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From: danasview <danasview@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Virus

Date: Wednesday, November 26, 2008, 9:01 AM


> What are the doses you used?

Here are my starting doses. I increased gradually, as required.

OLE: 250mg

Virastop: 1 capsule

Vitamin C: 250mg

Lysine: 250mg

High dose vitamin A: see doses below

http://www.danasvie w.net/vitamina. htm


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  • 10 months later...

I just don't buy it. We went from saying all bacteria are bad, to all bacteria

are good, and the person is flawed (chemical toxins, genetics, etc). Many

doctors blame people's illnesses on genetics or psychological imagination. For

instance, Morgellons is finding a rise, but doctors have been told it is an

imaginary illness and in one place I saw it called, " parisitical psychosis " or

something close to that---they tell their patients to quit rubbing lesions on

their skin to pretend they infected. Even when a child dies from a vaccine,

they just blame it on the child being weak. Professionals blaming illness on a

person's genetics is just plain lazy, no matter if they are allopathic or


Not all bacteria are good. Many Lymies are discussing if spirochetes actually

emit mercury, because they are finding so much mercury in the colonies. Believe

me, borrelia is not there for your good. Yes, bacteria are necessary for your

body to function. And there are some nasty germs out there. In fact, that's

why many of us call vaccines a bio-weapon. Antibiotics are still an option

today--I would say, the last option. THere are other things that work better

and cause less harm, but are widely used in Lymes disease because of the nature

of the bacteria. In fact, if caught early doxycylcine for 3 weeks can sometimes

save the Lymes patient from a lifetime of battle and illness (and I might add

hundreds of thousands of dollars). Lymes is the number one epidemic in the

country. Yes, a bacteria, that we can see under the microscope. I find this

whole swine flu hoax to be a lot like when you point at something on the ceiling

for your little brother to see while your hand is grabbing the cookie off the



> Another point of wiev on the virus





> http://www.scribd.com/doc/15921544/Exposing-The-Myth-Of-The-GERM-THEORY


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this is not strange at all.if you read what dr mccandless write then you see

that there is a shift in the immune system and some people get last from candida

and others from viruses that might have been there but not been attacked.you can

help your body to get off the viruses with supplements that dr mccandless advise

or protocol of vit c up to bowl tolerance


> Hi.

> I posted a couple of weeks ago regarding having two similar flu type viruses

within a couple of weeks.

> I have been very well inbetween the viruses, but the last couple of days have

been feeling off with high temperature, and lethargy. This means that ive been

ill about 3 times in about 7 wks.....I find this very strange.


> I am currently taking 4ml ldn and have been taking this dose for about 2

months or so, and have been taking ldn in total for over 6 months now.


> I have no idea why I am having these problems, if its good, or bad, or if im

just unlucky!


> regards,


> helen


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I agree with Zahavi - and I think I'm going through something similar after about 6 and half months on ldn. Yesterday I felt as fit as a fiddle but apart from that, for about a week now my ears/nose/throat and chest all seem to be replaying ancient ills like bronchitis (40 years ago) pain under the ear (15 years) sinuses (seems like forever). I've had fevers but no other signs of infection, just feeling as if they were all starting up again, aching all over, then they're gone - then back a bit - then going ... and so on. All this time I've felt fine in myself, getting work done, cheerful. I'm taking extra doses of fish oil (omega 3) and the vitamins to make sure nothing sets in.It is strange, Helen, but I

can't help thinking it's a good, if disconcerting, sign.MargaretFrom: z100a2002 <zahavi100@...>low dose naltrexone Sent: Thursday, October 8, 2009 12:45:10 PMSubject: [low dose naltrexone] Re: Virus

this is not strange at all.if you read what dr mccandless write then you see that there is a shift in the immune system and some people get last from candida and others from viruses that might have been there but not been attacked.you can help your body to get off the viruses with supplements that dr mccandless advise or protocol of vit c up to bowl tolerance


> Hi.

> I posted a couple of weeks ago regarding having two similar flu type viruses within a couple of weeks.

> I have been very well inbetween the viruses, but the last couple of days have been feeling off with high temperature, and lethargy. This means that ive been ill about 3 times in about 7 wks.....I find this very strange.


> I am currently taking 4ml ldn and have been taking this dose for about 2 months or so, and have been taking ldn in total for over 6 months now.


> I have no idea why I am having these problems, if its good, or bad, or if im just unlucky!


> regards,


> helen


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My father has COPD with some suspicious lung spots as of yet undiagnosed and started taking 4.5 mg LDN on Monday. The very next day he came down with a severe form of his usual FUO ( fever of unknown origin) that left him with severe inability to breathe and in the hospital for several days. His doctors felt this was viral. He has had milder FUO's that give him the shakes--he takes 2 tylenol and sleeps it off. Then he gets a Herpes lesion on his lip. This was much more severe, with diarrhea and sudden severe inability to breathe. His test all came back 'normal' -no pneumonia or heart attack, and he feels a little sore throat. My questions are: could LDN have caused this in one night? ( I believe the answer is no, but would like the opinion of more experienced listers) and I am not familiar with Dr. Mclandless's discussion of viral infections with LDN--could someone direct me to that to read about it? Also, does anyone have experience with COPD and LDN? He is prescribed it to prevent Lung CA and to boost his immune system.



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i personally believes it could be the ldn that caused the viruses.there is a

shift in the immune system.

here you can read what dr mccandless says about ldn.

http://ldn.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=links & action=display & thread=1483

you can join brenda forum as she has also contact with dr mccandless.people that

are senstive to viruses should use supplements to get rid of them.i believe also

vit c up to bowl tolerance can play a big role in getting rid of viruses.dr levy

who is related to the lypo spheric vit csays that there is no viral load that

cannot be cleared with enough vit c.

a friend of mine has much benefits from ldn with copd but he had to do much more

to teap the benefit.if you are intrested you can contact me and i will tell you

the details.


> My father has COPD with some suspicious lung spots as of yet undiagnosed and

started taking 4.5 mg LDN on Monday. The very next day he came down with a

severe form of his usual FUO ( fever of unknown origin) that left him with

severe inability to breathe and in the hospital for several days. His doctors

felt this was viral. He has had milder FUO's that give him the shakes--he takes

2 tylenol and sleeps it off. Then he gets a Herpes lesion on his lip. This was

much more severe, with diarrhea and sudden severe inability to breathe. His test

all came back 'normal' -no pneumonia or heart attack, and he feels a little sore

throat. My questions are: could LDN have caused this in one night? ( I believe

the answer is no, but would like the opinion of more experienced listers) and I

am not familiar with Dr. Mclandless's discussion of viral infections with

LDN--could someone direct me to that to read about it? Also, does anyone have

experience with COPD and LDN? He is prescribed it to prevent Lung CA and to

boost his immune system.


> Thanks,

> Terry


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the drug is just for you but you need a doctor that know to treatand to solve

fungus or viruses when they appear

> >

> > My father has COPD with some suspicious lung spots as of yet undiagnosed and

started taking 4.5 mg LDN on Monday. The very next day he came down with a

severe form of his usual FUO ( fever of unknown origin) that left him with

severe inability to breathe and in the hospital for several days. His doctors

felt this was viral. He has had milder FUO's that give him the shakes--he takes

2 tylenol and sleeps it off. Then he gets a Herpes lesion on his lip. This was

much more severe, with diarrhea and sudden severe inability to breathe. His test

all came back 'normal' -no pneumonia or heart attack, and he feels a little sore

throat. My questions are: could LDN have caused this in one night? ( I believe

the answer is no, but would like the opinion of more experienced listers) and I

am not familiar with Dr. Mclandless's discussion of viral infections with

LDN--could someone direct me to that to read about it? Also, does anyone have

experience with COPD and LDN? He is prescribed it to prevent Lung CA and to

boost his immune system.

> >

> > Thanks,

> > Terry

> >


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Hi Helen,

Did you mean you're taking 4 mg?

I experienced a lot of uprising of virus, fungus, and generally not feeling well

4 to 5 weeks after starting LDN. I think this is pretty common. There's a shift

that goes on in the immune system between Th1 and Th2 immune cells, if I

remember correctly, and during that period there is a resurgence of symptoms.

Hang in there, it does get better. It doesn't mean LDN isn't working, and it may

not even mean you need to change your dose, IMHO. If you give it time to balance

out you may very well feel good again soon.

Tamra in Gilroy

LDN for FMS, CFS, IBS, anxeity & depression


> Hi.

> I posted a couple of weeks ago regarding having two similar flu type viruses

within a couple of weeks.

> I have been very well inbetween the viruses, but the last couple of days have

been feeling off with high temperature, and lethargy. This means that ive been

ill about 3 times in about 7 wks.....I find this very strange.


> I am currently taking 4ml ldn and have been taking this dose for about 2

months or so, and have been taking ldn in total for over 6 months now.


> I have no idea why I am having these problems, if its good, or bad, or if im

just unlucky!


> regards,


> helen


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Hi Tamra.

Thanks so much for your reply. I said 4ml as I take mine in the liquid form ;)

I contacted the dr who prescribes ldn for me and told him about my repeated

infections the last few weeks. I also mentioned I had stopped taking

`Immunoshield`` (a supplement for boosting immune system) He said he felt this

could be responisible for my susceptibility to the viruses. Ive now re ordered

immunoshield....I have to be honest and say I didnt catch any infections whilst

taking immunoshield...I only stopped it because I felt i didnt require it


I have so much faith in ldn, as it has helped me so much, especially over the

last 3 months.

I hope this finds you well!!



> >

> > Hi.

> > I posted a couple of weeks ago regarding having two similar flu type viruses

within a couple of weeks.

> > I have been very well inbetween the viruses, but the last couple of days

have been feeling off with high temperature, and lethargy. This means that ive

been ill about 3 times in about 7 wks.....I find this very strange.

> >

> > I am currently taking 4ml ldn and have been taking this dose for about 2

months or so, and have been taking ldn in total for over 6 months now.

> >

> > I have no idea why I am having these problems, if its good, or bad, or if im

just unlucky!

> >

> > regards,

> >

> > helen

> >


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  • 6 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Hi,I got 2 "friend requests" from tubely, one from Rose and one from Marguerite, so it must be the same virus. Didn't open it, thankfully. Watch for it.Enviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de TelcelFrom: "Lynn" <torpedolynn@...>Sender: bird mites Date: Thu, 02 Sep 2010 05:57:36 -0000<bird mites >Reply bird mites Subject: Re: Virus lol. Alot here have been hacked over the last two months. I got hacked twice and had to really do some fancy dance steps to make my e-mail more difficult. lol.In Light Lynn>> Just want to greatly apologize to group if anyone received a virus from me...My girlfriend sent some nasty thing called Tubely...sort of a chat site I suppose...seemed to enjoy getting in my address book and hassling some of you...sugesst running Your virus protection...I once again am very sorry for stress it caused my bird mite friends that don't deserve any stress...Love you Guys...seems We have been getting these viruses...Dumb site according to lynny is calling me Big Daddy..i mean really but nothing to mess with seems kind of a vicious one...so I hope You don't open this.Hugs,Rose>

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