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kickboxing tape review

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Well at least this time the reviewer didn't say anything bad about TB

(I have had several email exchanges with her for cracks in the past)

<A HREF= " http://www.nj.com/features/ledger/e8a2d9.html " >Body electric</A>


The Tae Bo workout is probably the most popular workout to hit VCRs in recent

memory. Instructor Blanks is authoritative and charismatic, and

thousands swear by the workout.

But what about the rest of the cardio kickboxing workouts out there?

Lawrence Whitaker is the star of the Tai Fit series, which consists of four

tapes at this point. Tape 1 takes you through the basic moves, which includes

kicks and punches. Whitaker makes sure that you know that everyone can't kick

high, so he include some modifications during the Basic Training tape.

Then you would logically progress to Tape 2, which is a workout that puts

together all the moves you learned on Tape 1. Whitaker is a good instructor,

motivating with screaming and full of little exhortations. He also reminds

you to have a water bottle handy, which is a good idea assuming you burn the

800 calories an hour that the packaging promises.

If you want more workouts, Whitaker also offers the Tai Fit 2-Pak, which has

three routines – a basic routine, a workout routine that promises total body

training, and strength routine, which needs no explanation. Each two-tape set

comes with a CD of Tai Jams.

Rating: ï Whitaker is a capable instructor and the routines are easy to


Eversley Forte is the first video fitness pro the Electrician has encountered

who puts his certifications on the box for his video. Forte's " Cardio

Athletic Kickbox, " is a 55-minute tape with warm-up, basic drills, a snappy

workout and cool-down segment. Throughout the video, two of the participants

do the low-impact version of this workout, which is pretty strenuous. Forte

repeatedly emphasizes being safe and not overdoing it, which is excellent

advice for those of us who go at tapes like we really can lose 10 pounds in a

couple of weekend workout sessions. Forte also teaches this workout to

fitness professionals.

If you want to order the tape, you can call (800) 599-9519 or point your Web

browser to www.homekickboxing.com. The tape is also available on amazon.com.

If you order using the toll-free number, you get a free T-shirt.

Rating: ïï Fun and safety never go out of style.

Kathy is one of the best video fitness instructors around. Her

" Kickboxing Workout " includes martial artist Cook and she spends a lot

of time demonstrating proper moves and techniques. 's tape begins with a

10-minute warm-up. That's followed by a 25-minute kickboxing workout during

which demonstrates the low-impact version. also breaks out a kick

workout designed to work the glutes and thighs. That's followed by a short

cool down and bonus segment on core stability.

Rating: ï does her usual professional job with good demonstrations by


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