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Re: Pseudo Culture

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The internet is the internet not real life. those are two different things..

This is just a computer screen."Rainbow ." <rainbow@...> wrote:

>Nathon writes: "I am not interested in socializing and I am not sure why."

This is truly hard to believe considering the number of your posts!


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> how many out there of us have had intense religious or spiritual experiences?

I had been intensely interested in religions. There was a period I was intense in chirstianity, then got interested in other religiones, then was atheist and then found a japanese religion that drove me addicted: I would go listen to every lecture, would buy all the books, do or assist all the rituals, etc.

Nowadyas I am not able to do for a long period: I even plan, write in my notebooks, but then on the second day or so I usually get interested in somehting else.


Re: Re: Pseudo Culture

I prefer to be called "high functioning" with the autism word left out.

Something new to the conversation, how many out there of us have had intense religious or spiritual experiences?

Could have religious figures of past been aspects.

ie, intense focus on spiritual matters.

Shaun.VISIGOTH@... wrote:

I think it is natural that there is venting against the NTs, though it can be taken too far. What you have to keep in mind is how much trouble NTs cause for us and how many names they have for us that they often say with open malice. All we have for them is NT (though I add Uber-NT as well).

Given that we have so many negative experiences with them, it is no wonder NT picks up some of the taint.

However, I fully agree with Leif. Changing to a new term for them will only last as long as it takes for that word to get tainted as well, and so on as the cycle repeats. Since NT is pretty much the standard in the AS community and it used by the pros as well, might as well keep it. Sure it will pick up some negative connotation, but I think we all know that not all NTs are bad.

We're going to have to call outselves something and everyone else by another name. That's just the way it is. If we don't, our speech and minds will be too cluttered to think coherently.

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Now you are sounding like Spock.

I feel NT is just a name to give people who are not Aspies.

Lets face it, we are different.

I dont attach a negative connotation to NT.

I just realize that these people think differently to what others do.

Just because we are the minority, doesnt mean we are detrimental to the scheme of things.

NT is just a label like Aspie is.

But to concur with other posters, we are swimming in a sea of idiots.

We may drown in that sea, but then again, we may swim due to diligence and that same sea may be a source of nutrients, propagation and also fun.

Lets not be scared about labels.

Shaun.natronpc <globalmerchantorg@...> wrote:

There is an illusion of a group mentality and those whom have chosen to make a real medical label of A.S/ Autism into some kind of race, culture or possible minority group. However these group mentalities do not exist to the majority of those diagnosed with any form of autism.

The N.T label is completely infeasible, illogical and incorrect.

Meanwhile those whom know nothing about it witness the N.T out-lash of a few and the stigma may be left with individuals with autism whom are innocent of such ridiculous words of conflict, stereotypes and illogical false belief concerning the majority of human kind.

Just because the false belief has habituated it doesn’t mean it is logical.

<chain3turn@...> wrote:

> Eh... medical label??> It's not exactly in the DSM. It's only a word invented> by autistics wanted a word for non-autistics.I did not know this as it's very much in all the aspie/autistic literature I've read. However, it's just as accurate a word as aspie or autistic. It describes a goup of people whose behaviours fall within a certain spectrum. That's what a diagnosis of Asperger's Syndrom or Autism does. Yes? No?Lizziehttp://pg.photos./ph/chain3turn/my_photoshttp://www.livejournal.com/users/samplerlady/http://literarylady.blogspot.com/"To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong." ph Chilton Pierce

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I think it is natural that there is venting against the NTs, though it can be taken too far. What you have to keep in mind is how much trouble NTs cause for us and how many names they have for us that they often say with open malice. All we have for them is NT (though I add Uber-NT as well).


My Interpretation:

Other people in the world you are blaming for troubles and since its popular to blame using the hate turn N.T it’s ok. Even though N.T isn’t real and other people are they have nothing to do with such things for the post part aside from the occasional "prick" that most people come of witness to.


Given that we have so many negative experiences with them, it is no wonder NT picks up some of the taint.

However, I fully agree with Leif. Changing to a new term for them will only last as long as it takes for that word to get tainted as well, and so on as the cycle repeats. Since NT is pretty much the standard in the AS community and it used by the pros as well, might as well keep it. Sure it will pick up some negative connotation, but I think we all know that not all NTs are bad.

We're going to have to call outselves something and everyone else by another name. That's just the way it is. If we don't, our speech and minds will be too cluttered to think coherently.


What term and why any term? People are people and forming a whole sociological belief model of humanity is illogical. It's not in any textbook and I don't understand why your teaching children this junk and with every negative action leaves a stigma with the next generation and those now whom are completly innocent of such illogical acts of negativity.

It is why I say N.T's are not real other then the fact the N.T term itself is wrong as well as the definition. People are mad at memories of other people and that intergrates possibly in the psyche in the current state making it to where the N.T label is everyone else but those diagnosed with A.S. It's clearly wrong.

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Aspie is part of a group mentality not a label, it is slang.

N.T's do not exist it is a result of the gorup mentality which is an illusion.

Negative or positive N.T's are not really real. you have simply compartmentalized that aspect of your mind and now N.T's are everywhere.

Ok now you are calling most of mankind idiots, well I know from my experience being called an idiot by a bully was very hurtfull especially over 3-4 years when I was younger. Calling others names is not right and it will not help the individuals whom happen to have autism whom have nothing to do with this type of discrimination, bigotry and disrespect.

I am not angry at you or anyone else, I do not hate anyone but this is another really GOOD example..

S W <scwmachinations@...> wrote:


Now you are sounding like Spock.

I feel NT is just a name to give people who are not Aspies.

Lets face it, we are different.

I dont attach a negative connotation to NT.

I just realize that these people think differently to what others do.

Just because we are the minority, doesnt mean we are detrimental to the scheme of things.

NT is just a label like Aspie is.

But to concur with other posters, we are swimming in a sea of idiots.

We may drown in that sea, but then again, we may swim due to diligence and that same sea may be a source of nutrients, propagation and also fun.

Lets not be scared about labels.

Shaun.natronpc <globalmerchantorg@...> wrote:

There is an illusion of a group mentality and those whom have chosen to make a real medical label of A.S/ Autism into some kind of race, culture or possible minority group. However these group mentalities do not exist to the majority of those diagnosed with any form of autism.

The N.T label is completely infeasible, illogical and incorrect.

Meanwhile those whom know nothing about it witness the N.T out-lash of a few and the stigma may be left with individuals with autism whom are innocent of such ridiculous words of conflict, stereotypes and illogical false belief concerning the majority of human kind.

Just because the false belief has habituated it doesn’t mean it is logical.

<chain3turn@...> wrote:

> Eh... medical label??> It's not exactly in the DSM. It's only a word invented> by autistics wanted a word for non-autistics.I did not know this as it's very much in all the aspie/autistic literature I've read. However, it's just as accurate a word as aspie or autistic. It describes a goup of people whose behaviours fall within a certain spectrum. That's what a diagnosis of Asperger's Syndrom or Autism does. Yes? No?Lizziehttp://pg.photos./ph/chain3turn/my_photoshttp://www.livejournal.com/users/samplerlady/http://literarylady.blogspot.com/"To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong." ph Chilton Pierce

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It's all based upon what is viewed on a computer screen, your expecting logical people to suddenly know the rest of humanity as N.T's when the fact is no such label is needed let alone logical.S W <scwmachinations@...> wrote:


I disagree, the term "NT" is no more circumstantial than the term "Aspie".

People like to pigeon hole people into categories. Like in the past when someone would categorize race or religion.

It is but a terminology. No more.

I also believe there are substantial quantifiable differences as that of skin colour.

But we all know we are mankind.

It is to depict the differences.

Not negative or positive, but a difference.

Shaun.natronpc <globalmerchantorg@...> wrote:

My code of reasoning is never the same, always explores many possibnilities and methods of percieving. It has nothing to do with religion other then the fact it requires one to believe something that cannot be proven.

No there are no such things as N.T's. You believe there are such things as N.T's however the real and true reality of an individual is likely to be much different then the stereotypes placed upon it.

Evan Sinclair <cennis007@...> wrote:


the classic analogy of what you are saying can best be served by your answer to the following example.

The use of the term NT would be exactly the same as the use of the term 'gentile'. That is by way of comparison a group that is NOT jewish. This in effect is a term given to Non jewish people by jewish people themselves with whatever connotation could be applied or construed by the subjects of the label. Therefore the term Gentiles under your code of reasoning cannot be real

Yet to Jewish people it is very real and is a cohesive glue that holds them together.

Is the term Non-believer given to athiests by christians then also a misnomer.

In the case of Non-believers being labeled gentiles what purpose could that have cerved jews then.

Heretics too then cannot exist for they are just a class that are seen to be rejecting a belief system. What are your view on this then?

Maybe it gave them a bonding forum to group under a common umbrella and yes under the majority they were repressed. Just as aspies have to live in a world with social rules written by a majority.

You see untill the human genome has been fully documented and all its variations recorded then we are hypothesing about a genetic thread. But the history in my family at least shows that happenining in 3 consecutive generations would be more than a billion to one occurence and it occurs in many aspie families as well.

So under the arguments I have outlined then yes there are NTs and yes there are AS individuals self cast as aspies.

Evannatronpc <globalmerchantorg@...> wrote:

No, not really I think of things as many ways as possible without being an "ism" or "otherwise". I just cannot make sense of it (figure it out) and what it means or could mean. I am interested the mentality and it's many interpretations <possibilities> from various angularities of thought.

I have no intent to be negative, its just seems the culture and its terminologies seem not compatible with my mind. This though despite attempting at one point but I couldn’t stop myself from thinking of its concept for such a long period of time.

joe <spaceplayer2112@...> wrote:

Natron, just curious, are you an Objectivist?


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I too was immensely interested in spiritualism and religion.

But tell you the truth, no man indoctrinated could ever answer my questions.

They were like religious puppets who just repeated the sentiment of the pious whom they respected. No new thought, no new relavations.

Just monkeys serving their own agenda.

I recently had a whiskey with a catholic priest in training.

He revelled in the fact that they were instructed when asked difficult questions to just say it "was the will of God that man couldnt understand".

I find this unacceptable and part of the status quo protected by the unthinking.

Shaun.Marilia Tavares <marilia.trp@...> wrote:

> how many out there of us have had intense religious or spiritual experiences?

I had been intensely interested in religions. There was a period I was intense in chirstianity, then got interested in other religiones, then was atheist and then found a japanese religion that drove me addicted: I would go listen to every lecture, would buy all the books, do or assist all the rituals, etc.

Nowadyas I am not able to do for a long period: I even plan, write in my notebooks, but then on the second day or so I usually get interested in somehting else.


Re: Re: Pseudo Culture

I prefer to be called "high functioning" with the autism word left out.

Something new to the conversation, how many out there of us have had intense religious or spiritual experiences?

Could have religious figures of past been aspects.

ie, intense focus on spiritual matters.

Shaun.VISIGOTH@... wrote:

I think it is natural that there is venting against the NTs, though it can be taken too far. What you have to keep in mind is how much trouble NTs cause for us and how many names they have for us that they often say with open malice. All we have for them is NT (though I add Uber-NT as well).

Given that we have so many negative experiences with them, it is no wonder NT picks up some of the taint.

However, I fully agree with Leif. Changing to a new term for them will only last as long as it takes for that word to get tainted as well, and so on as the cycle repeats. Since NT is pretty much the standard in the AS community and it used by the pros as well, might as well keep it. Sure it will pick up some negative connotation, but I think we all know that not all NTs are bad.

We're going to have to call outselves something and everyone else by another name. That's just the way it is. If we don't, our speech and minds will be too cluttered to think coherently.

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Because I label most of humanity as "idiots" doesnt mean I would ever say that to them.

I respect them because I realize I am exceptional. Not better than them.

Sorry to say, NT's are everywhere and we are the minority.

I also believe we have suffered at their whim of what's acceptable and what is not.

I believe it is their misunderstanding and not mine.

I would never "bully" anyone, it isnt in my nature. If truth be known, I am more accepting of people than anyone I know. I would never accuse anyone of being an "NT" cause frankly I dont give a rats ass, as long as they are accepting of me.

Now, although I'm new, who said the tern NT was derogatory?

Shaun.natronpc <globalmerchantorg@...> wrote:

Aspie is part of a group mentality not a label, it is slang.

N.T's do not exist it is a result of the gorup mentality which is an illusion.

Negative or positive N.T's are not really real. you have simply compartmentalized that aspect of your mind and now N.T's are everywhere.

Ok now you are calling most of mankind idiots, well I know from my experience being called an idiot by a bully was very hurtfull especially over 3-4 years when I was younger. Calling others names is not right and it will not help the individuals whom happen to have autism whom have nothing to do with this type of discrimination, bigotry and disrespect.

I am not angry at you or anyone else, I do not hate anyone but this is another really GOOD example..

S W <scwmachinations@...> wrote:


Now you are sounding like Spock.

I feel NT is just a name to give people who are not Aspies.

Lets face it, we are different.

I dont attach a negative connotation to NT.

I just realize that these people think differently to what others do.

Just because we are the minority, doesnt mean we are detrimental to the scheme of things.

NT is just a label like Aspie is.

But to concur with other posters, we are swimming in a sea of idiots.

We may drown in that sea, but then again, we may swim due to diligence and that same sea may be a source of nutrients, propagation and also fun.

Lets not be scared about labels.

Shaun.natronpc <globalmerchantorg@...> wrote:

There is an illusion of a group mentality and those whom have chosen to make a real medical label of A.S/ Autism into some kind of race, culture or possible minority group. However these group mentalities do not exist to the majority of those diagnosed with any form of autism.

The N.T label is completely infeasible, illogical and incorrect.

Meanwhile those whom know nothing about it witness the N.T out-lash of a few and the stigma may be left with individuals with autism whom are innocent of such ridiculous words of conflict, stereotypes and illogical false belief concerning the majority of human kind.

Just because the false belief has habituated it doesn’t mean it is logical.

<chain3turn@...> wrote:

> Eh... medical label??> It's not exactly in the DSM. It's only a word invented> by autistics wanted a word for non-autistics.I did not know this as it's very much in all the aspie/autistic literature I've read. However, it's just as accurate a word as aspie or autistic. It describes a goup of people whose behaviours fall within a certain spectrum. That's what a diagnosis of Asperger's Syndrom or Autism does. Yes? No?Lizziehttp://pg.photos./ph/chain3turn/my_photoshttp://www.livejournal.com/users/samplerlady/http://literarylady.blogspot.com/"To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong." ph Chilton Pierce

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Derogatory.. I and a few others have after observing certain things.

You call humanity idiots in your mind. That's discrimination.. I don’t want to be attached to any possible stigma from the actions of other so called individuals with autism whom name call and stereotype others because of there experiences.

What if an individual without a form of autism called individuals with any form of autism idiots?

S W <scwmachinations@...> wrote:


Because I label most of humanity as "idiots" doesnt mean I would ever say that to them.

I respect them because I realize I am exceptional. Not better than them.

Sorry to say, NT's are everywhere and we are the minority.

I also believe we have suffered at their whim of what's acceptable and what is not.

I believe it is their misunderstanding and not mine.

I would never "bully" anyone, it isnt in my nature. If truth be known, I am more accepting of people than anyone I know. I would never accuse anyone of being an "NT" cause frankly I dont give a rats ass, as long as they are accepting of me.

Now, although I'm new, who said the tern NT was derogatory?

Shaun.natronpc <globalmerchantorg@...> wrote:

Aspie is part of a group mentality not a label, it is slang.

N.T's do not exist it is a result of the gorup mentality which is an illusion.

Negative or positive N.T's are not really real. you have simply compartmentalized that aspect of your mind and now N.T's are everywhere.

Ok now you are calling most of mankind idiots, well I know from my experience being called an idiot by a bully was very hurtfull especially over 3-4 years when I was younger. Calling others names is not right and it will not help the individuals whom happen to have autism whom have nothing to do with this type of discrimination, bigotry and disrespect.

I am not angry at you or anyone else, I do not hate anyone but this is another really GOOD example..

S W <scwmachinations@...> wrote:


Now you are sounding like Spock.

I feel NT is just a name to give people who are not Aspies.

Lets face it, we are different.

I dont attach a negative connotation to NT.

I just realize that these people think differently to what others do.

Just because we are the minority, doesnt mean we are detrimental to the scheme of things.

NT is just a label like Aspie is.

But to concur with other posters, we are swimming in a sea of idiots.

We may drown in that sea, but then again, we may swim due to diligence and that same sea may be a source of nutrients, propagation and also fun.

Lets not be scared about labels.

Shaun.natronpc <globalmerchantorg@...> wrote:

There is an illusion of a group mentality and those whom have chosen to make a real medical label of A.S/ Autism into some kind of race, culture or possible minority group. However these group mentalities do not exist to the majority of those diagnosed with any form of autism.

The N.T label is completely infeasible, illogical and incorrect.

Meanwhile those whom know nothing about it witness the N.T out-lash of a few and the stigma may be left with individuals with autism whom are innocent of such ridiculous words of conflict, stereotypes and illogical false belief concerning the majority of human kind.

Just because the false belief has habituated it doesn’t mean it is logical.

<chain3turn@...> wrote:

> Eh... medical label??> It's not exactly in the DSM. It's only a word invented> by autistics wanted a word for non-autistics.I did not know this as it's very much in all the aspie/autistic literature I've read. However, it's just as accurate a word as aspie or autistic. It describes a goup of people whose behaviours fall within a certain spectrum. That's what a diagnosis of Asperger's Syndrom or Autism does. Yes? No?Lizziehttp://pg.photos./ph/chain3turn/my_photoshttp://www.livejournal.com/users/samplerlady/http://literarylady.blogspot.com/"To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong." ph Chilton Pierce

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>Nathon writes: "The internet is the internet not real life. those are two different things.. This is just a computer screen.Then I must be dreaming right now. Being part of F.A.M. is an important part of MY real life. If I were not participating in real life at this very moment, then what is it that you imagine I AM doing? My computer is as much a part of my real life as my toothbrush, my clothes, and my lunch!  Rainbow

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Not that I want to get caught up in this, but does have a


Lets say some folks who have no opinion of autistics one way or the

other get wind of AS people name-calling them or labeling them

behind their backs. Then their perception of us may swing toward

the negative, especially if they have no idea what the

designation " NT " means. To the people who use it, the term may be

just a label, but they may think it has some more sinister and

derogatory meaning that only we know.

And so, through no action of my own, I am suddenly perceived in a

negative light when I did nothing to warrant it.

While I am somewhat selfish in how I use these forums (griping,

whining, getting sympathy, etc.) I do try to avoid affecting others

within the forum negatively, and I try to behave with good character

in real life so that what I do does not reflect badly on others I

know (in the real world and in the virtual one).

I used to be the type that sounded off against non-Aspies on other

message boards, and while it was fun and certainly a stress

reliever, it really didn't accomplish anything, and it set a bad

example for those who joined after me.

Perhaps I am idealizing here, but I wish we could get passed the

whining and moaning stage and try to look toward what can be done

about encouarging one another and positively motivating ourselves to

achieve our goals.


" I don't want to be attached to any possible stigma from the actions

of other so called individuals with autism whom name call and

stereotype others because of there experiences. "

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Infeasible in respect to calling others that within ones mind, especially my own. Dispite being an outsider, non-mainstream and not able to fit in."Rainbow ." <rainbow@...> wrote:

>Nathon writes: "The N.T label is completely infeasible....."



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Infeasible in respect to calling others that within ones mind, especially my own. Dispite being an outsider, non-mainstream and not able to fit in."Rainbow ." <rainbow@...> wrote:

>Nathon writes: "The N.T label is completely infeasible....."



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The internet is the internet not talking or spending time with other people away from it. The internet is text things simply that.

Most of what I have to say most have no interest in in real life, they are on a different mental existence then I.

The internet is not spoken language it is typed, it is very different and how I articulate myself here is not the same in REAL life. I do not socialize with people simply becuase I know none, have no interest in knowing any and even if I did it would be more stress then needed.

There is a difference between the internet "world" and otherwise."Rainbow ." <rainbow@...> wrote:

>Nathon writes: "The internet is the internet not real life. those are two different things.. This is just a computer screen.

Then I must be dreaming right now. Being part of F.A.M. is an important part of MY real life. If I were not participating in real life at this very moment, then what is it that you imagine I AM doing? My computer is as much a part of my real life as my toothbrush, my clothes, and my lunch!


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Is what is.

No one suggested eugenics to breed NT's out.

We are different, sometimes subtly. But different.

I choose to celebrate the difference not lament over it.

Just me.

Shaun.natronpc <globalmerchantorg@...> wrote:

Infeasible in respect to calling others that within ones mind, especially my own. Dispite being an outsider, non-mainstream and not able to fit in."Rainbow ." <rainbow@...> wrote: >Nathon writes: "The N.T label is completely infeasible....."




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Is what is.

No one suggested eugenics to breed NT's out.

We are different, sometimes subtly. But different.

I choose to celebrate the difference not lament over it.

Just me.

Shaun.natronpc <globalmerchantorg@...> wrote:

Infeasible in respect to calling others that within ones mind, especially my own. Dispite being an outsider, non-mainstream and not able to fit in."Rainbow ." <rainbow@...> wrote: >Nathon writes: "The N.T label is completely infeasible....."




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The internet is text but also interaction.

Do not believe that becasue you are typing words that they are less than the spoken word.

In fact I think typing words has more validity cause you can spend time in phrasing sentiment.

Shaun.natronpc <globalmerchantorg@...> wrote:

The internet is the internet not talking or spending time with other people away from it. The internet is text things simply that.

Most of what I have to say most have no interest in in real life, they are on a different mental existence then I.

The internet is not spoken language it is typed, it is very different and how I articulate myself here is not the same in REAL life. I do not socialize with people simply becuase I know none, have no interest in knowing any and even if I did it would be more stress then needed.

There is a difference between the internet "world" and otherwise."Rainbow ." <rainbow@...> wrote:

>Nathon writes: "The internet is the internet not real life. those are two different things.. This is just a computer screen.

Then I must be dreaming right now. Being part of F.A.M. is an important part of MY real life. If I were not participating in real life at this very moment, then what is it that you imagine I AM doing? My computer is as much a part of my real life as my toothbrush, my clothes, and my lunch!



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>Nathon writes: "Infeasible in respect to calling others that within ones mind, especially my own. Dispite being an outsider, non-mainstream and not able to fit in."The word 'infeasible' is not in my dictionary. I was wondering just what you 'mean' by infeasible. So.... using this word in another sentence makes no additional sense to me.  Rainbow

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The talk concerning testing babies for autism and if they have it to abort the babies is based upon total ignorance. It has nothing to do with the illogical term N.T.

The differences are ones own in relation to another. Everyone is different but this is just a text reality cross associating similarities.

S W <scwmachinations@...> wrote:


Is what is.

No one suggested eugenics to breed NT's out.

We are different, sometimes subtly. But different.

I choose to celebrate the difference not lament over it.

Just me.

Shaun.natronpc <globalmerchantorg@...> wrote:

Infeasible in respect to calling others that within ones mind, especially my own. Dispite being an outsider, non-mainstream and not able to fit in."Rainbow ." <rainbow@...> wrote: >Nathon writes: "The N.T label is completely infeasible....."




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Well, I would not be so judgemental about them, in spite of understanding your point as this happens to me too: in all the groups I enter-religious or not-there are certain "truths" that cannot be challenged.

So, in this part I agree. There are two reasons why I disagree,

1- is that religions as I view them are not meant to answer all the questions, they are only a type of approach to the 'divine'.

2- the second reason-and this one goes against me as I am a doubter myself many times -is about what I once read about skepcism itself. It is more or less like this: it is much harder to know somehting than it is to question it, and to doubt it. Doubting can seem an honest attempt to know, and I used to view this way, but it can also be certain lazyness, or even fear, of the mind that not being able to know finds endeless reasons not to know, and then doubt is the best of them, because to know somehting you need a certain type of surrender, and to doubt is much easier. So, doubt and questioning CAN be resistance, refusal, rather than necessarily willingness to know or smartness. This 'resistance' to getting to the point of knowing makes one stick to the phase of creating endeless argumentation.

This kind of thing when I read it first time was very new...but then I can see clearly when this is the case with me, either in religion or in other matters.

Well, I imagine this would not sound clear at first time you read it...anyway, just give it a thought.

So, making it a bit clearly, the pride of having some doubts that can be posed to religious people CAN be also a refusal to know.

Also, certain people know certain things that cannot be trasnmitrted through words and logic if that other person did not pass through same process...like, the experience of maturing cannot be understood by a child even if we use all our best words to describe it. Then whoemver was great in certain type of religion cannot prove whatever he or she learned or changed or experienced through it by mere logic or answering certain questions.

Well, of course there are people that are not very intelligent in religion circles as well as there are those who are bright, smart and clever, etc.

One type of truth this groups accepts and I don´t is that aspies relate better with other aspies than with non aspies.


Re: Re: Pseudo Culture

I prefer to be called "high functioning" with the autism word left out.

Something new to the conversation, how many out there of us have had intense religious or spiritual experiences?

Could have religious figures of past been aspects.

ie, intense focus on spiritual matters.

Shaun.VISIGOTH@... wrote:

I think it is natural that there is venting against the NTs, though it can be taken too far. What you have to keep in mind is how much trouble NTs cause for us and how many names they have for us that they often say with open malice. All we have for them is NT (though I add Uber-NT as well).

Given that we have so many negative experiences with them, it is no wonder NT picks up some of the taint.

However, I fully agree with Leif. Changing to a new term for them will only last as long as it takes for that word to get tainted as well, and so on as the cycle repeats. Since NT is pretty much the standard in the AS community and it used by the pros as well, might as well keep it. Sure it will pick up some negative connotation, but I think we all know that not all NTs are bad.

We're going to have to call outselves something and everyone else by another name. That's just the way it is. If we don't, our speech and minds will be too cluttered to think coherently.

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>Tom writes: "Perhaps I am idealizing here, but I wish we could get passed the whining and moaning stage and try to look toward what can be done about encouarging one another and positively motivating ourselves to achieve our goals.By collectively focusing our talents and energies to become a positive role model for the sake of our children's children!  Rainbow

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Your site and board are a damned good start . It's the most

progressive thing I've seen on the net in terms of Aspergian political

and social thought.


Tom: positively motivating ourselves to

achieve our goals.

This is a good idea.. I have no clue at the moment.

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