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Re: Introduction and Anxiety

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Hi Christie,

I have anxiety attacks when my son fevers too. I never had them before. I

usually get them in the middle of the night when he is crying from the fevers. I

start crying with him. I feel like I have no control over his suffering. It's a

horrible feeling...so I completely understand why you have anxiety and what it

feels like. Hang in there! We are all here for you!

Amy- Mom to -Age 2.5


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Okay, I read all of this and ask, WHY can't there be something done

for these kids??? Is terrible that they suffer and as Mom's we want

to take it all away onto ourselves but can't! I never knew this

existed and wish there was an answer. My friends say, Ok so now what?

Whats medicine can she take? - NOTHING! It won't just go away. You

look into their little eyes knowing its just a matter of time before

it strikes again and the wimpering and shivering and massive fever

hits. I have done this for only 6 months, I DO NOT know how you moms

have done this so long....its overwhelming. It makes me cry to think

she will have to do this over and over. I am thankful for an alert ER

Dr. but wish there was a magic pill to make it stop. I don't know how

to help her. We see the Immunogist on the 31st and I hope for SOME

answers and help. Maybe remove her tonsils?? I've been thru several

tubes and an adnoid removal, and my 5 yr old flipped out, so it

scares me to sedate her after his experince. But..if it stops this

madness, I think I will pray fo it!

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Okay, I read all of this and ask, WHY can't there be something done

for these kids??? Is terrible that they suffer and as Mom's we want

to take it all away onto ourselves but can't! I never knew this

existed and wish there was an answer. My friends say, Ok so now what?

Whats medicine can she take? - NOTHING! It won't just go away. You

look into their little eyes knowing its just a matter of time before

it strikes again and the wimpering and shivering and massive fever

hits. I have done this for only 6 months, I DO NOT know how you moms

have done this so long....its overwhelming. It makes me cry to think

she will have to do this over and over. I am thankful for an alert ER

Dr. but wish there was a magic pill to make it stop. I don't know how

to help her. We see the Immunogist on the 31st and I hope for SOME

answers and help. Maybe remove her tonsils?? I've been thru several

tubes and an adnoid removal, and my 5 yr old flipped out, so it

scares me to sedate her after his experince. But..if it stops this

madness, I think I will pray fo it!

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I have anxiety attacks also, and my daughter was diagnosed at 3 and is now

8--and it does not get better. I have that constant pit in my stomach, and then

we she fevers...I cry all of the time, too. I usually take a xanax during an

episode to calm me, down. My therapist says...there is nothing wrong with a

little medicinal help during these episdodes....It helps to know that we all

feel the same way...(or a lot of us).

Feel better.

Fern (mom to , age 8--diagnosed at age 3)

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I am in it tonight. The anxiety I mean. 104 and climbing (usually

105.7) after only 21 days fever free. My husband did not want to give

the steroid today, wanted to wait it out understandably. But now he is

spiking. We realized it was needed and gave it about an hour ago. What

does does everyone give usually? Our Dr's dosage is 2.5 teaspoons.I

actually lowered it today to 2 teaspoons. I hope that was ok.

The anxiety is awful. This whole thing is awful. But if this is my

worse lot if life, well then I am a lucky woman.


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