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  • 2 years later...
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Welcome Lynda!

I'm Liz, and I've got 2 kids, who is 15 and has Asperger's, and Tess who

is 20 and

is NT (doesn't have Asperger's). For a while dh taught in Oxford every summer in


management program. For two summers, we went along. And one summer, we toured

Wales! Oh,

how lovely is it! We went traipsing through ruins of castles and went canoeing

on the Wye

River. How old are your children? We look forward to hearing more from you!


kneeleee@... wrote:

> > hello,thankyou very much for your welcome,my name is lynda, hubby tom,mum of

> > three ,two boys one girl,the two boys are now being assessed for

> > aspergers,as they both show sym but diffrent,if you know what i mean,this

> > is the first time to any group,so please bear with me,i write to you from

> > North Wales,in Great Britian,we are welsh, and have our own language, don't

> > know if you have ever heard of the place where we live,but i am very

> > pleased to meet you all,and so glad you have let me join your group,i look

> > forward very much to have a chat with you all,but for now take care ,will

> > talk soon,  lots of love  lynda and family x

> >

> >

> >



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  • 4 weeks later...
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Hi ,

This is such a confirmation .....my son has been doing this lately also.He is

7 and hfa but all of a sudden is doing the reversal stuff to the point where my

husband suspects dyslexia. After reading your post I am wondering if in fact it

is yeast problem and will address it immediately to see if he improves. My son

also tested positive for staphlococcos aureus when we did a comprehensive stool

and parasitology test on him but no yeast.I read that some types of stealth

virus can mutate into staph aureus so am doing more research there( see

www.ccid.org) I have been treating him for stealth and he improves so I know I

am onto something.I am also wondering if maybe the toxins being released from

the yeast being killed off are also causing a regression.(In your son and

mine.)I am reading a book that states that all sinus and ear infections are

caused by yeast. Maybe you could try oil of oregano instead of antibiotics,also

alternate with grapefruit seed extract.Hope I helped. R

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I am so glad to hear from you. Zack has not had a sinus/ear infection since

Christmas. Let me know what you find out about this stealth virus. It makes me

wonder about this with Zack and the constant battle with staph on his head. We

have battled this for 2 years.


Hi ,

This is such a confirmation .....my son has been doing this lately also.He is

7 and hfa but all of a sudden is doing the reversal stuff to the point where my

husband suspects dyslexia. After reading your post I am wondering if in fact it

is yeast problem and will address it immediately to see if he improves. My son

also tested positive for staphlococcos aureus when we did a comprehensive stool

and parasitology test on him but no yeast.I read that some types of stealth

virus can mutate into staph aureus so am doing more research there( see

www.ccid.org) I have been treating him for stealth and he improves so I know I

am onto something.I am also wondering if maybe the toxins being released from

the yeast being killed off are also causing a regression.(In your son and

mine.)I am reading a book that states that all sinus and ear infections are

caused by yeast. Maybe you could try oil of oregano instead of antibiotics,also

alternate with grapefruit seed extract.Hope I helped. R

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If the verbal reversals can indicate yeast, this would be the only

indication my child 9 ever has shown (no bm, rash or other indications

everyone else seems to be able to go by.) My daughter is dx OCD and the

reversals, also pronoun mixups and suddenly horrible handwriting happen when

the OCD is flaring. (Maybe then that's also when yeast is flaring??)

Kathy IN


> Hi ,


> This is such a confirmation .....my son has been doing this lately

also.He is 7 and hfa but all of a sudden is doing the reversal stuff to the

point where my husband suspects dyslexia. After reading your post I am

wondering if in fact it is yeast problem and will address it immediately to

see if he improves. My son also tested positive for staphlococcos aureus

when we did a comprehensive stool and parasitology test on him but no

yeast.I read that some types of stealth virus can mutate into staph aureus

so am doing more research there( see www.ccid.org) I have been treating him

for stealth and he improves so I know I am onto something.I am also

wondering if maybe the toxins being released from the yeast being killed off

are also causing a regression.(In your son and mine.)I am reading a book

that states that all sinus and ear infections are caused by yeast. Maybe you

could try oil of oregano instead of antibiotics,also alternate with

grapefruit seed extract.Hope I helped. R







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In Doris Rapps book on food chemicals and food allergies (or

chemicals from other sources like environment or pathogens) she

gives several examples of really bad handwritting during

a 'reaction' to the food/chemical. When the substance that is not

tolerated is removed and the child 'detoxed' the handwriting returns

to normal. So it could be a yeast/bacteria toxin thing too.


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What is dx OCD? Also, Zack has not had thrush in the mouth, or any thing that

would have made me think he had a yeast problem.


> Hi ,


> This is such a confirmation .....my son has been doing this lately

also.He is 7 and hfa but all of a sudden is doing the reversal stuff to the

point where my husband suspects dyslexia. After reading your post I am

wondering if in fact it is yeast problem and will address it immediately to

see if he improves. My son also tested positive for staphlococcos aureus

when we did a comprehensive stool and parasitology test on him but no

yeast.I read that some types of stealth virus can mutate into staph aureus

so am doing more research there( see www.ccid.org) I have been treating him

for stealth and he improves so I know I am onto something.I am also

wondering if maybe the toxins being released from the yeast being killed off

are also causing a regression.(In your son and mine.)I am reading a book

that states that all sinus and ear infections are caused by yeast. Maybe you

could try oil of oregano instead of antibiotics,also alternate with

grapefruit seed extract.Hope I helped. R







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By the time I quit listening to our immunologist my son was taking Zithromax ( a

strong antibiotic) 3 days out of every 14. He weighed 32 pounds at 4 years old

and was a ghost of his prior self. Won't even get into the developmental and

behavioral issues that went with this. Antibiotics kill everything. They are

indiscriminant killers. I can see yeast and bacteria being issues for your son.

The goal would be I think to also heal your son's stomach. Keep this in mind

while you are battling your son's staph infection. 60% of the body's immune

system is located in the gut. So how can the immune system work if it is being

compromised? The immune system has a limited number of (Let's say x y and z). If

there is a problem and the body needs more of the Z's, it will convert some X's

into Z's to wage a better battle against what it is fighting. Pretty Cool,

right? Well, say that things are short circuiting, your body isn't producing or

converting anything, now lets say that the bad bacteria and yeast are like the

weeds in your yard, they grow faster than your grass, right? So, the immune

system is compromised ( the gut is being injured) you can't convert what you

need to wage the appropriate battles, and antibiotics have just made it easier

for the weeds (bad bacteria and yeast) to overpopulate. So even if the

antibiotics kill the bacteria they are after, the cycle is so out of sync that

the bad guys take over and the cycle starts over even before you've finished

paying the co-pays on your doctor bills. Myself, I would do the antibiotics to

get rid of the staph infection, but I would try to boost the immune system with

Ojibwa Tea, and DMG. I would give the good guys ( good yeast and good bacteria)

a better chance at repopulating with Probiotics, and I would give the stomach a

chance to heal by using enzymes. A lot of energy goes into digesting food,

energy that sounds like it could better be spent by killing those nasty bacteria

and virus's before they get out of control again. I wish you lots of luck, You

are a Terrific Mom, I can't imagine caring for three other children and a spouse

while worrying sick over your baby. You've done a lot it sounds like.My son was

diagnosed completely IGA deficient ( immune system's first line of defense, they

call it a mucosal paint, ph doesn't produce any). So I know what it is to be

terrified. ph has suffered a cold/cough the last three days. He's been kept

inside, no baths, no company and I upped the DMG, and enzymes.Hot tea with honey

and mentholatum in the evenings. This is his third cold since we've gone off the

antibiotics, the first two he kicked on his own, didn't turn into a sinus

infection or bronchitis, etc. So I guess what I'm saying is there is hope.

ph no longer loses 5-7 pounds when he gets sick, and it doesn't last weeks

or months. But we are doing all those things I suggested to you. Every child is

different, and I'm sure everyone else on this board is sick of hearing our

story. But our situation sounded similar to yours.Gotta love those antibiotic

prescriptions that get ever stronger and longer doses. You know I never got an

answer from our immunologist when I asked him " so if ph is on these

antibiotics year round now, what happens when something gets past the

antibiotics, what in the world will you treat him with then? " ----- Original

Message -----

From: jennifer thompson

Sent: Sunday, May 04, 2003 8:01 PM

Subject: NEW MEMBER!

Hello, I am a new member. This letter is long, but I feel like I need to tell

my sons story for anyone that can give input to be able to understand.

I have four sons, ages 4, 6, 7, and 10. My four year old son is my

problem child. He was a perfectly normal little boy until age 3 1/2. At that

age, he was on antibiotics for 30 days to clear up staph infection on his head.

He had always had problems with chronic sinus infections and was on antibiotics

most of the time. Besides seeming to have a weak immune system, he did not

exhibit any autistic behavior. Following this 30 day antibiotic treatment

(within two weeks), he started to reverse the meaning of his words. Example: " I

don't want to go outside " Meant I want to go outside. " I am full " Meant I want

more to eat, or I am hungry. " I am hot " meant I am cold. " It is too little! "

meant it is too big. He would also try to put his close on backwards and get

clothes that were too big and say they were too little. Anything that could be

reversed, came out ! that way. This was not a gradual process, it was

practically overnight! I was very concerned and did not know what to think. The

pediatrician did not have anything to offer either. Zack seemed normal in all

other ways at this time, except for this odd speech reversal.

I do have a niece that is autistic. My sister-in-law commented that some

autistic kids do this odd reversal of meaning. My first reaction to her

statement was that Zackary is not autistic! But I am not a person to not listen

either. I was worried. Could my son, at this age, become autistic?. That is

not what I had heard in the past about this problem. She gave me the

information about the Great Plains Laboratory and I read into the wee hours of

the night, for many nights. I came to the conclusion that maybe my son had the

yeast problem. That made sense to me. So we put Zack on the Nystatin and the

yeast diet and the allergy drops under the tongue. Zack improved over the

summer to the point that I stopped the nystatin and diet. He was doing just

great in his 3-K school, normal as can be. No more speech reversals at all. I

was even starting to second guess myself about this yeast t! hing even being

what caused this odd speech behavior.

During the Thanksgiving holiday, Zack developed a sinus infection. We took

him to the ENT and he said Zack had a bad sinus and ear infection. Well Zack

wound up being on antibiotics for 6 weeks. During the last week of antibiotics,

Zack started this reversal in his speech very bad. Anything that could be

reversed in meaning was. He would even say 'her' when he meant to say 'him'.

At first, I did really make the connection. His first week back at preschool,

his teacher called me and wanted to know what was wrong with Zack. She said he

was despondent. He acted as if he did not understand what she said to him. He

would not participate in class. He sat in the corner, doing nothing. He also

socially withdrew from other children. He did not want them near him. He would

not go into a room with other children. If he was in a room and a child even

looked like she would come near Zack, Zack would cling to m! y leg. If a child

walked near him, he would immediately come stand beside me and not move. At the

end of the first week back to school, and his last week on antibiotics, it

dawned on me that the antibiotics had to be what was causing this. I started

him back on the nystatin and other things I had been doing. (L-carnosine,

coromega, diet, and probiotics). After several weeks of this, Zack was not

improving. I kept digging on the net, trying to find answers and from every

thing I read, I knew my son was exhibiting some autistic behaviors. I started

him on some other supplements as well. Finally, I learned about Primal Defense.

When I put him on Primal Defense (a probiotic), it was like a magical

breakthrough. After being on this for two weeks, his teacher called me on her

cell phone just so I could listen. Zack was playing and talking with the other

children! She said it was like a switch had been turned back on. SHe! said he

is just like a normal little boy again. I could not bel ieve it. ANd he was.

None the less, I kept searching for more answers. Then I found more information

about the DAN doctors. I made an appointment with a Neurologist DAN Dr. and took

Zack. Zack was very normal at this time (in March ). The Dr. was very

impressed with the turn around that Zack had made, but did want to get some

tests done on him. (This is why I took him, I wanted to make sure I am doing

all I can to help him). We took Zack off of his regime of supplements to get

accurate test. He wound up being off of his supplements for about four weeks.

This caused a major set back. He regressed again and became antisocial once

again in school. Since this has happened, Zack has been back on his supplements

for four weeks. He is improving again, but not like I would like. I have since

learned about the Peptizyde and have started him on this too. My reason for

joining this group is to learn mor! e about these enzymes and if anyone else has

had this experience with their child and antibiotics. I know this letter is

long, and I have tried to shorten it as much as possible, giving the bare facts

of what we have had to happen. If anyone can offer any more suggestions for me

to try for Zack, I would much appreciate any feed back this group has to offer.

ANd to add to my worries, Zack has the staph infection on his head again and

despite what I am doing (bactriban ointment), it is spreading. I am terrified

of putting him back on antibiotics for this. Now what?

Thank you for your patience,

Sincerely, Get more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download

: http://explorer.msn.com

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>> Could my son, at this age, become autistic?.


Anything change besides the antibiotics? Like vaccinations, move to a

new home, etc?

Antibiotics aggravate yeast, so you were smart to consider yeast



>>My reason for joining this group is

to learn more about these enzymes and if anyone else has had this

experience with their child and antibiotics.

No-Fenol is helpful for yeast issues, so you can consider using that


>>ANd to add to my worries, Zack

has the staph infection on his head again and despite what I am doing

(bactriban ointment), it is spreading. I am terrified of putting him

back on antibiotics for this. Now what?

What about Lotrimin cream? It is sold OTC at regular grocery stores.

GSE works very well for yeast, you can consider that also, or oil of



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When Zack started exhibiting the odd speech reversals in meaning, nothing had

been done to him except the antibiotics. I do think that this is an immune

system dysfunction. I firmly believe that autism is an immune system

dysfunction. One thing that I did do with Zack, when it came to immunizations,

I would not allow the shot givers to give him more than two immunizations at one

time. I felt like giving five, or six different vaccines at once was bad for

him and we were late on getting him 'up to date' on his shots. Also he is due

for an MMR next fall and I will not allow anymore immunizations for him. I think

it could push him over the edge. The pediatric neurologist I took him to (a DAN

DR) agreed. He said never immunize him again.

Anyway, thanks for the feed back. I have tried the over the counter stuff for

Zack's staph infection and it does not touch it.

I also have him on the yeast aid from Kirkman Labs.


>> Could my son, at this age, become autistic?.


Anything change besides the antibiotics? Like vaccinations, move to a

new home, etc?

Antibiotics aggravate yeast, so you were smart to consider yeast



>>My reason for joining this group is

to learn more about these enzymes and if anyone else has had this

experience with their child and antibiotics.

No-Fenol is helpful for yeast issues, so you can consider using that


>>ANd to add to my worries, Zack

has the staph infection on his head again and despite what I am doing

(bactriban ointment), it is spreading. I am terrified of putting him

back on antibiotics for this. Now what?

What about Lotrimin cream? It is sold OTC at regular grocery stores.

GSE works very well for yeast, you can consider that also, or oil of



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Hi ,

Wow, your son's circumstances are so different from most of what I

have read....shows that each child comes into autism by different

mechanisms. We saw Dr. Megson last September and she mentioned that

she thought that our kids become autistic because of a combination

of factors which includes vaccines and antibiotics. I think the

parallel that I can see right now has to do with the gut. The

measles part of the vaccines gets stuck in the gut causing viral

issues, and the antibiotics because it throws the flora off

completely, quite interesting!!! Don't know, just speculating.

If he gets better using the probiotics and supplements, I think the

enzymes would do wonders for him according to , especially the

No-Fenol. As for the staph infection, I don't know too much about

that. Is staph the same bacteria involved in Strep throat?? I know

that on another board (A-M I think) someone mentioned that if their

child had strep, that they would definitely take care of it with an

antibiotic injection (versus oral antibiotics) and they would

supplement with probiotics which someone on this board mentioned.

Since strep is bacterial, I wonder if Culturelle would be a good

probiotic to give since someone (Dana, I think) has mentioned that

it works to ward off Clostridia (a bacteria) in the gut for her

kids. Also, it has been suggested to give 100 BILLION organisms per

day to ward off the yeast problem. Our son had thrush around his

lips and just recently I tried alternating grapefruit seed extract

and oil of oregano, then GSE again for another week including

Culturelle (2 per day) and a multi-flora probiotic (2 per day) to

get the 100 billion flora and his thrush has not returned. Maybe if

you give your son the antibiotic injection to clear the staph and

give the probiotics, it would prevent the staph from coming

back...don't know, just a thought. The other thought I had, was

have you tried Echinacea and/or garlic oil to keep his immune system

up (as well as the Vitamin C.) Look those up on the internet and

see if that would help bacterial infections. Also, where is the

source of the staph infection since he keeps getting it? One book

that I'm reading says that staph toxin is found in meat, poultry,

egg products, tuna, potato and macaroni salads, and cream filled

pastries.....any of those sound suspect to you for your son's case.

Wow, like all of us, you've got detective work ahead of you. Hope

you figure out the source and best treatment for your son. Take

care, Becky

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Thanks Becky.

I don't know why Zack keeps getting this staph on his head. He first got it

when he was about 17 months old. It has been clear since last summer. Now it is

back. I was misquito bitten on his head and that started it.

Yes, I totally believe that Zack's problems are from the antibiotics and


I have Zack on the Kirkman's Yeast aid, along with the probiotics.

I am ordering the No-Phenol and Zyme Prime today. I am already seeing the side

effects of giving him the Peptizyde now. This morning he is slurring his speech

and he is a little of in how he walks. So I guess he need it.

How long doe the withdrawl side effects last when you start your child on the



Hi ,

Wow, your son's circumstances are so different from most of what I

have read....shows that each child comes into autism by different

mechanisms. We saw Dr. Megson last September and she mentioned that

she thought that our kids become autistic because of a combination

of factors which includes vaccines and antibiotics. I think the

parallel that I can see right now has to do with the gut. The

measles part of the vaccines gets stuck in the gut causing viral

issues, and the antibiotics because it throws the flora off

completely, quite interesting!!! Don't know, just speculating.

If he gets better using the probiotics and supplements, I think the

enzymes would do wonders for him according to , especially the

No-Fenol. As for the staph infection, I don't know too much about

that. Is staph the same bacteria involved in Strep throat?? I know

that on another board (A-M I think) someone mentioned that if their

child had strep, that they would definitely take care of it with an

antibiotic injection (versus oral antibiotics) and they would

supplement with probiotics which someone on this board mentioned.

Since strep is bacterial, I wonder if Culturelle would be a good

probiotic to give since someone (Dana, I think) has mentioned that

it works to ward off Clostridia (a bacteria) in the gut for her

kids. Also, it has been suggested to give 100 BILLION organisms per

day to ward off the yeast problem. Our son had thrush around his

lips and just recently I tried alternating grapefruit seed extract

and oil of oregano, then GSE again for another week including

Culturelle (2 per day) and a multi-flora probiotic (2 per day) to

get the 100 billion flora and his thrush has not returned. Maybe if

you give your son the antibiotic injection to clear the staph and

give the probiotics, it would prevent the staph from coming

back...don't know, just a thought. The other thought I had, was

have you tried Echinacea and/or garlic oil to keep his immune system

up (as well as the Vitamin C.) Look those up on the internet and

see if that would help bacterial infections. Also, where is the

source of the staph infection since he keeps getting it? One book

that I'm reading says that staph toxin is found in meat, poultry,

egg products, tuna, potato and macaroni salads, and cream filled

pastries.....any of those sound suspect to you for your son's case.

Wow, like all of us, you've got detective work ahead of you. Hope

you figure out the source and best treatment for your son. Take

care, Becky

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Sorry, dx OCD = her diagnosis is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. She does

not have autism. My child and yours seem to be the only two who, if indeed

they do have yeast problems, have no physical symptoms to make a person

think so. :-)

Kathy IN




> > Hi ,

> >

> > This is such a confirmation .....my son has been doing this lately

> also.He is 7 and hfa but all of a sudden is doing the reversal stuff to


> point where my husband suspects dyslexia. After reading your post I am

> wondering if in fact it is yeast problem and will address it immediately


> see if he improves. My son also tested positive for staphlococcos aureus

> when we did a comprehensive stool and parasitology test on him but no

> yeast.I read that some types of stealth virus can mutate into staph aureus

> so am doing more research there( see www.ccid.org) I have been treating


> for stealth and he improves so I know I am onto something.I am also

> wondering if maybe the toxins being released from the yeast being killed


> are also causing a regression.(In your son and mine.)I am reading a book

> that states that all sinus and ear infections are caused by yeast. Maybe


> could try oil of oregano instead of antibiotics,also alternate with

> grapefruit seed extract.Hope I helped. R

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Hi ,

I just sent you the info on boils through your private e-mail.

Hope it helps somewhat. I think you are right that the vaccines and

antibiotics is messing up our kid's immune system and maybe it is

doing it through the gut....just surmising. Wish we could figure it

out based on all the reports we get from all of us. That's good you

are getting the No-Fenol, and I wonder if you need to also get the

grapefruit seed extract if he is having problems with yeast. You

will have to experiment with all to see what combinations work the

best for him.

I am just starting (the second week of No-Fenol and first week of

AFP Peptizyde)enzymes, so I am not a good resource person to tell

you what to expect. does have a web site, I think

www.enzymestuff.??? don't remember if it is org or com, and in it

there is a very good section about what to expect when you add

enzymes. Maybe will read this and give you the exact site so

you can read up on it and learn what to look for and how to

compensate. All I know and have learned the last couple of months

is to sssssstttttart ssssssllllllow. Meaning you need to start the

dosage very low and increase it slowly, whether you are talking

about enzymes, supplements or gse. That way you can see if there

are any reactions. Gosh, it's almost midnight and I have a day of

homeschooling (3 boys including the autistic one), taking care of a

17 month old and a husband who will be gone for the next two days,

so I best get to bed. Take care and let me know how your son does

with your combination of treatments. Becky

> Thanks Becky.

> I don't know why Zack keeps getting this staph on his head. He

first got it when he was about 17 months old. It has been clear

since last summer. Now it is back. I was misquito bitten on his

head and that started it.

> Yes, I totally believe that Zack's problems are from the

antibiotics and vaccines.

> I have Zack on the Kirkman's Yeast aid, along with the probiotics.

> I am ordering the No-Phenol and Zyme Prime today. I am already

seeing the side effects of giving him the Peptizyde now. This

morning he is slurring his speech and he is a little of in how he

walks. So I guess he need it.

> How long doe the withdrawl side effects last when you start your

child on the Peptizydes?




> Hi ,

> Wow, your son's circumstances are so different from most of what


> have read....shows that each child comes into autism by different

> mechanisms. We saw Dr. Megson last September and she mentioned


> she thought that our kids become autistic because of a


> of factors which includes vaccines and antibiotics. I think the

> parallel that I can see right now has to do with the gut. The

> measles part of the vaccines gets stuck in the gut causing viral

> issues, and the antibiotics because it throws the flora off

> completely, quite interesting!!! Don't know, just speculating.

> If he gets better using the probiotics and supplements, I think


> enzymes would do wonders for him according to , especially


> No-Fenol. As for the staph infection, I don't know too much


> that. Is staph the same bacteria involved in Strep throat?? I


> that on another board (A-M I think) someone mentioned that if


> child had strep, that they would definitely take care of it with


> antibiotic injection (versus oral antibiotics) and they would

> supplement with probiotics which someone on this board


> Since strep is bacterial, I wonder if Culturelle would be a good

> probiotic to give since someone (Dana, I think) has mentioned


> it works to ward off Clostridia (a bacteria) in the gut for her

> kids. Also, it has been suggested to give 100 BILLION organisms


> day to ward off the yeast problem. Our son had thrush around his

> lips and just recently I tried alternating grapefruit seed


> and oil of oregano, then GSE again for another week including

> Culturelle (2 per day) and a multi-flora probiotic (2 per day) to

> get the 100 billion flora and his thrush has not returned. Maybe


> you give your son the antibiotic injection to clear the staph and

> give the probiotics, it would prevent the staph from coming

> back...don't know, just a thought. The other thought I had, was

> have you tried Echinacea and/or garlic oil to keep his immune


> up (as well as the Vitamin C.) Look those up on the internet and

> see if that would help bacterial infections. Also, where is the

> source of the staph infection since he keeps getting it? One


> that I'm reading says that staph toxin is found in meat, poultry,

> egg products, tuna, potato and macaroni salads, and cream filled

> pastries.....any of those sound suspect to you for your son's


> Wow, like all of us, you've got detective work ahead of you.


> you figure out the source and best treatment for your son. Take

> care, Becky




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Hi , thanks for reminding me of Rapp's book, I had read it a long while

back but need to refresh. As I remember though these kids had sudden onsets

of bizarre handwriting that quickly righted itself once the offending

substance was withdrawn? My daughter goes through longish periods, weeks

sometimes, of this and often it happens first and rather abruptly, then a

few days later goes on to start with a cold or flu symptoms. So I had

thought viral...though she also sometimes catches a cold without this

handwriting symptom or increase in OCD symptoms.

Kathy IN


> In Doris Rapps book on food chemicals and food allergies (or

> chemicals from other sources like environment or pathogens) she

> gives several examples of really bad handwritting during

> a 'reaction' to the food/chemical. When the substance that is not

> tolerated is removed and the child 'detoxed' the handwriting returns

> to normal. So it could be a yeast/bacteria toxin thing too.


> .







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In a message dated 5/6/03 12:10:04 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

kathylr@... writes:

> though these kids had sudden onsets

> of bizarre handwriting that quickly righted itself once the offending

> substance was withdrawn?

This happens here with my son. When things are going well he can write fairly

neatly for a 4 yo, with only a few letter reversals (N and J). But if he eats

something he shouldn't, he writes his name with the letters all over the page

completely illegible or, even scarier, the name is spelled backwards. When

the reaction is over, his writing returns to normal.


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OK, thanks.




> > Hi ,

> >

> > This is such a confirmation .....my son has been doing this lately

> also.He is 7 and hfa but all of a sudden is doing the reversal stuff to


> point where my husband suspects dyslexia. After reading your post I am

> wondering if in fact it is yeast problem and will address it immediately


> see if he improves. My son also tested positive for staphlococcos aureus

> when we did a comprehensive stool and parasitology test on him but no

> yeast.I read that some types of stealth virus can mutate into staph aureus

> so am doing more research there( see www.ccid.org) I have been treating


> for stealth and he improves so I know I am onto something.I am also

> wondering if maybe the toxins being released from the yeast being killed


> are also causing a regression.(In your son and mine.)I am reading a book

> that states that all sinus and ear infections are caused by yeast. Maybe


> could try oil of oregano instead of antibiotics,also alternate with

> grapefruit seed extract.Hope I helped. R

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

You can also go to a pedi neuro or psychiatrist for an evaluation to

determine if your son has AS. We took our daughter to a pedi neuro,

pedi dev. specialist and child psychiatrist. However, if you only

have one pedi specialist, you probably don't have many child


Good luck,


Jane 4.6 BP Asperger's

900mg Lithium Carbonate, 20mg Geodon, 0.05mg Clonidine, 0.5mg


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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Welcome to the group Lori. I'm a SAHM to four children. 16, aspergers,

ADHD, depressive disorder. 15 ADHD. 12 heart condition and

asthmatic. 5 no known problems. My son wasn't dx until he was 14.

I have no experience with home schooling, but am sure somebody else will be

able to help you out. Once again welcome to the group! Barb

laurajoautism@... writes:

> Hi !

> My name is Lori. I have a 15 year old son with High Functioning Autism. I

> am looking for information on homeschooling my son. I've pretty well had it

> the local school districts. Hope someone out there can share their

> experiences with me.

> Lori


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  • 1 year later...

> My name is . I am 30 years old and live in New Jersey.

Hi , and welcome. There are a lot of great people here. Do you

have some background in using EFT? How did you find the list?

Martyn, M.NLP


Get the Daily Bites: Inspirational Mini Lessons Using EFT

and NLP for Ending the Struggle with Weight Loss

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  • 1 month later...

In a message dated 10/4/04 6:20:44 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

toyotaokiec@... writes:

I'm Jackie, I'm 17 and one half years of

> age, and my passion is animal fat. :)


~~~~> Hi Jackie, I'm 22, and *my* passion is animal fat! :-)

I've done the vegan thing too. I didn't have menstrual problems (prolly

would have with an extra x chromosome), but I did go insane, so I can relate.

Long distances... it took me 9.5 hours to drive home last night, and I went

to my 11-hour work day on 3.5 hours sleep. I fell asleep in my car as soon as

I pulled in the drive way!



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Wow Jackie!

I haven't heard of someone so young having such enthusiasm for animal


Welcome to the group. :-)

How did you happen to learn about the group?



> Hello everyone,


> Just introducing myself. I'm Jackie, I'm 17 and one half years of

> age, and my passion is animal fat. :)

> heh.. I had the most amazing weekend at the WAPF conference. I

> highly reccomend it to anyone who hasn't been able to make it to


> yet. I'm lucky enough to be in land, but I would say it is

> definitely worth the effort of traveling long distances.


> I found this lifestyle after being a dogmatic vegan for about 4

> years. I was infertile for nearly as long, and within a week of

> eating this way, my cycle returned. Personally, I never understood

> when women thought of their menses as a " curse " .. it always made me

> feel very in touch with my body and woman-ness. :)


> The improvement in my (mental, emotional, physical, as well as

> spiritual) health has been fast and dramatic. Needless to say, with

> the difference this has made in my life, I am very passionate about

> this lifestyle. It is really great to be a part of this movement

> towards sustainable community living, small farms, and whole,


> nourishing foods. I was amazed at the number of people at the

> conference! It is so great to spend time with likeminded people.

> Which is why I am here. :)


> I am looking forward to sharing thoughts, ideas, information, and

> support with you all!


> Ciao,

> Jackie

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> Hello everyone,


> Just introducing myself. I'm Jackie, I'm 17 and one half years of

> age, and my passion is animal fat. :)



> I found this lifestyle after being a dogmatic vegan for about 4

> years. I was infertile for nearly as long, and within a week of

> eating this way, my cycle returned. Personally, I never understood

> when women thought of their menses as a " curse " .. it always made me

> feel very in touch with my body and woman-ness. :)


Hi Jackie! Welcome!

I'm so glad that you discovered this way of eating before your health

suffered even more!

When you became vegan, did you look into the health issues much, or

did you mostly focus on the animal rights issues? I have two friends

who were vegan for many years. When they learned more about health,

they made changes to their diets by adding back some animal foods.

They feel so much better now. One of them, in particular, was amazed

at the difference (he was vegan for 6 years or so). Eggs really saved him!

I almost became vegan myself at one point. My love of dairy kept me

from doing it, and then I found the WAPF and learned just how hard it

is on the body to eliminate all animal foods.

Long live animal fats! I LOVE butter :-)

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I did see quite a few young people at the conference, so I guess I'm

not the only one with an enthusiasm for animal fat. ;)

It actually often surprises me when people are amazed at the things

I am doing and am interested in " at my age " . Most of my friends are

5-15 years older than I am, and I've grown so used to that that

sometimes I forget that I'm " so young " . :)

I heard mention of some online groups at the conference, and I

thought to look here. I just searched " Weston A Price " .

Thank you for the welcome!

take care,


> >

> >

> > Hello everyone,

> >

> > Just introducing myself. I'm Jackie, I'm 17 and one half years


> > age, and my passion is animal fat. :)

> > heh.. I had the most amazing weekend at the WAPF conference. I

> > highly reccomend it to anyone who hasn't been able to make it to

> one

> > yet. I'm lucky enough to be in land, but I would say it is

> > definitely worth the effort of traveling long distances.

> >

> > I found this lifestyle after being a dogmatic vegan for about 4

> > years. I was infertile for nearly as long, and within a week of

> > eating this way, my cycle returned. Personally, I never


> > when women thought of their menses as a " curse " .. it always made


> > feel very in touch with my body and woman-ness. :)

> >

> > The improvement in my (mental, emotional, physical, as well as

> > spiritual) health has been fast and dramatic. Needless to say,


> > the difference this has made in my life, I am very passionate


> > this lifestyle. It is really great to be a part of this movement

> > towards sustainable community living, small farms, and whole,

> fresh,

> > nourishing foods. I was amazed at the number of people at the

> > conference! It is so great to spend time with likeminded people.

> > Which is why I am here. :)

> >

> > I am looking forward to sharing thoughts, ideas, information,


> > support with you all!

> >

> > Ciao,

> > Jackie

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I'd bet we aren't very unique around here in our passion for animal

fat. ;)

Yep, veganism really messes with everything. Menstrual problems were

just the beginning. I definitely went insane, myself. ;)

I have so many friends that are vegan or raw, and I almost feel like

it is my duty to help them, as so many of them are very unwell. But

I know from past experience that living by example is the only way.

Especially with vegans. I was one, and I know the mentality!

I do want to get this information out there.. especially about the

soy. It's frightening how much of the stuff people are consuming. I

was going to post a Soy Alert brochure on the bulletin board at

Whole Foods today.. but alas, the bulletin board is no more. :(

It sounds like you had a rough journey home!

But, come on, there is no way it wasn't worth it. ;)

Nice to meet you and thank you for the welcome!

You know, I think I might have seen you at the conference actually..

your name looks familiar. Did you work at any of the booths?

take care,


> In a message dated 10/4/04 6:20:44 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

> toyotaokiec@y... writes:

> I'm Jackie, I'm 17 and one half years of

> > age, and my passion is animal fat. :)

> ___


> ~~~~> Hi Jackie, I'm 22, and *my* passion is animal fat! :-



> I've done the vegan thing too. I didn't have menstrual problems


> would have with an extra x chromosome), but I did go insane, so I

can relate.


> Long distances... it took me 9.5 hours to drive home last night,

and I went

> to my 11-hour work day on 3.5 hours sleep. I fell asleep in my

car as soon as

> I pulled in the drive way!


> Welcome!


> Chris




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