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Pain Meds

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, am so sorry to hear about the death of your little sister . July 7

we went to my older sister's funeral in Plattsburgh. She died of sclera

derma. It sure is a different feeling when it's so close. Getting away with

your children after will be good for you. You will be in my prayers. Take

care and God Bless. Betty in Va.

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...I am so sorry about you losing your sister. I really am...I hope

the week at the beach helps you start the healing process.

When I read your post I somehow overlooked the part about your sister

(cataracts) and only read the part about the beach. I am truly sorry for

your loss.

Annette :(

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  • 4 weeks later...

In a message dated 08/24/1999 3:39:23 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

DaniGran@... writes:

<< Have you tried taking Tylenol arthritis? It's no substitute for pain


but it helps me until I am able to take the next one. >>

e...yes, I took so much Tylenol it ate a hole in my stomach.

I go back to the doctor and will be more assertive this time. I went in 10

days ago all primed to make my request for additional pain meds, but got

intimidated as usual and did not. I guess I am afraid if I make him mad I

will have to change doctors and risk getting one that would give less or even


It is unfair that some legislative guidelines about the treatment of acute

chronic pain have not been enacted. Something this important deserves to be

treated with consistency and compassion, and not left to the individual

doctors to make decisions based on his or her own prejudices and/or

influenced by fear of censure from external non-medical agencies.

I wonder why it's legal for a person to sit in their living room and drink

liquor until they pass out, every single night if they choose, but for a

person who is suffering from pain it is almost unthinkable for them to take 2

pain pills a day for relief. Maybe the alcohol industry has a better lobby...

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--- Frog1945@... wrote:


> It is unfair that some legislative guidelines about

> the treatment of acute

> chronic pain have not been enacted. Something this

> important deserves to be

> treated with consistency and compassion, and not

> left to the individual

> doctors

Have to disagree with you here. How do you know that

the nationally legislated norm wouldn't be little or

no drugs used for pain relief? Considering most

peoples ignorance of these matters and our generally

puritanical roots I could easily see this happening.

Better that individual MDs make these decisions and

you see another doctor if you are unhappy with your

current treatment.


C McCullough



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In a message dated 08/25/1999 11:53:54 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

DaniGran@... writes:

<< I came out and told my Dr., look, I have to work to get money to treat my

illness. To accomplish this I need pain meds. >>

le..thank you for telling me what pain meds you take. I need more than

the one a day I am given, and will talk to my doctor when I go back on the

1st. You are soooo lucky to have found a doctor that is willing to help keep

you as pain-free as possible. I honestly feel as if I were working and not

" just a housewife " I would have been better served in the area of pain

control. Thanks for the info...it is appreciated. I hope your pain is

treated and the related depression is eased. Pain, can indeed, rob you of

your life.

Annette :)

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...you are so right. I was once again being naive and thinking the

powers that be would act in the best interest of the patient...and you are so

correct in reminding me that it would not necessarily go that way.

You definately have a good point there

Annette :)

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Annette, don't think of your self as just a housewife. Believe me I have

been whatever you want to call the wife, mother, grandmother and worked

outside as a nurse. Anyone that can pick up, scrub or whatever and still be

patient and loving and cheerful is not just a housewife. We should be proud

to be a housewife. It is really more rewarding to get a thanks from our

husband as he is really our everything. Our children, grandchildren and

" outside work " goes away. Outside work is only temporary and we can be

replaced anytime. Have read your notes and you are a very positive person

that people would enjoy having as a friend. Get that chin up. We need you

and your postings. Betty in Va

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As I read further on and realize all the pain, suffering and horrible

physical changes you have had to endure it makes me think twice about pain

meds. God forbid this to happen to any other or all of us with Pand PA.

When you described the physical changes and pain, what comes back to me was

the burn patients that I had. The severe pain of dressing changes and

surgeries plus the disfigurement. Believe me we medicated them as they

needed it. We made sure their pain was the least it had to be so they could

function. There was something about those patients that was almost a

spiritual inspiration that we received from them. We saw beyond the external

and they were beautiful people. That is probably like you in some ways. You

radiate more from the inside while suffering. I pray that they can find the

right meds to make you as comfortable as possible. God Bless Betty in Va

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In a message dated 08/26/1999 7:39:59 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

Bcleary2@... writes:

<< We need you

and your postings. Betty in Va >>

Betty..thanks for the encouraging note. I often wonder if I haven't posted

too often to the list...but then I read a post and immediately have a

comment. Maybe I need to " cut back " like they say and limit myself to 2 or

maybe 3 posts a day..lol...sorta like the listserve detox...lol

I have never had a job outside the home..but I have the greatest admiration

for all you women who juggle families and work at the same time. I don't

know how you do it. I am in awe.

We live out in the boonies on a farm in middle Georgia. Our home is in the

middle of acreage...smack in the center of a pasture. My hubby spends his

spare time on our tractor bushogging and I am basically a country lady who

enjoys her flower garden and the wildlife. We feed a herd of deer right off

the patio every evening.

I would not trade my life, but I cannot help but think that posibly doctors

give less importance to treating my pain than they would maybe the CEO of a

big company.

Right now this Prednisone has helped everything a lot...with the exception of

my legs, which hurt badly. Of course, I only have 6 more days supply of it

and then I expect to see the bad inflammation return. Maybe it won't...we

will see.

Betty, thanks again for the support.

Annette :)))

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In a message dated 08/27/1999 8:55:27 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

Bcleary2@... writes:

<< it makes me think twice about pain >>

Betty...what a kind post. I know it is very hard for us to " feel " someone

else's pain. It is even sometimes hard for us to remember our own pain after

it has dissipated...if we could actually remember it as it was, everyone

would be an only child...lol.

Right now, for me, the Prednisone has given me the first constant relief I

have had in 6 years. Only the knees remain a problem. You do not know the

how wonderful this feels to get some relief.

By the way, I did mention the deformity and cosmetic aspects of my

condition...but I can honestly say I don't give it a second thought. I have

even caught people staring at the store and had to stop and think a second

before reminding myself what they were staring at.

My family can take credit for that. If they thought me ugly then I am sure I

would see myself as ugly too...but they love me anyway so I have never

experienced any negative emotions from what has happened. They forget I

don't look normal and I do too.

I believe we get our self-esteem from our families...and what our parents,

spouses, and children think of us has so much to do with how successfully we

are able to cope with life...and even how well we manage illness. When we

know we are admired and loved...we have reason to fight...reason to keep


I guess I am trying to say that I believe a persons emotional health plays a

huge part in how they handle any disease. I know not everyone has the family

support I have and I am sorry...in many ways they are having a tougher time

than I am. You can deal with a lot of adversity when you have loved ones

cheering you on.

Annette :))

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Thanks for your note Annette, I can almost picture the beautiful setting out

in the peaceful country. We are outside DC where main topic is traffic.

Believe me the happiest and most fulfilling yrs. was being home and hanging

the clothes on the line and tending our little garden.

Prednisone and mtx are mainly what keep me going. Am waiting for my 1mg.

bottle to arrive so I can cut down. I have had lots of illnesses and

surgeries, but am lucky. The only way someone can tell is I have all the

side effects of prednisone. Am trying to lose some of the 35-40 lbs I put on

this yr. as it will be better for my knees. I eat worse than our 2 little

Dachshunds dogs. I have become a compulsive eater. Just put the food in and

hardly even taste it. You should be treated as need be for your pain and to

keep you comfortable and happy. You and your husband sound great and happy.

We have been married for 43 yrs. and we are so thankful. My husband is

wonderful to me also.

The nursing home called me to work tonight, but I think those days are over.

I do miss it so and the patients. I do stop by and see them occasionally.

We are so glad to see each other. Many talk with only their eyes, but say so


You put in as many posts as you want. It is good for us to know what others

have gone through and what we should watch for.

Have a nice and comfortable wk. end. Betty in Va.

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In a message dated 08/28/1999 10:45:16 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

Bcleary2@... writes:

<< Prednisone and mtx are mainly what keep me going. >>

Betty...same here. I have felt so much better since starting the Pred last

week...I sure hope he will allow me to continue on a maintenance dose. After

all the hollering I have done on this list for the past months about only

having ONE pain pill a day...all of a sudden one is all I need. This

Prednisone is remarkable.

I have been married 35 years...to my best friend. We are rural people and we

live in a rural area...lots of farms and cattle here.

If you or anyone else wants to see some pics...here is my web site.


HREF= " http://members.aol.com/Frog1945/froglin.htm " >Frog1945s Homepage</A>

I have 2 daughters and they have links there also. My youngest is a

Professor at a local college and my oldest has ben on TV here for over 13

years. They are the best daughters anyone ever could hope for.

I would also love to see the homepages of anyone else who has one. Please

include a link with your next post.

Betty, I know all about the overeating. And you are soooo right..it would

make it easier on the joints if we could lose the extra weight. I have

almost psyched myself up to launch another infamous diet...maybe we can

encourage one another. The trouble for me is that I HATE low cal foods. I

had almost rather starve than eat them. I need to learn to eat for survival

instead of for pleasure.

Annette :)

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  • 1 year later...

I was wondering what pain meds most of you are on. Pepi mentioned Ultram,

which I find to be helpful sometimes; I'm also on 700 - 1000 mg. of Neurontin

per day as needed. Does anyone take anything stronger when the going gets

really tough? I've been a bit scared to ask my doc for anything stronger,

but if I have many more days like the last three when my neck, head, and

spine hurt so bad I couldn't even turn my head, I might have to ask him for

something. Or am I just being a weakling? Thanks for any input. Charlotte

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Dear Charlotte,

The only thing that I've needed pain meds for are the headaches that have me

fantasizing that my skull had holes in it to let out the pressure. I take

Tylenol #3

(acetaminophen with codeine) but only before bedtime. It works for me but a lot


people don't like codeine because it can make you feel dysphoric (as opposed to


or happy). That's why I take it when going to bed. I don't think I could stay

awake on

pain meds but the people in more pain on pain meds chronically develop a

tolerance to

them and can function well. You'll have to wait for their input. Mine isn't too

comprehensive, I know. I guess I'm lucky I don't have lots of pain. I just have

to spend

hours in bed and can't find anything. Good luck with your disability. I spent


filling out a form for my Social Security review. They said it should take 30


and it took me 3 hours. Maybe it takes everyone but Lyme patients 30 minutes.


Eileen, NJ

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Hi Charlotte,

When I relapsed a year ago, my headaches were so bad I

felt like just putting a gun to my head. I had them

from the moment I woke up til I went to bed, and no

pain meds worked. They did an MRI, changed meds, all

sorts of things. I work as an office manager for a

chiropractic and acupuncture center, and at my wits

end decided to try acupuncture. I noticed a difference

after my first treatment, and about 5 treatments

later, my headaches were gone. GONE!!! It was amazing.

I get treated about once a month now, just to keep it

up. Acupuncture is wonderful for pain management, it

worked for me. The problem is, its expensive and most

insurance companies don't cover it. But just a




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Hillary, thanks for the accupuncture idea. I tried it a couple of years ago

(when I still thought I had " fibromyalgia " ) and for some reason, for me, it

made the symptoms worse. I tried two different practitioners. They both

urged me to keep with it but I couldn't stand it. Perhaps now I'll give it a

try again and have a different reaction. My insurance doesn't pay for it

either, but I've spent a lot of money on a lot less helpful things!


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Hi All,

Anyone tried qi-gong for pain?

Saw a segment on Ripley's Believe it or Not - MD with severe arthritis was on

show - he'd tried everything conventional medicine had to offer, with no

relief. Said the pain is GONE after qi-gong txs. (Just a thought.)



In a message dated 10/04/2000 12:48:42 AM Central Daylight Time,

CHBasset@... writes:

<< Hillary, thanks for the accupuncture idea. I tried it a couple of years


(when I still thought I had " fibromyalgia " ) and for some reason, for me, it

made the symptoms worse. I tried two different practitioners. They both

urged me to keep with it but I couldn't stand it. Perhaps now I'll give it


try again and have a different reaction. My insurance doesn't pay for it

either, but I've spent a lot of money on a lot less helpful things!



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i have vicodin for bad pain..it helps alot.

In a message dated 10/2/00 1:45:43 AM, CHBasset@... writes:

<<I was wondering what pain meds most of you are on. Pepi mentioned Ultram,

which I find to be helpful sometimes; I'm also on 700 - 1000 mg. of Neurontin

per day as needed. Does anyone take anything stronger when the going gets

really tough? I've been a bit scared to ask my doc for anything stronger,

but if I have many more days like the last three when my neck, head, and

spine hurt so bad I couldn't even turn my head, I might have to ask him for

something. Or am I just being a weakling? Thanks for any input. Charlotte


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  • 2 months later...

In a message dated 12/7/00 8:07:44 AM, ferraroa@... writes:

<< He has been actively treated for 2 years w/ no success w/ many different

antibiotics, and pain medications which did not help >>


I am curious to what meds your husband has been taking. Also was he tested by

a PCR blood test sent to Igenex for the co-infections of babesiosis and


sue in nj

I have plenty of suggestions which has helped us achieve great results.

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Please let me know how your husband does with this new medication. I know what you mean, every time I get a new RX for pain, I get my hopes up, and so far nothing works. I live in Southern land - St. 's County, the very Southwest tip of land. How about you? Vicki, Md

My husband is to start on duragesic patches on Friday. He has pain like you mention above. He has been actively treated for 2 years w/ no success w/ many different antibiotics, and pain medications which did not help...........we try to get excited every time our doctors change his medication...... from MD ......where in MD are you from?

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I'm from land too, Harford County, and was diagnosed two years ago with

Lyme and after about 6 weeks or so on Doxy, I was then given another blood

test where only 1 band was positive and was told that I didn't have Lyme

anymore. I suffer from joint pains in my legs often, most of the time

during the cold windy weather. My ankles swell now and then too. I've just

basically given up and figured that I was cured.

Anne Marie

Product Manager for Non-Stockpile

Chemical Materiel

ATTN: SFAE-CD-N (Deputy Team)

Bldg E4405

Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010

Email: <mailto:anne.rhodes@...>


Re: [ ]Pain Meds


Please let me know how your husband does with this new medication. I know

what you mean, every time I get a new RX for pain, I get my hopes up, and so

far nothing works. I live in Southern land - St. 's County, the very

Southwest tip of land. How about you? Vicki, Md

My husband is to start on duragesic patches on Friday. He has pain like you

mention above. He has been actively treated for 2 years w/ no success w/

many different antibiotics, and pain medications which did not

help...........we try to get excited every time our doctors change his


from MD ......where in MD are you from?

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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

> Another thing I haven't seen mentioned here thus far, is government

> restrictions on prescriptions for painkillers - particularly the

> narcotic drugs such as vicodin, darvocette, etc. So far I haven't


> this problem, but I would be curious to know if anyone has. >

> -- Ron


When I first started getting pain meds from my Rheumy we agreed that

I would get my pain meds from my primary doctor the majority of the

time. 1.Primary doctor is local (some of the meds are 30 day original

prescription only) 2.The DEA keeps track of how much doctors

prescribe. I would think a Rheumy would have a higher amount of pain

medication being prescribed.

I have had the prescription card folks send me a notice that my pain

med prescriptions were too much when I was ill and the doc had to

change the meds around. Just because I had the meds didn't mean I was

taking them. For instance when the doc prescribes 2 every 4 hours as

needed the pharmacy has to fill the prescription as if I was taking 2

every 4 hours. Bottles and bottles of medication:) The Vicodin,

Darvocet, Lorcet, Lorcet plus all fall under this reasoning.

The Oxycontin is currently prescribed for me as if I was taking 40mg

in the am and 30mg at night. This means I have to get 10mg pills and

can use as needed. W/ the 30 day restriction I get 210 pills but have

been able to cut back to 10mg every 12 hours most of the time now

with days of 20 or 30 depending on the weather and what I am doing in

my life. The doc is pleased that a prescription can last me for 3

months now. The DEA might not like it but this works.

We take what we need. We never get rid of all the pain.

Take care,


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Over the last 9 months, I've learned that muscle relaxers also fall

into this tightly controlled area.

" Pat B " wrote: > When I first started getting pain meds from my Rheumy

we agreed that I would get my pain meds from my primary doctor the

majority of the time.<

In my case, it worked out better for me to get them from my RD after

more than a few conversations about my personal situation. Both my

primary doctor and RD were making noises about " addiction. " During my

last visit with my RD, my argument was, " I do NOT have a 'dependent

personality' -- when I feel better I 'forget' to take the extra drugs.

I have never been one who enjoyed being 'out of control' and have

never understood anyone who found pleasure in getting drunk or high

on alcohol or drugs. She must have believed me because she wrote out

prescriptions with 6 refils for Flexeril and Ambien.

Both doctors are within a couple blocks of each other, so it makes

little difference for me -- this time.

> 1.Primary doctor is local (some of the meds are 30 day original

> prescription only)

My insurance will only authorize enough for 30 days, so we have to

really " do the math " to cover the PRNs (as needed).

> ... Just because I had the meds didn't mean I was

> taking them.

Isn't it interesting how they can appear to belive that we don't have

any judgment in these things? And to think that just a few years ago

many of the OTC drugs were prescription only. So far, I haven't had

any opposition from the insurance company but I have found that one

needs to watch the pharmacist's counting which can be inaccurate at

times (I'm sure because they're busy).

> We take what we need. We never get rid of all the pain.

Exactly!! It has been difficult for family and friends to understand

that it never goes away but varies in intensity. Plus, I've found

that my " mood " has a lot to do with how well I tolerate pain. It

hurts much more when I'm already 'down' or 'depressed.' Someone

asked me just last week, " What made this come on all of a sudden? "

My answer: there was no " sudden " to it; it's taken 30 years to get

to this point where I could no longer push it to the back of my mind

and keep going as if it didn't bother me.


Patty B in the Pineywoods of East Texas

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