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Hi. My son, Jack (age 4), started having fevers and

mouth sores over a year ago. It was all rather mild

at first, but kept getting worse and worse. He began

getting sores so bad that his face would swell, he

couldn't eat, drink, or talk. We had to syringe

pediasure into his mouth for the entire length of the

episode. They came every four weeks at first, but

after using prednisone to heal the sores they began

coming every 2 weeks or so. I was close to having a

major breakdown at that point.

Jack has had just about every test run for auto-immune

disorders and allergies. He has had the sores

biopsied and had blood drawn twice a week for 2

months. The doctors at St. Louis Children's hospital

could find nothing wrong except high levels of

eosinophils (a white blood cell related to allergies

and parasites that most of us don't even have or

need.) The G.I. doctor performed an upper endoscopy

and colonoscopy and found a build up of this cell in

his esophagus, but could not find a relation between

that and the fevers/sores.

Well, Jack quit having episodes for 11 weeks and I was

hopeful that he had " outgrown " all of this. But, they

came back Dec. 6 and the nightmare began again.

Throughout all of this I had spent endless hours on

the internet trying to find out what was wrong with my

son and I happened to stumble upon a medical research

site about . We're seeing the immunologist again

on Dec. 16 and I'm going to mention this to him. It

would be nice to finally know what could be wrong with

Jack and what we could do about it.

So, here's what goes on with Jack. Does this sound

familiar to anyone?

*Jack's fevers usually only go to 103. (Is that high

enough to be considered for this disorder?)

*His lymph node under right jaw becomes enlarged but

not " super " enlarged.

*Mouth ulcers are unbearable for him. He lays in a

semi-conscience state the entire time he has sores and

we have to force him to drink the pediasure. He can't

even suck on a straw. His face and lips swell and

tylenol or motrin doesn't even make a dent in the

pain. Tylenol with codeine doesn't help either. He

whimpers with pain and at times yells out. When he's

not sleeping, he's crying.

*He has complained a few times about his throat but I

assumed he had sores back there. Plus the sores hurt

so bad I don't think pain anywhere else would really


*His cycles are not as regular as other cases that

I've read about, though they had been at first.

Should I keep pushing the doctors to look into this.

Has anyone had success with removing tonsils and


Thanks for listening and any input would be helpful.

I've been blown off for a year by every doctor but one

and made to feel like a crazy, paranoid mother.

Meanwhile I've had to start taking medication for

anxiety just to keep it togther during his attacks.

I've prayed and prayed for answers, maybe some of you

can help.




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