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Thanks Tammy. I think I am going to cancel our follow up with the doctor.

We have scheduled an appointment with another doctor. We did switch to the

diary free version of the Culturelle probiotic. I am thinking of switching

to Kirkmans pro-bio once we are done with the Culturelle. He seems to be

tolerating better so far. We are on our first new food trial in ages and so

far so good(fingers crossed).

Does anyone have a good protocol for healing a leaky gut? We think that

should be our first thing to go after.

On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 10:02 PM, Tammy Kuhn <tkuhn1@...> wrote:



> Run from that Dan. Sorry, anyone should not give you probiotics or enzymes

> with your allergies in them. Pretty basic and scary. There are plenty of

> other products out there.


> Stop the probiotics. JMO.


> Tammy



> New to Group


> Hello Everyone,


> I have been reading up the last couple of days on all the valuable info in

> this group. My son is 2 1/2 years old and has a condition called

> eosinphillic esophagitis and severe food allergies and can only tolerate 4

> foods(pears, squash, rice and olive oil) and drinks a hypoallergic formula

> (vanilla elecare). He also has some quirky beahviors(poor eye

> contact,hyperactive, repeats things multiple times). He has had these issues

> pretty much since the 3 months of age. I am pretty new to all this, but just

> looking at alternatives to help him grow. I have read a lot interesting info

> here about metals, yeast and parasites.


> We recently went to a DAN dr here in northern VA. The DAN dr didn't do any

> test except for the muscle testing. She put him on pleo fort, similase jr,

> and metagenic df probiotic. He has been doing ok with the pleo fort,

> similase jr(a little reflux). We started the probiotic and he seemed to be

> doing ok and he we noticed a single hive on his face. Could that be due the

> " die-off " or a reaction to the probiotic? The probiotic is cultured on soy

> and diary which he has an ige allergy to both. We have seen a hive before

> from another probiotic in past which was not cultured on dairy. We got

> scared at that time and stopped.


> Also, Are there any recommended books to learn more about all this

> information?


> Thanks for any insight!


> Aqil



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  • 3 weeks later...
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Gillian, I joined a few weeks ago and feel the same way you do. Just finished

reading the book, have made an appointment with a pediatric neurologist and

developmental pediatrician, started the fish oils and I am still not sure I am

doing all that I should be doing. I am suffering from severe anxiety over this

and not coping very well.  I am also thinking there is a possibility that my 3

yr old son may suffer from fragile X and am waiting to have him tested.  I

have found some encouragement in this group but still feeling very scared and


From: blingmedesigns <grob@...>

Subject: [ ] New to group

Date: Thursday, July 16, 2009, 1:56 PM


Hi everyone,

I just joined this group looking for support. My 2yr old son was diagnosed with

apraxia and sensory integration disorder. I am desperate to help my child. He is

involved with EI program and does one on one speech therapy twice a week. I have

so many feelings, concerns, and really need to connect with others that are

going through the same thing.

My son is going to preschool in the fall and I am really uneasy about this. Is

he too young? Should I just keep him at home? Do the teachers have the patience

for my child? These are just some of the questions that are going through my

head. Not to mention, everything else.

I am reading " The Late Talker " right now and have made him an appt. with a

developmental pediatrician. I have started him on fish oil supplements. Is there

anything I am missing, I feel like I'm grabbing for straws right now.

Thanks in advance for advice!

Gillian Prepejchal

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Hi Becky and Gillian-

I just wanted to offer some encouragement.?? My son has been in speech since 18

months of age.?? He has hyptonia and dysarthia (low muscle tone).???? He is now

2 years 6 months.???? I felt the anxiety you both express and cried many a tear

over not knowing how to help my son.???? For a very long period of time he could

only say the consonants " B " , " M " and " D " .?? I despaired that he would never

speak.????? I write with encouragement because with the addition of a new

therapist who specializes in Oral Motor therapy here in Orlando in combination

with a great lady that comes to my house, he HAS progressed.???

In the last month alone he has increased his sounds to 22 letters of the

alphabet including all of the different sounds the vowels make.?? He still is

not saying many words but today he said the number " four " .????? Don't

despair.???? Don't be discouraged.??? Keep persevering.??? I sometimes think the

worry that he would never speak has been good because it has pushed me to do

more and more for him.??? Dont' give up hope, your child will talk and succeed

in his/her own time.???? It just is a tribute that you are both wonderful mom's

that you do worry about your children and want to do the best.?? That's all we

can do each and every day.????

My only other words would be that if you don't feel good about who you are

seeing for therapy, think about changing.?? I've had 3 therapists and the most

recent has made more progress with him than any of the others in just 4 weeks.??

Keep looking, there are great people to help you child out there.??? Best of

luck to both of you!


[ ] New to group

Date: Thursday, July 16, 2009, 1:56 PM


Hi everyone,

I just joined this group looking for support. My 2yr old son was diagnosed with

apraxia and sensory integration disorder. I am desperate to help my child. He is

involved with EI program and does one on one speech therapy twice a week. I have

so many feelings, concerns, and really need to connect with others that are

going through the same thing.

My son is going to preschool in the fall and I am really uneasy about this. Is

he too young? Should I just keep him at home? Do the teachers have the patience

for my child? These are just some of the questions that are going through my

head. Not to mention, everything else.

I am reading " The Late Talker " right now and have made him an appt. with a

developmental pediatrician. I have started him on fish oil supplements. Is there

anything I am missing, I feel like I'm grabbing for straws right now.

Thanks in advance for advice!

Gillian Prepejchal

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Hi and welcome!

My son is 2 and also has apraxia and sensory issues. In addition to speech

twice a week, he does OT with an OT who specializes in sensory issues. She

started us on the brushing protocol ( has sensory defensiveness) where you

brush the child several times a day and do joint compression. I feel that this

has helped with his sensory issues, esp brushing the palms of his hands and

soles of his feet has greatly reduced his tactile defensiveness. We also do a

therapeutic listening program with a specially made headset and CD's that is

supposed to help with both sensory issues and speech and I think this has helped


In terms of preschool, I am looking into a preschool in the speech language and

hearing clinic at a local university. It is specifically for preschoolers with

speech disorders. I live in STL and there are 2 programs here that I know of.

There might be one through a university near you. Hope that helps!



> From: blingmedesigns <grob@...>

> Subject: [ ] New to group


> Date: Thursday, July 16, 2009, 1:56 PM







> Hi everyone,


> I just joined this group looking for support. My 2yr old son was diagnosed

with apraxia and sensory integration disorder. I am desperate to help my child.

He is involved with EI program and does one on one speech therapy twice a week.

I have so many feelings, concerns, and really need to connect with others that

are going through the same thing.


> My son is going to preschool in the fall and I am really uneasy about this. Is

he too young? Should I just keep him at home? Do the teachers have the patience

for my child? These are just some of the questions that are going through my

head. Not to mention, everything else.


> I am reading " The Late Talker " right now and have made him an appt. with a

developmental pediatrician. I have started him on fish oil supplements. Is there

anything I am missing, I feel like I'm grabbing for straws right now.


> Thanks in advance for advice!

> Gillian Prepejchal





















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Hi everyone,

I am also new to this group and feel it has already been very helpful to me. My

son Henry is 2 years 5 months and was diagnosed with apraxia at 24 months. Henry

has had speech therapy since 12 months but back then it was only every other

week. Over the course of the last 18 months I have slowly increased his speech

services. As of April he gets speech 4x a week. 2x through the state and 2x

private (ouch on the pocketbook) but I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown

worrying non-stop that he was not getting enough ST. I just fought the state

again and they agreed to give him 3x a week starting in Sept.

Just like you, I has been so worried, sad and so scared of the unknown! Will my

son be one of those apraxia kids that never really talks or will be be one those

8 years olds that you tell someone he has apraxia and they look at you in

disbelief! I think being so scared has made me fight harder and to never give up

in trying to help my son.. For so long I really think I was in denial a bit,

even though at the time I did not think I was. Coming to terms with, this is

apraxia and there is nothing I can do to make it go away has helped me. Of

course that happened after crying non-stop and feeling so sorry for myself.

Henry is doing amazing, considering he did not utter a word till 20 months,

which was mama.. He now has about 12 to 15 core words that he says all the time

without being asked to say them. Just today at lunch, I said who wants lunch and

Henry raised his hand and said ME! I almost fell over.

Henry is also going to school in the fall and I have lost sleep over, how is he

going to cope not really being able to talk. Will the teachers have the patience

to help him and push him to use his words or just be happy he is a easy good

quiet toddler? The worrying never stops, does it? lol

Henry also takes fish oil and started it at 20 months, I did see a huge

improvement when he started it bit he has been on it for 9 months so I do not

know what he would be like without it. He also goes to developmental

pediatrician every 6 months which he never does well there as far as testing. He

scores average but that is only because he fails


From: blingmedesigns <grob@...>

Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 2:56:00 PM

Subject: [ ] New to group

Hi everyone,

I just joined this group looking for support. My 2yr old son was diagnosed with

apraxia and sensory integration disorder. I am desperate to help my child. He is

involved with EI program and does one on one speech therapy twice a week. I have

so many feelings, concerns, and really need to connect with others that are

going through the same thing.

My son is going to preschool in the fall and I am really uneasy about this. Is

he too young? Should I just keep him at home? Do the teachers have the patience

for my child? These are just some of the questions that are going through my

head. Not to mention, everything else.

I am reading " The Late Talker " right now and have made him an appt. with a

developmental pediatrician. I have started him on fish oil supplements. Is there

anything I am missing, I feel like I'm grabbing for straws right now.

Thanks in advance for advice!

Gillian Prepejchal

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I really need to connect with someone. My husband refuses to believe that

anything is wrong with our son. I keep getting " Einstein did talk until he was

three " . He is always on me, saying I'm crazy and there is nothing wrong with our

son. My husband does not want to hear anything about apraxia or a disorder and

tells me I am crazy.

Please help me - I am desperate. I do better on the phone vs. on the computer.

Call me (618) 201-8831.

Seriously, I need to talk to other parents going through the same thing.



> Hi everyone,


> I am also new to this group and feel it has already been very helpful to me.

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Hi Carla: Welcome to our group. I know you will be happy to be a

member here.

Sorry to read that you have RA. It is a beast of a disease.

I could not take the MTX in pill form. I had nausea 24/7, and I could

not take it anymore. It didn't matter if I ate crackers or reg. food.

I was just so sick I knew I was done taking those pills.

My Rheumy taught me to inject myself with the MTX. It has worked so

good for me. I might have a very slight case of nausea the night I

inject it, but then it is gone. I have been self injecting my MTX for 6

years now. I also take Leucovorin, 2 pills 12 hours after I inject the

MTX. It is Folic Acid, and takes care of nausea also. You might want

to talk with your Rheumy about this.

I hope you have better days ahead. I hated that sick feeling day in and

day out. It was the pitts.



--- In , " carlasmustang98 " <CarlasMustang@...>



> Hi:

> I was just diagnosed with Ra, I got my med's yesterday and they are

making me soooo sick to my stomach! I am taking folic acid 1mg daily,

methotrexate 2.5 mg 5 pills once a week, meloxicam 15mg daily,

prednisone 5mg tabs, take 2 tabs twice day. Does anyone know anything I

can do to stop my stomach upset? I eat when I take the pills, and I have

been eating crackers, sandwiches...etc...all day...and it still hurts

hurts hurts!

> Any help would be greatly appreciated!

> Carla


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Hi Carla,

I have nausea and vertigo issues with my meds, and my doctor prescribes me

compazine for the nausea and meclizine for the vertigo. Both work well. If you

are vomiting and can't keep the compazine down, it is also available in


Hope you are feeling better soon. The nausea with the MTX usually subsides

after a few doses.

Take care,

Kate P-B

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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Hi Carla,

I was also having issues with nausea. My doctor switched me to the injectable

type of MTX which helped tremendously, and then for the occasional nausea that

still sneaks through I take compazine or Nauzene which you can but OTC at

Wal-mart. I was surprised at how well it works for most of my stomach problems.

I keep a box everywhere. One in my van, one in my kitchen, one in my purse and I

used to keep one at work. Still getting used to this not working by the way. And

praying the Disability, SSI and SSDI go through.



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Hi Carla,

I actually get 1ml of the injectable type of Methyltrexate due to the pill form

making me too nauseous... I however, can not give myself needles as it causes

way to much stress on my part... (stress for me, will make me flare very

quickly)... My Rhuematologist suggested that I put the medicine in a syringe

and then shoot it into some orange juice and drink it... I has worked great!



> Hi:

> I was just diagnosed with Ra, I got my med's yesterday and they are making me

soooo sick to my stomach! I am taking folic acid 1mg daily, methotrexate 2.5 mg

5 pills once a week, meloxicam 15mg daily, prednisone 5mg tabs, take 2 tabs

twice day. Does anyone know anything I can do to stop my stomach upset? I eat

when I take the pills, and I have been eating crackers, sandwiches...etc...all

day...and it still hurts hurts hurts!

> Any help would be greatly appreciated!

> Carla


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Welcome to our group Carla,

I'm very sorry for your diagnosis, and the problem your having with your

meds. We've all been through it, and we know what your going through.

The meloxicam is probably making your tummy not feel well. I'm suppose

to take it, but it bothers me so bad. My doctor put me on prevacaid,

that hasn't helped much. You might talk to your rheumy about putting

you on a med like prevacaid, it might help you.

The mtx is hard to deal with. I'm hoping after awhile, you will start

feeling better. The pills are harder on the stomach, I use the mtx

injections. I don't really have any side effects from the drug anymore.

I know a lot of members are also on the mtx shots.

I hope you stay, there are a lot of great people here to help you

through this trying time. Take care, and just keep posting.

Good luck,


--- In , " carlasmustang98 " <CarlasMustang@...>



> Hi:

> I was just diagnosed with Ra, I got my med's yesterday and they are

making me soooo sick to my stomach! I am taking folic acid 1mg daily,

methotrexate 2.5 mg 5 pills once a week, meloxicam 15mg daily,

prednisone 5mg tabs, take 2 tabs twice day. Does anyone know anything I

can do to stop my stomach upset? I eat when I take the pills, and I have

been eating crackers, sandwiches...etc...all day...and it still hurts

hurts hurts!

> Any help would be greatly appreciated!

> Carla


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It sounds like you are doing the best you can. I did swtich from oral MTX to

injections and found it was much easier on the stomach. I started out with much

less of a load, primarily MTX and Folic Acid. The only suggestion I could make

is that you talk with your Rheumatologist and ask what you can cut back on and

see how you feel.


Steattle, Sun!

Sent: Friday, July 24, 2009 10:37:53 AM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific

Subject: [ ] new to group


I was just diagnosed with Ra, I got my med's yesterday and they are making me

soooo sick to my stomach!  I am taking folic acid 1mg daily, methotrexate 2.5

mg 5 pills once a week, meloxicam 15mg daily, prednisone 5mg tabs, take 2 tabs

twice day.  Does anyone know anything I can do to stop my stomach upset? I eat

when I take the pills, and I have been eating crackers, sandwiches...etc...all

day...and it still hurts hurts hurts!

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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Hi Carla and welcome to the group. Meloxicam is an NSAID - known for upsetting

stomachs. I'm surprised your Rheumy has you taking that at the same time as the

prednisone. IMHO, I would STOP the Meloxicam. Get some OTC Prilosec - do the

14-day dosage only and then maybe add Zantac 150 to your daily pill regimen

after that. Definitely call your Rheumy and let them know what you're doing and

why. If you need something for pain, try either Tylenol Arthritis or ask your

Rheumy for something other than an NSAID. I feel pretty confident that is what

is causing your stomach upset. I'm not a medical professional in any way, but

I've been there/done that/bought the t-shirt.

Praying for pain free better days ahead for you. Keep us posted.....Doreen :)

PS - like a lot of the others, I take my MTX by injection. It completely

bypasses a LOT of stomach issues and is much easier for the body to process.


I was just diagnosed with Ra, I got my med's yesterday and they are making me

soooo sick to my stomach! I am taking folic acid 1mg daily, methotrexate 2.5 mg

5 pills once a week, meloxicam 15mg daily, prednisone 5mg tabs, take 2 tabs

twice day. Does anyone know anything I can do to stop my stomach upset? I eat

when I take the pills, and I have been eating crackers, sandwiches...etc...all

day...and it still hurts hurts hurts!

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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Thanks to everyone who gave me info for the nausea. I feel a little better

today. I do have another question. Everyone talks about having flare-ups. Can

you tell me what a flare-up is? I'm sorry I feel silly having to ask....What

causes flare-ups?

Thank you!


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I don't think you need to feel silly for asking any questions... I was always

told that the only stupid question was the one not asked! I believe flares are

different for everyone but very basic in some ways. I didn't think it

complicated until I started to answer your question. But, I will do the best I

can to explain.

I consider my flares as simply feeling awful... Revisiting the times before the

medications started helping.

For example: I couldn't walk up stairs (hell, or walk across the room), I was

always falling asleep (even while driving or in the midst of a conversation), my

joints were unbearably painful and I couldn't keep my train of thought to save

my life.

Now, I still have aches and pains (some days better then others), but ever so

often I get a few days or a couple weeks were I'm reminded of how it use to be.

It seems as if the medicine stopped working...

This too me is a flare!

Normally there isn't much rhyme or reason to it, it just happens. Other times

its because I pushed myself to hard at work or trying to keep up with my past

life. (I spent all my spoons) (Do a google search for the spoon theory, its

truly amazing).

And then there are times where the weather has the fun in tormenting us.

Sorry for writing a book, but like I said.... This wasn't as easy a question as

I thought...



> Thanks to everyone who gave me info for the nausea. I feel a little better

today. I do have another question. Everyone talks about having flare-ups. Can

you tell me what a flare-up is? I'm sorry I feel silly having to ask....What

causes flare-ups?

> Thank you!

> Carla


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Carla -

I kind of had the same question after I was first diagnosed and during the first

couple of years

after my diagnosis. Bonnie is right though, once you start trying to type out

the answer, it starts to get lengthy!! 


My first years living w/RA - I had pain all of the time - I did NOT understand

people that talked about flares since my pain never ceased. Then after several

years of trying every drug out there, we found " my miracle " drug - rituxan. It's

hard to explain, but it's like the drug changed how my body responded (for lack

of a better term) to RA. That is when I began experiencing " flares " . Flares to

me are when the RA rears its ugly head and I am stiff and in pain for periods of

time. Periods could mean hours, days or weeks for me. Then as mysteriously as it

appears, it will go away. I never know how long I will be without - but I don't

complain!! I hope that helps a little!!



From: Bonnie <tiredtaz@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: new to group

Date: Saturday, July 25, 2009, 8:05 PM



I don't think you need to feel silly for asking any questions... I was always

told that the only stupid question was the one not asked! I believe flares are

different for everyone but very basic in some ways. I didn't think it

complicated until I started to answer your question. But, I will do the best I

can to explain.

I consider my flares as simply feeling awful... Revisiting the times before the

medications started helping.

For example: I couldn't walk up stairs (hell, or walk across the room), I was

always falling asleep (even while driving or in the midst of a conversation) ,

my joints were unbearably painful and I couldn't keep my train of thought to

save my life.

Now, I still have aches and pains (some days better then others), but ever so

often I get a few days or a couple weeks were I'm reminded of how it use to be.

It seems as if the medicine stopped working...

This too me is a flare!

Normally there isn't much rhyme or reason to it, it just happens. Other times

its because I pushed myself to hard at work or trying to keep up with my past

life. (I spent all my spoons) (Do a google search for the spoon theory, its

truly amazing).

And then there are times where the weather has the fun in tormenting us.

Sorry for writing a book, but like I said.... This wasn't as easy a question as

I thought...


--- In @gro ups.com, " carlasmustang98 " <CarlasMustang@ ...>



> Thanks to everyone who gave me info for the nausea. I feel a little better

today. I do have another question. Everyone talks about having flare-ups. Can

you tell me what a flare-up is? I'm sorry I feel silly having to ask....What

causes flare-ups?

> Thank you!

> Carla


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Roby: Welcome to our wonderful group. We all share here, so share


Looking forward to your posts.




> I am disable from several of the our group cover, Disabled since 1997,

so i have been there done that,too. like alot of the people in the


> I hope I can give and share my experience.


> Hugs Roby (female)






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Welcome Roby!

Were so glad to have you in our group. There ae so many dx with RA

every day, and it helps to talk to someone that has been though it

already. I look forward to getting to know you.

Have a great day,



> I am disable from several of the our group cover, Disabled since 1997,

so i have been there done that,too. like alot of the people in the


> I hope I can give and share my experience.


> Hugs Roby (female)






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hi roby, welcome to our group. i hope you get some info. that might help you.

god bless,melynda gamez


From: Roby Mill <robymill@...>

Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2009 1:35:10 PM

Subject: [ ] new to group

I am disable from several of the our group cover, Disabled since 1997, so i have

been there done that,too. like alot of the people in the group.

I hope I can give and share my experience.

Hugs Roby (female)


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Hi Roby and welcome to the group. I'm sorry to hear you have been suffering with

this for so long. What are your actual diagnosis'? What meds do you take to help

with your condition? Is your condition active or have you been able to achieve

remission? How old are you?

Sorry about all the questions. Praying you find as much warmth and caring with

this group as I have. Sharing our experiences with each other is what helps us

all the most. Wishing you pain free days.....Doreen :)

I am disable from several of the our group cover, Disabled since 1997, so i

have been there done that,too. like alot of the people in the group.

I hope I can give and share my experience.

Hugs Roby (female)

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MELYNDA!!!! How wonderful to see you here again! Welcome back, dear one. You

have been missed! Praying you are feeling better and having as pain a free day

as possible.....Doreen :)


> hi roby, welcome to our group. i hope you get some info. that might

> help you.

> god bless,melynda gamez

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ME,TOO. It has been a long time.

Dennis in eastexas

On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 8:47 AM, Mimi <mimi212@...> wrote:



> MELYNDA!!!! How wonderful to see you here again! Welcome back, dear one.

> You have been missed! Praying you are feeling better and having as pain a

> free day as possible.....Doreen :)




> >

> > hi roby, welcome to our group. i hope you get some info. that might

> > help you.

> > god bless,melynda gamez


> _


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Hi Melynda: I am just so thrilled to see you posting again. I know you

were in agony due to your broken arm and broken leg. Many months of

time in the hospital and in Rehab. doing P.T. I know how bad your RA

has been, and I pray that it will calm down soon. You have been through

so much, and I feel awful that you have suffered so much for so long. I

know how bad your hands are and the effort it takes to even type one


I am praying for you to be healed, and out of your constant pain. You

are a beautiful girl, and I so love our friendship that we have found

here. It is an amazing thing. God sure does move in mysterious ways.

I hope each day you get stronger and stronger, and that you will be pain

free soon. God Bless you in all ways. You are a dear, dear girl.

We all have missed you so much. Have a wonderful day, and talk soon.

Love and hugs, your friend Barbara

> > >

> > > hi roby, welcome to our group. i hope you get some info. that


> > > help you.

> > > god bless,melynda gamez

> >

> > _

> >




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PEOPLE REALLY DO CARE ABOUT ME!!!!!!!! i have just been in alot of pain. i take

my meds & nothing seems to help me at this very moment in time.... it is soo


i c there is a few new members to our ra group, how AWESOME!!

well mayb their's people i can help... HOPE SO!!

barb there's so much we need to talk about. melynda


From: Barbara <bcreedon@...>

Sent: Saturday, August 15, 2009 10:35:28 AM

Subject: [ ] Re: new to group

Hi Melynda:  I am just so thrilled to see you posting again.  I know you

were in agony due to your broken arm and broken leg.  Many months of

time in the hospital and in Rehab. doing P.T..  I know how bad your RA

has been, and I pray that it will calm down soon.  You have been through

so much, and I feel awful that you have suffered so much for so long.  I

know how bad your hands are and the effort it takes to even type one


I am praying for you to be healed, and out of your constant pain.  You

are a beautiful girl, and I so love our friendship that we have found

here.  It is an amazing thing.  God sure does move in mysterious ways.

I hope each day you get stronger and stronger, and that you will be pain

free soon.  God Bless you in all ways.  You are a dear, dear girl.

We all have missed you so much..  Have a wonderful day, and talk soon.

Love and hugs,  your friend  Barbara

> > >

> > > hi roby, welcome to our group. i hope you get some info. that


> > > help you.

> > > god bless,melynda gamez

> >

> > _

> >




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