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Re: Pseudo Culture

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the lack of theory of mind, et cetera

Re: Re: Pseudo Culture

I thought that it ís an asperger trait, and that it has to do with 'theory of mind' ?


> Maybe Aspies, myself included, tend to think that everyone > knows what they know, that everyone has the same knowledge> base. This isn't so of course. Wow! Is this an aspie trait, too? It took me years to understand that because "I" know something it doesn't mean others know it, too.I've always equated this with "common sense". There are certain things that each person defines as common sense, being defined as information that is common to all humans. It isn't. It might be common to a family group, a religious group, or regional group, but not to all humans.Or am I taking this too literally? :)Lizziehttp://pg.photos./ph/chain3turn/my_photoshttp://www.livejournal.com/users/samplerlady/http://literarylady.blogspot.com/"To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong." ph Chilton Pierce

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Oh well, I don't discriminate : )

Re: Re: Pseudo Culture

ururu:> the lack of theory of mind, et cetera Yes, but I don't lack Aspie theory of mind. I only lackNT theory of mind ;-)Leif

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> Lizzie,


> Common Sense is usually defined roughly as the ability to know when

> something is a bad thing to do.

Maybe... I think the voice that tells us what is right and wrong

(relative terms) is conscience.

Common sense is more the ability to make sensible decisions. Whether

the decision is sensible or not depends on the definitions of sensible

of the majority in the culture. The dictionary says, " Sound judgment

not based on specialized knowledge; native good judgment. " By virtue

of the use of the word native, it would make " common sense " culturally



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Thanks, Lizzie. Cool that you too can feel people's output online. :-)


Re: Pseudo Culture

> With my clairsentient abilities, I can not only read your words, I

> can also perceive some of your energy and mood. That does transmit

> along with your words, and even more so via your picture.

Me, too! Me, too! I can " read " energy, tone, emotion in on line

responses. I've even read things and pulled back from the screen

much like one would react to someone " stepping up " to them in face

to face situations.

> If I may make a recommendation, it would be for you to start

> phrasing your views like " That does not make sense to ME. *I*

> don't think that is logical. *I* don't feel like online

> communication is real. "

Using " I " messages is a very good way to not cause others to jump in

your face when ideas are expressed. By saying, " I think " , " I

believe " , " I have found ________ to be true " , one takes ownership of

the information and others don't interpret it as the information

being stuffed down their throat or thrown out as a challenge or as

the ultimate and absolute truth.

Nice post, Inger!





" To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong. "

ph Chilton Pierce

FAM Secret Society is a community based on respect, friendship, support and

acceptance. Everyone is valued.

Don't forget, there are links to other FAM sites on the Links page in the

folder marked " Other FAM Sites. "

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Have I said he can't express his views???

I just gave a friendly TIP from someone who HAS taken courses in how to

communicate more effectively. For free.

If he didn't like the well-meant advice, he is free to ignore it.


Re: Pseudo Culture


has a vision and he is expressing it in the only way he knows

how. In another post somewhere he was saying that he was

considering college as a way to learn how to express himself better.

If people don't agree with his viewpoint, they can refute it, or if

they are tired of hearing about it, then they can refrain from


has very few venues in which he can express his opinions.

While he'd like to see others agree with his vision, has

shown enough reserve that he isn't ramming it down our throats.

It seems that in his most recent posts he is more or less discussing

the concept rather than promoting it. Any discussion which stays

within the bounds of board rules is something I will allow.



I see a clear pattern to your way of thinking now. You seem to

assume that YOUR experiences and views are - or should be -

universal and the same for all, when they are only representative of

how YOU perceive things.

Because of the way YOU are wired, internet communication is not a

good medium of communication for YOU. This is very common for what

José and Hartmann call the Hunter type, who needs RL interaction for

it to feel real.

As a Gatherer type of person, online communication is excellent for

me. With my clairsentient abilities, I can not only read your words,

I can also perceive some of your energy and mood. That does transmit

along with your words, and even more so via your picture. I tend to

prefer online communication because RL meetings are rather

overwhelming and chaotic and I like to have enough time to think

about what I want to say. I also like phone because that gives a

closer connection, a swifter exchange of words, and more clues from

the other persons vocal inflection, but it is not always that I can

use my voice. I'm partially non-verbal.

If I may make a recommendation, it would be for you to start

phrasing your views like " That does not make sense to ME. *I* don't

think that is logical. *I* don't feel like online communication is

real. " Then you would actually be more accurate (and logical). ;-)

And not tick so many people off, who may perceive things differently

than yourself. And who have every right to hold a different view.

FAM Secret Society is a community based on respect, friendship, support and

acceptance. Everyone is valued.

Don't forget, there are links to other FAM sites on the Links page in the

folder marked " Other FAM Sites. "

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I think I would agree with Lizzie on this. I think common sense is

the abilty to know when something is wrong or stupid or dangerous or

will upset people, etc. without any specific rule.

I think many APTs have problems in the common sense area and reley

mostly on specific things we have heard.

For example a person with good common sense would just know that it

is wrong to hit a co-worker. A person basing their decisions on

rules would refrain from hitting a coworker because the rules at

work specify that you will get fired for hitting a coworker. They

may also have a moral rule against hitting others.

Having to rely mostly on rules can compensate for a lot, but there

are problems when you run into new situation not covered by the

rules. Also there are situations where you need to break the rules,

such as emergencies and life threatening situations and it will be

difficult for you.

I think common sense could be also broken into categories. I have

pretty good common sense about not doing anything physically

dangerous. I have read that some APTs, more common with the low

functioning ones if think, do not have good common sense with regard

to danger. However, I have bad common sense with regard to whether

something will offend or annoy people.


> > Lizzie,

> >

> > Common Sense is usually defined roughly as the ability to know


> > something is a bad thing to do.


> Maybe... I think the voice that tells us what is right and wrong

> (relative terms) is conscience.


> Common sense is more the ability to make sensible decisions.


> the decision is sensible or not depends on the definitions of


> of the majority in the culture. The dictionary says, " Sound


> not based on specialized knowledge; native good judgment. " By


> of the use of the word native, it would make " common sense "


> different.


> Lizzie

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