Guest guest Posted September 11, 2007 Report Share Posted September 11, 2007 Hi all...regarding any type of chronic complaint, whether hormonal, visceral, musculo-skeletal....consider doing a dietary liver & colon cleanse before going on meds. I know there are lots of herbal cleanses out there...and they have their place...but I don't consider that replaces a dietary cleanse. A dietary cleanse will also give you a headstart on what is " good " to eat and what is " not. " Find one that fits helped me amazingly. The following website is a good place to start. Gayle Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 11, 2007 Report Share Posted September 11, 2007 Hi Gayle, I didn't read the article yet (not sure I will), but just wanted to warn you (if you don't already know) that has some very unreliable information. I don't ever bother reading their site when I am doing searches. jan imgayleim <gsmarks@...> wrote: Hi all...regarding any type of chronic complaint, whether hormonal, visceral, musculo-skeletal....consider doing a dietary liver & colon cleanse before going on meds. I know there are lots of herbal cleanses out there...and they have their place...but I don't consider that replaces a dietary cleanse. A dietary cleanse will also give you a headstart on what is " good " to eat and what is " not. " Find one that fits helped me amazingly. The following website is a good place to start. Gayle --------------------------------- oneSearch: Finally, mobile search that gives answers, not web links. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 11, 2007 Report Share Posted September 11, 2007 Hi Gayle, I didn't read the article yet (not sure I will), but just wanted to warn you (if you don't already know) that has some very unreliable information. I don't ever bother reading their site when I am doing searches. jan imgayleim <gsmarks@...> wrote: Hi all...regarding any type of chronic complaint, whether hormonal, visceral, musculo-skeletal....consider doing a dietary liver & colon cleanse before going on meds. I know there are lots of herbal cleanses out there...and they have their place...but I don't consider that replaces a dietary cleanse. A dietary cleanse will also give you a headstart on what is " good " to eat and what is " not. " Find one that fits helped me amazingly. The following website is a good place to start. Gayle --------------------------------- oneSearch: Finally, mobile search that gives answers, not web links. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 11, 2007 Report Share Posted September 11, 2007 > > Hi Gayle, > > I didn't read the article yet (not sure I will), but just wanted to warn you (if you don't already know) that has some very unreliable information. I don't ever bother reading their site when I am doing searches. Yes, Jan...thank you...I personally NEVER trust any ONE site when researching on the web. Most of my knowledge regarding de- toxing/cleanses I gained thru working for/with an alternative medicine professional for eleven years. I personally believe most of today's illnesses are a response to environmental assaults on our bodies. Some we can avoid...others, not. There are methods, however, for helping our bodies of them is de-tox. After all...isn't that one of the major functions of Kombucha? IMO it is. Gayle Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 11, 2007 Report Share Posted September 11, 2007 > > Hi Gayle, > > I didn't read the article yet (not sure I will), but just wanted to warn you (if you don't already know) that has some very unreliable information. I don't ever bother reading their site when I am doing searches. Yes, Jan...thank you...I personally NEVER trust any ONE site when researching on the web. Most of my knowledge regarding de- toxing/cleanses I gained thru working for/with an alternative medicine professional for eleven years. I personally believe most of today's illnesses are a response to environmental assaults on our bodies. Some we can avoid...others, not. There are methods, however, for helping our bodies of them is de-tox. After all...isn't that one of the major functions of Kombucha? IMO it is. Gayle Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 11, 2007 Report Share Posted September 11, 2007 I agree about detox, Gayle. I have been actively detoxing since shortly after my diagnosis of Lyme disease (last Dec.). So, with your experience do you think this one article on is good? jan imgayleim <gsmarks@...> wrote: > > Hi Gayle, > > I didn't read the article yet (not sure I will), but just wanted to warn you (if you don't already know) that has some very unreliable information. I don't ever bother reading their site when I am doing searches. Yes, Jan...thank you...I personally NEVER trust any ONE site when researching on the web. Most of my knowledge regarding de- toxing/cleanses I gained thru working for/with an alternative medicine professional for eleven years. I personally believe most of today's illnesses are a response to environmental assaults on our bodies. Some we can avoid...others, not. There are methods, however, for helping our bodies of them is de-tox. After all...isn't that one of the major functions of Kombucha? IMO it is. Gayle --------------------------------- Catch up on fall's hot new shows on TV. Watch previews, get listings, and more! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 11, 2007 Report Share Posted September 11, 2007 I agree about detox, Gayle. I have been actively detoxing since shortly after my diagnosis of Lyme disease (last Dec.). So, with your experience do you think this one article on is good? jan imgayleim <gsmarks@...> wrote: > > Hi Gayle, > > I didn't read the article yet (not sure I will), but just wanted to warn you (if you don't already know) that has some very unreliable information. I don't ever bother reading their site when I am doing searches. Yes, Jan...thank you...I personally NEVER trust any ONE site when researching on the web. Most of my knowledge regarding de- toxing/cleanses I gained thru working for/with an alternative medicine professional for eleven years. I personally believe most of today's illnesses are a response to environmental assaults on our bodies. Some we can avoid...others, not. There are methods, however, for helping our bodies of them is de-tox. After all...isn't that one of the major functions of Kombucha? IMO it is. Gayle --------------------------------- Catch up on fall's hot new shows on TV. Watch previews, get listings, and more! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 11, 2007 Report Share Posted September 11, 2007 > > I agree about detox, Gayle. I have been actively detoxing since shortly after my diagnosis of Lyme disease (last Dec.). > > So, with your experience do you think this one article on is good? > > jan Hi jan....I've had personal experience with Lymes sufferers....those who were diagnosed early and those who were exposed years prior to Dx....My best wishes go with you. I feel that particular site has some good and basic does not have the answers...but is rather a take off point as regards info about this incredibly important aspect of health.... It is the first baby step towards finding the path that can/will lead to each individuals' best method for ultimate health. Warmly.....Gayle Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 11, 2007 Report Share Posted September 11, 2007 > > I agree about detox, Gayle. I have been actively detoxing since shortly after my diagnosis of Lyme disease (last Dec.). > > So, with your experience do you think this one article on is good? > > jan Hi jan....I've had personal experience with Lymes sufferers....those who were diagnosed early and those who were exposed years prior to Dx....My best wishes go with you. I feel that particular site has some good and basic does not have the answers...but is rather a take off point as regards info about this incredibly important aspect of health.... It is the first baby step towards finding the path that can/will lead to each individuals' best method for ultimate health. Warmly.....Gayle Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 11, 2007 Report Share Posted September 11, 2007 Kombucha Komrades everywhere........another personal testimony re: external application of KT.......One of our customers came in today and told us one of her horses trounced her leg some months ago, the Dr's had a dickens of a time trying to get her well, operated on her leg and at one point told her she might lose her leg, after the last surgical procedure they could not get the large wound to quit seeping. This went on for months, the draining and wound would NOT heal. One of our KT drinkers supplied her with some scobies that had been cut up, and told her to place it on the wound and see if it would help. In " 4 " days the wound dried up and was healed up!! She was astounded and came in the store to tell us how marvelous KT is!!! She also said one of her other horses had a bad place on his leg, they took to the vet, who tried numerous things to no avail, she said if the scoby was good for me it would probably work on the horse and it did in a very short time, after evrything else had failed. She is thrilled to death with her new discovery of KT's healing powers............certainly not " Hype " in her situation either. Keep on brewing that wonderful elixir-IT WORKS !!! Lonnie --------------------------------- Need a vacation? Get great deals to amazing places on Travel. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 11, 2007 Report Share Posted September 11, 2007 Kombucha Komrades everywhere........another personal testimony re: external application of KT.......One of our customers came in today and told us one of her horses trounced her leg some months ago, the Dr's had a dickens of a time trying to get her well, operated on her leg and at one point told her she might lose her leg, after the last surgical procedure they could not get the large wound to quit seeping. This went on for months, the draining and wound would NOT heal. One of our KT drinkers supplied her with some scobies that had been cut up, and told her to place it on the wound and see if it would help. In " 4 " days the wound dried up and was healed up!! She was astounded and came in the store to tell us how marvelous KT is!!! She also said one of her other horses had a bad place on his leg, they took to the vet, who tried numerous things to no avail, she said if the scoby was good for me it would probably work on the horse and it did in a very short time, after evrything else had failed. She is thrilled to death with her new discovery of KT's healing powers............certainly not " Hype " in her situation either. Keep on brewing that wonderful elixir-IT WORKS !!! Lonnie --------------------------------- Need a vacation? Get great deals to amazing places on Travel. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 12, 2007 Report Share Posted September 12, 2007 Good morning everyone Since several of you responded wanting to hear " Good Reports " from drinking KT, I will continue. To Marge, yes we brew our own and have been since March. I have never even tasted store bought KT, Although I must admit the way some of you refer to some of the KT being sold in stores, it sounds tempting to try!! We had not been drinking Kombucha even a week til my wife told me one morning that her hips had stopped hurting her during sleep at night. She would constantly have to shift weight and turn over as each hip would start hurting, it was a constant tossing and turning all night. All of that has changed now and sleep is a pleasant and resting break in our 24 hour day now. I also agree with someone on the list who made reference to the changes appear to be more dramatic in the older generation than the younger. I have found that to be true with us compared to our children who are drinking it. One of the first persons I talked to about drinking KT after we started was my Step Mom.My Dad passed away 2 years ago and she had been miserable til 6 months ago when we introduced her to Kombucha. She couldn't sleep at night, tired and exhausted as a result. She started drinking KT just to see if it would help her sleep. She was discouraged with it for about 6 weeks cause it didn't look like it was going to help her.....then she got up to about 16-24 ounces a day and it finally happened. She started sleeping all night with no anxiety, also she noticed that a " Severe Constipation " problem she'd had all her life was gone and she is now very regular, her energy level shot up, and before when she just laid around the house all day trying to get rested, she now volunteers at the hospital 3 days a week. She has since introduced KT to her oldest son who has had a very bad case of eczema. After 2 months it is all gone and he has had this over 20 years. Needless to say my Step Mom is a big promoter of KT. About a year ago (before I started drinking Kombucha) I was working for a large company had good health insurance, so I was trying to get as many things checked out by a Physician and corrected (or so I thought) before I retired and experienced a lapse of insurance. I had a toenail fungus under 3 of my toes. 2 of the toes it was minor, but my big toe was GGGGGrrrrrrrrrrrrooossssssssssss. It had started to really bother me, pushing the toenail way out and throbbed constantly!! I was afraid it would become in grown, it turned black. My wife said you are going to lose that toenail. I went to my Dr. for my regular " High Blood Pressure Sessions " and before the appt was over I asked him about my toe what I could do for it, cleansing, treatment, pills, or whatever???? He didn't offer to look at it to advise or anything, he just quickly dismissed the idea and said there really wasn't anything fool proof to do for it just learn to live with it-end of discussion!! Well I accepted that as we always seem to do for these sacred institutions that hold our lives in their hands...(remember this was before KT)......but several months later after we started our Kombucha journey, the 2 smaller toenail problem all but totally disappeared. So I thought what would happen if I applied KT externally to this toenail. I started pouring over this list and KT websites for information how to use KT externally, I cut up several scobies and was applying to the toe each night as I went to sleep. After about 3 weeks all of the fungus disappeared, the discoloration of the nail disappeared and the normal color returned. The pain and throbbing stopped. I was so thrilled as I realized once again what a friend my inexpensive, great tasting, Kombucha. I resisted the temptation to go back to my Dr and wag my toe in front of him and let him know that these guys do not have all the answers!!! LOL.......I will add....that I quit applying the scoby piece each night as it is not always easy to remember and the fungus will reappear but to a much lesser degree and no pain or discoloration of the nail. Just wanted to share a few of these reports for some of you that have not seen any results from your KT journey.............hang in there.......and you will be sending in your healing report. Happy brewing, Lonnie --------------------------------- Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect. Join 's user panel and lay it on us. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 12, 2007 Report Share Posted September 12, 2007 Good morning everyone Since several of you responded wanting to hear " Good Reports " from drinking KT, I will continue. To Marge, yes we brew our own and have been since March. I have never even tasted store bought KT, Although I must admit the way some of you refer to some of the KT being sold in stores, it sounds tempting to try!! We had not been drinking Kombucha even a week til my wife told me one morning that her hips had stopped hurting her during sleep at night. She would constantly have to shift weight and turn over as each hip would start hurting, it was a constant tossing and turning all night. All of that has changed now and sleep is a pleasant and resting break in our 24 hour day now. I also agree with someone on the list who made reference to the changes appear to be more dramatic in the older generation than the younger. I have found that to be true with us compared to our children who are drinking it. One of the first persons I talked to about drinking KT after we started was my Step Mom.My Dad passed away 2 years ago and she had been miserable til 6 months ago when we introduced her to Kombucha. She couldn't sleep at night, tired and exhausted as a result. She started drinking KT just to see if it would help her sleep. She was discouraged with it for about 6 weeks cause it didn't look like it was going to help her.....then she got up to about 16-24 ounces a day and it finally happened. She started sleeping all night with no anxiety, also she noticed that a " Severe Constipation " problem she'd had all her life was gone and she is now very regular, her energy level shot up, and before when she just laid around the house all day trying to get rested, she now volunteers at the hospital 3 days a week. She has since introduced KT to her oldest son who has had a very bad case of eczema. After 2 months it is all gone and he has had this over 20 years. Needless to say my Step Mom is a big promoter of KT. About a year ago (before I started drinking Kombucha) I was working for a large company had good health insurance, so I was trying to get as many things checked out by a Physician and corrected (or so I thought) before I retired and experienced a lapse of insurance. I had a toenail fungus under 3 of my toes. 2 of the toes it was minor, but my big toe was GGGGGrrrrrrrrrrrrooossssssssssss. It had started to really bother me, pushing the toenail way out and throbbed constantly!! I was afraid it would become in grown, it turned black. My wife said you are going to lose that toenail. I went to my Dr. for my regular " High Blood Pressure Sessions " and before the appt was over I asked him about my toe what I could do for it, cleansing, treatment, pills, or whatever???? He didn't offer to look at it to advise or anything, he just quickly dismissed the idea and said there really wasn't anything fool proof to do for it just learn to live with it-end of discussion!! Well I accepted that as we always seem to do for these sacred institutions that hold our lives in their hands...(remember this was before KT)......but several months later after we started our Kombucha journey, the 2 smaller toenail problem all but totally disappeared. So I thought what would happen if I applied KT externally to this toenail. I started pouring over this list and KT websites for information how to use KT externally, I cut up several scobies and was applying to the toe each night as I went to sleep. After about 3 weeks all of the fungus disappeared, the discoloration of the nail disappeared and the normal color returned. The pain and throbbing stopped. I was so thrilled as I realized once again what a friend my inexpensive, great tasting, Kombucha. I resisted the temptation to go back to my Dr and wag my toe in front of him and let him know that these guys do not have all the answers!!! LOL.......I will add....that I quit applying the scoby piece each night as it is not always easy to remember and the fungus will reappear but to a much lesser degree and no pain or discoloration of the nail. Just wanted to share a few of these reports for some of you that have not seen any results from your KT journey.............hang in there.......and you will be sending in your healing report. Happy brewing, Lonnie --------------------------------- Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect. Join 's user panel and lay it on us. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 12, 2007 Report Share Posted September 12, 2007 Thank you Lonnie, Your testimonial reminds me why I started making Kombucha back in 1994, why I stay with it, and why I continue to own and moderate this list of so many people who are learning and sharing what they learn about Kombucha every day along with several Kombucha related websites. Sometimes it is a lot of work and it can get aggravating and discouraging at times, but when I first heard about Kombucha I knew it was a wonderful gift for healing and I continue to believe that is more than ever. In addition it not only works for people but also many animals and plants as well. Wishing you all the best of health and wellbeing. Peace, Love and Harmony, Bev > > Good morning everyone > > Since several of you responded wanting to hear " Good Reports " from drinking KT, I will continue. > To Marge, yes we brew our own and have been since March. I have never even tasted store bought KT, Although I must admit the way some of you refer to some of the KT being sold in stores, it sounds tempting to try!! > We had not been drinking Kombucha even a week til my wife told me one morning that her hips had stopped hurting her during sleep at night. She would constantly have to shift weight and turn over as each hip would start hurting, it was a constant tossing and turning all night. > All of that has changed now and sleep is a pleasant and resting break in our 24 hour day now. > > I also agree with someone on the list who made reference to the changes appear to be more dramatic in the older generation than the younger. I have found that to be true with us compared to our children who are drinking it. > > One of the first persons I talked to about drinking KT after we started was my Step Mom.My Dad passed away 2 years ago and she had been miserable til 6 months ago when we introduced her to Kombucha. She couldn't sleep at night, tired and exhausted as a result. She started drinking KT just to see if it would help her sleep. She was discouraged with it for about 6 weeks cause it didn't look like it was going to help her.....then she got up to about 16-24 ounces a day and it finally happened. She started sleeping all night with no anxiety, also she noticed that a " Severe Constipation " problem she'd had all her life was gone and she is now very regular, her energy level shot up, and before when she just laid around the house all day trying to get rested, she now volunteers at the hospital 3 days a week. > > She has since introduced KT to her oldest son who has had a very bad case of eczema. After 2 months it is all gone and he has had this over 20 years. Needless to say my Step Mom is a big promoter of KT. > > About a year ago (before I started drinking Kombucha) I was working for a large company had good health insurance, so I was trying to get as many things checked out by a Physician and corrected (or so I thought) before I retired and experienced a lapse of insurance. I had a toenail fungus under 3 of my toes. 2 of the toes it was minor, but my big toe was GGGGGrrrrrrrrrrrrooossssssssssss. It had started to really bother me, pushing the toenail way out and throbbed constantly!! I was afraid it would become in grown, it turned black. My wife said you are going to lose that toenail. > I went to my Dr. for my regular " High Blood Pressure Sessions " and before the appt was over I asked him about my toe what I could do for it, cleansing, treatment, pills, or whatever???? He didn't offer to look at it to advise or anything, he just quickly dismissed the idea and said there really wasn't anything fool proof to do for it just learn to live with it-end of discussion!! > > Well I accepted that as we always seem to do for these sacred institutions that hold our lives in their hands...(remember this was before KT)......but several months later after we started our Kombucha journey, the 2 smaller toenail problem all but totally disappeared. So I thought what would happen if I applied KT externally to this toenail. I started pouring over this list and KT websites for information how to use KT externally, I cut up several scobies and was applying to the toe each night as I went to sleep. After about 3 weeks all of the fungus disappeared, the discoloration of the nail disappeared and the normal color returned. The pain and throbbing stopped. I was so thrilled as I realized once again what a friend my inexpensive, great tasting, Kombucha. I resisted the temptation to go back to my Dr and wag my toe in front of him and let him know that these guys do not have all the answers!!! LOL.......I will add....that I quit applying the scoby piece each night > as it is not always easy to remember and the fungus will reappear but to a much lesser degree and no pain or discoloration of the nail. > > Just wanted to share a few of these reports for some of you that have not seen any results from your KT journey.............hang in there.......and you will be sending in your healing report. > > Happy brewing, > > Lonnie > > > --------------------------------- > Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect. Join 's user panel and lay it on us. > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 12, 2007 Report Share Posted September 12, 2007 Thank you Lonnie, Your testimonial reminds me why I started making Kombucha back in 1994, why I stay with it, and why I continue to own and moderate this list of so many people who are learning and sharing what they learn about Kombucha every day along with several Kombucha related websites. Sometimes it is a lot of work and it can get aggravating and discouraging at times, but when I first heard about Kombucha I knew it was a wonderful gift for healing and I continue to believe that is more than ever. In addition it not only works for people but also many animals and plants as well. Wishing you all the best of health and wellbeing. Peace, Love and Harmony, Bev > > Good morning everyone > > Since several of you responded wanting to hear " Good Reports " from drinking KT, I will continue. > To Marge, yes we brew our own and have been since March. I have never even tasted store bought KT, Although I must admit the way some of you refer to some of the KT being sold in stores, it sounds tempting to try!! > We had not been drinking Kombucha even a week til my wife told me one morning that her hips had stopped hurting her during sleep at night. She would constantly have to shift weight and turn over as each hip would start hurting, it was a constant tossing and turning all night. > All of that has changed now and sleep is a pleasant and resting break in our 24 hour day now. > > I also agree with someone on the list who made reference to the changes appear to be more dramatic in the older generation than the younger. I have found that to be true with us compared to our children who are drinking it. > > One of the first persons I talked to about drinking KT after we started was my Step Mom.My Dad passed away 2 years ago and she had been miserable til 6 months ago when we introduced her to Kombucha. She couldn't sleep at night, tired and exhausted as a result. She started drinking KT just to see if it would help her sleep. She was discouraged with it for about 6 weeks cause it didn't look like it was going to help her.....then she got up to about 16-24 ounces a day and it finally happened. She started sleeping all night with no anxiety, also she noticed that a " Severe Constipation " problem she'd had all her life was gone and she is now very regular, her energy level shot up, and before when she just laid around the house all day trying to get rested, she now volunteers at the hospital 3 days a week. > > She has since introduced KT to her oldest son who has had a very bad case of eczema. After 2 months it is all gone and he has had this over 20 years. Needless to say my Step Mom is a big promoter of KT. > > About a year ago (before I started drinking Kombucha) I was working for a large company had good health insurance, so I was trying to get as many things checked out by a Physician and corrected (or so I thought) before I retired and experienced a lapse of insurance. I had a toenail fungus under 3 of my toes. 2 of the toes it was minor, but my big toe was GGGGGrrrrrrrrrrrrooossssssssssss. It had started to really bother me, pushing the toenail way out and throbbed constantly!! I was afraid it would become in grown, it turned black. My wife said you are going to lose that toenail. > I went to my Dr. for my regular " High Blood Pressure Sessions " and before the appt was over I asked him about my toe what I could do for it, cleansing, treatment, pills, or whatever???? He didn't offer to look at it to advise or anything, he just quickly dismissed the idea and said there really wasn't anything fool proof to do for it just learn to live with it-end of discussion!! > > Well I accepted that as we always seem to do for these sacred institutions that hold our lives in their hands...(remember this was before KT)......but several months later after we started our Kombucha journey, the 2 smaller toenail problem all but totally disappeared. So I thought what would happen if I applied KT externally to this toenail. I started pouring over this list and KT websites for information how to use KT externally, I cut up several scobies and was applying to the toe each night as I went to sleep. After about 3 weeks all of the fungus disappeared, the discoloration of the nail disappeared and the normal color returned. The pain and throbbing stopped. I was so thrilled as I realized once again what a friend my inexpensive, great tasting, Kombucha. I resisted the temptation to go back to my Dr and wag my toe in front of him and let him know that these guys do not have all the answers!!! LOL.......I will add....that I quit applying the scoby piece each night > as it is not always easy to remember and the fungus will reappear but to a much lesser degree and no pain or discoloration of the nail. > > Just wanted to share a few of these reports for some of you that have not seen any results from your KT journey.............hang in there.......and you will be sending in your healing report. > > Happy brewing, > > Lonnie > > > --------------------------------- > Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect. Join 's user panel and lay it on us. > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 12, 2007 Report Share Posted September 12, 2007 Thanks for sharing, Lonnie. It was really exciting to read. jan Lonnie McCalip <lmccalip@...> wrote: Good morning everyone Since several of you responded wanting to hear " Good Reports " from drinking KT, I will continue. To Marge, yes we brew our own and have been since March. I have never even tasted store bought KT, Although I must admit the way some of you refer to some of the KT being sold in stores, it sounds tempting to try!! We had not been drinking Kombucha even a week til my wife told me one morning that her hips had stopped hurting her during sleep at night. She would constantly have to shift weight and turn over as each hip would start hurting, it was a constant tossing and turning all night. All of that has changed now and sleep is a pleasant and resting break in our 24 hour day now. I also agree with someone on the list who made reference to the changes appear to be more dramatic in the older generation than the younger. I have found that to be true with us compared to our children who are drinking it. One of the first persons I talked to about drinking KT after we started was my Step Mom.My Dad passed away 2 years ago and she had been miserable til 6 months ago when we introduced her to Kombucha. She couldn't sleep at night, tired and exhausted as a result. She started drinking KT just to see if it would help her sleep. She was discouraged with it for about 6 weeks cause it didn't look like it was going to help her.....then she got up to about 16-24 ounces a day and it finally happened. She started sleeping all night with no anxiety, also she noticed that a " Severe Constipation " problem she'd had all her life was gone and she is now very regular, her energy level shot up, and before when she just laid around the house all day trying to get rested, she now volunteers at the hospital 3 days a week. She has since introduced KT to her oldest son who has had a very bad case of eczema. After 2 months it is all gone and he has had this over 20 years. Needless to say my Step Mom is a big promoter of KT. About a year ago (before I started drinking Kombucha) I was working for a large company had good health insurance, so I was trying to get as many things checked out by a Physician and corrected (or so I thought) before I retired and experienced a lapse of insurance. I had a toenail fungus under 3 of my toes. 2 of the toes it was minor, but my big toe was GGGGGrrrrrrrrrrrrooossssssssssss. It had started to really bother me, pushing the toenail way out and throbbed constantly!! I was afraid it would become in grown, it turned black. My wife said you are going to lose that toenail. I went to my Dr. for my regular " High Blood Pressure Sessions " and before the appt was over I asked him about my toe what I could do for it, cleansing, treatment, pills, or whatever???? He didn't offer to look at it to advise or anything, he just quickly dismissed the idea and said there really wasn't anything fool proof to do for it just learn to live with it-end of discussion!! Well I accepted that as we always seem to do for these sacred institutions that hold our lives in their hands...(remember this was before KT)......but several months later after we started our Kombucha journey, the 2 smaller toenail problem all but totally disappeared. So I thought what would happen if I applied KT externally to this toenail. I started pouring over this list and KT websites for information how to use KT externally, I cut up several scobies and was applying to the toe each night as I went to sleep. After about 3 weeks all of the fungus disappeared, the discoloration of the nail disappeared and the normal color returned. The pain and throbbing stopped. I was so thrilled as I realized once again what a friend my inexpensive, great tasting, Kombucha. I resisted the temptation to go back to my Dr and wag my toe in front of him and let him know that these guys do not have all the answers!!! LOL.......I will add....that I quit applying the scoby piece each night as it is not always easy to remember and the fungus will reappear but to a much lesser degree and no pain or discoloration of the nail. Just wanted to share a few of these reports for some of you that have not seen any results from your KT journey.............hang in there.......and you will be sending in your healing report. Happy brewing, Lonnie --------------------------------- Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect. Join 's user panel and lay it on us. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 12, 2007 Report Share Posted September 12, 2007 Thanks for sharing, Lonnie. It was really exciting to read. jan Lonnie McCalip <lmccalip@...> wrote: Good morning everyone Since several of you responded wanting to hear " Good Reports " from drinking KT, I will continue. To Marge, yes we brew our own and have been since March. I have never even tasted store bought KT, Although I must admit the way some of you refer to some of the KT being sold in stores, it sounds tempting to try!! We had not been drinking Kombucha even a week til my wife told me one morning that her hips had stopped hurting her during sleep at night. She would constantly have to shift weight and turn over as each hip would start hurting, it was a constant tossing and turning all night. All of that has changed now and sleep is a pleasant and resting break in our 24 hour day now. I also agree with someone on the list who made reference to the changes appear to be more dramatic in the older generation than the younger. I have found that to be true with us compared to our children who are drinking it. One of the first persons I talked to about drinking KT after we started was my Step Mom.My Dad passed away 2 years ago and she had been miserable til 6 months ago when we introduced her to Kombucha. She couldn't sleep at night, tired and exhausted as a result. She started drinking KT just to see if it would help her sleep. She was discouraged with it for about 6 weeks cause it didn't look like it was going to help her.....then she got up to about 16-24 ounces a day and it finally happened. She started sleeping all night with no anxiety, also she noticed that a " Severe Constipation " problem she'd had all her life was gone and she is now very regular, her energy level shot up, and before when she just laid around the house all day trying to get rested, she now volunteers at the hospital 3 days a week. She has since introduced KT to her oldest son who has had a very bad case of eczema. After 2 months it is all gone and he has had this over 20 years. Needless to say my Step Mom is a big promoter of KT. About a year ago (before I started drinking Kombucha) I was working for a large company had good health insurance, so I was trying to get as many things checked out by a Physician and corrected (or so I thought) before I retired and experienced a lapse of insurance. I had a toenail fungus under 3 of my toes. 2 of the toes it was minor, but my big toe was GGGGGrrrrrrrrrrrrooossssssssssss. It had started to really bother me, pushing the toenail way out and throbbed constantly!! I was afraid it would become in grown, it turned black. My wife said you are going to lose that toenail. I went to my Dr. for my regular " High Blood Pressure Sessions " and before the appt was over I asked him about my toe what I could do for it, cleansing, treatment, pills, or whatever???? He didn't offer to look at it to advise or anything, he just quickly dismissed the idea and said there really wasn't anything fool proof to do for it just learn to live with it-end of discussion!! Well I accepted that as we always seem to do for these sacred institutions that hold our lives in their hands...(remember this was before KT)......but several months later after we started our Kombucha journey, the 2 smaller toenail problem all but totally disappeared. So I thought what would happen if I applied KT externally to this toenail. I started pouring over this list and KT websites for information how to use KT externally, I cut up several scobies and was applying to the toe each night as I went to sleep. After about 3 weeks all of the fungus disappeared, the discoloration of the nail disappeared and the normal color returned. The pain and throbbing stopped. I was so thrilled as I realized once again what a friend my inexpensive, great tasting, Kombucha. I resisted the temptation to go back to my Dr and wag my toe in front of him and let him know that these guys do not have all the answers!!! LOL.......I will add....that I quit applying the scoby piece each night as it is not always easy to remember and the fungus will reappear but to a much lesser degree and no pain or discoloration of the nail. Just wanted to share a few of these reports for some of you that have not seen any results from your KT journey.............hang in there.......and you will be sending in your healing report. Happy brewing, Lonnie --------------------------------- Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect. Join 's user panel and lay it on us. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 12, 2007 Report Share Posted September 12, 2007 Lonnie and , It's very exciting to read how kombucha tea has benefited you. How much KT do you each drink per day? Robin --------------------------------- Looking for a deal? Find great prices on flights and hotels with FareChase. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 12, 2007 Report Share Posted September 12, 2007 Lonnie and , It's very exciting to read how kombucha tea has benefited you. How much KT do you each drink per day? Robin --------------------------------- Looking for a deal? Find great prices on flights and hotels with FareChase. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 12, 2007 Report Share Posted September 12, 2007 wife and I are drinking about 24 ounces to a quart a day each. On the days I harvest ( I LOVE THOSE DAYS) I probably drink 30-40 ounces a day!! The reason for that increase is I brew 9-10 gallons a week as I am brewing for 8 people, and I want to make sure I never run out. Plus you know I have to sample all those brews I advised all my KT people start off slow : 4 oz a day-1st week / 8 oz a day 2nd week / 12 oz a day 3rd week providing there are no " health crisis " or problems, then I tell them their body will tell them how much and when. So far it has worked good for all my " drinkers " One thing I will say that I think has made a difference for my wife and I is....We Are Consistent With The KT......I learned a long time ago we have to brew enough so we won't run out!! It was close at times. I have to learn how much to pack with us when we go away for a few days.....but thats part of our trip planning. Our KT consumption is very routine and predictible. Thanks to all of you for your collective wisdom, care, and knowledge you have been a tremendous inspiration to us.............. Kombucha forever, Lonnie --------------------------------- Luggage? GPS? Comic books? Check out fitting gifts for grads at Search. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 12, 2007 Report Share Posted September 12, 2007 wife and I are drinking about 24 ounces to a quart a day each. On the days I harvest ( I LOVE THOSE DAYS) I probably drink 30-40 ounces a day!! The reason for that increase is I brew 9-10 gallons a week as I am brewing for 8 people, and I want to make sure I never run out. Plus you know I have to sample all those brews I advised all my KT people start off slow : 4 oz a day-1st week / 8 oz a day 2nd week / 12 oz a day 3rd week providing there are no " health crisis " or problems, then I tell them their body will tell them how much and when. So far it has worked good for all my " drinkers " One thing I will say that I think has made a difference for my wife and I is....We Are Consistent With The KT......I learned a long time ago we have to brew enough so we won't run out!! It was close at times. I have to learn how much to pack with us when we go away for a few days.....but thats part of our trip planning. Our KT consumption is very routine and predictible. Thanks to all of you for your collective wisdom, care, and knowledge you have been a tremendous inspiration to us.............. Kombucha forever, Lonnie --------------------------------- Luggage? GPS? Comic books? Check out fitting gifts for grads at Search. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 13, 2007 Report Share Posted September 13, 2007 " Fangmanmoney " --Are you consuming unfermented soy products? That would include tofu, soy milk, textured soy protein as major culprits for inhibiting thyroid function. Then there are all the little hidden sources in processed food such as soy lecithin, soy oil, soy flour, and soy protein isolates, to name a few. Messing up your thyroid is just one of many problems with its consumption. Maggie --- > > I have been drinking KT for 6 months and hoped that it would help with > my hypothyroidism. Had a blood test done right before I started > drinking KT and just had another last week. The bad news is that my > condition has gotten worse not better. > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 13, 2007 Report Share Posted September 13, 2007 " Fangmanmoney " --Are you consuming unfermented soy products? That would include tofu, soy milk, textured soy protein as major culprits for inhibiting thyroid function. Then there are all the little hidden sources in processed food such as soy lecithin, soy oil, soy flour, and soy protein isolates, to name a few. Messing up your thyroid is just one of many problems with its consumption. Maggie --- > > I have been drinking KT for 6 months and hoped that it would help with > my hypothyroidism. Had a blood test done right before I started > drinking KT and just had another last week. The bad news is that my > condition has gotten worse not better. > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 14, 2007 Report Share Posted September 14, 2007 Ditto, cut the soy and retest in a few months, this happened to me. Connie > > " Fangmanmoney " --Are you consuming unfermented soy products? That would > include tofu, soy milk, textured soy protein as major culprits for > inhibiting thyroid function. Then there are all the little hidden > sources in processed food such as soy lecithin, soy oil, soy flour, > and soy protein isolates, to name a few. Messing up your thyroid is > just one of many problems with its consumption. > > Maggie > > --- > > > > I have been drinking KT for 6 months and hoped that it would help > with > > my hypothyroidism. Had a blood test done right before I started > > drinking KT and just had another last week. The bad news is that my > > condition has gotten worse not better. > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 14, 2007 Report Share Posted September 14, 2007 Ditto, cut the soy and retest in a few months, this happened to me. Connie > > " Fangmanmoney " --Are you consuming unfermented soy products? That would > include tofu, soy milk, textured soy protein as major culprits for > inhibiting thyroid function. Then there are all the little hidden > sources in processed food such as soy lecithin, soy oil, soy flour, > and soy protein isolates, to name a few. Messing up your thyroid is > just one of many problems with its consumption. > > Maggie > > --- > > > > I have been drinking KT for 6 months and hoped that it would help > with > > my hypothyroidism. Had a blood test done right before I started > > drinking KT and just had another last week. The bad news is that my > > condition has gotten worse not better. > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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