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my dad

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In a message dated 09/18/1999 1:26:52 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

CRBDJB@... writes:

<< Thank you all for your support and prayers.


Good Morning ,

I am sorry to hear about your Father. Times like these are always so

difficult and there is not an easy way to face times like this. Remember the

good times, that special smile, the twinkle in the eye, those endearing words

that warmed your heart. And tell him how special his is to you, and I love

you. This is something we should do everyday with those who are so important

to us. Life holds no promise for any of us, those of us on this list have

been given a challange to meet on a daily basis. Not an easy task this

challange but we must meet that challange. Do what we have to control what

we can, accept what we can't and live each day one day at a time.

, Sweetie, my prayers are with you and your family.

Have a good day, and remember...Laughter is the music of a happy heart, love

is it's sustenance. Sooooo...laugh a lot, it is healing.



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I know there are no words to ease your pain, but please know that my prayers

are with you and your Dad. I have not had to experience the loss of my

parents yet, but my heart tells me what you must be feeling. I don't believe

he will truly be gone, just waiting for you on the other side...



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I'm so sorry about your Dad. This is probably going to be one of the most

difficult periods in your life. I've been through it too many times, with

the loss of both parents, a son and my mother-in-law and it never gets

easier. Take care of yourself the best you can under the circumstances.


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Having lost both my parents, brother, son and brother-in-law, my heart goes

out to you at this time. Everyone will tell you time heals all wounds.

Actually nothing heals but time DOES help you to cope. I hope you find your

peace quickly.


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  • 5 months later...

Thanks : I checked out whale it looks good. I never heard of Dr.

before. Thanks again EB

Re: [ ] My Dad

Get in touch with Dr. , http://whale.to

Don't wait.

Be well,

At 04:56 AM 02/19/2000 -0500, you wrote:


From: " ERIKEB " <ERIKEB@...>

Thought some of you may like this one .As I wrote before my dad has bladder

cancer,heart,liver,,kidney disease. the doctors here wrote him off, he is in his

70,s.So like a lot of you out there we found an alternative doctor that was

still an M.D. in are state you must be an M.D. to get blood work

done,homecare,etc. So the alternative doctor calls me up an said I don,t want

your dad as a patient anymore ,I don,t want him to die under my care!




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Dear Erkib,

I am so sorry you had a bad experience and I feel this is why we all must

keep control of our own health. My suggestion is to call and get catalog

from Dr. Shulze's " Incurable's " 1-800-herb doc. This is where I started when

I got cancer, I still use the products (Formula 1 and 2 and some of the

detox) I then got a great Dr. in Dallas for more help. I have also been to

Mexico for the cancer vaccine with Dr. Rubio. Don't give up, there are still

lots of avenues. No matter what he will feel better on any of the whole good

foods, herbs and teas (supplements). Speaking of tea are you giving him

Essiac tea? For everyone's information I don't sell any of these, they are

not multi level.



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Hi , my name is Cherie. It is terrible that the alternative dr.

does not want to treat your dad, but you might ask him if he would be willing

to contact Dr. Gold at the Syracuse Cancer Institute for you and work on your

behalf to get Dr. Gold to work with your dad.

Dr Gold discovered hydrazine sulphate a long time ago and has had very

good results with it. He will however only work with the patients doctor.

He wants medical acceptance for his treatment. It has been an uphill battle

as you can imagine. There is a lot of info on the net.

Kathy Keetons website is most helpful. There are many other sites.

The main thing is that there are manymedications that cannot be taken with

hydrazine sulphate. You must know all of these things. Otherwise you will

hasten the persons demise.

Today a friend shared something interesting with me. It is a product

called s Choice. It is an aloe leaf product in capsules which is

purported on the literature to control pain . My friend is sending it to a

friend with terminal cancer who has a lot of pain , but does not like taking

the pain pills.

You might fine it on the web. It sells for 35.98 + 4.oo for shipping.

I thought I might have written down the address, but I seem to have only

the phone no. which is 1-800330 2563. If I can get the address I will post

it at a later date.

Also I sell nothing and am in no way involved with these enterprises

except to learn as much as possible about alternative medicine.

I noticed a post where someone mentioned Dr. . His book

One Answer to Cancer is a very interesting book. He states among other

things that all protein should be eaten before a certain time of the

day so that the blood stream is free of protein and then the pancreatic

enzymes which he directs you to take have a clear shot at digesting and

breaking down the cancer. As the other person stated, and I am sorry I do

not have her name handy to address her properly, toxicity and

starvation are a big proble,m with cancer. Dr . addresses the problem

of detoxification as pertains to the treatment of any cancer.

Another marvelous source is Dr. Max Gerson and his book on curing the

incurables. He especially addresses the use of coffee enemas in the process

of detoxification of the liver as it attempts to handle the

end products of cancer breakdown. Often the liver is already totally

overburdened by chemo used to treat the cancer. I'm sending this much right

now as aol has a nasty habit of kicking me out when I am in the middle of

creating a document and I don't want to lose this as I have a feeling I would

not have the energy to go through this again.

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OK so far so good at least I got that much sent. I had a friend who

underwent the G erson therapy and she did both the coffee and the castor oil

enemas. She said they did a lot for her pain. She also stated that the

castor oil enemas burned until such a time that she became less toxic.

Another source is the macrobiotic diet by mario kuski. I read a book by

a dr. who was and maybe still is the head of some department at a hospital in

Penn. Perhaps someone out there knows the name of the book or the dr. name.

Dr. Lorraine Day did the Gerson therapy and cured herself of breast

cancer. She has a website and speaks all over the country. To answer the

questions of all the people who contact her she has made two videos that tell

it all. If i had cancer I would not hesitate to get her things.

Eddie MAY Huntsberger or something like that, (again perhaps someone

out there has a better memory for names than I do and can

supply you with the name) has a book written several years ago about her

battle with cancer. She lists several of the various things she and her

husband tried. She finally heard of the Hippocrates Institute in., I

believe, Boston they use among other things wheat grass and i think her book

tells you how to grow your own. Anyway some of the things she tried have

saved others but not her. Which brings me to something I have concluded

, " That which helps one may not be of benefit to another, so one must be

willing to look at as many things as possible.

Also Immunotec which sells immunocal, a whey protein which is processed in

such a way that it enhances immune function and was

developed by a Dr. Bounous in canada. This is a story in itself. Somehow

talk about serendipity, the way it came about is amazing.

Go to the websites on both of these by just typing in the name. You will run

across the story of celine dions husbands response to this treatment. There

is also a great interview with Dr. Bounous from the radio.

One more thing the flax seed and cottage cheese treatment by the lady Dr.

in German who has been nominated for the Nobel Prize seven times is a

great thing to look up. Now as pertains to hydrazine sulphate it cannot be

taken with cottage cheese or any kind of fermented food, as well as alcohol,

cheese and anynumber of medications that affect the brain. There is however

a co. who sells a product of sulpherated proteins for people who cannot for

one reason or another take cottage cheese of yogurt. Hydrazine sulphate

would be one good reason why they couldn't.

Now I end by saying, putting all these things together is the difficult

part. I would do this, but my brother in law who is dying of cancer will not

allow me to even mention any kind of alternative treatment so I simply sit on

it and wait and hope the chemo he has so much faith in

does the trick for him.

Good luck to you and i hope some of this can be of help to you and some

of the others who are seeking sources of info.

My fondest best wishes and prayers go out to each and

every one of you.


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Dear Ann: I have just got a catalog from Dr.Shulze,s .have

Re: [ ] My Dad

> From: jab44419@...


> Dear Erkib,

> I am so sorry you had a bad experience and I feel this is why we all must

> keep control of our own health. My suggestion is to call and get catalog

> from Dr. Shulze's " Incurable's " 1-800-herb doc. This is where I started


> I got cancer, I still use the products (Formula 1 and 2 and some of the

> detox) I then got a great Dr. in Dallas for more help. I have also been


> Mexico for the cancer vaccine with Dr. Rubio. Don't give up, there are


> lots of avenues. No matter what he will feel better on any of the whole


> foods, herbs and teas (supplements). Speaking of tea are you giving him

> Essiac tea? For everyone's information I don't sell any of these, they


> not multi level.

> Sincerely,

> Ann


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Dear Ann: Sorry for the half done message .My dad called for me,I hit

the wrong key. Yes I just got Dr Shulze`s catalog .

Re: [ ] My Dad

> From: jab44419@...


> Dear Erkib,

> I am so sorry you had a bad experience and I feel this is why we all must

> keep control of our own health. My suggestion is to call and get catalog

> from Dr. Shulze's " Incurable's " 1-800-herb doc. This is where I started


> I got cancer, I still use the products (Formula 1 and 2 and some of the

> detox) I then got a great Dr. in Dallas for more help. I have also been


> Mexico for the cancer vaccine with Dr. Rubio. Don't give up, there are


> lots of avenues. No matter what he will feel better on any of the whole


> foods, herbs and teas (supplements). Speaking of tea are you giving him

> Essiac tea? For everyone's information I don't sell any of these, they


> not multi level.

> Sincerely,

> Ann


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Last week or the one before, A Dr. Donsbach put a message on the list.

He has a clinic in Mexico which treats those who are severly ill.

He is a fantastic nutritionist and was president of the National Health

Federation for quite a time. If one could afford to go to his clinic, it

would certainly be worth looking into. Even calling to see what he has to

say or could offer that might be both affordable and possible for you.

All of the health food stores carry his little booklets on all different

health related subjects and illnesses and have for years. Worth checking out.


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Dear Cherie: Thank you for the message.The alternative Dr. we think was

scared off by a Doctor from the hospital.She kept saying I didn,t know how

bad his health is. I would have to be an idiot not know bladder cancer and

heart,liver,kidney disease are bad. She does not want anything to do with

him. I will check on Dr. gold thru another Dr. I hope. Alternative medicine

is not new to us,I lived in the woods where there was no doctor. So we used

books like Back to Eden by Jethro Kloss, etc.I just never thought my dad,s

life would be in my hands like it is. I have not heard of hydrazine

sulphate. I will check into it. He is not having much pain ,when he does I

give him Arsenicum Album 30c and Cantharis 30c,12c they work good for him .

Also giving him coffee enemas , Ip6, Shark Cartilage too. Hey Cherie! I just

looked up hydrazine sulfate in the Alternative Medicine book by Goldberg it

sounds good. I think stress causes me to forget what I read,because I ,am

using that book for dad too. Thanks for your message and help EB

Re: [ ] My Dad

> From: Ibsingin2@...


> ,


> Hi , my name is Cherie. It is terrible that the alternative dr.

> does not want to treat your dad, but you might ask him if he would be


> to contact Dr. Gold at the Syracuse Cancer Institute for you and work on


> behalf to get Dr. Gold to work with your dad.


> Dr Gold discovered hydrazine sulphate a long time ago and has had very

> good results with it. He will however only work with the patients doctor.

> He wants medical acceptance for his treatment. It has been an uphill


> as you can imagine. There is a lot of info on the net.

> Kathy Keetons website is most helpful. There are many other sites.


> The main thing is that there are manymedications that cannot be taken


> hydrazine sulphate. You must know all of these things. Otherwise you will

> hasten the persons demise.


> Today a friend shared something interesting with me. It is a product

> called s Choice. It is an aloe leaf product in capsules which is

> purported on the literature to control pain . My friend is sending it to


> friend with terminal cancer who has a lot of pain , but does not like


> the pain pills.


> You might fine it on the web. It sells for 35.98 + 4.oo for shipping.

> I thought I might have written down the address, but I seem to have only

> the phone no. which is 1-800330 2563. If I can get the address I will


> it at a later date.


> Also I sell nothing and am in no way involved with these enterprises

> except to learn as much as possible about alternative medicine.


> I noticed a post where someone mentioned Dr. . His book

> One Answer to Cancer is a very interesting book. He states among other

> things that all protein should be eaten before a certain time of the

> day so that the blood stream is free of protein and then the pancreatic

> enzymes which he directs you to take have a clear shot at digesting and

> breaking down the cancer. As the other person stated, and I am sorry I do

> not have her name handy to address her properly, toxicity and

> starvation are a big proble,m with cancer. Dr . addresses the


> of detoxification as pertains to the treatment of any cancer.

> Another marvelous source is Dr. Max Gerson and his book on curing the

> incurables. He especially addresses the use of coffee enemas in the


> of detoxification of the liver as it attempts to handle the

> end products of cancer breakdown. Often the liver is already totally

> overburdened by chemo used to treat the cancer. I'm sending this much


> now as aol has a nasty habit of kicking me out when I am in the middle of

> creating a document and I don't want to lose this as I have a feeling I


> not have the energy to go through this again.


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I just wanted to add a couple of thoughts to your good points. Dr Lorraine

Day has a video called " Sorting through the alternative maze " . By the time

you get through watching it you see the sense of just following her

recommendations and not trying all these other ideas that cost a fortune,

and are often foreign to the body. I don't know the answer either. When my

son had cancer I thought about Macrobiotics but they have had so many of

their leaders dying recently, even Aveline Kushi wife of the head honcho

Mishio Kushi had cancer a few years ago. As for Edie Mae, she lived many

years beyond her prognosis so I feel that her diet did help her. Dr Lorraine

Day pretty much embraces the same philosophy of Ann Wigmore which Edie Mae

followed. To me it makes sense - giving your body plenty of raw vegetable

juices, no meat dairy or eggs. Dr Day thinks that supplements can be toxic

also. Her website is www.drday.com



> Dr. Lorraine Day did the Gerson therapy and cured herself of breast

> cancer. She has a website and speaks all over the country. To answer the

> questions of all the people who contact her she has made two videos that


> it all. If i had cancer I would not hesitate to get her things.

> Eddie MAY Huntsberger or something like that, (again perhaps


> out there has a better memory for names than I do and can

> supply you with the name) has a book written several years ago about her

> battle with

> My fondest best wishes and prayers go out to each and

> every one of you.

> cherie

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

In a message dated 4/11/01 2:55:05 PM Eastern Daylight Time, mydragon@... writes:

money, he loves her, shes sweet. ect.

I have come to the conclusion that my entire family is totally nuts.

But i thought id just share this tid bit. LOL> No date on the wedding, he says they are going to elope by running off to Canada probly for a few weeks. LOL Oh boy, this will be his 5th wife. All his girlfriends will be saddened. LOL ah what am i going to do with my old man. LOL

Your Daddy is not a normal man, I have one of those, ignore him or whatever you want dear! Anne

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In a message dated 4/11/01 3:41:16 PM Eastern Daylight Time, wcsjohn@... writes:


Your dad sounds like a man after my own heart - I hope I'm like him when I'm 64 - I say good luck to him in his amorous escapades.


Sure if he does not pick a few STD'S on the way! Mine is 80.7 and is still gadding around, probably on Viagara, the now famous 10 min high!!! Anne

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Guest guest


Your dad sounds like a man after my own heart - I hope I'm like him

when I'm 64 - I say good luck to him in his amorous escapades.


> Well today has been an interesting one here. My dad called me up at


> 12:00 this noon time and said, " So how would you feel having a

step mother

> who's younger than you ? "

> hehe. he's been seeing this girl whos not even 25 yet. ( my dad is

64) they

> have been seeing each other for i think 2-3 years now. ( ever since


> last wife said she wanted a divorce) I havent even MET this girl.

But i

> always hear lots about her from him. She's 6'2 " , was a stripper.

Has money,

> he loves her, shes sweet. ect.

> I have come to the conclusion that my entire family is totally nuts.

> But i thought id just share this tid bit. LOL> No date on the

wedding, he

> says they are going to elope by running off to Canada probly for a


> weeks. LOL Oh boy, this will be his 5th wife. All his girlfriends

will be

> saddened. LOL ah what am i going to do with my old man. LOL

> melinda

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hehe, ya my dad has had quite a life. He suffered for years with Multiple

Personality Disorder. He actually wrote a book about his life but hasn't

been able to sell it. From the looks of what i had red, my dad sure did

have a busy life.LOL. He was in a motorcycle gang, hes been shot at,

stabbed. Um, beat up. LOL course any man who's already had 4 wives must

have has some awful crazy life. LOL at one point he ran a brothel in Mexico

at another point he was some kinda Gigglo. ( or how ever you spell it) Nuts

hes nuts. LOL I hope this time it works out for him. I think 5 wives is 4

too many, so I'm crossing my fingers.

Thanks for the well wishes.


At 07:38 PM 4/11/01 +0000, you wrote:



>Your dad sounds like a man after my own heart - I hope I'm like him

>when I'm 64 - I say good luck to him in his amorous escapades.








> > Well today has been an interesting one here. My dad called me up at


> > 12:00 this noon time and said, " So how would you feel having a

>step mother

> > who's younger than you ? "

> > hehe. he's been seeing this girl whos not even 25 yet. ( my dad is

>64) they

> > have been seeing each other for i think 2-3 years now. ( ever since


> > last wife said she wanted a divorce) I havent even MET this girl.

>But i

> > always hear lots about her from him. She's 6'2 " , was a stripper.

>Has money,

> > he loves her, shes sweet. ect.

> > I have come to the conclusion that my entire family is totally nuts.

> > But i thought id just share this tid bit. LOL> No date on the

>wedding, he

> > says they are going to elope by running off to Canada probly for a


> > weeks. LOL Oh boy, this will be his 5th wife. All his girlfriends

>will be

> > saddened. LOL ah what am i going to do with my old man. LOL

> > melinda



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> " Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth. Hold on to what

>you believe, even if it's a tree that stands by itself. Hold on to what

>you must do even, if it's a long way from here. Hold on to your life, even

>if it's easier to let go. " - Pueblo Prayer


>~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~




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Guest guest

hehe You got me there, he is WAYYYYYYY not normal. Sometimes i think im

the adult here. I have so many half brothers and sisters that i dont

think i even KNOW all of them. As far as i do know though im the only one

not drug or alcohol addicted.

Think ill call my mom later, she'll get a kick outta this one. LOL


At 03:54 PM 4/11/01 -0400, you wrote:

In a

message dated 4/11/01 2:55:05 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

mydragon@... writes:


he loves her, shes sweet. ect.

I have come to the conclusion that my entire family is totally nuts.

But i thought id just share this tid bit. LOL> No date on the wedding,


says they are going to elope by running off to Canada probly for a few

weeks. LOL Oh boy, this will be his 5th wife. All his girlfriends will be

saddened. LOL ah what am i going to do with my old man. LOL

Your Daddy is not a normal man, I have one of those, ignore him or


you want dear! Anne

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~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

“Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth. Hold on to what you believe, even if it's a tree that stands by itself. Hold on to what you must do even, if it's a long way from here. Hold on to your life, even if it's easier to let go. " - Pueblo Prayer

~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

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if he does not pick a few STD'S on the way! Mine is 80.7 and is


gadding around, probably on Viagara, the now famous 10 min high!!!

AnneGotta agree with you there Anne. You

know how weird it is to be telling your own father to watch out for STD's

LOL ITs WEIRD. I say , dad you better becareful. Or dad i hope your using

protection. Sheesh. No wonder why im messed up. LOL

Seriously though, he never cheated on any of his wives, but his other

personality " Elmer " didnt want him to be married. And his other

personality " Deloris " didnt like him to be married either. She

was his Childhood protector, kinda lived in his head. Where as

" Elmer " would take over and my dad would " Wake up "

days later and not know where the heck he'd been. " Elmer " was

the player personality, came about after my father was sexually molested

by his aunt and uncle. :(


At 04:15 PM 4/11/01 -0400, you wrote:

In a

message dated 4/11/01 3:41:16 PM Eastern Daylight Time, wcsjohn@...



Your dad sounds like a man after my own heart - I hope I'm like him

when I'm 64 - I say good luck to him in his amorous escapades.


Sure if he does not pick a few STD'S on the way! Mine is 80.7 and

is still

gadding around, probably on Viagara, the now famous 10 min high!!!


~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

The Being Sick Community

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“Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth. Hold on to what you believe, even if it's a tree that stands by itself. Hold on to what you must do even, if it's a long way from here. Hold on to your life, even if it's easier to let go. " - Pueblo Prayer

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Dearest Melinda....My hubby is 17 yrs. older than I am and we have a

wonderful marriage...going on 9 yrs...he is wonderful to my boys...in fact,

most of us forget that he wasn't there for their birth. My

step-daughter...which is my closest buddy...is 13 yrs. my junior...I forget

that I didn't give birth to her. Jim and I were together for over 2 yrs and

one day we decided to elope to Vegas and have an Elvis (ohhhh, my hero!)

wedding....we had more fun than I have ever had in my life! And the fun just

keeps continuing...honestly. We are soul-mates. He is living in Colorado...I

will be too, when the two houses we have here sell. This is my 3rd marriage.

My first one was incredibly abusive and the 2nd didn't last very long!....I

never even imagined re-marrying...but, he is the greatest joy in my

life...other than our children. Tell Pops you would like to meet the girl

and then you will feel sooo much better. Good-luck to you and your Dad...I

think it is awesome that he has found someone that he feels so good about

that he wants to marry her. Love, Lucy

My dad

Well today has been an interesting one here. My dad called me up at like

12:00 this noon time and said, " So how would you feel having a step mother

who's younger than you ? "

hehe. he's been seeing this girl whos not even 25 yet. ( my dad is 64) they

have been seeing each other for i think 2-3 years now. ( ever since his

last wife said she wanted a divorce) I havent even MET this girl. But i

always hear lots about her from him. She's 6'2 " , was a stripper. Has money,

he loves her, shes sweet. ect.

I have come to the conclusion that my entire family is totally nuts.

But i thought id just share this tid bit. LOL> No date on the wedding, he

says they are going to elope by running off to Canada probly for a few

weeks. LOL Oh boy, this will be his 5th wife. All his girlfriends will be

saddened. LOL ah what am i going to do with my old man. LOL


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The Being Sick Community

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Members Lounge:-

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resources, counselling via email and a whole bunch of free things.


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1) Individual email - means that every email sent to the list you receive.

2) Daily Digest - sends you 25 messages in one single email for you to

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~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

" Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth. Hold on to what

you believe, even if it's a tree that stands by itself. Hold on to what you

must do even, if it's a long way from here. Hold on to your life, even if

it's easier to let go. " - Pueblo Prayer

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In a message dated 4/11/01 5:26:54 PM Eastern Daylight Time, mydragon@... writes:

father to watch out for STD's LOL ITs WEIRD. I say , dad you better becareful. Or dad i hope your using protection. Sheesh. No wonder why im messed up. LOL

Seriously though, he never cheated on any of his wives, but his other personality "Elmer" didnt want him to be married. And his other personality "Deloris" didnt like him to be married either. She was his Childhood protector, kinda lived in his head. Where as "Elmer" would take over and my dad would "Wake up" days later and not know where the heck he'd been. "Elmer" was the player personality, came about after my father was sexually molested by his aunt and uncle. :(

Melinda, you are an adult, Daddy is not, has he ever had counselling? He sure needs it Anne

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LMAO Mel, explains alot about you eh?

> Well today has been an interesting one here. My dad called me up at


> 12:00 this noon time and said, " So how would you feel having a

step mother

> who's younger than you ? "

> hehe. he's been seeing this girl whos not even 25 yet. ( my dad is

64) they

> have been seeing each other for i think 2-3 years now. ( ever since


> last wife said she wanted a divorce) I havent even MET this girl.

But i

> always hear lots about her from him. She's 6'2 " , was a stripper.

Has money,

> he loves her, shes sweet. ect.

> I have come to the conclusion that my entire family is totally nuts.

> But i thought id just share this tid bit. LOL> No date on the

wedding, he

> says they are going to elope by running off to Canada probly for a


> weeks. LOL Oh boy, this will be his 5th wife. All his girlfriends

will be

> saddened. LOL ah what am i going to do with my old man. LOL

> melinda

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