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We are in Canada also - - if you want more info from a Canadian (we live outside

Toronto) email me privately.


Lydia Marandola wrote:

> Hello All

> I am new to the group.

> I read about the .NET web site this morning. I read the articles that Dr.

G presented to congress & was really impressed.


> Basically I am really interested in this therapy. What can it do for my

son . Can I recover him from autism. Have any of you had success stories to

share. I live in Canada, & would have to travel to California & have no

insurance. How expensive is the treatments & medication?


> Could anyone please guide us.

> Thanks

> Lydia & Ben 22 months DX autistic



> Responsibility for the content of this message lies strictly with

> the original author, and is not necessarily endorsed by or the

> opinion of the Research Institute.

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Some kids do not need the high amount that is in Super Nu Thera, OR

they need to switch to their P5P version and not their B6 version.

If you want to look for information on enzymes and why they

work/help, then go to

www.enzymestuff.com which is DeFelice's site on enzymes and

it provides a lot of information for you to look over.

For other vitamins you can check out Brainchild's website. Glad you

are checking things out!


> Hi All,


> I am new to this group, but am happy to have found it!

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Welcome Brandee,

Sounds like you have a jump on things, and have some of the internet ASD

lingo down, so your doing great. :) Some folks use Kirkmans, and many

of us here use Houston enzymes.

Its ok to start enzymes, unless you are doing a stool test, and still

collecting samples.

Glad to hear of your sucess. Its wonderfull to see progress!

in MI

New to group

Hi All,

I am new to this group, but am happy to have found it! My daughter,

Hannah, is 29 months old. SHe has been on the gfcf diet for 2 months

now and she has been completely soy free for about 2-3 weeks now. I

ordered the Kirkamn's enzymes but have been so hesitant to use

something I don't fully understand. Also trying not to introduce too

many things at once. I had her on the Super Nu Thera, but seemed to

cause a regression. I am trying to hold off a few days now that I

have taken her off the SNT before adding anything new, but I think we

will add the enzymes next. I sure hope they improve her diaper

situation. By the way, we are awaiting test results food panel,

metal s panel, pediatric ions test. Do you think it's ok to start

the enzymes, or she we just wait for the test results before starting

anything new?

If nothing else, thanks for listening!

Brandee Simmang

simmang@vicec .org

Just a note about Hannah, the diet has been a great help to her!

Before starting the diet she didn't even flinch when a bee stung her,

now it's a toally different story!! We have seen great results with

the diet and we are anxious to begin with some vitamin therapy,

enzymes,.....i am greatful to have a great resouce such as this group!

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Hi 's Mommy,

I love the name ! Welcome to the group. I think at one point

we've all felt like you're feeling, it does get better.

To answer your questions,

1-Rubbing alcohol, I also used a soft bristle tooth brush.

2-I never got use to the stares, but I'm the minority. Most parents

deal with it very well and take the time to educate people about


3-Most babies don't have any problems adjusting to their bands or

sleeping in them. You'll be surprised!

4-No, the babies don't get headaches from their bands, in active bands

the pressure applied isn't felt by the baby.


You will find decorating tips there.

6-Most babies wear their band for 4.5 months. But the younger a baby

is banded the better and faster the correction.

7-Regression can happen but it is VERY rare!!

8-Yes, it is imperative the band be worn for 23 hours a day, everyday.

This is taken from the Cranial Tech web site:

Expect Results

Compliance:With such a small window of opportunity to correct an

infant's head, it is critical that families are fully compliant with

the treatment protocol. The best outcome will be achieved when all

protocols are followed.

A child's head grows consistently. In order to capture and direct all

growth, it is essential that the band is worn 23 hours a day, every


9-No, the bands aren't heavy at all. The DOCband weighs about 6oz and

then STARband weighs around 8oz.

What type of band is getting? You can learn more about the

DOCband here:


You can learn more about the STARband here:


They are the most popular types of bands. There are locally made

helmets out there too. Please keep us posted on .

> Hi everyone, I am a new plagio mom. My son is 6 months and was

> recently diagnosed with plagiocephaly. I was devastated to think

> that my perfect little boy had something wrong with him. I know it

> probably seems shallow, after all there are many worse things to be

> diagnosed with, but still I was sad for him. He will get his


> next week and I must have a bazillion questions that need to be

> answered. So please bear with me.....First of all how do you clean

> these things? What do you do about all the stares I know are

> forthcoming? Do they have a hard time adjusting and sleeping in

> these things? Do they cause the babies to get headaches? Any

> websites that give suggestions on decorating tips? What is the

> average length of time for wearing these things? Once their head


> round again will it stay this way forever or is there a chance it

> will go back? Do they really need to wear it 23hrs out of the


> Are the helmets very heavy? Sorry about all the questions but when

> the neurosurgeon said he had to wear it for around 6 to 8 months my

> mind just went blank and I didn't think to ask these questions.


> answer to some or all my questions would greatly be appreciated.

> Thanks in advance, 's mommy

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Hi Idelice and welcome to the list. If it is support and guidance you are

looking for, you have come to a great place for both.

I would suggest that you also ask for and speech/language evaluation with a

focus on pragmatic speech (the use of speech in conversation) and an OT

(occupational therapist) evaluation if you have any concerns about his fine

or gross motor skills or handwriting.


It has been a long and hard road to find out what the real problem

is. Other than a pedriatic phychologist evaluation, what other

evaluation from the school special services we should make sure to

request? and where do I go for more information and rights for my


Thank you for any help you can give. We are without any support or




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Hi and welcome to the group!!! All I can say is, Yeah, what

said. She is on a roll today! Please keep us posted on how is



> Hi everyone, I am a new plagio mom. My son is 6 months and was

> recently diagnosed with plagiocephaly. I was devastated to think

> that my perfect little boy had something wrong with him. I know it

> probably seems shallow, after all there are many worse things to be

> diagnosed with, but still I was sad for him. He will get his


> next week and I must have a bazillion questions that need to be

> answered. So please bear with me.....First of all how do you clean

> these things? What do you do about all the stares I know are

> forthcoming? Do they have a hard time adjusting and sleeping in

> these things? Do they cause the babies to get headaches? Any

> websites that give suggestions on decorating tips? What is the

> average length of time for wearing these things? Once their head


> round again will it stay this way forever or is there a chance it

> will go back? Do they really need to wear it 23hrs out of the


> Are the helmets very heavy? Sorry about all the questions but when

> the neurosurgeon said he had to wear it for around 6 to 8 months my

> mind just went blank and I didn't think to ask these questions.


> answer to some or all my questions would greatly be appreciated.

> Thanks in advance, 's mommy

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Welcome to this group! It is full of tons of info! I think you are

feeling like all of us felt when we first heard our babies were going

to be banded. Where are you located and what type of helmet is

getting? There might be someone in your area that has used the same

place you are. Now I will try and answer your questions.

1. Cleaning the band can be done by wiping it out with 91% alcohol

and letting it air dry outside in the sun but just a warning that

even if you clean it - it is going to smell horrible - sorry.

2. For me I dont even notice the stared and I really thought they

would bother me but they don't. And if someone is staring I just go

into a speach about plagio. Xavier has been in it almost 9 weeks and

I know its hard to grasp now but I have totally forgotten it is there.

3.My son slept normallky if not better after getting it. But it is

different for everyone but I have never heard of a baby NOT adjust to


4.I have never heard of babies getting headaches because it isnt

actually moving his head its just holding it and letting it grow

where it should.

5.There are alot of decorating tips here if you just type in

decorating in the search archives box but you can also go to

Cranialtech.com. We just used clear back stickers and then put a

couple coats of mod podge over it and it stays well and you can peel

it off and do it over whne you get sick of it. We have decorated 4

times in 9 weeks!

6.Average length of weraing the band varies with the childs age, type

of helmet, and severity of head. I was told 6-8 weeks and Xavier has

had it 9 weeks and has outgrown it and we are now going for a second

band probably with another 8 weeks or so. Our clinican told us that

aanswering that question is kind of like answering " when will that

outfit fit my baby " . Because it totally depends on there growth.

7.It is important to have them wear it for 23 hours a day. Sometimes

if we are going swimming he will have it off an extra hour or so but

not everyday.

8.I am not sure what kind of helmet you are getting but our DOCband

only weighs 6 oz.

I know that was long but I really hope i was of some kind of help.

Just know that it really isnt as bad as it might seem right now and

you are doing what is best for .

Donna and Xavier DOCband 7/25 and casted TODAy for #2


> Hi everyone, I am a new plagio mom. My son is 6 months and was

> recently diagnosed with plagiocephaly. I was devastated to think

> that my perfect little boy had something wrong with him. I know it

> probably seems shallow, after all there are many worse things to be

> diagnosed with, but still I was sad for him. He will get his


> next week and I must have a bazillion questions that need to be

> answered. So please bear with me.....First of all how do you clean

> these things? What do you do about all the stares I know are

> forthcoming? Do they have a hard time adjusting and sleeping in

> these things? Do they cause the babies to get headaches? Any

> websites that give suggestions on decorating tips? What is the

> average length of time for wearing these things? Once their head


> round again will it stay this way forever or is there a chance it

> will go back? Do they really need to wear it 23hrs out of the


> Are the helmets very heavy? Sorry about all the questions but when

> the neurosurgeon said he had to wear it for around 6 to 8 months my

> mind just went blank and I didn't think to ask these questions.


> answer to some or all my questions would greatly be appreciated.

> Thanks in advance, 's mommy

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Hi and welcome to the group. This group is a fantastic source of

info and support. Looks like most of your questions have been

answered--I just wanted to add to a couple of the answers. We were

told we could use 70% or 90% rubbing alcohol for cleaning--don't even

bother w/ the 70%, the 90% works tons better. Also--the decorating

helps the band look SO much better and helps w/ the stares. I think

it makes you and your baby more approachable so that folks actually

ask about the band instead of making a rude comment or just staring.

I usually jump right in and explain the band. I have really not had

any problem whatsoever w/ rude comments or staring. Getting used to

the band took my son about a week but now it's like it's not even

there. He wears it 23 hours/day but we do take it off for a little

while if he is too messy eating or if we are outside for a while and

the temp is hot. Make sure you take it off if he gets a fever.

Beware--the head and band will STINK! Get the baby shampoo ready!

Good luck with everything--you will be glad you did all of this when

you see how quickly you start to see results.

Kim--Gus' mom

DOC Band 8/21/03

> Hi everyone, I am a new plagio mom. My son is 6 months and was

> recently diagnosed with plagiocephaly. I was devastated to think

> that my perfect little boy had something wrong with him. I know it

> probably seems shallow, after all there are many worse things to be

> diagnosed with, but still I was sad for him. He will get his


> next week and I must have a bazillion questions that need to be

> answered. So please bear with me.....First of all how do you clean

> these things? What do you do about all the stares I know are

> forthcoming? Do they have a hard time adjusting and sleeping in

> these things? Do they cause the babies to get headaches? Any

> websites that give suggestions on decorating tips? What is the

> average length of time for wearing these things? Once their head


> round again will it stay this way forever or is there a chance it

> will go back? Do they really need to wear it 23hrs out of the


> Are the helmets very heavy? Sorry about all the questions but when

> the neurosurgeon said he had to wear it for around 6 to 8 months my

> mind just went blank and I didn't think to ask these questions.


> answer to some or all my questions would greatly be appreciated.

> Thanks in advance, 's mommy

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Hi 's Mom and welcome to the group.

I was definetly more upset over my son getting banded than he ever

was wearing the helmet. He got great correction from it, so it was

all worth it. Jake wore his helmet for 12 weeks starting at 7 months

of age. He's now 14 months and his head looks great. The stares can

be annoying, but I tried to use the opportunity to educate others on

plagio(so I could be just as annoying to them). There's a great

website at www.preciousbambino.com that has some bibs and t-shirts

for plagio babies to wear - I think one even says " what are you

looking at? " (hehe). Good Luck and keep us posted.

mom to Jake(doc band grad 4/03)

and Tyler 3yrs.

> Hi everyone, I am a new plagio mom. My son is 6 months and was

> recently diagnosed with plagiocephaly. I was devastated to think

> that my perfect little boy had something wrong with him. I know it

> probably seems shallow, after all there are many worse things to be

> diagnosed with, but still I was sad for him. He will get his


> next week and I must have a bazillion questions that need to be

> answered. So please bear with me.....First of all how do you clean

> these things? What do you do about all the stares I know are

> forthcoming? Do they have a hard time adjusting and sleeping in

> these things? Do they cause the babies to get headaches? Any

> websites that give suggestions on decorating tips? What is the

> average length of time for wearing these things? Once their head


> round again will it stay this way forever or is there a chance it

> will go back? Do they really need to wear it 23hrs out of the


> Are the helmets very heavy? Sorry about all the questions but when

> the neurosurgeon said he had to wear it for around 6 to 8 months my

> mind just went blank and I didn't think to ask these questions.


> answer to some or all my questions would greatly be appreciated.

> Thanks in advance, 's mommy

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  • 2 weeks later...

> I talked with another parent in the area this week and she suggested

> probiotics and ensymes. We tried the ensymes from the gfcf website

> and they were so bitter we had to disguise them in foods and found


> didn't want the foods anymore because of the taste (and I tried them

> and couldn't blame him).

Try the AFP Peptizyde and No-Fenol from this site, they have *almost*

no taste.


> I guess my question is what do I do and why. I'm inclined to try


> probiotics and ensymes. From what I see from other postings is to


> the probiotics first for a week and then the ensymes

This is good, you can do whichever one first that you think is best.

> try grape seed oil extract to kill the yeast

GrapeFRUIT seed extract is for yeast. It tastes bitter tho, so you

would need to add it to lemonade or orange juice. Or buy the capsules

instead of the liquid.

> We have heard about DAN doctors and the Pfifer clinic in Chicago.

> Are these worth investigating? Or should we do the probotics and

> ensymes and see how they work first?

I would do the probiotics and enzymes first, then see if you want to

pursue other information.


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Your concerns are legitimate, not rambling. To improve diet ( addressing, viral,

bacterial and fungal issues gently) I would recommend Ojibwa Tea. A good

probiotic like culturelle and all three Houston enzymes worked for us. I

remember a time when I counted and watched every crumb my son consumed, he was

so thin, suffering from malabsorption to the degree he had osteopenia and broke

his leg. The tea does wonderful things for the appetite, the probiotics do a

number on flushing stuff out, and repopulating the good stuff, and the enzymes

make the nutrients from food available ( absorbable) so the food doesn't just go

through them it actually nourishes them. My son has gained a beautiful 10 pounds

and I no longer watch what he eats, when someone else watches him, I ask how he

was, not " how much did he eat " .

New to Group

My 7-year old son, , has been gfcf for three months. He was

diagnosed pdd-nos at three. We have been involved in all sorts of

speech-language therapy since his original diagnosis.

We have seen improvements with the diet - I wish I had heard of it

sooner - I stumbled upon it in July. He all of a sudden has interest

in imaginary play, is no longer in pull-ups at night, and hits his 6-

year old brother less in frustration. He is a second grader in a

mainstream classroom. He gets OT and speech " resource " . He has

problems concentrating, keeping on task, behavioral, and interacting

with his peers. We do see a link between sugar consumption and

behavoral issues. He does well in math, spelling, reading (he taught

himself to read at four), but has difficulty comprehending and

expressing himself. All this is typical of his disorder.

My concern is that he had a very limited diet before the diet

(cereal, pb & j, pasta, milk, macaroni & cheese, fruit, no meat unless

you call McNuggets meat, ice cream, crackers, etc) and with the diet

is still very limited just different foods (gfcf waffles, peanut

butter on gfcf toast, corn pasta, chocolate soymilk, soybeans, fruit,

corn, soy ice cream, french toast made with gfcf bread). He eats a

lot of soy, corn, and peanut butter and I am concerned that he may be

allergic to these also, but if we removed these he would eat hardly


I talked with another parent in the area this week and she suggested

probiotics and ensymes. We tried the ensymes from the gfcf website

and they were so bitter we had to disguise them in foods and found he

didn't want the foods anymore because of the taste (and I tried them

and couldn't blame him).

I have read 's book and it seems like he may have yeast. After

he got out of the tub last week we noticed that his groin was all red

(he had also just recovered from a cold). It just made sense to us

that he has yeast.

Right now I am overwhelmed. I would like to do food testing so we

could know for sure what he is intolerant to. My mother is allergic

to wheat, milk, sugar, peanuts, and many other things (my brothers

and I probably have similar allergies). She had a lab in Texas do

the testing about six years ago. I am inclined to do the same.

However, if he is allergic to soy, corn, and peanut butter, we'd be

left with fruit, potato chips, and Mcs fries as the only foods

he'll eat. We tried the DariFree milk and he didn't like it. He

won't eat rice or potatoes other than those mentioned.

A lot of what the parent in the area said made sense. If we could do

the probiotics and he would start eating meat and vegetables, it

would be wonderful. The only vegetables he eats now are soybeans,

corn, and sometimes peas.

I am concerned about his weight. He is as skinny as a stick. He

weighs 52 pounds and is 52 inches tall (he was 90% in height and 75%

in weight a year ago, but hasn't gained any weight in almost two

years). His father was as skinny as a child, but ate a lot. We give

him a vitamin at night. I bought the gfcf raspberry vitamins and he

didn't like them. So we have been giving him Flintstones. As far as

I can tell they are gfcf.

I guess my question is what do I do and why. I'm inclined to try the

probiotics and ensymes. From what I see from other postings is to do

the probiotics first for a week and then the ensymes (any

recommendations as to ones that taste good). As I understand it this

is to get good bacteria in his stomach. Then she recommended that I

try grape seed oil extract to kill the yeast (I would try Nystatin

but my pediatrician is no help - " you can't believe much about what

you learn on the internet " and I am not sure he would prescribe it.).

We have heard about DAN doctors and the Pfifer clinic in Chicago.

Are these worth investigating? Or should we do the probotics and

ensymes and see how they work first?

Please forgive me for rambling, but I wanted to put in as much

information that might be relevant.

Thanks for any assistance.

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The fact that you posted here tells me that you already know the risk isn't

worth it and you're just looking for someone to back you up. I'm sure you'll

find lots of " someones " here, inluding myself.

If your kids only need boosters, chances are they already have immunity. Have

their titers checked and if they are immune, you won't have to worry about it

any further. If not, you should educate yourself as much as possible about

vaccines and then make your decision. A good start would be Cave's

Book, " What your Doctor May NOT Tell you About Childhood Vaccinations " .

Best wishes to you and your family.


[ ] New to group

I must start this posting with a confession.

The question I am about to ask may have been answered here aloready,

however I cannot read everything posted to this group - this group

is so wonderfully busy. I did read the FAQ, though, and cannot find

an answer to my question there.

So here goes:

My kids were vaccinated with no ill effects several years ago. It is

now time for booster shots, so I am trying to evaluate the pros and


There is evidence of autism in distant blood relatives of my family,

so the tendency may be in the genes. The relatives have two kids who

are severely autistic.

So, what do you think - should my kids get a booster? Is the risk

worth it? The school is putting pressure on to have them vaccincated.

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I'm going through the same thing right now, I was sent a note saying

they'd throw out my typical first grader without vaccines. There are

some reports of ADD/ADHD, diabetes, asthma, arthritis, etc connected

with various vaccines. Additionally, one of my concerns is the

passing of stealth viruses from all the animal/aborted fetal cells.

I requested that my daughter get a titer check to see if she even

needed the vaccines, the doc said no, so we have opted to, at this

time, refrain from boosters, citing my state's religious exemption.



So, what do you think - should my kids get a booster? Is the risk

> worth it? The school is putting pressure on to have them


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Find a DAN doctor and ask them for the titers test. That is what I

did, and my daughter is immune to everything. In fact, she has

obviously been poisoned. I can assure you she won't get her boosters.

--- In , " Debi " <fightingautism@y...>


> I'm going through the same thing right now, I was sent a note


> they'd throw out my typical first grader without vaccines. There


> some reports of ADD/ADHD, diabetes, asthma, arthritis, etc


> with various vaccines. Additionally, one of my concerns is the

> passing of stealth viruses from all the animal/aborted fetal cells.


> I requested that my daughter get a titer check to see if she even

> needed the vaccines, the doc said no, so we have opted to, at this

> time, refrain from boosters, citing my state's religious exemption.


> HTH,

> Debi


> So, what do you think - should my kids get a booster? Is the risk

> > worth it? The school is putting pressure on to have them

> vaccincated.

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Do you know if your state offers a personal/philosophical exemption

or a religious or medical exemption? You will wnat to find that

information out so you can make an informed decision. Even in states

that have these exemptions, schools still put pressure on the

parents, so ignore them and find out what the law is.

If I were you no I would not be getting any more vaccinations.

Doesn't matter that there's autism in the family and it may be

genetic-- all the more reason to me to avoid vaccinations which would

be a further assault to their already fragile immune system, not to

mention injecting known toxins into the bloodstream--eg. aluminum,

formaldehyde, etc.

If you are truly worried about immunity level then ask the doc to run

the titers for the specific ones so that you have that info to help

you make your decision. If the antibodies are high enough, why even

bother vaccinating...


--- In , " ottawahitech " <cx172@n...>


> > So here goes:


> My kids were vaccinated with no ill effects several years ago. It


> now time for booster shots, so I am trying to evaluate the pros and

> cons.


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Hello Ottawahitech :)

> I must start this posting with a confession.


> The question I am about to ask may have been answered here aloready,

> however I cannot read everything posted to this group - this group

> is so wonderfully busy.

Sorry, I don't think that really counts much as a confession ;)

It is hard to read everything posted here! Besides, almost

everything has been answered at SOME point, but finding where

is a major obstacle (in many or most cases).....

> I did read the FAQ, though, and cannot find

> an answer to my question there.


> So here goes:


> My kids were vaccinated with no ill effects several years ago. It is

> now time for booster shots, so I am trying to evaluate the pros and

> cons.

good for you ! this shows you know there are both pros and cons :)


> There is evidence of autism in distant blood relatives of my family,

> so the tendency may be in the genes. The relatives have two kids who

> are severely autistic.


> So, what do you think - should my kids get a booster? Is the risk

> worth it?

I agree with prior recommendation to get Dr. Cave's book

(info here

/files/Books_about_autism )

Also, you might try reading the VACCINATIONS list (groups).

It is also very busy place--- it deals more in evaluating

vaccines. I don't read it, but have looked at it in the past.

I think it is pretty " anti vaccine " and pretty informed.

> The school is putting pressure on to have them vaccincated.

Since you are in Canada, you'll need the laws there. I don't

have that handy, but maybe someone will post it. Or ask again.

(either here or VACCINATIONS.)

Now here is another question you may want to ask: can you

help these severely autistic distant relatives?

IMO this is worth asking. You may have asked it already.

I don't mean to pry -- just can't

help but notice that part of your story. I know there

are lots of situations where it is difficult to impossible

to change the situation, for LOTS of reasons. Then again,

there are lots of situations where change is possible, and

it would just take some attention and discussion.

good wishes,


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Might be interesting to see the response if one gave them the list of

ingredients in the booster they're pushing and explained what each of those is

ingredients is and does...particularly if those pushing are parents themselves.

Think how many on this list have been told a vaccine didn't contain thimerosal

then insisted that the label be read only to hear " oops! "



Find a DAN doctor and ask them for the titers test. That is what I <BR>

did, and my daughter is immune to everything. In fact, she has <BR>

obviously been poisoned. I can assure you she won't get her boosters.<BR>


--- In , " Debi " <fightingautism@y...> <BR>


> I'm going through the same thing right now, I was sent a note <BR>

saying <BR>

> they'd throw out my typical first grader without vaccines. There <BR>

are <BR>

> some reports of ADD/ADHD, diabetes, asthma, arthritis, etc <BR>

connected <BR>

> with various vaccines. Additionally, one of my concerns is the <BR>

> passing of stealth viruses from all the animal/aborted fetal cells.<BR>

> <BR>

> I requested that my daughter get a titer check to see if she even <BR>

> needed the vaccines, the doc said no, so we have opted to, at this <BR>

> time, refrain from boosters, citing my state's religious exemption. <BR>

> <BR>

> HTH,<BR>

> Debi<BR>

> <BR>

>  So, what do you think - should my kids get a booster? Is the risk <BR>

> > worth it? The school is putting pressure on to have them <BR>

> vaccincated.<BR>


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--- In , " moriamerri " <moriam@e...>


> Hello Ottawahitech :)

and to you, moriam :-)

> I agree with prior recommendation to get Dr. Cave's book

> (info here

> Autism-

Mercury/files/Books_about_autism )

Thank you. I have it on order at the library.

> Now here is another question you may want to ask: can you

> help these severely autistic distant relatives?

If nothing else, I will use this opportunity to revisit some family

ties. Good idea!

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Welcome to the group. My nephew was also vaccinate with no (obvious)

ill-effect UNTIL he got the DPT booster which plunged him into autism. He

screamed inconsolably and non-stop for three days and nights then lost eye

contact, expressive and receptive language, play skills, social skills, etc. He

self-limited his diet. He didn't speak at all for almost exactly a year.


From: ottawahitech [mailto: cx172@...]

Date: Wed, 08 Oct 2003 18:32:54 -0000

Subject: [ ] New to group



I must start this posting with a confession. <BR>


The question I am about to ask may have been answered here aloready, <BR>

however I cannot read everything posted to this group - this group <BR>

is so wonderfully busy. I did read the FAQ, though, and cannot find <BR>

an answer to my question there.<BR>


So here goes:<BR>


My kids were vaccinated with no ill effects several years ago. It is <BR>

now time for booster shots, so I am trying to evaluate the pros and <BR>



There is evidence of autism in distant blood relatives of my family, <BR>

so the tendency may be in the genes. The relatives have two kids who <BR>

are severely autistic.<BR>


So, what do you think - should my kids get a booster? Is the risk <BR>

worth it? The school is putting pressure on to have them vaccincated.<BR>




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> Find a DAN doctor and ask them for the titers test. That is what I

> did, and my daughter is immune to everything. In fact, she has

> obviously been poisoned. I can assure you she won't get her



I need some education here :-)

What is a DAN doctor? What is a titers test?

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> > Find a DAN doctor and ask them for the titers test. That is what I

> > did, and my daughter is immune to everything. In fact, she has

> > obviously been poisoned. I can assure you she won't get her

> boosters.

> >


> I need some education here :-)


> What is a DAN doctor? What is a titers test?

DAN doctor: see file:


titer test:

(I don't think it is in the glossary!)

It is a test of immunity to a specific pathogen. It measures

whether there are elements that are specific to that pathogen.

for example, someone never EXPOSED to measles would not have

specific measles antibodies.

There is some disagreement as to whether titer tests are

meaningful/relevant/accurate. I believe Sheri (prolific

writer on the VACCINATIONS list) thinks they are not

relevant. I think (not sure about this) that in SOME cases

doctors and/or other authorities think they are meaningful.

As in " your kid already has good immunity to measles, so

your kid doesn't need a booster shot " .



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Hi Deborah

s site is very good and has a 'teach me quick FAQ'

<A HREF= " www.enzymestuff.com " >www.enzymestuff.com</A>

I also highly recommend her book which you can read about on the same site.

Fire away with questions :)

Mandi in UK

Of diet with HNI for 2.5 years now :)

> Now I throw myself on your collective mercy and seek information,

> preferably in summarized form. I am also homeschooling my son since

> he just could not handle the stimulation of a typical classroom, but

> does really well with one on one. But that too is a challenge. So

> I guess what I am saying is I'm busy, I want to do what is best for

> my son, but if there is an easier way, I want to know about it.


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Hi Deborah,

Welcome to this list !! This is certainly the best place

for your questions to get answered !

Is this the best time do you think to be trying the enzymes if you're about

to go travelling ?

I personally would be itching to do it but are you going to be able to cope

if he has any regress time while he adjusts to them - like when you first go

on the gf/cf diet ?

If you are wanting to start them now it may be best to start giving them

alongside the diet and then ease out of the diet slowly.

We also home educate our children - best thing we ever did :o) and I think

it makes it easier with the diet and enzymes because you only work to your

own schedules.

Best of luck

Julea : o)

On the human chessboard, all moves are possible.



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> Hi Deborah,

> Welcome to this list !! This is certainly the

best place

> for your questions to get answered !

> Is this the best time do you think to be trying the enzymes if

you're about

> to go travelling ?

We're leaving December 16 which is almost 2 months. I wanted to try

the enzymes now, at home, in anticipation of the trip. I guess this

is part of the " getting ready " .


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