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I am addressing it with diet, fish oil and therapy.

laloquita31 wrote:

> Hello,


> My son is 4 years old and was diagnosed in December 2006 with Autism

> and ADHD. We are looking at other therapies to help my son with the

> following:


> Speech

> Focus

> Follow directions


> Basically contol his hyperactivity.


> I am curious how this group is doing to assist or recover their child.

> I am giving my son supplements and speech therapy. He has a IEP with

> the elementary school.


> Please advise.


> Kathy



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Hi Alyssa,

I also am new to the group and my DS has similar speech. He is 24

mos old and says " ca " for car, " buh " for bird, " cu " for cup, " Kaa "

for his sister Kate. He gets speech therapy once a week, the ST

comes to the sitter's house where my son is cared for while I work.

I think he is improving. I am not too worried as my husband was a

very late talker. Interestily a brother-in-law, not a blood relative

to my husband, was also a very later talker, and both men are now

computer professionals.

My son also is VERY active. He hardly sits still to work on an

activity; I can never even read more than 1 page of a book to him.

He will sit to watch TV however and the speech therapist reports

appear that she is training him to sit still so they can work

together. Are your sons very active also?? My mother in law said all

3 of her boys were just as active.

I had my son evaluated through Early Intervention at the nagging of

my sister, otherwise I never would have done it. Again, I don't know

that it is helping, but I know its not hurting. And as my trusted

sitter is nearby when he gets his " teaching " , she would tell me if it

wasn't going well or didn't like it. At least he is getting

some 1-1 attention.

I hope this helps a little bit.



> I just came across this site. I've been feeling like there is no

> support out there for late talkers, so I'm thankful for finding


> site. I have identical twin boys who are 3y1mos. At 18 months, I


> they were delayed. I had them evaluated at 20 mos. I was told they

> didn't qualify even though they didn't have a single word. They


> me if at 26 months they weren't putting TWO words together then to

> call back. I called right before 24 mos because they still weren't

> saying any words. They got enrolled in our district's EI program.

> We've been in it for a year but progress has been very slow, this

> sentiment was even shared by their therapist. They have


> used " eh-eh " with gestures to try and communicate…its almost like a

> verbal morse code.


> At 3y1mos now they have about 20 words which are more like one

> syllable sounds. They are enrolled again this year but instead of


> therapist coming to our house, we have to take them to " school " .


> concerned that they aren't getting the right kind of help. Most of

> the kids they are dealing with seem to be able to say a number of

> words but just have trouble with sounds. My boys can make all the

> sounds in isolation but can't transition to the second sound in a

> word, if that makes sense. For instance, " Oat " is just " Oh " , " milk "

> is " muh " , etc. They won't even attempt the second sound really in


> words. However, they are good at words that repeat the same

> sound " mama " , " dada " " bubble " . And a lot of times they just repeat

> over and over the same sound for words, so if they want a book its

> usually " buh " over and over and over again.


> I just can't help but feel this is a separate problem than the

> mispronunciation of a sound(s). I, however, have nothing to base


> on. Has anyone else experienced this sound to sound transition sort

> of developmental issue? What sort of therapy was child enrolled in?


> Thank you,


> Allyssa


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My son was speaking mostly in first syllable sounds (e.g. " nah " for

napkin) until we started fish oil. We happen to start the fish oil

right before starting speech therapy, so we know our results were

from the fishoil and not the therapy. If you are not giving them

fish oil, start today! It doesn't work for everyone, but for many of

us, it has been a miracle! I firmly believe that it has helped my

son more than any therapy.

One program that we did early on with our first SLP was " Moving

Across Syllables " . It worked for my son, and I think it is

relatively inexpensive to purchase if you want to try it at home.

Before going forward with your own program, you might want to discuss

your frustration with your SLP. She might have some detailed

suggestions about work to do at home. I think that it is very

important to have a home program in order to get that speech into

their " motor memory " . It really needs to be hammered in every day.

Have they been evaluated by an OT? Many late talkers have low tone,

which affects their speech production and intelligibility.

My son's speech is almost completely understandable to all, but he

does have some lingering articulation and planning difficulties. We

are not doing speech therapy at all right now, but we are going to be

doing a program designed by NACD that will include a minor speech

component. You might want to read the dozens of posts about NACD

that have popped up recently, as that approach may work better for

your boys. Since we are just starting that, I can't speak to it's

effectiveness for big speech difficulties, but they seem to take a

broader look at your child than the average therapist does. Most

therapist only know their little area and can't pull it all together

for you. Very frustrating, and often, ineffective as well.

in NJ


> I just came across this site. I've been feeling like there is no

> support out there for late talkers, so I'm thankful for finding


> site. I have identical twin boys who are 3y1mos. At 18 months, I


> they were delayed. I had them evaluated at 20 mos. I was told they

> didn't qualify even though they didn't have a single word. They


> me if at 26 months they weren't putting TWO words together then to

> call back. I called right before 24 mos because they still weren't

> saying any words. They got enrolled in our district's EI program.

> We've been in it for a year but progress has been very slow, this

> sentiment was even shared by their therapist. They have


> used " eh-eh " with gestures to try and communicate…its almost like a

> verbal morse code.


> At 3y1mos now they have about 20 words which are more like one

> syllable sounds. They are enrolled again this year but instead of


> therapist coming to our house, we have to take them to " school " .


> concerned that they aren't getting the right kind of help. Most of

> the kids they are dealing with seem to be able to say a number of

> words but just have trouble with sounds. My boys can make all the

> sounds in isolation but can't transition to the second sound in a

> word, if that makes sense. For instance, " Oat " is just " Oh " , " milk "

> is " muh " , etc. They won't even attempt the second sound really in


> words. However, they are good at words that repeat the same

> sound " mama " , " dada " " bubble " . And a lot of times they just repeat

> over and over the same sound for words, so if they want a book its

> usually " buh " over and over and over again.


> I just can't help but feel this is a separate problem than the

> mispronunciation of a sound(s). I, however, have nothing to base


> on. Has anyone else experienced this sound to sound transition sort

> of developmental issue? What sort of therapy was child enrolled in?


> Thank you,


> Allyssa


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Thank you so much for responding.

, I've been reading about fish oil and its benefits. I'm going

to run it by their pediatrician this week and then maybe give it a

try. I will definitely ask my SLP about the " Moving Across Syllables "

program you mentioned. I would love to be able to do more at home.

On a side note, after reading here yesterday about Starfall.com, I

sat them down and went through some of the ABC section. They were

spontaneously repeating every letter and its sound after the computer

would say it. No prompting from me. It was crazy! Actually, they do

worse when they think we are " pushing " them. So my next goal is to

find more website/computer software that can aid in speech

development. It seems to be much more benefical to them, at this

point. Is that what Moving Across Syllables is?

Low tone (is this short for low muscle tone?) has not been an issue.

They have been evaluated thoroughly in each area through our school

district. They only thing that has ever shown up is a big delay in

expressive speech. I think we are currently at an 18 mos level for

expressive speech. Hard to hear since they are double that in age (37


Marge, I was holding out hope that this was also a hereditary thing.

While dh and I spoke within the normal age range my sister didn't

supposedly say a word until she was 3. We've passed the 3 year old

marker now and we still aren't there. Both boys are extremely active.

They are just recently getting interested in sitting down for more

than one page of a book. Your son is much further than my boys were

at 2. We had 2 words I think at 2. I hope you and your son continue

to make continued progress!

Thank you both again!!

> >

> > I just came across this site. I've been feeling like there is no

> > support out there for late talkers, so I'm thankful for finding

> this

> > site. I have identical twin boys who are 3y1mos. At 18 months, I

> knew

> > they were delayed. I had them evaluated at 20 mos. I was told


> > didn't qualify even though they didn't have a single word. They

> told

> > me if at 26 months they weren't putting TWO words together then


> > call back. I called right before 24 mos because they still


> > saying any words. They got enrolled in our district's EI program.

> > We've been in it for a year but progress has been very slow, this

> > sentiment was even shared by their therapist. They have

> consistently

> > used " eh-eh " with gestures to try and communicate…its almost like


> > verbal morse code.

> >

> > At 3y1mos now they have about 20 words which are more like one

> > syllable sounds. They are enrolled again this year but instead of

> the

> > therapist coming to our house, we have to take them to " school " .

> I'm

> > concerned that they aren't getting the right kind of help. Most


> > the kids they are dealing with seem to be able to say a number of

> > words but just have trouble with sounds. My boys can make all the

> > sounds in isolation but can't transition to the second sound in a

> > word, if that makes sense. For instance, " Oat " is

just " Oh " , " milk "

> > is " muh " , etc. They won't even attempt the second sound really in

> any

> > words. However, they are good at words that repeat the same

> > sound " mama " , " dada " " bubble " . And a lot of times they just


> > over and over the same sound for words, so if they want a book


> > usually " buh " over and over and over again.

> >

> > I just can't help but feel this is a separate problem than the

> > mispronunciation of a sound(s). I, however, have nothing to base

> this

> > on. Has anyone else experienced this sound to sound transition


> > of developmental issue? What sort of therapy was child enrolled


> >

> > Thank you,

> >

> > Allyssa

> >


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Keep in mind that most ped won't recommend fish oil/vit E combo.



[mailto: ] On Behalf Of Allyssa

Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2007 10:07 AM

Subject: [ ] Re: New to Group

Thank you so much for responding.

, I've been reading about fish oil and its benefits. I'm going

to run it by their pediatrician this week and then maybe give it a

try. I will definitely ask my SLP about the " Moving Across Syllables "

program you mentioned. I would love to be able to do more at home.

On a side note, after reading here yesterday about Starfall.com, I

sat them down and went through some of the ABC section. They were

spontaneously repeating every letter and its sound after the computer

would say it. No prompting from me. It was crazy! Actually, they do

worse when they think we are " pushing " them. So my next goal is to

find more website/computer software that can aid in speech

development. It seems to be much more benefical to them, at this

point. Is that what Moving Across Syllables is?

Low tone (is this short for low muscle tone?) has not been an issue.

They have been evaluated thoroughly in each area through our school

district. They only thing that has ever shown up is a big delay in

expressive speech. I think we are currently at an 18 mos level for

expressive speech. Hard to hear since they are double that in age (37


Marge, I was holding out hope that this was also a hereditary thing.

While dh and I spoke within the normal age range my sister didn't

supposedly say a word until she was 3. We've passed the 3 year old

marker now and we still aren't there. Both boys are extremely active.

They are just recently getting interested in sitting down for more

than one page of a book. Your son is much further than my boys were

at 2. We had 2 words I think at 2. I hope you and your son continue

to make continued progress!

Thank you both again!!

> >

> > I just came across this site. I've been feeling like there is no

> > support out there for late talkers, so I'm thankful for finding

> this

> > site. I have identical twin boys who are 3y1mos. At 18 months, I

> knew

> > they were delayed. I had them evaluated at 20 mos. I was told


> > didn't qualify even though they didn't have a single word. They

> told

> > me if at 26 months they weren't putting TWO words together then


> > call back. I called right before 24 mos because they still


> > saying any words. They got enrolled in our district's EI program.

> > We've been in it for a year but progress has been very slow, this

> > sentiment was even shared by their therapist. They have

> consistently

> > used " eh-eh " with gestures to try and communicate.its almost like


> > verbal morse code.

> >

> > At 3y1mos now they have about 20 words which are more like one

> > syllable sounds. They are enrolled again this year but instead of

> the

> > therapist coming to our house, we have to take them to " school " .

> I'm

> > concerned that they aren't getting the right kind of help. Most


> > the kids they are dealing with seem to be able to say a number of

> > words but just have trouble with sounds. My boys can make all the

> > sounds in isolation but can't transition to the second sound in a

> > word, if that makes sense. For instance, " Oat " is

just " Oh " , " milk "

> > is " muh " , etc. They won't even attempt the second sound really in

> any

> > words. However, they are good at words that repeat the same

> > sound " mama " , " dada " " bubble " . And a lot of times they just


> > over and over the same sound for words, so if they want a book


> > usually " buh " over and over and over again.

> >

> > I just can't help but feel this is a separate problem than the

> > mispronunciation of a sound(s). I, however, have nothing to base

> this

> > on. Has anyone else experienced this sound to sound transition


> > of developmental issue? What sort of therapy was child enrolled


> >

> > Thank you,

> >

> > Allyssa

> >


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Hi Allyssa - and ,

Thanks for the note back. I just looked at the starfall.com and it

looks great. I also tried one teaspoon of the lemon flavored fish

oil and my son hated it. I also have an adult cherry I think

flavored one I could try. , my son does all low muscle

tone. And very poor balance. He is quite active and " working it " as

the evaluators put it, so there was no therapy to recommend for

that. His fine motor skills are good. Gross motor not so good. I

am thinking of having him evaluated by a pediatric neurologist before

my health insurance gets more expensive in 2008, but I am not sure he

would have anything to recommend in addition to the ST he is

getting. Tomorrow evening 's care provider and I are going to a

free ST training class that a ST woman is giving through the care

agency. (I have care for my son in my provider's home). I hope it is

worthwhile. Take care! Marge

> > >

> > > I just came across this site. I've been feeling like there is


> > > support out there for late talkers, so I'm thankful for finding

> > this

> > > site. I have identical twin boys who are 3y1mos. At 18 months,


> > knew

> > > they were delayed. I had them evaluated at 20 mos. I was told

> they

> > > didn't qualify even though they didn't have a single word. They

> > told

> > > me if at 26 months they weren't putting TWO words together then

> to

> > > call back. I called right before 24 mos because they still

> weren't

> > > saying any words. They got enrolled in our district's EI


> > > We've been in it for a year but progress has been very slow,


> > > sentiment was even shared by their therapist. They have

> > consistently

> > > used " eh-eh " with gestures to try and communicate…its almost


> a

> > > verbal morse code.

> > >

> > > At 3y1mos now they have about 20 words which are more like one

> > > syllable sounds. They are enrolled again this year but instead


> > the

> > > therapist coming to our house, we have to take them

to " school " .

> > I'm

> > > concerned that they aren't getting the right kind of help. Most

> of

> > > the kids they are dealing with seem to be able to say a number


> > > words but just have trouble with sounds. My boys can make all


> > > sounds in isolation but can't transition to the second sound in


> > > word, if that makes sense. For instance, " Oat " is

> just " Oh " , " milk "

> > > is " muh " , etc. They won't even attempt the second sound really


> > any

> > > words. However, they are good at words that repeat the same

> > > sound " mama " , " dada " " bubble " . And a lot of times they just

> repeat

> > > over and over the same sound for words, so if they want a book

> its

> > > usually " buh " over and over and over again.

> > >

> > > I just can't help but feel this is a separate problem than the

> > > mispronunciation of a sound(s). I, however, have nothing to


> > this

> > > on. Has anyone else experienced this sound to sound transition

> sort

> > > of developmental issue? What sort of therapy was child enrolled

> in?

> > >

> > > Thank you,

> > >

> > > Allyssa

> > >

> >


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  • 2 weeks later...

I would read The Late Talker, see what fits and whate does not. I

would call EI for an evaluation. I would also consider reading the

fish oil and malabsorption folderes here. Then I would go to the

check up with whatever you think applies in hand and see what the dr.

says. It should be a concern worth looking into. By age 2 they should

have 50 words.


> Hey all,


> I'm new to this group but just thought I would ask a question. My

son will be 2 yrs. old at

> the end of October and he's still not really talking. He can say

Ma Ma, Da Da, Da-e

> (Daddy), ball, yeah (yes), and ut oh. But that's really it. The

rest of what he say's is babble.

> He babbles all day long and to him it's clear. But to us, we just

don't know what he's

> saying. Now here's the kicker, he can communicate with us just

fine without words. He

> points, say's yeah or shakes his head no and with all that, we can

kindof guess what he

> wants.


> He also has an older brother (who's 5 yrs. old). He is a talker.

He talks a lot and

> sometimes answers for his brother. So I don't know if between that

and him being able to

> get us to figure out what he wants is what's making this speach

delay more of a problem

> or if there is something else going on. We read to him, talk to

him about stuff all day

> (pointing out the names of things he's interested in) but he just

won't even try to talk. He

> understands everything we say but won't try to talk.


> His 2 yr. check up is coming up, should I just wait to see what the

doctor say's? Is there

> anything else I can do to help him talk or is it a waiting game? I

know that once he starts,

> he won't stop and some of you probably say, enjoy it. But I can't

anymore, I really want to

> understand my son. I'm past the enjoy it stage...I'm frusterated

and concerned.


> Thanks for listening and any ideas are greatly welcome.




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Welcome to the group

My son didn't have oral apraxia so I refer you to the archives for more

information. The group will have other suggestions that will help you


Hope this helps,



Link to the link section for more apraxia information


Archived message for oral apraxia exercises


Archived message about working oral motor exercises in during everyday


I did an archive search for oral motor exercises and 16 messages came

up. Right next to the search button click on advanced and put oral

motor exercises in the subject line and hit search.



> Hello, I am new to this group... I have a 32 month old little girl

> ... she has a chromosome abnormality that we haven't seen in

> anyone else.... she is severly delayed in speech... she gets slp, ot,

> and pt... i just need some suggestions to get me up to speed on what


> need to do next... we have some babbling, and a few single words but

> the slp thinks that she has apraxia (oral motor)... what to do



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Welcome to the group! I would definitely have your son seen by a qualified specialist. His Pediatrician should be able to refer you to someone with a background in Autism Spectrum Disorders who is capable of diagnosing. But I would definitely cast your net wide instead of focusing on just Asperger's. I'm surprised a teacher would be that candid with you. I don't know how I would have reacted if my son's teacher did that. I can tell you that what you described sounds a lot like how things started with my son (9y/o dx'd w/ ADHD & AS). He is also an only child, so his social awkwardness seemed normal for a child who had no siblings, but as he got older, we realized there was more to it than that. I took him to a Psychologist that worked with ASD kids, and after 3 or 4 sessions w/ my son and me, she dx'd him with Asperger's. I know for us though, when we researched the signs and symptoms long before he was ever diagnosed, there was a light that went on, and suddenly many things started making much more sense. If you get a diagnosis, depending on what it is, you will then be able to take that to your son's school, and they can do an evaluation. Based on that, they will hold an IEP meeting to help your son receive aides and services within the public school system. Your son's therapist and the social worker can be wonderful resources especially with Eval's and IEP's (it really depends on how much your son's school district is willing to do).

I commend you for searching for the answers... and again, welcome to the group!On 10/4/07, Tonda <

t.rector@...> wrote:

Hi, my name is Tonda and my 6yr. old son's teacher called me in to

talk about his behavior in class. She suggest I meet with his doctor

and have him checked out, I was thinking AD/HD, but she said she

suspected Asperger's. He is now seeing a thearpist and social worker,

she said she is also thinking it is Asperger's but wants to meet with

him some more. Are there any tests he needs to take to determine if it

is Asperger's? I also just learned that there is autism in my family

and I had no idea. He is an only child and we thought he was just

spoinled and acting out, but no we know there is something that is

causing it. He is a smart child and listens to the teacher, but does

not make eye contact or seems like he is in his own world. We noticed

the maturity level, his is not where it should be. I am reading a

Oasis book on Asperger's and the signs listed in there, I can relate

too in my son. I just want to make sure that the right diagnosis is

made and he gets the help he needs to learn how to deal with this and

inprove his life, any advice would be great. Thanks for letting my

join the group.

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Hi! Welcome aboard. I live in Iowa. My name is Charlotte Henry. I'm mom to

Mike who is 35, Josh 7 with pdd nos and apraxia, 8 and a wannabe 13er. I

go to school on-line at MCC and I am a stay at home mom and a registered

childcare provider.

************************************** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

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Just have a glass of milk at bedtime, a cup of chamomile tea and/or some Magnesium supplement like www.naturalcalm.net to help with the temporary sleep issues while your body adjusts to LDN.


Posted by: "Missie -" melissa4tse@... melissa4tse

Mon Oct 8, 2007 11:09 am (PST)

Hello new friends,I'm new to the chat-room and to LDN. I've had MS for 13 years, and I've tried LOTS of things, from the ABC drugs to diet/nutrition to "live cell therapy" done in Mexico. My doctors (Neurologist, Mexico MD, D.O.) agreed that I try LDN. I started with 1.5mg to get used to the sleeping change, and I begin 3mg tonight. I can't really notice any change yet, but I feel tired alot of the time. Could this improve with the 3mg dosage? The pharmacist told me to hang in there for 6-8 weeks more to see if I notice a change. I am requesting a sleeping aid from my MD, but I've read alot of emails about hormones playing a role in this. What sort of test should I request from my D.O. in order to check this.....since my Gyno tells me everything is "normal"?I look forward to getting to know you all better!------------See what's new at AOL.com and Make AOL Your Homepage.

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Hi ,Welcome to the group!Here is a site you may find helpful in treating your MS:http://tinyurl.com/grpm9 With best wishes,Dudley Delany

dudley_delanyFrom: Missie -

Sent: Monday, October 8, 2007 2:09 PM

low dose naltrexone

Subject: [low dose naltrexone] NEW TO GROUP

Hello new friends, I'm new to the chat-room and to LDN. I've had MS for 13 years, and I've tried LOTS of things, from the ABC drugs to diet/nutrition to "live cell therapy" done in Mexico. My doctors (Neurologist, Mexico MD, D.O.) agreed that I try LDN. I started with 1.5mg to get used to the sleeping change, and I begin 3mg tonight. I can't really notice any change yet, but I feel tired alot of the time. Could this improve with the 3mg dosage? The pharmacist told me to hang in there for 6-8 weeks more to see if I notice a change. I am requesting a sleeping aid from my MD, but I've read alot of emails about hormones playing a role in this. What sort of test should I request from my D.O. in order to check this.....since my Gyno tells me everything is "normal"? I look forward to getting to know you all better!

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You have to give it at least 9 MONTHS.

be well,


-------------- Original message -------------- From: Missie - <melissa4tse@...>

Hello new friends,

I'm new to the chat-room and to LDN. I've had MS for 13 years, and I've tried LOTS of things, from the ABC drugs to diet/nutrition to "live cell therapy" done in Mexico. My doctors (Neurologist, Mexico MD, D.O.) agreed that I try LDN. I started with 1.5mg to get used to the sleeping change, and I begin 3mg tonight. I can't really notice any change yet, but I feel tired alot of the time. Could this improve with the 3mg dosage? The pharmacist told me to hang in there for 6-8 weeks more to see if I notice a change. I am requesting a sleeping aid from my MD, but I've read alot of emails about hormones playing a role in this. What sort of test should I request from my D.O. in order to check this.....since my Gyno tells me everything is "normal"?

I look forward to getting to know you all better!

Looking for a deal? Find great prices on flights and hotels with FareChase.

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LDN's purpose is to halt/slow disease progression. Symptom

improvement is a bonus that not everyone experiences. The optimal

adult dosage is 4.5mgs. You should give LDN 6-9 months, then evaluate

the results.




> Hello new friends,


> I'm new to the chat-room and to LDN. I've had MS for 13 years,

and I've tried LOTS of things, from the ABC drugs to diet/nutrition

to " live cell therapy " done in Mexico. My doctors (Neurologist,

Mexico MD, D.O.) agreed that I try LDN. I started with 1.5mg to get

used to the sleeping change, and I begin 3mg tonight. I can't really

notice any change yet, but I feel tired alot of the time. Could this

improve with the 3mg dosage? The pharmacist told me to hang in there

for 6-8 weeks more to see if I notice a change. I am requesting a

sleeping aid from my MD, but I've read alot of emails about hormones

playing a role in this. What sort of test should I request from my

D.O. in order to check this.....since my Gyno tells me everything

is " normal " ?


> I look forward to getting to know you all better!




> ---------------------------------

> Looking for a deal? Find great prices on flights and hotels with



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I am new as well. I was diagnosed with ms three years ago.I dont like conventional medicines so am trying ldn now.I am on ldn 7 weeks and only noticed change yesterday. No numbess in legs or pins and needles and less tired. Hoever am back to square 1 to day but not as bad.I have alot of nightmares and disturbed sleep, but I will keep using ldn and hope for the best.



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Hi ,

Welcome to the group!

You will love it here -

I have not been here long, but it seems like a really nice, positive,

supportive, friendly, non-judgemental group.



> Hello new friends,

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Clare Magee: Good luck to you! I have been on Avonex since '99 and not on LDN. I am studying my options. I am a Grandma and I walk with a cane and exercise in water 3 times a week. I have primary MS since '98. Parmajak1@...

Re: [low dose naltrexone] NEW TO GROUP


I am new as well. I was diagnosed with ms three years ago.I dont like conventional medicines so am trying ldn now.I am on ldn 7 weeks and only noticed change yesterday. No numbess in legs or pins and needles and less tired. Hoever am back to square 1 to day but not as bad.I have alot of nightmares and disturbed sleep, but I will keep using ldn and hope for the best.



No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.488 / Virus Database: 269.14.5/1058 - Release Date: 08/10/2007 16:54

No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.488 / Virus Database: 269.14.4/1057 - Release Date: 10/8/2007 9:04 AM

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Hello , I started to use LDN for 16 days ago. Have Crohn's disease. Also an autoimmune disease. I have been tired every day since I started LDN, usually Crohnies are tired all the time, but this is more than I am used to. The last days, however, have been better. I notice a decrease in wanting to have a nap every second hour :-) And please, give LDN more try than only 6 - 8 weeks, it often kicks in later than that. Good luck, and welcome to the group! From IngridMissie - <melissa4tse@...> wrote: Hello new friends, I'm new to the chat-room and to LDN. I've had MS for 13 years, and I've tried LOTS of things, from the ABC drugs to diet/nutrition to "live cell therapy" done in Mexico. My doctors (Neurologist, Mexico MD, D.O.) agreed that I try LDN. I started with 1.5mg to get used to the sleeping change, and I begin 3mg tonight. I can't really notice any change yet, but I feel tired alot of the time. Could this improve with the 3mg dosage? The pharmacist told me to hang in there for 6-8 weeks more to see if I notice a change. I am requesting a sleeping aid from my MD, but I've read alot of emails about hormones playing a role in this. What sort of test

should I request from my D.O. in order to check this.....since my Gyno tells me everything is "normal"? I look forward to getting to know you all better! Looking for a deal? Find great prices on flights and hotels with FareChase.

Be a better Globetrotter. Get better travel answers from someone who knows. Answers - Check it out.

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Thank you, and I like it already!!sea_gal777 <sea_gal777@...> wrote: Hi ,Welcome to the group!You will love it here -I have not been here long, but it seems like a really nice, positive,supportive, friendly, non-judgemental group.Alana>> Hello new friends,

Be a better Heartthrob. Get better relationship answers from someone who knows. Answers - Check it out.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Margaret,

Welcome to the group!

This site has encouraging and helpful information about treating cancer with



With best wishes,

Dudley Delany


[low dose naltrexone] New to group


My name is Margaret and I own a health group for people who have

been diagnosed with a very rare, extremely aggressive, and lethal

cancer called adrenalcortical carcinoma. By and large, over the last

three years, we have lost many patients to the harsh effects of

horrible chemotherapy which has not halted the cancer. The average

life expectancy is about 14 months from diagnosis. Because it affects

the adrenal gland, there are rarely any symptoms until the patient is

stage 4. Always trying to keep abreast of what IS working, I found

this site.

I would appreciate any comments as to success rates in cancer patients,

and specifically, if LDN has halted progression in late stage patients.

Thanks in advance for your consideration.

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Margaret wrote:

> Always trying to keep abreast of what IS working, I found

> this site. ...

Good for you, Margaret, Welcome! and certainly do share LDN with

your group.

My feeling is it could be their best bet, along with healthy diet,

moderate exercise,

and keeping their mood up, no matter what, cuz nothing is so important

as good

health. And keeping mood up signals the body to make endorphins, which helps

LDN therapy, as LDN apparently boosts endorphin levels as a multiple of

what the body makes without LDN.

Keep us posted. We'd love to know how LDN works for the members of

your group.

Best health,


Margaret wrote:

> Hello,

> My name is Margaret and I own a health group for people who have

> been diagnosed with a very rare, extremely aggressive, and lethal

> cancer called adrenalcortical carcinoma. By and large, over the last

> three years, we have lost many patients to the harsh effects of

> horrible chemotherapy which has not halted the cancer. The average

> life expectancy is about 14 months from diagnosis. Because it affects

> the adrenal gland, there are rarely any symptoms until the patient is

> stage 4. Always trying to keep abreast of what IS working, I found

> this site.


> I would appreciate any comments as to success rates in cancer patients,

> and specifically, if LDN has halted progression in late stage patients.


> Thanks in advance for your consideration.






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Welcome to the group. I have an almost 6 year old. She wore a STARband from age 9 to 12 months. I also repoed my now almost 11 month old.


New to Group

Hello. My name is . My son is 6 months old (on Thursday) and was diagnosed with Plago several months ago. We are going to Midwest Orthodics on Thursday to have his head measured and evaluated. He has torticollis from birth position and the use of a vacumm. It's great to meet you all.

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Thanks. I just stumbled upon this group while searching for more

info about Plago. I'm so nervous about his appt. on Thursday and

that he may need a helmet. Any info/suggestions would be great!

This question isn't really Plago related but I know many of your kids

have/had tort. Did anyone's child twitch the head back and forth?

Almost like a spasium? My son just started doing this and that has

me nervous also.


> Welcome to the group. I have an almost 6 year old. She wore a

STARband from age 9 to 12 months. I also repoed my now almost 11

month old.


> Angie

> New to Group



> Hello. My name is . My son is 6 months old (on Thursday) and


> diagnosed with Plago several months ago. We are going to Midwest

> Orthodics on Thursday to have his head measured and evaluated. He


> torticollis from birth position and the use of a vacumm.


> It's great to meet you all.




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