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Health care

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Dear Group,

I was asked my opinion on the health plans in a private email. So far I

haven't seen anything comprehensive that I would be comfortable with. Maybe our

Canadian, English, French, Isralei and Australian members could post what kind

of health care they have and voice their own opinion to give us a better grip on

what we think is the most equitable plan.

Whoever said our healthcare system is a train wreck is correct and bankrupt to

boot. We just received a notice that my husband's secondary policy will be over

$200. We are drowning ourselves in medical bills. Some say that we run to

doctors for everything. I don't, I hate going to doctors. While I think

everyone should pay something for health care, I get very upset when I have to

go to ER and the waiting room is filled with families. They can't or don't have

someone to take care of the younger children, so they bring the whole family and

it is chaos; their cell phones ring constantly. The children run around with

wheel chairs and no one corrects them. The vending machines are being emptied

of everything. Where does the money come from to buy junk food?

I would like to see them all replaced with bottles of water and tofu. What

about people who don't take care of their bodies by taking drugs and are brought

in on a stretcher because they have O.D. Do I have to pay for that, too? Yes, I

do, but where do we draw the line? People come to the food banks with cell

phones and demand certain foods and disposible diapers, am I supposed to pay for

that, too? I am tired of paying for goods and services for people who do not

want to help themselves. They expect the government to take care of them from

the womb to the grave.

When I had my babies, there was no insurance and I paid the doctor by the month.

I expected to pay it, it was my duty, I never expected my neighbors to pay for

it any more than they expected me to pay for theirs. Personally I think that is

what is wrong with our health care, there are too many free loaders who could be

working and contributing by paying taxes. Why doesn't the government track down

the fathers of these babies and make them pay for their insurance and upkeep?

I know there are people who have lost their jobs and their insurance. They

deserve to have free health care, as do children through no fault of their own

have parents who can't afford to pay for the high costs of medical insurance,

but go to work every day. These are the exceptions. Also the elderly who never

made enough money to save up for the medical expenses they are incurring today.

Waiters and waitresses are paid below minimum wage, how can they be expected to

pay for expensive health insurance?

Who knew 40 years ago we would be in this quagmire. I'll be darned if I want

to continue to have money taken from my fixed income or my taxes raised to

support people who never worked. I know wealthy people who have 6 figure incomes

whose children are on welfare while they continue to live at home in the lap of

luxury because they are drug addicts. It makes me sick to think of our taxes

being wasted on people who don't want to help themselves. I would like to see

someone who is really minding the store take care of health care, people already

in the business of health care. I don't want some bean counter to tell me what

treatment I can have, when he doesn't have a clue. A health care think tank is

sorely needed.

That's my 2 cents.



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