuff - that defininely WASN'T there prior. Also he


> increased sensory issues with regard to light touch seeming painful

(had had

> low input/high pain threshhold sensory issues prior to this). All of


> got too much to deal with which is why we stopped it - but then we

saw our

> first regression. My son did have improved coordination and increased

> babbling, less drooling, started to pucker on the berry keen

(although at

> the time I didn't think any of this was related to the fish oil -

and that

> he was a late bloomer). So within a few days off Berry Keen, the OCD and

> painful reaction to light touch went away, but so did the babbling and

> coordination. All was quickly regained, and then surpassed on EFA.

As we

> increased the EFA dose, some of the sensory/tactile defensiveness

did come

> back, but in exchange we were getting words & running without falls, and

> dealt with the SID through brushing techniques (which really worked


> and worked with the OT. Now the SID is much better, but he still

does not

> register pain...which gets him into trouble. But we've taught him

" bleeding

> is bad " - so now he approaches me with a smile to tell me his

fingers are

> bleeding after he's ripped off his fingernails.


> Probably best to go for Pro-EFA (or omega 3/6/9 - same thing). It

seems that

> some of the apraxic kids need more EPA. But that seems from this

group to

> have the best chance of working. Good luck! -claudia


> [ ] New to group



> Hi everyone. I am a new member to the group although I have viewed

> many postings on bulletin board on the cherab.org. First I would

> like to thank all the authors of " The Late Talker " for verifying our

> concerns late last year regarding developmental delays in my son,

> Trevor (now 3.1 years old). He had been in EI in Illinois since he

> was 18 months old, getting speech therapy, once per week with very

> little improvement. It was not until reading the book and talking

> to a friend who's daughter has apraxia that we could broach the

> subject with our SLP. The SLP thought he had selective mutism.

> Needless-to-say she did not last long after that opinion.


> We placed him on Efalex at one-quarter recommended dosage about 7

> months ago but have not seen the dranatic improvement that others in

> this group have witnessed. We recently increased the dosage but

> have encountered OCD-like issues and increased perseverations. We

> are starting Berry Keen today to get him more EFA intake. He is

> highly orally defensive and we find only liquids can be

> administered.


> Am I on the right track? Has anyone seen improvement with this type

> of dosing protocol? Should I switch off the Efalex and Berry Keen

> to ProEFA or something else? I would appreciate any helpful tips

> that you can offer.


> Mike Z











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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

The other ladies from this group are far more knowledgable and exact than I am... but I wanted to comment on this.

Several years ago, I called Mentor and asked them about Silicone Poisoning. They told me that while they felt there was no connection to poisoning and illness (which we all know is bologna) ---that it was possible to get sick from a rupture. (So even they admitted it's possible to feel sick with a rupture, they just won't admit anything else about implant reactions.) I've also had doctors tell me that it was possible mine were leaking (saline) and creating flu symptoms and chronic fatigue for me. (Although I don't think a leak is my case now...I had a leak with my last implants, and know how the volume change feels.)

So, personally ---I'm saying yes, I think it can make you feel unwell when one ruptures.

BEST OF LUCK to you on your venture towards explant. Many of us are in the same boat with you. I think about EVERYONE in this group is praying for one another! So, prayers are yours! This is a great group of gals...a WEALTH of information.


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I would caution you on letting someone who has not properly removed

implants remove yours. It is usually a bad mistake.

We have doctors listed on this site that we trust. Read the protocol

for removal and pin your doctor down as to how they remove implants

and ask them to do it the proper way, removing all the scar tissue.


At 03:58 AM 7/12/2006, you wrote:

>I just found this group. I have had saline implants for 11 years. I

>had them put in by the military PS @ wilford hall in SATX. I had

>such trouble with the left side, it took 6 months of motrin and 5

>ulcers for them to get my pain under control. I couldn't lift the

>left arm for ages and never got complete rotation back. The left

>implant got hard and sat a bit higher than the right. I nevertheless

>enjoyed the implants for about 9 years.


>About 2 years ago I had a greenish yellow dischage from the left

>nipple then it came out bloody. I had a biopsy, mamo and sono. and 2

>ductectomys I was diagnosed with cancer then told it was displaysia.

>After the ductectomys my nipple looked wierd but I was okay with

>that, but a couple of months later the implant started to come

>through the nipple a bit and felt strange and made the nipple

>tender. I tried to get the implants out through the military during

>the cancer scare, but since it wasn't cancer and all the PS were

>deployed to Iraq they wouldn't do it.


>Last friday, the right breast, which has always been my " good " one

>deflated. Great. Actually I was not too freaked about it, it feels

>kind of neat, all soft and squishy like a real booby (well execpt

>you can feel a bit of the implant shell in places) I now how 2

>different sides. I am working at getting them to send me back to

>SATX to get the implants out. There is a slight chance that they may

>do it as I had the implants put in there.


>I would like prayers that this will happen. I may have the option to

>get a lift too. I would like that, but am more than anxious to just

>get the implants out. Thanks for letting me vent. I have been very

>tired and lazy since the implant deflated, do you think there is a




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Hi CArole,

I definitely think there is a connection to your being tired and

lazy. This was one of my first symptons that something was wrong.

I hope you can get these out ASAP.


> I just found this group. I have had saline implants for 11 years.


> had them put in by the military PS @ wilford hall in SATX. I had

> such trouble with the left side, it took 6 months of motrin and 5

> ulcers for them to get my pain under control. I couldn't lift the

> left arm for ages and never got complete rotation back. The left

> implant got hard and sat a bit higher than the right. I


> enjoyed the implants for about 9 years.


> About 2 years ago I had a greenish yellow dischage from the left

> nipple then it came out bloody. I had a biopsy, mamo and sono. and


> ductectomys I was diagnosed with cancer then told it was


> After the ductectomys my nipple looked wierd but I was okay with

> that, but a couple of months later the implant started to come

> through the nipple a bit and felt strange and made the nipple

> tender. I tried to get the implants out through the military


> the cancer scare, but since it wasn't cancer and all the PS were

> deployed to Iraq they wouldn't do it.


> Last friday, the right breast, which has always been my " good " one

> deflated. Great. Actually I was not too freaked about it, it feels

> kind of neat, all soft and squishy like a real booby (well execpt

> you can feel a bit of the implant shell in places) I now how 2

> different sides. I am working at getting them to send me back to

> SATX to get the implants out. There is a slight chance that they


> do it as I had the implants put in there.


> I would like prayers that this will happen. I may have the option


> get a lift too. I would like that, but am more than anxious to


> get the implants out. Thanks for letting me vent. I have been very

> tired and lazy since the implant deflated, do you think there is a

> conection?


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My guess is that you don't feel well because your saline implants are full of mold and bacteria. I just had mine removed in May this year and just got my report back from the specialist who looks at implants from Canada. Mine were only 3 years old with no rupture but full of mold and bacteria. That being said if that is released into your body that would be why you don't feel well.



New to group

I just found this group. I have had saline implants for 11 years. I had them put in by the military PS @ wilford hall in SATX. I had such trouble with the left side, it took 6 months of motrin and 5 ulcers for them to get my pain under control. I couldn't lift the left arm for ages and never got complete rotation back. The left implant got hard and sat a bit higher than the right. I nevertheless enjoyed the implants for about 9 years. About 2 years ago I had a greenish yellow dischage from the left nipple then it came out bloody. I had a biopsy, mamo and sono. and 2 ductectomys I was diagnosed with cancer then told it was displaysia. After the ductectomys my nipple looked wierd but I was okay with that, but a couple of months later the implant started to come through the nipple a bit and felt strange and made the nipple tender. I tried to get the implants out through the military during the cancer scare, but since it wasn't cancer and all the PS were deployed to Iraq they wouldn't do it. Last friday, the right breast, which has always been my "good" one deflated. Great. Actually I was not too freaked about it, it feels kind of neat, all soft and squishy like a real booby (well execpt you can feel a bit of the implant shell in places) I now how 2 different sides. I am working at getting them to send me back to SATX to get the implants out. There is a slight chance that they may do it as I had the implants put in there. I would like prayers that this will happen. I may have the option to get a lift too. I would like that, but am more than anxious to just get the implants out. Thanks for letting me vent. I have been very tired and lazy since the implant deflated, do you think there is a conection?

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Carole...you may want to look into the warrenty information. First,

find out what kind you have from your implanting doctor. Ask him

about the warrenty...etc. Perhaps he can email your operative

report to you.

I think, but I could be wrong, that you may be covered if they

rupture. Someone else here that this has happen to ...may be of

more help.


> The other ladies from this group are far more knowledgable and

exact than I

> am... but I wanted to comment on this.


> Several years ago, I called Mentor and asked them about Silicone


> They told me that while they felt there was no connection to

poisoning and

> illness (which we all know is bologna) ---that it was possible to

get sick from

> a rupture. (So even they admitted it's possible to feel sick with

a rupture,

> they just won't admit anything else about implant reactions.)

I've also had

> doctors tell me that it was possible mine were leaking (saline)

and creating

> flu symptoms and chronic fatigue for me. (Although I don't think

a leak is my

> case now...I had a leak with my last implants, and know how the


> change feels.)


> So, personally ---I'm saying yes, I think it can make you feel

unwell when

> one ruptures.


> BEST OF LUCK to you on your venture towards explant. Many of us

are in the

> same boat with you. I think about EVERYONE in this group is

praying for one

> another! So, prayers are yours! This is a great group of gals...a


> information.

> ----Brigite


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Penni~` What kind of implants did you have?Penni Pitre <penniquilts@...> wrote: Carole, My guess is that you don't feel well because your saline implants are full of mold and bacteria. I just had mine removed in May this year and just got my report back from the specialist who looks at implants from Canada. Mine were only 3 years old with no rupture but full of mold and

bacteria. That being said if that is released into your body that would be why you don't feel well. Blessings, Penni New to group I just found this group.

I have had saline implants for 11 years. I had them put in by the military PS @ wilford hall in SATX. I had such trouble with the left side, it took 6 months of motrin and 5 ulcers for them to get my pain under control. I couldn't lift the left arm for ages and never got complete rotation back. The left implant got hard and sat a bit higher than the right. I nevertheless enjoyed the implants for about 9 years. About 2 years ago I had a greenish yellow dischage from the left nipple then it came out bloody. I had a biopsy, mamo and sono. and 2 ductectomys I was diagnosed with cancer then told it was displaysia. After the ductectomys my nipple looked wierd but I was okay with that, but a couple of months later the implant started to come through the nipple a bit and felt strange and made the nipple tender. I tried to get the implants out through the military during the cancer scare, but since it wasn't cancer and all

the PS were deployed to Iraq they wouldn't do it. Last friday, the right breast, which has always been my "good" one deflated. Great. Actually I was not too freaked about it, it feels kind of neat, all soft and squishy like a real booby (well execpt you can feel a bit of the implant shell in places) I now how 2 different sides. I am working at getting them to send me back to SATX to get the implants out. There is a slight chance that they may do it as I had the implants put in there. I would like prayers that this will happen. I may have the option to get a lift too. I would like that, but am more than anxious to just get the implants out. Thanks for letting me vent. I have been very tired and lazy since the implant deflated, do you think there is a conection?

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Penni, I agree, My symptoms became bad when my implant ruptured. On top of that, the PS ruptured the other side to remove it and it went in my body. I think that there had to be mold and bacteria to have become so ill. I am sure it also affected my bone marrow, since now I have 3 auto immune diseases and mgus, blood clotting disorder, IC, high blood pressure, 2 surgeries for hidradenitis in the last 2 months with not much success. All in 1 year since the rupture. O, and of course DEPRESSION. Thanks Margie

From: "Penni Pitre" <penniquilts@...>Reply- To: < >Subject: Re: New to groupDate: Wed, 12 Jul 2006 07:44:40 -0700


My guess is that you don't feel well because your saline implants are full of mold and bacteria. I just had mine removed in May this year and just got my report back from the specialist who looks at implants from Canada. Mine were only 3 years old with no rupture but full of mold and bacteria. That being said if that is released into your body that would be why you don't feel well.



New to group

I just found this group. I have had saline implants for 11 years. I had them put in by the military PS @ wilford hall in SATX. I had such trouble with the left side, it took 6 months of motrin and 5 ulcers for them to get my pain under control. I couldn't lift the left arm for ages and never got complete rotation back. The left implant got hard and sat a bit higher than the right. I nevertheless enjoyed the implants for about 9 years. About 2 years ago I had a greenish yellow dischage from the left nipple then it came out bloody. I had a biopsy, mamo and sono. and 2 ductectomys I was diagnosed with cancer then told it was displaysia. After the ductectomys my nipple looked wierd but I was okay with that, but a couple of months later the implant started to come through the nipple a bit and felt strange and made the nipple tender. I tried to get the implants out through the military during the cancer scare, but since it wasn't cancer and all the PS were deployed to Iraq they wouldn't do it. Last friday, the right breast, which has always been my "good" one deflated. Great. Actually I was not too freaked about it, it feels kind of neat, all soft and squishy like a real booby (well execpt you can feel a bit of the implant shell in places) I now how 2 different sides. I am working at getting them to send me back to SATX to get the implants out. There is a slight chance that they may do it as I had the implants put in there. I would like prayers that this will happen. I may have the option to get a lift too. I would like that, but am more than anxious to just get the implants out. Thanks for letting me vent. I have been very tired and lazy since the implant deflated, do you think there is a conection?

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Oh geesh. How awful. I'll be praying for you. Are you on a detox program?


New to group

I just found this group. I have had saline implants for 11 years. I had them put in by the military PS @ wilford hall in SATX. I had such trouble with the left side, it took 6 months of motrin and 5 ulcers for them to get my pain under control. I couldn't lift the left arm for ages and never got complete rotation back. The left implant got hard and sat a bit higher than the right. I nevertheless enjoyed the implants for about 9 years. About 2 years ago I had a greenish yellow dischage from the left nipple then it came out bloody. I had a biopsy, mamo and sono. and 2 ductectomys I was diagnosed with cancer then told it was displaysia. After the ductectomys my nipple looked wierd but I was okay with that, but a couple of months later the implant started to come through the nipple a bit and felt strange and made the nipple tender. I tried to get the implants out through the military during the cancer scare, but since it wasn't cancer and all the PS were deployed to Iraq they wouldn't do it. Last friday, the right breast, which has always been my "good" one deflated. Great. Actually I was not too freaked about it, it feels kind of neat, all soft and squishy like a real booby (well execpt you can feel a bit of the implant shell in places) I now how 2 different sides. I am working at getting them to send me back to SATX to get the implants out. There is a slight chance that they may do it as I had the implants put in there. I would like prayers that this will happen. I may have the option to get a lift too. I would like that, but am more than anxious to just get the implants out. Thanks for letting me vent. I have been very tired and lazy since the implant deflated, do you think there is a conection?

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My first set back in 1989 were silicone. Second set in 2003 were saline.


New to group

I just found this group. I have had saline implants for 11 years. I had them put in by the military PS @ wilford hall in SATX. I had such trouble with the left side, it took 6 months of motrin and 5 ulcers for them to get my pain under control. I couldn't lift the left arm for ages and never got complete rotation back. The left implant got hard and sat a bit higher than the right. I nevertheless enjoyed the implants for about 9 years. About 2 years ago I had a greenish yellow dischage from the left nipple then it came out bloody. I had a biopsy, mamo and sono. and 2 ductectomys I was diagnosed with cancer then told it was displaysia. After the ductectomys my nipple looked wierd but I was okay with that, but a couple of months later the implant started to come through the nipple a bit and felt strange and made the nipple tender. I tried to get the implants out through the military during the cancer scare, but since it wasn't cancer and all the PS were deployed to Iraq they wouldn't do it. Last friday, the right breast, which has always been my "good" one deflated. Great. Actually I was not too freaked about it, it feels kind of neat, all soft and squishy like a real booby (well execpt you can feel a bit of the implant shell in places) I now how 2 different sides. I am working at getting them to send me back to SATX to get the implants out. There is a slight chance that they may do it as I had the implants put in there. I would like prayers that this will happen. I may have the option to get a lift too. I would like that, but am more than anxious to just get the implants out. Thanks for letting me vent. I have been very tired and lazy since the implant deflated, do you think there is a conection?

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I will pray for you and I hope that you get the implants out soon

but not by the military. I doubt that they will do a good job for

you and do it correctly. Most people I know in the military have

left me with the impression that mostly what they care about is

saving money. This was deifinitely true for my niece where their

doctors tried to force her to have her placenta previa baby

naturally. He ended up with cerebal palsy and they were forced to

do an emergency c-section. At any rate, very few doctors will do an

explant where they remove the entire capsule as it is easier and

cheaper to just take out the implant. The body forms the capsule

around the implant to try and wall off the foreign object and the

capsule can contain harmful debri from the implant. If the implants

were contaminated (and many are found to be upon examination) the

deflated implant could have leaked this into your body. I really

hope that you can get them out by a qualified PS that understands

the necessity to do the job right. You really need to get them out

as soon as you can. Are you still in the military? If not, do you

have other health insurance? Please let us know your situation.

Hugs, Kathy

-- In , " Carole " <carole293@...> wrote:


> I just found this group. I have had saline implants for 11 years.


> had them put in by the military PS @ wilford hall in SATX. I had

> such trouble with the left side, it took 6 months of motrin and 5

> ulcers for them to get my pain under control. I couldn't lift the

> left arm for ages and never got complete rotation back. The left

> implant got hard and sat a bit higher than the right. I


> enjoyed the implants for about 9 years.


> About 2 years ago I had a greenish yellow dischage from the left

> nipple then it came out bloody. I had a biopsy, mamo and sono. and


> ductectomys I was diagnosed with cancer then told it was


> After the ductectomys my nipple looked wierd but I was okay with

> that, but a couple of months later the implant started to come

> through the nipple a bit and felt strange and made the nipple

> tender. I tried to get the implants out through the military


> the cancer scare, but since it wasn't cancer and all the PS were

> deployed to Iraq they wouldn't do it.


> Last friday, the right breast, which has always been my " good " one

> deflated. Great. Actually I was not too freaked about it, it feels

> kind of neat, all soft and squishy like a real booby (well execpt

> you can feel a bit of the implant shell in places) I now how 2

> different sides. I am working at getting them to send me back to

> SATX to get the implants out. There is a slight chance that they


> do it as I had the implants put in there.


> I would like prayers that this will happen. I may have the option


> get a lift too. I would like that, but am more than anxious to


> get the implants out. Thanks for letting me vent. I have been very

> tired and lazy since the implant deflated, do you think there is a

> conection?


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Margie,I'm so sorry you're having so many problem! . . . Please don't give up though. We've seen women whose multiple auto-immune problems have disappeared after a period of detoxing and healing. . . . Since the contents of your implants were spilled into your body, your healing may take longer . . . but it's still doable! . . . Just keep putting one foot in front of the other and keep going! . . . One thing at a time - but moving towards health. Recommended reading "The Maker's Diet" or "The Great Physician's RX" and "The Yeast Connection" . ..Hugs and prayers,Rogene

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Carole,Welcome to ! . . . I hope we don't overwhelm you with information . .. there's a lot here.First . . . your fatigue could very well be caused by your implants . . . Some women experience TOXIC SHOCK when the contaminants from their implants flood their systems. . . This can lead to loss of limbs or even death when taken to the extreme. What's important is getting your implants removed by someone who respects the dangers of breast implants and will remove them properly. You might be able to get a military surgeon to do it . . . But you must ask for what you want! . .. It's your body, it's your right. Don't accept anything less. . . The key words are "en bloc" . . . that means removing the capsule with the implant still inside. Sometimes this isn't possible - in that case a complete capsulectomy is in order. . . The surgeon may draw the saline off with a needle - but he should not make an incision in the capsule until it's out of

your body! A good surgeon will also use drains until there is no significant drainage. . . If a surgeon tells you that you'll be deformed, run! . . . The common way for PS's to remove implants is to make and incision, cut the capsule open, then close. . . This leaves the capsule to contract and squeeze it's contents into the body over a period of time. Doctors like to tell women they won't get better after explant - and when they do it that way, they usually don't! Hugs and prayers,Rogene

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