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Hi ellen and welcome!!

It's so good to hear from someone that has an older child as my son

Tanner is now 11 and most here have little ones.

It appears to me that you require a more specific evaluation which

states exactly what type of language disorder your daughter has. And

are they positive it's a language disorder and not a speech

disorder? Over the years has she had any other diagnosis? Being

that she is now 8 years old one would suspect that is the case -but

let us know. Also how does she communicate today? Is she talking?

If you go to a restaurant can she order for herself? Does she have

friends and what does she excel at? (swimming, art etc.)

You would want to know what is creating the delay in order to know

for sure that the 1/2 hour a day of therapy is most appropriate for

her needs. Not all speech therapy is the same. Please let us know

and again welcome!!


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It was shown that she incompises all language disfunction.Speach and

language. Showing signs of aprexia and also short memory loss. She

does speak now but is hard to understand. She can not say three

sylable words, drops pronouns or misses them up, her grammer is

terrible. I can not get into fine discription becuase I do not have the

test infront of me. I did have a speach eval done bye Uconn speach and

comunication school but do not have there report yet. I am not doing

anything until I have all the reports and the speach therapist and rest

on her team has read it. I am being pushed to have her serviced in the

school but none will argue that homeschooling has not helped her. She

is thriving and doing well but I think they are nervous I will not be

able to do it and I am also not so sure If I can do this. She

loves basketball and dance. I also will be starting horsebackriding

with her. Thank you for being here.

In Jesus Love:


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> Hi ellen and welcome!!


> It's so good to hear from someone that has an older child as my son

> Tanner is now 11 and most here have little ones.


> It appears to me that you require a more specific evaluation which

> states exactly what type of language disorder your daughter has.


> are they positive it's a language disorder and not a speech

> disorder? Over the years has she had any other diagnosis? Being

> that she is now 8 years old one would suspect that is the case -but

> let us know. Also how does she communicate today? Is she


> If you go to a restaurant can she order for herself? Does she have

> friends and what does she excel at? (swimming, art etc.)


> You would want to know what is creating the delay in order to know

> for sure that the 1/2 hour a day of therapy is most appropriate for

> her needs. Not all speech therapy is the same. Please let us know

> and again welcome!!


> =====


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Or actually torticollis resulting which causes the plagio.

> > Hello i posted january 18th but i hadnt been online since

> now im

> > back..would like to hear from others with torticollis and

> > plagiocephaly.. my osn is now 4..he went thru the pt etc and

> helmet

> > wearing startig at 6 mos but his head is still

> indented..etc..anyone

> > wanna chat let me know.. im in New jersey

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with

> Mobile. Try it now.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with

> Mobile. Try it now.

> >


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Hi Ellen,

I homeschool my soon to be 7 year old through a charter school... it

is a homeschool option that you may have in your area. I could not

figure out how to get the services through the school. No one around

my area would work with us, so we went this route.

I do have to turn in records for my daughter with the " Educational

Supervisor " , but we go in to the special ed office once a week, and

one day a week she comes to my house.

She has been working on Earobics to help her auditory procecssing...

I am not sure what you mean by a language disorder? My daughter is

speaking well enough to be understood by a lot of people... Though,

her sentances are wayyy " off " ...

" We us done, mom? " (Are we done, mom?)

" Me the bathroom " (I have to go to the bathroom)

Things like that... I am actually about to sign off to make her a

little posterboard for her room that will help her with her sentences:

I / will go / to the store

He / wantS / a cookie

She / brusheS / her teeth.

So she can see the first part of most sentences start with I, he,

she, we, etc... the next part is an action word (She forgets her S's

on words a lot so those will be underlined and in another color to

draw her attention to it), and the next part is a phrase that can be

changed, based on what she says during the week...

We were told by the school my daughter would " never read " , wouldn't

understand math, etc. They were wrong. She is reading at the same

level as her non-apraxic sister. She is doing well with math...

All kids are different, and I would not buy into the whole she " HAS "

to be in school, if you are a homeschooler. There are lots of things

that can be done with our kiddos in the home. My daughter needs a

little more reinforcement of subjects than most in public school...

It is a personal choice, and homeschooling her is a bit more work

than my other daughter... but, seeing her succeed is worth it.

Good luck... and if you need anymore info, there's an Apraxia

Homeschooling group that has been VERY helpful to me :)





> Hello: My youngest dd (8) just had her nero phyc eval and it


> that she has total nerological language disorder and si. I have


> homeschooling her with help from the school system with therepy


> and day for 1/2 hour and reading 1 hour a day. She has been doing


> with this. However the evaluators are telling me she will probly


> to go to school full time. The school is also not obligated in


> me these services and can stop at any time. If any one can tell me

> there opinion in this matter in sending her to school benfits to

> nonbenifits. Or if there are any language based cur. that I can


> home for her.



> In Jesus Love:

> ellen


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yes i can post pictures..most lkely tomrrow since its 4am right now and im sleepylka_236 <lka_236@...> wrote: I've heard of plagio developing from the forceps but never where it would remain after helmet treatment. Could you post pictures? > Hello i posted january 18th

but i hadnt been online since now im > back..would like to hear from others with torticollis and > plagiocephaly.. my osn is now 4..he went thru the pt etc and helmet > wearing startig at 6 mos but his head is still indented..etc..anyone > wanna chat let me know.. im in New jersey> > > > > > ---------------------------------> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. > > > > > > ---------------------------------> Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. > > > > > ---------------------------------> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.>

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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....its a hollowed dent above and behind the ear area..he had this dent since he came out of me.. i see many kids with flat heads but im not talking about just flat im tlaking dent pushed in..etc..as if the forcepts squeezed too hard kinda dentlka_236 <lka_236@...> wrote: Or actually torticollis resulting which causes the plagio.> > Hello i posted january 18th but i hadnt been online since > now im > > back..would like to hear from others with torticollis and > > plagiocephaly.. my osn is now 4..he went thru the pt etc and > helmet > > wearing startig at 6 mos but his head is still > indented..etc..anyone > > wanna chat let me know.. im in New jersey> > > > > > > > >

> > > ---------------------------------> > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with > Mobile. Try it now. > > > > > > > > > > > > ---------------------------------> > Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. > > > > > > > > > > ---------------------------------> > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with > Mobile. Try it now.> >>

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Hello, I'm not sure if this is similar to what you are describing or

not, but my son also has a " dent " . He was born with a very

significant dent above his ear. You can see some pics of it here:



We banded him as young as we could specifically for this dent, as we

were told it would be hard to correct. We were very pleased with how

much it did fill in though. Here you can see it after five weeks in

his DOCband:



We were told that it was probably an imprint of my pelvic bone. I

carried him very low my whole pregnancy. He was a quick L & D, no

forceps, only pushed for four minutes, lol. Anyway, I can still feel

the dent, but it's not nearly as noticable as it was before his

helmet treatment.

, mom to DOCgrads- Hannah (5yrs) and Jack (12mos)

Cape Cod, Ma


> > > Hello i posted january 18th but i hadnt been online since

> > now im

> > > back..would like to hear from others with torticollis and

> > > plagiocephaly.. my osn is now 4..he went thru the pt etc and

> > helmet

> > > wearing startig at 6 mos but his head is still

> > indented..etc..anyone

> > > wanna chat let me know.. im in New jersey

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ---------------------------------

> > > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with

> > Mobile. Try it now.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ---------------------------------

> > > Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ---------------------------------

> > > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with

> > Mobile. Try it now.

> > >

> >







> ---------------------------------

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  • 2 weeks later...

No, it's not a universal no-no. It's only something that gets

removed as the diet gets refined if it's needed. So until Dr. G says

to remove them, don't worry about it. :)


On Feb 7, 2008, at 9:21 AM, live4luke wrote:

> Hey everyone..

> My name is Beth, mom to a 28-month-old ASD little boy. I'm going to

> see Dr. Goldberg on April 1st. Just wanted to know what to

> expect....also, Cheryl, I read your post about avocado's--are they a

> big no-no? Of course my son LOVES them....thanks and looking forward

> to chatting with you all. Beth




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Hi Kate,

At the moment, there are no affiliated clinics anywhere in the

U.S. besides Dr. Goldberg, who is in the Los Angeles area. He does

work with many families over the phone, however (although an initial,

in-person visit is required of all patients). Families who work with

him long-distance have the lab work done locally and have it sent to

him, and then he does a telephone consultation every 5-6 weeks.

There is a clinic in Northern New York that uses a similar protocol to

Dr. G (I think it's called " NNY Autism Center " ) and there's an office

that I THINK is affiliated with that one in Texas. Dr. Bruce

is the medical director of that one. They are not affiliated with Dr.

G. http://www.nidsnnyclinic.org/index.html

Hope that helps.



> Hi,


> I just heard of this group and joined it. One of my sons has autism

> (mercury poisoning, viral and fungal issues, immune system issues,

> hearing issues, etc.), and I read on the website to call to find out

> where a local clinic might be. The phone number is no longer in

> service. We haven't had the best luck with the DAN! approach over the

> past 5 years (he reacts badly to IV chelation, etc.), so we're going to

> go see another top DAN! doctor and hope she can figure out the puzzle

> for us, then maybe try homeopathy, or maybe drugs/meds that we haven't

> tried (desperation--it's not the best solution).


> I read someone else talk about their " tough nut " and discussed the

> group. I don't know much about it, and would like to learn more. Does

> anyone know where the closest clinic is to Portland, OR?


> Thanks,

> Cate


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There are only 3 places where you can see a practitioner. Dr. G

in Tarzana, NNY Autism Clinic and they also have an office in Tx.

That's it. About the only thing you're going to find to even get

close to is someone very well versed in CFS.

My son was a non-responder to DAN so we moved on to and my son

started improving immediately. If you see Dr. G, you should know

that it is *very* different from DAN and you'll really need to learn

a new way of thinking. He does not chelate, either.

If you're in OR you may just want to make a trip down to see Dr. G

and then do phone consults. The number to the office is 818-343-1010.


On Feb 19, 2008, at 10:39 AM, Cate Hickman wrote:

> Hi,


> I just heard of this group and joined it. One of my sons has autism

> (mercury poisoning, viral and fungal issues, immune system issues,

> hearing issues, etc.), and I read on the website to call to find out

> where a local clinic might be. The phone number is no longer in

> service. We haven't had the best luck with the DAN! approach over the

> past 5 years (he reacts badly to IV chelation, etc.), so we're

> going to

> go see another top DAN! doctor and hope she can figure out the puzzle

> for us, then maybe try homeopathy, or maybe drugs/meds that we haven't

> tried (desperation--it's not the best solution).


> I read someone else talk about their " tough nut " and discussed the


> group. I don't know much about it, and would like to learn more. Does

> anyone know where the closest clinic is to Portland, OR?


> Thanks,

> Cate



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Hi Sara it's nice to meet you! Right now typing this my fingers are

stiff but I keep typing I'm not going to let RA win! I'm stronger than

this! A positive attitude!


In , " sara " <sarakay1@...> wrote:


> hi my name is sara i hope to find some friends. i am so happy to find

> that there is a group for us in pain all the time. i feel like soo

> alone with what i am going through. i am so scared and my family says

> that if i am scared that i am giving up. i don't see that. my friends

> are no more basically no one that used to call, calls anymore. ever

> since i was diagnosed i find that there is noone around anymore. i used

> to have friends calling me on the phone, asking me to go out on the

> weekends, not anymore. everyone is gone, why! boyfriends right not

> one wants to deal with me being sick, they don't want to take on the

> responsibility. i can't seem to meet any guys that want to stay

> around. why! i feel soo alone. i do have to admit i have good

> doctors, and my daughter is an angel, she really does more than

> anyone. but she is just five and i want her to have more of a real

> life or childhood rather than taking care of mom all the time. she is

> always worrying about me alot, when friends ask her to come over and

> play she doesn't want to go, she is afraid to leave me. she talks about

> me dying. i am not dying, but she thinks i am sometimes when i get

> really bad and can't move for a few days. anyhow enough of me whining

> i hope that i find some friends and maybe i would be able to help

> someone other than myself. signing hopeful


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Hi Sara

So sorry you are feeling so alone but we are all here for you and will chat with

you anytime.

What meds are you taking? Maybe you need to find something to work better for


Do you have a rheumatologist?

Sometimes when you are in pain and diagnosed with this disease depression can

set in too.

Maybe you should talk to your doc about this too.

Your friends will come around and if not then they aren't very good friends to

begin with.

I know in the winter a lot of my friends seem to hibernate a bit too, maybe that

is the case.

Hang in there!


[ ] new to group

hi my name is sara i hope to find some friends. i am so happy to find

that there is a group for us in pain all the time. i feel like soo

alone with what i am going through. i am so scared and my family says

that if i am scared that i am giving up. i don't see that. my friends

are no more basically no one that used to call, calls anymore. ever

since i was diagnosed i find that there is noone around anymore. i used

to have friends calling me on the phone, asking me to go out on the

weekends, not anymore. everyone is gone, why! boyfriends right not

one wants to deal with me being sick, they don't want to take on the

responsibility. i can't seem to meet any guys that want to stay

around. why! i feel soo alone. i do have to admit i have good

doctors, and my daughter is an angel, she really does more than

anyone. but she is just five and i want her to have more of a real

life or childhood rather than taking care of mom all the time. she is

always worrying about me alot, when friends ask her to come over and

play she doesn't want to go, she is afraid to leave me. she talks about

me dying. i am not dying, but she thinks i am sometimes when i get

really bad and can't move for a few days. anyhow enough of me whining

i hope that i find some friends and maybe i would be able to help

someone other than myself. signing hopeful

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Hi Sara,

Welcome to the group. Real friends don't leave you because you are

sick.There are also men out there who will love you in spite of the disease.

If your daughter is afraid you are dying , why not take her to the Dr with

you. He/She can explain that the disease may be painful and may render you

bed bound for days at a time, it is not terminal. Just a thought. We are

always here and to listen and try to help. send out tons of greats

links to sites that offer help and an understanding of what our bodies are

doing. So, welcome to the group and glad to meet you.

Heidi M

On Thu, Feb 21, 2008 at 3:56 PM, Joy <jhoorm01@...> wrote:

> Hi Sara

> So sorry you are feeling so alone but we are all here for you and will

> chat with you anytime.

> What meds are you taking? Maybe you need to find something to work better

> for you.

> Do you have a rheumatologist?

> Sometimes when you are in pain and diagnosed with this disease depression

> can set in too.

> Maybe you should talk to your doc about this too.

> Your friends will come around and if not then they aren't very good

> friends to begin with.

> I know in the winter a lot of my friends seem to hibernate a bit too,

> maybe that is the case.

> Hang in there!


> Joy




> [ ] new to group


> hi my name is sara i hope to find some friends. i am so happy to find

> that there is a group for us in pain all the time. i feel like soo

> alone with what i am going through. i am so scared and my family says

> that if i am scared that i am giving up. i don't see that. my friends

> are no more basically no one that used to call, calls anymore. ever

> since i was diagnosed i find that there is noone around anymore. i used

> to have friends calling me on the phone, asking me to go out on the

> weekends, not anymore. everyone is gone, why! boyfriends right not

> one wants to deal with me being sick, they don't want to take on the

> responsibility. i can't seem to meet any guys that want to stay

> around. why! i feel soo alone. i do have to admit i have good

> doctors, and my daughter is an angel, she really does more than

> anyone. but she is just five and i want her to have more of a real

> life or childhood rather than taking care of mom all the time. she is

> always worrying about me alot, when friends ask her to come over and

> play she doesn't want to go, she is afraid to leave me. she talks about

> me dying. i am not dying, but she thinks i am sometimes when i get

> really bad and can't move for a few days. anyhow enough of me whining

> i hope that i find some friends and maybe i would be able to help

> someone other than myself. signing hopeful



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--- In , " sara " <sarakay1@...> wrote:


> hi my name is sara i hope to find some friends. i am so happy to


> that there is a group for us in pain all the time. i feel like


> alone with what i am going through. i am so scared and my family


> that if i am scared that i am giving up. i don't see that. my


> are no more basically no one that used to call, calls anymore.


> since i was diagnosed i find that there is noone around anymore. i


> to have friends calling me on the phone, asking me to go out on


> weekends, not anymore. everyone is gone, why! boyfriends right


> one wants to deal with me being sick, they don't want to take on


> responsibility. i can't seem to meet any guys that want to stay

> around. why! i feel soo alone. i do have to admit i have good

> doctors, and my daughter is an angel, she really does more than

> anyone. but she is just five and i want her to have more of a


> life or childhood rather than taking care of mom all the time.

she is

> always worrying about me alot, when friends ask her to come over


> play she doesn't want to go, she is afraid to leave me. she talks


> me dying. i am not dying, but she thinks i am sometimes when i get

> really bad and can't move for a few days. anyhow enough of me


> i hope that i find some friends and maybe i would be able to help

> someone other than myself. signing hopeful


Hi Sara my name is Joy I too have RA and was just diagnosed with

Fibromyalgia. I am a single parent who is blessed with a nine yr old

daughter who is an angel like I am sure your little girl is. I am 40

yrs old and live with my mother also. I also have a 19 yr old but he

does not live here but in NC. I know how you feel believe me. I

sleep all the time that I am not at work. I work 40 hrs a week in

the cooler no less and it wears me down. I feel like I am not giving

my daughter the full attention that she needs and feel like I am

letting her down. She is there for me and makes sure I take my

medicines but she should not have to worry all the time that I do.

I am lucky though I suppose I do have a wonderful boyfriend who is

very supportive of me and trys to understand the pain that I am in

and helps me with my daughter when I need the help.Don't give up

hope they are out there I promise and there are more than one. So if

you need a shoulder to cry on or word of advice here and there I am

here if you need me. I think this group is great because you get to

see how many others are out there feeling the same way we do. And in

a weird way that helps.

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--- In , " sara " <sarakay1@...> wrote:


> hi my name is sara i hope to find some friends. i am so happy to


> that there is a group for us in pain all the time. i feel like


> alone with what i am going through. i am so scared and my family


> that if i am scared that i am giving up. i don't see that. my


> are no more basically no one that used to call, calls anymore.


> since i was diagnosed i find that there is noone around anymore. i


> to have friends calling me on the phone, asking me to go out on


> weekends, not anymore. everyone is gone, why! boyfriends right


> one wants to deal with me being sick, they don't want to take on


> responsibility. i can't seem to meet any guys that want to stay

> around. why! i feel soo alone. i do have to admit i have good

> doctors, and my daughter is an angel, she really does more than

> anyone. but she is just five and i want her to have more of a


> life or childhood rather than taking care of mom all the time.

she is

> always worrying about me alot, when friends ask her to come over


> play she doesn't want to go, she is afraid to leave me. she talks


> me dying. i am not dying, but she thinks i am sometimes when i get

> really bad and can't move for a few days. anyhow enough of me


> i hope that i find some friends and maybe i would be able to help

> someone other than myself. signing hopeful


Hi Sara my name is Joy I too have RA and was just diagnosed with

Fibromyalgia. I am a single parent who is blessed with a nine yr old

daughter who is an angel like I am sure your little girl is. I am 40

yrs old and live with my mother also. I also have a 19 yr old but he

does not live here but in NC. I know how you feel believe me. I

sleep all the time that I am not at work. I work 40 hrs a week in

the cooler no less and it wears me down. I feel like I am not giving

my daughter the full attention that she needs and feel like I am

letting her down. She is there for me and makes sure I take my

medicines but she should not have to worry all the time that I do.

I am lucky though I suppose I do have a wonderful boyfriend who is

very supportive of me and trys to understand the pain that I am in

and helps me with my daughter when I need the help.Don't give up

hope they are out there I promise and there are more than one. So if

you need a shoulder to cry on or word of advice here and there I am

here if you need me. I think this group is great because you get to

see how many others are out there feeling the same way we do. And in

a weird way that helps.

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> >

> > hi my name is sara i hope to find some friends. i am so happy to

> find

> > that there is a group for us in pain all the time. i feel like

> soo

> > alone with what i am going through. i am so scared and my


> says

> > that if i am scared that i am giving up. i don't see that. my

> friends

> > are no more basically no one that used to call, calls anymore.

> ever

> > since i was diagnosed i find that there is noone around anymore.


> used

> > to have friends calling me on the phone, asking me to go out on

> the

> > weekends, not anymore. everyone is gone, why! boyfriends right

> not

> > one wants to deal with me being sick, they don't want to take on

> the

> > responsibility. i can't seem to meet any guys that want to stay

> > around. why! i feel soo alone. i do have to admit i have good

> > doctors, and my daughter is an angel, she really does more than

> > anyone. but she is just five and i want her to have more of a

> real

> > life or childhood rather than taking care of mom all the time.

> she is

> > always worrying about me alot, when friends ask her to come over

> and

> > play she doesn't want to go, she is afraid to leave me. she


> about

> > me dying. i am not dying, but she thinks i am sometimes when i


> > really bad and can't move for a few days. anyhow enough of me

> whining

> > i hope that i find some friends and maybe i would be able to


> > someone other than myself. signing hopeful

> >

> Hi Sara my name is Joy I too have RA and was just diagnosed with

> Fibromyalgia. I am a single parent who is blessed with a nine yr


> daughter who is an angel like I am sure your little girl is. I am


> yrs old and live with my mother also. I also have a 19 yr old but


> does not live here but in NC. I know how you feel believe me. I

> sleep all the time that I am not at work. I work 40 hrs a week in

> the cooler no less and it wears me down. I feel like I am not


> my daughter the full attention that she needs and feel like I am

> letting her down. She is there for me and makes sure I take my

> medicines but she should not have to worry all the time that I do.

> I am lucky though I suppose I do have a wonderful boyfriend who is

> very supportive of me and trys to understand the pain that I am in

> and helps me with my daughter when I need the help.Don't give up

> hope they are out there I promise and there are more than one. So


> you need a shoulder to cry on or word of advice here and there I


> here if you need me. I think this group is great because you get


> see how many others are out there feeling the same way we do. And


> a weird way that helps.

>sara you r not alone.my name is MELYNDAGAMEZ im 38 yrs.im married

to a great man & have an 11yr.old daughter,ALYSSA IS HER NAME.I CAN












ADDRESS:melyndagamez & >good luck & god blessyou!!!

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I went through gold injections, plaquenil, and methotrexate before

discovering antibiotic therapy. My best treatment was I.V. Clindamycin.

Although it

did not cure me, it took away the pain and the advance of deformity. I did

the I.V. for 9 months a year (once a week) for 5 years. Now I take

amoxicillan 2X/day and azithromycin 1X a day, and this regimen is keeping the


at bay. Oh, I also take 4 mg. prednisone and 1 Celebrex per day. Prior to

starting antibiotics, my R.A. factor, SED rate, CRP, etc., were off the

charts. Now they are close to normal, and my hemoglobin is testing at normal


the first time in 31 years.

**************Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living.



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My doctor was an orthopedic doctor whose wife had a mixed connective tissue

disease, and he was open to new therapies back in the early nineties. My

insurance company, however, put a halt to my treatment, and I think they scared

him. He wants to keep his job, so he no longer orders antibiotic treatment.

Because I tested for Lyme, an infectious disease doctor is willing to do

oral antibiotics. This doctor thinks R.A., Lupus, M.S, etc., are all a result

of infections.

Good luck--it's a battle.

**************Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living.



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Someone said it best the other day; there are flavor of the day topics

here and you may have joined at a time when that stuff is the flavor

but this is a great board where all topics are covered. Please ask away

about anything your interested, particularly the communication skills

and I am sure many folks will speak up about what they know. There are

a lot of great resources here.


> Hello,


> I joined this group because I am looking for information on apraxia.


> am a bit confused about all the specific autism and diet talk I've


> recently. Apraxia does occur in children with a variety of other

> concerns, but some of this conversation doesn't seem to be about

> communication skills at all. Is this the norm for this group?


> Thanks,

> Deb


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Hi ,

Where did you get your treatment? I think it's hard to find IV clindamycin



> Diane:)


> I went through gold injections, plaquenil, and methotrexate before

> discovering antibiotic therapy. My best treatment was I.V. Clindamycin.

Although it

> did not cure me, it took away the pain and the advance of deformity. I did

> the I.V. for 9 months a year (once a week) for 5 years. Now I take

> amoxicillan 2X/day and azithromycin 1X a day, and this regimen is keeping the


> at bay. Oh, I also take 4 mg. prednisone and 1 Celebrex per day. Prior to

> starting antibiotics, my R.A. factor, SED rate, CRP, etc., were off the

> charts. Now they are close to normal, and my hemoglobin is testing at normal


> the first time in 31 years.






> **************Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living.



> 2050827?NCID=aolcmp00300000002598)




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Hi ,

Where did you get your treatment? I think it's hard to find IV clindamycin



> Diane:)


> I went through gold injections, plaquenil, and methotrexate before

> discovering antibiotic therapy. My best treatment was I.V. Clindamycin.

Although it

> did not cure me, it took away the pain and the advance of deformity. I did

> the I.V. for 9 months a year (once a week) for 5 years. Now I take

> amoxicillan 2X/day and azithromycin 1X a day, and this regimen is keeping the


> at bay. Oh, I also take 4 mg. prednisone and 1 Celebrex per day. Prior to

> starting antibiotics, my R.A. factor, SED rate, CRP, etc., were off the

> charts. Now they are close to normal, and my hemoglobin is testing at normal


> the first time in 31 years.






> **************Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living.



> 2050827?NCID=aolcmp00300000002598)




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Welcome Deb!

This a great group. Every child is different and some have apraxia

diagnoses alone or along with other delays, difficulties or

disorders. Some have no diagnosis as of yet and are search and

researching. Apraxia appears to be common in children with autism.

Also, because autism is the diagnosis that seems to have the funding

and research backing right now, and because some " treatments "

and " causes " may be similar to those applicable to apraxia, you

naturally and often see an overlap in the discussions.

I recommend that you start with The Late Talker book for a general

overview and good discussion of apraxia and suggested first line

therapies, including supplementation. Also, under the " Links "

portion of this site, you will find numerous folders compiling

useful information on a variety of relevant topics. While possibly

overwhelming, perusing the posts will likely be very informative and

helpful as well. I know it has been for me!

You should feel free to ask any questions you may have. The members

of this group are very generous with their time and experience!

Again welcome!


> Hello,


> I joined this group because I am looking for information on

apraxia. I

> am a bit confused about all the specific autism and diet talk I've


> recently. Apraxia does occur in children with a variety of other

> concerns, but some of this conversation doesn't seem to be about

> communication skills at all. Is this the norm for this group?


> Thanks,

> Deb


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I am just getting my feet wet regarding the bio-med things but books that really

helped me were these books:

Children With Starving Brains: A Medical Treatment Guide for Autism Spectrum


by Jaquelyn McCandless

Healing the New Childhood Epidemics: Autism, ADHD, Asthma, and Allergies: The

Groundbreaking Program for the 4-A Disorders

by Bock and Cameron Stauth

These books really helped me get oriented and see the potential for helping my


I haven't ever had my kids specifically diagnosed with anything other than

celiac yet there are many " quirks " we are working through including dyslexia

like issues, vision, speech, ADHD and now sensory integration issues. I have

implemented the Houston enzyme trio and observed amazing results. We have also

received benefits from various vitamins, minerals, yeast control (very good) and

food allergy identification and elimination. Next on our to do list is heavy

metals screening. Basically I've just taken what works for parents in this group

and the info from the books and it has really helped my kids. We recently found

a DAN! doctor in our area we are using for support with the chelation efforts.

I don't know if this helps -- basically for us it has worked well to proceed

without formal diagnosis and I have been amazed that kid can get 4 years of

speech and then take supplements and progress faster in a few weeks than a few


Regarding dyslexia our solution has been vision therapy, Cod Liver Oil and

son Reading program. Others with more experience may provide a lot more

insights on all this!

Good luck!


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Dear ,

Thank you so much for taking the time to write. I am glad you

finally found relief. I guess everyone has to find the cocktail that

works for them. I am hoping my doctor will be up for the antibiotic

therapy, because that is what I want to try. Wish me luck in

convincing him.




> Diane:)


> I went through gold injections, plaquenil, and methotrexate before

> discovering antibiotic therapy. My best treatment was I.V.

Clindamycin. Although it

> did not cure me, it took away the pain and the advance of

deformity. I did

> the I.V. for 9 months a year (once a week) for 5 years. Now I


> amoxicillan 2X/day and azithromycin 1X a day, and this regimen is

keeping the symptoms

> at bay. Oh, I also take 4 mg. prednisone and 1 Celebrex per day.

Prior to

> starting antibiotics, my R.A. factor, SED rate, CRP, etc., were

off the

> charts. Now they are close to normal, and my hemoglobin is

testing at normal for

> the first time in 31 years.






> **************Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL


> (http://living.aol.com/video/how-to-please-your-picky-eater/rachel-


> 2050827?NCID=aolcmp00300000002598)




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