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Happy Anniversary

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In a message dated 1/4/2004 2:41:18 PM Central Standard Time,

shippd@... writes:

> Happy Anniversary to Jessie and from the Shipp Family.


> You inspire us every day.

HI :)

I second this :) Jessie you are one of the most supportive ladies around

......... thanks for being here :)

Kathy mom to Sara 12

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As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

Josh. 24:15

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  • 8 months later...

Congratulations Alice!

Two years is some milestone for any website. For one with so many

different kinds of people and numerous opinions, it's a miracle! <smile> You

have stood the test of time, and no wonder. You lead by example and your

kindness and giving encourage us all to share, too. I know I've gotten lots of

encouragement and support here, as well as excellent information. So - I

thank YOU for sticking with it, despite your own trials and tribulations!

Love, Jackie (Flash)

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Aww Thanks , 28 years we have under the belt. I reckon that means we are in it for the long haul. We have seen each other at our ugilest times many times over and we didnt go running.LOL Although he says my snoring has almost sent him to the garage a few times:)

Happy Anniversary

Hi there , Just wanted to wish you and your hubby a very happy anniversary!

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Gee, I must have missed the original of this message, too.

>Aww Thanks , 28 years we have under the belt.

Congrats to the 2 of you! We hit that mark last November.

>Although he says my snoring has almost sent him to the garage a few times:)

Poor Henry! Both his parents snore so loud the windows rattle! At least Ed

is a very heavy sleeper and mine don't bother him, and I'm more than half

deaf so don't hear most of his. It's only when he starts talking in his

sleep that it wakes me up. I told him I'm gonna start writing some of what

he says down - it'll make a great comedy or horror movie (or both!) some

day. LOL

Sue in NJ

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From: Sue in NJ


Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 11:04 AM

Subject: Re: Happy Anniversary

Gee, I must have missed the original of this message, too.My mail does that to me all the time. Sometimes it is late in coming and sometimes I never see them. Gotta love >Aww Thanks , 28 years we have under the belt.Congrats to the 2 of you! We hit that mark last November.It really dosent seem like its been that long. But then again its hard to think my kids are as old as they are too. >Although he says my snoring has almost sent him to the garage a few times:)Poor Henry! Both his parents snore so loud the windows rattle! At least Edis a very heavy sleeper and mine don't bother him, and I'm more than halfdeaf so don't hear most of his. It's only when he starts talking in hissleep that it wakes me up. I told him I'm gonna start writing some of whathe says down - it'll make a great comedy or horror movie (or both!) someday. LOLyeah I know what you are talking about. My son talks in his sleep and it is so hilarous sometimes. Once he was having a conversation with the sun. I used to sleep walk when I was younger and let me tell you that is a scary thing. Mom had to always double lock the outside doors. Hubby says I snore now something horrible. And I know I do because believe it or not I will wake myself up snoring and I'd be in mid snore. Once again I contribute it to my weight as I never used to do that until I got so heavy.Sue in NJ

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